as media studies music mag research


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Post on 25-Jun-2015



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I chose this magazine for my research as I like the images used in each example and how this determines the theme of the cover. In each of these the masthead is designed to fit with the image below it. This is different to a lot of magazines which use one standard logo again and again. I also chose these covers as they all share a theme of violence and fantasy. This is mainly shown by band members posing with weapons and medieval period armour. This is something I would consider for my own work. This magazine is designed for fans of Metal music and would be bought by fans of this music genre. This magazine according to sells 46,004 of each issue on average.

Page 5: As Media Studies Music Mag Research

I chose this magazine as it closely follows the theme of the previous magazine. This magazine is directed at a softer side of the metal genre and would possibly attract a wider audience. The publishers describe their target audience as the following; “Individually minded, independent of thought and musically experienced, an audience defined by attitude, passion and loyalty”. According to this magazine sells 43,253 copies of every issue. Surprisingly this is less than the last magazine which is designed for a smaller target audience. I chose these front covers as I like the photos used. The first example is very simple and is an example of Kerrang magazine in the 90's. The photo is very fun and light-hearted which shows the bands attitude and how they represent themselves. The second is an issue from 2002 and features the same band. Again the band is represented quite humorously as the image is very abstract. I like the how the mouth is made extremely large compared to the rest of the face. This concentration on the face fits along with the slogo “Life is Loud” and also the main cover line “Grohl mouths off”. The third is very different and is from a newer issue of the magazine. The main theme of this issue is violence and rebellion. This issue has effects used to create an image of broken glass to coincide with the theme of violenece and rebellion.

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I chose this magazine front cover as I mainly liked the blood splatter effect. This effect and the knives in the photo create a theme of violence. I also like that the band look as if they are dear which fits in with their title “Cannibal Corpse”. This magazine is also intended for fans of Metal music like the previous examples. This magazine is similar to Metal Hammer as both magazines are selling to the same market. This magazine according to only sells 13,786 copies per issue which is considerably less than Metal Hammer

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I chose this magazine mainly because I liked the photograph. I specifically like the image as it is black and white and shot outside a church. I feel that this image effectively puts the Gothic Metal theme across. I do not however like the masthead used on this front cover. I like the font but do not think that colour of the text goes with the photo. This is the reason why I see Metal Hammers technique as extremely important in creating an appealing magazine cover. This magazine is not like the other examples described as this is a small semi-professional magazine only circulated in a small area of Canada. Even though it is not well known, it is still easy to see the theme of the magazine.