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  • 7/28/2019 Assignment Comp







    Q U E S T I O N 1

    What is e-portfolio? Explain in detail how you as teacher can create and utilize your

    own e-Portfolio.

    What is e-portfolio?

    -portfolio is a valuable learning and assessment tool. An e-portfolio is

    digitized collection of artifacts including demonstrations, resources, and

    accomplishment that represent an individual, group or institution. This

    collection can be comprised of text-based, graphic, or multimedia elements archived

    on a Web site or on other electronic media such as a CD-ROM or DVD. An e-portfolio

    is more than a simple collection. It can also serve as an administrative tool to

    manage and organize work created with different application and to control who can

    see the work. E-portfolio encourage personel reflection and often involve the

    exchange and feedback.


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    There are three main types of e-portfolios, although they may be referred to

    using different terms:

    developmental (e.g., working),

    reflective (e.g., learning), and

    representational (e.g., showcase).

    A developmental e-portfolio is a record of things that the owner has done over a

    period of time, and may be directly tied to learner outcomes or rubrics. A reflective

    e-portfolio includes personal reflection on the content and what it means for the

    owner's development. A representational e-portfolio shows the owner's

    achievements in relation to particular work or developmental goals and is, therefore,

    selective. When it is used for job application it is sometimes called Career portfolio.

    How me as teacher can create and utilize my own e-Portfolio.
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    -portfolio that I create will allow me to have a common place to put my work,

    projects and galleries throughout my school life. Besides that, with my e-

    portfolio that I create I must be able to view my friends e-portfolios and

    explore the many different ways of doing projects. I also can give comments to their

    e-portfolios and give ratings. This encourage me to share my ideas and engage one

    another to learn and explore together while building up my own e-portfolio. I and my

    friends can create and share knowledge. I also can share my projects and explore

    projects created by students from other schools.


    E-Portfolio will records my progress through the years in the school. It help me to

    build my showcase of the many stages in my school life. With e-portfolio I are able to

    upload my projects files to a system, get other people to mark and give feedback to

    my folio and even upload photo galleries to share with other friends. At the end of

    my school life I can then export my entire e-portfolio as a zip file so I can bring it

    along with me to my next school or use it to enrich my own resumes.

    E-portfolio that I create must includes the following steps:

    1. Assess/Decide

    2. Plan/Design

    3. Develop,

    4. Implement

    5. Evaluate


    The focus is on needs assessment of the audience, the presentation goals, and the

    appropriate tools for the final portfolio presentation.


    In the second stage, focus on organizing or designing the presentation. Determine

    audience-appropriate content, software, storage medium, and presentation

    sequence. Construct flow charts and write storyboards.

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    Gather materials to include in the presentation and organize them into a sequence

    (or use hyperlinks) for the best presentation of the material, using an appropriate

    multimedia authoring program.


    The developer presents the portfolio to the intended audience.


    In this final stage of multimedia development, the focus is on evaluating the

    presentations effectiveness in light of its purpose and the assessment context.

    Stages of Electronic Portfolio Development




    Stages of Electronic






    Purpose &


    1. Defining the


    Context & Goals




    2. The WorkingPortfolio

    Design, Plan




    3. The Reflective






    4. The Connected






    5. The Presentation




    Levels of electronic portfolio software strategies based

    on ease of use.

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    0 All documents are in paper format. Some portfolio data

    may be stored on videotape.

    1 All documents are in digital file formats, using word

    processing or other commonly used software, and stored in

    electronic folders on a hard drive, floppy disk, or LAN


    2 Portfolio data is entered into a structured format, such as a

    database or Hyper Studio template or slide show (such as

    PowerPoint or AppleWorks) and stored on a hard drive, Zip,

    floppy disk, or LAN.

    3 Documents are translated into Portable Document Format

    with hyperlinks between standards, artifacts, and

    reflections using Adobe Acrobat Exchange and stored on a

    hard drive, Zip, Jaz, CD-R/W, or LAN server.

    4 Documents are translated into HTML, complete with

    hyperlinks between standards, artifacts, and reflections,

    using a Web authoring program and posted to a Web


    5 Portfolio is organized with a multimedia authoring program,

    incorporating digital sound and video. Then it is converted

    to digital format and pressed to CD-R/W or posted to the

    Web in streaming format.


