arxiv:2010.16030v1 [] 30 oct 2020

MULTIMODAL METRIC LEARNING FOR TAG-BASED MUSIC RETRIEVAL Minz Won ?,Sergio Oramas ?? Oriol Nieto ?? Fabien Gouyon ?? Xavier Serra ? ? Music Technology Group, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain ?? Pandora, Oakland, CA, United States of America ABSTRACT Tag-based music retrieval is crucial to browse large-scale music libraries efficiently. Hence, automatic music tagging has been actively explored, mostly as a classification task, which has an inherent limitation: a fixed vocabulary. On the other hand, metric learning enables flexible vocabularies by using pretrained word embeddings as side information. Also, metric learning has already proven its suitability for cross- modal retrieval tasks in other domains (e.g., text-to-image) by jointly learning a multimodal embedding space. In this paper, we investigate three ideas to successfully introduce multi- modal metric learning for tag-based music retrieval: elaborate triplet sampling, acoustic and cultural music information, and domain-specific word embeddings. Our experimental results show that the proposed ideas enhance the retrieval system quantitatively, and qualitatively. Furthermore, we release the MSD500, a subset of the Million Song Dataset (MSD) con- taining 500 cleaned tags, 7 manually annotated tag categories, and user taste profiles. Index TermsMetric learning, Music retrieval 1. INTRODUCTION Text-based search is one of the most common ways of brows- ing the internet. This information behavior is also preva- lent when exploring music libraries: from querying edito- rial metadata (e.g., title, artist, album) to high-level music se- mantics (e.g., genre, mood). However, the annotation of mu- sic tags is demanding and time-consuming, especially when an enormous amount of music collections are available. To scale such annotation process, audio-based automatic music tagging has been actively explored by music information re- trieval (MIR) researchers [1]. However, this categorical clas- sification has an intrinsic limitation: it can only use a fixed vocabulary. When an out-of-category tag is queried, music tagging models tend to not properly generalize since the given tag was never considered during training. In a real world sce- nario, users query a virtually unlimited amount of music tags. Hence, the music retrieval system needs to be more flexible beyond categorical models. Work performed during an internship with Pandora in 2019. As opposed to categorical classification models, metric learning aims to construct distance metrics for establishing similarity of data [2, 3]. It can form a similarity metric be- tween two instances from the same modality using shared weights, so-called Siamese network [4], and this can be also easily expanded towards multiple modalities [5, 6]. By jointly learning a multimodal embedding space, metric learning has already demonstrated its suitability for cross-modal retrieval such as image-to-text [7, 5] and video-to-audio [8]. Metric learning facilitates the nearest neighbor search in the embed- ding space directly, while classification models require a two- step retrieval (i.e., tagging and ranking). Also, metric learning enables abundant vocabulary when pretrained word embed- dings are used to represent tags as side information [7, 9]. Recent work in MIR showed the advantage of using met- ric learning with pretrained word embeddings for audio-based music tagging and classification [9]. Based on the proposed model, we investigate several ideas to successfully introduce metric learning for tag-based music retrieval. Contribution. Our contribution is four-fold: (i) we show the importance of elaborate triplet sampling, (ii) we explore cul- tural and acoustic information to represent music, (iii) we ex- amine domain-specific word embeddings, and (iv) we present a manually cleaned dataset for reproducibility. 2. MODEL 2.1. Related work A triplet network [10] is a type of metric learning that uses a triplet loss to fit a metric embedding, where a positive exam- ple x p belongs to the same class as an anchor x a , and a neg- ative example x n is a member of a different one. The triplet network is optimized to satisfy Sim(x a ,x p ) > Sim(x a ,x n ), where Sim(.) is a learned similarity metric. As it learns by comparisons instead of using direct labels, the triplet ap- proach is expandable to leverage various data sources that are not explicitly labeled. Thanks to its flexibility, deep metric learning with the triplet loss has been actively used to solve a set of diverse MIR problems [6, 9]. Choi et al. [9] proposed a triplet network that learns a multimodal embedding of audio and word semantics. To han- dle unseen labels, the authors used pretrained GloVe embed- arXiv:2010.16030v1 [cs.IR] 30 Oct 2020

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Minz Won?,† Sergio Oramas?? Oriol Nieto?? Fabien Gouyon?? Xavier Serra?

