asec7 05 earthquak lateral forces protected 06 2012

Earthquake Lateral Forces according ASEC7-05 / IBC 2006: Project :- AL- SHOROUK Building Designed by:- M.A.S. Building :- 4 Floors Bldg. Checked by:- M.A.S. Location:- Cairo, EGYPT Date:- 27-Apr-22 INPUT: Building Location Cairo = 0.670g = 0.270g Clause 11. Soil Profile Description Very Dense soil TABLE 20.3 Site Class C TABLE 20.3 = 1.132 TABLE 11.4 = 1.530 TABLE 11.4 Design Spectral Acceleration Parameters: Eq. (11.4-1) = 0.7584g ### Eq. (1 1.4 Eq. (11.4-2) = 0.4131g ### Eq. (1 1.4 Structure Type Concrete moment-resisting frames (0.016) TABLE 12.8 = 0.0466 x = 0.90 TABLE 12.8 = 14.00 m = 0.501 sec. Eq. (12.8-7) = 1.425 = 8.00 sec. = 0.714 R Response modification coeffic = 5.00 TABLE 12.2-1 = 0.714 Building Occupancy Category I Table 1-1 = 0.714 I (Importance Factor) 1.00 TABLE 11.5-1 W Building Total Wgt. 41892.17 KN Calculation of Equivalent Lateral Force according Clause 12.8: = 0.1011 Eq. (12.8-2) Maximum = 0.0772 Eq. (12.8-3) Maximum = 0.0000 Eq. (12.8-4) = 0.0100 Eq. (12.8-5) = 0.0000 Eq. (12.8-6) use Eq(12.8- 3) = 0.07716 = 0.07716 W 3,232.5 KN Eq. (12.8-1) Ss S1 oefficients Fa, Fv : Fa Fv Ct hn ( Total height above Structur Cu TL = long-period transition peri Tu TEtabs Tused a- Calculation of Seismic Response Coefficient C s according Cs minimum Cs min. for S1 >= 0.6g Cs = b- Calculation of Seismic Base Shear V according Clause 12.8.1:

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Page 1 of 28Earthquake Lateral Forces according ASEC7-05 / IBC 200!Project :-AL- S"#$#%& BuildingDesigned by:-'(A(S( Rev00Building :- ) Floors Bldg( Checed by:- '(A(S(!ocation:-Cairo* E+,-.Date:-/0-Aug-/5I1-%.!Building !ocation Cairo2 0(70g 2 0(270gClause 11"#"1$oil Profile Descri%tion 3er4 5ense soil &'B!( 20")-1$ite Class C &'B!( 20")-12 /(/02&'B!( 11"#-12 /(500 &'B!( 11"#-25esign S6ectral Acceleration -ara7eters! (*" +11"#-1, 2 0(758)g 2 0(505g (*" +1 1"#-), (*" +11"#-2, 2 0()/0/g2 0(275)g (*" +1 1"#-#,$tructure &y%eConcrete 7o7ent-resisting 9ra7es :0(0/; &'B!( 12"8-22 0(0) < 2 0(=0 &'B!( 12"8-22 /)(00 -2 0(50/ sec" (*" +12"8-., 2 /()25 sec"2 8(00sec" 2 0(7/)sec"R Res%onse -odification coefficient 2 5(00 &'B!( 12"2-1 2 0(7/) sec"Building /ccu%ancy CategoryI&able 1-12 0(7/)sec"0+0-%ortance 1actor, /(00 &'B!( 11"2-13 Building &otal 3gt" )/8=2(/7 45Calculation o9 Equi>alent Lateral Force according Clause /2(8!2 0(/0// (*" +12"8-2,6a7i-u- 2 0(0772 (*" +12"8-),6a7i-u- 2 0(0000 (*" +12"8-#,2 0(0/00 (*" +12"8-2,2 0(0000 (*" +12"8-8,use Eq:/2(8- 0; 2 0(077/2 0(077/ ? 0*202(5 45 (*" +12"8-1,$s$1Site coe99icientsFa* F> !FaF>Ct hn ( Total height above Structure base)Cu&! 9 long-%eriod transition %[email protected] Calculation o9 Seis7ic $es6onse Coe99icient Cs according /2(8(/(/!Cs -ini-u-Cs -in" for $1 :9 0"8gCs 9b- Calculation of Seismic Base Shear V according Clause 12.8.1:Page 2 of 28Earthquake Lateral Forces according ASEC7-05 / IBC 200!Project :-AL- S"#$#%& BuildingDesigned by:-'(A(S( Rev00Building :- ) Floors Bldg( Checed by:- '(A(S(!ocation:-Cairo* E+,-.Date:-/0-Aug-/5(*" +12"8-11,2 /(/07 (*" +12"8-12,(*" +12"8-12,Floor Le>el%66er roo9 000/ 2(5 /) 55707()5 0(/2 0=0(0$oo9 //0/0 0 //(5 /)))/(= 0(0 ///(02nd FL /00 0 8(5 /)5=88() 0(02 /000(7/st FL /05 0 5(5 =0/85(/= 0(20 0(7+F 550 2(5 2(5 /5/7(2 0(00 /0(70 0 0(00 0(00 0 0(00 0(00 0 0(00 0(00 0 0(00 0(00 0 0(00 0(00 0 0(00 0(00 0 0(00 0(00 0 0(00 0(00 0 0(00 0(00 0 0(00 0(00 0 0(00 0(00 0 0(00 0(00 0 0(00 0(00 0 0(00 0(00 0 0(00 0(00 0 0(00 0(00 0 0(00 0(00 0 0(00 0(00 0 0(00 0(00 0 0(00 0(00 0 0(00 0(00 0 0(00 0(00 0 0(00 0(00 0 0(00 0(00 0 0(00 0(00 0 0(00 0(00 0 0(00 0(00 0 0(00 0(00 0 0(00 0(00 0 0(00 0(00 0 0(00 0(00 0 0(00 0(00 0 0(00 0(00 0 0(00 0(00 0 0(00 0(00 0 0(00 0(00 0 0(00 0(00 0 0(00 0(0c- Vertical Distribution of Seismic Forces F x according Clause 12.8.3?i (KN) 9loor "eight:7; 9loor height 9ro7 Base le>el hi (m)Ai*hi k /wi*hi kF

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