art i.viitwnittroion ln oui. i. - library of congress...with wurness ofstomach, loss of appetite,...

Tr-- rv, 1 . v.. '.-- . y't; . . " - V ... " .v: - V i 7 V V - - 1 Z?XSOXiXiA'272:OU3. TilBvGtXE.4T REMEDY!! ...... ... i T- - T- - I- - r i r Afw-tn- r l ,H II tjarx)T flouii a m. u 'i.-- i : KhiSrttime oi x ive Hour M I.Ik.. Ill LUV UIH'l. v - i .1 - Hi i' .1 1 svi,t VVt snri -- OUirA. A. as tuousanus unpumwu uv w "W can testify, who have been Bum Bpc;dily cuTed by -- . , this (JnfAT Remedy !.. tf-.j- .' tA i. V propnetor.JsC- - - i i tu - "I A VERY one who lsalUictc.Jnouia w b;iaio w Hi obtain Art remedy which oilers ine ucst, H-- - j est. and satost cure, no mauer .t..- - . springs; every honest man oeing oouu w -- " 'V-tr- uth wlrever .found.' Tliereforc, the ustioe . to the public . and himself, feel . called upon uxv r i- - i i i - tk. ii WlilClI will, wwiwwo.-f- Plate, House's uuinrnj, Indian 'Tonic " tole the best . remedy for CHILLS or Ascejlvu Fever, now knowp. Fact 1st The article js convenient and pleasant toiaR.e---i- a re- fined from air gross particles,-whic- h render other pre parations so muddy.BiUiseou&, anu uian;; 7- - w taste; and it the directions mkiuiiuhcuv"'""'"- - exue, with mathematical centumy, i" 'o five hours. Astonishing rtlinn nie., raci iiu and other ofaans cob- - cerned in luruiing it, the bile is regulated, the morbid action induced fry tlie cnus ol xiieoiseaseisues'iro)--- u finer allayed-ran- d rt win be louna a powenuu , agent in assisting io remote u."'-- ' " 3rd -It gives tone to the stomacli invigorates the . body stimulates all the functions to a hcaixny action -- wiierevei: ioiuctj. c luttiy useiui, Fact 4tli---tn- i- tonic hst performed, and is daily per-lifirmi- cures in CllILLS or. AGUE &. FEVER. wi;!iouta parallel in tiiedicine- - Witness ßinglebot-iemajiing'a.eure- in a case' of TEN-YEAR- stand- - Wig; hnother in a case of N IN b. Y LAUi atandtng tu core that w hich . had previously Laiflcd all skill, and very remedy- - Look at the many other astomslunff , Ciirt set forth in the cerfiCcatt around thc.bottle, una . ihvn sayvlf HOUSE'S? IN Dl ANIONIC does riot de- - ftrvedly stafnj, pre-eminen- ine greatesL remeuy oi the times. Read the certificates carefully; they are frorti vour'neiehlkors and lneTids---an- d wheneveiwyou Mneft with any of thetu,fto ascertain the truth,) don't tau io nsK- - mem concernm! 't. ne sure io as ior HOUSE'S INDIAN TONIC, and as you value your health; don't be put off with ny thing eh?e. ' - Prepared and sold by;. Geo.. WHouse," Naslixille TetjjfV 'Price SI iht bottle.. For sale by : . fein W 11 WCH)LSEY", Evansville, lnd HOUSE'S CELEBRATED " 1 ;'TEETABLE P ILL, Superior to uhy Furgatvje now known for expelling - - Disease from the System. . - This Pill rs nrade of Vegetable substances only, and prepared with the gicatest care, according to the-rul- e of Pharmacy ' - To all who lalgTr.önder orfy Ungering or Chfonie disease, they arcesieeially jecommendd. In (Joct. Wmfv: SwEtuitu, Fever Sobes, uoixi.a, and Ner- vous Debility, they never fail to give relief. In RHEUMATISM they are the only certaiu curetver discovered for .lids painful disease, as hundreds call' testily, w ho are now rejoicing free from pain and ia ' jierfect health, after having been given over by frienda and phyidcians- - as incurable. In DrorsicAi, Affec tioNs, and diMises of the And those crowinj- - out of it, they are exceedingly valuable. Biixiocs and all other Fevfks, are subdlucd At once, by their speedy bction rr'i'OrT "thaw hol. system. A great amount of hebest evidence couldbeilfd toestablish the high reputation of this FIEL butthe trial and use of a rdngle bos. will bo worth more to the invalid than the combined certilica,res of Uie whole world:. See certifw ates on the wrapper ' Prepared only by GLO. . W. IlOUSi:. Nashville"-- . Tenn. For Bale by, - t. . , novl Cm W M WOOLSEV, Evansville, lnd. p I I. I" s . OUSFS FILE OINTMENT is a most valuable sale and certain cure for PILES. fiSee certificates around the bottle. Prepared by Geoiuje-- HofsEj Nashville, Tenn. Fiice $' bottle. For. fa le by, - - , . W 31 WOOLSEW Evdnsville; W. : ,J "i ". ' ",' j - . .- - S IfjLATIOni.'v - ' ' .i j j That fhe 1-il- cs is disarmed of its terrors '? ;? 23y. Dr Vpliam's Vcg-ctatl- c Electuary . - y It rriUETreat sensation which : created emorrr :" f 1. JL, Medical .Faculty, and tätutrhout the ctvilj- - - . T TO MOTHERS, AND MAURI ETD LADIES. .This" Extract of Sarsaparilla has been exnresslv prepared in reference to lomalo- - complaints. JSo fe male, who has reason 10 suppose he is- - approaching that critical period, "Uirturn oj lite, Hould neglect to take iw as it is a certain preventive for any of the numerous and horribl dj scares to which females are subject at this time 6f tfc This period may be de- - lajU tor several yeprs by using this medicine. ior "it less, valuable- - for those who are approaching wo- manhood, it is calculated to assist nature by quick ening the blood and invigorating the system. Indeed thi medecine is iavaruable for-- ll tie diseases to which wotnen are subject. ' , - . : It braces the whole system, renews permanently the natural energies-f-b- y reraovina. the impurities ol the hly not so lar tttmulating tue system as Jo pro-- dvlce a sul sequent relaxation, which is 4lie .can; of most eiedicinea taken tor kmaJe-weakjrlwJ- S anu tiis-ras- e. " " ;'- - - f - - ' DISEASE OF THE HEART. RUFT URE AND ..... DROPSY Nw Yotir; July,T22, lBI ' Dr. TowxsnxD "Dear Sir t My wile has Wen af- flicted with a terrible rapture for over filteen years, the greater pait of the time. She has. been troubled witli shortness of breath &, great llattering of tho heart which has been very diresinr. and has frequently been unable to lea her ld. The ruptute was very large And severe. JShe tried nlmoft every femedy fi !urh ra.-ic- v ith but little benefit. Wlieu the had ta ken bu three bottles of your excellent medicine she was entirely relieved of the disease of th heart, and tWfupturehas almost entirely dUnpiMiared. Mie has also had the dropy, and was very much swollen. W c htyt no idea that fho could ir so bene-tite- dj a the had such a complication-- . Of Dut it has, as strange. it may; appear,.'? lieved her the dropsy. "1 am nwäre that thi " ttatetnent is ao strange a to apiear. almost, like Cttio;ibut7 it is soIkt reality. Your Sarsaparilla iscertaiely aYalu-ahl- e mcilicinc. nnti thonld Le used by every .one that s sullerin as we have be?n. If any disbelieve this account, they are at liberty to call at my hou.e and have ocular demonstration. Yours, respectfully, WILLIAM TOWÖtR, 1 Jf mes st. . : . . ' dyspefsia:' No fluid or m&iicine has. ever len discovered which so nearly resembles the gastric juico or paliva in dccompo?ing foodand strengtheiiihg tlw orjrans ot digestion 3 this preparaiiivj ot Sarsaparilla. It pos- itively cures every case of dyspepsia however severe or chronic - Dank Department, Albany, May 10, 1345, Dr.-Townse- nd -- Sir : I have been Mulcted for sev- eral ywars with dys;)epsta in its wort foruu' attended with wurness of stomach, loss of appetite, extreme heartburn, and a great aversion to all kiiuU of foxl, and for weeks fwhat I 1 have ken unable to retain but a small portion on my stomach, I tri! the usual remedies' but thev had tittle or no ellect in removing the complaints 1 was induced uW'Ut Hvo montlu bince, to try your extract of Sarsaparilla, and I must with' little confidence; 'but" aftiT using nearly two bottles, I found my ftpjeite restored and the heartburnntirely removedtandl wonld earnest-l- v recommend the use of it to . thos-- e .who have been atlhcted asl hive been, - Y'ourp, &c. ' ' W. W. VAN ZANDT, N. D. Turchase none but such as In ve-ji- v rappers that hide the bottle completely, and have tlu: written ignatureofS. V. TOW NSDND... 1 " , ' Frincipal ofilce, 12dFu!ton-st,Su- ti BuV'i"ri'--Yt- ; Redding & Co, 8 Stte-t- , Diston; DyotW 4- - Sons', 13-- 2 Norih-Second-e- t, FhiladeTphia-vS.r- v lIanCe. drtig-tfi?- t. Daltimore: Durol -- i. Co KichuvHid: IV. M. Co- - Kti. Charleston: V ri2ht t Co. - ul Chartres-st- , N. O.i.lOASiuth I'earl-st- , Albany; R. Van Duskirk,5y2 corner of Market and Broad bts, Newark NiJ., and y principal Druggists, and Merchants generally thro' ut the I'nited states. West Indies, and the Canada. ForSalo by . . ALLEN C. UALLt-XJK- ' Druggist Main. St, Evansviüe, Ind. Who s a?i)ointtd by the proprietor. Wholesale Agent, with authority to sell at Manufacturer's iyiccs. For Sale also by R1CIIAKD D. I1ALLOCK. DnigLt Fiinccton, lnd. march 18-di- .w ly . " P ALLEY'S 3IngicaI Tain Extractor. YJ More proofs that Dalley's Magical Fain I xtrnc- - tor is ttt Medicine in the world- - Every da is de monstrating the matchless virtues ot tlas articl- e- Letters are coming tons from all parts of the Union expressing" gTatitudo and surpriao at fhe wonderful properties it posses?c" in all cases qi burns, rueuma- - Htll, piles. - riinij , .vr- - I lin areox alrfwiwil. num TfTgTi r!iar;irter sinnunM Al'ilieine, ! M'iw we tiniiioei i n'1-n.t-ii- wnuwim thö Island City, of the 12ih Sepfembcr : i , ' Dallev's MEDtcAi. 1 Ait Exticxctor. An laven-o- d like this truly wonderful article, bo full of vii lues hould le made knovrt to the universe. Its cures, in many cases are absolutely beyond belief. For burns, calds, sores, swtltings, paintiu the limb of all kinds. uts. woumRand in every disease of the body, where t can be arplied externally, it never fails to cure. A intrularcti eame under onr owtr lw rvti n.N A friend in playing with "a td arp steel pen, rnn it 'into the palm ot his hand so thar it came out at tne oacn and bad tobe extracted thai way. 'The poisonous nature of 'he ink in the wounJ, as well as ttu? iit-itr- hunt itfclf, Caused the hand to swell dreadfully. DaHry" l'aia Extractor was applied, and the next lay'tW swelling had entirety gone down, tho pain ad leit, B1 tne wouna was;cured in a iew nays. Important L'antwn Counterfeits of my Extractor are unblushingly published to the world in my nnme. rolecl vourselt. as you value hie, aud health,trom these deceptions. am, as every druggist in the Uni- ted States knows, the sole inventor and proprietor of Dalley'a Magiern Fain Extractor; no other being has ever made or can make a grain ot it, lor no man nv- - inr has the secret ot the prennraihui but myself. The only genuine has my written signature on each label, and is sold whtrosale and rettnl at tlie General Depot AM Broadway, New lork: and at the Jouthren le- - Mt,151 CHARTKES street, New Oileas, my only general Depot lor the teoutn and est. ii intT t.-- V All orders for Aceneies, of for lnin Extractor, must be addressed: to J. WRIGHT & CO., 131 CHAR- - 1'RES street 'New Orleans, only agents for Uie South and Wen . " . x. - - '..'.. 5"Only Agents in Evansvill.?, - mar2j-ly- - ALIAS & HQ WES; BUILin'IN No. Ü. T! HE GREAT FL(K)D of 1SJ7 will be long rc- - membereil in many partwof the West. The swollen streams fee med to know no bounds: but ris ing ldgher and higher carried disnfcty to the inhabi- tants. "Merchants were obliged to remove their wares from the rivers' sides to remoter places; families weie compelled to desert their dwt Ling; tho jtooryutlered more severely than language can descnoe. 1 turpub-ii- c authorities were called on to administer, aid and counsel. In bort, a grtjit public calamity had 1. : t . ' " i V Well Would it lc iftlic sad consequences of the HojkI had ceased when the waters tsubäided. But no! "ÜrThe retirting waves left vast alluvial depor-ites- . wliivli in a tew months mist cive out that deleterious I miasm which prepuces bjlliiuM diseics 1 . -- vuaisuys mo ceicDraieu ir. rerguon on mu- - 1oiiitf ' Answer:.-Th- e caus? ol hillious derangeu'eni principal source in half dried margins cfrtv'rs."' All history and experience proves this theory. When the Biitish army encamped on the plains of Estrcm-adur- a, at a time when the rivor Guadianakad become dry after a flood, remittent and intermittent fevers raged among the troops with such destructive malig- nity that they enmc-'nig- h being extirpated. . The Graeleiibtrg Company, theielore, earnestly call the attention ot the entire Wrst to their most ex- traordinary and celebrated series ol Anti-Billio- Medicines. In every Ucality where there i the slightest tendency to any form of Fever, Fever an.! Ague," Dumb Ague and the like, the inhabitants should nt once tend to the General Agent of the dis- trict and have a Graefenberg Depot established near them Were this done, aud the Graefenberg Vegeta- ble Fill and Health Fitters used according to uiicc-tion- s, there would be no li ar of bilüjus liseaee. So ini,r'rtant are the Graefi nlg.Med:cines to the people ol the West, that the following steps sdould bt lmmediately taken: . 