assessing the viability of inland saltwater shrimp farming in south central alabama

ASSESSING THE VIABILITY OF INLAND SALTWATER SHRIMP FARMING IN SOUTH CENTRAL ALABAMA Anthoney S. Deanes, P. O. Box 2269, Mt Pleasant, TX 75456-2269, [email protected] Advisors: Dr. Ntam Baharanyi & Dr. Barrett T. Vaughan TUSKEGEE UNIVERSITY, Tuskegee, AL GS04-036, GRADUATE STUDENT PROJECT O bjectives 1 . D escribe the production offarm - raised saltw atershrim p as an agricultural enterprise 2. Identify the constraints and risks associated w ith inland saltw ater shrim p farm industry 3. C om pare the costefficiencies of farm s via scales ofproduction Intended O utcom es C ase Study Profile on each farm er C om parison offarm practices D evelopm entofEnterprise Budget D evelopm entofBreak-even Analysis R esearch M ethods M ethods – C ase Study Approach D ata C ollection Sem i-standard Q uestionnaire Interview s Telephone C onversations Farm Visits D ata Analysis Q ualitative M ethod D escriptive Statistics O therSignificantFindings D eveloped individual case profiles foreach farm Lack ofknow ledge and experience am ongstsom e offarm ers D isparity in farm practices Lack ofa w ell define m arketing plan The enterprise is m ore cost-effective as a sole enterprise on the 50 acre scale versus a 5 acre scale SignificantFindings – Table 3 M AJO R CO STS ASSO CIATED W ITH IN LAN D SALTW ATER SHRIM P FARM ING C ase M ajorCosts 1 Feed PLs Electricity Processing Aeration 2 Feed PLs Electricity Processing Aeration 3 Feed PLs Electricity Processing Aeration 4 Feed PLs Electricity Labor Aeration 5 Feed PLs Electricity Aeration Tractors 6 Feed PLs Electricity Labor Aeration SignificantFindings – Table 4 M AJO R CO NSTRAINTS ASSO CIATED W ITH IN LAN D SALTW ATER SHRIM P FARM ING C ase MajorConstraints 1 Marketing PL Availability Local Infrastructure 2 C apital Knowledge Local Infrastructure 3 Marketing PL Availability Affordable Feed 4 Know ledge Marketing PL Availability 5 Marketing Labor Local Infrastructure 6 W eather Marketing Labor FIVE-ACRE SALTWATER SHRIMP FARM ENTERPRISE BUDGET C ategory U nit U nitPrice,$ Quantity Total,$ 1. Income Shrimp Lb 7.00 13,100 91,700.00 2. V ariable C osts P Ls 1000 8.00 653.4 5,227.20 PL D elivery Freight 200.00 1 200.00 Feed Tons 900.00 24 21,600.00 Fuel gallons 2.25 720 1,620.00 Chemicals,M inerals,etc. Total 300.00 1 300.00 P roduction Labor Hr 7.00 100 700.00 P rocessing Lb 0.63 13,100 8,253.00 H arvesting Labor Hr 7.00 80 560.00 Transportation ofH arvest D ay 50.00 3 750.00 E lectricity Total 1,600.00 1 1,600.00 O perating C apital Total 10,000.00 1 10,000.00 Intereston O perating C apital Total 0.10 10,000 1,000.00 Marketing Total 2,000.00 1 2,000.00 3. T otal V ariable C ost 53,810.20 4. Income Above Variable Cost 37,889.80 5. F ixed C osts Intereston Invest.C apital Year 0.10 200,000 20,000.00 Taxes and Insurance Year 2,500.00 1 2,500.00 O w nerLabor Hr 10.00 900 9,000.00 P ickup Truck Mo 500.00 5 2,500.00 M onitoring E quipm ent Mo 100.00 4 400.00 Tractor& Equipm ent Mo 600.00 4 2,400.00 Em ergency Aerator Mo 150.00 4 600.00 Em ergency G enerator Mo 200.00 4 800.00 Land Yr 15,000.00 1 15,000.00 C onstruction Yr 5,000.00 1 5,000.00 Acclim ation Facilities Yr 500.00 1 500.00 Frozen Storage Yr 1,200.00 1 1,200.00 H arvesting E quip.