? Music Technology Group, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain?? Pandora, Oakland, CA, United States of America


Tag-based music retrieval is crucial to browse large-scalemusic libraries efficiently. Hence, automatic music tagginghas been actively explored, mostly as a classification task,which has an inherent limitation: a fixed vocabulary. On theother hand, metric learning enables flexible vocabularies byusing pretrained word embeddings as side information. Also,metric learning has already proven its suitability for cross-modal retrieval tasks in other domains (e.g., text-to-image) byjointly learning a multimodal embedding space. In this paper,we investigate three ideas to successfully introduce multi-modal metric learning for tag-based music retrieval: elaboratetriplet sampling, acoustic and cultural music information, anddomain-specific word embeddings. Our experimental resultsshow that the proposed ideas enhance the retrieval systemquantitatively, and qualitatively. Furthermore, we release theMSD500, a subset of the Million Song Dataset (MSD) con-taining 500 cleaned tags, 7 manually annotated tag categories,and user taste profiles.

Index Terms— Metric learning, Music retrieval


Text-based search is one of the most common ways of brows-ing the internet. This information behavior is also preva-lent when exploring music libraries: from querying edito-rial metadata (e.g., title, artist, album) to high-level music se-mantics (e.g., genre, mood). However, the annotation of mu-sic tags is demanding and time-consuming, especially whenan enormous amount of music collections are available. Toscale such annotation process, audio-based automatic musictagging has been actively explored by music information re-trieval (MIR) researchers [1]. However, this categorical clas-sification has an intrinsic limitation: it can only use a fixedvocabulary. When an out-of-category tag is queried, musictagging models tend to not properly generalize since the giventag was never considered during training. In a real world sce-nario, users query a virtually unlimited amount of music tags.Hence, the music retrieval system needs to be more flexiblebeyond categorical models.

†Work performed during an internship with Pandora in 2019.

As opposed to categorical classification models, metriclearning aims to construct distance metrics for establishingsimilarity of data [2, 3]. It can form a similarity metric be-tween two instances from the same modality using sharedweights, so-called Siamese network [4], and this can be alsoeasily expanded towards multiple modalities [5, 6]. By jointlylearning a multimodal embedding space, metric learning hasalready demonstrated its suitability for cross-modal retrievalsuch as image-to-text [7, 5] and video-to-audio [8]. Metriclearning facilitates the nearest neighbor search in the embed-ding space directly, while classification models require a two-step retrieval (i.e., tagging and ranking). Also, metric learningenables abundant vocabulary when pretrained word embed-dings are used to represent tags as side information [7, 9].

Recent work in MIR showed the advantage of using met-ric learning with pretrained word embeddings for audio-basedmusic tagging and classification [9]. Based on the proposedmodel, we investigate several ideas to successfully introducemetric learning for tag-based music retrieval.Contribution. Our contribution is four-fold: (i) we show theimportance of elaborate triplet sampling, (ii) we explore cul-tural and acoustic information to represent music, (iii) we ex-amine domain-specific word embeddings, and (iv) we presenta manually cleaned dataset for reproducibility.


2.1. Related work

A triplet network [10] is a type of metric learning that uses atriplet loss to fit a metric embedding, where a positive exam-ple xp belongs to the same class as an anchor xa, and a neg-ative example xn is a member of a different one. The tripletnetwork is optimized to satisfy Sim(xa, xp) > Sim(xa, xn),where Sim(.) is a learned similarity metric. As it learnsby comparisons instead of using direct labels, the triplet ap-proach is expandable to leverage various data sources that arenot explicitly labeled. Thanks to its flexibility, deep metriclearning with the triplet loss has been actively used to solve aset of diverse MIR problems [6, 9].

Choi et al. [9] proposed a triplet network that learns amultimodal embedding of audio and word semantics. To han-dle unseen labels, the authors used pretrained GloVe embed-








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T(y) S(x)

Multimodal Embedding

xpsong xnsongytag

Pretrained Word Embedding





User-Item Embedding







Fig. 1: (a) Overall architecture of the tag-based music retrieval model. (b) Tag embedding branch. (c) Song embedding branchwith cultural information. (d) Song embedding branch with acoustic information.

dings [11] as side information. An audio embedding branchlearns the mapping of the audio input to the multimodal em-bedding space. And another branch maps pretrained wordembeddings to the shared multimodal embedding space. Thismetric learning model with side information demonstratedits versatility in multi-label zero-shot annotation and retrievaltasks. Since it can perform cross-modal retrieval (i.e., text-to-music), we adopt this architecture design as the backbone ofour tag-based music retrieval model.