1st. Every neighborhood have its Graefen- berg Depot. By addressing the General Agent of any district tins can le secured. 'v2d. Families should club together and get nnimme-diatenpply- . 3d. Emigrant Societies and other philanthrope bodjt s trwuld turnisli them to the needy. By such means bilious disease's will Ie entirely pre- vented. The other Medicines of the Company are most em- inently adapted to the diseases lor which they ure re- commended; and consist of tho following: The Graefenberg Eyi Lotion, the CViidren's Fnrta-ce- a, tlie (irecn Mountain 4utjntnt, the Cnsuuip-five'- s Balm, the Dvsenttry Syrup.. Cr'Fh General Agent lor Indiana i u? Tea-loo- . to whom application s may be addres- sed. , ' , EUWAKO BARTON, Secretary. New Votk, January. 1?4. W.U. M. WOOIPEY. Acent febS-- tf for Evansvdlo. 'JA THE CITIZENS ni 1 XIiis Crcatnn! C.lorioi 1 HrJL.bein4?lheL'ieatXJl aurers it tree trom tk iiin.if h,-- of nmmmiQi ImporTa . urandreth s ills are aiiogeiiier , .R. , position, and while they possess reu... Oh ir curing disea.-e- t are perfectly harra!t.V5VVv wui oe iis;u wun peritei saieiy oy peronjTop "1 ages, ami in any conomon 01 me systeia, witr öör tamty of Aeticial residts from thixWta(jJr which 1 nuld and pleasant tho' thorougWfenrjfii ing to the root of diseased action, and always m: : .: ..! 1.1 l Vilu nuuiig in a great increase ui neuiui ana vigor. i , Ninety-- t ven years they have been before J i. lie, and every succeeding year has increv tne sphere oj their great useJuIness. I hey arty trnipd in every part of the civilized worldv envy rior detrat tion materially impair their tablished reputation. . These celebrated Fills do not cure entirely by ts purging qualities. 1 hey have in ineir compwmi, vegetable corpuscle, analagous 10 me corpuscu0f the IjI.joU; the corpuscle ot vegeiaoie origin, oecou incorporated with the mass of Uie life-givi- fit IMPARTS A FERMENTATIVE'' TOWER ...Lk ftiA!.; tn3 thn il a t Iipaii . mit fill lTlICStl ui,viuivjao me niwvt v biaivjw ionous, or peccant matters, thereby entirely; nr hl..! in the circulation 'ills cure the most fatal, and jioxi t..CT.J.ii..'-"..ii.l.- i mii bo easy a tiiiLi iiaiiiiaraim utA.iut.. wwr im.. - certain, as to mve treat thank trÜSÄräsiil he, hictfd. r - .,. . t Every year their, salejias increaet-d.- Dr RrannriTfcTry sells mora ot thctn at this time in a men th than fivl did in the whole of the year or any preruw y(.ar Iiis sale naving inereaswl ' w TWELVEFOLD. IN JXN YEARS- - can auy other medicme be Twiotea 'out that pusthined iti reputation that ; has increased m ihe confidence ot the public in an qual proportionl It would be a most happy thin for tho poor," it the prejudices of Medical men would permit their gene- ral adoption in the public Hospitals. . What a bWa-in- g this would be to the poor, and also to the whole community in which the Hospitals are situated! No Ship Fever would long remain to poison our atnios phere with its noxions exhalation! No malady no not even Cholera, would be of a dangerous character were Urandreth's Fills vigorously resortedno when the first of its symptoms were perceived.-- . And b hip Fever, and fevers of an inflammatory, or of a typhoid character would lie found equly under their power- ful control. While i nil uen 7-- a, t mall-po- x, measles, fcarb-- t lever, and all the diases of children wc uld be alfairs rexmirin only a very lew doses ot. Tills, to entirely the patiem 'a health. And in case of rheumatism and dropsy, and the various forms ot lungdiseAX!, rjoroedidne iscapäUo of dding ihorc good; or whou yse wouji'teud more to the recovtry of health. ". : . ,"..'..'. .Thesjc Facts, Dr. BaAXDRErii" proclaims,, abe' . . SOLEMN TRUTHo. Uv . Let our Legislatures and men in authority every where look to this. If these things be so is it not a part of the ir high duty to cause the Rrandreth Fills to be usel by iur glorious Army and ,'N a vy, and in all public (losoitalsf Fublic ooinion tells these honor able men. that such is their duty; and one of the most serious character in which is involved the security of many valuable lives. Over Two Millions ot our Citi- zens have approved of lirandrcth's Tills: thev are no tcngJT o private, but a public medicine. thesick every where ce tovLuir-iatores- t, rna obtain this eurer et sicknessrdispcnri of health and recurcr of lon: life, llie weak the ncrvotw and .delicate are strengthened bv the operation bf.Fran- tlreth Fills, which nre U nt tidal for the mind as for the body: mental derangements of all kinds are cured by them; in fact they impart n vigor and power to the intellect truly surprising, it is now a common oc currciec w hen a man is alout to make n trrtat elfort, to take n uo-h- ; ot Urandreth's Fills, w hich clear the htad and invigorale the4 tcrceptive fucuhies. In fact tlie literary and sedenijyo( Unh will Find a Tjijtsute or IlrAf.TH. ia these Fills. ,W1ü flptpcinnot 1 obtained from the nervousness, cf-h- iyiem induceil fronrorrr tax- ation of the mental raculttts,"br other causes, one or two of these Fillswiil invariably prkduccslee. In low nervous fevers thev are most valuable. ipurrheim and the lamented Harrison would have been "saved had tho-- Fills been used. . ' Ri inembrr then, that enenn of inind and lody re suit from lirandreih'i 1111 that thev are Bip!io'le in allxopdilions oixhe Lodydoif? wliil ioonin ... . . ... . . . . f n lim r . i : i i iti v 1 1 1 1 t n . . HU " 1 W MW t II' .VI F w. - rjl'Cau ?o' muci 'Vil jl "nil's 1 on ifie-- r " timely uppocnt'on of proper medicine whon sickness commences. Sail ors, aud all other travellers, hould .never be without them; they prevent costivene, and cure lue malignant fevers of hot climates.' . When you purehase otlüxwise than of Dr. D or his n2ents, be sure and obtain the genuine, and,, have none other. ' B 11 AN 1 )R ETI IS n LL'S are wld,with full direc? tions, at 2- - cents per tox, at 211 Uud.Hi street; Li t Bowery, Mrs. Golf, 4 Market street, Brooklyn, and bv Dr.-Bran- reth's . l'rini iiwt OMicc, 211 Broadway, New! York, and by DANIEL WOO USE Y, and W.M. WOOLSEV. agents Lvansville and l y one agentin every town or village mi the L nited Mates. apl 4ui IIKAI..Tn! IIE VI.T3I! THOMSON 'S COM FOUN D YK L'F of TAR AN D ' WOOD NAFHTHA. THE ONLY CERTAIN RF.VIDT FiHt THE Cl'KK OF COXSL.'Il'TIOM; - Ashma. Bronchists. Snittimf Blotxl. Fain in tho Side and Breast, JSore Throat, Haorsness, 1'alpitation of ihe Heart, WhoopingCough,Croup,Hive9, Nervous Tremours, , Liver" complaint, . Diseasi-- Kidneys, and Aflections ' . ' generally of the Throat, Breast ami Lungs. . Of all the diseases incident to our climate there is none so universal, and at the game time so insidious and fatal, as Consumption. In this country especial ly, Pulmonary Consumption is emphatically a scourge and in its resistless career sweeps over the land as a Destroying Anfiel, layin? low, with, reieiitlew hand, the strongest and tairct-to- t our race, iiunerto an ellorts to arrest this dread disease have provci vain, and all that seemed within our power was at best al leviation of eullerin?. reruierinz somewhat" sniOoHnir the certain progress to the tomb The proprietor, in offering this to tl public, would embrace the opportunity to state uicn what crounds it Duts lorth its merits; ana the reasons upon which it founds its superior claims to the alten tion ot the aiihcted, that all who require its use may repose full confidence in its curative powers. Min e its first nreuaralion he has had the pleasure of wit Hessing its happy results in numerous instances; t u he was determined not to offer it to the public unti he nad become thoroughly convinced ot its emcacy flavin such conviction, he now confidently oilers i as a remedy without a parallel for the cure of FUL MONARi CONSUMPTION and . its kindred i ' ' eases. - jpt thß foIlowinT sneak for itself. k ''I have HseiP I hoxtson s LOMroi'ND oYECF of l a it & Wot D N aphtha,' for some time in my practice,and have lound it the most ehiciciit remedy 1 have ever used in Consumptive cas. Chronic Catarrh, etil when irreat irritability, w ith weakness of the pulmo narv organ., existed. The rapidity with which it acts is greatly in its favor w here dyspucra or oppres- sion exists, when is mediately relieved by it." "In nnmonary tonsumpiion it can ic useu win eontiilence. bein-- 7 applicable to every form of that disease, and I consider it a medicine well worthy the attention ot 1 hysicians, and exempt ironi uie impu ation rd einpiracisni." M. CHAMCERS,M.D. f'hil.iiVlnlja. Oct. 11th. lb-Jü- . : I&rThc uliovemedicines prepared only by A.xgxet .V. Dickso.v. at N E corner of I itth and Mruce Streets I'hiindelphiat Sold by C. BELL, Evansville, and respectoble dr.rgists generally. Price bO cents or 1 per botile; beware of in ten-e- n tion. - nov4, 1S47. W INEJt'S Canadian Vermifuse Thebes remftly ever yet discovered lor all kinds o, WORMS.. It not only destroys Worms and invigo- rates the whole system, but it dissolves and carries oil the Fupcrabundant slime or mucus, so prevalent in tlie stomach and bowels of children, more especially those in 'bad health. Th-- j mucus foryis the ltd oi nest in which worms prod we their young, and byre moveing it, it is impossible for worms to remain in the body. It is harmless in its cflects on tlie system, end the health of the patients is always improved by it, use. even wlten no worms are discovered; the medi cine lein palatable, no child will refuse to take it, not even lue mot t delieat". trrFreparcd by JOHN WINER vV.CO., No. S3 Maiden Lane. New York Sold wholesale and re tail, by J. WRIGHT, General Agent for tho South and West, 151 Chirtres street. New Orleans. . . SOrOnly Agents ia Evausvilh Ynar 2J-- 1 y .... ALUS & HOWES. " IUO COFFEE. Z(f BAGS prima gtcen lüo CofiJ-e- landed frm jfXJKß btcaincr 'Cincinnati," and for sate ly ', mariMf B EM ENT & VIELE. Meets cvcrv SilurJavniiiii m First St. 0Ti- - yn: tf .Joues.Mavor: John J.Chnndler.GIerk: Smuel Orr, Treasurer; Wni. Dell, Marshall. Covn-etlaicnl- si ward, Jon M. Stockwell, 2nd ward, Si- las Stephens; 3rd ward, Willard Carpenter; 4th ward. -- M. W. Foster; 5th warel,-- . Isaac Hutchinson; Güiward Stephen Childs. v - -- A ' SONS OP TEMPEHANC33. -- TtaiftEOF Hohk, No. 1 Meets every Monday evening at Temperance Hall, Water st. OfTicersfor the present terra, Allrn C. Hallock, w o t; P. G.O"-Reil- y, wv t; Jarues T., w r; J. M. Farvin. w a r; I. A. Crane, vr r R; John Shanklin, w t; O Keilljr, w r, Uobert Allen, w D V; John Pittman, ffuj Ji. P.Hugg, ws. 1 Lyma-- t Divyao-j- , No. 2 Meets Tues- day evenings at Temperance Hall. Otlicern Wm. Holdtn, vv r, Jas, Jatighlin, w a;' Jame T. Walker, t s; A. Warner, ak s;Johr 'Hensor, r s; Robert Darns, t; Joseph Turnock, C; T. Grant, a'c; C. Dates, I s; Robert Vance, o s. ' . ' TtXTLZCT IIoxoe Division, No. M Meets Friday vctijnssatTempcrance Hull. Officers John Greek, w f; A.C. Hallock, w a; M. W., R s; W CarjK-ntcr- , A it s; James I). Walter?, F s; W. II. Chand- ler, t; R. Allen, c; J. W. S'inson, a c; J. Boyeu, i s; J. E.Pittnian,o s. - LO.O.F. .'i' it Morsixo Star Lodue, No. 7 Meets TUursd-i- y evenings at Hall, corner of Main and First sts.- - OtiV cers f. L. Laycock, rA.;" II. O. Babcock, o; W. W. Sullivanj v ; J I. CI. Wheeler, s- - O. LadJ,' x; li. W. Dunbar, ci WÜ'JJimtkll! u; C.Colvin o ti. ." RÄTES OrPOSTAGE.:" 4. ' . rear Lxttess tor 4 a single letter, not exceeding half :; 1 an ounce, (avoirdupois,) sent not exceeding " SoO miles, ............5, Pent ovr du) miles ...........10 - For eveiy half ounce, and wy excess over every . half ounce, the same rntts of postnge; and . u hen adverti-d- , two cents on each letter, or v imircent, if die advertising cost so much " " . For drop letter?, not to be mailed, each 2. ' CtacrtARS For any printed circular, handliir, advertisement, unsK-- a led, rent any di-tan- ce 3 , NEWsrAFEEs ( t rAüptiare inches, or less, sent . over 30 and not more than U0 miles, or any distance within theftate-- - - .1 ' Over such a distance li XtrfjnijHTS unletosulFihers, 3 cents each.rr-- . fad; or nut forwarded from the. l'ost-oliie- e. " AHIUVAL Be DEPARTURE OP MAILS. - " Northern, Uorih- - western and north-easter- n mails, via Vinceiuies, Vrino ton, etc., U tlue every Mouda wnesday ana J: rulay, at IU o'clock T x.. Eastern mail (iroier now arrives bv the river, usu ally on Wednesdays. Thursdaj s, Fridays andSuiir uay?, 111 the alternoon. Xle eastern mail, by steam boats, departs every Monday, Thursday and Saturday; letters intended ' to go by this mail be placed in theollice by i o'clock r M, the hour ol closing the mail being 7 r Jf. . liy this mail letters to'o south, east, and north-eas- t, nro aho sent, it Uiii the inost epeedy route.' . - . ' " : , . Southern mail by the river is due semi-weekl- y. Dny? ef arrival uncertain. . Departs every Wednewlay and Saturday. TXd3 mail cloata now at 7 o'clock - Tkiaeket mail, from Shuwneetown, is duo on ?Ion a ."4l.i3riiur;i.y tmdSnturdny, arrivinj; after niht, -- and departs on iSundny, ednefday and Friday, j Cloea at 'J o'clock Ä x. i .Trte Je3euworth 'mad, via Doonvlllc, Doekport, . Troy, etcb due at o'clock r. 31,011 Monday and ; TLjsday." .'Deparu at 6 o'clock a m on .Thursday and Satur- day. ' " Tho Southern land mail rA; Uendcrson, KyNah- - - , ville, lenn; aoJ Ill; etc, etc, de-par- ts every Thursday and, Saturday a.7 o'clock A m Rcturninz arrives same ilavs by 5 p x TheMount Veruonmuil n'i West Franklin, departs every Wednet-a- at a o'clock a m; returns nextday by 4 o'clock p m. ; . ,..