assemblyman v. thomas briefs new state laws of particular ......provides lor fee of .$4, of which...

THURSDAY, MARCH 18. 19.13 TORRANCE HERALD. Torrnnce, California Assemblyman V. Thomas Briefs New State Laws of Particular Interest to Local Residents Kl'nlllllr III M'VI'l'JlI IlilU illl<l|,tf<| ;,t the lust r. Lrf-Kislatmv, which nii> of pnrtictilar intere the Bflth Assembly District, have been prepared by Asm- st to people in of Sai dro I Vincent Thonui s report in the inl ••• residents in thi: Semite Kilt I. Kepeals anil ilils I)iv. 7, Mil. .V Vet. C,'., hr ( iiliforiilii \Var I'tnvors it of public [ a follo This newspaper | S glad to publish les state of extreme enuT- iis I he duly proclaimed ire of conditions of ex- peril to safety of persons ,-roperty caused by enemy at hen, upon advice of mmanding general, s u c h Hark is imminent, or an ir raid alar ni, us", or other cause such The legislation affect- thereof. Provides claim proced- ure for that purpose. Affords civilian volun- teers immunity similar to that of regular officers and employ- ees of public agencies while en- gaged in carrying out their dut- ies. Eft I, storm, epidemic or [iiako, which conditions bi f their magnitude sa bo- i fire, at-th- fense kely lo be h( n-otectivo facilitie shes state Council of DC- nd transfers unexpended balance of appropriation to (!ov- I'l-nor. Effective on 91st day alt- er Jan. 30, 1943. Semite Bill 152. re slnipll- fled returns: Permits taxpayer with gross and use Income tinder $5000, and consist-1 purpose. Provides lor fee of .$4, of which local registrar is to re- ceive SI. Establishes Delayed Ui'KiKt ration of Vital Statistics Kunil In State Treasury, Into which State Hegirtrar Is to pay fees retained by him. Appropri- ates $10,000 to the now fund to be repaid on July 1, 19-15. Mnkus filing of false co pro\ stabllsh hildren I jos school districts to child C.II-P centers for en 2 and 18 years of ago and to make contract* chool property for that d control of'ing wholly of compensation for of any sin-1 services, interest, dividend*; or tie city, city and county, or innty and require the combined . rces of a protective region or a tabli gions to combat. | cam Creates California State; War niiM'il to consist of governor, utenant governor, stale direc- i , ni civilian defense, civilian nnuil 'n and pay tax according In t out in the act. lie- ctivo Feb. 9. Senate Illll :!lll. Adds Sec. 701, Civ. C., re ownership «f United States bonds and obli- gations: Declares that ownership of , s. attorney general, two rep-j United States savings bonds and .-.I'Mlalivi'.- <if city governments, other bonds and obligations of .o representatives of county the United States regislored in (veinnments, two members of names of two co-owners in tliu nate, and two members of As-. alternative, become solo proper! mbly. Creates offices of State Di Declares that such bonds or obligations registered in the name of one person payable on death to named survivor be- properly of survi Authorizes Superintendent o Public Instruction to preserih standards and rules for center and issue permits for person employeil in them. Prohibit employment of person without | permit except when none with permits are available and then | only for five months, during which employee is to take course of training. Provides that cost of care shall be borne by persons hav- ing custody of children but that fees need not be uniform, and hoard of district may consldi CI.LII MKKTING __ Little Hills Navy Mothers' Club No. 157, met Monday aft- ernoon at the home of Mrs. Zelma Lohr, 25004 Eshelman ave. in Iximitn. Mrs. Phillips was m traduced as a guest. DINNER GUEST Mrs. Gertrude Mowry Lingr of 1'alos Verdes was a rlinnei guest Sunday evening at ttu home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C Moyer, 1633 Post ave. AT I'ALM SPIUNGS Mrs. F. Hal-wood Clark, Judy, and Mrs. David Clark and Frankle, are enjoying a two- wc'okK' sojourn at Palm Springs in the interest of the children's health. KN.IOY Till!' Mr. and Mrs. W. T. lAimlquisl of 1528 El Prado, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Loton B. Buck- ley, motored to Ventura Sun- day on a business and pleasure trip. The foursome dined at a IjPlmnrt Park cafe upon their re- turn Sunday evening. Mr. Lund- qlllst is secretary-treasurer of icrrance Cleaner and Pacific Perforating Co. IN HAWTHOKNH Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Myron, ac- companied by their children, Frances, Roger and Calvin, vis- ited at the Bill Davis home in Hawthorne Sunday. NKW RESIDENT Mrs. E. D. Thackor has re- cently come here from San Fran- cisco to join her daughter, Mrs. P. Q. Griswold at 720 Border ave., for the duration. