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Applied ICT 2015 Practical Mock – II Duration – 2 Hours 30 Minutes h’mm

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Mock for practicals of Applied ICT


  • Applied ICT


    Practical Mock II Duration 2 Hours 30 Minutes hmm

  • Practical Mock II (ICT / Applied ICT)

    2 Compiled by hmm

    Inspector Blanc is impressed with your work; he would like to try this for himself but finds the table too difficult. He asks you if you can create a user-friendlier screen. You are to continue using the database that you created in Practical Mock I. You have to create a new evidence document with your credentials in the footer and save it as MockII_CandidateName_Evidence.doc e.g. MockII_HaaMeem_Evidence.doc 1 You are required to provide evidence of your work, including screen shots at various stages. Create a document named: MockII_CandidateName_Evidence.rtf e.g. MockII_HaaMeem_Evidence.rtf Place your name, Centre number and candidate number in the footer of your evidence document. 2 Open the file Suspects.txt and examine the data. Create an user interface for the whole database

    Click through the tabs to see the different records Right click on the form to find the filter facility. Experiment to find out how to filter using

    the form. Try using this method to search for Cleveland suspects. Show evidence of your method in your evidence document. [6] Inspector Blanc is very impressed with the form you have created for him but before he has time to use it himself the police discover that Joe Fabio has an alibi. He isnt the murderer! Further questioning reveals that some of the witness statements are unreliable. Talk in the village suggests a suicide or accident but the gunshot wound in the mans back indicates a definite murder. Interviewing begins for a third time. Inspector Blanc wants you to investigate the database again but using the database you have created this time. 3 Create an extract that lists the Full Name, License plate number and contact details from imported database on anyone with blonde hair. A mistake was made on the database and some spellings of blonde appear as blond. You need to find all the blonde or blond people. Make the appropriate amendments to your database and have an uniform spelling for the hair colour. Show evidence of your method in your evidence document. Save this file. [6]

  • Practical Mock II (ICT / Applied ICT)

    3 Compiled by hmm

    4 Create an extract that lists the Full Name, and contact details from imported database on anyone whose name starts with R. [4] 5 Create an extract that lists the Full Name, License plate number and contact details from imported database of ALL blondes from Washington State (WA is Washington) with shoe size of bigger than 8. [8] During the new investigation, 5 further tourists were discovered who were not entered into the original database.

    6 Add these to your database using the form. Hint: move to the end ie. record 75 using the arrows at the bottom of the form, and then move on one to enter the new data into the form. Move on one for each new record. Use the same format of Suspect ID and just add ID accordingly.

    The new enquiry Following an appeal on the television two separate witnesses come forward and give vital information. Work through each of the witness statements using various tools. Witness Statement 1 On the 7 July as I was leaving the hotel at 09.30 I saw the dead man leave with a woman. I think she had red or brown hair. I noticed that her shoes were bigger than mine. I take size 6. I went for a walk and had lunch out. I sat and watched the skiers during the afternoon. I returned at 7.30 that evening. She walked into the hotel with me. I did think it was odd that she didnt have her friend with her but didnt have time to ask after him.

  • Practical Mock II (ICT / Applied ICT)

    4 Compiled by hmm

    Witness Statement 2 Yes, I saw him arrive with a woman. The car came from New York I think. Her luggage was a very smart leather set with the initials E. S. on it. I guess her first name must begin with E and her last perhaps with S. They both climbed up the slopes with me on the 7th. She followed me down but the man wasnt with her. Id spent 7 hours climbing that day. 7 Create two separate extracts for each witness that shall contain a list of all suspects, only their names and contact details, based on the witnesses statements. Do the resulting searches match? Have you found the murderer? Add your result to your evidence under Day 4. [20] Inspector Blanc is pleased with your findings from the two witness statements. Before he can charge your found suspect, he must convince the Police Commissioner that it is her. You have to provide the evidence from the database by taking screenshots of your work. 8 Write an explanation in a new document of 150 300 words with screenshots about how you came to the conclusion that it is your suspect. Be as detailed as you can! Add a title use WordArt. Add a catchy BorderArt. Remember to put your name in page footer. [20]