assignment 51

1. Fade in: EXT. Petrol Station – Night Establishing Shots of a group of people, multiple cars with headlights on, petrol station is seen with pumps and multiple cars. People are shaking hands (meeting each other) INTERCUT ESTABLISHING SHOTS – Range of shots from other locations Dissolve: EXT. Top floor car-park – Evening MAIN PERFOMER, slowly steps out of car, music is gradually building in the background (view of car park is shown), meets group. Quick cut: EXT. Faces Mural – Day MAIN PERFORMER, Graffiti wall is situated in background, performance begins. Full focus on performer and costume. (Actions accompany music lyrics) Quick cut: EXT. Petrol Station (+Shop) – Night MAIN PERFROMER, attention and focus on performer situated in front of petrol pumps. (Dance move performed) INTERCUT - Dance Quick Cut: EXT. Car Park – Day (Dance moved continued) Focus is now on the MAIN PERFOMER and 2 EXTRA PERFORMERS. Small routine performed with background of the high rise car park.

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Page 1: Assignment 51


Fade in:

EXT. Petrol Station – Night

Establishing Shots of a group of people, multiple cars with headlights on, petrol station is seen with pumps and multiple cars. People are shaking hands (meeting each other)

INTERCUT ESTABLISHING SHOTS – Range of shots from other locations


EXT. Top floor car-park – Evening

MAIN PERFOMER, slowly steps out of car, music is gradually building in the background (view of car park is shown), meets group.

Quick cut:

EXT. Faces Mural – Day

MAIN PERFORMER, Graffiti wall is situated in background, performance begins. Full focus on performer and costume.

(Actions accompany music lyrics)

Quick cut:

EXT. Petrol Station (+Shop) – Night

MAIN PERFROMER, attention and focus on performer situated in front of petrol pumps. (Dance move performed)


Quick Cut:

EXT. Car Park – Day

(Dance moved continued)

Focus is now on the MAIN PERFOMER and 2 EXTRA PERFORMERS. Small routine performed with background of the high rise car park.

Quick cut:

EXT. Graffiti wall – Day

Attention back on performer and his props, sings towards camera. (Actions reflect lyrics)

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Quick cut:

EXT. In Car – Day

Features ALL PERFOMERS within car, facing camera whilst MAIN PERFORMER, raps into the camera. (Actions sync to music lyrics)

Continuous cutting between:

EXT. Car Park – Evening/Night

Features one performance of the MAIN PERFORMER, and his props, rapping into the camera with the high view in the background, sitting on a barrier.

Features another performance of all 3 PERFORMERS, a routine that has synced actions to the song’s lyrics, within a parking bay, with a high rise background.

Filler shots – Groups of people with car headlights on, performer looking out onto the distance of the high view, shots of the urbanised stature of the top floor car park.

EXT. Petrol Station – Night

Features a performance of the MAIN PERFORMER, situated in front of the petrol pumps in full costume and props.

Features a performance of all 3 PERFROMERS, a routine performed with lyrically synced actions. Situated in front of the petrol pumps and cars.

Filler shots – Gang of people with car headlights on, meeting each other and shaking hands, PERFROMER pours some drink out, PERFORMER picks up petrol pump and faces camera, people filling up cars.

EXT. Petrol Station Shop night

Filler shots – walking between aisles, purchasing products, groups of people walking into store.

EXT. Faces Mural – Day

Features MAIN PERFORMER, rapping into camera with full costume and props. Situated in front of a graffiti wall/river with lots of smoke bombs to add visual intensity.


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Filler Shots – MAIN PERFORMER, walking around with smoke bombs, lyrically synced actions, walking down stairs, playing with tooth pick, Group of people with smoke bombs dotted around.

EXT. Graffiti wall – Day

Features MAIN PERFORMER, rapping into camera with full costume and props.

Features ALL PERFOMERS, lyrically synced actions/dance routine, added attention onto MAIN PERFOMER.

Filler shots – MAIN PERFOMER holding smoke bombs and walking around, focus on jewellery, ALL PERFORMERS with smoke bombs situated in front of the wall.

EXT. In Car – Day

Features ALL PERFOMERS, all in car facing camera, MAIN PERFORMER, in the middle and has full attention. Display and focus on props.


EXT. Multiple locations

Filters through all locations. Final attention on last two lines of the song and the MAIN PERFORMER.

Fades out.