assignment 5- slides


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Page 2: Assignment 5- Slides

In  Lab  This  Week…  

•  links to feedback on assignment #3

•  overview of CRF design

•  summary of interpreting results

•  example analysis

•  assignment #5

Page 3: Assignment 5- Slides

Feedback:  Assignment  #3  

A complete list of commonly made errors can be found on the lab blog:

A refresher on formatting figures according to APA requirements has also been posted on the blog:

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Page 5: Assignment 5- Slides

(1) two or more independent variables (IVs) or factors

(2) two or more levels per factor

(3) each participant randomly assigned to only one condition

(4) measuring all individuals on one dependent variable (DV)

…extension of the single-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA)

adding at least one extra factor to create a factorial design

Features  of  the  Design  

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Example  Problem  

Do alcohol consumption and gender have an effect on academic performance?

Research Question

independent variables (i.e. factors)

(A) alcohol consumption 4 levels: 5 oz., 10 oz., 15 oz., 20 oz. (B) gender 2 levels: males, females

dependent variable

academic performance test out of 10 marks

Variables of Interest

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Gender Level of alcohol consumption

5 oz. 10 oz. 15 oz. 20 oz.



2 (gender) x 4 (alcohol) factorial design

Example  Problem  

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x 5oz =6 + 7 + 6 + 8 + 5 + 7 + 7 + 6 + 8 + 7

10= 6.70

x male, 5oz =6 + 7 + 6 + 8 + 5

5= 6.40

x female, 5oz =7 + 7 + 6 + 8 + 7

5= 7.00

6 7

6 8 5

7 7

6 8 7

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Gender Level of alcohol consumption

5 oz. 10 oz. 15 oz. 20 oz.

Male 6.40 8.40 7.00 6.00

Female 7.00 9.00 9.60 2.20

Example  Problem  

6.70 8.70 7.00 3.50



Can use the scores to calculate condition means (within the table) or overall means for the various factor levels (blue boxes):

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  no longer interested in comparing means following introduction of only one treatment/IV (as in a one-way ANOVA)

more elaborate analyses possible

•  can compare males versus females on academic performance •  can compare consumption of 5 oz., 10 oz., 15 oz., or 20 oz. of alcohol on academic performance •  can look at the combined effect of gender and alcohol consumption on academic performance

Moral of the story: allows us to explore interactions between variables (combined effect of two or more IVs on one DV)

Uses  of  Factorial  Design  

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(1) main effect of factor A (gender) Does gender affect academic performance (ignoring alcohol consumption)?

(2) main effect for factor B (alcohol consumption) Does alcohol consumption affect academic performance (ignoring gender)?

(3) interaction between factor A and factor B Does gender change (increase/decrease) the effect of alcohol consumption on academic performance?

or Does alcohol consumption change (increase/decrease) the effect of gender on academic performance?

Uses  of  Factorial  Design  

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main effects: testing whether at least two means (levels) differ significantly for a given factor (think one-way ANOVA)

• when a factor has 2 levels, we will know whether or not the two means differ significantly with the omnibus test (only have two means)

• when a factor has 3+ levels, omnibus test cannot tell us where the differences are found

need to follow up with post hoc analyses of the level means

Main  Effects  

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Gender Level of alcohol consumption

5 oz. 10 oz. 15 oz. 20 oz.

Male 6.40 8.40 7.00 6.00

Female 7.00 9.00 9.60 2.20



if these two means differ significantly, we have a main effect for gender (post hoc tests not needed)

Main  Effects  

Main Effect for Factor A (Gender)

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Gender Level of alcohol consumption

5 oz. 10 oz. 15 oz. 20 oz.

Male 6.40 8.40 7.00 6.00

Female 7.00 9.00 9.60 2.20

Main  Effects  

Main Effect for Factor B (Alcohol Consumption)

6.70 8.70

if these four means differ significantly, we have a main effect for alcohol consumption (post hoc tests needed to pinpoint where differences exist)

7.00 3.50

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interaction: -combined effect of IVs (factors) on the measured DV -effect of one variable is not consistent across all levels of the other variables (as suggested by main effects) -factors are interacting to produce unique result

• if significant interaction found, we need to investigate effect of one variable at varying levels of other variable to make sense of it

this is basically an investigation of cell means called “simple main effects” (SME)

multiple approaches possible


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• looking at the effect of gender at each level of alcohol consumption

• consider sex differences for each alcohol intake level: how does gender affect academic performance at 5 oz. of alcohol? how does gender affect academic performance at 10 oz. of alcohol? how does gender affect academic performance at 15 oz. of alcohol? how does gender affect academic performance at 20 oz. of alcohol?

