assignment 5 complexes

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  • 8/12/2019 Assignment 5 Complexes


  • 8/12/2019 Assignment 5 Complexes




    We observe that many compounds are coloured in Chemistry. There are two origins of


    - Light of a specific frequency (i.e., colour) is emitted in processes such as fluorescence or


    - Light of a specific frequency is absorbed. If this light is in the visible region of the

    Electromagnetic spectrum, the absorption process is accompanied by an electronic

    transition. The chemical compound that absorbs light of one frequency or colourwill

    exhibit the colour complementary to the absorbed colour.

    Complementary colours are:


    Yellow- violet


    Figure 1.0 Spectrum of visible light

    The spectrum of visible light is presented above (Figure 1). Visible wavelengths cover a

    range from approximately 400 to 800 nm. A compound is colored if it absorbs part of the visible

    light. When a sample absorbs visible light, the color we observe is the sum of the remaining

    colors that are reflected or transmitted by the sample and strikes our eyes. Because we are

    dealing with absorptions of the complexes in the uv-vis region and the involvement of the

    electronic energy levels, the study of the transition of electrons in the range of 190 to 800 nm is

    also known to be electronic spectroscopy. Hence, the properties of electrons must be studied first

    in order to explain the appearance of peaks in the uv-vis spectra.

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    UV-Visible Spectroscopy

    According to Christian (2004) spectroscopy is based on the absorption of photons by the

    analyte.Absorption of energy will induce valence electron from ground state to excited state

    which also can be stated as jumping of electron from low energy orbital to a higher energy

    orbital (Moore et al., 2008). Electromagnetic spectrums consist of different regions as shown in

    figure 2.0.

    Figure 2.0: Regions of electromagnetic spectrum (The Royal Society of Chemistry, n.d).

    Absorption of radiation by a molecule in ultraviolet or visible region involves energy

    (Moore et al., 2008). The ultraviolet region is from 200 to 380 nm; the visible region ranges from

    380 to 780nm (Christian, 2004).For ultraviolet-visible analysis, only small portion of absorbing

    molecules are needed (The Royal Society of Chemistry, n.d). The UV-Visible spectrometer

    functions as shown in figure 3.0.

    Figure 3.0: Ultraviolet/Visible spectrometer.

  • 8/12/2019 Assignment 5 Complexes



    Beer Lambert law is used in calculating the concentration of compounds based on the

    absorbance of the compounds.



    A : Absorbance of the compound containing solution.

    : Molar absorption coefficient (mol-1dm3cm-1)

    : the path length of the absorbing solution (cm)

    c: the concentration of the absorbing species (moldm-3)

    Chemical constituent that is responsible for the absorption is defined as chromophore

    (Hamid, 2007).

    Ultraviolet visible spectra

    Ultraviolet visible spectra can provide us three crucial data for structures as below:

    1. Distinct cis and trans isomers. This is because trans isomers have the ability to

    absorb at a longer wavelength (Moore et al., 2008)

    2. Detect presence of some functional group ( aromatic, carbonyl, etc.) as

    absorption in UV-Vis depends on the characteristic wavelengths (Moore et al., 2008).

    3. Detects the transition of electrons within d orbitals for transition metal

    compounds (Moore et al., 2008).

    Quantum Numbers

    Electrons in an atom reside in shells characterized by a particular value of n, the Principal

    Quantum Number. Within each shell, an electron can occupy an orbital which is further

    characterized by an Orbital Quantum Number, l, where lcan take all values in the range:

    l= 0, 1, 2, 3, ... , (n-1), traditionally termed s, p, d, f, etc. orbitals.

    Each orbital has a characteristic shape reflecting the motion of the electron in that

    particular orbital. This motion being characterized by an angular momentum which reflects the

    angular velocity of the electron moving in its orbital. Magnetic Quantum Number, ml is a

    subset of l, where the allowable values are: ml = l, l-1, l-2, ..... 1, 0, -1, ....... , -(l-2), -(l-1), -l.

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    There are thus (2l +1) values of mlfor each lvalue, i.e. one s orbital (l= 0), three p orbitals (l =

    1), five d orbitals (l = 2), etc. There is a fourth quantum number, ms,that identifies the orientation

    of the spin of one electron relative to those of other electrons in the system. A single electron in

    free space has a fundamental property associated with it called spin, arising from the spinning of

    an asymmetrical charge distribution about its own axis. The value of msis either + or - .

    In summary then, each electron in an orbital is characterized by four quantum numbers:

    Table 1.0 Quantum Numbers

    Number of microstates

    The electrons may be filled in orbitals by different arrangements since the orbitals have

    different mlvalues and electrons may also occupy singly or get paired. Each different type of

    electronic arrangement gives rise to a microstate. Thus each electronic configuration will have a

    fixed number of microstates.

    The number of microstates possible for any electronic configuration may be calculated from the


    Number of microstates = n! / r! (n - r)!

    where n is the twice the number of orbitals, r is the number of electronsand! is the factorial.

