artifariti 2013 english programm


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Official Program of 7th International Encounters of Art and Human Rights in Western Sahara


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THE ART INTIFADA The ART Intifada does not only depict what we are doing as artists, in fact it brings the pains and the sufferings of the Saharawi people in front of the world through the artistic expression of color, shape and thought. Art is revolutionizing the revolution, there is no limit of what can art do. In November 2010, Saharawi civilians went out of the city of Laioun, now occupied by Morocco. They organized a peaceful protest in Gdaim Izik –the place where the Saharawi families set up tents numbering thousands. The Gdaim Izik camp may not have lived long, for the Moroccan army crashed it down very soon, but it marked two significant factors in the conflict. First, the presence of an unquestionable will within the Saharawi people to reach their goal of independence. It’s difficult to restrain these people when they have freely wandered the vast desert for centuries. They are free people by nature. Second, the means with which they fight for this goal. These means are peaceful in the sense that they are very Saharawi too. The tent; a shelter and a refuge for the Saharawi nomadic people of yesterday, now has a role to play in today’s Saharawi life too; the same object that protected them from the hardships of nature, today stands firm beside them. It became a symbol of protest as visible in the protest arena as the Saharawi people themselves. The tent has changed from a passive object only to be dwelled or to be sought as a cover from the sun and the wind to a very active object of its own. Now it participates and takes action just as actively as the people who live in it. Therefore, The ART Intifada is truly igniting the scene. The tent, the camel, the Melhfa and the Darraa along with their different colors, shapes and representations are all part of the Intifada. The presence of these traditions, as forms of art, is the ART Intifada. Mohamed Sulaiman Sahrawi artist designer of the poster of "ARTifariti 2013"

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Seville, July 2013 Dear Professors, Artist and Friends, From the 2nd to the 9th of November 2013, we will celebrate the VII Edition of the International Encounters of Art and Human Rights in Western Sahara (Project ARTifariti) in the Sahrawi refugee camp of Boujdour, Tindouf (Algeria). This year we are especially pleased to announce the inauguration of the Sahrawi Art School, founded under the auspices of the new Tifariti University –SADR. This academic institution represents the efforts of the Ministry of Culture and the AAPSS to provide the Sahrawi refugee community with an Arts Education platform that will facilitate jobs training, a means of personal expression, a sense of personal fulfillment, a way of strengthening the collective identity of the young generations and useful tools for working towards Human Rights advocacy. The program, designed by teams from Universities, Museums and Cultural Organizations, is firmly committed to raising international awareness and support for Western Sahara. The celebration of the VII Edition of ARTifariti will be comprised of international artists, curators and professors whose discussions will focus on how this school (created from and for the Sahrawi community and the specific conditions of the refugee camps) can impact and affect our collective future. In recognition of your commitment to Arts Education, we would be honored to include you as a participant at ARTifariti, to celebrate the inauguration of the Saharawi Art School and to engage in the panel discussions about its curriculum. Attached please find a document that outlines the itinerary and travel specifics. In anticipation of your response, we extend you the gratitude of all the Saharawi people for your efforts on behalf of our cause. Yours truly, Fernando Peraita President of the Association of Friendship with the Sahrawi People of Seville – AAPSS Association for Friendship with the Saharawi people of Seville - AAPSS Virgen de la Antigua 4 Bajo Drcha. 41011 Sevilla (Spain) Tel. 0034 954 28 22 05 - 0034 954 27 41 04 Fax. 0034 954 28 20 46 [email protected] - / [email protected] -

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  ARTIFARITI 2013 / The Art Intifada VII International Encounters of Art and Human Rights in Western Sahara Sahrawi Art School (Wilaya of Boujdour-Sahrawi Refugee Camps, Algeria) November 2nd to 9th 2013

"ARTifariti has won the attention of elusive eyes, uninterested in the political demands of a people who they unsuccessfully try to silence. With a language that appeals to the senses, that is universally understandable, it speaks from the commitment and solidarity of the Saharawi cause. Its authors, Sahrawi artists and from the rest of the world, participate in this new form of Art Intifada that expresses the pain and the claims of the Saharawi people." Aminatou Haidar (ARTifariti 2012)

