arxiv:2007.03639v2 [] 24 jul 2020 · arxiv:2007.03639v2 [] 24 jul 2020 figure 1: human...

1 Human Trajectory Forecasting in Crowds: A Deep Learning Perspective Parth Kothari, Sven Kreiss, and Alexandre Alahi Abstract—Since the past few decades, human trajectory fore- casting has been a field of active research owing to its nu- merous real-world applications: evacuation situation analysis, deployment of intelligent transport systems, traffic operations, to name a few. Early works handcrafted this representation based on domain knowledge. However, social interactions in crowded environments are not only diverse but often subtle. Recently, deep learning methods have outperformed their handcrafted counterparts, as they learned about human-human interactions in a more generic data-driven fashion. In this work, we present an in-depth analysis of existing deep learning-based methods for modelling social interactions. We propose two knowledge- based data-driven methods to effectively capture these social interactions. To objectively compare the performance of these interaction-based forecasting models, we develop a large scale interaction-centric benchmark TrajNet++, a significant yet miss- ing component in the field of human trajectory forecasting. We propose novel performance metrics that evaluate the ability of a model to output socially acceptable trajectories. Experiments on TrajNet++ validate the need for our proposed metrics, and our method outperforms competitive baselines on both real-world and synthetic datasets. Index Terms—Pedestrians, trajectory forecasting, deep learn- ing, social interactions I. I NTRODUCTION Humans possess the natural ability to navigate in social environments. In other words, we have understood the social etiquettes of human motion like respecting personal space, yielding right-of-way, avoid walking through people belonging to the same group. Our social interactions lead to various complex pattern-formation phenomena in crowds, for instance, the emergence of lanes of pedestrians with uniform walking direction, oscillations of the pedestrian flow at bottlenecks. The ability to model social interactions and thereby forecast crowd dynamics in real-world environments is extremely valu- able for a wide range of applications: infrastructure design [1], [2], [3], traffic operations [4], crowd abnormality detection systems [5], evacuation situation analysis [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], deployment of intelligent transport systems [11], [12], [13], [14] and recently helping in the broad quest of building a digital twin of our built environment. However, modelling social interactions is an extremely challenging task as there exists no fixed set of rules which govern human motion. A task closely related to learning human social interactions is forecasting the movement of the surrounding people, which conform to common social norms. We refer to this task of forecasting the human motion as human trajectory forecasting. Before formally defining human trajectory forecasting, we introduce the notion of Trajectory and Scene. We define a This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible. X1 X5 X3 X2 X4 Fig. 1: Human trajectory forecasting is the task of forecasting the future trajectories (dashed) of all humans which conform to the social norms, given the past observed scene (solid). The presence of social interactions distinguish human trajectory forecasting from other sequence modelling tasks: the primary pedestrian (X1) deviates from his direction of motion to avoid a collision, by forecasting the trajectory of the child (X2). Trajectory as the time-profile of pedestrian motion states. Gen- erally, these states are the position and velocity of a human. However, we can consider more complex states like body pose, to glean more information about a person’s movement. We define a Scene as a collection of trajectories of multiple humans interacting in a social setting. A scene may also comprise physical objects and non-navigable areas that affect the human trajectories, e.g., walls, doors, and elevators. Also, when required, we refer to a particular pedestrian of interest in the scene as the Primary pedestrian. We define human trajectory forecasting as follows: Given the past trajectories of all humans in a scene, forecast the future trajectories which conform to the social norms. Human trajectory forecasting is primarily a sequence mod- elling task. The typical challenges for a sequence modelling task are (1) encoding observation sequence: we need to learn to model the long-term dependency in the past trajectory effectively, (2) multimodality: given the history of a scene, multiple futures (predictions) are plausible. In addition to this, for human trajectory forecasting, there exist two crucial challenges that differentiate it from other sequence prediction tasks such as language modelling, weather forecasting, and stock market forecasting (see Fig 1): Presence of social interactions: the trajectory of a person is affected by the motion of the other people in his/her sur- roundings. Modelling how the observation of one sequence arXiv:2007.03639v3 [cs.CV] 11 Jan 2021

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Page 1: arXiv:2007.03639v2 [cs.CV] 24 Jul 2020 · arXiv:2007.03639v2 [cs.CV] 24 Jul 2020 Figure 1: Human trajectory forecasting is the task of forecasting the future trajectories (dashed)


Human Trajectory Forecasting in Crowds:A Deep Learning Perspective

Parth Kothari, Sven Kreiss, and Alexandre Alahi

Abstract—Since the past few decades, human trajectory fore-casting has been a field of active research owing to its nu-merous real-world applications: evacuation situation analysis,deployment of intelligent transport systems, traffic operations, toname a few. Early works handcrafted this representation basedon domain knowledge. However, social interactions in crowdedenvironments are not only diverse but often subtle. Recently,deep learning methods have outperformed their handcraftedcounterparts, as they learned about human-human interactionsin a more generic data-driven fashion. In this work, we presentan in-depth analysis of existing deep learning-based methodsfor modelling social interactions. We propose two knowledge-based data-driven methods to effectively capture these socialinteractions. To objectively compare the performance of theseinteraction-based forecasting models, we develop a large scaleinteraction-centric benchmark TrajNet++, a significant yet miss-ing component in the field of human trajectory forecasting. Wepropose novel performance metrics that evaluate the ability ofa model to output socially acceptable trajectories. Experimentson TrajNet++ validate the need for our proposed metrics, andour method outperforms competitive baselines on both real-worldand synthetic datasets.

Index Terms—Pedestrians, trajectory forecasting, deep learn-ing, social interactions


Humans possess the natural ability to navigate in socialenvironments. In other words, we have understood the socialetiquettes of human motion like respecting personal space,yielding right-of-way, avoid walking through people belongingto the same group. Our social interactions lead to variouscomplex pattern-formation phenomena in crowds, for instance,the emergence of lanes of pedestrians with uniform walkingdirection, oscillations of the pedestrian flow at bottlenecks.The ability to model social interactions and thereby forecastcrowd dynamics in real-world environments is extremely valu-able for a wide range of applications: infrastructure design [1],[2], [3], traffic operations [4], crowd abnormality detectionsystems [5], evacuation situation analysis [6], [7], [8], [9],[10], deployment of intelligent transport systems [11], [12],[13], [14] and recently helping in the broad quest of buildinga digital twin of our built environment. However, modellingsocial interactions is an extremely challenging task as thereexists no fixed set of rules which govern human motion. Atask closely related to learning human social interactions isforecasting the movement of the surrounding people, whichconform to common social norms. We refer to this task offorecasting the human motion as human trajectory forecasting.

Before formally defining human trajectory forecasting, weintroduce the notion of Trajectory and Scene. We define a

This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication.Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version mayno longer be accessible.






Fig. 1: Human trajectory forecasting is the task of forecastingthe future trajectories (dashed) of all humans which conform tothe social norms, given the past observed scene (solid). Thepresence of social interactions distinguish human trajectoryforecasting from other sequence modelling tasks: the primarypedestrian (X1) deviates from his direction of motion to avoida collision, by forecasting the trajectory of the child (X2).

Trajectory as the time-profile of pedestrian motion states. Gen-erally, these states are the position and velocity of a human.However, we can consider more complex states like bodypose, to glean more information about a person’s movement.We define a Scene as a collection of trajectories of multiplehumans interacting in a social setting. A scene may alsocomprise physical objects and non-navigable areas that affectthe human trajectories, e.g., walls, doors, and elevators. Also,when required, we refer to a particular pedestrian of interestin the scene as the Primary pedestrian. We define humantrajectory forecasting as follows:

Given the past trajectories of all humans in a scene, forecastthe future trajectories which conform to the social norms.

Human trajectory forecasting is primarily a sequence mod-elling task. The typical challenges for a sequence modellingtask are (1) encoding observation sequence: we need to learnto model the long-term dependency in the past trajectoryeffectively, (2) multimodality: given the history of a scene,multiple futures (predictions) are plausible. In addition tothis, for human trajectory forecasting, there exist two crucialchallenges that differentiate it from other sequence predictiontasks such as language modelling, weather forecasting, andstock market forecasting (see Fig 1):• Presence of social interactions: the trajectory of a person

is affected by the motion of the other people in his/her sur-roundings. Modelling how the observation of one sequence








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affects the forecast of another sequence is an essentialrequirement for a good human trajectory forecasting model.

• Physically acceptable outputs: a good human trajectoryforecasting model should provide physically acceptable out-puts, for instance, the model prediction should not undergocollisions. Quantifying the physical feasibility of a modelprediction is crucial for safety-critical applications.

Our objective is to encode the observed scene into a rep-resentation that captures all information necessary to forecasthuman motion. To focus on learning the social interactionsthat affect social motion, we assume that there do not existany physical constraints in our scenes. The future trajectorycan also be affected by the long-term goal of the human, whichcannot always be observed or inferred. We therefore focus onshort-term human trajectory forecasting (next 5 secs).

