article marketing robot_instructions_how_to

Article M arketing RobotInstructions – How To

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Post on 18-May-2015




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Article Marketing Robot Instructions– How To

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These instructions explain all the various components of Article Marketing Robot.

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The File Menu

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Open Database is handy if you want to run Article Marketing Robot on multiple computers (two computers per unlock code) and store the

database on a central server.

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Exit quits Article Marketing Robot.

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Scheduler opens the "Scheduler" screen.

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Import Site List opens the "Import Site List" screen. This allows you to import a list of

article directories that you have compiled.

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SpinText'er opens the "Spin Text'er" screen. Here, you can create spin syntax of a list of keywords or urls or whatever you want.

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Options opens the "Options" screen.

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Instructions brings you to this exact page you are reading now.

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Get Unlock Code brings you to the buy section of the Article Marketing Robot website.

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Enter Unlock Code opens the "Enter Unlock Code" screen.


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SchedulerNote about the Scheduler - Your PC has to be

on for scheduling to occur. If you turn your PC off, then scheduling will resume where it left

off then next time you power on your PC. (See Tools - Options for "Load AMR when Windows


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Scheduler1. The Account column is the email address that is associated with your Author Account.


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2. The Article column is the article you are submitting.


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3. The Sites column is the number of sites you are submitting to.


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4. The Schedule column displays how many sites per hour Article Marketing Robot will

submit it.


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5. The Successful column is how many successful submits have been made so far.


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6. The Failed column is how many failed submits have been made so far.


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7. The Error State column displays the current situation of the submission. If there is an

error, you can hit the Repair button to fix it.


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8. Run Schedule When Done will start scheduling when you hit the OK button.


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9. The Delete button will delete the highlighted schedule.


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10. The Repair button will repair the highlighted schedule if it is an error state

(Articles Not Spun, Article is Missing)


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Buttons Not Show in the Above Graphic:Export - Will create a .csv file of the scheduler

grid that you see. 

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Finalize Submission - Will run the selected schedule to completion - In other words, will

complete the schedule  

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Now! - Will bring the next submit up to right now for the selected schedule. Once it

completes the submit, it will return back to its normal scheduled process.


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Import Site List


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Import Site List

If you find or own several (or one) arrticle directories that aren't in the site list, simply

add it here. Just enter one site per line, and hit OK. AMR

will detect what site type it is and add it to the list.

Note, directories must allow user registration for them to get accepted.


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The SpinText'er (version +)


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The SpinText'er (version +)

This handy tool is quite simple to use. Simply enter anything you like per line, and

click Do it! As you can see in the image above, the 4

words get quickly converted into usable spin text in the output box.

Simply highlight the output and right-click it, copy. Then you can paste it where you like.


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The URL'er (version


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The URL'er (version

Similar to the SpinText'er, the URL'er allows you to create spin text out of mulitple URLs

and multiple anchor texts.As shown in the example about, all you need

to do is enter an item, one per line, and hit the Do it! button.

Highlight the output, right-click and select copy. Then you can paste the output anywhere

in your article. (recommended the resource box)



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The Quick Dashboard


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The Quick Dashboard

1. This dropdown box is where your Author Account email address are listed.

2.This drop-down is the list of articles that relate to the selected email address are stored.

3. This is a quick overview of how many directories are available in AMR, and the

number of OK's and Published.  


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Step 1 - Create Author Account



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Step 1 - Create Author AccountThis list is reserved for Author Accounts. This image only shows one, but it can contain an

unlimited number of Author Accounts.



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Step 1 - Create Author Account



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Step 1 - Create Author AccountOn the right-hand side of Step 1 you will get

three buttons. Del, Add, and Save.1. The Del button deletes the currently

highlighted Author Account. 2. The Add button allows you to add an Author

Account to the list. 3. The Save button saves your Author

Account. Navigating to other parts of the software will prompt you if you want to save

your Author Account changes.  



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Step 1-A: Author Account Info


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Step 1-A: Author Account Info


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Step 1-A: Author Account InfoWhen an Author Account is selected in the list, this section of Step 1 will display the details that relate to that Author Account.