ARTifariti was founded in 2007 as a collective action against the Moroccan Wall of Shame that fractures Western Sahara in two, separating Sahrawi families between occupation and exile. These encounters are a tool to reclaim the rights of individuals and peoples to their land, their culture, their roots and their freedom. The initial format consists in an international meeting of creators intended to give a new meaning to the territory of Tifariti -a town bombed with napalm and white phosphorous on the day of the ceasefire- as a space of struggle for the realization of human rights through artistic practices. In the past six years, ARTifariti has become a place of reunion for artists and professionals committed to social transformation for the development of a life worth living from their different conceptions. The focus of these meetings has been the approach, reflection and denounciation of the violation of the rights of the Saharawi people, articulated around their fundamental right to self-determination. This edition completes a stage that is embodied in the creation of the Sahrawi Art School, with its first headquarters in the wilaya of Boujdour, in the Sahrawi refugee camps. The School will be a new space of encounter in which to rethink, recreate and re-signify ARTifariti as an artistic process of struggle for dignity in the context of Western Sahara. An art space for the encounter of citizens, because "being a citizen means confronting all the time political decisions, since all decisions relating to the world are political. To be commited to the fate of the world is to be political, and to do it responsibly and consciously means to be a full citizen" (Clarke, 1999). The seventh edition of ARTifariti will be a space for reflection through the analytical look at the works of artists who have participated in the last six editions of the meetings. It will also be a space for celebrating the birth of the Sahrawi Art Scool, an open and participative learning space for the Sahrawi comunnity in the camps and a common platform for future actions in the Art Intifada we are collectively fighting. ARTifariti is a project of the Ministry of Culture of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic SADR and the Association of Friendship with the Saharawi people of Seville AAPSS.

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  PROGRAM: Day 2: Flight from Madrid to Tindouf Day 3: Opening Day Welcome Event 2007-2012 Retrospective Exhibition Opening ARTifariti (Morning) IV Tuizza ARTifariti "Knowing Saharawi reality ": Encounters with refugees (Afternoon) Second Day Film Exhibition "Art and Human Rights" "Western: Sahara" by Left Hand Rotation (ARTifariti 2012) + Short (Evening) Day 4: "Reflecting on Art and Human Rights" ARTifariti Tuizza IV: "Artistic practices for social transformation" Second Day Film Exhibition "Art and Human Rights": "Bad Moon" by Carmen Sigler (ARTifariti 2010) (Morning) ARTifariti Tuizza IV: "The Intifada media through alternative networks" Artistic actions (Afternoon) Second Day Film Exhibition "Art and Human Rights" Documentaries in the occupied territories (Evening) Day 5: "Official Opening of the Sahrawi Art School" ARTifariti Tuizza IV: "Building the Sahrawi Art School " Artistic actions (Morning) Official Opening of the Sahrawi Art School (Afternoon) Saharawi Music Concert (Evening) Day 6: "Building the Sahrawi Art School" Meeting invited university faculties and institutions: Signature of the Manifesto of the "Platform to Support the Sahrawi Art School" (morning) ARTifariti Tuizza IV: "Artistic practices for social transformation" Artistic actions (Afternoon) Poetry recital (Evening)

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  Day 7: " Making Room for the Sahrawi refugee youth" Visit of the camp of Laayoune Collective Action in the Pottery Workshop in Laayoune (Morning) ARTifariti Tuizza IV: " The culture industry as an alternative occupational for the Sahrawi refugee youth" Artistic actions (Afternoon) Sahara Libre Wear Fashion Show (Evening) Day 8: Closing Day Exhibition of the artistic interventions (Morning) Living with host families (Afternoon) Closing Official Dinner (Evening) SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALS: Those interested in making a communication on past projects or experiences under way, centered on these edition’s theme “The Art Intifada” should send their proposal in advance to the ARTifariti organization ([email protected]), which will evaluate it for presentation during the meetings. The text summary of the proposals, with a maximum of 500 characters, must be submitted by September 25, 2013 for evaluation by the organization to [email protected]. REGISTRATION: The VII edition of ARTifariti, posed as a meeting place for the retrospective analysis and future construction around the new School of Art Sahrawi, is open to the participation of artists, students and professionals involved in artistic practices and human rights. The inscriptions of the seventh edition of ARTifariti, held from 2 to November 9, 2013, are now open. ARTIFARITI REGISTRATION: Price 750 € Includes: Registration in the VII International Art and Human Rights Encounters Regular flight Madrid-Algiers-Tindouf (Departure from Barajas Airport) Visa and insurance All meals and lodging with a Sahrawi family