& Suppl. Yr 500.00 1 500.00 6. T otal F ixed C osts 60,400.00 7. T otal Costs 114,210.20 8. E stimated R eturns (22,510.20) 9. Break-even price/ lbs 8.72 SignificantFindings – Table 6 FIFTY-ACRE SALTWATER SHRIMP FARM ENTERPRISE BUDGET C ategory U nit UnitPrice,$ Quantity Total,$ 1. Income Shrimp Lb 7.00 131,000 917,000.00 2. Variable C osts PLs 1000 8.00 6,534 52,272.00 PL D elivery Freight 500.00 1 500.00 Feed Ton 900.00 231 207,900.00 Fuel G al 2.25 960 2,160.00 Chemicals,Minerals,etc. Total 2,000.00 1 2,000.00 Production Labor Hr 7.00 300 2,100.00 Processing Lb 0.63 131,000 82,530.00 H arvesting Labor Hr 7.00 500 3,500.00 Transportation ofH arvest Da 250.00 12 3,000.00 Electricity Mo 1,000.00 7 7,000.00 O perating C apital Total 50,000.00 1 50,000.00 Intereston O perating C apital 10% 0.10 50,000 5,000.00 Marketing Yr 10,000.00 1 10,000.00 3. T otal V ariable C ost 427,962.00 4. Income A bove V ariable C ost 489,038.00 5. Fixed Costs Depreciation Yr 24,900.00 1 24,900.00 Intereston Investm entC apital dollars 0.10 875,000 87,500.00 Taxes and Insurance Yr 5,000.00 1 5,000.00 O w nerLabor Hr 15.00 1200 18,000.00 Pickup Truck Yr 3,600.00 1 3,600.00 Com puter Yr 500.00 1 500.00 M onitoring E quipm ent Yr 2,000.00 1 2,000.00 Tractor& E quipm ent Yr 10,000.00 1 10,000.00 Em ergency A erator Yr 500.00 1 500.00 Em ergency G enerator Yr 10,000.00 1 10,000.00 Pond Feeder Yr 2,000.00 1 2,000.00 H arvester Yr 10,000.00 1 10,000.00 Land Yr 75,000.00 1 75,000.00 Construction Yr 50,000.00 1 50,000.00 Trailer& Furniture Yr 2,500.00 1 2,500.00 Acclim ation Facilities Yr 5,000.00 1 5,000.00 H arvesting Equipm ent& S upplies Yr 2,000.00 1 2,000.00 Frozen S torage Yr 10,000.00 1 10,000.00 6. T otal F ixed C ost 318,500.00 7. T otal Cost 746,462.00 8. E stimated R eturns 170,538.00 9. Break-even price/ lbs produced 5.70 SignificantFindings – Table 7 4,044 2,030 2,013 5.55 2.78 2.76 217,800.00 3,763 1,749 2,013 6.45 3.00 3.45 174,240.00 3,481 1,468 2,013 7.96 3.36 4.60 130,680.00 3,200 1,187 2,013 10.97 4.07 6.90 87,120.00 lbs dollars/lb PLs/acre TC VC FC TC VC FC Stocking Rate Break-even Production Levelsto Pay Break-even Pricesto Cover A ssum ptions: 5 acresofproduction.M arketPrice is$6. 2,866 1,740 1,126 4.59 2.78 1.80 217,800.00 2,625 1,499 1,126 5.25 3.00 2.25 174,240.00 2,384 1,258 1,126 6.36 3.36 3.00 130,680.00 2,143 1,017 1,126 8.57 4.07 4.50 87,120.00 lbs dollars/lb PLs/acre TC VC FC TC VC FC Stocking Rate Break-even Production Levelsto Pay Break-even Pricesto C over A ssum ptions:5 acresofproduction.M arketPrice is$7. 3,033 1,523 1,510 5.55 2.78 2.76 217,800.00 2,822 1,312 1,510 6.45 3.00 3.45 174,240.00 2,611 1,101 1,510 7.96 3.36 4.60 130,680.00 2,400 890 1,510 10.97 4.07 6.90 87,120.00 lbs dollars/lb PLs/acre TC VC FC TC VC FC Stocking Rate Break-even Production Levelsto Pay Break-even Pricesto C over A ssum ptions:5 acresofproduction.M arketPrice is$8. BREAK-EVEN ANALYSIS FO R FIVE-ACRES O F PRO DU CTIO N SignificantFindings – Table 8 BREAK-EVEN ANALYSIS FO R FIFTY-ACRES O F PRO D U CTIO N 2,785 1,757 1,028 3.23 2.41 0.82 217,800.00 2,504 1,476 1,028 3.55 2.53 1.02 174,240.00 2,223 1,195 1,028 4.09 2.73 1.36 130,680.00 1,942 913 1,028 5.17 3.13 2.05 87,120.00 lbs dollars/lb PLs/acre TC VC FC TC VC FC Stocking Rate Break-even Production Levelto Pay Break-even Price to Cover A ssum ptions:50 acresofproduction. M arketPrice is$6. 2387 1506 881 3.23 2.41 0.82 217,800.00 2146 1265 881 3.55 2.53 1.02 174,240.00 1905 1024 881 4.09 2.73 1.36 130,680.00 1664 783 881 5.17 3.13 2.05 87,120.00 lbs dollars/lb PLs/acre TC VC FC TC VC FC Stocking Rate Break-even Production Levelto Pay Break-even Price to Cover A ssum ptions:50 acresofproduction. M arketPrice is$7. 2,089 1,318 771 3.23 2.41 0.82 217,800.00 1,878 1,107 771 3.55 2.53 1.02 174,240.00 1,667 896 771 4.09 2.73 1.36 130,680.00 1,456 685 771 5.17 3.13 2.05 87,120.00 lbs dollars/lb PLs/acre TC VC FC TC VC FC Stocking Rate Break-even Production Level to Pay Break-even Price to Cover A ssum ptions:50 acresofproduction.M arketPrice is$8. SignificantFindings – Table 9

