article 191

Introduction Article 19 of the human rights declaration of 1948 states that Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. The article states that: 1. Everyone shall have the right to hold opinions without interference. 2. Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of his choice. 3. The exercise of the rights provided for in paragraph 2 of this article carries with it special duties and responsibilities. It may therefore be subject to certain restrictions, but these shall only be such as are provided by law and are necessary: (a) For respect of the rights or reputations of others;

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IntroductionArticle 19 of the human rights declaration of 1948 states that Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. The article states that:1. Everyone shall have the right to hold opinions without interference.2. Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of his choice.3. The exercise of the rights provided for in paragraph 2 of this article carries with it special duties and responsibilities. It may therefore be subject to certain restrictions, but these shall only be such as are provided by law and are necessary:(a) For respect of the rights or reputations of others;(b) For the protection of national security or of public order (ordre public), or of public health or morals.

Effect of Oba of Lagos speechThere is no gainsaying the fact that Nigeria is blessed with men and women of integrity as well as heroes and heroines. During the Ebola crisis, we saw how the selflessness, patriotism and dedication to duty of Dr. Stella Adadevoh saved millions of Nigerians from death. Conversely, there was also another member of the medical profession in Port Harcourt, who, unlike Dr. Adadevoh, put his own interest first, breached the ethics of the medical profession and caused the death of some Nigerians.Nigeria, and indeed the world, witnessed another heroic deed following the March 28 presidential election, when the incumbent President, Goodluck Jonathan, conceded defeat and congratulated his challenger, Muhammadu Buhari, even before the final result was declared by the Independent National Electoral Commission. That singular act saved the lives of many Nigerians. I happened to pass through Ojuelegba, Oshodi and Mushin areas of Lagos on the days immediately following the election and everywhere was peaceful not one bonfire or protest group. Why? Because the man at the top had made it clear that the peaceful coexistence of the various entities which make up Nigeria was more important than any vested interest or political ambition. That singular act made it clear to all that anyone who went into the streets to foment trouble was on his own.The recent comment attributed to the Oba of Lagos, Oba Rilwanu Akiolu, to the effect that Igbo residents in Lagos should vote for his favourite candidate, Mr. Akinwunmi Ambode, of the All Progressives Congress or perish in the lagoon, is most unfortunate. The Oba has, by his comment, as affirmed by many, fanned the embers of hate and ethnicity in the state. I feel compelled to write this piece because of what I observed in a particular office, after the comment was made public. Colleagues, who had hitherto worked harmoniously, were pitted against one another. Small groups were formed, some lauding the Obas comments and stating that it was high time the Igbo were put in their place while others were condemning it in strongest of terms. What bothered me was the fact that some of the people making the hate comments were educated people who ought to know better. I then wondered what was happening in the marketplaces, Lagos State establishments, buses, hospitals, etc.On its part, the Igbo-bi-Nezi Congress, a socio-cultural group in Lagos, expressed shock over the Obas threat against the Igbos in the state. In a statement signed by Chief Christopher Ihejirika, Director General of the body, and Jonathan Agumadu, Publicity Secretary, it said: We at the Igbo-Bi-Nezi Congress woke up this morning to read, with shock, in nearly all the national dailies, a cowardly statement credited to the Oba of Lagos, Rilwan Akiolu, conveying serious threats to Igbo voters who live and work in Lagos. We feel thoroughly disappointed that a highly placed traditional ruler would be so misinformed and that he had to permit so much hatred for our people and, also to his own subjects. Akinwunmi Ambode and Jimi Agbaje are both Yorubas of Lagos State origin who are seeking popular mandate for the number one office in the state on the platforms of APC and PDP. For the benefit of those who may not have read Oba Akiolus rather unfortunate threats, which adorned the front pages and early pages of some leading national dailies today, April 6, 2015, the utterances as published, could steer trouble, create bad blood, and promote anarchy in his domain. The group condemned in its entirety, the statement made by the Oba of Lagos against Ndigbo. It however called on all Ndigbo to be law abiding, go about their lawful duties and businesses, vote their conscience, but remain eternally vigilant. It further warned that the group would hold Oba Akiola responsible for whatever untoward that happens to Ndigbo in Lagos State, and called on the international community to take note, including but not limited to the International Criminal Court (ICC) at The Hague. Also, the Catholic Church yesterday cautioned the Oba of Lagos against inflammatory comments against Igbos living in Lagos over the forthcoming governorship election. Reacting to the Obas threat, the Caritas Nigeria and Justice Development and Peace Commission of the Catholic Church said the comments were derogatory, particularly coming from a royal father. According to the church, We are totally shocked to read about the threat handed down by Oba Akiolu to the Igbos in Lagos. The church questioned why the Oba singled out a particular ethnic group for his outburst? Does it mean a Yoruba or Hausa person living in Lagos who votes for Jimi Agbaje will go scot free but any Igbo who votes for Agbaje will drown in the Lagoon? Does it mean that people should vote out of fear and not their consciences? Would such an election be free and fair, where people have to vote out of intimidation? Does not the threat of the Oba Akiolu amount to voter intimidation? it asked. The church called on the Oba to withdraw his curse and rather appeal to the people, for indeed, such a threat may amount to playing God and God who is a merciful father will not allow his children to die so senselessly just because they were fulfilling the dictates of their conscience. In