assessment -his 106 turnage -midlands technical college ...€¦ · because ai-mansur failed to...

Assessment - HIS 106 Turnage - Midlands Technical College Page 1 of 11 Question 1 (3 points) Muhammad ai-Shaykh, dedicated to Jihad, over which he claimed global control, united Morocco, but instantly faced attack from his Ottoman foe. eJ A) True eJ B) False ' Question 2 (3 points) Abu I' Abbas Ahmad proved to be religiously tolerant, and has been hailed as a visionary whose efforts laid the foundation for modern Morocco. t) A) True 0 B) False ..., ..... , ...... ;.----------- ----------------- - ----------------- ---·-- - -··-- ··-- -- ----- . Question (3 points) ·------ ---- --1---- -- ------··- --· - -··--·--·-- - - - .•. Which of the following is a ruling on a point of Islamic law issued by a mufti? C) B) baraka u C) fatwa C D) imam Question 4 (3 points) The sure sign that the Sultan of Morocco no longer ruled the Western Sudan 6 A) was the elevation of ai-Tilimsani's son to pasha in Timbuktu. 13 B) was the emergence of the Arma as a distinct ethnicity. O C) came "[t]wenty-eight years after Judar marched to Tondibi, [when] the Moroccan sultan decided unofficially to abandon its Sudanese enterprise." 6 D) came when the king in Timbuktu said the Friday prayer in the name of the Ottoman sultan. In a manner of speaking, the Songhay Empire was revenged by the fratricidal warfare that followed ai-Mansur's death. 7/9/2012

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Page 1: Assessment -HIS 106 Turnage -Midlands Technical College ...€¦ · Because ai-Mansur failed to create a viable system of succession, by 1612, Morocco split into two warring halves,

Assessment - HIS 106 Turnage - Midlands Technical College Page 1 of 11


Question 1 (3 points)

Muhammad ai-Shaykh, dedicated to Jihad, over which he claimed global control , united Morocco, but instantly faced attack from his Ottoman foe.

eJ A) True

eJ B) False

' Question 2 (3 points)

Abu I' Abbas Ahmad proved to be religiously tolerant, and has been hailed as a visionary whose efforts laid the foundation for modern Morocco.

t) A) True

0 B) False

...,.....,......;.---------------------------- ------------------ ---·-- - -··-- ··-- -- -----. Question ~ (3 points) ·---------- --1---- -- ------··- --· - -··--·--·-- - - - .•.

Which of the following is a ruling on a point of Islamic law issued by a mufti?

C) B) baraka

u C) fatwa

C D) imam

Question 4 (3 points)

The sure sign that the Sultan of Morocco no longer ruled the Western Sudan

6 A) was the elevation of ai-Tilimsani's son to pasha in Timbuktu.

13 B) was the emergence of the Arma as a distinct ethnicity.

O C) came "[t]wenty-eight years after Judar marched to Tondibi, [when] the Moroccan sultan decided unofficially to abandon its Sudanese enterprise."

6 D) came when the king in Timbuktu said the Friday prayer in the name of the Ottoman sultan.

In a manner of speaking, the Songhay Empire was revenged by the fratricidal warfare that followed ai-Mansur's death.


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Assessment - HIS 106 Turnage - Midlands Technical College Page 2 of 11

v A) True

u B) False

Ahmad ai-Mansur

&) A) created an alliance against the Ottomans when the ruler of Bornu signed the bay' a.

e1 B) took Tuwat, the gateway to North Africa from the south, which gave him control of the northern half of the central "'-' trans-Saharan route.

() C) sent a significant force through Wadan to the Niger River with orders to take Timbuktu.

0 D) gained control of Mauritania by taking Chinguetti, thus reopening the western branch of the trans-Saharan route.

I Question 7 (3 points) ~~-=------·--------·

- ------------·-As a result of the Battle of Wadi ai-Makhazin, Portugal was soon to disappear from the map, and it was viewed by many as a victory for Islam over Christianity. ·

6 A) True

U B) False

(' --·------~-------- ~"-------~------------------------- -------- ~------~-----------~- -----~----- -- ·----~

1 Question 8 (3 points)

Ahmad, who consecrated the victory at Wadi ai-Makhazin by proclaiming himself "ai-Mansur bi Allah, 'Victorous by the Will of God, .. .'", and the chroniclers agree he was a chosen man of destiny.