Gender Level of alcohol consumption 5 oz. 10 oz. 15 oz. 20 oz.

Male 6.40 8.40 7.00 6.00

Female 7.00 9.00 9.60 2.20

Interaction:  Simple  Main  Effects  Option #1: Simple Main Effects of Gender on Alcohol Consumption

vs. vs. vs. vs.

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5 oz. 10 oz. 15 oz. 20 oz.


n Te

st S


Alcohol Consumption Level

Male Female

Comparing male vs. female means at each alcohol level:

At 5 oz. of alcohol: males vs. females

At 10 oz. of alcohol: males vs. females

At 15 oz. of alcohol: males vs. females

At 20 oz. of alcohol: males vs. females

Interaction:  Simple  Main  Effects  Option #1: Simple Main Effects of Gender on Alcohol Consumption

total of 4 comparison to be made

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• looking at the effect of various levels of alcohol consumption for each gender

• consider the four alcohol levels among males, and then again among females: how does alcohol consumption affect academic performance amongst males? how does alcohol consumption affect academic performance amongst females?

Interaction:  Simple  Main  Effects  Option #2: Simple Main Effects of Alcohol Consumption on Gender

Gender Level of alcohol consumption 5 oz. 10 oz. 15 oz. 20 oz.

Male 6.40 8.40 7.00 6.00

Female 7.00 9.00 9.60 2.20 vs. vs. vs.

vs. vs. vs.

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Male Female


n Te

st S



5 oz. 10 oz. 15 oz. 20 oz.

Comparing alcohol intake at each gender level:

For males: 5 oz. vs. 10 oz. 5 oz. vs. 15 oz. 5 oz. vs. 20 oz. 10 oz. vs. 15 oz. 10 oz. vs. 20 oz. 15 oz. vs. 20 oz.

For females: 5 oz. vs. 10 oz. 5 oz. vs. 15 oz. 5 oz. vs. 20 oz. 10 oz. vs. 15 oz. 10 oz. vs. 20 oz. 15 oz. vs. 20 oz.

Interaction:  Simple  Main  Effects  Option #2: Simple Main Effects of Alcohol Consumption on Gender

total of 12 comparison to be made

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• do not look at the data BOTH ways when interpreting interactions that would be redundant

• pick approach that makes most sense it may make equal sense both ways, so in that case, pick the one you can explain more easily

IMPORTANT! If you find a significant interaction, interpret main effects cautiously and in light of the interaction.

Interaction:  A  Cautionary  Tale  

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Gender Level of alcohol consumption

5 oz. 10 oz. 15 oz. 20 oz.

Male 6.40 8.40 7.00 6.00

Female 7.00 9.00 9.60 2.20



Investigation of main effects here could suggest that men and women perform equally well on the academic test…







5 oz. 10 oz. 15 oz. 20 oz.


n Te

st S


Alcohol Consumption Level



…but the interaction reveals that that there are clear differences between the two groups at different levels of alcohol intake.

Further tests are needed to determine which differences are statistically significant, but it is evident that the main effect does not tell us the whole story.

Interaction:  A  Cautionary  Tale  

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Factor A: participant gender

1 = male 2 = female

Factor B: alcohol intake

1 = 5 oz. 2 = 10 oz. 3 = 15 oz. 4 = 20 oz.

DV: academic test score (out of 10)

The  Data  

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Analyze General Linear Model Univariate

Running  CRF  Design  in  SPSS  

dependent variable

all factors (IVs) under investigation (in this case, two factors)

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Options Menu

Running  CRF  Design  in  SPSS  

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request post hoc tests (Tukey) for all factors in the analysis…

Post Hoc Menu

Running  CRF  Design  in  SPSS  

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plotting simple main effects of alcohol consumption on gender…

Running  CRF  Design  in  SPSS  

Plots Menu

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plotting simple main effects of gender on alcohol consumption…

Running  CRF  Design  in  SPSS  

Plots Menu

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Click “OK” in main window to obtain output in separate window…

Running  CRF  Design  in  SPSS  

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Means provided for all levels and conditions, but standard error needs to be calculated:

Example: Males (total)

(M = 6.95, SE = 0.31)

SE =sxn


= 0.31

Example: Females, 10 oz.

