assignment 3

Unit Author First and Last Name A. Elizabeth Snider Author’s E-mail Address [email protected] Course Name(s) Distance Teaching & Learning Course Number(s) Sp08 Course Section(s) EME6458 Instructor(s) Name(s) Dr. Cavanaugh Assignment #3 History: Get Fired Up

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Assignment #3 in continuation of project for distance education course.


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Unit Author

First and Last Name A. Elizabeth Snider

Author’s E-mail Address

[email protected]

Course Name(s) Distance Teaching & Learning

Course Number(s) Sp08

Course Section(s) EME6458

Instructor(s) Name(s) Dr. Cavanaugh

Assignment #3

History: Get Fired Up

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Unit Overview

Unit Plan Title Fire Starter

Curriculum-Framing Questions

Essential Question How was history made in your lifetime?

Unit Questions What impact did our generation have on world history?

Content QuestionsWho are these people? What are these events?Why are these things significant to history?

Unit Summary

We will break down and define the people, places and events listed in the lyrics of Billy Joel’s song “We didn’t Start the Fire”.

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Subject Area(s)

Social Studies with Language Arts & Math infused taught through Music & Technology

Targeted State Frameworks/Content Standards/Benchmarks

Social Studies: SS.A.1.3.1 The student extends and refines understanding that historical events are subject to different interpretations (for example, patterns, chronology, sequencing including cause and effect and the identification of historical periods). GLE #2. The student understands chronology (for example, knows how to construct and label a timeline of events). SS.A.2.3.2: The student knows how major historical developments have had an impact on the development of civilizations. GLE #1. The student knows ways major historical developments have influenced selected groups over time (for example, the rise and spread of the Muslim religion). Language Arts: Standard 2: The student constructs meaning from a wide range of texts. LA.A.2.3.1: The student determines the main idea or essential message in a text and identifies relevant details and facts and patterns of organization. GLE #4. analyzes ways writers organize and present ideas (for example, through chronology, comparison-contrast, and cause-effect).

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Student Objectives/Learning Outcomes

Students will identify & explain people, places, events listed within the song with 80% accuracy.Students will create & present a Power Point Presentation based on the lyrics of the song that depicts historical relevance within their lifetime.Students will create a newsletter demonstrating comprehension of historical relevance of the lyrics of the song We Didn’t Start the Fire by Billy Joel.

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Students will watch a power point that introduces the song/topic of the lesson, then will attempt to recognize the lyrics as they are sung. Students will research and determine relevance of the people/places/events listed in the lyrics.

Approximate Time Needed

This unit plan will consist of 3 50 minute asynchronous lessons and 2 15-20 minute mini lessons in live chat format, per lesson, over a 6 week period.

Prerequisite Skills

Students will have some prior knowledge working with Microsoft Office applications: Power Point, Publisher, and Internet resourcing.

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Whats needed:

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Printed MaterialsStudents may use their textbooks, encyclopedias, archived newspapers, archived magazines.


CD of song (several copies), paper, pens, blank CD, CD players (w/ & w/out headphones), computers with Microsoft office software and required technology.

Internet Resources, Google search engine


We will take a field trip to the school library to research the lyrics. We will take a virtual field trip to the Library of Congress to research the lyrics.

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Accommodations for Differentiated Instruction

Resource Student

Students will work in small groups and will be pre-assigned sections of the song (period of the timeline) to research. Printed lyrics will be available to all the students. CD players with headphones will be available for the students to refer back to the song as often as necessary. Students may consult with teachers, the school librarian and/or teaching assistants.

Non-Native English Speaker

Students will work in small groups and will be pre-assigned sections of the song (period of the timeline) to research. Printed lyrics will be available to all the students. CD players with headphones will be available for the students to refer back to the song as often as necessary. Students may consult with teachers, the school librarian and/or teaching assistants.Students may use translation software such as to translate information. Students may use textbooks, encyclopedias and archived news articles printed in their native language(s).

Gifted Student

Students will be asked to give more specific/expanded explanation of people/places/events listed in the lyrics. As enrichment, students will be asked to create a list of lyrics for new verses to the song listing people/places/events relevant to history from 1989 to present.

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• By setting the lesson to song, the content will be of personal interest to the students.

• This lesson will be time consuming. The degree of difficulty may be high for the students, but it is achievable.

• Students will have constant support. There will be designated times for online chats, as well as open communication between scheduled video threads, teacher modeling/demonstration through video and podcasts.

• The nature of the technology used for course deliver and interaction will be resources that the students are familiar with from in class instruction.

•The extent of the pacing/scheduling will be more flexible with set steps of completion and plenty of time to perfect the projects.

• Teacher feedback will be thorough and with high frequency. Because the projects will be done through Web 2.0, teacher monitoring will be possible allowing for better support.

• With scheduled conferences and asynchronous input such as blogs and voice threads,


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Because the students in this distance education program will be the students from my classroom during the previous school year, I will have the opportunity to prepare them for the objectives and knowledge needed.

This lesson is designed for at-risk students. It is designed as a fun and innovative project for the 2nd -4th grade students from my IVE class.


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Because this is a six week project, students will be given two weeks for each section of the project, meaning they should submit the project in 3 stages and by the pre-established due dates. Each section of the project will be reviewed for progress and will be provided teacher feedback, suggestions and assistance where necessary. The projects will not be graded until the end of the six week period and will be graded as one final project.

Scoring will be based on rubrics explained in the teacher powerpoint “Firestarter”.

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Student Assessment

1. Students will complete a list of lyrics from the song We Didn’t Start the Fire (1989) by Billy Joel. Students will place the people/places/events performed onto a timeline and will divide the timeline among the groups of students (3-4 students per group). Students will create additional verses to the song expanding the list of historical events from 1990 to present day. Students will create a power point presentation, demonstrating their version of We Didn’t Start the Fire (modern day verses).

2. Students will create a newsletter or brochure offering explanations of the list of lyrics for their assigned portion of the timeline. Newsletters should include pictures, internet links and quotes relating to the subject. Sources should be cited.

3. Students will be assessed on creativity, semantics, organization and neatness. Students will be given written quizzes at the end of each week. They will be permitted to complete the quizzes within their groups. Students are encouraged to share their works in progress with the other groups (in printed or electronic form). Quiz scores will count toward participation grades. Rubric assessments of in class participation, power points, and newsletter/brochure will be utilized.

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Students will be able to review powerpoints and videos that explain the lesson as often as they need.

Lessons will have progress reviews where trackable progress can be assessed and teacher feedback is offered.

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Students will be able to review teacher objectives and teacher input through voice thread and video.

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A mind is like a fire. Knowledge and resources are combustible. Give it knowledge and expose it to resources. This exposure fans the flames and can make all the difference between a tiny spark and an inferno of roaring flames!

This lesson is designed to fan the fire and instead of students facing regression during the summer months, they learn new forms of expression; thus they learn. Elizabeth Snider, Feb 2008