- - ' X nil I' niii ii ninrmmnf7l7 Ir'i Th e Newark mail arrives at J Jo'clock x, ewery ?at-irda- and departs immf Jhtely. "AHletterj to Out "by tha nihf ina'd. or thrtae tha leave early ln'trreinorniü mut be irr the ollice by M p M.and lor all oitur tuauj nan an hour utore " th tinic of closinz them.' ' v Tlipollice is open for the dispate'd ofbnsincf every day (except unJay) train 6a m until undown. wlkt-Q'- liioil arrive on und.iy the otiice will Ire niened'for one hour (Init not during tho uöuiI hours ofpublic worship in the churches.) ' ; . RATES OF COIN. Tlie rates ol Gold Coin as per Act of Conjure of11 1 Fixing tlie value ot the tamo, are as tollows : . .United States Eate olJeu;!sfe"un-.- - "$10 Ct"., . - . - new " ......... ....10 to England Guinea 5 07 ' Sovereign r ; .. .4 8 1 i beven fFiillinieace.-- t i" .1 6'. France Double lxuis (before 17S6) Hr t'i Luis .v, ...... 4 84 " Double Napolwn, or .40 franca 7 70 " Napoleon or 20 fraiiC9 .3 ' " The same as the new Jjbuis Guinea -- 4 Fiankforton the Main Ducal---- - 2 27 Hamburg--Duc- at 2 27 . Malta IJouble Louis-'--- - -- ...t..... 9 7 IOui3- - f ;4 f' 14 Demi Iub-- - ...'.2 33 "Mexican L)oublofl Holland-Dou- bl Rix 'Dollar . .'. Rix Dollar-.- - - o0 1 ' - ' Ducat'- - 2 Zl " Ten Guilder Ficte . ......4.4 00 ' Tertu;al Dabraon,-- -. '........70 I otra, t - 17 'JO. ! Johannes-- . .... ....17 ou. Fpaiq Doubloou, 1772 4 15 . 4k ' - bince 1 1 1 1j y. Fiffolc, -- ' -- 3 Columbia Doubloon ' IS 35. 1 Hillar specie of Sweden and Norway Co Dollar pecio of Denmark ...103 Thaler ot IVuseia and Northern states of Ger many 10 Florid ot southern ftates of Germany 6 noriii of Austrian Empire and ot the city of Augsburg - '' .,4?i' Lira of the Lombardo Venetian Kingdom und Tuscany IG Franc of France and Belgium, and Livre of ear dirda, IS- - Ducat of Naples ? to Ounce of Mcily.--- - 20 Found ol the Btitih Frovincc-- s of Yova-seoti- a, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Ca nada 4 00 Eagle coinl betöre July 31, 10-- 1 00 do coined after Ü23 1 tm pucats, Prussian 2 CO do Otherr. 2 2? North Carolina and Georgia piece 4 7V German Crown '1 tH) French do--- ; .. . 1 U) Frank 3 ' " - ro Ti ve v 7 i Head, - Id ristarcens. c S9.... - 16 TIME OP nOIiDUTO STATE ELECTIONS. Slates. ' Timet of holding lt tt iit Mam. f 2d Monday in be pf ember; New HamiK-hir,- - 2d J nesday in .unreh; Vermont,-- : JstTnclay in September. Massachusetts, 2d Monday in November; lihode lit Wednesday in April; Conneticut,-- ' 'lt Monday in April; Sew York, :. Tu'day af ter 1st AI on. in Nov New Jersey, r .Tu'diy alter 1st Nov Ftnmylvania, ; t 2d Tuvlay in Octolier; Delaware, - 2d Tuesday in November; .Miry land, ldt Weilnojtlay in October; v lnnma. 3d Thursday in April North Carolina, 1st IhurJ.Ty in August; South Caroljoa, 2d M onday in Octoler; ' Georgia, . 1st M onday in Octoler; ' Alabama, 1st Monday m August;. Mi.-.idrL- ..... 1st .Monday in ovenjier; 1 ii 13 n a. t . i ,... 1st Mon Ja v in NovemL-er- , Tnn-.- e 1st Thnrsday in August; KentJcky,. . 1st Monday in August Hhio, ..2d Tue.-da-y inOciobcr; - Indiana. ..,. lft Monday in August: Il ium : ist .M on-la- to MisM.)uri, - -- 1st in Jowh,--- - . . lal Monday in .l;t ;il 'in,.. lfrtMrnjJayJu Novemlxr; A r k -- in n..-- , . . lsi .Monday in t.)ctoler; Florida, 1st Monday ia Uctot-er- . 2 BEETS' If n vs 5 v V s J 11 I 1 - l'i 53 Ö 3 3 Irs üüfss'.jr. f . - - hj m n ' jl - r n r mm k- ,- r. ju W Sil v r. : jy 1 is . Dr. Townscntl'i Compound Extract SAUSAPAIULLA. 1 ins L.xiract is put up in quart 001 lies 11 is t-- tiajcs eheaper, pleaantr, and warranted superior to tiny sold..' It cures dienes without vomiting, nur giiii, !Hckeniii or debilitating the patient, and i. piinieutarlv adapted for A . f. Si'KlN'G AND SÜAIMKR MEDICJNE. Tha gn.'at beauty and pufeiiotity "of this Sar?apn rill i overall other remedies is, while it eradicates dis ease, it vtoratcs the body. Consumption trured Clean.e and strengthen Cunsumption can be cured Dronchitis consumption, liver complaint, roUi, couhs,ca'arfli, a: linn, ? pit tin of blood, sore- - ne ü the eh st, hectic Hush, niht sweats, difficult or proiue expecloraiion and pain m the side, &c hae ami can ba. cured. -' irolably there never was a reraotly that has beer, so successful inde.nic'rate ca.-- e of con.-uinptioi- ias tii; cleanses and strengthens the system, ani,-rpean- 4 to heal the uIcTa on thelun. and tlictli-nt- grad ually regaina their usual health aptffeireuth. q " v CltlOf CASE. . TLfre 1 warcelv a-i- T "paS5C5 Imt there area num ber ol eases ol Consumption reported as cared by the' use of Dr. 1 ownsenu s tarsapaiilla. 1 he lollovviny was rtH'f nt ly rec'i vel., - - Dil. Tuwxsr.ND D(cr Sir: For tlio last threo years have been aUhctedwitn general debility, and ner vous consumption of the last 8iare, and did not ex to ever gaio my health at all. After going rtough a course of medicine under tho care of some of tbj most distinuilKHi regular physicians and nieni!T of th Doard ot Health in New York and eiewnere, an 1 tpentunj inLrnost ot mv earnings 111 atteuipti:i to regain my health, and after reading in some paper of your Saraparilla 1 resolved to try it. After u.-in-ij six bottles 1 lound it done jne great good and called to see you at your otlice, with your ad- vice 1 kept on, and do most heartily thank you far your advice. 1 persevere in taking the Sarsaparilla, and have K-e- n able to attend to my 'u.ual labors for the Inst three month-- , and 1 hope by the blessing ot od and your barsa:)arula to continue my health. hclptd me beyond the expectations of all that knew my case. UllAKLra tiL'l.UUV Orange. F,scx Co. N.J., Aujr. 2, lt47 Slate of New Jersey, fcfsex County, ss. Charles tjiutnby U mg worn according to law, on his oath iaith, that tin; toregHigvtatenK-n- t is true according to the Jxst öl hisknowlme and CHAULKSQUIMDY. Sw'orn ami subwrihed to b fore me at Dranjre, the 2JAU.I. 1347. - UIKI S 1JAL1MYI.N, JuMlce , . ' of tho Deace . KPITTING DLOOD. Read the following and say that consumntioa IS incurable it you can. . . . T- A f a n im Mr. Townsfjs'd: . I varily believe that your Sarsap " it a 1 ariiia nns. iren tne means,, through 1 rovidence, of saving my lile I have for Niveral years had a bad cough. It becane worse and worse. At last 1 rais- ed large Quantities ot blood, had night weats, and was prai iy uet'iutatea and reduced, and did riot ex-p-- ct to live. I have nly usedyonr Sarsaparilla but short time, and there ha a tvondcrtul change been wrought on me.- - 1 ant nowable to walk all over the city. 1 raue no blood, and my cough has left me. ou can well imagine that 1 am thanktul fjr tliese results. ' Your obedient servant! i Wm. lirssELL, Cj Catharine st.' I,O.ST HER iSFEECH . Tho annexed certidcafe tellsasiuible and truthful story ofsutlerijig and relief. There are thousands ot fiinilar cases in this city aal ,Drook!ynT and yet thereare thousands of parents who let their children die tor lear ol being humbugged or to gave a lew ng.. Drooklvn; Spt IX 1S17. Dr. Towf-E.v- o: I take oteasure in eta tin?.' for die ueiicju 01 iiio! wnoin 11 may concern, that mv ten Kax-ininwiii- y noil lorx ol - -- pjeecnr was riven op as past recovery rv onr famiitr. DhI- - cia.i; but fbriun.att ly 1 was recommended by a triend io iry your oar.-?ip- mui. ieiore navin used one botiU hc recovered her speech and waa cnaWetl to walk aliine, to the astoui?htnent of all who were-ac- - yiainted i'ith the circumstance, yheis now. quite well ami m much better health than she hnsbeeu tot 15 months past. JOSEPH TAYLOR,'; . l-- 'S York ft. Urooilvn. . TWOCHILDKENSAVCD.; ... Very f?v families indoed in fact we liav not heard of one that used Dr. Town.-eiil'ni?arKpnrilti- i in time lost any children fie past Kummet, wlülc those that did iVJt nckenod trml died. 1 he certificate wc puMLdi bclo.w inconclusive evuiencc of its value, and ij only another instance of its saving the lives ol children: , - - . w'-''- "' DRi Townsend Vent Str:l had two children cur ed by your Sarsaparilla of the summer complaint and dysentery; one was only U months old and the oth er 3 year, - They were very much reduced, and iew expectcu . they would die; th-- y were given . up by- - tw , it I : fl .1 I - resiiecrat'ic pnyt-icians- . uen ine ooetor miormed i that we mutt loe them; we resolved to try your L?.. i .. 1.-- .J I. r u... 1 1 I:.. I Clliq;;i)JHiia nv iinu uiniu bu iuucu UI, OUl UUH lllvie confidence; there being so much stuff advertised that is Worthless; but we aie very thankful that wc did. lor ir. unnouiitedy saved the lives ol both 1 write this ilia l otuurs may be induced to us it. - Yours, respectfully, JOHN WH-SO- N. Jr. Myrtle avenue.' Brooklyn, Sept." 13, IS 17. ' lAi-- A l ll AblhU.H.' jaines urrtmmg, ist. one oi tno Assistants in the Lunatic Asylum, Ulaekwi U's I dand, is the gen lleman iken oT in the following tellur: - . . KllLU.uA I LSM. 1 uis is only one ot more man lour i;tmi.cand ca.tfrs jf rheumatü-u-i tliat Dr. Towiwnd's Saaparilla ha tured The most severe and chronic cast a arc. weekly eradicated by its extraordinary virtues: , ; bLACKW Eli's IsLA.vp, tit. H,JSI7. ur. l nave suikreu lerniy lor ninr .i.i "v years wit.i in' rreumansm; coiwderawool tha time 1 could not . eat, sh-- tvr work; 1 had tin' . nio--- t . Iis a i tresting uams, and my urnos were terribly swollen 1 have used tour bottles tt your barsaparilia, and they have oone mt more than one thousand dollars worth of good 1 am so much better. Indeed, I am entire ly relieved. You are at liberty to use tin. for the ben el.t ut th'j auiicted. , 1 ours, re? pectlully, ' JAMll UMMINGS. "..' COULD NOT WALK. . . That Dr. Towneud'sarsamiilia isthe. very be? remedy for female complaiiMihere-i- s no uiputin; ihouse.nis and thousand! Weak and !el)iliiatcd f'iiuiles that . fftjiiiiriiratcd, . b;--; tlu lear-c- t which lemales are mi bject were mum in the enjoy mentof heahh. . New YoRJr.en 25. 1817.. Dr. Townsfmw My will has fur the la-3- t year lieen very sick, and in a greatly reduced stale of health he- - iug reduced by a vaiiety ol complaints such as fo males are liable to; siic got so bud at Icngth.tnat flie was entirely uuabln to walk, and was as helpless a child, wie mnienceu using your Saiaparilla, and she immediately began to regain her strength, bet complaints lc't her, and alter taking several lottles he is restored. Being a cast I have thotijiht it might do good to publish it. She used a number ot remedies that done her no good previously. Yours, rtvpccttully, JOHN MULLEN, ' &7 Narfoik at. TO TJIIi lapii:s. MiRCAT FEMALE MEU1CINE. t ... v ... . nr.. i owLjvD s ." ksji rAKiLuA h a soverncrn an M'w-eif- cure tor nciii',iit consumption, and for th general prostration ui t!ie system no matter whether ihe rciult of innen nt cau.e or causes,, iroduced by ir regularity, jiiaesgor accident. Nothing can be more surprising tban its invigora ting effecw on the human hjtme. . Periu; all weak ness and lastiti'uie, from taking it at once beeume rö bust and full oi er.ergy undents influence. It itrnuf liatcly-c-Mtiiteract- s the nervelesness of die female frnnie. ridvb is the grent cause ol barrenness It wiil not be expected of us, i. casfs of so delicate l- - nature, tor xhibit cutificates of cures performed, but lraii assure the aiihcted that hundreds ot cas iip.e been. reported toua. v ' Dr. Iovnslnd: My wife being greatiy by weakness nud general Iem.jty, and sutlenn con timnllv bv:i;dn and with other difuvultjes, and hav in2 knowu-c- u s where your medicine has t flt-cto- i "real cures; and nl?o hearing it recommended for sue ca!es as 1 have doseriN!, I obtained a bottle of your Extract of Sarsaparilla and followed th directions von save mo. In a f hort period it removftl her com plaints and restored her to health BHn- - grateful for thohenetrts tho received. I t&ke pleasure iii fhjs ac- - kllowletigmz it, anil Veccmrj'enJing it to tho public. M. L. MUOUE. cx. of Grand and Lrdiusi-ts- . . Albany, Aug. 17, 1311. red- - world, by the announcement ot Dr I'ptiani s t,lw.