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Shepherd of 2233 229th St., were dinner guests Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Al Krasch in Inglewood. Deadline for 'A' Tire Inspection Period Is Mar. 31 Motorists with the b.-isic "A" gasoline rationing coupon book this work aro warned Hint the deadline for their initial tire in- Mpection falls on March 31. Res- idents of this area should not wait for tho deadline "zero hours," but rather to have the tiros wrvlriB their vehicles in- spected an soon as possible. Official inspection of tires is a key requisite under the gaso- line rationing program, and must be complied with before ra- tioning boards will issue fresh books of gallonage coupons. Subsequent inspections for mo- torists holding "A" books is once every six months. Motor- ists with "B" books must meet the requirement onco in every four months, while 'C" book holds must schedule periodic in- spection onco in every three months. VISIT KKIKNDS Rev. and Mrs. lien D. Griffith, .Jr., of Trona, were weekend vis- itor.': here. IOWA VISITOR Mrs. Edith Oolden of Des Moines, Iowa, was a weekend guest of Mrs. Mary Bnteman. Bouquets . . Corsages Funeral Designs £ WE CAN FILL YOUR ORDER FOR ANY FLORAL NEED FROM OUR ABUNDANCE OF GORGEOUS SPRING BLOSSOMS Drew's Fl 732 AVALON BLVD. FLOWERPHONE ower Shop WILMINGTON WILMINGTON 0654 YOUR NEAREST FLORIST nr of Civilian Defense, State tor of Civilian Protection. Stnie Director of Civilian : •. •••••. the latter two to '.mis of the first, who m i i Mmtive officer in car- ; out the act. These of vor on death of the registered , owner. to he appointed byi Excepts in both instances situ- and consent! ations where Federal Iftw or tog- lire to hold i illations pursuant to Federal law iirviving co-owner in easel that certain'mothers a.. . . . , eath of other. | (0 wmk because of fathers'] service in armed forces or oth disability. . Creates child care Cent in county treasuries. P uso for child care cen ivernor with advice f War Council and in lice at pleasure of governori provides otherwise. Declares sec- id receive salary fixed by him! lion is not to mean that Call- $7500 perlfornia law was otherwise prior t not to exceed ear. Provides for civilian defense ilvlsory committees to assist In iccific fields of civilian defense livity under direction of State ircctor of Civilian Defense. Authorizes cities, cities and unities, and counties to create continue civilian defense agon- es, war councils or local com- Provides generally for direc- mi and coordination of civilian wtoction and civilian war scrv- 4. Authorizes establishment ' protective regions and ap- liiitini'iit of regional civilian iiiection officers. Provides for HMslanco and cooperation be ft .-n local agencies and region- ilian protect ion officers and evelopment of mutual aid >nt of section. came effective Feb. 10. Asscinhly Bill III. re dclu.vcd ri-Klstnition of births: Provides alternative procedure for registration of birth where birth not required to be regis- tered at time it occurs, where it was registered but not in conformity with law. or where record has been lost or de- stroyed. Requires filing of application and affidavits with state or lo- cal registrar and mailing of du- plicate application to district at- offleers Cives governor the right to serclse all police poweis of ate during period of state ex- me einert'encv and authorizes Im to promulgat torney of county where birth I alleged to have occurred. Prescribes in detail what affi- davits may be used. Prohibits use of affidavits of alien:-' Incli- roKlolv' Rlbl ° for <=' tizil '>slli l'- Provides i for review of application by State Registrar and if the appli- calion'and supporting documents comply with the law he is to tax money or money appoit to school districts for school purposes. Authorizes acceptance of gifts from U. S. or agency thereof. Provides that employment is not to put employee into retire- ment system cr merit system. Provides for discontinuance of centers on 30 days notice. E fective until July 1, 1945, or ce: sation of hostilities \vhichevc first occurs. Assembly Hill 7"0. New act tin- War I'riKliietliin Act, r. employment and working con- ditions of IVinale employees essential in war effort: Provides procedure for issu- ance of permits to employer? employ females at or fcr hours or under conriition;' not permit- ted by law. Employer is to ap- ply for permit within 2-t hem's dels fo olection of life and property. Requires stall- departments {oncles and cities, cities and unities, counties, political sub- visions, and public districts to imply with emergency orders ' governor or regional civilian otection officers. Provides for mporary suspension of officers State Surplus (Jontinues £!c~ Says California had a rush of *7X.:WO,7l(i in I he I when March rolled aro clear gain of' the red-lull total nn (lie date a year ago, it w mployees who fall to obey! veiileil :lei-s and for designation persons to take the plan- of ii suspended officers or em- oyees. ^aj thorizes governor to com- j leer private property or per-! 