2.2. Model description

2.2.1. Architecture overview

Similar to the previous work [9], our model comprises of twobranches. One branch T (y) learns the mapping of tag seman-tics y to the embedding space, and another branch S(x) learnsthe mapping of song information x to the shared embeddingspace — see Figure 1-(a). The model is trained to minimizethe following loss function L:

L = [D(Ea, Ep)−D(Ea, En) + δ]+, (1)

where D is a cosine distance function, δ is a margin, and Ea,Ep, En are mapped embeddings of anchor tag, positive song,and negative song, respectively. [·]+ is a rectified linear unit(ReLU). The margin δ prevents the network from mapping allthe embeddings to be the same (i.e., L = 0 for any inputs).With learnable transformations T (y) and S(x), the equationcan be rewritten as:

L = [D(T (ya), S(xp))−D(T (ya), S(xn)) + δ]+, (2)

where ya is the anchor tag input, and xp and xn are positiveand negative song inputs, respectively. Following subsectionsdepict the details of each branch T (y) and S(x).

2.2.2. Tag embedding

Figure 1-(b) shows the tag embedding branch T (y). A giventag y passes through the pretrained word embedding modelwhich results in a 300-dimensional vector. By using thepretrained word embeddings, the system can handle richervocabulary than categorical models. For example, one canexpect the system to handle plural forms (guitar and guitars),

synonyms (happy and cheerful), acronyms (edm and elec-tronic dance music), and dialectal forms (brazil and brasil).As our baseline, we use Word2Vec [12] embeddings pre-trained with Google News dataset. The tag embedding isinput to a neural network which is fully connected to a 512-dimensional hidden layer followed by a 256-dimensionaloutput layer.

2.2.3. Song embedding

Pachet et al. [13] outlined three main types of music informa-tion: editorial, cultural, and acoustic. Most of the previousworks in music tagging [1] and multimodal metric learning[6, 9], focused mainly on acoustic information to representmusic. In our work, we attempt to harness not only acousticinformation but also cultural information in music retrieval.Cultural information is produced by the environment or cul-ture. One of the most common methods to obtain culturalinformation is collaborative filtering [14].

The song embedding branch with cultural informationScultural(x) consists of a user-item embedding and a neuralnetwork — Figure 1-(c). The user-item embedding is ob-tained by factorizing a user-song interaction matrix. Weightedmatrix factorization (WMF) with the alternating least squares(ALS) [15] is used, yielding both user and song embeddingsof 200 dimensions each. User embeddings are discarded andsong embeddings are used as our input. The input of the neu-ral network is fully connected to a 512-dimensional hiddenlayer followed by a 256-dimensional output layer.

The song embedding branch with acoustic informationSacoustic(x) learns audio-based music representation using aconvolutional neural network (CNN) — Figure 1-(d). Ac-cording to previous research [1], a simple 2D CNN with 3×3filters could achieve competitive results to state-of-the-art inmusic tagging when it uses a short chunk of audio inputs(≈4s). For simplicity, we adopt the short-chunk CNN [1] totrain our acoustic embedding.

The model is optimized using ADAM [16] with 10−4

learning rate, and 10−4 weight decay. The model is trainedfor 200 epochs where 1 epoch includes 10,000 triplets. Forinput preprocessing, audio files are downsampled to 22.5kHzthen converted to Mel spectrograms using 1024-point FFTwith 50% overlap and 128 Mel bands.

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The Million Song Dataset (MSD) [17] is a collection of meta-data and precomputed audio features for 1 million songs.Along with this dataset, the Echo Nest Taste Profile Subset[18] provides play counts of 1 million users on more than380,000 songs from the MSD, and the Subset pro-vides tag annotations to more than 500,000 songs from theMSD. We take advantage of these two subsets of the MSDto build our own dataset. Tags in the Subset arevery noisy, including 522,366 distinct tags. We performeda cleanup process of the dataset (e.g., merge synonyms oracronyms, fix misspelling) in order to have fewer tags whilesupported with a reasonable number of annotations. Thedetailed cleanup process is described in our online repository.

