articulation 2 ways bernie day, articulation, foothill college jane patton, asccc; mission college...

Articulation 2 Ways Bernie Day, Articulation, Foothill College Jane Patton, ASCCC; Mission College Ron Selge, Dean, System Office

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Articulation 2 Ways

Bernie Day, Articulation, Foothill College

Jane Patton, ASCCC; Mission College

Ron Selge, Dean, System Office

Did you know?

2/3 of CSU graduates and 1/3 of UC graduates began at a community college.

Upon transferring they obtained GPAs equal to, or better than, “native” UC or CSU students.

In 2004, UC officials indicated that 25% of UC-eligible high school graduates had at least one community college course on their transcript

Pocket Profiles, 2006 (from CCLC)



1. A formal, written agreement that identifies a course or sequence at a sending college that is comparable to or acceptable in lieu of a requirement at receiving institution.

2. Alignment of course content

3. Sequencing

4. Advanced placement

Two ways:• Between community colleges and

universities (public and private)

• Between high schools and colleges

– typically in vocational areas

– can take various forms

Articulation Basics

• Why?• Who?• When?• How?

Faculty responsibilities for articulation

• Discipline faculty are the only qualified persons to determine course comparability

• Articulation Officers facilitate the processes

Curriculum Committee’s role

• Ensuring course outlines, catalogs have correct designations.

• Supporting discipline faculty to ensure they understand and fulfill articulation obligations.

Articulation initiatives with universities


• C-ID



CAN was canned• CAN designations can be maintained

for 2 years after a new LDTP descriptor is in place.

• Assume we can still note them on our documents for 2 years. . .

C-ID = Course Identification Number

A proposal that improves upon CAN– a supra-numbering system

– a response to mandates and needs

– course descriptors for use by postsecondary institutions and CCC students

C-ID: a response to mandates & needs

• Legislation (SB 450, SB 851, SB 1415)

• MOUs

• Unmet needs of students, articulation officers, counselors, staff, universities

• Articulation processes would be greatly simplified with C-ID.

C-ID fills a void

• Inter-segmental transfer

• Intra-segmental transfer

• Vocational courses

• Many gaps left by LDTP

IMPAC• Intersegmental Major Preparation Articulated

Curriculum• 33 disciplines met• 12 interdisciplinary discussions held• 2,290 faculty participated• CAN (167) and LDTP descriptors were

written/revised• SciGETC developed

LDTP = Lower Division Transfer Pattern

• CSU Project (SB 1785 & MOU)• Goal: to improve transfer into majors• Gives highest priority for admission• Plan: to take effect Fall 2007• First 30 majors are to be completed by June 2006• Approved courses will have a TCSU number• Status

Articulation with high schools

System Office Secondary / Postsecondary

Linkage Projects

• 2+2 (precursor)

• 2+2+2 (precursor)

• Middle College

• Early College High School

• Concurrent Enrollment

• Tech Prep

• School-to-Career (federal name STW)

• SB 70, Scott(Governor’s Initiative on Economic Development and Career Technical Education)

Tech Prep

• Many facetsContextual curriculumWork-based learningConsortium basedSecondary / postsecondary or

Secondary / apprenticeship linkagesProfessional Development

Tech Prep

• 80 consortia, self organized

• Very local in scope

• Funding levels inconsistent with charge (~ $80,000 annual per college)

• Governor’s Initiative on Economic Development and Career Technical Education

• Chaptered into Ed Code 88532

• CCC System Office ---developing many projects

• Academic Senate will develop one project--to develop H.S. articulation

SB 70, Scott

SB 70, Scott• Quick Start Projects 54% of the funds ($10.8M) • Alignment/Articulation Project 20% of the funds

($4M) ASCCC• Strengthening existing K-12 CTE 12.5% of the

funds ($2.5M / 10 projects)• Middle school/junior high career development

7.5% of the funds ($1.5M/10 projects)• Critical professional development needs –

Counseling & Faculty in-service (teams of CC & 9-12 faculty working together in industry) 6% of the funds ($700k = 14 projects @ 50k)

ASCCC’s new project:

Statewide Career Pathways:

Creating School to College Articulation

• Opportunities for faculty to develop agreements.

• Database of agreements

• Outreach strategies to students, parents, staff

• Goal: More transportability for common subject areas

Statewide Career Pathways

Career pathways• Agriculture, natural

resources• Arts, media,

entertainment• Building trades• Energy• Engineering• Fashion, interior design• Finance & business

• Health, human services• Hospitality, tourism• Info tech• Manufacturing• Educ services• Public services• Retail & wholesale• Transportation


• Steering committee formed

• Existing agreements collected

• Technology under development

• Website under construction

• Fall 2006: first discipline meetings

Articulation Resources• Your articulation officer


• Tech prep coordinator

• Us! :-)