assignment 10 group coursework presentation of research part 1.5

Documentary Topic - ‘Is our engagement with social media progressive?’ TED Talks Video Sites Kevin Allocca: Why videos go viral We become part of the phenomenon E.g nam cat, people start posting cats watching the video, to posting a cat watching a cat watch the video. What's important that the creativity that inspires others in technological culture making many so many different versions of time, and cultural ones Participation

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Page 1: Assignment 10   group coursework presentation of research part 1.5

Documentary Topic - ‘Is our engagement with social media progressive?’

TED TalksVideo Sites Kevin Allocca:

Why videos go viral

We become part of the phenomenon

E.g nam cat, people start posting cats watching

the video, to posting a cat watching a cat watch the video.

What's important that the creativity that inspires others in

technological culture making many so many different versions of time,

and cultural ones – entire remix community, something we all

became a part of.


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Documentary Topic - ‘Is our engagement with social media progressive?’

TED TalksVideo Sites Kevin Allocca:

Why videos go viral

Only that which is unique and unexpected is ones that make it

viral.Videos seem boring but then

something unexpected happening makes the audience very excited making them share the video to

surprise their friends or followers.By being totally surprising and humours gets any thing new,



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Documentary Topic - ‘Is our engagement with social media progressive?’

Video SitesVimeo

Vimeo is another video site. It enables people to become the producer of their own short film and get feedback to improve.This allows film directors to progress throughout this type of social media from audience engagement to make them noticeable.

An example of this is:

Jake Wynne

Consequently of the success throughout social media, Jake was able to present his short film D.i.D at film festivals leading to great success for his name and career.

The progression of video sites is again an easier way to success than going to university or any other higher education to get you further in life. For example

working class people are now starting to reply on social media to get noticed and ‘famous’.


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Documentary Topic - ‘Is our engagement with social media progressive?’

Primary ResearchI asked…

Do too many people use video sites for fame?Video Sites

Do people rely on video sites for fame?


Based on all area’s of the UK from Yahoo! And in person closed

questionnaire of 33 respondents.

Generally, my respondents argue that people rely on these video sites to almost feed their desire for the ‘fifteen minutes of fame’

Though, rather than the individual getting famous, it’s more related to their video – in most cases the

video goes vial rather than the individual themselves.

Video sites give everyone an equal chance.

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Documentary Topic - ‘Is our engagement with social media progressive?’

Video SitesPro’s and con’s

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Record of Resources used…E


Articles online

Newspaper articles

YouTube videos


Periodicals Books

Vimeo videos

TED videos

Slide Share


Social MediaPhone interview, expert

In-person interview public

In-person interview expert


Research Lauran Luke success

Statistics on online dating and other subtopicsPhilip Schofeild showing Cameron names of paedophiles of the internet

Reasons why online dating is defective




To see how Jake Wynne has succeeded

For examples of how things occur in each subtopic

Social news research

To gain information Slashdot effect

Reasons for going on Online Dating


A small closed question for primary research


Primary research

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Research• Has been around for century's

but can into its stride in the 1960’s

• It has given us …

1. Trade

2. Different Cultures

3. Economic stability / instability

4. Religion

5. Alliances

6. Knowledge

7. Technology

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Research• Enables us to get sessional

fruits & veg all year round • Has given us different

styles of clothing • Different brands• Increases efficiency =

profit potential of big business by making specialization in labour global, and passing on low cost in one country to another where the cost of the same factor

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Research• Increases efficiency through profit

potential of big businesses by making specialization in labour global

• Also by passing on low costs in one country to another where the costs of the same factors in higher

• This helps spread investments globally so the profits of investors is maximized

• Which in turn encourages technological innovations worldwide

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Research• This is a graph of how much trade we do

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Research• Globalisation aids first

world countries giving them international business

• Over the course of six years the usage of the internet in third world counties i.e. The Middle East & Africa has risen from 36% to 83%

• Globalisations also aids third world countries with natural disasters through sending medical and trained staff

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Research• This is a

table of how much trade due to globalisation does between the USA and China

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research• All though globalisation

as its good points it also has its down side

• It turns us into consumers in the way that we only buy to brands

• The more we see around us the more we wish to go and perches those goods from those brands i.e Michael kors, Prada, Nike

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• Our culture of buying into brands has inhibited us from funding our local stores

• This also enables more global friction (a culture / country not understanding or willing to accept another culture)