The final dataset contains 500 tag groups (from now on wewill simply call these groups “tags”), which subsumes 1,352distinct tags. These 500 tags are then manually clas-sified in a lightweight taxonomy of 7 classes (genre, mood,location, language, instrument, activity, and decade). 158,323distinct tracks are tagged with these 500 tags with an averageof 3.1 tags per track and each track has user play counts. Werelease the final dataset as the MSD500.

In this paper, we use two different subsets of the proposeddataset which are MSD100 and MSD50. Music tags are highlyskewed towards few popular tags and handling this skewnessis another big topic in data-driven approaches. Models are op-timized to predict more popular tags in the training set whileevaluation metrics are averaged over tags. To avoid the unde-sired effect of the high skewness, we only use the top 100 tagsin our experiments which results in 115k songs (MSD100).

Although we have user information in our dataset, theinteraction counts are not scalable compared to industrystandards [19]. This can possibly mislead us to overlookthe representation power of cultural information. Hence,we build another subset which includes 39,402 songs tags and user-item embeddings from more than 100Bin-house user explicit feedback. In this case we only usetop 50 tags (MSD50) because the size of the dataset becamesmaller during the mapping process. As the in-house userfeedback includes sensitive information, we only release thesong IDs and their tags of the MSD50. All data splits havebeen done in artist-level to avoid unintentional informationleakage.


In this section, we introduce three experiments which can becritical to enhance our metric learning approach for tag-basedmusic retrieval. All models are evaluated with mean averageprecision (MAP) over the labels and precision at 10 (P@10).Reproducible code and dataset are available online 1.


Metrics Random Balanced Balanced-weighted

MAP 0.1658 0.1675 0.1852P@10 0.2990 0.3160 0.3500

Table 1: Performance of different sampling methods.

4.1. Sampling matters

The number of possible triplets grows cubically as the num-ber of observations grows. Thus, triplet sampling is crucialin deep metric learning [20], as it matters equally or morethan the choice of loss functions. In this subsection, we ex-plore three different sampling methods: random sampling,balanced sampling, and balanced-weighted sampling.

Random sampling randomly chooses one song to generatean anchor-positive pair. Then a negative example is randomlysampled from a set of songs without the anchor tag. With thismethod, more popular tags are more likely to be sampled asthe anchor tag. Also, songs with minor tags are less likely tobe sampled as negative examples.

To alleviate this problem, the balanced sampling methoduniformly samples an anchor tag first and then select a posi-tive song. Minor tags may have equal possibilities to populartags to be sampled as an anchor tag. By sampling negativeexamples from the batch of the positive songs, we can alsoexpect more balanced tag distribution of negative examples.

For more efficient training, various triplet sampling meth-ods have been proposed such as hard negative mining [21],semi-hard negative mining [22], and distance weighted sam-pling [20]. We combine the distance weighted sampling [20]with the aforementioned tag balancing method (i.e., balanced-weighted sampling). Identical to the balanced sampling, weselect an anchor tag and a positive song. From the given batchof positive songs, we sample negative examples based on theircosine distances from the anchor tags in the embedding space.Thus, more informative (harder) negative examples are morelikely to be sampled while not loosing semi-hard and soft neg-ative examples.

As shown in Table 1, balanced-weighted sampling out-performs other sampling methods. This proves that samplingmatters for training our tag-based music retrieval model. Notethat here we only used acoustic information for the song em-bedding to control the experiment. From now on, the follow-ing experiments use the balanced-weighted sampling method.

4.2. Acoustic and cultural music representation

We believe certain groups of tags are more related to acous-tic information while others may be more culturally relevant.A tag piano, for example, can be predicted using the user-item matrix if there is a specific group of users who heavilylistened to songs with piano. However, originally, the tag pi-ano is associated with acoustic information. When there is asong beloved by the aforementioned user group, if we only

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Metrics MSD100 MSD50

Cul-E Acoustic Concat Cul-E Cul-I Acoustic

MAP 0.1155 0.1852 0.1775 0.2163 0.4719 0.3062P@10 0.3200 0.3500 0.3120 0.4500 0.6380 0.4680

Table 2: Performance of cultural and acoustic models. Cul-Eand -I use the EchoNest Taste Profiles and our in-house userexplicit feedbacks, respectively.