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  To register you need to send a request (with your name, passport number, current address, contact details -phone and email-, profession, reasons for applying) together with: - A copy of your passport (valid up to six months) - Visa application form completed and signed in duplicate (Download online: - Two recent passport photos MORE INFORMATION: ARTifariti Contact Monica di Marco: [email protected] Association for Friendship with the Saharawi people of Seville - AAPSS Tel. 0034 954 28 22 05 - 0034 954 27 41 04 Fax. 0034 954 28 20 46 C / Virgen de la Antigua 4 on Right. 41011 Sevilla (Spain) [email protected]

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     HISTORY    The  Sahrawi  Art  School  has   its  origins   in  the  workshops  developed  since  2007   in  the  International  Encounters  of  Art  and  Human  Rights  in  Western  Sahara  (ARTIfariti).  They  awoke   the   enthusiasm   of   the   young   Sahrawi   refugees   in   the   camps   near   Tindouf  (Algeria),  who  find  themselves  locked  up  in  exile  without  alternatives  for  training,  work  or  leisure.  These  creative  activities  generated  an  offer  for  an  already  existing  demand  that  had  an  impact  in  two  growing  problems  among  the  refugee  population:  the  lack  of  working  and  personal  expectations,  especially  in  the  more  vulnerable  sectors  (women  and  youngsters)  and  also  on  the  limited  capacity  of  expression  of  their  problems  and  hopes  due  to  the  conditions  of  isolation  in  the  refugee  camps.    The  artistic  practices  turned  out  to  be  very  attractive  for  the  refugee  youth,  generating  dynamics   of   collaboration   and   self-­‐directed   participation.   The   students   were  motivated   by   the   enjoyable   aspects.   The   creative   side   promoted   the   freedom   to  express   their   frustrations   and   wishes.   The   use   of   the   local   references,   apart   from  favouring   the   conservation   of   the   Sahrawi   Cultural   Heritage,   facilitated   the  appropriation  of  these  techniques  and  the  identification  with  them.      The   political   and   social   impact   of   these   practices   gave   an   extra   value   that   fitted  perfectly  with   the   interests   of   the   students   and   their   struggle.  Working   together   on  their   projects   increased   the   self-­‐esteem   of   the   participants.   The   practical  implementation   of   the   different   disciplines,   such   as   the   ceramic   and   the   silk-­‐screen  printing  workshops,  or  the  creation  of  the  clothing  label  SAHARA  LIBRE  WEAR,  opened  the  door  to  a  professional  source  of  employment  that  was  not  existent   in  the  camps  before.      It’s  support  to  the  strengthening  of  the  Sahrawi  cultural  sector  is  contributing  so  that  the   society   continues   to   evolve   and   grow).   Collaboration,   motivation,   expression,  identity,   challenge,   personal   and   collective   growth,   work   and   social   transformation  have   been   key   contributions,   all   useful   to   build   the   future   of   these   formative  programmes  that  have  preceded  the  Sahrawi  Art  School.    Because  of  these  experiences,  the  Ministry  of  Culture  of  the  Sahrawi  Arab  Democratic    Republic   (SADR)   promoted   the   creation   of   this   school   with   the   support   of   the  Association  for  Friendship  with  the  Sahrawi  people  of  Seville  (AAPSS)  (both  organizing  entities   of   ARTifariti)   and   the   sponsorship   since   2011   of   the   Andalucian   Agency   for  International  Cooperation  and  Development  (AACID).  