r[) A) True

U B) False

I . - --------------------------------------------------------------~------,

i Question 9 (3 points) '------------------- ----------------

At Qasr ai-Kabir, the Battle of Wadi ai-Makhazin was fought between forces of the Sa'di and Avis Dynasties, witnessed the termination of three kings, and brought to power, in Morocco, a man whose policies and actions reverberated from the interior Africa to northern Europe.

f) A) True

•D B) False


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Assessment- HIS 106 Turnage- Midlands Technical College Page 3 of 11

I Question 10 (3 points) i

Which dynasty succeeded the Sa'dis and continues on the throne of Morocco today?

p~ __,. A) Alawi

ro B) Abbasid

0 C) Almohad

e; D) Askiya

Question 11 (3 points)

The Mawlid became one of the three most significant Moroccan national celebrations, and was observed in preference to Christmas, because it was the celebration of Muhammad's birthday .

. 5 A) True

0 B) False

Question 12 (3 points)

Because ai-Mansur failed to create a viable system of succession, by 1612, Morocco split into two warring halves, east and west.

0 A) True

6 B) False

I Question 13 (3 point.s_) ___ .

Muhammad al Qa'im's younger son improved the Sus Valley's economy through the growth of and commerce in sugar, even though he was not his father's heir.

0 A) True

C B) False


- - --·---·- -----· --! Question 14 (3 points)

At various times Fez and Marrakesh each served as the Moroccan capital. The southernmost of these cities was the base from which its sharifs fiscal actions sparked the war that resulted in Sa'di rule.

0 A) True

0 B) False


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Assessment- HIS 106 Turnage- Midlands Technical College Page 4 of 11

I Question 15 (3 ~oints) _________ _i

This biography compares Morocco with other Islamic states and Europe concerning issues such as, state building and mixing into the emerging international commercial economy.

tJ A) True

{) B) False

' Question 16 (3 points) L .

-------·- ----------

The Juula, Sudanese merchants known to the outside world as Wangara, were the primary carriers and providers of the trans-Saharan gold trade during the pre-Columbian European Middle Ages.

(_) A) True

e) B) False

Question 17 (3 points) I -- - -· -

Although ai-Mansur's largess overreached his fiscal capacity, it reflected a characteristic of the Mahdi.

C) A) True

CJ B) False

. ·-j<i~stion 18 (3 points)

The Moroccan invasion of Songhay was legitimized as a jihad against fellow Muslims because Islam, as practiced there, " ... was corrupt and diluted."

6 A) True

u B) False

; Question 19 (3 points) ---- --··----------------· - -· -·---------·------------------------- ------ --·-·· --·

All of ai-Mansur's machinations in the 1580s- Tuwat, Mauritania, and Taghaza- did nothing to prove the axiom " ... that Saharan salt was the key to Sudanese gold."

C) A) True

u B) False


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Assessment- HIS 106 Turnage - Midlands Technical College Page 5 of 11

j ouestion 20 (3 poin_t_s) __ _

Although Ahmad ai-Mansur claimed the caliphate and used said claim as " ... a propaganda device or a tool for browbeating .. . [,]" he was not so deluded as to become fixated on it.

tJ A) True

() B) False

--~-----------~-- -----------------------~------~--~------~-----------------------------------.--------·,

Qu~r:stion 21 (3 points) L .. ·------~--------~--- -·------~--~-----------

Muftis are Muslim legal scholars, the judges of shari'a, who render their opinions on all matters pertaining to Islamic law.

l\5 A) True

0 B) False

' ---------~-----------------------------------------·- ------~--- -------~----------------

' Questk>n 22 (3 points) l-------------~------------------------------------- ------~---~------------- -------- ·--------..----- ----- --- ~ ---

The Battle ofT ondibi was

u A) an important step in uniting Islam.

6 B) a Moroccan victory that heralded a new era in West Africa.

Cl C) the answer to ai-Mansur's fiscal problems.

~) D) a decisive Moroccan victory that was more terminal than generating.


1 Question 23 (3 poi~~s~------------Concerning baraka, which statement is false?

V A) It is a spiritual power of divine origin.

Cl B) It could not be inherited.

tr~ C) It could be earned through a variety of virtues.