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    n e-portfolio can be as simple as a Word document or as complex as a

    multimedia Web page. We can create simple e-portfolios using a word

    processing program. The important factor to create an e-portfolio is not the

    level of computer skills, but rather the ability to select meaningful work and produce

    a final product that can be viewed and used by other peoples such as students and

    other teachers.


    Example of simple e-portfolio in Word:

    Open a Word document and type the following: "Roses are red, violets are blue,

    sugar is sweet, and so are you."

    Save that document to the Desktop as poetry.doc.

    Create a new Word document and type the following: "3/24/04 -- Today we

    visited the Children's Museum in town and learned about sound waves."

    Save that page to the Desktop as journal.doc.

    Create a third Word document and type the following: "Welcome to Maria's


    Save that page to the Desktop as main.doc. Do not close your documents yet.

    Here's what you've created so far:

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    In the file called main.doc, hit Return/Enter, and type "Click Here to Go to My

    Poetry Page."

    Highlight that sentence, go to Insert>Hyperlink, click File (or Document), and

    browse to find poetry.doc.

    Click the file name, and then click OK. The sentence "Click Here to Go to My

    Poetry Page" now is underlined and in blue ink, and the main page is linked to

    the poetry page.

    Go to journal.doc, type "My Journal," type "Click Here to Return to the Main

    Page," and repeat the steps above to link the journal page to the main page.

    Go to the poetry page, type "Click Here to Return to the Main Page," and

    repeat the steps to create a link from poetry.doc to main.doc. Create as many pages as needed for the e-portfolio and link them to one


    Create a new folder on your Desktop and drag all the documents you've

    created into it.

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    That's it. If this were a real e-portfolio, you'd want to save it where others

    could view it on the Web, a network server, or even just a classroom computer.

    Q U E S T I O N 2

    Based on the statement below:

    In line with the countrys information and communication technology (ICT) master

    pelan and vision 2020, Malaysia recognized that the transformation of its education

    system is fundamental to achieve its objectives. The ministry of Education. With the

    participation of non-governmental agencies, is focusing on the development of the

    new media for use as educational. Due to its belief that ICT can make a changes in

    education and learning, the Ministry plans to integrate ICT into education on a

    fundamental level, incorporating systems to facilitate management, information

    gathering, access, and various forms of communication

    Explain in details with evidence are some issues and challenges integrating ICT in

    teaching and learning in our Malaysian School.

    n my opinion, the biggest challenger in integrating ICT in our Malaysian schools

    is, the appropriate rooms or buildings available to house the technology are

    needed and of course, the equipments. The government will spend a lot of cost

    to build the appropriate buildings in Malaysian schools. Another basic requirement is

    the availability of electricity and telephone. In Malaysia, some developing areas are

    still without a reliable supply of electricity and the nearest telephones are miles

    away such as at the Sabah and Sarawak.

    IThere might be no problem in the urban area, but how with the people who

    lived in the rural area? Some of the family still did not have a computer in their

    house. Thus, their child can not practice what that they have learned in the school at

    their house. This is such a waste when the students forgot what that they havelearned. For instance, a basic requirement for computer-based or online learning is

    access to computers in schools, communities, and households,

    as well as affordable Internet

    service are needed.

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    Besides that, all the infrastructure and application of ICT are only being

    concentrated at urban area especially big town such as Kuala Lumpur. This is not fair

    because only the people in urban area can enjoy the facilities of ICT while people in

    rural area just get the information through traditional way such as text book and

    explanation by teachers. How can ICT be integrating in teaching and learning if only

    students from urban area able to use this modern apparatus? Students from rural

    area cannot apply the knowledge of ICT due to lack of computer and lab in their

    school. Moreover, get access to internet and computer is basic way to learn ICT.

    More money are spent to build big and beautiful building rather than built a well-

    equip computer.

    In addition, our country has limitation of infrastructure such as computers, ICT

    labs and low connection to access internet especially in rural area. There a number

    of schools have not enough computer lab and computer for every student. Even in

    smart school, the ICT equipments also not complete and always faced the problems

    of lacking computer or latest ICT software. Compare to other developing countries

    which have excellent infrastructure and total application on ICT, our country really afew steps behind.

    Other than that, the teacher professional development should have skills in

    teaching the students using the ICT with particular application. Ideally, these should

    be addressed in pre-service teacher training and built on and enhanced in-service.