Following the success of Social LSTM [15], a varietyof neural networks (NN) based modules that model socialinteractions have been proposed in literature. In this work, weexplicitly focus on the design of these interaction modules andnot the entire forecasting model. The challenge in designingthese interaction modules lies in handling a variable numberof neighbours and modelling how they collectively influ-ence one’s future trajectory. We present a high-level pipelineencompassing most of the existing designs of interactionmodules. Based on our taxonomy, we propose two novelmodules which incorporate domain knowledge into the NN-based pipeline. As a consequence, these modules are betterequipped to learn social etiquettes like collision avoidanceand leader-follower. A long-standing question in NN-basedtrajectory forecasting models is to explore techniques that helpto explain the model decisions. In this work, we proposeto utilize Layer-wise Relevance Propagation (LRP) [16] toexplain the decisions of our trajectory forecasting models.To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work thatapplies LRP in a regression setting, to infer inter-sequence(neighbours) effects on the model output.

To demonstrate the efficacy of a trajectory forecastingmodel, one needs to have the means to objectively comparewith other forecasting baselines on good quality datasets.However, current methods have been evaluated on differentsubsets of available data without a proper sampling of scenesin which social interactions occur. As our final contribution,we introduce TrajNet++, a large scale interaction-centrictrajectory forecasting benchmark comprising explicit agent-agent scenarios. Our benchmark provides proper indexing oftrajectories by defining a hierarchy of trajectory categorization.In addition, we provide an extensive evaluation system to testthe gathered methods for a fair comparison. In our evaluation,we go beyond the standard distance-based metrics and intro-duce novel metrics that measure the capability of a model toemulate pedestrian behavior in crowds. We demonstrate theefficacy of our proposed domain-knowledge based baselineson TrajNet++, in comparison to various interaction encoderdesigns. Furthermore, we illustrate how the decisions of ourproposed model architecture can be explained using LRP inreal-world scenarios.

To summarize, our main contributions are as follows:

1) We provide an in-depth analysis of existing designs ofNN-based interaction encoders along with their sourcecode. We explain the decision-making of trajectory fore-casting models by extending layer-wise relevance propa-gation to the regression setting of trajectory forecasting.

2) We propose two simple yet novel methods driven bydomain knowledge for capturing social interactions.

3) We present TrajNet++, a large scale interaction-centrictrajectory forecasting benchmark with novel evaluationmetrics that quantify the physical feasibility of a model.


Finding the ideal representation to encode human socialinteractions in crowded environments is an extremely chal-lenging task. Social interactions are not only diverse butoften subtle. In this work, we consider microscopic modelsof pedestrian crowds, where collective phenomena emergefrom the complex interactions between many individuals(self-organizing effects). Current human trajectory forecastingworks can be categorized into learning human-human (social)interactions or human-space (physical) interactions or both.Our work is focused on deep learning based models thatcapture social interactions. In this section, we review the workdone for modelling the human-human interactions to obtain thesocial representation.

With a specific focus on pedestrian path forecasting prob-lem, Helbing and Molnar [17] presented a force-based motionmodel with attractive forces (towards the goal of a person andtowards his/her group) and repulsive forces (away from peoplenot belonging to a person’s group and physical obstacles),called Social Force model, which captures the social andphysical interactions. Their seminal work displays competitiveresults even on modern pedestrian datasets and has beenextended for improved trajectory forecasting [18], [19], [20],[21], tracking [22], [23], [24] and activity forecasting [25],[26]. Burstedde et al. [27] utilize the cellular automaton model,another type of microscopic model, for predicted pedestrianmotion. In their model, the environment is divided into uni-formly distributed grids and each pedestrian has a matrix ofpreference to determine the transition to neighbouring cells.The matrix of preference is determined by the pedestrian’sown intent along with the locations of surrounding agents.Similar to social force, the cellular automaton model has beenextended over the years for improved trajectory forecasting[28]. Another prominent model for simulating human motionis Reciprocal Velocity Obstacles (RVO) [29], which guaranteessafe and oscillation-free motion, assuming that each agent fol-lows identical collision avoidance reasoning. Social interactionmodelling has been approached from different perspectivessuch as Discrete Choice framework [30], continuum dynamics[31] and Gaussian processes [32], [33], [34]. Robicquet et al.[35] defined social sensitivity to characterize human motioninto different navigation styles. Alahi et al. [36] defined SocialAffinity Maps to link broken or unobserved trajectories toforecast pedestrian destinations. Yi et al. [37] exploited crowdgrouping as a cue to better forecast trajectories. However, allthese methods use handcrafted functions based on relative dis-tances and specific rules to model interactions. These functions

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impose not only strong priors but also have limited capacitywhen modelling complex interactions. In recent times, meth-ods based on neural networks (NNs) that infer interactions in adata-driven fashion have been shown to outperform the worksmentioned above.

Inspired by the application of recurrent neural networks(RNNs) in diverse sequence prediction tasks [38], [39], [40],[41], Alahi et al. [15] proposed Social LSTM, the first NN-based model for human trajectory forecasting. Social LSTMis an LSTM [42] network with a novel social pooling layerto capture social interactions of nearby pedestrians. RNNsincorporating social interactions allow anticipating interactionsthat can occur in a more distant future. The social poolingmodule has been extended to incorporate physical spacecontext [43], [44], [45], [46], [47], [48] and various otherdesigns of NN-based interaction module have been proposed[49], [50], [51], [52], [53], [54], [55], [56], [57], [58], [59],[60], [61]. Pfieffer et al. [49] proposed an angular pooling gridfor efficient computation. Shi et al. [50] proposed an ellipticalpooling grid placed along the direction of movement of thepedestrian with more focus on the pedestrians in the front.Bisagno et al. [51] proposed to consider only pedestrians notbelonging to the same group during social pooling. Whilemodelling social interactions, Hasan et al. [59], [60] based ondomain knowledge, only consider the pedestrians in the visualfrustum of attention [62]. Gupta et al. [52] propose to encodeneighbourhood information through the use of a permutation-invariant (symmetric) max-pooling function. Zhang et al. [53]proposed to refine the state of the LSTM cell using messagepassing algorithms. Zhu et al. [54] proposed a novel startopology to model interactions. The center hub maintainsinformation of the entire scene which each pedestrian canquery. Ivanovic et al. [55] and Salzmann et al. [61] proposed tosum-pool the neighbour states and pass it through an LSTM-based encoder to obtain the interaction vector. Liang et al.[56] proposed to utilize geometric relations obtained from thespatial distance between pedestrians, to derive the interactionrepresentation. [57], [58] propose to input the relative positionand relative velocity of 𝑘 nearest neighbours directly to anMLP to obtain the interaction vector. Many works [63], [64],[65], [66], [67], [68], [69], [70], [71], [72], [73], [74], [75],[76], [77] propose interaction module designs based on atten-tion mechanisms [78], [79] to identify the neighbours whichaffect the trajectory of the person of interest. The attentionweights are either learned or handcrafted based on domainknowledge (e.g., euclidean distance). For an extensive surveyof all human forecasting methods capturing both social andphysical interactions, one can refer to Rudenko et al. [80].


Our objective is to forecast the future trajectories of allthe pedestrians present in a scene. The network takes asinput the trajectories of all the people in a scene denotedby X = {𝑋1, 𝑋2, . . . , 𝑋𝑛} and our task is to forecast thecorresponding future trajectories Y = {𝑌1, 𝑌2, . . . , 𝑌𝑛}. Theposition and velocity of pedestrian 𝑖 at time-step 𝑡 is denotedby x𝑡

𝑖= (𝑥𝑡

𝑖, 𝑦𝑡

𝑖) and v𝑡

𝑖respectively. We receive the positions

of all pedestrians at time-steps 𝑡 = 1, . . . , 𝑇𝑜𝑏𝑠 and want toforecast the future positions from time-steps 𝑡 = 𝑇𝑜𝑏𝑠+1 to𝑇𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑑 . We denote our predictions using Y.

At time-step 𝑡, we denote the state of pedestrian 𝑖 by s𝑡𝑖.

The state can refer to different attributes of the person, e.g.,the position concatenated with velocity (s𝑡

𝑖= [x𝑡

𝑖, v𝑡

𝑖]). The

problem statement can be extended to take as input moreattributes at each time-step, e.g., the body pose, as well aspredicting 𝑘 most-likely future trajectories.



Encodes past motion

Encodes neighbourinteractions

2D past coordinates of all pedestrians


2D future coordinates of all pedestrians


Fig. 2: A data-driven pipeline for human trajectory forecasting.We focus on the design choices for the interaction module.


A global data-driven pipeline for forecasting human motionis illustrated in Fig 2. It comprises of the motion encodingmodule, the interaction module and the decoder module. On ahigh level, the motion encoding module is responsible for en-coding the past motion of pedestrians. The interaction modulelearns to capture the social interactions between pedestrians.The motion encoding module and the interaction moduleare not necessarily mutually exclusive. The output of theinteraction module is the social representation of the scene.The social representation is passed to the decoder module topredict a single trajectory or a trajectory distribution dependingon the decoder architecture. Since our benchmark TrajNet++focuses on interaction-centric scenes, in this work, we focuson investigating the design choices for the interaction module.