- - - tuary, tor ths Cure of Piles,-(- a disease that resisted , - ' all fornicr medical trwtimcnt,) has tettled down into H. ; a thorough conlidem-- , 'that it isa oviiive-an- d peeily . J-- : r of win all coses ofJtltc, 110.21 tdliu of Blind. Kx- - 7- - flrhalir Internal, end ahioMr allwDijea&ea of' the .: . Stomach and Bowels, suclvpsj . '"evere and Habitual Cttitveues Dyspepsia, Liv'.; . " er Complaint, InllarurtThifi .of t!:e, Spleen, Kidncyi," Bladder, Bowels-- : arid Spine: Ulceration of the lntes-- - tines; Flow of Blood i xlte I lead, &e; and for the; Re- - ; lief of Married Women.- - - . . ' "". Syniptoms; Cause and nature of the Piles, to gcther wiUi its conjunctive diseases, will tu, found in , ihe pamphlets, to be had of all agents and ;dcalem gratis...- - 1 . ' : ; '... ; '"- - ; ; VÖLTINTÄ R y "TJertific ATES."r .' . '! . '''.-.- '. UmTID tTATA Oj'l'K'E ("." - ..' - . New Yobk, Dec.üth, 1?I7. I , Messrs. Wyatt, c- - Ketiuam: (ientJcmenUn- - dcrstnridin2,hat you are th tieneral Agents for the sale of Dr Uphau" Vegetable Llectuary, for the cure " . of tlie Filps, I have deemed it my. duty to volunteer a.reeonimcndation in btltalf of that invaluable medi- - " HOWE'S IIVCKIAN IIOARIIOUN AND i.viitwnitTroion oui. rnui..nni, f v-- v ln betöre the public ia i SX the west and souih moi e than one yearnd in that 1ort space of time: it jias obtained" more renut auou for'its"oodk qualitie's, certainly of cure, and chenp- - It i3 of the proprietors to sell the CofGii Ca-sd- reasonable; in order that it may lie' in the reaeii of all to'obtain a remedy, tiat noTriails, (no iich wont as"tnd"i-eve- rmarc ortnoiiLr rt Ol. wnen uou Candy is talked alout,) coring hc most violent Coldj andLorou, and is theretore.oJ'ereu to- - tne suueiiHE ami anTicted.'of the WcstttiTd'oulh for tlicir eood. rVtMClNARV COMPL.llJt'ö, Whoopiso Cocuh, CotCS,C 0UGUS,ll OA RSS LSS, 1 xri T'f V7.A. Bronchitis, Asthma, I DlFFIcrXTYOFEXFtCTOK I'uTHisic. Criorp. - - Sore Throat.- - Iatios And general afilictions.oft the Chest and . Lungs, which leads to Consumptiofts, all of wfcich discrjsei!. vield immediately by th6 uje of this valuabl Cofop J he materials used inltlie preparation are 04 m bestquality, being vegetable and the best white' Ha V a Tl a aU"Hi tonr-ijut- . uwy it may oe reui'i unuaiiiyi- - retteMa tmfe 'nnt orntine article. HOVvh &C. -- " i 1 ' f m "--. -- t From Henri 31 0T6e.Jlx Judge ol DoMjt of Common I li. ' . - rtll'lda is to ccrwfrharA Turve usel the Cough Can jy ot tiuvt. &. VU.(-anu-p- wimcounaence cneer fully Teconimend-i- t to ihote atRiciec with though! ir.'MORbE. Manut'aciurcri)f Fatcnt- - r.wce Furc dp. A'riumCota Cast Iron FuYitairi,4-'ir- e Engines,-.- " ' - Cincionati, Atig. 11, ItfIT,. .. D-- FANNÜAI.- - rrom D.Tuttle.FrcnirietoroItheCity IlotilJ Mcssrs. How&, Cot..'- '..,.' .. Gentlemen; If is with aiuch satisfaction thai" have it in mv testjfvto theetiiciencvof Vout Cough Candy. I hatfl usei t afid' know it to bf ' a' valuable and certarn remecy :or ooias ana tougtis. and U3 siith commend it to the public. f . wincinsau.Aiui. u, i-- o, . . u iuii ic From Wlä.-Voun'- j, Frosiding Elder, of the Met ho üim r. nurwa - ,. ' iiR..Jfjwi: Not lohiM:ice while laboring unde the, influence of a paieluliy Embarrassing hoarseness occasionea oy com anaeaiviiii- - in uw opeu air a friend handed Ine n piece of your'"-Hoarhoun- d am Liverwort Candy ' from tjieuse ot wtiich t expcfien ced ereat and almost inimf diate relief since then have frequently used it wit.i trie same benenciat er fects." 1 thcretorc feel no h itance in recommending Tour Candv as a certain necihc tor Coushs, Uoids lloarsness, ,c. ' . . , . .JV.Vl. iUU"iU . . r: i ot 10 Indiana.- - . W.M. WOOLSEY;Agent,Evsvi!le . , . 110V3!:,ir ;ir-;----'t.''- ; v-- i ATRAR1TY under ihe head of jruPatent Medicin lud advetiscm.ijnu"' We ask our reatteTfTto peru?e the following. K)iw'-g'i-pw- ill profit thereby. ji'LAt; -- A medicine YbklVtrfictlf sate,' and ma-fii- e civ eh to'ehUdrt frivhvü iili-r inlancv. to advanced age lays under no il ast cohl water, or 'jy kind of food. Furges subduiu fver; dewfroys and expels worms w llirmvai iol Je success, and. is easily . adimnistered to cmreu. - That U fii-- these vt.luah properties, is fear 1cjs cd: still claiinin'; th omtiorJil pdvaptages f irivüuin?miUbulk. and reouiruifnon-!C- t thw drencluni w hich Worm ten and efer'Vuppo'.'"' Ver- - mitugc dein ami. . During its oni'iam capcer, it na been introduced into many families, where teery oth- - er known anu access mte ermuugv -- urea um without the least suecet-wfwlier- e it has'jij-ompvi- ex or !led worms to an almost iitcredible amount.'1 v v"' ' Ilear what the Edit.yofiae Fuilotin ot the Pacific publish d in Pittfcburgh, Pi-Mi- yu io rlvrynie4fji rrtcierj;C . . 1 . V- - ; S ' I'ln loiiEinrrrna tor airriniml slieet, the Other day, I calle! in upntv MfWrs. J.' Kiid rv)-ca- nd remarking that I would fe glad tOxi wurti any medicinothat really essential! uaridh.-thc- y furniheJ me with iw?cu cedar ' )tn" Dr.. . M' t ,r t- - -. i .i f e hone s v orni isju-einew- ici -- crtm renil icates. reeling pursuaueu tum u eertihv . v.are irenuine, I took ot the an d lciie home lv the use of my own family. . ,1 gave the firetdav isuial! teaspoonful to Sarah. She was wan-lookin- g aVJ black untrer the eyes. She passed wormrv, nie'jis arge as a pipe stem. 1 also. gave a small fCa-sp- i jnfnl! . Samuel. & Ultle, rosychriiked fleshy boy, dtout ÜI years old. riot as lus eiomacn was ivmpanou. i: j. he w.-- pot-btllie- d, I thought he might have -- rrt;rr.s.v-He ci itd after more, which I did not h.c fit to giv e blui, but utKn the operation ot tlr s . medicine,- - hrt r.ioiber and tho neighbors were surprised at tue Ttsmr. lie passed nearly a pint of wonnsatotrv-- t ill as big h"t common pipe stem. Theri "rastveriit lL-- I iljcn gave tome' to a little boy ody2year oi'l.audiielpn-e- d twenty-five- , some eight inches iiuh-figt- ltrute-for- e fe 1 clear to recomnu od M Lrtue's yermifuge es a for worms. - F, fair y seems dVath: to. tm pi. FllAEL REL, Jxlitor- - rittOmrgh Feb. 10th, 1.47- - ; . " J. Kipd Sc Co. No. CJ Wool Street; Pittsburgh, nf?w the sole proprietors of Dr."M. Laiie cvltbrated niedi-eine- s. All orders must be aillresfxl ii) them. ; ' f Jör N. B. Purchasers will please Ixrpartinifar to inquire for "Dr jV Jjunt'a Anrictnt.Vrorw Sj ttift. or V'rmifugt." . ; .'r - Sold Wholesale & Retail by - Cil AWFtVRD IiELU'.' L Majobt-- i KE)ris'ille 1 n.-' Dy Drugtrifts and Dealers throughout - -- United States. ' , . . - fe- i- v, i; ; . ; 1 ' ' k v ' i iA : From, be ViiUbur tf.itettr. ' THE past summer 18t7lhs lin ' a very one. Frequent aud heavy min,f ollowed by intense and long continued h;at, hadtlicttTect,iu tlie first plac?,.to promote a raj il growtlj-f-succule-- ut vegetation, and in thewcconil tojifOduce a rapid of vegetable maHeV-tiVin- g rise to much mis f'ua and tjckÄ.'ss, disease 'and death, in.' --- is which had heretofore been remarkable for their enlubrity. I" ' ' We are credibly informed, 4 meadows, on which the erass was unusäally" henvy, rotted to ihe ground anil was not fit to be cyl. In Indiana rind lllinoist thofickueiss s there, K-t- not enougfiwell ptTaons to attend-upo- n the sick, whose tutf' rings were prcirat led by a want of prop- er remedies, as well as of good hureing. M uch of this sii tiering mighf haw been prevented, litl'cvery farn-l- y kept on hand a supply of iridicinesuited to coun- teract the etlects of thw minsiaa, Vith which the at certain times is farrchaVged. In addi tion to Quinine, (whkh is iu ich general, use as to net-- d no commcnf,) w eXoul l titron;ly urge every f.imily to keep on hand one or more boxes of "Dn. M'IASE's Liver Fiuts.' ... - 'These Fill arc üö prcscrirv inn of an emineritFh-sicia- n in Monon"ha!aCo. Virginia, and . were Ufed by him in his private practice as a remedy in billious complaints, br years before lie thought of lleiihg them to the public Such, rkjivevtr, was the success to the Pills, and so great the n imber irf persons ben-eit- el by them, that the makinof the quantity requi-sit- e to supply the increasing demand, began to inter- fere materially with the timo required to attend to his practice. "To prevent thia he lias made arrange- ments with the hou.--c of J. Ktft) vt Co. No. Od Wood ' Street, Pitt&burg, Fa. to prepare and veid tlieni, where tlu; "genuine may be procured at all times and in any reasonable quantity. . - ' - Thnse Pills are not recommended n a panacea for all the ills that flesh is heir tc,!but in ad atll-cti'.n- s uf the Liver and in nil bilious i:oaplaints. thy stand without a rival. AH who hav ever used them, give ihem the preference overall other Pills, cannot f persuaded to exchange those i hich they find exri-ilic- e to be milJ. nj; and efcctuiljor any other, even though they nr;y be eusir cod. td or so dratti? asAo go 'throughly day light" ." . ' . . Preparoir the proprietor by J. KIDD ii. Co whelo-fal- e Drugist, No. 00 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pe. lo- wborn ali onlers from a distnme must be directed. Sold al) by our Agents and tie principal DruggisU throuAoul the Uniujd Stat sind Canada. - SO-'- N. B. Iurcbnsc rs will jleas-- e be particular and iniwiratbr IVliKe Lxr i'-- , as there art tbtr Pills puriHirtinj- - to I "L-ve- Pdls,". now before - - I v tne 1 purmr. LIT- - . , r cec I -- w y w; 11 W.U. 1,T f. I'nfil W CVIU O Ul'llSiiiK lib illiun ij CKAWFORD BELL Id a in 8b Evansville, lnd. J I V. v I eine- - - I have. been 'clnieuxl for many rears with tne itfland have-trie- .rarious remedies, but with no cfidcts. Indeed, I began to consider my case hope less. But about tlie first of September - last, 1 was prevailed upon by a friend to make a trial of the above named medicine; I took his advice, ahd rejoice to sav that I t i t , f 1 V! .. .. -- " i i -- 3 i ' T .1 i i l 3 4 t i V-- r k " am not only relieved, but, as 1 believe, perfectly cur ed., 1 most earnestly recommend it to all who may - nave the misfortune to be olilicted with that annoy- ing and dangeronsdis?ase. . ' - ; ; . - . --- v t ry rtf i'ettL-,4-- ;, lrolr-','nt- 1 ' ' .. .. . X Ti? A tott $IsfT W'vatt & Ktckam: Gentlemen I amcon- - Straimnl to give yoo a statement of the benefit I de- rived from uxinij Dr Upham's Electuary, in a case of 1 jus, by fo doing. 1 renders benefit to those who are ieuflering from that troublesome di.eaes. was reduced for Several years by tlie Files so much that it was with great difficulty for me to walk or at- tend to my business. -- 1 also suffered from other dis-ca- es, which wert'juttrcrtif ly troubksoiiie, and which ram pleased to say two boxe ot the Lleciuary en tirely removed; and that my health is better now man it lit been !r many ytar. . it has' done mo and my family since more good, aud witli less ex- pense, than the physicians to whom I have applied or medicine l nave used. . , I remain, still in periect health, Y'our ob't serv't, " ' . NELSON NEWTON. 280 Spring trcct,4-o- r Rcnvrick. New Y'ork, Nov.- - 15, 13 4- -' - W'ynft & K( Gentlemen I co nsrd er 11 a duty which 1 nt only owe to vou. but mr ieiiovv beings, to ak in praise ol Dr Lpham's EJec-tuar- y, o nicirit.injvhich'l think li'as'wrved niyJife, " and restored me to full health. For several years I was afilicted with l ilts, together .with Dysjjopsiai and a gr neral'disarraug nicnt ot the fyt-tem- . . 1 em- ployed different physicians,' with no good result, and tiny at last told me they could do no more for me, undsait' t (all biusl die.. 1 thus had given up all hojes ot evun having my health restored, until 1 had called to miud the benefits tint a m-plie- of mine in Philadelphia (Benjaman Percival) had derived imm severe laiseotchroiii" dysentery, by your medicine,-th- at I purchased a box, which, to my surprise, after taking a few doses, 1 received great relief, ondh-oi- k God, by continuing its Use. that I aji noA-?rio- d to perfect health. M US. SARAH T.AMES . J--- ' '. " -- 1 Mercer street. " Notice"- -' -- The genuine UjJiam's Electuary has his written thus (JCr A. Uoham.M D. The "hand is aU done w ith a pen. Price $1 a box. old.wliolesalc and retail by VT ATT &. KETCH. a.u, jji x unon sireeu n X aud bv Urur-mst- a eraily throughout the United Statesand Cariüda jani)-'4- 3 A.C. HALLOCK. Acent for Ev ansville, lnd. NOTICE, 1 7: "yCll A I;h Jersons having nnonished, or icrsona wish 'A. ing to have dental work done by ihe subscriber, htwi better call and have it attended to, as he does" not expect to remain ift Evansville much longer. ' : ma-2- 3 KDW'D GKIFE11 II, i x . MACK EKEL 1 ( FELS No I. in storeand for sale by J XU. jan .. C L..LL. ."1 HAT BOATFp'fret lonjt. will be r- -' - JL frplll 7 KVU-SL- N &':O..GA. . t -