1, and declares that state 1 Harry Ifiley. The surplus MM ill tile mont A .jump of mor Ollll in blli-U a ay by State Cinitml- fr.-i iiise taxes I'm- tl-i n>rp::riitlnn mainly re- tin vain after employment and State De- partment having jurisdiction over enforcement of law which exception is to be i is to recommend issuance or de- nial to governor. Governor au- thorized to issue permits and prescribe terms and conditions. Permits are to be issued if granting of them, would be help- I fill In incicasing production and I furthering war effort without creasing risk to health or safe- ty nf employees. ' Provides that no permit shall atiroeate any collective bargain- in;,' agreement for overtime rate of pay or working conditions or any overtime rates of pay prc .- cribed pursuant to law by an) State department or Federal agency. Effective until 91st day after final adjournment of 1945 ses sion or cessation of hostilities whichever first occurs. Bccann effective l.'eb. 5. exceed by al In 1910 Chile's exports d her imports in value !Ui!-t ?.'!!l.onn,POO. SARTORI AT EL PRADO SPECIAL TmS WEEK OLD AMERICAN I____§^.$2.89 ~ Pt - $ 1 -5° GLENMORE "Silver Label" Kentucky Sajight Couibon Whiskey, m Proof . . . __ftl^!^i^Ji^ ROYAL CLUB Impoited 10-Ycdi-Old Strdight Bouibon Whiskey . . . Fi£fth $4.64 - Pt. $2.92 T. W. SAMUELS' Kentucky Sti.nqht Bou;bon Whiskey, Established 1844 . . . Qt. $3-56 - Pt. $1.82 TORRANCE DON'T FORGET OUR NEW STORE HOURS 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. DAILY Open Sundays and Holidays whcp u "«Pe<:Ud GuesU dl °i > '"' don "' forget our Completely - Stocked Delicatessen Department . . . Fs Open Unlal 8 P.M. fASTV CHiCCt'i PiES.. LUNCHEON MEATS CHEESE vLADS . . OREADS PMP.V P.:: . PICKLL-S . . EGGS AN'fJ OTHER THINGS VOU MELD hOR C, ,' fA'-iTX ''^ SILVER FOX Bin A Deluxe Eastcin Beer of Supeib Flavor . . . Full Qt. 25c GET 'EM 'TARN FRESH/ PACKED WITH UVING COFFEE nc tho right (rriml for your oolite mat ... Regular Grind for |xr<-olnt or for boiling . . . Drip Grind ( Ve reroliimruil 1'., to i level talile. poon* of oofTee fur each »tum)uril iicasnring cup of water. (A stand- cups.) For liost re- sults, make pot at least tno-thircU full. A clean not pays diviilmiU in CHECK THESE VALUES (11) TOMATO JUICE Libbx's. I Sunny Dawn, No. 2 can, 9c I SAFEWAY COFFEE VALUES Sleepy Hollow Oleomargarine DB,' Parkay Mayonnaise .^i Sandwich Spread AIRWAY COFFEE Mello. blend. Giounij lo order. NOR HILL COFFEE Top quality. Ground lo order. EDWARDS COFFEE Rich toilet. Ground lo order. MAXWELL ROUSE Regular or drip. In poekage. CHASE fc SANRORN (21) LIBBY PEACHES Your choice of sliced or halved fruit (21) CASTLE CREST PEACHES Your choice of sliced or halved fruit (1 6) HILIS-DAIE PINEAPPLE Broken slices of Hawaiian pineappl (8) DEL MAIZ NIBLETS Golden corn, "off the cob" style pock Beefsteak Sauce Green Tomatoes (16) GARDENSIDE PEAS Sweet, tender peas. Excellent fl FLOUR, CRACKERS, CEREALS Suzanna Flour £°w"5« JJi" Flapjack Flour ^ 2,V.''10e Sierra Pine T£ Crystal White Lifebuoy Soap f'l Su-pur 3 b ,:,'20c (13) GREEN GIANT PEAS Large size green peas. Tender, tasty (11) LITTLE MILL SPINACH Tender leaves, carefully washed Kitchen Craft No. 5 bog. !Jc, (24) GARDENSIDE TOMATOES Standard pack tomatoti. Puree pack Capitol Pastry Flour I*.,5 24° Rinso SLICED BREAD 7C PROTia YOUR GARDEN Rose Spray Kits Of I ho C Drip Coffee Prctioat pot. Tour boiliii B water into top compart- meut. uiul allow to drip slimly.Tlic drippiMR timr sl.oul.l luko from (I to U minutes lo obtain Ike peak uf luwer l.oul lioiliug before lilting upper howl in plan-, llogin timing contact with the colTi-e. Control the heat .so that the coffee anil water are indue,I together fionl j to 7 ONLY THE BEST HEAT GOES TO SAFEWAY Every cut of meat that is sold It Sateway is guaranteed to be top quality, carefully aged. Regard- to sell anything but the bebt. Soda Crackers Grahams z^' Krispy Crackers 5S;±" Wheat Germ GrapenutMeal Corn Flakes Morning Glory Oats 4LV' Ralston Oats T.V 21 Quick cr Regular 20-01 bo«, lOc 1UOAH STAMP NO. 12. The O.P.A. hn an- nounced that War Ration Stamp No. 12 (from book one) will be valid during the period March 16 through May 31 for 5 pounds. PEANUT BUTTER ;27 C2 o.52c :29 C ^55 C REAL ROAST BRAND Hole Ike to. once> BEVERLY BRAND year the need BS DOUBLE! 1301 SARTORI AVENUE TORRANCE 2171 REDONDO - WILMINGTON ROAD LOMITA

