as photography new unit

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AS Photography

AS Photography Sophie rawlinsonQuestions I am considering The three questions I am considering are Bags of Interest Collection of ContainersLooking through

Plan Bags Of INTERESTHans Peter Feldmann

Researching Hans Peter Feldmann will help me to see what the bags of Interest will include: He takes objects from within peoples bags and create stories with them, as no two persons bags are the same every picture will be different. He uses different coloured background to fit in with the themes of the belongings. Bags of Interest is one of the questions I will consider as creating stories with peoples belongings , researching Hans Peter Feldmann photography will help me lay out the pictures, how to frame them and what kind of backgrounds that could be used. In my photographs I will find a collection of bags, from a range of different peoples ages, then using the objects within the bags use them to create different images and themes. To put them on my PowerPoint I will include a picture of the person that owns the bag.The bags of interest could include Objects within peoples bagsStyle of bags that people have Old/New bagsVariety of coloursBright attractive coloursDull dark What the bag is used forWork bagPost bagShopping bag (etc)Pattern on the bagsWho owns the bagMum - Cousin -Nan - Aunt - Friends - Plan- Collection of Containers

Frank Yamrus; Rune Lagu series

Paul OuterbridgeWilliam Henry Fox TalbotCollection of containers could include different types of containers, the objects they hold and where they have been positioned.

For my work I will consider:Still life of containers that are filled with different contents, water, food, objects etc. Shipping containers, different sizes, shapes and what they holdRooms within a house act as containersAbstract elements; when lots of containers are piled together or ordered in a different positionsPositioning on peoples desks how they contain their work .

To inspire my work I will research artist such as Frank Yamrus and his work with plastic bottles, William Henry Fox Tabot and Paul Outerbridge. Plan- Looking through

Looking through is the last question that I am considering, to inspire me I will research different artist that have used a range of filters.

To start my photo-shoots I will consider taking photos of: Obstacles and obstructions, looking round, between and underneath.Through the view finder of another cameraHome made filters, sweet wrappers, coloured papers, cardboard filters.Through glass objects, bowls, glasses, windows.Through different coloured waters. Artist research

Looking in the theme of looking through, I researched lens pictures.

By using an extra lens away from the camera it flips the image around and allows you to use a shallow depth of field.

Using different size lenses it will allow a different amount of image in and the style of lens will allow different depth of fields.

To incorporate this into my work I will use different polarised lenses to look through

Tilt Shift Lenses Tilt Shift lenses are used to move the orientation of the photo. It is used for shallow depth of field, it can also be used to change the rotation of the picture.

These kind of pictures are sharper then normal lens. It allows the photographer to change the depth of field easily and make the perspective more clear. Artist ResearchSimon Bond

Simon Bond is a photographer and illustrator, he mostly know for his illustrated books.

He uses the crystal ball to show how he sees the world, he takes pictures of a variety of nature using these crystal balls. He does this to transform landscapes into different reflections.

To do this he changes the shutter speed and aperture, and uses a low IOS allowing light in so he can capture the image through the balls.

This technique could be used when looking through water and different liquids, (rain droplets).

I like these types of pictures as they are unique and have a professional look at the end.

This artist relates to the question I am doing looking through because of how he uses the crystal balls as a filter, this relates back to my work as I could use different glass filters to take pictures through, I could also use the depth of field, aperture and shutter speed to create the same types of pictures where only the foreground is clear. Artist Research Artist research

Looking at the bokeh photography I have researched how I can incorporate this into looking through, different photographs have used lenses of cameras to look through and the background has the bokeh features, other have used water droplets and shallow depth of field.

To use this in my photograph I can use different filter to take a picture through then create my own camera lenses so that the bokeh will be created.

Lomo Lenses (Petzval Portrait)

Within the lomo lenses there is a lens called the Petzval lens it become very popular because of how recognizable they are for their sharpness and crispness, strong colour saturation, wonderful swirly bokeh effect, artful vignettes and narrow depth of field. It gives the photographer and instant optic experience. Artist Research

Lens Flare

Lens flares appear in two ways,as visible artifacts and as a haze across the image. When the image is a haze it makes the image look "washed out" by reducing contrast and colour saturation it does this by adding light to dark image regions, and adding white to saturated regions, this then reduces their colour saturation. By the image appearing as visible artifacts, usually in the shape of the lens, are formed when light follows a pathway through the lens which then contains one or more reflections from the lens surfaces.

I could use this technique for my images as I could create different coloured flares using different reflections and changing the colour saturation. Looking throughTo start my photo-shoots I will consider taking photos of: Obstacles and obstructions, looking round, between and underneath.Through the view finder of another cameraHome made filters, sweet wrappers, coloured papers, cardboard filters.Through glass objects, bowls, glasses, windows.Through different coloured waters.Crystal ballsMagnifying glassesSunglasses and/or glasses

Creating different filters using cardboard and placing it on the end of the camera and using different coloured sweet wrappers on top.Using clear cups filled with water and taking a picture looking through will distort the view creating a different picture for the looking through theme. I shall incorporate different lenses to take photographs such as lomo lenses, tilt shift lenses, lens flares and bokeh lens. Contact Sheet

First photo-shoot of the theme looking through. These images are a start the theme, they arent over complicated and easy to work with. To improve the images I will continue to look into different artists and use their work in mine, I will try and make more bokeh filters and improve the basic skills in using them. From these pictures I will chose the best 6 and edit them to add more complexity to them and make them look more professional. Picture Edit

This is one of my first pictures I have selected from my contact sheet.To edit this picture I have used Photoshop, by changing the levels, colour contrast

Picture Edit

Using lightroom I have began to edit pictures from my first photo-shoot, the screen shots above show the stages of how I came to my final image. To take this picture I used a filter in front of the camera lens. This created a blue and white effect, with an incorporation of the bokeh filters, in lightroom I changed the saturation of the blue to make it darker and added shadows around the edges making it darker. My inspiration for this picture was the self portraits that use the bokeh filters. To improve my work I could continue to take sets of photographs like this that could tell a story within themselves whilst using the different techniques I have researched. Picture Edit

Using photo-shop I began to edit this picture from my first photo-shoot, I was inspired to take this picture from the research I have done looking through the lens although it isnt a camera lens the phone works well, it fits within the theme of looking through. To edit this picture I cropped the negative space out from the picture, and changed the saturation of the picture so that all the colour is black and white, because the shallow depth of field the background is blurred doesnt mean I need to fade it out as your focus in on the phone, by lowering the vibrancy it adds more shadows around the background and making the object stand out more. Picture Edit