('; D) Contact with infidels could pollute it.

~------------------ ---~--------- ------------------------- -----~~·~---------- --·-·-------~----~--~~---~---·-

' Question 24 (3 points) iruJ i ·---------------------· ----'

According to various sources, Abu !'Abbas Ahmad was foretold to greatness through prophecies and remarkable precociousness. He knew so, and prepared himself, early on, for such a life.


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Assessment- HIS 106 Turnage- Midlands Technical College Page 6 of 11

10 A) True

eJ B) False

I - ---------------------------------------------------------~---------------------·

, Question 25 (3 points) -----------------------

The land of Bornu, west of Hausaland, was, in the late sixteenth century C.E., southwest of Lake Chad.

C) A) True

C) B) False

i Question 26 (3 points)

According to ai-Mansur,

a A) war was a moral question.

10 B) war against the Songhay would not please God.

U C) as caliph he was divinely ordained to unite Islam and spread it over the earth.

5 D) he needed the wealth of Andalusia to conquer the Western Sudan.


1 Question 27 (3 points)

i --------------------------------

The Songhay deserved to die; according to the Moroccans, because

V A) they practiced pure ISlam.

t:) B) they refused to recognize the Moroccan sultan as the Imam.

0 C) they appealed to the Ottoman's for assistance.

~ D) their emperor was arrogant, and in league with Christian infidels.

·-----------·----·-·---· - ------- - ---- ----------:Question 28 (3 points) L ____________ _ _ ___________________ __j

The conquest of Songhay was interpreted, among the Moroccans whose opinions mattered, as

0 A) a victory on the road to true jihad.

v B) a windfall for the sultan, his court, and all Moroccans.

tO C) an act based on questionable moral grounds.

6 D) the answer to all who did not believe ai-Mansur to be the Mahdi.


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1 Questio-n 2s(3-p~;;;;}·-----------------·--·---------------------

-------------------------------------------------The invasion of Morocco, funded by Spain, and led by ai-Nasir revealed the success of ai-Mansur's espionage network.

C) A) True

5 B) False

I Question 30 (3 points) ____ _ ----·-- ·------------------- -·-- ----- -- --·

AI-Mansur was so myopic that at one point in his reign he offered the English grain despite the fact that his subjects were starving .

u A) True

e:? B) False

r:--- - - --- ---- --- --·--- __________ , __ ·------- ------1 Question 31_(3_poi~~-) ______________________ __ .. ___ _ _ _ __ ·-------- __

When Muhammad ai-Shaykh unified Morocco, the Turks, rulers of the Ottoman Empire, took quick action and sent a Turkish army to Fez, which reinstated the Wattasid ruler, Abu Hasun.

eJ A) True

0 B) False

i !Question 32 (3 points) _ ___________ ,. --· ---------------·----- ---- --------

When Askiya Nuh stopped fighting pitched battles against the Moroccans,

t1? A) he eventually reclaimed all Songhay lands.

tJ B) his success with guerrilla warfare gained Songhay several all ies.

t) C) he so frustrated the Moroccans that Mahmud Pasha wrathfully, although slyly, decimated Andalusia.

C> D) Mahmud Pasha was recalled as commander of the Moroccan forces.

Question 33 (3 points)

This member of the Sa'di Dynasty ruled and lived alternately in Fez and Marrakesh.


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0 A) AbdAllah

6 B) Abu Muhammad Abd Allah ai-Ghalib

; C) Muhammad ai-Shaykh ai-Ma'mun

u D) Abu Faris

i Question 34 (3 points) ----------------

Lepanto marked the demise of Spain's North African coastal fort system, and created deadlock between the two superpowers involved.

eJ A) True

13 B) False

,-------- ----- ---------------------·~ -- --~ -·----· ---QtJ!:!Stion 35 (3 points) --------------------------- ------- - --- --------- ----- ------------------

In the aftermath of ai-Mutawakkil's ill-treatment of the Sus Valley's sugar crop, and his movement in search of European support, Abd ai-Malik, ostensibly a suitable Ottoman client, claimed the Sa'di throne.

(') A) True

C) B) False

I Question 36 (3 points)

AI-Mansur staffed the higher positions of the central government primarily with foreigners, which made his bureaucracy cosmopolitan, and thus reflective of those in Europe.