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Page 1: Assemblyman V. Thomas Briefs New State Laws of Particular ......Provides lor fee of .$4, of which local registrar is to re ceive SI. Establishes Delayed Ui'KiKt ration of Vital Statistics

THURSDAY, MARCH 18. 19.13 TORRANCE HERALD. Torrnnce, California

Assemblyman V. Thomas Briefs New State Laws of Particular Interest to Local Residents

Kl'nlllllr III M'VI'l'JlI IlilU illl<l|,tf<| ;,t the lust

r. Lrf-Kislatmv, which nii> of pnrtictilar intere the Bflth Assembly District, have been prepared by Asm-

st to people in

of Sai droI Vincent Thonui s report in the inl ••• residents in thi: Semite Kilt I. Kepeals anil

ilils I)iv. 7, Mil. .V Vet. C,'., hr ( iiliforiilii \Var I'tnvors

it of public [ a follo

This newspaper | S glad to publish

les state of extreme enuT- iis I he duly proclaimed

ire of conditions of ex- peril to safety of persons

,-roperty caused by enemy at hen, upon advice of

mmanding general, s u c h Hark is imminent, or an ir raid alar ni, us", or other cause such

The legislation affect-

thereof. Provides claim proced­ ure for that purpose.

Affords civilian volun­ teers immunity similar to that of regular officers and employ­ ees of public agencies while en- gaged in carrying out their dut­ ies.


I, storm, epidemic or [iiako, which conditions bi f their magnitude

sa bo- i fire, at-th-


kely lo be h( n-otectivo facilitie

shes state Council of DC- nd transfers unexpended

balance of appropriation to (!ov- I'l-nor. Effective on 91st day alt­ er Jan. 30, 1943.