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ASSESSING THE VIABILITY OF INLAND SALTWATER SHRIMP FARMING IN SOUTH CENTRAL ALABAMA Anthoney S. Deanes, P. O. Box 2269, Mt Pleasant, TX 75456-2269, [email protected] Advisors: Dr. Ntam Baharanyi & Dr. Barrett T. Vaughan TUSKEGEE UNIVERSITY, Tuskegee, AL GS04-036, GRADUATE STUDENT PROJECT. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation




Anthoney S. Deanes, P. O. Box 2269, Mt Pleasant, TX 75456-2269, [email protected]: Dr. Ntam Baharanyi & Dr. Barrett T. Vaughan



1. Describe the production of farm-raised saltwater shrimp as an agricultural enterprise

2. Identify the constraints and risks associated with inland saltwater shrimp farm industry

3. Compare the cost efficiencies of farms via scales of production

Intended Outcomes

Case Study Profile on each farmer

Comparison of farm practices

Development of Enterprise Budget

Development of Break-even Analysis

Research Methods

Methods – Case Study Approach Data Collection

– Semi-standard Questionnaire– Interviews– Telephone Conversations– Farm Visits

Data Analysis– Qualitative Method– Descriptive Statistics

Other Significant Findings

Developed individual case profiles for each farm

Lack of knowledge and experience amongst some of farmers

Disparity in farm practices Lack of a well define marketing plan The enterprise is more cost-effective as a

