assignment - analyzing photosynthesis and respiration

-1- Photosynthesis and R espiration Biology 2201 Name:________________ Analyzing Photosynthesis and Respiration During photo synthesis, g reen plant s use carbon dioxide and water to p roduce foo d in the form of glucose. Oxygen is given off as a by-pro duct of this reaction. During plant respira tion, the glucose is broken down to be used as energy by the plant. As t he glucose is broken down, carbon dioxide is released by the plant. Carbon dioxide, oxygen, and water form a continuous cycle during these two processes. Study the diagram of the carbon cycle that is shown in Figure 1. Answer the questions based on the diagram and your knowledge o f photosynthesis and respiration. 1. The concentration of CO 2 in the atmosphere remains at a stable 0.004 percent. Which two processes keep this concentration stable? __________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 2. Plants depend upon the activities of animals for a continuing supply of which substance? _______________________________________________________________________ 3. Which process removes CO 2 from the atmosphere? ______________________________ 4. Which process adds CO 2 to the atmosphere? ___________________________________ 5. Into which organic compound does photo synthesis convert the carbon of CO 2 ? _______________________________________________________________________

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Page 1: Assignment - Analyzing Photosynthesis and Respiration


Photosynthesis and R espiration

Biology 2201 Name:________________

Analyzing Photosynthesis and Respiration

During photosynthesis, green plants use carbon dioxide and water to produce food in theform of glucose. Oxygen is given off as a by-product of this reaction. During plant respiration,the glucose is broken down to be used as energy by the plant. As the glucose is broken down,carbon dioxide is released by the plant. Carbon dioxide, oxygen, and water form a continuouscycle during these two processes.

Study the diagram of the carbon cycle that is shown in Figure 1. Answer the questions based onthe diagram and your knowledge of photosynthesis and respiration.

1. The concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere remains at a stable 0.004 percent. Which twoprocesses keep this concentration stable? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Plants depend upon the activities of animals for a continuing supply of which substance?_______________________________________________________________________

3. Which process removes CO2 from the atmosphere? ______________________________

4. Which process adds CO2 to the atmosphere? ___________________________________

5. Into which organic compound does photosynthesis convert the carbon of CO2 ?_______________________________________________________________________

Page 2: Assignment - Analyzing Photosynthesis and Respiration


6. After plants are eaten by animals, what process changes the carbon in these organiccompounds back to CO2 ? __________________________________________________

7. Respiration and photosynthesis play a role in the O2 cycle. In the space below, make adiagram that shows how photosynthesis and respiration take part in the O2 cycle.

8. In your own words describe how the processes of photosynthesis and cellular respirationare interdependent. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9. Combine your diagram from question 7 and Figure 1 into one diagram that demonstratesboth cycles at the same time.