A. Interaction Module

Humans have the capability to navigate with ease in com-plex, crowded environments by following unspoken socialrules, which result in social interactions. In recent years, thesesocial interactions are captured effectively by designing novelinteraction modules. In this section, we broadly categorize thedifferent data-driven interaction encoders studied in literature,based on their underlying components. We show how mostof these designs fall within our categorization. Followingthis, in the experimental section we empirically analyze theeffectiveness of each of these components and provide rec-ommendations for designing improved interaction modules.The existing designs can be broadly categorized into (1) Gridbased and (2) Non-Grid based. We now discuss in detail thedifferent components of these interaction encoders.

1) Grid Based Interaction Models: In grid-based models,the interaction module takes as input a local grid constructedaround the pedestrian of interest. Each cell within the gridrepresents a particular spatial position relative to the pedestrianof interest. The design of grid-based models largely differbased on neighbour input state representation.

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(a) Occupancy pooling [15]






(b) Directional pooling [Ours]

Hidden State

Hidden State

Hidden State

Hidden State






(c) Social pooling [15]

Fig. 3: Illustration of the grid-based interaction encoding modules. (a) Occupancy pooling: each cell indicates the presenceof a neighbour (b) Our proposed directional pooling: each cell contains the relative velocity of the neighbour with respect tothe primary pedestrian. (c) Social pooling: each cell contains the LSTM hidden-state of the neighbour. The constructed gridtensors are passed through an MLP-based neural network to obtain the interaction vector.

Neighbour input state: Consider an 𝑁𝑜 × 𝑁𝑜 grid aroundthe primary pedestrian, where each cell contains informationabout neighbours located in that corresponding position. Exist-ing designs provides the information of the neighbours in twomain forms: (a) Occupancy Pooling [15], [45] where each cellin the grid indicates the presence of a neighbour (see Fig 3a)(b) Social Pooling [15], [45], [47], [51], [43], [48], [44] whereeach cell contains the entire past history of the neighbour,represented by, e.g., the LSTM hidden state of the neighbours(see Fig 3c). The obtained grid is embedded using an MLP toget the interaction vector 𝑝𝑡


Directional PoolingIn this work, based on our domain knowledge, we proposeto take as input the relative velocity of each neighbourin the corresponding grid cell. When humans navigate incrowded environments, in addition to relative positions of theneighbours, they naturally tend to focus on the neighbours’velocities. For the same positional configuration, the rela-tive velocities of neighbours lead to the concepts of leader-follower and collision avoidance i.e., one exhibits leader-follower and accelerates when the neighbour is in front andwalking along the same direction, while the same positionalconfiguration leads to deceleration when the neighbour movesin the opposite direction. Having access to relative velocitiescan therefore significantly improve model performance inpreventing collisions.

Furthermore, due to the complex nature of real-world move-ments combined with the possibility of noisy measurements,the current design of social pooling can sometimes fail to learnthe important notion of preventing collisions. One reason liesin the fact that the models are trained to minimize the dis-placement errors [15], [67] and not collisions. The models areexpected to learn the notion of collision avoidance implicitly.By focusing explicitly on relative velocity configurations, wecan obtain more domain-knowledge driven control over thedesign of the interaction encoder. When the model explicitlyfocuses only on relative velocity configuration (rather thanabstract hidden-state configurations), which is sufficient to

learn concepts of leader-follower and collision avoidance,the resulting simple design has the potential to output saferpredictions. Furthermore, directional pooling design are com-putationally faster to deploy in real-time scenarios due to thereduced size of input (𝑁×𝑁×2 in comparison to 𝑁×𝑁×𝐻𝑑𝑖𝑚

where 𝐻𝑑𝑖𝑚 is the dimension of the hidden-state).One might additionally argue to only consider the neigh-

bours in front of the primary pedestrian as proposed in[62]. We will demonstrate in the experimental section thatthe directional pooling implicitly learns this notion of onlyfocusing on the neighbours in the field-of-view of the primarypedestrian.

2) Non-Grid Based Interaction Models: Non-grid basedmodules, as the name suggests, capture the social interactionsin a grid-free manner. The challenge in designing non-gridbased models lies in (1) handling a variable number of neigh-bours and (2) aggregating the state information of multipleneighbours to obtain the interaction vector 𝑝𝑖𝑡 . As illustrated inFig 4, the design choices of these modules can be categorizedbased on four factors: (a) neighbour input state, (b) input stateembedding, (c) neighbour information aggregation strategy,and (d) aggregated vector embedding.

Neighbour input state: Non-grid based methods do notcontain an implicit notion of the spatial position of neigh-bours with respect to the primary pedestrian, unlike the grid-based counterparts. Hence, almost all the existing designs inliterature take as input the relative spatial position of theneighbours. Another popular input choice is the hidden-state ofthe neighbouring pedestrian [67], [52] as the hidden-state hasthe ability to encode information regarding the motion historyof the corresponding pedestrian. Amirian et al.[68] models theneighbour states using interaction-centric geometric featureslike bearing angle between agents and distance of closestapproach [81]. Ivanovic et al. [55] takes as input the velocityof neighbours. In this work, we argue that inputting relativevelocity of neighbours is an important factor for reducingcollisions in model predictions.

Input state embedding: The input states of the neighbours

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1. Relative Position2. Relative Velocity3. Hidden state


3. AGGREGATION STRATEGY:1. Attention2. MaxPool3. Concatenation


Fig. 4: Illustration of the non-grid based encoding modules to obtain the interaction vector. The challenge lies in handlinga variable number of neighbours and aggregating their state information to construct the interaction vector (a) Neighbourinformation is aggregated via attention mechanism (b) Neighbour information is aggregated utilizing a symmetric function (c)Neighbour information is aggregated via concatenation.

are usually embedded using an MLP. However, recent works[82], [70] based on graph neural network [83] designs, embedthe relative input states using an LSTM. Each connection ofa primary pedestrian to his neighbour is modelled using adifferent LSTM. The LSTM helps to capture the evolution ofthe relative neighbour states, unlike the first-order MLP.

Aggregation strategy: One of the most important chal-lenges of non-grid based models is to find the ideal strategyto aggregate the information of all the neighbours. Gupta etal. [52] proposed to aggregate the interaction information byapplying a symmetric max-pool function on the LSTM hidden-states of the neighbouring pedestrians. Ivanovic et al. [55] andHasan et al. [59] utilized the symmetric sum-pooling function.

A large body of works utilize the attention mechanism[78], [79] to determine the weights of different neighboursin predicting the future trajectory. These weights can be eitherhand-crafted [64] or learnt in a data-driven manner [67], [66],[68]. The attention mechanism can be applied multiple timesto model higher-order spatial interactions. The commonly useddata-driven attention mechanism is the design proposed for theTransformer architecture [78].

A simple baseline for aggregating neighbour information isto concatenate the neighbour embeddings. To tackle the issueof handling variable number of neighbours, we investigate theperformance of the concatenation scheme by selecting the top-𝑘 neighbours based on a defined criterion, (e.g., euclideandistance). Despite the simplicity, we demonstrate that theconcatenation strategy performs at par with its sophisticatedcounterparts.

Aggregated vector embedding: The aggregated neighbourvector is usually passed through an MLP, with the exceptionof Ivanovic et al. [55] passes the sum-pooled neighbour infor-mation through an LSTM, to obtain the interaction vector 𝑝𝑖𝑡 .We argue that encoding the aggregated vector using LSTMsoffers the advantage of modelling higher-order interactions inthe temporal domain. In other words, the interaction module

learns how the interaction representations evolve over time.For brevity, the interaction modules are denoted using

acronyms based on their designs. The acronyms are of theform P-Q-R-S where P denotes the input to the module, Qdenotes the state embedding module, R denotes the informa-tion aggregation mechanism and S denotes aggregated vectorembedding module. The choices for each of these componentsis provided in Table I. The table also illustrates how ourcategorization encompasses the popular designs on NN-basedinteraction modules in literature.

DirectConcatEquivalent to our proposed D-Grid, we now describe its non-grid counterpart DirectConcat. Grid-based models, based ontheir design, implicitly consider only those neighbours that arewithin the grid constructed around the primary pedestrian. Weargue that modelling interactions of all pedestrians (even thosefar away) can lead to the model learning spurious correlations.Thus, we propose to consider only the top-𝑘 neighboursclosest to the primary pedestrian. We will demonstrate in theexperimental section that if 𝑘 is set to a large value, i.e. ifthe model considers all pedestrians in the scene, the modeldeteriorates in its ability to learn collision avoidance.