• Trade becomes all about profit (shipping grapes from Africa to the UK) which could be home grown

• This is a waste of our natural resources and adds to global warming

• Due to worldwide imports we have GM foods with pesticides to preserve the food which takes from its nutrition and our health

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Research• Internet on phones has

been a revolution in itself

• Its allowed us to have basically everything a computer has on a smart phone more than half the size of a computer or laptop

• We now are able to watch missed shows, download music, create films, create slideshows… all with the aid of Wi-Fi /4G /3G networks

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research• Wi-Fi /4G /3G has

enabled us to have internet on the move

• Its provided by phone company's competing for sales i.e. T-Mobile, 3 mobile, Vodafone …

• This kind of connectivity is available worldwide which can keep us in connection with loved ones around the world

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research• This connectivity gives us

web 2.0 on the move• We can upload, watch

and comment on videos• Allows us to update and

post pictures on our blogs

• Lets us update statuses on Twitter, Facebook and post pictures on Instagram

• This reinforces our freedom of speech

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research• We can now shop

and have our food delivered to our homes

• Online shop with safety with PayPal

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research• Internet on phones has

allowed apps and production to become popular and give sales i.e. BBM – Blackberry Messenger, What's App, Instagram, Anger Birds

• BBM- Blackberry Messenger is a messaging service exclusive to blackberry's

• Using 3G connections it allows you to send messages and images for a monthly cost of £5

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research• What’s App is also a messaging

service app first exclusive to IPhone with the cost of 89p

• It also allows you to send picture and normal messages with audio and location

• With gained popularity it is now available on all smart phone for free

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research• Instagram originally exclusive to

IPhones is a photo sharing app allowing you to upload pictures with captions

• Many celebrity's are no it opening a way for celebs to share their lives with their fans

• With fast gained popularity its now also online

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research• Angry Birds a game

originally exclusive to IPhones gained rapid downloads

• It was available on Google and on all smart phones

• It has now broadened its franchise into toys, bedding, pyjamas among other things

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research• Security is not an issue

when you use 3G but when you connect to an unlocked Wi-Fi connection it becomes a problem

• Shops and store give free Wi-Fi connections when on their premises

• This free unlocked Wi-Fi allows online thieves to hack your information to your Facebook to knowing all about your credit card details

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J Purpose and StyleF

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Should users be allowed to edit and write information on wikis?

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Students rely on sites like Wikipedia for help on tasks

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Anybody can create an account and make/edit a page.. There’s no certainty that the information found on Wikipedia pages are correct

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Wikipedia gives the public empowerment to feel that they have some control in what they consume

This is a form of Web 2.0 which is currently very popular online with many platforms allowing the consumer to become the producer

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Henry Jenkins’ Theory – Participatory cultures

Jenkins has written a lot about ‘convergence culture’ Audience have become sophisticated ‘users’ of many different platforms of media which cross over. ‘Bert is Evil’ is an example – a photo-shopped image of Bert from Sesame St posing with Osama Bin Laden was published on line, found by accident by a print house in Pakistan, who had no idea who Bert was, and then printed on Anti-American posters, which were then filmed by CNN News and broadcast on American TV. Jenkins uses this example to shows how audiences are no longer just consumers, they are also producers and users. They create and consume, participate and publish, download and upload, receive and share. Blogs, network sites, web 2.0 and wikis are just some examples of audiences as powerful producers within the world of Media production and reception.


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Gramsci – Power and Hegemony Gramsci – Power and Hegemony Gramsci is primarily concerned with power. As a Marxist, he believed that society was structured unfairly. The rich upper classes were an elite in society who owned the means of production. This power gave them a control over the masses who work but do not receive their fair share of wealth. Indeed, 80% of the world’s resources are controlled by only 5% of the world’s population. Gramsci was interested in how this unfair status quo is maintained and reproduced. Hegemony is the idea that the masses are controlled not through coersion or military force, but by ideological manipulation. The Media is one of the institutions in society, along with religion, politics and education that pass on a dominant ideology to the masses of conformity and consent. Indeed, Gramsci believed that the masses were manipulated into giving their consent to the unfair capitalist system.


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Are blogs becoming more popular worldwide?

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Between October and November 2011 there were a drop in blog users. However it has increased since then. Perhaps this is because this was when blogging was not yet known and used by many, as now it is a viral habit.

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• Is a site that any user can use for any purpose.

• It focuses on helping people have their own voice on the web and organising the world's information from the personal perspective.