    For d configuration, the number of microstates is given by;

    Number of microstates = 10! / 2! (102)!= 10 x 9 x 8 x 7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1

    2 x1 (8 x 7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x1)

    = 45 microstates

    Thus, a d2configuration will have 45 microstates.

    Quantum Numbers

    n Principal Quantum Number - largely governs size of orbital and its energy

    l Azimuthal/Orbital Quantum Number - largely determines shape of orbital

    ml Magnetic Quantum Number

    ms Spin Quantum Number - either + or - for single electron

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    Russell Saunders coupling

    The ways in which the angular momenta associated with the orbital and spin motions in

    many-electron-atoms can be combined together are many and varied. In spite of this seeming

    complexity, the results are frequently readily determined for simple atom systems and are used to

    characterize the electronic states of atoms.

    The interactions that can occur are of three types;

    spin-spin coupling

    orbit-orbit coupling

    spin-orbit coupling

    There are two principal couplingschemes used:

    Russell-Saunders (or L - S) coupling

    j - j coupling

    In the Russell Saunders scheme it is assumed that;

    Spin-spin coupling > orbit-orbit coupling > spin-orbit coupling

    This is found to give a good approximation for first row transition series where J coupling is

    ignored, however for elements with atomic number greater than thirty, spin orbit coupling

    becomes more significant and the j-j coupling scheme is used.

    Spin-Spin coupling

    S - The resultant spins quantum number for a system of electrons. The overall spin S arises from

    adding the individual mstogether and is as a result of coupling of spin quantum numbers for the

    separate electrons.

    Orbit-Orbit coupling

    L - The total orbital angular momentum quantum number defines the energy state for a system ofelectrons. These states or term letters are represented as follows:

    Total Orbital Momentum

    L 0 1 2 3 4 5

    State S P D F G H

  • 8/12/2019 Assignment 5 Complexes



    Spin-Orbit coupling

    Coupling occurs between the resultant spin and orbital momenta of an electron which gives rise

    to J, the total angular momentum quantum number. Multiplicity will occur when several levels

    are close together and is given by the formula (2S+1).

    So, the Russell Saunders term symbol that results from these considerations is given by:

    Term symbol =(2S+1)


    The Russell Saunders term symbols for the other free ion configurations are given in the

    Table 2.0 below.

    Table 2.0 Term symbols for the free ion configurations with its ground terms

    Thus, the term symbols for d2configuration are 3P, 3F, 1S, 1D and 1G.

    Hund's Rules

    The Ground Terms are deduced by using Hund's Rules.

    The two rules are:

    1) The Ground Term which has the maximum multiplicity, S is the most stable state.

    2) If there is more than one term with maximum multiplicity, then the Ground Term which have

    the largest value of L is the most stable state.

    The overall result shown in the Table 2 above is that:

    4 configurations (d1, d

    4, d

    6, d

    9) give rise to D ground terms

    4 configurations (d2, d

    3, d

    7, d

    8) give rise to F ground terms

    d5configuration gives an S ground term

    So, by using Hund's Rule, the ground state term for d2configuration is

    3F.This is because the

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    term3F has the highest S and the largest L values.

    The Crystal Field Splitting of Russell-Saunders terms

    The effect of a crystal field on the different orbitals (s, p, d, etc.) will result in splitting

    into subsets of different energies, depending on whether they are in an octahedral or tetrahedral

    environment. The magnitude of the d orbital splitting is generally represented as a fraction of

    Doct or 10Dq.

    The ground term energies for free ions are also affected by the influence of a crystal field

    and an analogy is made between orbitals and ground terms that are related due to the angular

    parts of their electron distribution. The effect of a crystal field on different orbitals in an

    octahedral field environment will cause the d orbitals to split to give t2gand egsubsetsand the

    D ground term states into T2gand Eg,(where upper case is used to denote states and lower case


    Mulliken Symbols

    Mulliken Symbols is used to describe and identify the terms arising for octahedral and

    tetrahedral complexes. According to Mulliken Symbols, the symbol A will be representing an

    orbital which is a single state, the symbol E is a doublet and T is a triplet state for the orbitals


    Terms for free metal ions Terms for an octahedral field Terms for a tetrahedral field

    S A1g A1

    P T1g T1

    D Eg+ T2g E + T2

    F A2g+ T1g+ T2g A2+ T1+ T2

    G A1g+ Eg+ T1g+ T2g A1+ E + T1+ T2

    Table 3.0The Term Symbols for Free Metal ions, Octahedral and Tetrahedral Fields.

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    Selection Rules

    There are two selection rules which govern the relative intensities of electronic absorption bands:

    i) Spin Selection Rule

    Transitions between different spin multiplicities are forbidden. For example, transitions


    4T1states are spin-allowed (S = 0), but transitions between

    4A2 and


    are spin-forbidden (S 0).

    ii) Laporte (Parity) Selection Rule

    Transitions between states of the same parity (symmetry with respect to inversion) are

    forbidden. For example, transitions between d-orbitals are forbidden (dd) but transitions

    between p and d orbitals are allowed (pd).