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Page 1: Art i.viitwnitTroion ln oui. i. - Library of Congress...with wurness ofstomach, loss of appetite, extreme heartburn, and a great aversion to all kiiuU of foxl, and for weeks fwhat

Tr-- rv,

1 .v..

'.--. y't; .

. " - V ... " .v: - Vi7

V V- -

1Z?XSOXiXiA'272:OU3. TilBvGtXE.4T REMEDY!!...... ... i T-- T-- I- -r i r Afw-tn- r l ,H II tjarx)T flouii a m. u'i.-- i : KhiSrttime oi x ive Hour

M I.Ik.. Ill LUV UIH'l. v - i

.1 -

Hii' .1 1 svi,t VVt snri -- OUirA. A.

as tuousanus unpumwu uv w "W

can testify, who have been Bum Bpc;dily cuTed by --.

,this (JnfAT Remedy !.. tf-.j-.' tA i. V

propnetor.JsC- -

- ii tu-

"I A VERY one who lsalUictc.Jnouia w b;iaio wHi obtain Art remedy which oilers ine ucst, H-- - j

est. and satost cure, no mauer .t..- -.

springs; every honest man oeing oouu w -- " 'V-tr-uth

wlrever .found.' Tliereforc, theustioe .to the public . and himself, feel

.called upon uxv

r i-- i i i - tk. iiWlilClI will, wwiwwo.-f-Plate,House's

uuinrnj,Indian 'Tonic

" tole the best. remedy for

CHILLS or Ascejlvu Fever, now knowp. Fact 1st

The article js convenient and pleasant toiaR.e---i- a re-

fined from air gross particles,-whic- h render other preparations so muddy.BiUiseou&, anu uian;; 7-

- wtaste; and it the directions mkiuiiuhcuv"'""'"- -

exue, with mathematical centumy, i" 'ofive hours. Astonishing rtlinn nie., raci iiu

and other ofaans cob- -cerned in luruiing it, the bile is regulated, the morbidaction induced fry tlie cnus ol xiieoiseaseisues'iro)--- u

finer allayed-ran-d rt win be louna a powenuu ,agent in assisting io remote u."'-- ' "3rd -It gives tone to the stomacli invigorates the .

body stimulates all the functions to a hcaixny action-- wiierevei: ioiuctj. cluttiy useiui,

Fact 4tli---tn- i- tonic hst performed, and is daily per-lifirmi-

cures in CllILLS or. AGUE &. FEVER.wi;!iouta parallel in tiiedicine- - Witness ßinglebot-iemajiing'a.eure- in

a case' of TEN-YEAR- stand- -Wig; hnother in a case of N IN b. Y LAUi atandtngtu core that w hich . had previously Laiflcd all skill, andvery remedy- - Look at the many other astomslunff ,

Ciirt set forth in the cerfiCcatt around thc.bottle, una .

ihvn sayvlf HOUSE'S? IN Dl ANIONIC does riot de- -

ftrvedly stafnj, pre-eminen- ine greatesL remeuy oithe times. Read the certificates carefully; they arefrorti vour'neiehlkors and lneTids---an- d wheneveiwyou

Mneft with any of thetu,fto ascertain the truth,) don'ttau io nsK- - mem concernm! 't. ne sure io as iorHOUSE'S INDIAN TONIC, and as you value yourhealth; don't be put off with ny thing eh?e. '- Prepared and sold by;. Geo.. WHouse," NaslixilleTetjjfV 'Price SI iht bottle.. For sale by : .

fein W 11 WCH)LSEY", Evansville, lndHOUSE'S CELEBRATED " 1

;'TEETABLE P ILL,Superior to uhy Furgatvje now known for expelling- - Disease from the System. . -

This Pill rs nrade of Vegetable substances only, andprepared with the gicatest care, according to the-rul- e

of Pharmacy ' -

To all who lalgTr.önder orfy Ungering or Chfoniedisease, they arcesieeially jecommendd. In (Joct.Wmfv: SwEtuitu, Fever Sobes, uoixi.a, and Ner-vous Debility, they never fail to give relief. InRHEUMATISM they are the only certaiu curetverdiscovered for .lids painful disease, as hundreds call'testily, w ho are now rejoicing free from pain and ia '

jierfect health, after having been given over by friendaand phyidcians- - as incurable. In DrorsicAi, AffectioNs, and diMises of the And those crowinj--

out of it, they are exceedingly valuable. Biixiocsand all other Fevfks, are subdlucd At once, by theirspeedy bction rr'i'OrT "thaw hol.system.

A great amount of hebest evidence couldbeilfdtoestablish the high reputation of this FIEL butthetrial and use of a rdngle bos. will bo worth more tothe invalid than the combined certilica,res of Uiewhole world:. See certifw ates on the wrapper '

Prepared only by GLO. . W. IlOUSi:. Nashville"-- .

Tenn. For Bale by, - t. . ,novl Cm W M WOOLSEV, Evansville, lnd.

p I I. I" s .

OUSFS FILE OINTMENT is a most valuablesale and certain cure for PILES.

fiSee certificates around the bottle. Prepared byGeoiuje-- HofsEj Nashville, Tenn. Fiice $'bottle. For. fa le by, - - ,. W 31 WOOLSEW Evdnsville; W.: ,J "i ". ' ",' j - . .- -

S IfjLATIOni.'v- ' '.i j jThat fhe 1-il- cs is disarmed of its terrors '? ;?

23y. Dr Vpliam's Vcg-ctatl- c Electuary . - y ItrriUETreat sensation which : created emorrr :" f


JL, Medical .Faculty, and tätutrhout the ctvilj- - - . T

TO MOTHERS, AND MAURI ETD LADIES..This" Extract of Sarsaparilla has been exnresslv

prepared in reference to lomalo- - complaints. JSo female, who has reason 10 suppose he is- - approachingthat critical period, "Uirturn oj lite, Hould neglectto take iw as it is a certain preventive for any of thenumerous and horribl dj scares to which females aresubject at this time 6f tfc This period may be de- -

lajU tor several yeprs by using this medicine. ior"it less, valuable- - for those who are approaching wo-

manhood, it is calculated to assist nature by quickening the blood and invigorating the system. Indeedthi medecine is iavaruable for-- ll tie diseases towhich wotnen are subject. '

, - . :It braces the whole system, renews permanently the

natural energies-f-b- y reraovina. the impurities ol thehly not so lar tttmulating tue system as Jo pro--dvlce a sul sequent relaxation, which is 4lie .can; ofmost eiedicinea taken tor kmaJe-weakjrlwJ- S anu tiis-ras- e.


..... DROPSYNw Yotir; July,T22, lBI '

Dr. TowxsnxD "Dear Sir t My wile has Wen af-

flicted with a terrible rapture for over filteen years,the greater pait of the time. She has. been troubledwitli shortness of breath &, great llattering of tho heartwhich has been very diresinr. and has frequentlybeen unable to lea her ld. The ruptute was verylarge And severe. JShe tried nlmoft every femedy fi

!urh ra.-ic- v ith but little benefit. Wlieu the had taken bu three bottles of your excellent medicine shewas entirely relieved of the disease of th heart, andtWfupturehas almost entirely dUnpiMiared.

Mie has also had the dropy, and was very muchswollen. W c htyt no idea that fho could ir so bene-tite- dj

a the had such a complication-- . OfDut it has, as strange. it may; appear,.'? lieved her

the dropsy. "1 am nwäre that thi " ttatetnent is aostrange a to apiear. almost, like Cttio;ibut7 it issoIkt reality. Your Sarsaparilla iscertaiely aYalu-ahl- e

mcilicinc. nnti thonld Le used by every .one thats sullerin as we have be?n. If any disbelieve thisaccount, they are at liberty to call at my hou.e andhave ocular demonstration. Yours, respectfully,

WILLIAM TOWÖtR, 1 Jf mes st.

. : . .' dyspefsia:'

No fluid or m&iicine has. ever len discoveredwhich so nearly resembles the gastric juico or palivain dccompo?ing foodand strengtheiiihg tlw orjrans otdigestion 3 this preparaiiivj ot Sarsaparilla. It pos-itively cures every case of dyspepsia however severeor chronic -

Dank Department, Albany, May 10, 1345,Dr.-Townse- nd -- Sir : I have been Mulcted for sev-

eral ywars with dys;)epsta in its wort foruu' attendedwith wurness of stomach, loss of appetite, extremeheartburn, and a great aversion to all kiiuU of foxl,and for weeks fwhat I 1 have ken unableto retain but a small portion on my stomach, I tri!the usual remedies' but thev had tittle or no ellect inremoving the complaints 1 was induced uW'Ut Hvomontlu bince, to try your extract of Sarsaparilla, andI must with' little confidence; 'but" aftiT usingnearly two bottles, I found my ftpjeite restored andthe heartburnntirely removedtandl wonld earnest-l- v

recommend the use of it to . thos-- e .who have beenatlhcted asl hive been, - Y'ourp, &c. ' '

W. W. VAN ZANDT,N. D. Turchase none but such as In ve-ji- v rappers

that hide the bottle completely, and have tlu: writtenignatureofS. V. TOW NSDND... 1 " , 'Frincipal ofilce, 12dFu!ton-st,Su- ti BuV'i"ri'--Yt- ;

Redding & Co, 8 Stte-t- , Diston; DyotW 4-- Sons',13-- 2 Norih-Second-e- t, FhiladeTphia-vS.r- v lIanCe. drtig-tfi?- t.

Daltimore: Durol -- i. Co KichuvHid: IV. M. Co- -

Kti. Charleston: V ri2ht t Co. - ul Chartres-st- , N.O.i.lOASiuth I'earl-st- , Albany; R. Van Duskirk,5y2corner of Market and Broad bts, Newark NiJ., andy principal Druggists, and Merchants generally thro'ut the I'nited states. West Indies, and the Canada.ForSalo by . . ALLEN C. UALLt-XJK-

' Druggist Main. St, Evansviüe, Ind.Who s a?i)ointtd by the proprietor. Wholesale

Agent, with authority to sell at Manufacturer's iyiccs.For Sale also by R1CIIAKD D. I1ALLOCK.

DnigLt Fiinccton, lnd.march 18-di- .w ly . "

P ALLEY'S 3IngicaI Tain Extractor.YJ More proofs that Dalley's Magical Fain I xtrnc--

tor is ttt Medicine in the world-- Every da is demonstrating the matchless virtues ot tlas articl- e-Letters are coming tons from all parts of the Unionexpressing" gTatitudo and surpriao at fhe wonderfulproperties it posses?c" in all cases qi burns, rueuma- -

Htll, piles. - riinij , .vr-- I lin areox alrfwiwil. numTfTgTi r!iar;irter sinnunM Al'ilieine,

! M'iw we tiniiioei i n'1-n.t-ii- wnuwimthö Island City, of the 12ih Sepfembcr : i , '

Dallev's MEDtcAi. 1 Ait Exticxctor. An laven-o- d

like this truly wonderful article, bo full of vii lueshould le made knovrt to the universe. Its cures, in

many cases are absolutely beyond belief. For burns,calds, sores, swtltings, paintiu the limb of all kinds.uts. woumRand in every disease of the body, wheret can be arplied externally, it never fails to cure. A

intrularcti eame under onr owtr lw rvti n.N Afriend in playing with "a td arp steel pen, rnn it 'intothe palm ot his hand so thar it came out at tne oacnand bad tobe extracted thai way. 'The poisonousnature of 'he ink in the wounJ, as well as ttu? iit-itr-

hunt itfclf, Caused the hand to swell dreadfully.DaHry" l'aia Extractor was applied, and the nextlay'tW swelling had entirety gone down, tho painad leit, B1 tne wouna was;cured in a iew nays.Important L'antwn Counterfeits of my Extractor

are unblushingly published to the world in my nnme.rolecl vourselt. as you value hie, aud health,trom

these deceptions. am, as every druggist in the Uni-ted States knows, the sole inventor and proprietor ofDalley'a Magiern Fain Extractor; no other being hasever made or can make a grain ot it, lor no man nv- -

inr has the secret ot the prennraihui but myself. Theonly genuine has my written signature on each label,and is sold whtrosale and rettnl at tlie General DepotAM Broadway, New lork: and at the Jouthren le- -

Mt,151 CHARTKES street, New Oileas, my onlygeneral Depot lor the teoutn and est.

ii intT t.-- V

All orders for Aceneies, of for lnin Extractor, mustbe addressed: to J. WRIGHT & CO., 131 CHAR- -

1'RES street 'New Orleans, only agents for Uie Southand Wen .

" . x. - - '..'..5"Only Agents in Evansvill.?, -

mar2j-ly- - ALIAS & HQWES;

BUILin'IN No. Ü.

T!HE GREAT FL(K)D of 1SJ7 will be long rc- -

membereil in many partwof the West. Theswollen streams fee med to know no bounds: but rising ldgher and higher carried disnfcty to the inhabi-tants. "Merchants were obliged to remove their waresfrom the rivers' sides to remoter places; families weiecompelled to desert their dwt Ling; tho jtooryutleredmore severely than language can descnoe. 1 turpub-ii- c

authorities were called on to administer, aid andcounsel. In bort, a grtjit public calamity had 1.

: t .' " i V

Well Would it lc iftlic sad consequences of theHojkI had ceased when the waters tsubäided. But no!"ÜrThe retirting waves left vast alluvial depor-ites- .

wliivli in a tew months mist cive out that deleteriousI miasm which prepuces bjlliiuM diseics 1

.-- vuaisuys mo ceicDraieu ir. rerguon on mu- -

1oiiitf' Answer:.-Th- e caus? ol hillious derangeu'eniprincipal source in halfdried margins cfrtv'rs."'

All history and experience proves this theory. Whenthe Biitish army encamped on the plains of Estrcm-adur- a,

at a time when the rivor Guadianakad becomedry after a flood, remittent and intermittent feversraged among the troops with such destructive malig-nity that they enmc-'nig- h being extirpated. .

The Graeleiibtrg Company, theielore, earnestlycall the attention ot the entire Wrst to their most ex-

traordinary and celebrated series ol Anti-Billio-

Medicines. In every Ucality where there i theslightest tendency to any form of Fever, Fever an.!Ague," Dumb Ague and the like, the inhabitantsshould nt once tend to the General Agent of the dis-trict and have a Graefenberg Depot established nearthem Were this done, aud the Graefenberg Vegeta-ble Fill and Health Fitters used according to uiicc-tion- s,

there would be no li ar of bilüjus liseaee.So ini,r'rtant are the Graefi nlg.Med:cines to the

people ol the West, that the following steps sdould btlmmediately taken: .

1st. Every neighborhood have its Graefen-berg Depot.

By addressing the General Agent of any districttins can le secured.

'v2d. Families should club together and get nnimme-diatenpply- .

3d. Emigrant Societies and other philanthropebodjt s trwuld turnisli them to the needy.

By such means bilious disease's will Ie entirely pre-vented.