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Step 1-A: Author Account Info

Author Account Best Practices


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Step 1-A: Author Account Info

Author Account Best Practices Use an email that resides on your own domain

(eg: a cpanel email)


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Step 1-A: Author Account Info

Author Account Best Practices Use an email that is semi-throw away because

some article directories have a tendency to send spam.


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Step 1-A: Author Account Info

Author Account Best Practices The Password is the password you want to

use to log in to the article directory with. It is not the password to the email account.


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Step 1-A: Author Account Info

Author Account Best Practices Ensure that the password is at least 8

characters, with one upper-case and one number. EG: Password1


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Step 1-A: Author Account Info

Author Account Best Practices If you are using gmail, ensure that the Email is

an @gmail address. See next point.


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Step 1-A: Author Account Info

Author Account Best Practices DO NOT USE GOOGLE ACCOUNTS. If you

have a domain with gmail hosted email, forget it. Create a new gmail account instead. It's a

lot less of a headache.


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Step 1-A: Author Account Info

Author Account Best Practices Fill in ALL information. The only one that isn't

ever used is Fax.


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Step 1-A: Author Account Info

Author Account Best Practices Ensure that your First and Last name is

UNIQUE. AMR uses this as a Pen Name. If this pen name already exists on an article

directory, posting will fail.


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Step 1-A: Author Account Info

Author Account Best Practices Ensure that your user-name will be unique. You can add some numbers in it if you are



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Step 1-A: Author Account Info

Author Account Best Practices Don't feel the need to be "truthful" with your data. You can be as anonymous as you like,

and fake information is OK.


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Step 1-B: POP3 Setup


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Step 1-B: POP3 Setup

This is the POP portion of the Author Account. Here you will set up your incoming email

settings so that AMR can check and confirm the emails that are sent during the sign-up



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Step 1-B: POP3 Setup

Test Pop3 - AMR will attempt to log into your POP account based on the settings you have



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Step 1-B: POP3 Setup

Reset History - AMR stores the history of your POP download during the confirmation

process so it doesn't re-download emails. If for some reason you want to re-confirm your emails, simply click the Reset History button

and AMR will then allow you to re-download all emails stored on your email server.



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Step 1-B: POP3 Setup

POP3 Best PracticesBased on most user demographics, we have included a drop-down that will help autofill

your POP3 information based on your account type. For example, if you are using a non-

secure cpanel email account hosted on your own domain, you would simply select CPanel Non-Secure in the Autofill Dropdown (Attempt

Pop Autofill)


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Step 1-B: POP3 Setup

POP3 Best Practices

AMR will fill in the required details except your password.


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Step 1-B: POP3 Setup

POP3 Best Practices

If you are using email hosting that is not in the drop down, that's OK All you need to do is a

quick Google search to find your POP settings and enter them into the form.


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Step 1-B: POP3 Setup

POP3 Best Practices

Do not use an email that is also being used by an email software such as Outlook or Outlook Express. Most of the time these software's are

configured to download and delete the messages from the server. If the software

deletes the messages, then AMR has nothing to check, therefore negating the confirmation



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Step 1-B: POP3 Setup

POP3 Best Practices

If you are using a Gmail account, you need to ensure that you have allowed pop access in

your gmail account settings. Also, you need to ensure that Delete Messages from server is checked as gmail only allows around 200

emails to be downloaded from the server at a time. This means that you will need to hit the

confirmation button several times, but the emails need to be deleted for the next batch to

be downloaded.


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Step 2 - Create Article


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Step 2 - Create ArticleThis is the main menu for creating an article.

This is not to be confused with the Article Editor.


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Step 2 - Create Article

The Default Folder. Every Author Account has this and it can not be edited. Whenever you

add, copy, or import an article, they will go to the Default folder


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Step 2 - Create Article

This is what a typical article looks like. The number (11 in this case) is the article ID, and it

is always unique, and used for database purposes only.