Similar to aggregating the obtained directional grid by flat-tening the obtained grid, in DirectConcat we propose to con-catenate the relative-velocity and relative-position embeddingsof top-𝑘 neighbours. This preserves the unique identity of theneighbours as compared to mixing the different embeddingslike in max-pooling [52] or sum-pooling [55]. Finally, we passthe aggregated vector through an LSTM as compared to anMLP. This design choice helps to model higher-order spatio-temporal interactions better and is more robust to noise in thereal-world measurements as LSTM controls the evolution ofthe interaction vector. We demonstrate in the experimental sec-tion that indeed the LSTM embedding further helps to improvethe collision metric. By design, DirectConcat falls under theD-MLP-ConC-LSTM architecture of our categorization. We

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Acronym (P-Q-R-S) Input (P) Embed-I (Q) Aggreg. (R) Embed-II (S) ReferencesO-Grid Position None Grid MLP O-LSTM [15], [45], [49]S-Grid H-State None Grid MLP S-LSTM [15], [45], [47], [51], [43], [48], [44], [59]D-Grid Velocity None Grid MLP Directional Pooling [Ours]

D-MLP-Attn-MLP Velocity MLP Attn MLP [50]S-MLP-Attn-MLP H-State MLP Attn MLP S-BiGAT [67], [68], [64], [66], [53], [63], [65], [71], [75]

S-MLP-MaxP-MLP H-State MLP MaxPool MLP S-GAN [52]D-MLP-ConC-MLP Velocity MLP Concat MLP [57], [58]

D-MLP-SumP-LSTM Velocity MLP SumPool MLP Trajectron [55] 1

O-LSTM-Att-MLP Position LSTM Attn MLP S-Attn [82], [70]D-MLP-ConC-LSTM Velocity MLP Concat LSTM DirectConcat [Ours]

TABLE I: Model Acronyms: Acronyms for the various designs of interaction modules. We observe that most of the existinginteraction encoder designs fall under our defined categorization.

will use the terms DirectConcat and D-MLP-ConC-LSTMinterchangeably.

B. Forecasting Model

We now describe the rest of the components of the forecast-ing model. To claim that a particular design of the interactionmodule is superior, it is essential to keep the rest of theforecasting model components constant. Only then we can besure that it was the interaction module design that boostedperformance, and not one of the extra added components. Wechoose the time-sequence encoder to be an LSTM due to itscapability to handle varying input length and capture long-term dependencies. Moreover, most works have LSTMs astheir base motion-encoding architecture.

The rest of the architecture we describe now is identicalfor all the methods described in the previous section. Thestate of person 𝑖 at time-step 𝑡, s𝑡

𝑖, is embedded using a single

layer MLP to get the state embedding 𝑒𝑡𝑖. We represent each

person’s state using his/her velocity, as switching the inputrepresentation from absolute coordinates to velocities increasesthe generalization power of sequence encoder. We obtain theinteraction vector 𝑝𝑡

𝑖of person 𝑖 from the interaction encoder.

We concatenate the interaction vector with the velocity embed-ding and provide the resultant vector as input to the sequence-encoding module. Mathematically, we obtain the followingrecurrence:

𝑒𝑡𝑖 = 𝜙(v𝑡𝑖 ;𝑊𝑒𝑚𝑏), (1)

ℎ𝑡𝑖 = 𝐿𝑆𝑇𝑀 (ℎ𝑡−1𝑖 , [𝑒𝑡𝑖 ; 𝑝𝑡𝑖 ];𝑊𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑟 ), (2)

where 𝜙 is the embedding function, 𝑊𝑒𝑚𝑏 ,𝑊𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑟 are theweights to be learned. The weights are shared between allpersons in the scene.

The hidden-state of the LSTM at time-step 𝑡 of pedestrian 𝑖

is then used to predict the distribution of the velocity at time-step 𝑡 + 1. Similar to Graves [84], we output a bivariate Gaus-sian distribution parametrized by the mean `𝑡+1

𝑖= (`𝑥 , `𝑦)𝑡+1


standard deviation 𝜎𝑡+1𝑖

= (𝜎𝑥 , 𝜎𝑦)𝑡+1𝑖

and correlation coeffi-cient 𝜌𝑡+1


[`𝑡𝑖 , 𝜎𝑡𝑖 , 𝜌

𝑡𝑖 ] = 𝜙𝑑𝑒𝑐 (ℎ𝑡−1

𝑖 ,𝑊𝑑𝑒𝑐), (3)

where 𝜙𝑑𝑒𝑐 is modelled using an MLP and 𝑊𝑑𝑒𝑐 is learned.

Training: All the parameters of the forecasting model arelearned by minimizing the negative log-likelihood (NLL) loss:

L𝑖 (𝑤) = −𝑇𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑑∑

𝑡=𝑇𝑜𝑏𝑠+1log(P(v𝑡𝑖 |`𝑡𝑖 , 𝜎𝑡

𝑖 , 𝜌𝑡𝑖 )). (4)

Contrary to the general practice of training the model byminimizing the NLL loss for all the trajectories in the trainingdataset, we minimize the loss for only the primary pedestrian(defined in the next section) in each scene of the trainingdataset. We will demonstrate how this training procedurehelps the model to better capture social interactions in theexperimental section.

Testing: During test time, till time-step 𝑇𝑜𝑏𝑠 , we providethe ground truth position of all the pedestrians as input tothe forecasting model. From time 𝑇𝑜𝑏𝑠+1 to 𝑇𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑑 , we usethe predicted position (derived from the predicted velocity) ofeach pedestrian as input to the forecasting model and predictthe future trajectories of all the pedestrians.

Fig. 5: Illustration of Graph neural networks (purple) as aspecial case of our data-driven pipeline (brown). Each vertex𝑉𝑖 is modelled using a sequence encoder, the neighbour edges𝐸𝑖 𝑗 correspond to our input embeddings which are aggregatedvia attention mechanism. The resulting interaction vector isprovided as input to the sequence encoder (vertex 𝑉𝑖).

1) Equivalence to Graph Neural Networks: Recently, graphneural networks (GNNs) have become popular for forecasting

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human motion. In the GNN setup, each pedestrian is repre-sented as a node/vertex 𝑉𝑖 and two interacting pedestrians areconnected via an edge 𝐸𝑖 𝑗 . 𝑉𝑖 models the sequence represen-tation of the associated pedestrian and edge 𝐸𝑖 𝑗 updates ac-cording to the interactions between the associated pedestrians.We show an equivalence between dynamic-interaction-basedgraph neural networks and our proposed LSTM-based pipelinewith S-X-Attn-MLP (where X ∈ {MLP, LSTM}) interactionencoding scheme, visually illustrated in Figure 5. Withoutloss of generality, let pedestrian 𝑖 be the primary pedestrian.Vertex 𝑉𝑖 is modelled using an LSTM sequence encoder. Edge𝐸𝑖 𝑗 takes as input the state of the neighbours and updatesover time using an MLP or LSTM (input state embedding).At each time-step, the information of all connected edges isaggregated using attention mechanism (aggregation strategy),popularly referred to as GAT-pooling [85] in GNN literature.Finally the aggregated vector is optionally passed through anMLP to obtain the interaction vector 𝑝𝑖 which is the inputto the LSTM sequence encoder for 𝑉𝑖 . Social-BiGAT [67]utilizes the S-MLP-Attn-MLP design, Social Attention [82]utilizes the O-LSTM-Attn-MLP design while recently, STAR[75] utilizes the S-MLP-Attn-MLP design with the sequenceencoder for vertex 𝑉𝑖 being a Transformer [78].

C. Explaining trajectory forecasting models

Trajectory forecasting models are deployed in many safety-critical applications like autonomous systems. In such sce-narios, it becomes really important to gain insight into thedecision-making of so-called ‘blackbox’ neural networks. Sev-eral works in literature attempt to explain the rationale behindthe NN decisions [86], [16], [87], [88], [89]. Out of thesetechniques, Layer-wise Relevance Propagation (LRP) is one ofthe most prominent methods in explainable machine learning.

LRP re-distributes the model output score to each of theinput variables indicating the extent to which they contributeto the output. LRP works by reverse-propagating the predictionthrough the network by means of heuristic propagation rulesthat apply to each layer of a neural network [16]. Thesepropagation rules are based on a local conservation principle:the net quantity or relevance, received by any higher layerneuron is redistributed in the same amount to neurons of thelayer below. Mathematically, if 𝑗 and 𝑘 are indices for neuronsin two consecutive layers, and denoting by 𝑅 𝑗�𝑘 the relevanceflowing between two neurons, we have the equations:

Σ 𝑗𝑅 𝑗�𝑘 = 𝑅𝑘 (5)𝑅 𝑗 = Σ𝑘𝑅 𝑗�𝑘 (6)

On applying the local conservation principle across all thelayers, we obtain global conservation of the output score whenreverse propagated back to the inputs. Recently, Arras et al.[90] have shown that the principle of LRP can also be appliedto LSTMs.

LRP has largely been explored in the domain of model clas-sification i.e. the outputs are classification scores. In this work,we utilize LRP to determine on which neighbours (via theinput pooling map) and past velocities (via the input velocityembedding) of the primary pedestrian our model focuses on,

when regressing to the next predicted velocity. We achievethis by reverse-propagating both the x-component 𝑣𝑥 as wellas y-component 𝑣𝑦 of predicted velocity (vpred = (𝑣𝑥 , 𝑣𝑦)) andadding the obtained input relevance scores. To the best of ourknowledge, we are the first work to empirically demonstratethat LRP provides reasonable explanations when extended tothe regression task of trajectory forecasting. Moreover, theLRP technique is generic and can be applied on top of anytrajectory forecasting network to analyze its predictions.