Semite Bill 152. re slnipll- fled returns:Permits taxpayer with gross and use

Income tinder $5000, and consist-1 purpose.

Provides lor fee of .$4, of which local registrar is to re­ ceive SI. Establishes Delayed Ui'KiKt ration of Vital Statistics Kunil In State Treasury, Into which State Hegirtrar Is to pay fees retained by him. Appropri­ ates $10,000 to the now fund to be repaid on July 1, 19-15.

Mnkus filing of false co


stabllsh hildren I

jos school districts to child C.II-P centers for

en 2 and 18 yearsof ago and to make contract*

chool property for that

d control of'ing wholly of compensation for of any sin-1 services, interest, dividend*; or

tie city, city and county, or innty and require the combined . rces of a protective region or a tabli gions to combat. | cam Creates California State; War niiM'il to consist of governor, utenant governor, stale direc- i , ni civilian defense, civilian

nnuil'n and pay tax according In

t out in the act. lie- ctivo Feb. 9.

Senate Illll :!lll. Adds Sec. 701, Civ. C., re ownership «f United States bonds and obli­ gations:Declares that ownership of

, s. attorney general, two rep-j United States savings bonds and .-.I'Mlalivi'.- <if city governments, • other bonds and obligations of .o representatives of county the United States regislored in (veinnments, two members of names of two co-owners in tliu nate, and two members of As-. alternative, become solo proper! mbly.Creates offices of State Di

Declares that such bonds or obligations registered in the name of one person payable on death to named survivor be-

properly of survi

Authorizes Superintendent o Public Instruction to preserih standards and rules for center and issue permits for person employeil in them. Prohibit employment of person without | permit except when none with permits are available and then | only for five months, during which employee is to take course of training.

Provides that cost of care shall be borne by persons hav­ ing custody of children but that fees need not be uniform, and hoard of district may consldi

CI.LII MKKTING __Little Hills Navy Mothers'

Club No. 157, met Monday aft­ ernoon at the home of Mrs. Zelma Lohr, 25004 Eshelman ave. in Iximitn. Mrs. Phillips was m traduced as a guest.

DINNER GUESTMrs. Gertrude Mowry Lingr

of 1'alos Verdes was a rlinnei guest Sunday evening at ttu home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C Moyer, 1633 Post ave.

AT I'ALM SPIUNGSMrs. F. Hal-wood Clark, Judy,

and Mrs. David Clark and Frankle, are enjoying a two- wc'okK' sojourn at Palm Springs in the interest of the children's health.

KN.IOY Till!'Mr. and Mrs. W. T. lAimlquisl

of 1528 El Prado, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Loton B. Buck- ley, motored to Ventura Sun­ day on a business and pleasure trip. The foursome dined at a IjPlmnrt Park cafe upon their re­ turn Sunday evening. Mr. Lund- qlllst is secretary-treasurer of icrrance Cleaner and Pacific Perforating Co.

IN HAWTHOKNHMr. and Mrs. T. C. Myron, ac­

companied by their children, Frances, Roger and Calvin, vis­ ited at the Bill Davis home in Hawthorne Sunday.

NKW RESIDENTMrs. E. D. Thackor has re­

cently come here from San Fran­ cisco to join her daughter, Mrs. P. Q. Griswold at 720 Border ave., for the duration.

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Shepherd of 2233 229th St., were dinner guests Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Al Krasch in Inglewood.

Deadline for 'A' Tire Inspection Period Is Mar. 31

Motorists with the b.-isic "A" gasoline rationing coupon book this work aro warned Hint the deadline for their initial tire in- Mpection falls on March 31. Res­ idents of this area should not wait for tho deadline "zero hours," but rather to have the tiros wrvlriB their vehicles in­ spected an soon as possible.

Official inspection of tires is a key requisite under the gaso­ line rationing program, and must be complied with before ra­ tioning boards will issue fresh books of gallonage coupons.

Subsequent inspections for mo­ torists holding "A" books is once every six months. Motor­ ists with "B" books must meet the requirement onco in every four months, while 'C" book holds must schedule periodic in­ spection onco in every three months.


Rev. and Mrs. lien D. Griffith, .Jr., of Trona, were weekend vis­ itor.': here.


