assessment of wind farm si ng suitability in hainan island...

Hainan is highly dependent on external energy supply including oil, coal and reϐined products. 75% of electricity is generated by coal, only 25% by wind and solar. 80% of hydro resources have been developed. Wind is considered an ideal energy alternative for Hainan. Tap- ping into wind energy can help address concerns of energy self- sufϐiciency and emission reduction. The primary spatial question this project attempts to answer is: What areas on the Island are best suitable for building wind farms, given the necessity of the reconciliation between the geographical distribution of Hainan’s wind energy resources and its ‘tourism ϔirst’ industrial development goal? Step 1: Criteria Setting 11 factors have been identiϐied as key factors of wind farming suitability: Wind Power Density, Land Slope, Power Transmis- sion Line, Historical Sites, Roads, Highways, Population, National Reserves, Land Cover, Lakes and Airports. Step 2: Data Preparation Datasets of these factors were collected, projected at WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_49N and clipped uniformly. 11 data ras- terized layers were produced and each represents a suitability factor. Step 3: Suitability Classiϐication and Scoring Each suitability factor was re-classiϐied into 5 categories ranging from a score of 5 (the strongest) to 1 (the weakest). National Reserves, Land Cover, Lakes and Airports were ren- dered a value of either 1 or 0. Step 4: Total Score Calculation All factor layers were numerically ‘added up’ by using the tool of Raster Calculator. The calculation equation is: Wind Power Density*130%+Land Slope +Power Trans- mission Line*70%+ Historical Sites+ Roads*50% +Highways*50%+Population)*(National Reserves* Land Cover*Lakes*Airports) Step 5: Final Result Layer Reclassiϐication When the ϐinal result was derived by calculation, it was re- classiϐied. The highest scoring areas are the most suitable. Hainan has favorable conditions for developing wind genera- tion capacity. The most suitable area which falls in the ‘Highly Suitable’ Class totals more than 300 square kilometers, roughly one hundredth of the total area of Hainan. However, suitability of wind farm siting is unevenly distribut- ed geograhically. Dongfang Shi and its neighboring Changjiang Li Zizhixian, both located on the west coast, are the most suitable areas constituting about 95% of the most eligible area. There are two wind corridors, one is North- South bound along the west coast with a distance of approxi- mately 45 km, the other is Southwest-Northeast bound ex- panding from the west coast toward the inland for more than 50 km. While there is plenty of on-shore wind power generation po- tential in Hainan, greater potential actually lies on the sea. More than half of the highest eligible area is located within 2 km off the west coast. Hainan is the smallest province but the largest island under the jurisdiction of China. Located in the southern tip of the Chinese mainland, Hainan has an area of 33,920 square kilometers, three times of Hawaii Island and one fourth of Florida State. Dubbed as China’s Hawaii, Hainan strives to become an ‘international tourism island’ by 2020. Assessment of Wind Farm SiƟng Suitability in Hainan Island (China) Where is Hainan Island? Why Hainan Needs Wind Farms? How? 5 Steps Zoom In: Most Suitable Area 11 Suitability Factors Discovery Mission: Find the Most Suitable Area Cartographer: Xiandeng Yi ProjecƟon: WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_49N Date: April 28, 2013 Data Sources: NaƟonal Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), The ConsultaƟve Group on InternaƟonal Agricultural Research version of ShuƩle Radar Topographic Mission (CGIAR SRTM), European Comission Joint Research Centre Global Environment Monitoring Unit, Digital Chart of the World, The LandScan 2005, Google Earth, China Census 2000 , ESRIDataMaps10, World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA), GeoMarkeƟng (GFK)

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oil,coalandre inedproducts.75%ofelectricityisgeneratedbycoal,only25%bywindandsolar.80%ofhydroresourceshavebeendeveloped.

WindisconsideredanidealenergyalternativeforHainan.Tap-pingintowindenergycanhelpaddressconcernsofenergyself-suf iciencyandemissionreduction.



11factorshavebeenidenti iedaskeyfactorsofwindfarmingsuitability:WindPowerDensity,LandSlope,PowerTransmis-sionLine,HistoricalSites,Roads,Highways,Population,NationalReserves,LandCover,LakesandAirports.Step2:DataPreparationDatasetsofthesefactorswerecollected,projectedatWGS_1984_UTM_Zone_49Nandclippeduniformly.11dataras-terizedlayerswereproducedandeachrepresentsasuitabilityfactor.

Step3:SuitabilityClassi icationandScoringEachsuitabilityfactorwasre-classi iedinto5categoriesrangingfromascoreof5(thestrongest)to1(theweakest).NationalReserves,LandCover,LakesandAirportswereren-deredavalueofeither1or0.Step4:TotalScoreCalculation Allfactorlayerswerenumerically‘addedup’byusingthetoolofRasterCalculator.Thecalculationequationis:

WindPowerDensity*130%+LandSlope+PowerTrans-missionLine*70%+HistoricalSites+Roads*50%+Highways*50%+Population)*(NationalReserves*LandCover*Lakes*Airports)Step5:FinalResultLayerReclassi icationWhenthe inalresultwasderivedbycalculation,itwasre-classi ied.Thehighestscoringareasarethemostsuitable.







Assessment of Wind Farm Si ng Suitability in Hainan Island (China)   

Where is Hainan Island? 

Why Hainan Needs Wind Farms? 

How? 5 Steps  

Zoom In: Most Suitable Area  

11 Suitability Factors  


Mission: Find the Most Suitable Area 


Projec on: WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_49N         Date: April 28, 2013  

Data Sources: Na onal Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL),  The  Consulta ve Group on Interna onal Agricultural Research version of  Shu le 

Radar Topographic Mission (CGIAR SRTM), European Comission Joint Research Centre Global Environment Monitoring Unit,  Digital Chart of the 

World,  The LandScan 2005, Google Earth, China Census 2000 , ESRIDataMaps10, World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA), GeoMarke ng