In this section, we present TrajNet++, our interaction-centric human trajectory forecasting benchmark. To demon-strate the efficacy of a trajectory forecasting model, the stan-dard practice is to evaluate these models against baselines ona standard benchmark. However, current methods have beenevaluated on different subsets of available data without propersampling of scenes in which social interactions occur. In otherwords, a data-driven method cannot learn to model agent-agent interactions if the benchmark comprises primarily ofscenes where the agents are static or move linearly. Therefore,our benchmark comprises largely of scenes where socialinteractions occur. To this extent, we propose the followingtrajectory categorization hierarchy.

A. Trajectory Categorization

We provide a detailed trajectory categorization (Fig 8). Thisdetailed categorization helps us not only to better sample tra-jectories for TrajNet++ dataset but also glean insights into themodel performance in diverse scenarios, i.e., to verify whetherthe model captures all the different kinds of interactions.

To aid our categorization, we introduce the notion of aprimary pedestrian as a reference pedestrian with respectto which we categorize scenes. Each scene has a primarypedestrian whose motion we want to forecast. We refer to theother pedestrians in the scene as neighbouring pedestrians.

We explain in detail our proposed hierarchy for trajectorycategorization (Fig 8). We also provide example scenarios forthe same in Fig 6:

1) Static (Type I): If the euclidean displacement of theprimary pedestrian in the scene is less than a specificthreshold.

2) Linear (Type II): If the trajectory of the primary pedes-trian can be correctly forecasted with the help of anExtended Kalman Filter (EKF). A trajectory is said tobe correctly forecasted by EKF if the FDE between theground truth trajectory and forecasted trajectory is lessthan a specific threshold.

The rest of the scenes are classified as ‘Non-Linear’. Wefurther divide non-linear scenes into Interacting (Type III) andNon-Interacting (Type IV).

3) Interacting (Type III): These correspond to sceneswhere the primary trajectory undergoes social interac-tions. For a detailed categorization coherent with com-monly observed social interactions, we divide interacting

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(a) Static (b) Linear (c) Interacting (d) Non-Interacting

Fig. 6: Visualization of our high-level defined trajectory categories

(a) Leader Follower (b) Collision avoidance (c) Group (d) Others

Fig. 7: Visualization of our Type III interactions commonly occurring in real world crowds.


Non-LinearII. Linear

III. Interacting IV. Non-Interacting

I. Static


CollisionAvoidance Group Others

Fig. 8: Our proposed hierarchy for trajectory categorization.Using our defined trajectory categorization, we construct theTrajNet++ benchmark by sampling trajectories correspondinglargely to ‘Type III: Interacting’ category.

trajectories into the following sub-categories (shown inFig 7).

(a) Leader Follower [LF] (Type IIIa): Leader followerphenomenon refers to the tendency to follow pedestriansgoing in relatively the same direction. The followertends to regulate his/her speed and direction accordingto the leader. If the primary pedestrian is a follower, wecategorize the scene as Leader Follower.

(b) Collision Avoidance [CA] (Type IIIb): Collision avoid-ance phenomenon refers to the tendency to avoid pedes-trians coming from the opposite direction. We categorizethe scene as Collision avoidance if the primary pedestrianto be involved in collision avoidance.

(c) Group (Type IIIc): The primary pedestrian is said to bea part of a group if he/she maintains a close and roughly

constant distance with at least one neighbour on his/herside during prediction.

(d) Other Interactions (Type IIId): Trajectories where theprimary pedestrian undergoes social interactions otherthan LF, CA and Group. We define social interactionas follows: We look at an angular region in front ofthe primary pedestrian. If any neighbouring pedestrianis present in the defined region at any time-instant duringprediction, the scene is classified as having the presenceof social interactions.

4) Non-Interacting (Type IV): If a trajectory of the pri-mary pedestrian is non-linear and undergoes no socialinteractions during prediction.

Using our defined trajectory categorization, we construct theTrajNet++ benchmark by sampling trajectories correspondingmainly to the Type III category. Moreover, having many Type-I scenes in a dataset can hamper the training of the modeland result in misleading evaluation. Therefore, we removesuch samples in the construction of our benchmark. Thedetails of the categorization thresholds as well as the datasetswhich comprise our TrajNet++ benchmark are provided in thesupplementary material. A few examples of our categorizationin the real world are displayed in Fig 9. In addition tocomprising well-sampled trajectories, TrajNet++ provides anextensive evaluation system to understand model performancebetter.

B. Evaluation Metrics

Unimodal Evaluation: Unimodal evaluation refers to theevaluation of models that propose a single future mode fora given past observation. The most commonly used metricsof human trajectory forecasting in the unimodal setting are

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(a) Leader Follower (b) Collision Avoidance (c) Group (d) Others

Fig. 9: Sample scenes from our benchmark. In each of the samples, we illustrate a different social interaction between theprimary pedestrian (yellow) and the corresponding interacting neighbours (red) in real world datasets.

Fig. 10: Visual illustration of our proposed collision metrics.In the example, the model prediction exhibits ground-truthcollision (Col-II = 1) but no prediction collision (Col-I = 0).

Average Displacement Error (ADE) and Final DisplacementError (FDE) defined as follows:

1) Average Displacement Error (ADE): Average 𝐿2 dis-tance between ground truth and model prediction overallpredicted time steps.

2) Final Displacement Error (FDE): The distance betweenthe predicted final destination and the ground truth finaldestination at the end of the prediction period 𝑇𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑑 .

These metrics essentially define different distance measuresbetween the forecasted trajectory and the ground truth tra-jectory. With respect to our task, one of the most importantaspects of human behavior in crowded spaces is collisionavoidance. To ensure that models forecast feasible collision-free trajectories, we propose two new collision-based metricsin our framework (see Fig 10):

3) Collision I - Prediction collision (Col-I): This metriccalculates the percentage of collision between the primarypedestrian and the neighbors in the forecasted futurescene. This metric indicates whether the predicted modeltrajectories collide, i.e., whether the model learns thenotion of collision avoidance.

4) Collision II - Groundtruth collision (Col-II): Thismetric calculates the percentage of collision between theprimary pedestrian’s prediction and the neighbors in thegroundtruth future scene.

We want to stress further the importance of the collision

metrics in the unimodal setup. As mentioned earlier, humanmotion is multimodal. A model may forecast a physically-feasible future, which is different from the actual groundtruth. Such a physically-feasible prediction can result in alarge ADE/FDE, which can be misleading. Our Col-I metriccan help overcome this limitation of ADE/FDE metrics andprovides a solution to measure ‘physical feasibility’ of aprediction (aversion to a collision in this case). Col-II metricindicates whether the model understood the intention ofthe neighbours and predicted the desired trajectory modeindicated by fewer collisions with neighbours in ground truth.We believe our proposed collision metrics are an importantstep towards capturing the understanding of the model ofhuman social etiquette in crowds.

Multimodal Evaluation: For models performing multi-modal forecasting, i.e., outputting a future trajectory distri-bution, we provide the following metrics to measure theirperformance:

5) Top-k ADE: Given 𝑘 output predictions for an observedscene, this metric calculate the ADE of the predictionclosest to the groundtruth trajectory, similar in spirit toVariety Loss [52].

6) Top-k FDE: Given 𝑘 output predictions for an observedscene, this metric calculate the FDE of the predictionclosest to the groundtruth trajectory, similar in spirit toVariety Loss [52].

For the Top-k metrics, we propose 𝑘 be small (3 as opposedto 20) as a model outputting uniformly-spaced predictions,irrespective of the input observation, can result in a muchlower Top-20 ADE/FDE.

7) Average NLL: This metric was proposed by Boris et. al.[55]. At each prediction step, the authors utilize a KernelDensity Estimate (KDE) [91]. From these estimates, thelog-likelihood of ground truth trajectory is computed ateach time step and is subsequently averaged over theprediction horizon. This metric provides a good indicationof the probability of the ground truth trajectory in themodel prediction distribution.


In this section, we perform extensive experimentation onboth TrajNet++ synthetic and real-world datasets to understand

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Model (Acronym) ADE/FDE Col-I Col-IIGrid based methods

Vanilla 0.32/0.62 19.0 7.1O-Grid [15] 0.27/0.52 11.7 4.9S-Grid [15] 0.24/0.50 2.2 4.6

D-Grid [Ours] 0.24/0.49 2.2 4.8Non-Grid based methods

S-MLP-MaxP-MLP [52] 0.27/0.52 6.4 5.2S-MLP-Attn-MLP [67] 0.26/0.52 3.7 5.4

D-MLP-SumP-LSTM [55] 0.29/0.57 13.8 6.6O-LSTM-Attn-MLP [82] 0.24/0.48 0.8 5.2

D-MLP-MaxP-MLP 0.28/0.55 14.3 6.1D-MLP-Attn-MLP 0.27/0.52 8.1 5.0

D-MLP-ConC-MLP 0.25/0.50 1.3 5.6D-MLP-ConC-LSTM [Ours] 0.24/0.48 0.6 5.3

TABLE II: Unimodal Comparison of interaction encoder de-signs when forecasting 12 future time-steps, given the previous9 time-steps, on TrajNet++ synthetic dataset. Errors reportedare ADE / FDE in meters, Col I / Col II reported in %. We em-phasize that our goal is to reduce Col-I without compromisingdistance-based metrics.

the efficacy of various interaction module designs for humantrajectory forecasting. Moreover, we demonstrate how ourproposed metrics help to provide a complete picture of modelperformance.