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Step 2 - Create Article

You can multi-select articles for various purposes. If you want to submit multiple

articles, simply highlight several, or ctrl-click them. Then click the Step 3 Tab and choose

your submission options. Also, you may notice that these two articles are in the tab names "Submitted Nov 30". See next point.


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Step 2 - Create ArticleYou can right-click into the article list to get a right-click menu. The options are as follows:

Add Folder - You can add a folder, like the "Submitted Nov 30" folder shown here.

Add Article -Allows you to add an article.Delete Article - Deletes the highlighted

article(s). Move to Folder - If you have several folders,

you can move all highlighted article(s).Move to Account - If you have multiple

accounts, you can move the highlighted article(s) to a different Author Account.


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Step 2 - Create ArticleOn the right side of Step 2, you have 6

command buttons.


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1. Copy will copy the highlighted article(s) and place them in the default folder.


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2. Import will allow you to load a .AMR file into the software.


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3. Export will allow you to export a selected article and save it to your hard drive in the

form of a .AMR file. 

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4. Del will delete the selected article(s).  

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5. Add will allow you to add an article.  

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6. Edit will allow you to edit a selected article.  

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Step 3 - Select Targets - Overview


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Step 3 - Select Targets – Overview

This screen is the most complicated out of all the steps. It allows you to refine the targets

(article directories) down based on a variety of filtering options.


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Step 3 - Select Targets – Overview

The Target List


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Step 3 - Select Targets – Overview


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Step 3 - Select Targets – OverviewIn this image, you will see a variety of columns, explained from left to right:


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Step 3 - Select Targets – Overview

1.Sel. - (Select) This is a check box that needs to be checked in order for AMR to sign up and

submit to targets. Some other functions require targets to be selected as well.


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Step 3 - Select Targets – Overview

2. ID is the id number of the target. This is used for database purposes only.


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Step 3 - Select Targets – Overview

3. URL is the website address of the target. Note that the HTTP:// and the WWW. has been

stripped out.


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Step 3 - Select Targets – Overview

4. PR is the Google page-rank of the site.


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Step 3 - Select Targets – Overview

5. Type is the directory type. Most directories follow various scripts that are available for

download on the internet.


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Step 3 - Select Targets – Overview

6. The Status indicates what step your Sign Up process is on for a selected Author Account. None means that nothing has happened yet, Email means waiting for email confirmation, and OK means the Author Account is signed

up, and ready to go.


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Step 3 - Select Targets – Overview

7. Pub stands for Published. This indicates whether an article has been published for a selected Author Account and Article. It can

show either Yes, No, or Fail. For any of these flags, you can hit the Result button to view the submission page that Article Marketing Robot


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Step 3 - Select Targets – Overview

8. The Health is the overall health of the article directory. This is affected by several factors,

including successful and failed submits, sign-ups and email confirmations, and also 404


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Step 3 - Select Targets – Overview

9. Quick Result gives you a brief overview of what happened during the last process.

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Step 3 - Select Targets – Overview

10. Category is the category that the article will be submitted to.

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Step 3 - Select Targets – Overview

11. SortCat is the click-able sortable version of the Category. Due to limitations with VB.Net,

you can't sort by drop-down combo-box

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Filter Settings

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Filter Settings

Based on the Target List columns, you can adjust what you want to see to help narrow

down where you submit your articles to.The only difference is that Director Groups are

not listed in the Target List. Director Groups are assigned in the

right-click menu of the Target List.

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Select Dropdown

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Select DropdownThis drop-down box allows you to select (Sel. /

Check) various items in the target list.1.All will check all the items in the list

2.None will uncheck all the items in the list 3.All Highlighted will check all items that are

highlighted (blue) in the list 4.None Highlighted will uncheck all items that

are highlighted (blue) in the list 5.Highlight All will highlight all items in the list 6.Highlight None will DE-highlight all items in

the list

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Search Targets

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Search Targets

This box allows you to search for targets based on URL and ID number. The ">" arrow allows you to find the next target based on

your current search criteria.

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Sites / Refresh

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Sites / Refresh

Sites allow you to filter out or include sites that you want to see in the target list.