sole enterprise on the 50 acre scale versus a 5 acre scale

Significant Findings – Table 3


Case Major Costs

1 Feed PLs Electricity Processing Aeration

2 Feed PLs Electricity Processing Aeration

3 Feed PLs Electricity Processing Aeration

4 Feed PLs Electricity Labor Aeration

5 Feed PLs Electricity Aeration Tractors

6 Feed PLs Electricity Labor Aeration

Significant Findings – Table 4


Case Major Constraints

1 Marketing PL Availability

Local Infrastructure

2 Capital Knowledge

Local Infrastructure

3 Marketing PL Availability Affordable Feed

4 Knowledge Marketing PL Availability

5 Marketing Labor

Local Infrastructure

6 Weather Marketing Labor


Category Unit Unit Price, $ Quantity Total, $ 1. Income Shrimp Lb 7.00 13,100 91,700.00 2. Variable Costs PLs 1000 8.00 653.4 5,227.20 PL Delivery Freight 200.00 1 200.00 Feed Tons 900.00 24 21,600.00 Fuel gallons 2.25 720 1,620.00 Chemicals, Minerals, etc. Total 300.00 1 300.00 Production Labor Hr 7.00 100 700.00 Processing Lb 0.63 13,100 8,253.00 Harvesting Labor Hr 7.00 80 560.00 Transportation of Harvest Day 50.00 3 750.00 Electricity Total 1,600.00 1 1,600.00 Operating Capital Total 10,000.00 1 10,000.00 Interest on Operating Capital Total 0.10 10,000 1,000.00 Marketing Total 2,000.00 1 2,000.00 3. Total Variable Cost 53,810.20 4. Income Above Variable Cost 37,889.80 5. Fixed Costs Interest on Invest. Capital Year 0.10 200,000 20,000.00 Taxes and Insurance Year 2,500.00 1 2,500.00 Owner Labor Hr 10.00 900 9,000.00 Pickup Truck Mo 500.00 5 2,500.00 Monitoring Equipment Mo 100.00 4 400.00 Tractor & Equipment Mo 600.00 4 2,400.00 Emergency Aerator Mo 150.00 4 600.00 Emergency Generator Mo 200.00 4 800.00 Land Yr 15,000.00 1 15,000.00 Construction Yr 5,000.00 1 5,000.00 Acclimation Facilities Yr 500.00 1 500.00 Frozen Storage Yr 1,200.00 1 1,200.00 Harvesting Equip. & Suppl. Yr 500.00 1 500.00 6. Total Fixed Costs 60,400.00 7. Total Costs 114,210.20

8. Estimated Returns (22,510.20) 9. Break-even price/ lbs produced


Significant Findings – Table 6


Category Unit Unit Price, $ Quantity Total, $ 1. Income Shrimp Lb 7.00 131,000 917,000.00 2. Variable Costs PLs 1000 8.00 6,534 52,272.00 PL Delivery Freight 500.00 1 500.00 Feed Ton 900.00 231 207,900.00 Fuel Gal 2.25 960 2,160.00 Chemicals, Minerals, etc. Total 2,000.00 1 2,000.00 Production Labor Hr 7.00 300 2,100.00 Processing Lb 0.63 131,000 82,530.00 Harvesting Labor Hr 7.00 500 3,500.00 Transportation of Harvest Da 250.00 12 3,000.00 Electricity Mo 1,000.00 7 7,000.00 Operating Capital Total 50,000.00 1 50,000.00 Interest on Operating Capital 10% 0.10 50,000 5,000.00 Marketing Yr 10,000.00 1 10,000.00 3. Total Variable Cost 427,962.00 4. Income Above Variable Cost 489,038.00 5. Fixed Costs Depreciation Yr 24,900.00 1 24,900.00 Interest on Investment Capital dollars 0.10 875,000 87,500.00 Taxes and Insurance Yr 5,000.00 1 5,000.00 Owner Labor Hr 15.00 1200 18,000.00 Pickup Truck Yr 3,600.00 1 3,600.00 Computer Yr 500.00 1 500.00 Monitoring Equipment Yr 2,000.00 1 2,000.00 Tractor & Equipment Yr 10,000.00 1 10,000.00 Emergency Aerator Yr 500.00 1 500.00 Emergency Generator Yr 10,000.00 1 10,000.00 Pond Feeder Yr 2,000.00 1 2,000.00 Harvester Yr 10,000.00 1 10,000.00 Land Yr 75,000.00 1 75,000.00 Construction Yr 50,000.00 1 50,000.00 Trailer & Furniture Yr 2,500.00 1 2,500.00 Acclimation Facilities Yr 5,000.00 1 5,000.00 Harvesting Equipment & Supplies Yr 2,000.00 1 2,000.00 Frozen Storage Yr 10,000.00 1 10,000.00 6. Total Fixed Cost 318,500.00 7. Total Cost 746,462.00 8. Estimated Returns 170,538.00 9. Break-even price/ lbs produced 5.70

Significant Findings – Table 7





Break-even Production Levels to PayBreak-even Prices to Cover

Assumptions: 5 acres of production. Market Price is $6.





Break-even Production Levels to PayBreak-even Prices to Cover

Assumptions: 5 acres of production. Market Price is $7.





Break-even Production Levels to PayBreak-even Prices to Cover

Assumptions: 5 acres of production. Market Price is $8.


Significant Findings – Table 8






Break-even Production Level to PayBreak-even Price to Cover

Assumptions: 50 acres of production. Market Price is $6.



Stocking Rate

Break-even Production Level to PayBreak-even Price to Cover

Assumptions: 50 acres of production. Market Price is $7.





Break-even Production Level to PayBreak-even Price to Cover

Assumptions: 50 acres of production. Market Price is $8.

Significant Findings – Table 9