A. Implementation Details

The velocity of each pedestrian is embedded into a 64-dimensional vector. The dimension of the interaction vectoris 256. The dimension of the goal direction vector is 64.For grid-based interaction encoding, we construct a grid ofsize 16 × 16 with a resolution of 0.6 meters. The dimensionof the hidden state of both the encoder LSTM and decoderLSTM is 128. As mentioned earlier, each pedestrian hasits own encoder and decoder. The batch size is fixed to 8.We train using ADAM optimizer [92] with a learning rateof 1e-3. We perform interaction encoding at every time-step. For the concatenation based models, we consider top-4nearest neighbours based on euclidean distance unless statedotherwise. For the attention aggregation strategy, we utilize theattention mechanism proposed in the Transformer architecture[78].

Data augmentation is another technique that can help in-crease accuracy, which can get wrongly attributed to theinteraction encoder. We use rotation augmentation as the dataaugmentation technique to regularize all the models.

B. Interaction Models: Synthetic Experiments

We utilize synthetic datasets to validate the efficacy ofvarious interaction modules in a controlled setup. For thesynthetic dataset, since ORCA has access to the goals of eachpedestrian, we embed the goal-direction and concatenate it tothe velocity embedding (see Eq 1).

Table II quantifies the performance of the different de-signs of interaction modules published in the literature onTrajNet++ synthetic dataset. It is very interesting to note

how our proposed Col-I metric provides a more completepicture of model performance. Observing only the distance-based metrics, one might wrongly conclude that the methodsare similar in performance, however, they do not indicatethe ability of the model to learn social etiquette (collisionavoidance in this case). In safety-critical scenarios, it is moreimportant for a model to prevent collisions in comparison tominimizing ADE/FDE.

1) Grid-Based Models: our proposed D-Grid outperformsO-Grid, especially in terms of Col-I, i.e., D-Grid learnsbetter to avoid collisions. It is interesting to note that eventhough the motion encoder (LSTM) has the potential toinfer the relative velocity of neighbours over time, there isa significant difference in performance when we explicitlyprovide relative velocity of the neighbours as input. Further,since ORCA is a first-order trajectory simulator dependentonly on relative configuration of neighbours, one can explainthe performance of D-Grid being at par with S-Grid in thecontrolled setup.

2) Aggregation Strategy: We focus on the informationaggregation strategies for non-grid based encoders. It is evidentthat the baseline D-MLP-Conc-MLP of concatenating theneighbourhood information performs better than the sophisti-cated attention-based D-MLP-Attn-MLP and max-pooling-based D-MLP-MaxP-MLP alternatives. This performance canbe attributed to the simplicity of the concatenation schemealong with its property to preserve the identity of the sur-rounding neighbours. The MaxPooling strategy mixes up thedifferent embeddings of the neighbours resulting in a highcollision loss.

3) LSTM-based interaction model: Among the non-grid LSTM-based designs, the drop in performance ofD-MLP-SumPool-LSTM module [55] can be attributed to(1) sum pooling which loses the individual identity of theneighbours and (2) encoding of absolute neighbour coordinatesinstead of relative coordinates: relational coordinates of agentsto the target agent are easier to train than exact coordinates ofagents. We notice that encoding the interaction informationusing LSTM [O-LSTM-Att-MLP, D-MLP-Conc-LSTM],improves performance over its MLP-based counterparts. MLPencoders, due to their non-recurrent nature, have no infor-mation regarding the interaction representation at the previ-ous step. We argue that LSTMs can capture the evolutionof interaction and therefore provide a better neighbourhoodrepresentation as the scene evolves, especially in cases wherethe input measurements are noisy.

C. Interaction Models: Real World Experiments

Now, we discuss the performances of forecasting models onTrajNet++ real-world data. With the help of our defined tra-jectory categorization, we construct the TrajNet++ real-worldbenchmark by sampling trajectories corresponding mainlyto Type III Interacting category. Having gained insights onthe performance of different modules on controlled syntheticdata, we explore the question, ‘Do these findings generalizeto the real world datasets comprising much more diverseinteractions?’

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Model (Acronym) ADE/FDE Col-I Col-IIHand-crafted methods

Kalman Filter 0.87/1.69 16.20 22.1Social Force 0.89/1.53 0.0 13.1

ORCA 0.68/1.40 0.0 15.0

Top submitted methods*2

AMENet [93] 0.62/1.30 14.1 16.90AIN [94] 0.62/1.24 10.7 17.10

PecNet [76] 0.57/1.18 15.0 14.3Grid based methods

Vanilla 0.6/1.3 13.6 (0.2) 14.8 (0.1)O-Grid [15] 0.58/1.24 9.1 (0.4) 15.1 (0.3)S-Grid [15] 0.53/1.14 6.7 (0.2) 13.5 (0.5)

D-Grid [Ours] 0.56/1.22 5.4 (0.3) 13.0 (0.5)Non-Grid based methods

S-MLP-MaxP-MLP [52] 0.57/1.24 12.6 (0.9) 14.6 (0.7)S-MLP-Att-MLP [67] 0.56/1.22 7.2 (0.8) 14.8 (0.4)

D-MLP-SumP-LSTM [55] 0.60/1.28 13.9 (0.7) 15.4 (0.5)O-MLP-Att-LSTM [82] 0.56/1.21 9.0 (0.3) 15.2 (0.4)

D-MLP-ConC-MLP 0.58/1.23 7.6 (0.6) 14.3 (0.2)D-MLP-MaxP-MLP 0.60/1.25 12.9 (0.6) 14.8 (0.5)D-MLP-Attn-MLP 0.56/1.22 6.9 (0.3) 14.3 (0.6)

D-MLP-ConC-LSTM (k=8) 0.56/1.22 8.5 (0.5) 14.0 (0.1)D-MLP-ConC-LSTM [Ours] 0.55/1.19 6.8 (0.4) 14.5 (0.5)

TABLE III: Unimodal Comparison of interaction encoder de-signs when forecasting 12 future time-steps, given the previous9 time-steps, on interacting trajectories of TrajNet++ realworld dataset. Errors reported are ADE / FDE in meters, ColI / Col II in mean % (std. dev. %) across 5 independentruns. We emphasize that our goal is to reduce Col-I withoutcompromising distance-based metrics.

Table III provides an extensive evaluation of existing base-lines on the Type III interacting trajectories of the TrajNet++real dataset. We observe that Col-I metric is the differentiatingfactor for various model designs when compared on identicalgrounds. We hope that in future, researchers will incorporatethe collision metrics while reporting their model performanceson trajectory forecasting datasets. Moreover, the performanceof ADE/FDE is similar ( including submitted methods) indicat-ing that there exists a lot of scope to improve the performanceof current trajectory forecasting models on a well-sampledinteraction-centric test set.

1) Classical Methods: We first compare with the classicaltrajectory forecasting models, namely, Extended Kalman Filter(EKF), Social Force [17], and ORCA [29]. Both Social Forceand ORCA models forecast the future trajectory based on theassumption that each pedestrian has an intended direction ofmotion and a preferred velocity. We interpolate the observedtrajectory to identify the virtual goals for each agent. SocialForce and ORCA are calibrated to fit the TrajNet++ trainingdata by minimizing ADE/FDE metrics, along with the con-straint that collisions should be avoided

The high error of EKF can be attributed to the fact thatthe filter does not model social interactions. The interaction-based NN models outperform the handcrafted models in termsof the distance-based metrics, as NN have the ability to learnthe subtle and diverse social interactions.

2) Grid-based modules: Our proposed D-Grid performssuperior to O-Grid in the real world as well. It is interest-ing to compare the performances of D-Grid and S-Grid.

The current design of S-Grid fails to learn the notion ofprediction collision. This reaffirms the fact that while trainingto minimize ADE/FDE, the hidden-state of LSTM is unableto provide representations necessary to avoid collisions. Inthe D-Grid design, we force the model to focus explicitlyon relative velocities based on our domain knowledge. Thesimplicity of our design slightly hampers the distance-basedaccuracy as we limit the expressibility of the model. However,it leads to safer predictions as the task of the model to learn so-cial concepts is made easier thanks to our domain-knowledgebased design. Further, as shown in Table IV, the D-Gridprovides significant computational speed-up in comparison toS-Grid rendering it useful for real-time deployment.

Vanilla O-Grid S-Grid D-GridTime 0.01 0.022 0.081 0.022

Speed-Up 8.1x 3.7x 1x 3.7x

TABLE IV: Speed (in seconds) comparison with S-Grid at test-time. D-Grid provides 3.7x speedup as compared to S-Gridrendering it more suitable for real-world deployment tasks.