The other Medicines of the Company are most em-inently adapted to the diseases lor which they ure re-

commended; and consist of tho following:The Graefenberg Eyi Lotion, the CViidren's Fnrta-ce- a,

tlie (irecn Mountain 4utjntnt, the Cnsuuip-five'- s

Balm, the Dvsenttry Syrup..Cr'Fh General Agent lor Indiana i u? Tea-loo- .

to whom application s may be addres-sed. , ' , EUWAKO BARTON, Secretary.

New Votk, January. 1?4.W.U. M. WOOIPEY. Acent

febS-- tf for Evansvdlo.

'JA THE CITIZENS ni1XIiis Crcatnn! C.lorioi1 HrJL.bein4?lheL'ieatXJl

aurers it tree trom tkiiin.if h,-- of nmmmiQi ImporTa. urandreth s ills are aiiogeiiier , .R.,position, and while they possess reu... Ohir curing disea.-e- t are perfectly harra!t.V5VVvwui oe iis;u wun peritei saieiy oy peronjTop "1ages, ami in any conomon 01 me systeia, witr öörtamty of Aeticial residts from thixWta(jJrwhich 1 nuld and pleasant tho' thorougWfenrjfiiing to the root of diseased action, and always m:

: .: ..! 1.1 l Vilunuuiig in a great increase ui neuiui ana vigor. i ,Ninety-- t ven years they have been before J i.lie, and every succeeding year has increv tne

sphere oj their great useJuIness. I hey artytrnipd in every part of the civilized worldvenvy rior detrat tion materially impair their wätablished reputation.

. These celebrated Fills do not cure entirely by tspurging qualities. 1 hey have in ineir compwmi,vegetable corpuscle, analagous 10 me corpuscu0fthe IjI.joU; the corpuscle ot vegeiaoie origin, oecouincorporated with the mass of Uie life-givi- fit

IMPARTS A FERMENTATIVE'' TOWER...Lk ftiA!.; tn3 thn il a t Iipaii

. mit fill lTlICStlui,viuivjao me niwvt v biaivjwionous, or peccant matters, thereby entirely; nr

hl..! in the circulation'ills cure the most fatal, and jioxi

t..CT.J.ii..'-"..ii.l.- i mii bo easy atiiiLi iiaiiiiaraim utA.iut.. wwr im.. -certain, as to mve treat thank trÜSÄräsiil he,hictfd. r - .,. . t

Every year their, salejias increaet-d.- Dr RrannriTfcTrysells mora ot thctn at this time in a men th than fivldid in the whole of the year or any preruw y(.arIiis sale naving inereaswl ' w

TWELVEFOLD. INJXN YEARS- -can auy other medicme be Twiotea 'out that

pusthined iti reputation that ; has increased m iheconfidence ot the public in an qual proportionl

It would be a most happy thin for tho poor," it theprejudices of Medical men would permit their gene-ral adoption in the public Hospitals. . What a bWa-in- g

this would be to the poor, and also to the wholecommunity in which the Hospitals are situated! NoShip Fever would long remain to poison our atniosphere with its noxions exhalation! No malady nonot even Cholera, would be of a dangerous characterwere Urandreth's Fills vigorously resortedno whenthe first of its symptoms were perceived.-- . And b hipFever, and fevers of an inflammatory, or of a typhoidcharacter would lie found equly under their power-ful control. While i nil uen 7--a, t mall-po- x, measles,fcarb-- t lever, and all the diases of children wc uldbe alfairs rexmirin only a very lew doses ot. Tills, toentirely the patiem 'a health. And in caseof rheumatism and dropsy, and the various forms otlungdiseAX!, rjoroedidne iscapäUo of dding ihorcgood; or whou yse wouji'teud more to the recovtryof health. ". : . ,"..'..'..Thesjc Facts, Dr. BaAXDRErii" proclaims,, abe' .

. SOLEMN TRUTHo. Uv. Let our Legislatures and men in authority everywhere look to this. If these things be so is it not apart of the ir high duty to cause the Rrandreth Fillsto be usel by iur glorious Army and ,'N a vy, and in allpublic (losoitalsf Fublic ooinion tells these honorable men. that such is their duty; and one of the mostserious character in which is involved the security ofmany valuable lives. Over Two Millions ot our Citi-zens have approved of lirandrcth's Tills: thev are notcngJT o private, but a public medicine.

thesick every where ce tovLuir-iatores- t, rnaobtain this eurer et sicknessrdispcnri of healthand recurcr of lon: life, llie weak the ncrvotw and

.delicate are strengthened bv the operation bf.Fran-tlreth Fills, which nre U nt tidal for the mind as forthe body: mental derangements of all kinds are curedby them; in fact they impart n vigor and power tothe intellect truly surprising, it is now a common occurrciec w hen a man is alout to make n trrtat elfort,to take n uo-h- ; ot Urandreth's Fills, w hich clear thehtad and invigorale the4 tcrceptive fucuhies. In facttlie literary and sedenijyo( Unh will

Find a Tjijtsute or IlrAf.TH.ia these Fills. ,W1ü flptpcinnot 1 obtained fromthe nervousness, cf-h- iyiem induceil fronrorrr tax-ation of the mental raculttts,"br other causes, one ortwo of these Fillswiil invariably prkduccslee. In lownervous fevers thev are most valuable. ipurrheimand the lamented Harrison would have been "savedhad tho-- Fills been used. .


Ri inembrr then, that enenn of inind and lody resuit from lirandreih'i 1111 that thev are Bip!io'lein allxopdilions oixhe Lodydoif? wliil ioonin... . . ... . . . .f n lim r . i : i i iti v 1 1 1 1 t n . .HU " 1 W MW t II' .VI F w. -

rjl'Cau ?o' muci 'Vil jl"nil's1

on ifie--r

" timely uppocnt'onof proper medicine whon sickness commences. Sailors, aud all other travellers, hould .never be withoutthem; they prevent costivene, and cure luemalignant fevers of hot climates.' .

When you purehase otlüxwise than of Dr. D or hisn2ents, be sure and obtain the genuine, and,, havenone other. '

B 11 A N 1 ) R ETI IS n LL'S are wld,with full direc?tions, at 2- - cents per tox, at 211 Uud.Hi street; Li tBowery, Mrs. Golf, 4 Market street, Brooklyn, andbv Dr.-Bran- reth's .l'rini iiwt OMicc, 211 Broadway, New! York, and byDANIEL WOO USEY, and W.M. WOOLSEV.agents Lvansville and l y one agentin every town orvillage mi the L nited Mates. apl 4ui



COXSL.'Il'TIOM; -Ashma. Bronchists. Snittimf Blotxl. Fain in tho Side

and Breast, JSore Throat, Haorsness, 1'alpitationof ihe Heart, WhoopingCough,Croup,Hive9,

Nervous Tremours, , Liver" complaint,.

Diseasi-- Kidneys, and Aflections '.

' generally of the Throat,Breast ami Lungs. .

Of all the diseases incident to our climate there isnone so universal, and at the game time so insidiousand fatal, as Consumption. In this country especially, Pulmonary Consumption is emphatically a scourgeand in its resistless career sweeps over the land as aDestroying Anfiel, layin? low, with, reieiitlew hand,the strongest and tairct-to- t our race, iiunerto anellorts to arrest this dread disease have provci vain,and all that seemed within our power was at best alleviation of eullerin?. reruierinz somewhat" sniOoHnirthe certain progress to the tomb

The proprietor, in offering this to tlpublic, would embrace the opportunity to state uicnwhat crounds it Duts lorth its merits; ana the reasonsupon which it founds its superior claims to the altention ot the aiihcted, that all who require its use mayrepose full confidence in its curative powers. Min eits first nreuaralion he has had the pleasure of witHessing its happy results in numerous instances; t u

he was determined not to offer it to the public untihe nad become thoroughly convinced ot its emcacyflavin such conviction, he now confidently oilers ias a remedy without a parallel for the cure of FULMONARi CONSUMPTION and . its kindred i

' 'eases. -

jpt thß foIlowinT sneak for itself. k

''I have HseiP I hoxtson s LOMroi'ND oYECF of l a it

& Wot D N aphtha,' for some time in my practice,andhave lound it the most ehiciciit remedy 1 have everused in Consumptive cas. Chronic Catarrh, etilwhen irreat irritability, w ith weakness of the pulmonarv organ., existed. The rapidity with which itacts is greatly in its favor w here dyspucra or oppres-

sion exists, when is mediately relieved by it.""In nnmonary tonsumpiion it can ic useu win

eontiilence. bein-- 7 applicable to every form of thatdisease, and I consider it a medicine well worthy theattention ot 1 hysicians, and exempt ironi uie impuation rd einpiracisni." M. CHAMCERS,M.D.f'hil.iiVlnlja. Oct. 11th. lb-Jü- .

: I&rThc uliovemedicines prepared only by A.xgxet.V. Dickso.v. at N E corner of I itth and Mruce StreetsI'hiindelphiat Sold by C. BELL, Evansville,and respectoble dr.rgists generally.

Price bO cents or 1 per botile; beware of in ten-e- n

tion. - nov4, 1S47.

W INEJt'S Canadian Vermifuse Thebesremftly ever yet discovered lor all kinds o,

WORMS.. It not only destroys Worms and invigo-rates the whole system, but it dissolves and carries oilthe Fupcrabundant slime or mucus, so prevalent intlie stomach and bowels of children, more especiallythose in 'bad health. Th-- j mucus foryis the ltd oinest in which worms prod we their young, and byremoveing it, it is impossible for worms to remain in thebody. It is harmless in its cflects on tlie system, endthe health of the patients is always improved by it,use. even wlten no worms are discovered; the medicine lein palatable, no child will refuse to take it,not even lue mot t delieat".

trrFreparcd by JOHN WINER vV.CO., No. S3Maiden Lane. New York Sold wholesale and retail, by J. WRIGHT, General Agent for tho Southand West, 151 Chirtres street. New Orleans. .

. SOrOnly Agents ia EvausvilhYnar 2J-- 1 y .... ALUS & HOWES.


Z(f BAGS prima gtcen lüo CofiJ-e- landed frmjfXJKß btcaincr 'Cincinnati," and for sate ly ',

mariMf B EM ENT & VIELE.

Meets cvcrv SilurJavniiiii m First St. 0Ti- -yn: tf .Joues.Mavor: John J.Chnndler.GIerk:

Smuel Orr, Treasurer; Wni. Dell, Marshall. Covn-etlaicnl- si

ward, Jon M. Stockwell, 2nd ward, Si-las Stephens; 3rd ward, Willard Carpenter; 4th ward.--M. W. Foster; 5th warel,-- . Isaac Hutchinson; GüiwardStephen Childs. v

- -- A


TtaiftEOF Hohk, No. 1 Meets every Mondayevening at Temperance Hall, Water st. OfTicersforthe present terra, Allrn C. Hallock, w o t; P. G.O"-Reil- y,

wv t; Jarues T., w r; J. M. Farvin.w a r; I. A. Crane, vr r R; John Shanklin, w t; OKeilljr, w r, Uobert Allen, w D V; John Pittman, ffujJi. P.Hugg, ws. 1

Lyma-- t Divyao-j- , No. 2 Meets Tues-day evenings at Temperance Hall. Otlicern Wm.Holdtn, vv r, Jas, Jatighlin, w a;' Jame T. Walker,t s; A. Warner, ak s;Johr 'Hensor, r s; RobertDarns, t; Joseph Turnock, C; T. Grant, a'c; C. Dates,I s; Robert Vance, o s. ' . '

TtXTLZCT IIoxoe Division, No. M Meets FridayvctijnssatTempcrance Hull. Officers John Greek,

w f; A.C. Hallock, w a; M. W., R s; WCarjK-ntcr- , A it s; James I). Walter?, F s; W. II. Chand-ler, t; R. Allen, c; J. W. S'inson, a c; J. Boyeu, i s;J. E.Pittnian,o s. -

LO.O.F. .'i' itMorsixo Star Lodue, No. 7 Meets TUursd-i- y

evenings at Hall, corner of Main and First sts.- - OtiVcers f. L. Laycock, rA.;" II. O. Babcock, o; W.W. Sullivanj v ; J I. CI. Wheeler, s- - O. LadJ,' x; li.W. Dunbar, ci WÜ'JJimtkll! u; C.Colvin o ti. ."

RÄTES OrPOSTAGE.:"4.' . rear

Lxttess tor4a single letter, not exceeding half :; 1

an ounce, (avoirdupois,) sent not exceeding "

SoO miles, ............5,Pent ovr du) miles ...........10

- For eveiy half ounce, and wy excess over every .

half ounce, the same rntts of postnge; and. u hen adverti-d- , two cents on each letter, or

v imircent, if die advertising cost so much" ".

For drop letter?, not to be mailed, each 2.' CtacrtARS For any printed circular, handliir,

advertisement, unsK-- a led, rent any di-tan- ce 3, NEWsrAFEEs ( t rAüptiare inches, or less, sent .

over 30 and not more than U0 miles, or anydistance within theftate-- - - .1

' Over such a distance liXtrfjnijHTS unletosulFihers, 3 cents each.rr-- .

fad; or nut forwarded from the. l'ost-oliie- e.


" Northern, Uorih- - western and north-easter- n mails, viaVinceiuies, Vrino ton, etc., U tlue every Mouda

wnesday ana J: rulay, at IU o'clock T x..Eastern mail (iroier now arrives bv the river, usu

ally on Wednesdays. Thursdaj s, Fridays andSuiiruay?, 111 the alternoon.

Xle eastern mail, by steam boats, departs everyMonday, Thursday and Saturday; letters intended

' to go by this mail be placed in theollice byi o'clock r M, the hour ol closing the mail being

7 r Jf. . liy this mail letters to'o south, east, andnorth-eas- t, nro aho sent, it Uiii the inost epeedyroute.' . - .

' ": , .

Southern mail by the river is due semi-weekl- y. Dny?ef arrival uncertain. . Departs every Wednewlayand Saturday. TXd3 mail cloata now at 7 o'clock

- Tkiaeket mail, from Shuwneetown, is duo on ?Ion a."4l.i3riiur;i.y tmdSnturdny, arrivinj; after niht,-- and departs on iSundny, ednefday and Friday,

j Cloea at 'J o'clock Ä x. i.Trte Je3euworth 'mad, via Doonvlllc, Doekport,. Troy, etcb due at o'clock r. 31,011 Monday and

; TLjsday.".'Deparu at 6 o'clock a m on .Thursday and Satur-

day. ' "

Tho Southern land mail rA; Uendcrson, KyNah- -- , ville, lenn; aoJ Ill; etc, etc, de-par- ts

every Thursday and, Saturday a.7 o'clock A

m Rcturninz arrives same ilavs by 5 p xTheMount Veruonmuil n'i West Franklin, departs

every Wednet-a- at a o'clock a m; returns nextdayby 4 o'clock p m. ; . ,..- - '

Xnil I' niii ii ninrmmnf7l7 Ir'iThe Newark mail arrives at J Jo'clock x, ewery ?at-irda-

and departs immfJhtely."AHletterj to Out "by tha nihf ina'd. or thrtae tha

leave early ln'trreinorniü mut be irr the ollice byM p M.and lor all oitur tuauj nan an hour utore

" th tinic of closinz them.' ' vTlipollice is open for the dispate'd ofbnsincf every

day (except unJay) train 6 a m until undown.wlkt-Q'- liioil arrive on und.iy the otiice will Ire

niened'for one hour (Init not during tho uöuiIhours ofpublic worship in the churches.)


