arthritis in cats

Arthritis in Cats

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Post on 17-Jul-2015



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Arthritis in Cats

causes of arthritis in cats

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- injury- infection- autoimmune disorder- degenerative problem

signs of arthritis in cats

- Lethargic-decreased appetite- Slight limping or favoring one side

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- Slight difficulty getting into/out of litter box

- Less inclination to jump or climb- Reduced grooming

arthritis in cats natural remedies

you can help arthritis cat with homeopathic ingredients which have historically been used to help treat the

symptoms of joint pain.

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HOMEOPATHIC INGREDIENTS: honeybees, Deadly Nightshade, Belladonn, Blue Cohosh or Squaw Root

(woodland herb), autumn crocus, mercury vine or poison vine (poison oak), common rue

best product containing homeopathic ingredients

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Click here to read detailed review of Pet Bounce or

Why Pet Bounce?


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1. contains homeophatic ingredients that will relieving the pain, swelling and stiffness associated with joint problems and arthritis. 

2. liquid. it gets absorbed in the cat’s mouth quickly.3. non-toxic, with no negative side effects

Pet Bounce Ingredients

- Apis mellifica 30C: Formulated from honeybees, Apis mellifica relieves burning, stinging pain and fluid retention

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- Belladonna 6X: Also known as Deadly Nightshade. It has been used by homeopathic experts to treat back pain, swelling and stiffness of the neck, sharp drawing pains and stiffness in joints, trembling legs and swelling of the feet.

- Caulphyllum 6C: Also called Blue Cohosh. It has antispasmodic properties and is useful for treating rheumatic stiffness and pain in the limbs and joints.

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Pet Bounce Ingredients

- Colchicum autumnale 200C: This autumn-blooming flower is known as autumn crocus, and is used in homeopathy to treat the symptoms of gout as well as the convulsive jerking of hands and feet.

- Rhus toxicodendron 200C: Also known as mercury vine or poison vine, poison oak and its kissing cousin, It is useful in the treatment of skin disease, paralysis and rheumatic complaints

- Ruta graveolens 6X: Ruta is also known as Common Rue, it is used to treat joint pain, swelling, stiffness, spasmodic contractions and weakness.

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