3) Aggregation Strategy: We evaluate the performanceof various aggregation strategies [D-MLP-Attn-MLP,D-MLP-MaxP-MLP, D-MLP-ConC-MLP] on real-world datakeeping all the other factors constant. We observe that themax-pooling strategy performs the worst due to its designto hard-merge the embeddings of various neighbours. Theconcatenation strategy, despite its simplicity, performs onlyslightly worse in comparison to its sophisticated attention-based counterpart. One interesting point to note is thatD-MLP-Attn-MLP performs superior to its social counter-part S-MLP-Attn-MLP further corroborating the strength ofknowledge-based modules. We believe that the concatenationbaseline is a simple yet powerful baseline to compare to whendesigning future information aggregating modules.

4) LSTM-based interaction models: Among the LSTM-based non-grid designs, D-MLP-SumPool-LSTM module[55] demonstrates high Col-I metric due to (1) sum pool-ing strategy and (2) encoding of absolute neighbour coor-dinates. The Col-I metric for O-LSTM-Att-MLP [82] isrelatively higher compared to D-MLP-Concat-LSTM inthe real-world due to the absence of relative velocity asinput to the interaction model. One can notice the impor-tance of having an LSTM-based embedding in our proposedDirectConcat model by comparing the performance be-tween D-MLP-Concat-LSTM and D-MLP-Concat-MLP.This design choice helps to model higher-order spatio-temporal interactions better and is more robust to noise inthe real-world measurements as LSTM controls the evolutionof the interaction vector. The top-𝑘 neighbours are chosenbased on euclidean distance. We argue that imposing domainknowledge by considering nearest neighbours is one of thereasons for improvement in Col-I metric as compared to itsattention-based and max-pooling-based counterparts. This iscorroborated by observing that considering a large number ofnearest neighbours (𝑘 = 8), in comparison to (𝑘 = 4), resultsin an increase in the model prediction collisions.

5) Comparison to Vanilla LSTM: The interaction-basedmodels perform superior to Vanilla LSTM in terms of

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E 1





E 2 D-G



Fig. 11: Visualizing the decision-making of grid-based interaction modules using layer-wise relevance propagation. The darkerthe yellow circles, the more is the weight (also shown in the legend) provided by the primary pedestrian (blue) to thecorresponding neighbour (yellow). Our proposed D-Grid, driven by domain knowledge, outputs more human-like trajectorieswith more intuitive focus on surrounding neighbours as compared to S-Grid.

distance-based metrics. However, an important point to discussis the performance comparison between Vanilla LSTMand interaction-based models in terms of the Col-II metric.We would like to remind that performance in Col-II metricrepresents the cases where the model predicts the correctmode for the primary pedestrian so that the collisions withthe ground-truth trajectories of neighbours is minimal. Due tothe multimodal nature of real-world data, it is quite possiblethat the interaction model predicts a different mode for oneof the pedestrians (primary or neighbour) leading to the pri-mary pedestrian not following the ground-truth mode. Indeed,two of the current interaction models [O-MLP-Att-LSTM,D-MLP-SumP-LSTM] struggle in accurately predicting theground-truth mode compared to Vanilla LSTM. However,this observation does not undermine the importance of mod-elling social interactions. The usefulness of modelling socialinteractions is justified by the Col-I metric comparison, whichindicates that given the chosen mode for the primary pedes-trian, the interaction models predicts a collision-free future forthe entire scene, as opposed to Vanilla LSTM.

6) Modified Training Objective: We employ a modifiedtraining objective where we penalize only the primary pedes-trian in comparison to the standard practice of penalizing allpedestrians in the scene [52], [82], [55]. In the real worlddataset, we know that the primary trajectories are largelyinteracting thanks to our defined categorization; however, thereexist significant portion of trajectories among the neighbours

which are static and linear. Penalizing such neighbouringtrajectories during training might bias to the network intolearning linear and static behavior because of the resultingimbalanced distribution (caused by the neighbours).

Table V illustrates the effectiveness of our modified trainingobjective in helping the model to learn collision avoidancebetter. During test time, we do not provide the ground truthneighbour trajectories.

Training Objective Dataset ADE FDE Col-IStandard [52], [82], [55] Synth 0.25 0.50 11.9

Proposed [Ours] Synth 0.24 0.49 2.2Standard [52], [82], [55] Real 0.59 1.27 7.4

Proposed [Ours] Real 0.56 1.22 5.4

TABLE V: Our proposed training objective that penalizes onlythe primary prediction provides superior performance.

7) Understanding NN decision-making: Now, using thepopular technique of LRP, we investigate how various inputfactors affect the decision-making of the NN at each time-step.This helps us in verifying whether the NN decision-makingprocess follows human intuition. Fig 11 illustrates the scoreof each neighbour obtained on applying the LRP procedureon our proposed D-Grid module and baseline S-Grid inreal-world scenarios.

In Scene 1, we demonstrate the application of LRP on asimple real-world example. In case of D-Grid, the primary

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pedestrian starts focusing on the potential collider 𝑁2 despiteit being distant compared to 𝑁1 thereby preventing collisionby staying closer to 𝑁1. On the other hand, S-Grid keepsfocusing on the 𝑁1 which is not desirable. It is interesting tonote that once 𝑁2 passes the primary pedestrian, both D-Gridand S-Grid shift the attention of the primary pedestrian backto 𝑁1.

In Scene 2, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our pro-posed D-Grid module in a complex real-world scenario. ForD-Grid, initially the primary pedestrian focuses on 𝑁3 toprevent collision. On successfully avoiding collision with 𝑁3,D-Grid immediately shifts the focus to the pair 𝑁1 and 𝑁2as they would potentially lead to another collision. On comingin close proximity to 𝑁1 and 𝑁2, the focus significantly shiftstowards 𝑁1 as it is closer to the primary pedestrian. Finally,on passing 𝑁1 and 𝑁2, the primary pedestrian attends to thepedestrian 𝑁4 in front. On the other hand, S-Grid passes inbetween 𝑁1 and 𝑁2, such behavior is not expected in humancrowds.

Thus, we can see that LRP is an effective investigativetool to understand the rationale behind the NN decisions. Wecan observe that, along with having a lower Col-I metric ascompared to S-Grid in Table III, the decision making of ourdomain-knowledge based D-Grid satisfies human intuitionwhile navigating crowds. The LRP technique is generic andcan be applied on top of any existing trained interactionmodule architecture.

To summarize, despite claims in literature that specificinteraction modules better model interactions, we observethat under identical conditions, all modules perform similarin terms of the distance-based ADE and FDE metrics. Theincorporation of Col-I metrics paints a more complete pictureof model performance. Secondly, relative velocity plays acrucial role in learning collision avoidance in the real-world.Thirdly, a simple concatenation strategy performs at par withthe sophisticated attention-based counterparts. We believe thatthe concatenation baseline should be a standard baseline tocompare to when designing future information aggregatingmodules. Finally, the LRP technique is a useful investigativetool to gain insights regarding the decision-making process ofNNs. We hope that such practices will help to accelerate thedevelopment of interaction modules in future research. Therecertainly exists room for improvement, and we hope that ourbenchmark provides the necessary resources to advance thefield of trajectory forecasting. We open-source our code forreproducibility.


In this work, we tackled the challenge of modelling socialinteractions between pedestrians in crowds. While modellingsocial interactions is a central issue in human trajectory fore-casting, the literature lacks a definitive comparison betweenthe many existing interaction model designs on identicalgrounds. We presented an in-depth analysis of the design ofinteraction modules proposed in the literature and proposedtwo domain-knowledge based interaction models.

A significant yet missing component in this field is anobjective and informative evaluation of these interaction-based

methods. To solve this issue, we propose TrajNet++: (1)TrajNet++ is interaction-centric as it largely comprises sceneswhere interactions take place thanks to our defined trajectorycategorization, both in the real-world and synthetic settings,(2) TrajNet++ provides an extensive evaluation system thatincludes novel collision-based metrics that can help measurethe physical feasibility of model predictions. The superiorquality of TrajNet++ is highlighted by the improved perfor-mance of interaction-based models on real world datasets onall metrics (4 of the top 5 methods on TrajNet [95], an earlierbenchmark, do not model social interactions). Further, wedemonstrated how our collision-based metrics provide a moreconcrete picture regarding the model performance.

Our proposed models outperform competitive baselines onTrajNet++ synthetic dataset by benchmarking against severalpopular interaction module designs in the field. On the realdataset, there is no clear winner amongst all the designs interms of distance-based metrics, when compared on equalgrounds. Our proposed designs show significant gains in re-ducing model prediction collisions. There is room for improve-ment, and we hope that our benchmark facilitates researchersto objectively and easily compare their methods against exist-ing works so that the quality of trajectory forecasting modelscan keep increasing, allowing us to tackle more challengingscenarios.

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Human Trajectory Forecasting in Crowds:A Deep Learning Perspective

Supplementary Material


A. Categorization Rules

In this section, we provide the mathematical conditions tobe satisfied to classify a scene into a particular category.