another reaction, an Igbo group, Igbo Professionals Lagos (IPL), described as unacceptable, regrettable and unfortunate comments credited to the Oba of Lagos. IPL, in a statement yesterday by its Convener, Mazi Chigo Ukatah, said: This insult on the Igbo is getting out of hand. Were shocked to read the vituperations ascribed to an ordinarily royal father who in the first instance should be apolitical and a father to all. Were further confounded that the Oba of Lagos, who should know the meaning of democracy has gone above board to declare what we consider should engulf the nation in yet another civil war. Yourubas and Igbos have been living harmoniously together but this callous, unguarded statement of a father for all has shown the type of father he is. We state unequivocally, that the Igbos who are industrious, law-abiding citizens of Lagos State will not constitute nuisance to the law but would not be pushed to the wall by anybody. Joining others to condemn the Obas threat against the Igbos in Lagos were civil rights society groups and former Deputy National Chairman of the PDP, Chief Bode George, who criticised the monarch for his unsavoury statement. George said the traditional ruler owes the Igbo people an apology, because with the esteemed position he occupies, he should not have been partisan. Im advising him to back down and apologise to the Igbos in Lagos. Nobody can threaten them. This is uncalled for. Let me assure all non-indigenes, especially the Igbos, nobody can decree the day you will die. It is just an empty threat. So Im calling on the non-indigenes, particularly Igbos, to come out en-mass and vote for the PDP in the April 11 governorship and state assembly elections, George urged. In the same vein, leaders of notable Yoruba socio-political groups: the National Publicity Secretary of Afenifere, Mr. Yinka Odumakin; Razaq Oladosu (Oodua Democratic Coalition); Segun Aka-Bashorun (Project Change Nigeria); Kolawole Onifade (Oodua Nation in Diaspora); Francis Abayomi (Yoruba Think-Tank); Makanjuola Muhammed (Oodua Youth Congress); Ambassador Kunle Adeshokan (Federation of Yoruba Consciousness and Culture); Alhaji Tunde Abioye (Yoruba Soveriegn Defense Agenda); and Kola Are of the United Self-determination Platform of Oodua, all disagreed with the Obas astatement. According to Odumakin, who addressed journalists at his Otedola Estate office, If he (Oba Akiolu) denies the statement in which he was extensively quoted, it means the reporter who wrote the story qualifies as the greatest fabricator in the Guinness Book of Records. We doubt his denials. We see it as damage control tactics. His actions and statements have been very crude, indecent, un-royal and it is un-Yoruba in every way. We are waiting for the media organisations that published the story to stand by what they have published. He urged all Igbo residents in Lagos to vote according to the dictates of their conscience. However, a Lagos-based tourism expert and an indigene of Abia State, Mr. Charles Ukomadu, in another statement, called on his kinsmen to ensure that they do not make enemies with the political class in the state over frictions that are traceable to politics. Very soon, politics will be over and we will continue our businesses here in Lagos. So it is best that we are not seen as a problem to any of the parties ahead of the elections. But I will also want us to remember that the APC, which has been at the helms of affairs in Lagos has not been discriminatory against our people, he said. Preceding the reaction by various groups, were the comments on the social media where the Obas statement generated a major backlash for him and the APC. Expectedly, his remarks generated a huge controversy, pitting Igbos against the Yorubas, with a majority condemning the statement on the social media. One Yemi Adebowale said: Now that Oba Akiolu has choose (sic) to play God over the people of Lagos state, he has forgotten Pharaoh, Herod, Nebuchadnezzar, etc. I hope he will be ready to compete with God almighty himself who has the power to make kings and dethrone them too. This is a big disgrace from a monarch. One Uko Francis replied: And on this note, I hereby call on all Igbos, Ijaws, Ibibios, Aniomas, Igbirras, Tivs, Idomas, Binis, and all non-haters of true democracy to vote for Jimi Agbaje, so that we can truly show he is a bastard indeed. Taking offence at Ukos choice of language, one Akomolafe Akolade said: Omo ale ni e o Francis (meaning you are a bastard Francis). You are calling a first class Oba in Nigeria a bastard? Highly disappointed in you no matter how rational your sentences are. Can you call your father a bastard or has he been always right in all of his decisions? Please refrain from comments like this for your own sake. There were still some like Otito Dara who expressed disbelief that a highly placed traditional ruler could have made such a statement. His comment read: The Oba of Lagos could not have said this, I dont think a highly revered Oba could have said this. Yorubas are not ethnic haters and as such this report should be dismissed. Another who simply identified himself as Shola Holdings said: We should thank him. He only helped Jimi Agbaje. No true son of Lagos/Yoruba land will be happy with a paramount ruler who stoops this low. Another commenter called the Masked One said: The Oba has unwittingly shot himself in the foot for I foresee a protest vote against his candidate Ambode. His unguarded utterance only goes on to prove that there is more to the contest for who owns Lagos than meets the eye. Thank God the ICC chiefs are still in Nigeria and this irresponsible outburst from Emperor Akiolu will not escape their attention. Also, former Minister of Education, Mrs. Oby Ezekwesili, in her reaction to the clarification provided by the palace on behalf of the Oba, said that the statement merely raised more questions instead of clarifying issues. That rebuttal just released from the palace of the Oba of Lagos does not persuade at all. That clarification rather raises more questions. The Oba should personally calm all anxieties by speaking openly and directly to this saga. His message is lost in transmission for now. Shame on anyone responding based on ethnic/political sentiments to beat down scrutiny of the Oba of Lagos saga. We must be collective in values. Can the Palace officially provide clips of the meeting between the Oba of Lagos and Ndi Igbo? Surely those ubiquitous IT recordings of events can be found, she said. Many others who shared her sentiments were also quite vocal on the issue, pointing out that the Oba skirted around the issue