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Sites / Refresh

1. AD = Article Dashboard.2. AF = Article Friendly.

3. WP = WordPress Articlesss.4. AMS = ArticleMS

5. ARB = Article Beach.6. BLOGS = Your own Wordpress Blogs (Note

the square around word Blogs - this is a button that will open a window to allow you to

add your own WP blogs).

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Sites / Refresh

7. MISC = Article directories that don't follow a script such as AD or AF. Sites like

EzineArticles, GoArticles and ArticlesBase fall under this category.

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Sites / Refresh

8. ALL = Will check all sites if it is checked and uncheck all sites if it is unchecked.

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Sites / Refresh

The Refresh button applies all settings for Sites and Filter Settings, redraws the target


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Targets Right Click Menu

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Targets Right Click Menu

The first thing you must realize is that using this menu is completely optional. This

function was introduced as a means to reduce the number of miss-categorized submissions, and it also gives the user more control over

what category their article will be submitted to.

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Targets Right Click Menu

If you already have comma delimited categories assigned in your article, then AMR

will attempt to fill in the most relevant category. If a category is not found, AMR will

randomly select one. This behavior can be overridden in the Save Categories dialog.

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Targets Right Click Menu

1. Detect Categories will attempt to set each target's category in the list with what is

defined in the comma delimited categories defined in the article.

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Targets Right Click Menu

2. Apply Saved Categories will open the Select Saved Categories dialog and then apply

the selected category group to the list.

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Targets Right Click Menu

3. Save Categories allows you to save your chosen categories to a Niche or Name for

future application to various articles.

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Targets Right Click Menu

4. Update Categories will log into each selected (checked) target in the list. It is

required that you have and OK status with each account to update the category for that


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Targets Right Click Menu

5. Download AMR Cats - This is an alternative to Update Categories. AMR will download the category list and overwrite what is stored on

your computer. This list is updated as often as possible, but my not be as current as what can

be achieved using the Update Categories function.

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Select Saved Categories

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Select Saved Categories

Select your the category name. This will be applied to the current directory list for the one

or more highlighted articles.

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Targets Right Click Menu - Directory Groups

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Targets Right Click Menu - Directory Groups

Directory Grouping is handy if you want to include or exclude certain types of categories.

For example, if you have found certain sites that only pertain to pets/animals, then maybe you would want to make a group of them so that you only submit your pet related articles

to those sites.This option is quite self-explanatory, so at this

point, instructions aren't available.

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Targets Right Click Menu - Blacklist Options

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Targets Right Click Menu - Blacklist Options

When you highlight one or more directories, you have the option to blacklist them. This is useful if you find the directory to be a culprit unsuccessful, never publishes, or you just

have a general disliking for it. By using the Show Blacklisted dialog, you can

"un-blacklist" sites so they show up in your site list again.

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Targets Right Click Menu - Reports

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Targets Right Click Menu – ReportsThe most sought after feature for any link submission utility is the ability to find the

URL's of where their links reside. As an SEO expert, this is important to myself as well, so I

introduced the LiveLinks Function.LiveLinks logs into your Author Account and

looks for approved articles. If found, it produces a report. More can be found here

(forgive the older looking interface - functionality remains intact).

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Targets Right Click Menu – Reports

The Simple report outputs the exact same data you see in the list, minus a few details.

Author Feeds attempts to guess and output the URL's to all the author feeds that you have submitted to. NOTE - you must successfully submit at least one article to each directory

you want the author feed to report.

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Targets Right Click Menu - Mark As

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Targets Right Click Menu - Mark As

At any time you can mark one or more highlighted article directory as either OK,

Email, or None. The reason you might want to mark an

Email/OK directory as NONE is to either re-sign-up to the site, or perhaps a CAPTCHA

cracking service.Another reason why you may mark as OK is if

you inadvertently confirmed a site email confirmation request.

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View and Command Buttons

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View and Command Buttons

The View dropdown toggles between the text output during the signup/confirm/submit

process and the browser window that you see during startup.

Sign Up will signup your author account to all the selected (checked) article directories in

Step 3.