Mrs. Edith Oolden of Des Moines, Iowa, was a weekend guest of Mrs. Mary Bnteman.

Bouquets . . Corsages Funeral Designs




Drew's Fl732 AVALON BLVD.





nr of Civilian Defense, State tor of Civilian Protection. Stnie Director of Civilian

: •. •••••. the latter two to '.mis of the first, who

m i i Mmtive officer in car- ; out the act. These of

vor on death of the registered , owner.

to he appointed byi Excepts in both instances situ- and consent! ations where Federal Iftw or tog- lire to hold i illations pursuant to Federal law

iirviving co-owner in easel that certain'mothers a.. . . . , eath of other. | (0 wmk because of fathers']

service in armed forces or oth disability.

. Creates child care Cent in county treasuries. P uso for child care cen

ivernor with advice f War Council andinlice at pleasure of governori provides otherwise. Declares sec- id receive salary fixed by him! lion is not to mean that Call-

$7500 perlfornia law was otherwise priort not to exceed ear.Provides for civilian defense

ilvlsory committees to assist In iccific fields of civilian defense livity under direction of State ircctor of Civilian Defense. Authorizes cities, cities and unities, and counties to create continue civilian defense agon­ es, war councils or local com-

Provides generally for direc- mi and coordination of civilian wtoction and civilian war scrv- 4. Authorizes establishment ' protective regions and ap- liiitini'iit of regional civilian iiiection officers. Provides for

HMslanco and cooperation be ft .-n local agencies and region-

ilian protect ion officers and evelopment of mutual aid

>nt of section.came effective Feb. 10.

Asscinhly Bill III. re dclu.vcd ri-Klstnition of births:Provides alternative procedure

for registration of birth where birth not required to be regis­ tered at time it occurs, where it was registered but not in conformity with law. or where record has been lost or de­ stroyed.

Requires filing of application and affidavits with state or lo­ cal registrar and mailing of du­ plicate application to district at­

offleersCives governor the right to serclse all police poweis of ate during period of state ex- me einert'encv and authorizes Im to promulgat

torney of county where birth I alleged to have occurred.

Prescribes in detail what affi­ davits may be used. Prohibits use of affidavits of alien:-' Incli-

roKlolv' Rlbl° for <=' tizil '>slli l'- Provides i for review of application by State Registrar and if the appli- calion'and supporting documents comply with the law he is to

tax money or money appoit to school districts for school purposes. Authorizes acceptance of gifts from U. S. or agency thereof.

Provides that employment is not to put employee into retire­ ment system cr merit system. Provides for discontinuance of centers on 30 days notice. E fective until July 1, 1945, or ce: sation of hostilities \vhichevc first occurs.

Assembly Hill 7"0. New act tin- War I'riKliietliin Act, r. employment and working con­ ditions of IVinale employees essential in war effort:Provides procedure for issu­

ance of permits to employer? employ females at or fcr hours or under conriition;' not permit­ ted by law. Employer is to ap­ ply for permit within 2-t hem's

dels fo olection of life and property. Requires stall- departments {oncles and cities, cities and unities, counties, political sub- visions, and public districts to imply with emergency orders ' governor or regional civilian otection officers. Provides for mporary suspension of officers

State Surplus (Jontinues £!c~

SaysCalifornia had a rush

of *7X.:WO,7l(i in I he I when March rolled aro clear gain of' the red-lull total nn (lie date a year ago, it w

mployees who fall to obey! veiileil:lei-s and for designation

persons to take the plan- of ii suspended officers or em-

oyees. ^aj thorizes governor to com- j leer private property or per-! 1, and declares that state 1

Harry Ifiley. The surplus

MM ill tile mont A .jump of mor Ollll in blli-U a

ay by State Cinitml-

fr.-i iiise taxes I'm- tl-i

n>rp::riitlnn mainly re-

tin vain

after employment and State De­ partment having jurisdiction over enforcement of law which exception is to be i is to recommend issuance or de­ nial to governor. Governor au­ thorized to issue permits and prescribe terms and conditions. Permits are to be issued if granting of them, would be help-

I fill In incicasing production and I furthering war effort without creasing risk to health or safe­ ty nf employees. ' Provides that no permit shall

atiroeate any collective bargain- in;,' agreement for overtime rate of pay or working conditions or any overtime rates of pay prc .- cribed pursuant to law by an) State department or Federal agency.