    ICTs are evolving technologies, and so even the most ICT fluent teachers need to

    continuously upgrade their skills and keep abreast of the latest developments and

    best practices.

    Some student might feel uncomfortable with the new technologies especially

    student in the rural area where most of the ICT application use the English language

    for the contents and it is the responsibility of the teacher to guide and teach them to

    use the computer. Implementing academic computing is a long and expensive

    process. It may take many years for Malaysian schools to be successful. Although

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    funding is an important factor, many other factors must be taken into account before

    and during the implementation of academic computing initiatives. Failure to address

    important issues may result in wasted resources and ineffective implementation.

    However, implementing ICT the education is a good way to increase the

    development in Malaysia. Thus, government should take more appropriate ways to

    ensure that the vision 2020 can be achieve.

    Q U E S T I O N 3

    Discuss Malaysian Governments Proactive Policies to Spur ICT Growth in the

    country. Explain the policies in details with fact.

    CT development in this country continue to rise rapidly in 2010, this is driven by

    the development of technological equipment and lifestyle online. Thus it is

    balanced by a proactive government policy to increase penetration and

    connectivity between people and the business of business. As the transformation

    agenda, ICT was also outlined as a catalyst for economic growth and to convert

    Malaysia into the high-income countries under the New Economic Model (NEM).

    ITo show the seriousness of the potential use of ICT, the government has,

    among others, launched a high-speed broadband (HSBB) and the National

    Broadband Initiative (NBI) in March 2010, aims to increase broadband coverage and

    usage in the country. NBI is also trying to increase broadband use by students and

    low income groups, in line with the government to make public knowledge.

    In its earnest move to drive the ICT agenda and transform Malaysia into an

    innovative digital economy, the government also enhanced the National Information

    Technology Council as a high-level think tank to advise it on related matters. Under

    the plan, four categories were identified, namely ICT as industry, ICT as enabler, ICT

    for society and ICT critical success factors.

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    Following the government's continuous efforts and push, the household

    broadband penetration in the country has now risen meteorically to more than 54

    per cent from the initial 50 per cent targeted for this year. The penetration rate at

    the end of last year was only 31.7 per cent.

    The communication sub-sector was expected to record a higher growth of 7.3

    per cent by the end of 2010 from six per cent last year, largely driven by the robust

    performance of the telecommunications industry. Cellular phone subscriber base is

    anticipated to expand by nine per cent to 32.8 million, achieving a penetration rate

    of 112.5 per cent by the year end, compared to 8.8 per cent (30.1 million and

    penetration rate of 105.4 per cent in 2009). Some 750,000 premises nationwide

    were expected to have access to HSBB at the end of 2010.

    Malaysians are undeniably IT-savvy and online junkies. The fact is supported

    by a recent survey, which showed that Malaysians topped the list of having the most

    friends in the social networking sites, including Facebook. Based on the survey by

    British research firm TNS in October, Malaysians have the most friends in the social

    networking sites including Facebook, with an average of 233 friends each, followed

    by Brazilians with 231 friends and Norwegian (217).

    The survey was based on recent interviews of 50,000 consumers in 46countries. It ranked Japanese users as having the least number of friends, at an

    average of 29. The survey also found that Malaysians spent nine hours weekly on

    online social sites. Not only small and private businesses have benefited from the

    service, this year also saw more and more authorities, enforcement agencies and

    even local government agencies embracing Facebook and other social networking

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    sites as suitable channels to reach out to the people, especially the younger IT-savvy


    For instance, the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) has created its own Facebook

    page in its effort to combat crime. The police force's official account called "Polis

    Diraja Malaysia" has also been used as an alternative platform to disseminate

    information to the public, and to post updates on high-profile cases and tips for

    crime prevention, as well as updates on key community policing initiatives.

    As for individuals, if previous years saw them joining the bandwagon of

    Facebooking and blogging, this year, saw many of them, including politicians from

    both sides of the divide, progressing to microblogging and using Twitter to update

    their followers with the latest happenings. It was also reported in June that there

    were some two millions bloggers in the country. However, the wizardry of ICT also

    has its downside, especially when it is used irresponsibly.