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View and Command Buttons

Confirm will confirm the emails that are sent to the specified author account email address. Please ensure that the email account in Step

1-A matches the settings for Step 1-B,Submit will submit the highlighted article sin

Step 2 to the selected (checked) articles directories in Step 3. When you hit the Submit

button, you will then be directed to the Pre-Submit screen.

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Pre-Submit Screen

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Pre-Submit Screen

This screen lets you set up your scheduling for your selected article submission.

The layout is pretty self explanatory. You can either mass submit all at once, or set up using

a set schedule.

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Article Writing Best Practices This section won't be about how to write the

perfect article that induces call-to-action.

Instead, basic technical details that should be addressed.

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Article Writing Best Practices 1. Many article directories require an article that is 500 words or more, although in my

experience, most are happy with anything > 400

2. Don't put HTML in your body. That includes UL, EM, B, STRONG, A, and the rest. NO

HTML. That is - unless you want more failed submissions

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Article Writing Best Practices 3. Limit your resource links to a max of 2.4. Spin your content using an intelligent

spinning solution - most likely your BRAIN - or else expect never to get published.

5. Avoid the following words in any portion of your article, or naturally, any spammy type

words: porn, viagra, penis, gamble, roulette, blackjack, swears, etc.

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Article Writing Best Practices

6. Keep summary under 300 characters, and unique from body content

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Article Editor Right Side Controls

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Article Editor Right Side ControlsThis section is compressed to save space for

these instructions.

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Article Editor Right Side Controls

1. The Title, Summary, Body, Resource, and Keywords are essential fields to an article. All

thesaurus controls apply to all these fields except the keywords field.

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Article Editor Right Side Controls

2. Comma Delimited Categories are the categories that your article will belong to. You may enter shortened versions of the category

you are looking for. For example, for "business" you can enter "bus" (no quotes) and for "Blogging", you can enter "blog". If

after all comma delimited categories are attempted by Article Marketing Robot and not

found, the software will chose a random category to submit to.

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Article Editor Right Side ControlsAlternatively, if you have gone throughout the

"Save Categories" process, you can simply select the saved categories in the drop-down

box located to the right of the comma delimited categories box.

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Article Editor Right Side Controls3. Colored Text option will color the text to

separate spin syntax from non-spin syntax. It helps make a seed article easier to read.

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Article Editor Right Side Controls4. The Thes button will find synonyms for the selected highlighted word in a given article

section. You can also double-click a word to get the same effect.

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Article Editor Right Side Controls5. This is the Undo button. Undo your last


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Article Editor Right Side Controls6. This is the Redo button. Redo any Undo


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Article Editor Right Side Controls7. This is the Reduce Font button. This will make readability easier in the article editor.

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Article Editor Right Side Controls8. This is the Increase Font button. This will make readability easier in the article editor.

9. The +Syntax button will add spin syntax (eg: {word1|word2] ). This works well if you want to have multiple variations of sentences. Simply highlight what you want to add syntax to, then

hit the button.

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Article Editor Right Side Controls10. The Spin button will spin your articles and

save them to a folder. When spinning is complete, you will be given the option to view

the folder they reside in. 11. The Preview button will make a spun

variation of your article and display it in your web browser the way it would show in an

article directory.

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Article Editor Right Side Controls12. The OK button will save your article and go

back to the main screen. 13. The Cancel button will go back to the main

screen without saving your article.

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Article Editor Left Side Controls

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Article Editor Left Side Controls1. The Definition / Context list shows a list of definitions for the word you are trying to find synonyms for. You will also see result from the Local Thesaurus and Related words that aren't quite synonyms, but close. When you click on any of the items in the list, the Word List will be populated with synonyms that are

relevant to the definition you selected.

2. This spot is for adding your own word.3. The Add button adds the word.

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Article Editor Left Side Controls4. The Word List is the list of words that are related to the selected Definition / Context.

You can Double-Click or click the Use button to add it to your spin syntax.