0 A) True

eJ B) False

, Question 37 (3 points)

The professional soldiers in AI-Mansur's Moroccan army were, primarily, ranked based on merit, and divided into units, in part, by ethnicity.

C) A) True

CJ B) False

' Question 38 (3 points)


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Assessment- HIS 106 Turnage - Midlands Technical College Page 9 ofll

Upon ai-Mansur's accession to the Moroccan throne, the Ottoman sultan admitted that ai-Mansur was a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad, a claim not enjoyed by the ruler in Constantinople.

a A) True

u B) False


; Question 39 (3 points) L - ----------- ----··-------------

In Islam, which of the following was " ... an eschatalogical figure who would appear near the end of time, when the world was hopelessly corrupt[?]"

a A) Caliph

rf'j B) ai-Dajjal


C) Mahdi ~- J ""-"

u D) Quraysh

---------- ---··· -- --------- ---------·-··- ---- -----·· .. ·------- --------------- --- -- --- ---- ------------~-.

Question 40 (3 points) '-----------·-- ------- --- ---- ·-·--- ··----·----·- .. .. -

Through right of conquest and lineage, ai-Mansur justified personal ownership of all the land in his realm, and by extension, the world . '

o A) True

0 B) False

I Question 41 (3 points)

Which statement is true?

O A) Upon his designation as khalifa, the first Askiya, a more sincere convert to Islam, became the Abbasid caliph's surrogate in the Western Sudan.

0 B) A significant factor in Songhay politics was the willingness of royal family members to eliminate each other to the point that the dynasty, through regicide, vanished.

0 C) The forces located in Timbuktu and Gao pitted themselves against each other. The armies of the former, led by Muhammad ai-Sadiq, ultimately defeated the armies of the latter, led by the Salama.

tf:!) D) During the 1500s, Songhay power extended deep into the Sahara, which was accomplished only after they defeated the dangerous, veil-wearing Tuaregs.

;---------------~ -------------------------~----------------- -----~-- ----------------~-----~---.

Question 42 (3 points) 1

----··--·------------------------------------··----------·--------------~J The _______ " ... was supposed to be the Sa'di's source of strength."


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Assessitlbnt- HIS 106 Turnage- Midlands Technical College Page 10 orn

C) A) professional standing army

5 B) loyalty of their Muslim countrymen

C) C) religious establishment

0 D) caliphate

- ---- -------------------------------, Question 43 (3 points)

In their initial attempt to gain control of salt deposits at Taghaza, the Moroccans killed several Tuareg merchants at the mine. The Tuaregs responded by closing the mine, and opening another, leaving the Moroccans with no merchants to take the salt.

0 A) True

6 B) False

----------------- - -----------------· - ---- ----- -- --- - --------------1 Question 44 (3 points)

--------------------The commander of the Song hay invasion force was a renegade eunuch, notable for his tax-collecting success, but unproven on the battlefield.

0 A) True

G B) False

--------------~uestion 45 (3 points)

lshaq ll's army was large, but not modernized. His tactics were those of mob warfare, and his native soldiers, who were legally his slaves, were calculating to a fault because they could accumulate wealth only by merit.

0 A) True

0 B) False

--------·-------- - - -:Question 46 (3 points)

As was customary when an occupied city raised in revolt against its conquerors, Qa'id Mami carried out a sebil in Timbuktu.

rQ A) True

0 B) False


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j Question 47 (3 points)

In succession, three great empires, Ghana, Mali, and Songhay, furnished protection for the trans-Saharan gold trade from its points of origin. During ai-Mansur's reign, Mali was beginning to decline.

U A) True

() B) False

----------------·---· -- - - - -----·-:Question 48 (3 points) l ... -~-- --- - ....... . .

In the aftermath of conquering Songhay, the Moroccans were awash in gold because they had control of the source of West African gold.

B A) True

CJ B) False

Question 49 (3 points)

Based on the use of the spoils of war and his tax policies, ai-Mansur was not a prudent ruler.

(') A) True

0 B) False

·---· -- - ------ ... - ------ - --~-----,

1 Question 50 (3 points) _______ j Of all the cataclysms that struck Morocco this was the most problematic.

e9 A) disease

eJ B) tax revolts

u C) moral corruption

IEJ D) famine