    Use of Orgel diagrams

    The observation of three peaks in the electronic spectra of d2 spin complexes requires further

    treatment involving electron-electron interactions. Using the Russell-Saunders (LS) coupling

    scheme, these free ion configurations give rise to F ground states which in octahedral and

    tetrahedral fields are split into terms designated by the symbols A2(g), T2(g) and T1(g). Figure 2

    below shows an example of an orgel diagram of a d2in an octahedral field.

    Figure 4.0Orgel diagram of a d2 in an octahedral field with its spectra

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    Report of complexes

    Complex Types of metal ion


    Colour of complex Number of peaks in

    UV-VIS spectrum

    A d2 Red 3

    B d2 Blue 2

    C d2 Green 1

    D d2 Colourless None

    E d5 Colourless None

    All the complexes show a d2 configuration for metal ion centre. We can deduce that

    all these complexes are transition metal complexes .Generally, transition metal complexes will

    have d2configuration for its metal ion centre. All these complexes were detected in the UV-

    Visible spectroscopy as all the complexes reflects its respective colours. The visible region that

    lies in the range of 380nm to 780nm is a little portion of electromagnetic spectrum that is

    visible to the eye which proves that the light is seen as colour (Christian, 2004).Colour of

    compounds that is reflected is the unabsorbed range of region (Moore et al., 2008) where it was

    further proved by Christian (2004) that the colour is complementary to the absorbed

    colours.If we take a look at the table, complex A, B and C shows its own respective colour.

    On the other hand, complex D and E is colourless.

    Complexes Colour Number of

    peaks in




    A Red 3

    Shows that it falls on the visible range which is

    400 to 800 nm

    The complex absorbed other colours in the region

    and does not absorb the red region.

    The unabsorbed red region is transmitted as red

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    colour of the complex.

    The spin multiplicity is a triplet

    Spectrum of complex A shows three peaks

    because all the transition of the complex is in the

    visible region. All the transition is in the energy

    level rage of visible region.

    The transition of complex A is as below:




    B Blue 2 The complex absorbs the yellow region and does

    not absorb the blue region.

    The unabsorbed region is transmitted as blue

    colour of the complex.

    The complex is a conjugated compound as it

    reveals bright colours as transition of electrons in

    conjugated compounds occurs in its pi electrons.

    There were only two peaks observed in UV-VIS

    Because two of the transition of the complex is in

    the visible region.

    other transition of the complex is in higher energy

    level than the energy range of visible region

    Hence, the other peaks are not observed.

    The transition of complex B is as below:

    3TIg 3T2g


    Hence , two peaks will be observed

    C Green 1 The complex absorbed other colours in the region

    and does not absorb the green region.

    The unabsorbed green region is transmitted as

    green colour of the complex.

    The complex is conjugated compound as it

    reveals bright colours as transition of electrons in

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    conjugated compounds occurs in its pi electrons.

    Spectrum of complex C shows one peak.

    Because only one transition of the complex is in

    the visible region.

    Other transition of the complex is in higher

    energy level than the energy range of visible


    . Hence, the other peaks are not observed.

    The transition of complex C is as below


    D Colourless None Complex D is sigma bonded complex and is


    Sigma bonded complexes does not absorb light in

    the visible region.

    Spectrum of complex D shows no peaks because

    all the transition of the complex is not in the

    visible region.

    All the transition of the complex is beyond the

    energy level rage of visible region.

    Hence, no peaks were observed

    E Colourless None Complex E is sigma bonded complex and is


    Sigma bonded complexes does not absorb light in

    the visible region.

    Spectrum of complex E shows no peaks because

    all the transition of the complex is not in the

    visible region.

    All the transition of the complex is beyond the

    energy level rage of visible region.

    Hence, no peaks were observed

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    Atkins, P. W., Longford, C. H., & Shriver, D. F. (2010).Inorganic Chemistry, 5th

    Edition.Oxford University, Press.

    Christian, G.D. (2004). Analytical Chemistry. 6th

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    Cooke, J.(2005). Spectroscopy in Inorganic Chemistry (Theory). Retrieved[15 April1024].

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    Harris, D., &Bertolucci, M. (1989).Symmetry and Spectroscopy. An Introduction to

    Vibrational and Electronic Spectroscopy.Dover Publications, Inc., New York.

    Moore, J.W., Stanitski.,&Jurs, P.C. (2008).Chemistry. The Molecular Science.3th ed. Volume 1.

    United States of America: Thomson Learning, Inc.Pp 406-407.

    Schonherr, T., & Jorgensen, A.C.K.2004. Optical Spectra and Chemical Bonding in TransitionMetal Complexes.Germany: Springer.Pp 145-147

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    Yeow , Y.G.(n.d). Electronic Spectra. Retrieved from [15 April 2014]

    Images were obtained from
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    Assignment 5



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