as media evaluation question 6

AS Media Evaluation: Technology

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AS Media Evaluation:


PowerPoint I used PowerPoint with four aspects of my coursework. They were tasks one,

four, ten and the media pack from thirteen. As well as this piece of work

here. These are a few screen shots from those tasks.

Task 1

Task 4

Task Ten

Task 13-Media Pack

The PowerPoint software allows you to create

things in perfect chronological order with its

easy slide system, this was particularly useful

when I had to cover specific areas like

“language” “genre and “content”

PreziI used the presentation software of Prezi for the following pieces of coursework;

homework one, task five, and homework two and task 14 and evaluation question 2

These are some screenshots of this work.

Task 5

Homework 2

Task 14


Question 2

Homework 1

Prezi allows my presentations to be fluid

further more its features meant all of the

work could be done on one canvas rather

than slides. To add to this the brackets

provided meant pieces of text can be broken


WordWord was used on four occasions. They were in tasks two, three and twelve as

well as some questionnaire summaries. Here are the examples.

Task two

Task 3

Task 12

Contents Page and front

cover questionnaire


Word is great for large volumes of text based

work. It allowed me to give vast detail on the

above pieces of work.

EmazeEmaze was used in tasks nine, thirteen, evaluation task

three and homework 3. These are screenshot examples.

Task 9

Task 13 Homework 3

Evaluation Question 3

Emaze has helped the slides in my

presentation become more visual which

is different to PowerPoint.

PoppletI have only used Popplet once during my coursework, and it was with task 6.

Popplet is ideal for a mind map style, its

tools and layout meant that I could explain

the work in different sections with ease and


VismeVisme was used for the evaluation, question 4.

Visme is very similar to PowerPoint in the way its

slide format helps to methodically complete work.

PiktochartI have used Piktochart on two occasions, firstly for the summary of audience

feedback on my completed magazines and secondly for question 5 of the

evaluation which was audience appeal.

Evaluation Question 5

Summary of audience

feedback on the final

magazine pages.

Piktochart gives me the option to import a

wide range of resources like charts, images

and videos.

Survey Monkey I have completed the majority of my audience feedback on this survey site.

Final Front

Cover Feedback


Final Contents

Page Feedback


Final Double page

Spread Feedback


Draft Front Cover



Survey Monkey

Survey monkey has allowed me to get genuine results from a target audience as

well as collect results through the social media.

YouTube/CamcorderYouTube helped me publicise my focus group interviews and the use of a

camcorder meant I could create audio resources.

YouTube is perfect for coursework because it can be accessed by anyone. The camcorder is

very useful because an audio piece added variety to my work.

Publisher Publisher was perfect for creating draft layouts for each of the magazine pages.

Draft front cover Draft Double Page Spread Draft Contents Pages

Publishers page options allowed me to pick

the correct page sizes when making the page

draft layouts. Furthermore the shape tool

meant I could display where texts like

Mastheads and feature article would go.

SlidesThe website Slides was used to make a summary of the focus group interviews.

Slides meant I could uses a familiar PowerPoint layout whist not using PowerPoint


Powtoon I used Powtoon for question one of the evaluation. Here are some of the screen shots

Powtoon had the ability to help me create an audio visual piece of work, once

again this give more variety compared to the other presentation websites.

PhotoshopThe Photoshop software was the clear choice when producing the magazine


Production of the Front Cover

All of the fonts besides the date and issue

number were copy and pasted from the

website, Fontspace.

Each font was pasted

with a white background

to eliminate the

clashing backgrounds

the magic eraser tool

was used.

To create a visual metaphor,

used different colours on

different words “Off” from “Off

the rails” is in red to connote

its negativity. In the same way

the word “Music” is in white to

signify a positivity.

To create this effect I used

two tools. They were

magic wand tool. By

selecting each letter

separately it highlighted

that specific letter, which

allowed me to colour it

using the paint brush.

The cross was

coloured in white

with a colour



The slant on this sentence was

again put in place to amplify the

visual metaphor. This was easily

done, using the free transform

option to resize and rotate the

words accordingly.

Everything you see on the page

was put in place with the arrow

and transformation tool. For the

acute movements, free transform

and the arrow keys were utilized.

The main image was put behind the text. To do

this the layer that had this image on was placed

just above the base layer meaning almost all other

objects would be on top of it.

The white background is very

conventional for most music

magazines. This was simple to

create on the very bottom layer I

just had to ensure the canvas was

set to white.

As with previous elements the

background was removed from the

image with magic eraser tool

The barcode was

created from a


generator site.

After this it was

copy and pasted


I attempted to create a

jean effect for this this

plug. This was done with

the textured filter and

blue from the colour


The Production of the Contents


The artist names,

masthead, page

numbers and

subheadings are all

from font space.

The article synopsis is

a font from Photoshop.The parchment coloured

background is suited to the

indie genre, this is the

bottom layer. I took a

sample of that brown

colour and used the paint

brush tool to colour the


The font used

for the

editors letter

is also from

Font space

The images were

integrated to a

better degree using

the rough rubber

tool on a small size

setting. This gives

the edges of each

image an eroded


Everything was moved into

place using the free transform


The Production of the Double Page


I used the colour

replacement tool

to change each of

the black letter to


The stand first font

is from Photoshop. I

changed the colour

of the two words

using the colours

provided in


Both of the pull quotes are

from Fontspace. I placed

them into the article by using

the Word software and the

columned layout. After this I

pasted the whole article,

complete with the pull quotes

back into Photoshop.

The image has been given

the same rough edging to

fit in with the article motif

The masthead

and page

numbers were

sized using the

free transform

tool and

originated from


The white

background is

the original

canvas colour


Photoshop is the ideal editing software to create a

magazine page. It is the tools that allow this to

happen. These tools include airbrush, this helps

modify your artist complexion to a “perfect”

standard, without blemishes or spots. The ability to

change your canvas size means you can find the

correct size for your page.