5. The LookUp button will find synonyms for the selected word in the Word List.

6. The Use button will add the selected word to the spin syntax in the article.

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Article Editor Left Side Controls* NOTE * Using or adding a word will be added

to the Groups / Previously Used section.

7. The Groups / Previously Used list is a list of previously spin syntax words that you have used. This is handy when you have several

synonyms that are closely related by definition.

8. The E button stands for Edit. This opens the "Synonym Group Editor" screen.

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Article Editor Left Side Controls9. The X button will delete the highlighted

word group. 10. The Find Next button works with both the

Mass Replacer and the Thes button. When using the Thes button, it will find the next word in the article that you just looked up.

When using the Mass Replacer, it will find the next word that has a Synonym Group

associated with it. 11. The Replace button will replace the word in

the article with the highlighted Synonym Group.

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Article Editor Left Side Controls12. The Replace All button will replace the all

words in the article with the highlighted Synonym Group.

13. The Mass Replace button will begin Mass Replacing. Article Marketing Robot will search

the entire article for words that have a Synonym Group associated with them, then

stop and wait for you to either Replace, Replace All, or Find Next. Note that the button will change to Stop Mass Replacer, to end the

process. 14. When using the Find Next button, you can

Search Inside Spin Syntax to potentially replace words with Synonym Groups.

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Edit Synonym Groups

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Edit Synonym Groups1. This section shows what the current

Synonym Group will look like.2. This list is all the words that are in the

Synonym Group.3. The Add button allows you to add a word to the Synonym Group. It will blank out the text

box (point 5).

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Edit Synonym Groups4. The Remove button will remove the

highlighted word from the Synonym Group. 5. The text-box allows you to either add a word

or edit an existing highlighted one. 6. The Update button will update the word in

the Synonym Group list.

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LiveLinks - Approved Article URL ExtractionInstructions on how to extract approved article


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LiveLinks - Approved Article URL ExtractionInstructions on how to extract approved article

URL'sEnsure that your filtering looks like points 1

and 2, then hit the refresh button.Once the Article Directory list refreshes, click the ALL button so that all sites get checked


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LiveLinks - Approved Article URL ExtractionInstructions on how to extract approved article


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LiveLinks - Approved Article URL ExtractionInstructions on how to extract approved article

URL'sRight-click into the Article Directory list to

reveal the options as shown above.Mouse over Reports, then click LiveLinks.

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LiveLinks - Approved Article URL ExtractionInstructions on how to extract approved article


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LiveLinks - Approved Article URL ExtractionInstructions on how to extract approved article

URL'sThere are several options available here. You can either export the report as HTML, CSV or

RSS XML for aggregation.

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LiveLinks - Approved Article URL ExtractionInstructions on how to extract approved article


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LiveLinks - Approved Article URL ExtractionInstructions on how to extract approved article

URL'sThis is an example of the CSV output.

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OptionsThesaurus - Contextual: When using the

Article Editor, this will get and sort synonyms by definition. Article Marketing Robot must go out to the internet to get these results, so the

thesaurus will run slower.

Thesaurus - Local File: This will load synonym results from a file that is stored on your

computer when you installed Article Marketing Robot.

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OptionsCaptcha Cracking allows you to use the

Decaptcher or Death By Captcha service. If left unchecked, you will need to enter your

captchas manually.

The Test button will attempt to retrieve your balance from the selected service.

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OptionsConvert UTF-8 to Ascii is left checked, but if

you are using foreign language with accented characters, uncheck it.

Threading refers to how many concurrent processes are executed at the same time. The

faster your internet connection, the more threads you can run, resulting in faster

completion of a given process.

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Timeout is the amount of time AMR will wait for a site to load in a given process. If it times out once, the AMR will retry if Retry Once if

Timed Out is checked. Load AMR when Windows Starts will load the software when you start your computer. This

is handy if you are running Scheduled Submits.

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Run Scheduling Upon Start-up: When AMR loads, it will start the Scheduled Submits

immediately.Scheduling Running Now: This will be checked by default if AMR loads with

Scheduling Upon Start-up If you don't have Scheduling Upon Start-up checked, then you

can check this off to run the Scheduled Submits.