asia pulp paper | international day of forests


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Post on 21-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Asia pulp paper   |  International day of forests
Page 2: Asia pulp paper   |  International day of forests

Agung is one of the farmers working with APP's suppliers to improve efficiency of the land by intercropping plantation trees with corn. With guidance from the local agricultural training office, the farmers are able to get much better yields than before. Further, the plantation trees that were intercropped with the corn actually grow taller and thicker than the other plantations trees.

By maximizing the yield of the current existing land, Agung and the other farmers do not need to expand their agricultural land at the expense of natural forest.

Page 3: Asia pulp paper   |  International day of forests

Annisa is one of the beneficiaries of the Integrated Forestry & Farming System. She and her community in the village have been trained on agriculture techniques to that they can improve the yield of their existing agricultural land.

Through this program, APP hopes that the communities no longer feel the need to open natural forest area to improve their economic condition, and in turn, actively engaged in the protection of forests in the area where they live.

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Firefighters play an essential role for the protection of forests. People like Panji use a wide range of techniques and equipment to detect fire: surveillance, cooperation with local communities and remote detection.

‘My job is to ensure that whatever my people need is ready before they fight a fire.’ Panji, Fire Planning Head, OKI Mill, South Sumatra

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Working in the laboratory with tiny buds requires small and skillful hands like Mawar’s ones. Watching her working with agility and passion helps to understand why her role is so important for the quality and productivity of our plantations.

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Encouraging education is another way to involve the community in actively protecting the forest. The higher the education is, the better their chance to improve their economic condition and their understanding on the importance of forest protection.

APP provides bright young people like Anwar with scholarship to the higher education, to help them reach a better future, for themselves as well as for their environment.

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‘My rapid response team works to localize fires before district firefighters arrive.’ Deko, Firefighting Squad Commander, OKI, South Sumatra

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Suryono is a horticulture farmer living in the Rasau Kuning village, in the Province of Riau. He manages 2 hectares cultivating horticulture crops like spinach, chili, watermelon, melon, papaya and beans in a field designated for agriculture use in the concession of one of our suppliers, Arara Abadi.

"I never thought this could be so successful. APP’s program is providing me with what I really need, including a soft loan" Suryono, Farmer

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Sustainability is a long and constantly evolving journey.

Integrating our Forest Conservation Policy into our core business values requires ongoing commitment to ensure that everyone in our supply chain – from our employees to our suppliers to the communities – understands its objectives and develop the skills and motivations to actively contribute to its implementation.

Because in the end, protecting the forest is not the responsibility of specific individuals or organisation. It is everybody’s business!