• Static (Type I): The total distance traveled by the primarypedestrian is less than 1 meter.

• Linear (Type II): A trajectory is categorized to be Linearif the final displacement error (FDE) of the extendedkalman filter prediction is less than 0.5m.

• Leader Follower (Type IIIa): The primary pedestrianfollows a neighbour, moving in the same direction withinan angular range of ±15 deg and having relative velocityin the range of ±15 deg, for more than 2 seconds.

• Collision Avoidance (Type IIIb): The primary pedes-trian is faced head-on by a neighbour, coming from theopposite direction within an angular range of ±15 deg andrelative velocity of movement in the range [180±15 deg])at any given point of time.

• Group (Type IIIc): There exists a neighbour on the sideof the primary pedestrian (angular range [90± 15 deg] or[−90±15 deg]) for the entire duration of the sample withmean distance ≤ 1𝑚 and standard deviation ≤ 0.2𝑚.

• Other Interactions (Type IIId): If at any point oftime, a neighbour exists in the front (angular range of±15 deg) of the primary pedestrian within a distance of5 m, we categorize this trajectory of undergoing socialinteractions.

• Non-Interacting (Type IV): All the other trajectories thatfail to satisfy any of the above conditions.

B. TrajNet++ Datasets

We now describe the datasets used in the TrajNet++ bench-mark. Since the focus of this work is to tackle agent-agentinteractions in crowded settings, we explicitly select datasetswhere scene constraints do not play a significant role in deter-mining the future trajectory. For each real world dataset, weutilize only the information regarding the pedestrian locationsfrom the respective annotations files, i.e., spatial coordinates ofeach pedestrian at each time frame. Furthermore, we provideno information regarding the destination of each pedestrian orstructure of the scene. Our goal is to forecast only the 2Dspatial coordinates for each pedestrian.

1) TrajNet++ Real Dataset:• ETH: ETH dataset provides for two locations: Univ and

Hotel, where pedestrian trajectories are observed. Thisdataset contains a total of approximately 750 pedestriansexhibiting complex interactions (Pellegrini et. al. [23]).The dataset is one of the widely used benchmarks forpedestrian trajectory forecasting. It captures diverse real-world social interactions like leader follower, collisionavoidance, and group forming and dispersing.

• UCY: UCY dataset consists of three scenes: Zara01,Zara02 and Uni, with a total of approximately 780pedestrians (Lerner et. al. [2]). This dataset, in additionto the ETH dataset, is widely used as benchmarks forpedestrian trajectory forecasting, offering a wide range ofnon-linear trajectories arising out of social interactions.

• WildTrack: This is a recently proposed benchmark [96]for pedestrian detection and tracking captured in frontof ETH Zurich. Since the dataset comprises of diversecrowd interactions in the wild, we utilize it for our taskof trajectory forecasting.

• L-CAS: This is a recently proposed benchmark forpedestrian trajectory forecasting (Sun et. al. [97]). Thedataset, comprising over 900 pedestrian tracks, comprisesdiverse social interactions that are captured within indoorenvironments. Some of the challenges scenarios in thisdataset include people pushing trolleys and running chil-dren.

• CFF: This is a large-scale dataset of 42 million tra-jectories extracted from real-world train stations [36]. Itis one of the biggest datasets that capture agent-agentinteractions in crowded settings during peak travel times.Due to the high density of people, we observe higherinstances of social interactions like leader-follower in thisdataset.

2) TrajNet++ Synthetic Dataset: Interaction-centric syn-thetic datasets can provide the necessary controlled environ-ment to compare the performances of different model compo-nents. We provide synthetic data in TrajNet++ to evaluate theperformance of a model under controlled interaction scenarios.

Simulator Selection: It is a necessary condition that theinteractions in the synthetic dataset are similar to those inthe real world. Empirically, we find that in comparison toSocial Force [17], ORCA [29] provides a better similarity toreal world human motion with respect to collision avoidance.We choose ORCA parameters, which demonstrate a reactiondistance and reaction curvature similar to real data duringcollision avoidance (Fig 12).

Dataset Generation: Given the ORCA parameters, wegenerated the synthetic dataset using the following procedure:𝑛 pedestrians were initialized at random on a circle of radius𝑟 keeping a certain minimum distance 𝑑_𝑚𝑖𝑛 between theirinitial positions. The goal of each pedestrian was defined tobe the point diametrically opposite to the initial position on thecircle. For the TrajNet++ synthetic dataset: We ran differentsimulations with 𝑛 chosen randomly from the range [4, 7) ona circle of radius 𝑟 = 10 meters and 𝑑_𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 2 meters.

Given the generated trajectories, we selected only thosescenes which belonged to the Type III: ‘Interacting’ category.The ORCA simulator demonstrates sensitive dependence oninitial conditions. This can be attributed to the fact that allthe agents are expected to collide near the same point (at theorigin), so slight perturbations can greatly affect the futuretrajectory of all agents. Sensitivity to initial conditions, alsoknown as the Butterfly Effect, is a well-studied phenomenon ofChaos theory[98]. To identify such sensitive initial conditions,the practice which is often followed is to perturb the initialconditions with arbitrary small noise and observe the effect.

Page 17: arXiv:2007.03639v2 [cs.CV] 24 Jul 2020 · arXiv:2007.03639v2 [cs.CV] 24 Jul 2020 Figure 1: Human trajectory forecasting is the task of forecasting the future trajectories (dashed)


Fig. 12: Illustration of our calibrated ORCA parameters show-ing similar reaction curvature (in blue) as those shown byhumans in real world datasets (in black). Solid line denotesthe primary pedestrian. Dotted lines denote the neighbours.

Along similar lines, we propose an additional step to filter outsuch ‘sensitive’ scenes: in each scene, we perturb all trajec-tories at the point of observation with a small uniform noise(𝑛𝑜𝑖𝑠𝑒 ∈ 𝑈 [−𝑛𝑜𝑖𝑠𝑒_𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑠ℎ, 𝑛𝑜𝑖𝑠𝑒_𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑠ℎ]), and forecast thefuture trajectories using ORCA. We perform this procedure 𝑘

times. If any of the 𝑘 ORCA predictions have a significantADE compared to the ground truth, we filter out such scenes.Fig 13 visualizes the sample outputs of our filtering process(with 𝑛𝑜𝑖𝑠𝑒_𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑠ℎ = 0.01, 𝑘 = 20, 𝑛 = 5). We passed theselected scenes through a final additional filter that identifiessharp unrealistic turns in trajectories. Fig 14 illustrates a fewsample scenes in our TrajNet++ synthetic dataset.

(a) Sensitive Scenes

(b) Insensitive Scenes

Fig. 13: Illustration of our filtering procedure to generateTrajnet++ synthetic dataset. Given a ground-truth scene (inblack) generated by ORCA, we perturb the positions of agentsand forecast the future with ORCA, iteratively, to obtain adistribution (in blue). This procedure helps us identify thesensitive scenes and consequently remove them.

3) TrajNet++ Dataset Split: We now provide the trainingdataset and test dataset split of the TrajNet++ benchmark (seeTable VI and Table VII). The trajectories are divided accordingto our defined categorization for TrajNet++.

Fig. 14: Illustration of our synthetically generated samplesusing the calibrated ORCA parameters.

Name Total I II III LF CA Grp Oth IVSynthetic 54513 0 0 54513 495 7183 0 46853 0

BIWI Hotel. 229 13 91 109 22 29 38 41 16Zara01. 1017 4 184 541 111 160 231 132 288Zara03. 955 11 151 636 106 222 236 200 157Stud01. 5265 102 564 4349 651 1824 1665 1258 250Stud03. 4262 39 342 3579 535 1488 1455 1123 302WildTr. 1101 119 43 667 41 76 144 423 272L-CAS 889 215 87 297 10 86 6 202 292CFF06 23751 105 3722 18980 6734 10950 323 5394 944CFF07 24100 93 3685 19389 7139 11118 297 5410 933CFF08 23070 106 3512 18456 6434 10438 309 5315 996CFF09 11433 54 2260 8129 2284 3965 236 3006 990CFF10 9702 47 2028 6825 1890 3397 181 2499 802CFF12 23936 87 3740 19141 6948 11013 326 5320 968CFF13 22355 102 3348 17906 6112 9913 300 5352 999CFF14 23376 90 3566 18693 6697 10623 318 5364 1027CFF15 22657 106 3354 18201 6218 10238 306 5362 996CFF16 10771 61 2116 7619 2137 3564 250 2844 975CFF17 10000 68 2204 6892 1917 3557 223 2408 836CFF18 22021 88 3553 17317 6145 9644 312 5082 1063Total 250k

TABLE VI: TrajNet++: Statistics of the Training Split.

Name Total I II III LF CA Grp Oth IVSynthetic 3842 0 0 3842 73 632 0 3142 0

BIWI ETH. 1137 12 226 639 192 152 172 244 260UNI. 243 1 50 99 7 11 39 47 93

Zara02. 1766 91 439 938 185 317 434 260 298Total 6988

TABLE VII: TrajNet++: Statistics of the Testing Split.