(M = 9.00, SE = 0.63)

SE =sxn


= 0.63

SE =sxn

=standard deviation

number of observations

Output:  Descriptive  Statistics  

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Levene F(7, 32) = 1.56, ns

•  results of Levene’s test are not significant •  can conclude that all condition variances are approximately equal

Output:  Levene’s  Test  

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Output:  Main  Effect  for  Gender  

F(1, 32) = 0.00, ns, η2 = .00, power = .05

•  no significant main effect for gender •  males do not differ significant from females in terms of their academic performance

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Output:  Main  Effect  for  Alcohol  Consumption  

F(3, 32) = 38.30, p < .001, η2 = .78, power = 1.00

•  significant main effect for alcohol consumption •  at least two alcohol level means differ significantly •  follow up with post hoc tests to determine where differences exist

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•  significant info provided, but qobtained values still need to be calculated for the alcohol consumption comparisons

•  as in the one-way ANOVA unit, some of these comparisons are redundant, so select and report only the unique comparisons (6 in total for our example problem)

Output:  Post  Hoc  Tests  for  Main  Effects  

Post Hoc Comparisons for Alcohol Consumption

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Output:  Post  Hoc  Tests  for  Main  Effects  

Post Hoc Comparisons for Alcohol Consumption

To determine the qobtained values, enter the alcohol consumption means into the POSTHOC program (no pooled error term)


5 oz. vs. 10 oz.: q(4, 32) = 5.93, p < .01

q(df1, df2) = qobtained, significance

# of levels in factor (4) df value for error (32)

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Output:  Post  Hoc  Tests  for  Main  Effects  

Post Hoc Comparisons for Gender

In our example, these follow-up comparisons are not necessary because the overall assessment of the main effects was not significant. Had it been significant:

As stated earlier: for a factor with only two levels, post hoc tests are not needed (we already know which two means differ significantly).

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Output:  Interaction  

F(3, 32) = 16.06, p < .001, η2 = .60, power = 1.00

•  significant interaction exists between gender and alcohol consumption •  one factor changes the effect of the other factor on academic performance •  proceed with tests of simple main effects to dissect the interaction

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Inspect the plots to get a sense of which approach to interpreting the interaction you would like to take (either option is fine… but one is much easier).

Output:  Interaction  

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Output:  Simple  Main  Effects  for  Interaction  Option #1: Simple Main Effects of Gender on Alcohol Consumption

DV is “academic”

File New Syntax

Factor A is “gender” (levels coded 1-2)

Factor B is “alcohol” (levels coded 1-4)

•  in line 3, we specify that we are assessing gender at each level of alcohol consumption (comparing gender levels with each alcohol level)

•  to run the syntax, we highlight the text and click:

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Output:  Simple  Main  Effects  for  Interaction  Option #1: Simple Main Effects of Gender on Alcohol Consumption

e.g., males vs. females after 5 oz. of alcohol: F(1, 32) = 0.79, ns

Therefore, males and females do not differ significant in terms of their academic performance after consuming 5 oz. of alcohol.

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Output:  Simple  Main  Effects  for  Interaction  Option #1: Simple Main Effects of Gender on Alcohol Consumption







5 oz. 10 oz. 15 oz. 20 oz.


n Te

st S


Alcohol Consumption Level

Male Female

F(1, 32) = 0.79, ns F(1, 32) = 0.79, ns F(1, 32) = 14.86, p < .01

F(1, 32) = 31.74, p < .001

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Option #2: Simple Main Effects of Alcohol Consumption on Gender

Output:  Simple  Main  Effects  for  Interaction  

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Output:  Simple  Main  Effects  for  Interaction  







Male Female


n Te

st S



5 oz. 10 oz. 15 oz. 20 oz.

Option #2: Simple Main Effects of Alcohol Consumption on Gender

F(3, 32) = 4.85, p < .01 F(3, 32) = 49.51, p < .001

Note: even with the results of MANOVA, we still don’t know exactly which means differ (just know that differences exist for both males and females) follow up with analyses in POSTHOC to pinpoint which specific means differ

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• APA-style results section (2-page maximum)

• all SPSS and POSTHOC output

• figure depicting the interaction approach: muscle relaxant drugs at each level of anti-inflammatory drugs computer generated and adhering to APA standards

• any hand calculations that you have done

•  Note: You have been given the syntax file to run the SMEs

Assignment  #5  

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• intro sentences (IVs, DV, levels, design)

• Levene’s test (statistic, interpretation, implications)

• interaction effect • graph the interaction (figure separate from written results) • report simple main effects if applicable (MANOVA)

• main effect 1 + post hoc if applicable • main effect 2 + post hoc if applicable

• overall conclusion

• don’t forget to include your descriptive values, observed power values, effect sizes, and concluding sentences

even with significant interaction

Parts  of  the  Assignment  

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• Assignment #5 due: Thursday, March 6, 2013 at start of lab

•  Unit 6 introduced: split plot factorial design o  brings together what we know about the one-way ANOVA and the repeated ANOVA o  can be challenging (and work-intensive) so please review all basics pertaining to ANOVA that have been taught to date

Next  Week