Fig. 2: Category-wise MAP of cultural and acoustic modelson MSD100.

use cultural information, the song can be regarded as pianomusic even when no piano can be acoustically perceived inthe song. As another example, a tag K-pop can be predictedbased on acoustic information since there are common acous-tic characteristics of K-pop. However, if the song is not fromKorea and is not being consumed in Korea, it should not betagged as K-pop. To investigate the capability of two differ-ent information sources, we train our metric learning modelwith cultural information only and acoustic information only:Scultural and Sacoustic, respectively.

As shown in Table 2, the acoustic model outperforms thecultural model in overall metrics with MSD100. However,if we take a closer look at category-wise scores, the culturalmodel shows its strength in location and language/origin tags(Figure 2). This supports our hypothesis that the modalityselection has to be associated with its original source of in-formation. But more important factor than the informationsource is the size and quality of available data. In Table 2(MSD50), as cultural information becomes richer (Cul-I), thecultural model outperforms the acoustic model. In addition,we observed that the cultural model with richer information(Cul-I) is superior in every tag category including genre andmood. As observed, acoustic and cultural models show differ-ent strengths, but the foremost important factor of the modal-ity selection is the size and quality of available user-item in-teractions and audio data. We also experimented a hybridmodel with simple concatenation of cultural and acoustic em-beddings but it did not improve (Table 2-Concat).

4.3. Domain-specific word embeddings

We use pretrained Word2Vec [12] embeddings as a part of ourtag branch T (y). Since the word embeddings are trained with

Tag GoogleNews Domain-specific


jungles, dense_jungle,dense_jungles, rainforest,

thick_jungles, Amazon_jungle,Amazonian_jungle, steamy_jungles,

hilly_jungle, swamps

breakbeat, dub, drum_n_bass,drum’n’bass, grime,

deep_house, ragga, dubstep,acid, acid_house

Table 3: Nearest words in GoogleNews and domain-specificword embeddings. Music-related words are emboldened.

Google News, it is hard to expect the trained embeddings tohave musical context.

We pretrain our own word embeddings with musical textdata. We use the corpus of text from the subtask 2B of theSemEval-2018 Hypernym Discovery Task 2. It contains analready tokenized 100M-word corpus including Amazon re-views, music biographies, and Wikipedia pages about theoryand music genres. We train a Word2Vec model on this cor-pus with a window of 10 words yielding word embeddings forunigrams, frequent bigrams and trigrams of 300 dimensions.

We could not discover any quantitative performance gainby using of our domain-specific word embeddings. However,as shown in Table 3, the domain-specific word embeddingscould include more musical context in it. For example, forthe unseen query jungle, a model with domain-specific em-beddings could successfully retrieve relevant items while con-ventional embeddings could not. Also, domain-specific mu-sic corpora include frequent bigrams and trigrams, such asdeep house or smooth jazz, which are not typically capturedin word embeddings trained on general text corpora. Morequalitative examples are included in our online repository.


In this paper, we explored three different ideas to enhancethe quality of metric learning for tag-based music retrieval.Balanced-weighted sampling could successfully improve theevaluation metrics. Cultural and acoustic models showed dif-ferent strengths based on the information source of the giventag but the foremost important factor is the size and qualityof available data. Finally, domain-specific word embeddingsshowed its suitability for music retrieval by including moremusical context.

As future work, in-depth comparison of acoustic and cul-tural models is necessary to better understand how the sizeand the quality of data affect the results. Also, a hybridmethod of fusing acoustic and cultural information has to beexplored as simple concatenation did not bring any improve-ment. In addition, further evaluation of out-of-vocabularytags is needed to determine the real impact of domain-specificword embeddings. Finally, to meet the real-world demand,multi-tag retrieval systems have to be considered.


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This work was funded by the predoctoral grant MDM-2015-0502-17-2 from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Com-petitiveness linked to the Maria de Maeztu Units of Excel-lence Programme (MDM-2015-0502).


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