assignment 22

Assignment 22: Development of Ideas Gelsomina De Lucia Kelly Morales Chelsea Hopkins Tayla Humphris

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Assignment 22: Development of Ideas

Gelsomina De LuciaKelly Morales

Chelsea HopkinsTayla Humphris

Page 2: Assignment 22

Opening sequences we have watchedOpening Sequence Genre

Dawn of the Dead Horror

Resident Evil Horror/Sci-Fi

Se7en Thriller

Sweeny Todd Thriller

Final destination Horror/Thriller

Cabin in the woods Horror/Thriller

Insidious Horror

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We were really inspired byName Opening

Sequence What inspired me/ what I liked

1 Gelsomina - The Walking Dead Series- Warm Bodies- World War Z

In world war z, the zombies are a new form of zombies as they can run really fast which inspired me. In The Walking Dead Series, I like how the character is unaware of what is happening but survives. In Warm Bodies, I like how they created the zombies to be able to speak.

2 Kelly - Shaun of the dead I was inspired by the use of high key lighting as it challenges the general convention of darkness being situated with horrors

3 Chelsea -Zombie Land

-The crazies

In Zombieland, the pace is a mixture between fast and slow, The faster paced scenes tend to involve large groups of people. There is a lot of destruction and abandonment and the use of a fairground was very unique.

In the crazies the lighting is very dull showing misery, there is a lot of blood and gore show that they are unwell and dangerous to humanity. They are willing to cause harm to loved ones also, which show they are not in control

4 Tayla

-Dawn of the Dead

-Resident Evil

In Dawn of the Dead the use of montage editing, fast pace, extreme microphotography and the extreme use of blood I felt was inspirational and fit the general stereotypes used in Horror’s yet used to the extreme where it was not cliché.

In Resident Evil through the girls state in changing the use of flashbacks conveys that the girl has been bitten and she is infected. It is clear from the beginning what they are trying to portray.

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Our first main idea was:

• Boy takes Girl to a dead body• His intention was to scare her• He gets killed (in the dark so the girl doesn’t know

who killed him)- enigma• She begins to scream• Ends in a aerial shot of the girl in turmoil and is left


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Some new ideas we have are…New ideas Inspired by

Blood Dawn of the Dead

Zombies Resident Evil/ Dawn of the Dead

Isolation 28 Days Later

Darkness Se7en

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Our 4 main new ideas for an opening sequence are:

Gelsomina Kelly Chelsea Tayla

• Normal day for teenager girl

• Tries and call home but no reply

• Keeps walking• Comes across body

and asks if okay• She turns around to

call ambulance however hear the body mumble, “Help me”

• Girl asks for name of the body

• The body jumps on her • It bites her• Running away scene• Ends with her turning

into zombie

• Girl goes over to a dead body

• She thinks they are dead but aren’t

• Zombie leaps for her

• Bites her• She becomes

infected and starts running

• Audience see her state change

• She sees zombie chained up

• Tries to release him because she thinks he’s being harmed

• Unchains him• He goes after her • He catches up with

her • He infects her with

a bite to her flesh

• Girl is infected by unknown virus

• She is in an institution for scientists to discover the cure

• She ends up escaping the institution

• Because of radiation she slowly develops into a Zombie

• She ends up being infected and subsequently has the potential to infect humanity