arthur murray april 2010 newsletter

APRIL 2010

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Post on 10-Mar-2016




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A newsletter for Arthur Murray South Africa dance enthusiasts.


APRIL 2010

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When dancing the Fox-trot, Waltz or Tango make sure that you dance anti-clockwise around the floor. The swing is a fairly static dance and should be danced clockwise.

Always be polite and wait your turn during a bus stop. Gentleman should always approach the lady at the front of the line. Ladies should not refuse a gentleman. A bus stop is a great opportunity to dance with a variety of people.

Dancing amongst other people is not always easy and the floor can get fairly

crowded. Keep your dis-tance and make your steps smaller if need be. Always apologise after bumping into another per-son.

Never go onto the floor with a drink in your hand. It can lead to some nasty accidents.

Always wear proper dance shoes. Dance shoes are designed to make your dance experi-ence easy and comfort-able and in doing so it also helps improve the experience of your dance partner. (see the advert below if you haven’t yet

managed to treat your feet to a quality pair of shoes).

It is a sign of enjoyment and respect to applaud after each song and to thank your partner for the dance.

It is important to keep to the dress code of each party. Formal attire for men consist of trousers (no jeans) with a jacket or waist coat that is worn with a long sleeve shirt and tie. Formal attire for ladies include a dress and stockings.

Happy dancing!

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Here are a few tips and some advice to follow when you decide to take to the floor.

Arthur Murray gentlemen always ask a lady to dance. Make sure that you fetch a lady at her table and escort her back to her seat afterwards.

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