
Assignment 1 1. The reaction AB is carried in a plug flow reactor (PFR). The concentration of reactant A along the reactor is given by the following expression: Find an algebraic expression of the concentration of reactant A at steady state for any given differential volume in the PFR using: Forward finite differences Backward finite differences Central finite differences r z C D z uC t C A A A A ν + + - = 2 2 ) (

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Post on 03-Oct-2015




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  • Assignment 11. The reaction AB is carried in a plug flow reactor (PFR). The

    concentration of reactant A along the reactor is given by the following expression:

    Find an algebraic expression of the concentration of reactant A at steady state for any given differential volume in the PFR using:

    Forward finite differences

    Backward finite differences

    Central finite differences





    AAA +





  • Assignment 1

    2. Calculate the bubble point temperature and

    equilibrium composition associated with a liquid

    mixture of 10 mol% n-pentane and 90mol% n-

    hexane at 1 atm.

    Vapor pressure of n-pentane PA* (in mm Hg)

    and n-hexane PA* (in mm Hg) can be

    calculated from Antoine Equation (T is in C):

    23263.106485221.6log *



    TPB +


    366.22453.117187776.6log *

  • 3. The zeta-potential of particles in a suspension

    is an indication of the sign and the density of the

    surface charge of the particles. The iso-electric

    point refers to the pH where the zeta-potential

    is zero. Use the data given in the Table to

    determine the iso-electric points of silica in the

    presence of 10-4 M Pb(NO3)2. Use quadratic

    polynomial for interpolation using Lagrange


  • pH Zeta-potential (mV) pH Zeta-potential (mV)

    1.74 -5.3 6 -33.2

    2.72 -10.8 6.53 -15.7

    3.72 -21.8 6.7 -10

    4.09 -32 7.29 13.7

    4.32 -35.8 8.06 32.2

    4.70 -36.9 10.02 24

    5 -36.7 11.12 6.9

    5.55 -37.7 12.15 -30

  • 4.Paraxylene, Styrene and benzene are to be

    separated with the array of distillation columns

    shown in the figure (operating at steady state):

    Calculate the molar flow rates

    D1,D2,B1 and B2.

  • The fanning friction factor can be used to

    calculate the friction loss for isothermal liquid

    flow in uniform circular pipes by the formula:

    DLvfF Ff



    5. A heat exchanger is required that will be

    able to handle 2.5 liter/s of water through a

    smooth pipe with an equivalent lenght of

    L=100 m. The maximum total pressure drop is

    to be P=103kPa at a temperature of 25C. Calculate the diameter D of the pipe required

    for this application, having into account the


  • The friction factor can be used to predict the

    pressure drop due to frictions loss from:

    Where pf is the pressure drop in Pa and isthe density in kg/m3

    If the flow is in the laminar region the fanning

    factor can be calculated as:

    Ff Fp =


    Where Ff is the friction loss in J/kg, fF is the

    fanning friction factor (dimensionless), L is the

    length of the pipe in m, v is the fluid velocity in

    m/s and D is the pipe diameter in m.

  • For turbulent flow in a somooth tube, the

    Nikuradse correlation can be used for

    calculating the fanning factor:

    Use two different method sfor solving the


    ( ) 4.0Relog41 = FF


  • The friction factor f for turbulent flow of an

    incompressible fluid in a pipe is given by the

    nonlinear Colebrook Equation:

    Assignment 1


    = f

    Df Re



    Where and D are the roughness and insidediameter of the pipe and Re is the reynolds number.

    Calculate the friction factor for flow of a fluid in a

    pipe with /D=10-4 y Re=105.

    Use the successive substitutution, newton and a

    third method and compare them.

  • Assignment 16. The heat capacity of gaseous propane is presented in the following table:

    Determine the mean heat capacity for the following intervals:

    50 K to 1500 K

    50 K to 273.15 K

    273.15 K to 1000 K

    1000 K to 1500 K

    Temperature (K) Heat Capacity


    Temperature (K) Heat Capacity


    50 34.06 700 142.67

    100 41.30 800 154.77

    150 48.79 900 163.35

    200 56.07 1000 174.60

    273.15 68.74 1100 182.67

    300 73.93 1200 189.74

    400 94.01 1300 195.85

    500 112.59 1400 201.21

    600 128.70 1500 205.89

  • Assignment 17. A polymer-surfactant system is used to produce nanoparticles

    encapsulating active ingredients for controlled release. The

    effect of surfactant concentration on the encapsulation

    process are presented in the following table:

    Use these results to determine the optimum concentration of

    surfactant that maximizes the effective drug loading (Drug

    loading x Encapsulation efficiency)

  • Assignment 1

    Investigate about the Runge phenomenon