; . RATES OF COIN.Tlie rates ol Gold Coin as per Act of Conjure of11 1

Fixing tlie value ot the tamo, are as tollows : ..United States Eate olJeu;!sfe"un-.- - "$10 Ct".,

. - . - new " ......... ....10 toEngland Guinea 5 07

' Sovereign r ; . . .4 8 1

i beven fFiillinieace.-- t i" .1 6'.

France Double lxuis (before 17S6) Hr t'iLuis .v, ...... 4 84

" Double Napolwn, or .40 franca 7 70" Napoleon or 20 fraiiC9 .3

' " The same as the new Jjbuis Guinea -- 4 föFiankforton the Main Ducal---- - 2 27Hamburg--Duc- at 2 27

. Malta IJouble Louis-'--- - -- ...t..... 9 7IOui3- - f ;4 f'

14 Demi Iub-- - ...'.2 33"Mexican L)oublofl

Holland-Dou- bl Rix 'Dollar. .'. Rix Dollar-.- - - o 0 1

'- ' Ducat'-- 2 Zl"

Ten Guilder Ficte . ......4.4 00' Tertu;al Dabraon,-- -. '........70I otra, t - 17 'JO.

! Johannes-- . .... ....17 ou.Fpaiq Doubloou, 1772 4 15

. 4k ' - bince 1 1 1 1j y.

Fiffolc, --' -- 3

Columbia Doubloon ' IS 35.1 Hillar specie of Sweden and Norway CoDollar pecio of Denmark ...103Thaler ot IVuseia and Northern states of Ger

many 10

Florid ot southern ftates of Germany 6

noriii of Austrian Empire and ot the city ofAugsburg - '' .,4?i'

Lira of the Lombardo Venetian Kingdom undTuscany IG

Franc of France and Belgium, and Livre of eardirda, IS- -

Ducat of Naples ? toOunce of Mcily.--- - 20Found ol the Btitih Frovincc-- s of Yova-seoti- a,

New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Canada 4 00

Eagle coinl betöre July 31, 10-- 1 00do coined after Ü23 1 tm

pucats, Prussian 2 CO

do Otherr. 2 2?North Carolina and Georgia piece 4 7VGerman Crown '1 tH)

French do--- ; .. . 1 U)Frank 3 ' " - roTi ve v 7

i Head, - Idristarcens. c S9.... - 16

TIME OP nOIiDUTO STATE ELECTIONS.Slates. ' Timet of holding lt tt iit

Mam. f 2d Monday in be pfember;New HamiK-hir,- - 2d J nesday in .unreh;Vermont,-- : JstTnclay in September.Massachusetts, 2d Monday in November;lihode lit Wednesday in April;Conneticut,-- ' 'lt Monday in April;Sew York, :. Tu'day af ter 1st AI on. in NovNew Jersey, r .Tu'diy alter 1st NovFtnmylvania, ; t 2d Tuvlay in Octolier;Delaware, - 2d Tuesday in November;.Miry land, ldt Weilnojtlay in October;v lnnma. 3d Thursday in AprilNorth Carolina, 1st IhurJ.Ty in August;South Caroljoa, 2d M onday in Octoler; 'Georgia, . 1st M onday in Octoler; '

Alabama, 1st Monday m August;.Mi.-.idrL- ..... 1st .Monday in ovenjier;1 ii 13 n a. t . i ,... 1st MonJa v in NovemL-er- ,

Tnn-.- e 1st Thnrsday in August;KentJcky,. . 1st Monday in AugustHhio, ..2d Tue.-da-y inOciobcr; -

Indiana. ..,. lft Monday in August:Il ium : ist .M on-la- toMisM.)uri, - -- 1st inJowh,--- -. . lal Monday in.l;t ;il 'in,.. lfrtMrnjJayJu Novemlxr;A r k --in n..--, . . lsi .Monday in t.)ctoler;Florida, 1st Monday ia Uctot-er- .

2 BEETS' If n vs 5 v V s J11 I 1 -

l'i 53 Ö 3 3 Irs üüfss'.jr.f . - - hj m n' jl - rn r mm k-


r. ju W Sil v r. : jy 1 is


Dr. Townscntl'i Compound ExtractSAUSAPAIULLA.

1 ins L.xiract is put up in quart 001 lies 11 is t--

tiajcs eheaper, pleaantr, and warranted superior totiny sold..' It cures dienes without vomiting, nurgiiii, !Hckeniii or debilitating the patient, and i.piinieutarlv adapted for A . f.

Si'KlN'G AND SÜAIMKR MEDICJNE.Tha gn.'at beauty and pufeiiotity "of this Sar?apn

rill i overall other remedies is, while it eradicates disease, it vtoratcs the body. Consumption trured

Clean.e and strengthen Cunsumption can becured Dronchitis consumption, liver complaint,roUi, couhs,ca'arfli, a: linn, ? pit tin of blood, sore- -ne ü the eh st, hectic Hush, niht sweats, difficultor proiue expecloraiion and pain m the side, &chae ami can ba. cured. - '

irolably there never was a reraotly that has beer,so successful inde.nic'rate ca.--e of con.-uinptioi- ias tii;

cleanses and strengthens the system, ani,-rpean- 4

to heal the uIcTa on thelun. and tlictli-nt- gradually regaina their usual health aptffeireuth. q

" v CltlOf CASE. .

TLfre 1 warcelv a-i- T "paS5C5 Imt there area number ol eases ol Consumption reported as cared by the'use of Dr. 1 ownsenu s tarsapaiilla. 1 he lollovvinywas rtH'f nt ly rec'i vel., - -

Dil. Tuwxsr.ND D(cr Sir: For tlio last threo yearshave been aUhctedwitn general debility, and ner

vous consumption of the last 8iare, and did not exto ever gaio my health at all. After going

rtough a course of medicine under tho care of someof tbj most distinuilKHi regular physicians andnieni!T of th Doard ot Health in New York andeiewnere, an 1 tpentunj inLrnost ot mv earnings 111

atteuipti:i to regain my health, and after reading insome paper of your Saraparilla 1 resolved to try it.After u.-in-ij six bottles 1 lound it done jne great goodand called to see you at your otlice, with your ad-vice 1 kept on, and do most heartily thank you faryour advice. 1 persevere in taking the Sarsaparilla,and have K-e- n able to attend to my 'u.ual labors forthe Inst three month-- , and 1 hope by the blessing ot

od and your barsa:)arula to continue my health.hclptd me beyond the expectations of all that knew

my case. UllAKLra tiL'l.UUVOrange. F,scx Co. N.J., Aujr. 2, lt47Slate of New Jersey, fcfsex County, ss. Charles

tjiutnby U mg worn according to law, on his oathiaith, that tin; toregHigvtatenK-n- t is true accordingto the Jxst öl hisknowlme and

CHAULKSQUIMDY.Sw'orn ami subwrihed to b fore me at Dranjre, the

2JAU.I. 1347. - UIKI S 1JAL1MYI.N, JuMlce, . ' of tho Deace

. KPITTING DLOOD.Read the following and say that consumntioa IS

incurable it you can.. . .T- A f a n im

Mr. Townsfjs'd:.

I varily believe that your Sarsap"it a 1

ariiia nns. iren tne means,, through 1 rovidence, ofsaving my lile I have for Niveral years had a badcough. It becane worse and worse. At last 1 rais-ed large Quantities ot blood, had night weats, andwas prai iy uet'iutatea and reduced, and did riot ex-p-- ct

to live. I have nly usedyonr Sarsaparilla butshort time, and there ha a tvondcrtul change been

wrought on me.- - 1 ant nowable to walk all over thecity. 1 raue no blood, and my cough has left me.

ou can well imagine that 1 am thanktul fjr tlieseresults. ' Your obedient servant!

i Wm. lirssELL, Cj Catharine st.'I,O.ST HER iSFEECH

. Tho annexed certidcafe tellsasiuible and truthfulstory ofsutlerijig and relief. There are thousandsot fiinilar cases in this city aal ,Drook!ynT and yetthereare thousands of parents who let their children dietor lear ol being humbugged or to gave a lewng.. Drooklvn; Spt IX 1S17.

Dr. Towf-E.v- o: I take oteasure in eta tin?.' for dieueiicju 01 iiio! wnoin 11 may concern, that mv

ten Kax-ininwiii- y noil lorx ol - --pjeecnrwas riven op as past recovery rv onr famiitr. DhI- -

cia.i; but fbriun.att ly 1 was recommended by a triendio iry your oar.-?ip- mui. ieiore navin used onebotiU hc recovered her speech and waa cnaWetl towalk aliine, to the astoui?htnent of all who were-ac- -

yiainted i'ith the circumstance, yheis now. quitewell ami m much better health than she hnsbeeu tot15 months past. JOSEPH TAYLOR,';

. l-- 'S York ft. Urooilvn.. TWOCHILDKENSAVCD.; ...

Very f?v families indoed in fact we liav notheard of one that used Dr. Town.-eiil'ni?arKpnrilti- i

in time lost any children fie past Kummet, wlülcthose that did iVJt nckenod trml died. 1 he certificatewc puMLdi bclo.w inconclusive evuiencc of its value,and ij only another instance of its saving the lives olchildren: , - - . w'-''- "'

DRi Townsend Vent Str:l had two children cured by your Sarsaparilla of the summer complaint anddysentery; one was only U months old and the other 3 year, - They were very much reduced, and iewexpectcu

.they would die; th-- y were given

.up by- - tw,it I : fl .1 I -

resiiecrat'ic pnyt-icians-. uen ine ooetor miormed

i that we mutt loe them; we resolved to try yourL?.. i .. 1.-- .J I. r u... 1 1 I:.. I

Clliq;;i)JHiia nv iinu uiniu bu iuucu UI, OUl UUH lllvieconfidence; there being so much stuff advertised thatis Worthless; but we aie very thankful that wc did.lor ir. unnouiitedy saved the lives ol both 1 writethis ilia l otuurs may be induced to us it.- Yours, respectfully, JOHN WH-SO- N. Jr.

Myrtle avenue.' Brooklyn, Sept." 13, IS 17.' lAi-- A l ll AblhU.H.'

jaines urrtmmg, ist. one oi tno Assistants inthe Lunatic Asylum, Ulaekwi U's I dand, is the genlleman iken oT in the following tellur: - .

. KllLU.uA I LSM.1 uis is only one ot more man lour i;tmi.cand ca.tfrs

jf rheumatü-u-i tliat Dr. Towiwnd's Saaparilla hatured The most severe and chronic cast a arc. weeklyeradicated by its extraordinary virtues: , ;

bLACKW Eli's IsLA.vp, tit. H,JSI7.ur. l nave suikreu lerniy lor ninr.i.i "vyears wit.i in' rreumansm; coiwderawool tha time

1 could, sh-- tvr work; 1 had tin'

.nio---t . Iis

a itresting uams, and my urnos were terribly swollen1 have used tour bottles tt your barsaparilia, and theyhave oone mt more than one thousand dollars worthof good 1 am so much better. Indeed, I am entirely relieved. You are at liberty to use tin. for the benel.t ut th'j auiicted. , 1 ours, re?pectlully, 'JAMll UMMINGS.

"..' COULD NOT WALK. . .That Dr. Towneud'sarsamiilia isthe. very be?

remedy for female complaiiMihere-i- s no uiputin;ihouse.nis and thousand! Weak and !el)iliiatcdf'iiuiles that . fftjiiiiriiratcd, . b;--; tlu lear-c- twhich lemales are mi bject were mum in the enjoymentof heahh. . New YoRJr.en 25. 1817..

Dr. Townsfmw My will has fur the la-3- t year lieenvery sick, and in a greatly reduced stale of health he- -

iug reduced by a vaiiety ol complaints such as fomales are liable to; siic got so bud at Icngth.tnat fliewas entirely uuabln to walk, and was as helplessa child, wie mnienceu using your Saiaparilla, andshe immediately began to regain her strength, betcomplaints lc't her, and alter taking several lottleshe is restored. Being a cast I have thotijiht

it might do good to publish it. She used a numberot remedies that done her no good previously.

Yours, rtvpccttully, JOHN MULLEN,' &7 Narfoik at.

TO TJIIi lapii:s.MiRCAT FEMALE MEU1CINE.t ... v ... .nr.. i owLjvD s ." ksji rAKiLuA h a soverncrn an

M'w-eif- cure tor nciii',iit consumption, and for thgeneral prostration ui t!ie system no matter whetherihe rciult of innen nt cau.e or causes,, iroduced by irregularity, jiiaesgor accident.

Nothing can be more surprising tban its invigorating effecw on the human hjtme. . Periu; all weakness and lastiti'uie, from taking it at once beeume röbust and full oi er.ergy undents influence. It itrnuf

liatcly-c-Mtiiteract- s the nervelesness of die femalefrnnie. ridvb is the grent cause ol barrenness

It wiil not be expected of us, i. casfs of so delicatel- - nature, tor xhibit cutificates of cures performed, butlraii assure the aiihcted that hundreds ot casiip.e been. reported toua. v

' Dr. Iovnslnd: My wife being greatiyby weakness nud general Iem.jty, and sutlenn contimnllv bv:i;dn and with other difuvultjes, and havin2 knowu-c- u s where your medicine has t flt-cto- i

"real cures; and nl?o hearing it recommended for sueca!es as 1 have doseriN!, I obtained a bottle of yourExtract of Sarsaparilla and followed th directionsvon save mo. In a fhort period it removftl her complaints and restored her to health BHn- - grateful forthohenetrts tho received. I t&ke pleasure iii fhjs ac- -

kllowletigmz it, anil Veccmrj'enJing it to tho public.M. L. MUOUE. cx. of Grand and Lrdiusi-ts- .


Albany, Aug. 17, 1311.

red- - world, by the announcement ot Dr I'ptiani s t,lw.- - -

tuary, tor ths Cure of Piles,-(- a disease that resisted , - '

all fornicr medical trwtimcnt,) has tettled down into H. ;

a thorough conlidem-- , 'that it isa oviiive-an- d peeily . J-- :rofwin all coses ofJtltc, 110.21 tdliu of Blind. Kx- - 7--flrhalir Internal, end ahioMr allwDijea&ea of' the .: .

Stomach and Bowels, suclvpsj .

