as living condition is much improved

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Post on 14-Apr-2018




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  • 7/30/2019 As Living Condition is Much Improved


    As living condition is much improved, more and more people

    own an automobile. When a large number of vehicles hit the

    road, arouse many problems. Theres a proposal that private

    vehicle s should be banned in crowded country. This idea

    has some points but it doesnt mean that it has no


    Lets look at the advantages. Firstly, banning private

    vehicles leads to less congestion. In some overcrowded

    places, traffic jam is really a nuisance. Its an obvious wasteof time, and being stuck in a traffic jam makes people easily

    fly into a temper. Getting the roads rid of this burdensome

    problem is a good thing.

    Secondly, fewer vehicles in the street mean less exhaust

    emission, hence less air pollution. Almost all private vehicles

    are cars and motorbikes (only a small number are bicycle),

    which let out carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide. These

    hazardous not only are injurious to human health but also

    contribute to global warming. Along with air pollution these

    vehicles increase noise pollution also. So in order to reduce

    pollution to some extent we must avoid using private


    Another benefit goes to saving natural resources. Cars and

    motorbikes run on gasoline, which is originally deprived form

  • 7/30/2019 As Living Condition is Much Improved


    the earth. We are now exploiting more oil than the earths

    crust can produce; a future energy deficiency is foreseeable.

    While scientist is still working on alternative energy, the best

    method now is cut down on the use of fossil fuel, especially

    the use of automobiles.

    The increasing number of private vehicles results in the

    increasing need of parking lots, garages, and car

    maintenances. With a growing population, more land will be

    needed. By banning private vehicles, a lot of land fromparking lots can be saved for houses, school and other


    Now, lets consider the disadvantages. The first question is

    will public vehicles efficient enough to satisfy the need of

    travelling for millions of people in an extremely big city? I

    think the answer is no. At least for now. Secondly, its the

    freedom of travelling that matter. Can you really be happy if

    you are totally dependable on someone else to take you

    everywhere? Since public vehicles have to travel on

    schedules, and it caters to a lot of people, you cannot ask

    the driver to stop anywhere you want. Oh, you can if you

    take a taxi, but imagine how much it cost if you have to take

    taxies all year round? Having your own vehicle is much more

    convenient, no waiting, no restricted time, and you can use

    it at your disposal.

  • 7/30/2019 As Living Condition is Much Improved


    Weve just seen both the pros and con of banning private

    vehicles. I advocate the proposal. Compare with the

    disadvantages, the advantages is tremendous. Solving

    congestion and environmental problem is much more

    important the personal convenience. However banning

    private vehicles at the moment is just impractical, because a

    large profit will be lost, since car industry is a giant business

    all over the world. Moreover, in a big city, where life is rush

    and technology is highly developed; it will only impede theprosperity of the economy there. However the problem of

    congestion and pollution cannot be ignored. I think we

    should not suddenly and completely ban private vehicles,

    but only in some parts of the city, and on certain day (such

    as Sunday or holiday). Therefore, it will not shock the city

    dwellers. Then the government phase in the practice of

    using public transportation, by some means of encouraging,

    and of course the system must be of higher quality. Lets

    hope for more efficient traffic in the future.

    Your argument here is developed in a fairly methodical

    fashion, which is great. There is room for development of the

    ideas, especially those ideas you have about the

    disadvantages of banning cars from cities, to which you

    devote only one, albeit your longest, paragraph. More

    importantly, you could probably try to elaborate further the

    basis of your judgment that the advantages would outweigh

  • 7/30/2019 As Living Condition is Much Improved


    the disadvantages. At present, you resort merely to

    assertion in your concluding paragraph: you assert that the

    advantages would be comparatively "tremendous"; and you

    assert that solving environmental problems is more

    important than considerations of personal convenience.

    Perhaps your reasons for thinking that go without saying, but

    since we habitually sacrifice the environment for the sake of

    personal convenience, making an explicit argument about

    why we should not do that would not be a bad idea. You

    imply also that some of the disadvantages are seriousenough to warrant postponing implementing the proposal

    until some of them can be dealt with. I think that is a good

    argument, and for that reason ought to be more explicitly

    foregrounded than it is. The place to do that is probably the

    thesis, for it is in fact the overarching argument of your

    paper. You don't really have a thesis statement at present

    (unless one goes looking for one in your conclusion).

    Replacing the relative weak final sentence of your first

    paragraph with a clear articulation of your overarching

    argument would make your reader's task a bit easier; for

    instance, it would allow your reader to appreciate that your

    initial argumentative claims are being offered in the service

    of a more complicated argument than they at first appear to


    The other problem with the essay is the significant number

  • 7/30/2019 As Living Condition is Much Improved


    of language errors. A few examples:

    "arouse many problems" is a predicate in want of a subject,

    and "crowded country" is an obvious typo for "crowded

    cities," and there are other typos; when you are liable to

    make grammatical errors, you should be all the more careful

    about avoiding typographical ones!

    Tense: you use the present tense in describing

    circumstances that don't exist; use the conditional. Forexample, instead of "getting rid of this problem is a good

    thing," write "getting rid of this problem would be a good


    You have a tendency to use the singular when the plural is

    needed: "While scientist is still working" [scientists are];

    traffic jam[s] [are]; the pros and con[s]; solving congestion

    and environmental problem[s] [are]"

    That's not an exhaustive list, but those are the types of

    errors that you should be able to avoid with careful