Obas Response to the hate speechMy attention has been drawn to a publication in a national newspaper where HRM Oba Riliwanu Akinolu was alleged to have threatened Igbos in Lagos to make them vote for Ambode. Last Sunday, all honorary Eze Ndigbos in Lagos paid a courtesy call to HRM Oba Akinolu. At the meeting the visitors praised the Oba for his fatherly support for and cooperation with Igbos in. Lagos. They assured him of their continued good neighborliness with other tribes in Lagos and support everything thatll further strengthen that harmony.Oba Akiolu on his part acknowledged the enviable performance of Governor Fashola and his contribution to the growth of investments in Lagos. He gave the assurance that he is not disturbed or angry with South-East and South- South votes for President Jonathan as perceived by the Eze Ndigbos. The Obas thereafter called on the Igbos chiefs to show appreciation to Lagos State by supporting his candidate Mr. Ambode for continuity of excellence as they have earlier promised.He assured them of his continued support and assistance where needed and the meeting ended with the traditional breaking of kolas, alligator pepper, and bitter kola and pouring of liberation on the ground. It was within this context that that the tradition of Lagos with regard to the lagoon came up. It was noted that whoever works against the throne and the interest and peaceful co-existence of Lagos would end up in the lagoon as per tradition.Oba Akiolu stated further that the Igbo people have not betrayed the throne. Lagos has also not betrayed the Igbo people. Lagos has done so much to make the Igbos comfortable and to prosper. For this, we expect reciprocal respect and understanding. The Oba of Lagos prays that the Lagoon and the throne will continue to bless and protect all those who reside and visit Lagos.Oba Akiolu is the father of all irrespective of tribe, religion or political persuasion. In Lagos, we have an old traditional proverb that relates to the Lagoon. The Lagoon is unique to Lagos. The proverb stresses the need for unity and understanding when you do business in an environment and in this case when you live and do business in Lagos. Oba Akiolu prays for peace for the land of Lagos and prosperity for all its inhabitants.

ConclusionIt is gratifying to note that the APC has denounced the Obas statement and that the Department of State Services has warned against unguarded and divisive statements. But these are not enough. The Obas utterance has done untold damage to Lagos State and, if a clear signal is not sent now, the effects will reverberate to other states and could mar our democracy. His statement has given the Area boys a veritable excuse for hate attacks against the non-indigenes should the feared happen. The Oba should be made to urge his followers not to, in any way, antagonise or attack any Igbo or non-indigene during and after the election.The security agencies should also caution the Oba specifically and not in general terms. The Independent National Electoral Commission Chairman, Prof. Attrahiru Jega, while cautioning Godsday Orubebe after his outburst during the collation of the March 28, 2015 election results, said that Orubebe, as a statesman ought to watch his utterances in order not to scuttle the largely peaceful electoral process. The same advice holds true for the Oba and others in positions of authority.

REFERENCES akiolu%E2%80%99s-comment-igbos-ahmed-olayinka-sule-cfa