'"evere and Habitual Cttitveues Dyspepsia, Liv'.; ."

er Complaint, InllarurtThifi .of t!:e, Spleen, Kidncyi,"Bladder, Bowels--: arid Spine: Ulceration of the lntes-- -tines; Flow of Blood i xlte I lead, &e; and for the; Re-- ;lief of Married Women.- - -

. .' "".

Syniptoms; Cause and nature of the Piles, togcther wiUi its conjunctive diseases, will tu, found in ,

ihe pamphlets, to be had of all agents and ;dcalemgratis...- - 1 . ' : ; '... ;

'"- - ; ;VÖLTINTÄ Ry "TJertific ATES."r .'. '! .

'''.-.- '. UmTID tTATA Oj'l'K'E ("."- ..' - . New Yobk, Dec.üth, 1?I7. I ,

Messrs. Wyatt, c- - Ketiuam: (ientJcmenUn- -dcrstnridin2,hat you are th tieneral Agents for thesale of Dr Uphau" Vegetable Llectuary, for the cure " .of tlie Filps, I have deemed it my. duty to volunteera.reeonimcndation in btltalf of that invaluable medi- - "

HOWE'S IIVCKIAN IIOARIIOUN ANDi.viitwnitTroion oui.rnui..nni, f v--v ln betöre the public ia i

SX the west and souih moi e than one yearnd in that1ort space of time: it jias obtained" more renut auoufor'its"oodk qualitie's, certainly of cure, and chenp--

It i3 of the proprietors to sell the CofGiiCa-sd- reasonable; in order that it may lie' in the reaeiiof all to'obtain a remedy, tiat noTriails, (no iichwont as"tnd"i-eve- rmarc ortnoiiLr rt Ol. wnen uouCandy is talked alout,) coring hc most violent ColdjandLorou, and is theretore.oJ'ereu to- - tne suueiiHEami anTicted.'of the WcstttiTd'oulh for tlicir eood.rVtMClNARV COMPL.llJt'ö, Whoopiso Cocuh,CotCS,C 0UGUS,ll OA RSS LSS, 1 xri T'f V7.A.

Bronchitis, Asthma, I DlFFIcrXTYOFEXFtCTOKI'uTHisic. Criorp. - - Sore Throat.- - IatiosAnd general afilictions.oft the Chest and . Lungs,which leads to Consumptiofts, all of wfcich discrjsei!.vield immediately by th6 uje of this valuabl Cofop

J he materials used inltlie preparation are 04 mbestquality, being vegetable and the best white' HaV a Tl a aU"Hi tonr-ijut- . uwy it may oe reui'i unuaiiiyi- -

retteMa tmfe 'nnt orntine article. HOVvh &C.-- " i 1 ' f m "--. -- t

From Henri 31 0T6e.Jlx Judge ol DoMjt of CommonI li. ' . -

rtll'lda is to ccrwfrharA Turve usel the Cough Canjy ot tiuvt. &. VU.(-anu-p- wimcounaence cneerfully Teconimend-i- t to ihote atRiciec with though!

ir.'MORbE.Manut'aciurcri)f Fatcnt- - r.wce Furc dp. A'riumCotaCast Iron FuYitairi,4-'ir- e Engines,-.- " ' -

Cincionati, Atig. 11, ItfIT,. .. D-- FANNÜAI.- -

rrom D.Tuttle.FrcnirietoroItheCity IlotilJMcssrs. How&, Cot..'- '..,.' ..

Gentlemen; If is with aiuch satisfaction thai"have it in mv testjfvto theetiiciencvof VoutCough Candy. I hatfl usei t afid' know it to bf ' a'valuable and certarn remecy :or ooias ana tougtis.and U3 siith commend it to the public. f .

wincinsau.Aiui. u, i--o,

. . u iuii icFrom Wlä.-Voun'- j, Frosiding Elder, of the Met hoüim r. nurwa - ,. '

iiR..Jfjwi: Not lohiM:ice while laboring undethe, influence of a paieluliy Embarrassing hoarseness

occasionea oy com anaeaiviiii-- in uw opeu aira friend handed Ine n piece of your'"-Hoarhoun- d amLiverwort Candy ' from tjieuse ot wtiich t expcfienced ereat and almost inimf diate relief since thenhave frequently used it wit.i trie same benenciat erfects." 1 thcretorc feel no h itance in recommendingTour Candv as a certain necihc tor Coushs, Uoidslloarsness, ,c. ' . . , . .JV.Vl. iUU"iU

. .r: i ot 10

Indiana.- - . W.M. WOOLSEY;Agent,Evsvi!le. , . 110V3!:,ir

;ir-;----'t.''- ; v-- i

ATRAR1TY under ihe head ofjruPatent Medicinlud advetiscm.ijnu"' We ask our reatteTfTto peru?ethe following. K)iw'-g'i-pw- ill profit thereby.

ji'LAt;-- A medicine YbklVtrfictlf sate,' and ma-fii-

e civeh to'ehUdrt frivhvü iili-r inlancv. to advanced agelays under no il ast cohl water, or 'jy kindof food. Furges subduiu fver; dewfroys andexpels worms w llirmvai iol Je success, and. is easily

.adimnistered to cmreu. -

That U fii-- these vt.luah properties, is fear1cjs cd: still claiinin'; th omtiorJil pdvaptagesf irivüuin?miUbulk. and reouiruifnon-!C- t thw

drencluni w hich Worm ten and efer'Vuppo'.'"' Ver- -

mitugc dein ami. . During its oni'iam capcer, it nabeen introduced into many families, where teery oth- -

er known anu access mte ermuugv -- urea umwithout the least suecet-wfwlier- e it has'jij-ompvi- exor !led worms to an almost iitcredible amount.'1 v v"' '

Ilear what the Edit.yofiae Fuilotin ot the Pacificpublish d in Pittfcburgh, Pi-Mi- yu io rlvrynie4fjirrtcierj;C . . 1 . V-- ; S

' I'ln loiiEinrrrna tor airrinimlslieet, the Other day, I calle! in upntv MfWrs. J.' Kiid

rv)-ca- nd remarking that I would fe glad tOxi wurtiany medicinothat really essential! uaridh.-thc- y

furniheJ me with iw?cu cedar ')tn" Dr...M'

t ,r t- - -. i .i f ehone s v orni isju-einew- ici --crtm renilicates. reeling pursuaueu tum u eertihv . v.areirenuine, I took ot the an d lciie home lv the useof my own family. . ,1 gave the firetdav isuial!teaspoonful to Sarah. She was wan-lookin- g aVJ blackuntrer the eyes. She passed wormrv, nie'jisarge as a pipe stem. 1 also. gave a small fCa-sp- i jnfnl!. Samuel. & Ultle, rosychriiked fleshy boy, dtout ÜIyears old. riot as lus eiomacn was ivmpanou. i: j.he w.-- pot-btllie- d, I thought he might have -- rrt;rr.s.v-He

ci itd after more, which I did not h.c fit to giv e blui,but utKn the operation ot tlr s . medicine,- - hrt r.ioiberand tho neighbors were surprised at tue Ttsmr. liepassed nearly a pint of wonnsatotrv-- t ill as big h"tcommon pipe stem. Theri "rastveriit lL--I iljcngave tome' to a little boy ody2year oi'l.audiielpn-e- d

twenty-five- , some eight inches iiuh-figt- ltrute-for- e

fe 1 clear to recomnu od M Lrtue's yermifuge esa for worms. - F, fair y seems dVath: to. tm pi.

FllAEL REL, Jxlitor- -rittOmrgh Feb. 10th, 1.47- - ; . "J. Kipd Sc Co. No. CJ Wool Street; Pittsburgh, nf?w

the sole proprietors of Dr."M. Laiie cvltbrated niedi-eine- s.

All orders must be aillresfxl ii) them. ; ' fJör N. B. Purchasers will please Ixrpartinifar to

inquire for "Dr jV Jjunt'a Anrictnt.Vrorw Sj ttift.or V'rmifugt." .

; .'r -

Sold Wholesale & Retail by -

Cil AWFtVRD IiELU'.'L Majobt-- i KE)ris'ille 1 n.-'

Dy Drugtrifts and Dealers throughout - --

United States. ',

. . - fe- i- v, i; ;.; 1 '

'kv '


iA :

From, be ViiUbur tf.itettr. '

THE past summer 18t7lhs lin ' a veryone. Frequent aud heavy min,f ollowed by

intense and long continued h;at, hadtlicttTect,iu tliefirst plac?,.to promote a raj il growtlj-f-succule-- ut

vegetation, and in thewcconil tojifOduce a rapidof vegetable maHeV-tiVin- g rise to much

mis f'ua and tjckÄ.'ss, disease 'and death,in.' --- is which had heretofore been remarkable fortheir enlubrity. I" ' '

We are credibly informed, 4 meadows,on which the erass was unusäally" henvy, rotted toihe ground anil was not fit to be cyl. In Indiana rindlllinoist thofickueiss s there, K-t-

not enougfiwell ptTaons to attend-upo- n the sick,whose tutf' rings were prcirat led by a want of prop-er remedies, as well as of good hureing. M uch of thissii tiering mighf haw been prevented, litl'cvery farn-l- y

kept on hand a supply of iridicinesuited to coun-

teract the etlects of thw minsiaa, Vith which theat certain times is farrchaVged. In addi

tion to Quinine, (whkh is iu ich general, use as tonet--d no commcnf,) w eXoul l titron;ly urge everyf.imily to keep on hand one or more boxes of "Dn.M'IASE's Liver Fiuts.' ... -

'These Fill arc üö prcscrirv inn of an emineritFh-sicia- n

in Monon"ha!aCo. Virginia, and . were Ufedby him in his private practice as a remedy in billiouscomplaints, br years before lie thought of lleiihgthem to the public Such, rkjivevtr, was the successto the Pills, and so great the n imber irf persons ben-eit- el

by them, that the makinof the quantity requi-sit- e

to supply the increasing demand, began to inter-fere materially with the timo required to attend tohis practice. "To prevent thia he lias made arrange-ments with the hou.--c of J. Ktft) vt Co. No. Od Wood 'Street, Pitt&burg, Fa. to prepare and veid tlieni,where tlu; "genuine may be procured at all times andin any reasonable quantity. . - ' -

Thnse Pills are not recommended n a panacea forall the ills that flesh is heir tc,!but in ad atll-cti'.n- s

uf the Liver and in nil bilious i:oaplaints. thy standwithout a rival. AH who hav ever used them, giveihem the preference overall other Pills, cannot f

persuaded to exchange those i hich they find exri-ilic- e

to be milJ. nj; and efcctuiljor any other, eventhough they nr;y be eusir cod. td or so dratti? asAogo 'throughly day light" ." . ' . .

Preparoir the proprietor by J. KIDD ii. Co whelo-fal- e

Drugist, No. 00 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pe. lo-

wborn ali onlers from a distnme must be directed.Sold al) by our Agents and tie principal DruggisUthrouAoul the Uniujd Stat sind Canada. -

SO-'- N. B. Iurcbnsc rs will jleas-- e be particular andiniwiratbr IVliKe Lxr i'-- , as there arttbtr Pills puriHirtinj-- to I "L-ve- Pdls,". now before- - I v

tne1 purmr.LIT- -

. , r cecI-- w y

w; 11 W.U. 1,T f. I'nfil WCVIU O Ul'llSiiiK lib illiun ijCKAWFORD BELL

Id a in 8b Evansville, lnd. J



eine- - - I have. been 'clnieuxl for many rears with tneitfland have-trie- .rarious remedies, but with no

cfidcts. Indeed, I began to consider my case hope less.But about tlie first of September - last, 1 was prevailedupon by a friend to make a trial of the above namedmedicine; I took his advice, ahd rejoice to sav that I





f 1


.. ..

-- " ii


i ' T




3 4





am not only relieved, but, as 1 believe, perfectly cured., 1 most earnestly recommend it to all who may -

nave the misfortune to be olilicted with that annoy-ing and dangeronsdis?ase. . ' - ; ; .

- . ---v t ry rtf i'ettL-,4-- ;, lrolr-','nt- 1

' ' .. .. . X Ti? A tott$IsfT W'vatt & Ktckam: Gentlemen I amcon- -

Straimnl to give yoo a statement of the benefit I de-rived from uxinij Dr Upham's Electuary, in a case of1 jus, by fo doing. 1 renders benefit to thosewho areieuflering from that troublesome di.eaes.was reduced for Several years by tlie Files so muchthat it was with great difficulty for me to walk or at-tend to my business. -- 1 also suffered from other dis-ca- es,

which wert'juttrcrtif ly troubksoiiie, and whichram pleased to say two boxe ot the Lleciuary entirely removed; and that my health is better nowman it lit been !r many ytar. . it has' done moand my family since more good, aud witli less ex-pense, than the physicians to whom I have appliedor medicine l nave used. . ,

I remain, still in periect health, Y'our ob't serv't," '

. NELSON NEWTON.280 Spring trcct,4-o- r Rcnvrick.

New Y'ork, Nov.- - 15, 13 4- -' - W'ynft & K( Gentlemen I co nsrder 11 a duty which 1 nt only owe to vou. but mrieiiovv beings, to ak in praise ol Dr Lpham's EJec-tuar- y,

o nicirit.injvhich'l think li'as'wrved niyJife, "

and restored me to full health. For several years Iwas afilicted with l ilts, together .with Dysjjopsiaiand a gr neral'disarraug nicnt ot the fyt-tem- .

. 1 em-ployed different physicians,' with no good result, andtiny at last told me they could do no more for me,undsait' t (all biusl die.. 1 thus had given up allhojes ot evun having my health restored, until 1 hadcalled to miud the benefits tint a m-plie- of mine inPhiladelphia (Benjaman Percival) had derived immsevere laiseotchroiii" dysentery, by your medicine,-th- at

I purchased a box, which, to my surprise, aftertaking a few doses, 1 received great relief, ondh-oi- k

God, by continuing its Use. that I aji noA-?rio- d

to perfect health. M US. SARAH T.AMES. J--- ' '. "

-- 1 Mercer street. "

Notice"- -' --The genuine UjJiam's Electuary has hiswritten thus (JCr A. Uoham.M D. The

"hand is aU done w ith a pen. Price $1 a box.old.wliolesalc and retail by VT ATT &. KETCH.

a.u, jji x unon sireeu n X aud bv Urur-mst- a

eraily throughout the United Statesand Cariüdajani)-'4-3 A.C. HALLOCK. Acent

for Ev ansville, lnd.


1 7: "yCllA I;h Jersons having nnonished, or icrsona wish

'A. ing to have dental work done by ihe subscriber,htwi better call and have it attended to, as he does"not expect to remain ift Evansville much longer. ': ma-2- 3 KDW'D GKIFE11 II,


. MACK EKEL1 ( FELS No I. in storeand for sale by JXU. jan .. C L..LL.

."1 HAT BOATFp'fret lonjt. will be r- -' -

JL frplll 7 KVU-SL- N &':O..GA. .