Effective until 91st day after final adjournment of 1945 ses sion or cessation of hostilities whichever first occurs. Bccann effective l.'eb. 5.

exceed by al

In 1910 Chile's exports d her imports in value!Ui!-t ?.'!!l.onn,POO.




I____§^.$2.89 ~ Pt- $1-5°

GLENMORE "Silver Label"Kentucky Sajight Couibon Whiskey, m Proof . . .

__ftl^!^i^Ji^ROYAL CLUBImpoited 10-Ycdi-Old Strdight Bouibon Whiskey . . .

Fi£fth $4.64 - Pt. $2.92

T. W. SAMUELS'Kentucky Sti.nqht Bou;bon Whiskey, Established 1844 . . .

Qt. $3-56 - Pt. $1.82



10 a.m. to 8 p.m.DAILY

Open Sundays and Holidays

whcp u"«Pe<:Ud GuesU dl °i> '"' don "'forget our Completely - Stocked Delicatessen Department . . .



SILVER FOX BinA Deluxe Eastcin Beer of Supeib Flavor . . .

Full Qt. 25c


UVING COFFEE nc tho right (rriml for your oolite mat ... Regular Grind for |xr<-olnt or for boiling . . . Drip Grind (

Ve reroliimruil 1'., to i level talile. poon* of oofTee fur each »tum)uril iicasnring cup of water. (A stand-

cups.) For liost re­ sults, make pot at least tno-thircU full. A clean not pays diviilmiU in


Sleepy Hollow

Oleomargarine DB,'


Mayonnaise .^i

Sandwich Spread

AIRWAY COFFEEMello. blend. Giounij lo order.

NOR HILL COFFEETop quality. Ground lo order.

EDWARDS COFFEERich toilet. Ground lo order.

MAXWELL ROUSERegular or drip. In poekage.


(21) LIBBY PEACHESYour choice of sliced or halved fruit

(21) CASTLE CREST PEACHESYour choice of sliced or halved fruit

(1 6) HILIS-DAIE PINEAPPLEBroken slices of Hawaiian pineappl

(8) DEL MAIZ NIBLETSGolden corn, "off the cob" style pockBeefsteak Sauce

Green Tomatoes (16) GARDENSIDE PEASSweet, tender peas. Excellent flFLOUR, CRACKERS, CEREALS

Suzanna Flour £°w"5« JJi" 9°

Flapjack Flour ^ 2,V.''10e

Sierra Pine T£

Crystal White

Lifebuoy Soap f'l


3 b,:,'20c (13) GREEN GIANT PEASLarge size green peas. Tender, tasty

(11) LITTLE MILL SPINACHTender leaves, carefully washed

Kitchen CraftNo. 5 bog. !Jc,

(24) GARDENSIDE TOMATOESStandard pack tomatoti. Puree pack

Capitol Pastry Flour I*.,5 24° Rinso




Rose Spray KitsOf I ho C

Drip Coffee Prctioat pot. Tour boiliiiB water into top compart- meut. uiul allow to drip slimly.Tlic drippiMR timr sl.oul.l luko from (I to U minutes lo obtain Ike peak uf

luwer l.oul lioiliug before lilting upper howl in plan-, llogin timing

contact with the colTi-e. Control the heat .so that the coffee anil water are indue,I together fionl j to 7


Every cut of meat that is sold It

Sateway is guaranteed to be top

quality, carefully aged. Regard-

to sell anything but the bebt.

Soda CrackersGrahams z^'Krispy Crackers 5S;±" *£

Wheat Germ GrapenutMeal Corn Flakes

Morning Glory Oats 4LV'

Ralston Oats T.V 21Quick cr Regular 20-01 bo«, lOc

1UOAH STAMP NO. 12. The O.P.A. hn an­ nounced that War Ration Stamp No. 12 (from book one) will be valid during the period March 16 through May 31 for 5 pounds. PEANUT BUTTER

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Hole Ike to. once>


year the need BS DOUBLE!