    For instance, early this year, Mohamad

    Tasyrif Tajudin, a 25-year-old student of the

    National Academy of Arts, Culture and Heritage

    (Aswara) in Kuala Lumpur became the first

    person to be charged under the

    Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 for

    posting intimidating comments related to racial

    harmony in the country. The case has raisedconcerns that the social networking service is

    being used by unscrupulous quarters for ill


    Recently, Deputy Foreign Minister

    Richard Riot said that international drug

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    syndicates had used the popular social network to seek and lure young women to be

    drug mules.

    Q U E S T I O N 4

    The development of the personel computer and the Internet has enabled man to

    transcend the barriers of physical distance. People no longer limit their learning to

    an educational setting such as a school or university. Learning can take place at

    home or at the office, by online distance learning. The future of technology will

    enable people to be life-long learners. Learning will continue into the work place

    where there is need to keep up with current information. Draw a mind map that

    describes the future trends of education. You may include text with image

    depending on your creativity. (Use computer)

    What will happen in the future is thatlearners will be offered learningresources according to their specific andpersonal interests, aptitudes, skills andalready attained educational levels, whilein the course of attending their job,playing a game or exploring a new kind

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    Future Trend of


    Personalized Learning

    We have powerful and

    inexpensive computers we

    can sling over our shoulder

    or carry in our shirt pocket.

    These computers are

    connected wirelessly to the

    internet at bandwidths

    sufficient to allow instantmultimedia communicationanywhere on the planet.

    These computers will only

    improve in the years ahead,

    becoming faster, slimmer,

    and more affordable and

    education may be deeply

    Groups Versus Networks

    Though networks have

    always existed, modern


    technologies highlight their

    existence and given them anew robustness.

    Networks are distinct from

    groups in that they preserve

    individual autonomy and

    promote diversity of belief,

    purpose and methodology.

    In a network, however,

    people do not act asdisassociated individuals,

    but rather, cooperate in a

    series of exchanges that can

    produce, not merely

    individual goods, but also

    social oods.

    Learning Management

    The idea of competences is

    that they are based on

    identifiable skills or

    capacities, and hence arenot rooted in a body of

    content but rather in a

    students personal growth.As such, students are able

    to select their own track or

    achievement path through a

    competence domain, as

    informed by their owninterests, employer needs,

    or in the case of youngerstudents, parental guidance.

    Each competence,

    meanwhile, corresponds to

    a selection of learning

    resources (andspecifically,

    Personal Learning


    The personal learning

    environment(PLE) is a

    collection of concepts

    intended to express thisidea.

    Process of learning from a

    variety of courses and

    according to ones

    personal, context-situated,needs.

    The process, simply, is that

    learners will be presentedwith learning resources

    according to their interests,

    aptitudes, educational

    levels, and other factors

    while they are in the

    process of working at their

    job, engaging in a hobby,

    or la in a ame.

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    Future Trend ofEducation


    This is the fundamental

    understanding behind a

    learning theory developed

    to describe learning in


    The theory proposes that

    knowledge is contained,

    not merely in the bits of

    information transmitted toand fro as content and

    creations, but in the way

    these contents, and the

    people that create them,

    link together.

    Create and distribute

    learning opportunities andresources, and facilitate a

    students participation in a

    Learning Resources

    Specialized multimedia

    content consumption,

    editing and authoring

    systems designed to

    facilitate a students abilityto perceive and perform as

    modeled by experts in a

    community of practice.

    These resources will not be

    inert content objects, but

    rather, will need to be able

    to learn about the

    environment they are beingoffered in, be able to learn

    about the student, and to

    get this information not just

    locally but from wherever

    it ma be on the internet.

    To use a PLE will be

    essentially to immerse

    oneself in the flow of

    communications that

    constitutes a community of

    practice in some disciplineor domain on the internet.

    Rich Site Summary

    standard - RSS- allowed

    content creators tosyndicate their writings and

    other creations.

    Using RSS feed readers,

    web users do not go to webpages or search for content,

    but rather, subscribe to RSS

    feeds and let the content

    Content Versus


    The personal learning

    environment is more of a

    conferencing tool than it is

    a content tool.

    The focus of a personal

    learning environment is

    more on creation and

    communication than it is

    consumption andcompletion.

    In particular, that the

    various channels created by

    the PLE enable is for a

    student to form a set of

    connections with a

    collection of individuals at

    Flow and Syndication