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 OBJECTIVES    There  are  three  main  objectives  of  the  Sahrawi  Art  School:  enhance  the  role  of  artistic  practices   as   a   tool   to   claim   the   rights   of   the   people   and   communities   to   their   land,  their   culture,   their   roots   and   their   freedom   in   the   context   of   the   Sahrawi   conflict.  Generate  opportunities  for  personal  and  collective  development  of  the  Sahrawi  youth  by  promoting  the  creation  of  their  own  cultural  industry.  Contribute  to  the  protection  of  the  Sahrawi  Cultural  Heritage.    THE  PROCCESS    Since  the  decision  by  the  Sahrawi  Ministry  of  Culture  of  creating  this  school,  supported  by  AAPSS  and  the  University  of  Tifariti,  an  open  and  participative  process  was  initiated  for   the   physical   and   academic   development   of   this   formative   project.   Regarding   the  location  of   the  Sahrawi  Art  School,   the  wilaya  of  Bojador  was   finally  selected,  where  the   school   of   Film   and   Music   already   exists,   with   the   idea   of   creating   a   thematic  educational   complex   similar   in   relation   to   its   contexts   to   a   “University   campus”.   Its  location  is  being  constructed  next  to  the  Music  school   in  order  to  generate  synergies  between  both  centres,  sharing  administrative  spaces,  computer  classroom,  library  and  residential   areas.   For   the   construction   of   the   buildings,  which   are   also   planned   as   a  formative   process,   low   cost   technologies   and   energies   for   human   development   are  being  used    Regarding  the  curriculum  design,  it  is  being  developed  in  several  stages  by  Sahrawi  and  foreigner  teachers,  artists  and  experts  linked  to  the  organization  of  ARTifariti,  creating  a   programme   that   synthesise   experiences   and   adapts   them   to   the   context   of   the  Sahrawi   camps,   the   first   art   school   located   in   such   a   settlement.   The   curriculum  proposed   is   experiential,   open   and   flexible   in   order   to   allow   the   incorporation   of  changes  and  improvements  that  the  own  educational  process  may  generate.    SYLLABUS    The  first  course  syllabus  of  the  Sahrawi  Art  School,  experimental  and  open,  consists  of  two  cycles:   the   first   (composed  of   two  courses)  with  a   theoretical-­‐practical  nature   in  the   real-­‐world.   And   a   second   cycle   for   implementing   the   completed   speciality  (promoting   the   creation   of   work   cooperatives   in   accordance   to   these   specialities  related  to  applied  arts,  as  in  the  case  of  the  clothing  label  SAHARA  LIBRE  WEAR  or  the  Ceramic  workshops  of   El  Aioun  and  Dajla).   The   first   students  of   the   school  will   start  their  studies  in  the  academic  year  2013-­‐2014,  doing  the  designed  first  year.    FIRST  COURSE:  Introduction  to  the  fundamentals,  proceedings  and  artistic  techniques  (Drawing,  Painting,  Volumetric,  Arab  Calligraphy…),  Creativity,  History  of  Art  (including  Political  Art,  Public  Art,  Artistic  Practices  and  Human  Rights)  and  Sahrawi  Culture,  and  also  general  basic  skills  (computing,  technologies  and  languages).    SECOND  COURSE:  Specialization  in  Applied  Arts  (etching/engraving,  hydraulic  mosaic,  ceramics,  silkscreen  printing…)    

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   INTERNATIONAL  PLATFORM  OF  SUPPORT  FOR  THE  SAHRAWI  ART  SCHOOL      Sustainability  is  one  of  the  handicaps  of  the  projects  that  are  developed  in  the  Sahrawi  refugee   camps.  The   situation  of  extended  exile   impedes   the  normal  development  of  the  Sahrawi  society  and  the  generation  of  their  own  resources.  Food  and  basic  social  services   for   the   refugee  population  depend   fundamentally   on  humanitarian   aid   and,  on   an   individual   level,   on   the   remittances   that   the   population   in   the   diaspora  generates,   as  well   as   by   some   financial   support   received   from  host   families   through  the  programme  “Holidays  in  Peace”.  For  this  reason,  and  because  one  of  the  objectives  of  the  Sahrawi  Art  School  is  the  impact  of  the  artistic  practices  in  social  transformation  in   the   context   of   the   Sahrawi   conflict,   an   international   platform   of   support   for   this  school  is  proposed.    Its   objective   is   to   generate   connections   among   international   academic   and   artistic  institutions  that  promote  the  exchange  of  staff,  teachers  and  students,  celebration  of  workshops  in  the  zone  of  conflict  and  abroad,  creation  of  shared  degrees,  institutional  support,   collaborations   of   human   and   material   resources   and   other   practices   of  interest  for  the  institutions  that  form  this  platform  of  support  for  the  sustainability  of  the   Sahrawi   Art   School   and   its   international   impact.   The   Platform   will   be   formally  established   in   the   framework   of   the   VII   International   Encounters   of   Art   and   Human  Rights   in  Western   Sahara,   ARTIfariti   2013,   for  which   purpose  we   are   promoting   the  participation   of   different   University   Faculties   to   the   event   and   signing   general  protocols  of  collaboration.    We   believe   in   the   Sahrawi   Art   School   as   a   collective   effort   to   provide   the   Sahrawi    refugee  community  with  an  Arts  Education  platform  that  wil  facilitate  jobs  training,  a  means  for  personal  expression,  a  sense  of  personal  fulfillment,  a  way  to  strengthening  the   collective   identity  of   the   young  generations  and  useful   tools   for  working   toward  Human  Rights  advocacy.  We  also  believe   it   is  a   collective  effort   to   find  new  creative  strategies  that  point  to  a  solution  for  the  Western  Sahara  conflict.    

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