asgardia march issue


Upload: saduko-weatherwax

Post on 15-Mar-2016




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Asgardia Monthly role play mage, issue number 3.


Asgard has been a very busy man for all of us, yet again, as he improves our equipment and also

the ship Hyperion herself. I would like to talk about the NEW hanger he has built on Hyperion to

start with. If you use the lift system you will find it in sector 6, it is very spacious and there should

be a shuttle or two.

Take a shuttle and exit the

ship from the rear, big door

controls can be found on the

left side of the hanger when

facing the doors. Then either

go to the station just below

the ship or the planet near by,

approach from the top of the

planet, and practice your

landing skills. If you are

feeling adventurous try

exiting the ship and flying

straight down into the next

space section where you will

find another planet, again

approach from the top. This is

planet X1C5, the mining facility, a little more tricky to land safely here so keep a cool head and

don’t crash . Please remember to return the shuttle back to hyperion and it is a good skill to

learn anyway.

We also have a new in house enemy, well a name for them now. The tanites are an aggressive

bunch and have already caused a stir within the operations of Hyperion 2. This role play story

line is very much an on going thing that can be built on easily, catch up on the events here


As for the medical role play that should be

wrapped up within a few weeks, but as one

thing ends another is born . More information

on the role plays that are going on should be in

the next issue of the Asgardian Monthly.

I would like this opportunity to explain and ask

of our members, something about asgards sim

and role playing in it. Although the major story

lines are directed or constructed by a few

individuals this does not mean you have to wait

for them to tell you to start role playing. This is

your environment for your character so use it. If

you are on the sim then why not role play it,

come up with things yourself and see if people join in. You don’t need a big story to get the ball

rolling, simple gate exploration or transport goods from x1c5 to the ship, the tools are made for

you by Asgard so let´s use them. If you feel you have had a good role play then the next step is to

write it up, use the

forum and let us

know what we

missed .

We also have a new

gateroom design & i

think its suits our

story line. It’s a little

more rustic in its

appearance and

what with asgards

new style of doors, it

has a great feel

about it.




Colonel Sarah Welch

Greeting, Asgardians and all Second Life travelers.

I would just like to give ya’ll an update on our plans for recruiting new members into the group.

We have now setup a sub-group for all new recruits coming to our world. This will give you folks

who are new or have limited skills working with our technology, and not accustomed to

participating in complex role play a place to receive training and get you ready for joining in on

all the fun. This way, nobody has to feel self-conscious about joining in and will enable you to

move forward with all confidence in your abilities. The goal here is to have fun and I feel this will

help enhance your experience here with us.

We have much planned for new role play story lines both in house and with other groups such as

the Myrmidon Order of The Pyrixs System. This in turn will lead us to interact with the Al Raqis

people. We have also encountered a people called the Tanites. So as you can see we will be very

busy in the near future with lots of really fun stuff.

If anyone is interested in joining with us, Asgardia may be found in your viewer search, or you

can reach us from most any star-gate by dialing /d Asgardia. You can also contact me, Sarah

Welch directly via dropping me a note card. In the gate room aboard the Hyperion II there is a

desk on the far wall from the gate where you can pickup an application, fill it out, and drop it in

the box provided. Please use your actual second life name so that I will be able to locate you in

search to contact you.

So, in closing, come and check us out and join the fun. I am quite sure you will not regret it.



Believe it or not this is Sarah and , wait for it, Asgard….LMAO. Seems like he had a strange

experience when logging back into sl one day!

The competition is simple, take a copy of this pic and give it a Title and caption, no more than 20

words and send it to me at [email protected]

The winner will be announced in the next issue and a prize of 500 lindens, so get those whitty

brains of yours ticking over…..Have FUN !

Lots more in next months issue !

If you would like to help on this project simply contact Saduko Weatherwax.

Last but not least, a little something I worked on while off line for a couple of days,


©Asgardia Technolgies MMXI