assignment group v

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  • 7/28/2019 Assignment Group V


    Group Assignment

    Introduction to

    Management GroupAssignment

    A group of four or five students will choose a company to write on

    management issues or challenges faced by that company .From the

    theories acquired from this course , give your groups recommendation

    to this company for solving those issues or challenges . The input for

    the assignment must be based on direct interviews of senior manager

    of that company .


  • 7/28/2019 Assignment Group V


    Group Assignment

    Table of Contents

    Table of Contents..................................................................................................................2

    A.Introduction....................................................................................................................... 3


    ............................................................................................................................... 12

    1. Interview status.......................................................................................................... 12

    ..................................................................................................................................... 13

    2. Problems...................................................................................................................... 13



  • 7/28/2019 Assignment Group V


    Group Assignment


    1. Group

    -Mac Xuan Tung FB00516 [email protected]

    -Nguyen Minh Duc FB00418 [email protected]

    -Nguyen Yen Chi FB00506 [email protected]

    -Pham Quang Hieu [email protected]

    -Nguyen Vu Hoang [email protected]

    2. Trang Thi Company

    - Is a multi-purpose company

    - Founded on 14-02-1955 , Trang Thi company has been

    experiencing the development and changes in Vietnamese

    economy system & market for more than half a century .

    - Started with only 40 employees , Trang Thi company has

    become a large company with more than 800 full-time

    workers , and expanded widely to the whole country .


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 7/28/2019 Assignment Group V


    Group Assignment

    - Received many national awards for its success .

    - Main services :

    +Commercial services : Numerous servicesincluding wholesale , retail of various kind of goods , hotel

    business , rent offices

    +Import : Materials , chemicals , vehicles ,

    electronic product , interior decoration , medical equipment

    +Export : handicraft , sewing product , chemicals ,

    food , mineral , technology .

    +Real estate

    3. Interview- Name : Tran Tuan Vu

    - Role : Head of Trang Thi companys sale department .

    - Main task : Marginal analyze , plan & execute new business ,

    manage product quality , find new source of supply , sell

    product , organize import , export , organize event & exhibit ,

    prepare plan for special occasion .


  • 7/28/2019 Assignment Group V


    Group Assignment


    1. Plan

    Trang Thi company set up an annual goal to expand itself , while

    still maintain a positive growth . As the head of the sale

    department , Mr.Vu and his co-workers have a lot to do every

    year . This includes making new plans , investigating the

    market , designing new products . Mr.Vu appears to be a head of

    this , and already has some successful plans . Our group also

    want to make some minor suggestion based on what we have

    learned from the book Essentials of Management .

    2. Mr.Vu s plan :

    a.Summary :

    Move in to new market such as provinces around Ha Noi , with

    some careful market investigation .

    b.Interview :


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    Question : This sounds like a very tough job , do you have any

    plan to help expanding your company ?

    Answer : This year , Trang Thi company needs at least a 15%

    increase in profit . My department has already agreed on how we

    can achieve that goal .Since most of our commercial center is

    based in Ha Noi , we havent taken much interest elsewhere . We

    shall expand our sale and offices to provinces around Ha Noi ,

    such as Hai Duong , Nam Dinh , Lang Son . However , we are still

    planning on how to move in those market . We need to know

    more about the needs of people in those provinces , diversify

    sale and product ,also take special care for marketing in the near

    future . We can improve our brand by marketing on newspaper ,

    magazines , television , the internet , or at some live exhibitions .

    Question : How important is market investigation to your plan ?

    And what have you been doing to investigate ?

    Answers : Of course market investigation is a must .And we

    have been doing a lot of things . First of all , we make specific

    plans to investigate the market . This can be done by both on

    desk , and real market investigation . We divide the department

    into groups to research each parts of the intended market . After

    this is done , I will compile the reports , and then report back to

    the company . We have been doing this for a while and gained

    some success . For example , last winter , we were successful in

    selling a lot of products , especially Infrared heater and warm

    clothes . We had a full stock so we made more profit than we


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    Group Assignment

    thought we would . So yes , I can say that market investigation

    is very important .

    Question : You mentioned that Trang Thi had a full stock of

    winter goods , so do you have any kind of charts or formula to

    avoid redundant ?

    Answer : Not really . It was done mostly by skill and experiences

    from many years of business . It cannot be based on any kind of

    formula .

    c. Analyze the process of planning

    Base on the interview and information from the company ,

    our group has analyzed and summary the situation . Follow the

    framework for planning , we can see thought the planning

    process of this company , there are 7 step :

    1. Define the situation : the company has successful in the area

    of Ha Noi but now it has many competitor . In order to growth ,

    this company must expand their market to increase profit .

    2. Establish goals and objectives : This company has set up the

    goal to increase profit by at least 15% and expand the market

    to other provinces in northern viet nam .

    3. Analyze environment in terms of aids and barriers to goals

    and objective :


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    - Aids : this company has co-op with many big company and its

    brand is well established . So they have a positive chance to

    expend well in other range.

    - Barriers : - Vietnamese customer is very hard to please , they

    must invest the market carefully before develop . Beside this ,

    they must care about the financial problem and find a good

    way to manage the resource of company , especially the

    employee to archive the goal.

    4. Develop action plans to reach goal and objective : the

    company has implemented some action like market research ,

    looking for investment to ensure that the company can deal

    with financial problem.

    5. Develop budget : The company has use this own fund and

    loan from bank to develop the budget.

    6. Implement the plant : after doing market research , through

    analysis , company has invested in some strategic good and

    obtain a positive results.

    7. Control the plans: we control process for fine-tuning after

    implement the plan. For instance, fine-tuning the budget that

    has been set too high or too low in implement plans to have

    3 .Groups Recommendation


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    Group Assignment

    In this particular situation , our group has some in-depth plans to

    help Trang Thi company to achieve its goals .

    a. Boost market investigation operations : In many

    companies , including Trang Thi , this is being largely

    overlooked . So first , we have to boost market investigation

    activities into a whole new level .

    - Inform the board of director about the effectiveness and

    importance of market investigation . Also we must have market

    investigation activities active at all times , not just before

    implementing new products or services because the market

    always changes as we speak .

    - Improve the quality of market investigation activities , update

    information about changes in market daily . This must be done

    in a quick fashion , to immediately get information , changes in

    the needs of people . At the same time , Trang Thi companyshould get feedback from customers and providers . For

    example we can set up some public suggestion mail boxes ,

    surveys for customers .

    - Establish new department entirely for market investigation .

    The purpose is to evaluate correctly and accurately the flow of

    the market . Currently , this is being done by the sale

    department alone , which is probably too much work for them .

    They do not have enough time as well as in-depth , specific

    skills in market investigation .


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    Group Assignment

    b. Plans to improve marketing , offer more salespromotion : In Trang Thi Company , electronic & digital

    products marketing activities have not been attached special

    attention to . We mainly introduce our products on our main

    website . We need to implement marketing on other public

    media . This has already been stated by Mr.Vu , but we want

    to go for a more in-depth view of the situation . This is what

    we suggest :

    - Trang Thi company should take special attention into

    marketing and consider it to be the companys main weapon in

    the business war . And high-tech weapons like newspaper ,

    magazines , radio , television is strongly recommended .

    - Set up a high annual budget for marketing . As of now , the

    budget is still low and insufficient for its importance role .

    - Besides marketing , sales promotion is also another sharp knife

    , which when used accurately can cause great result . Trang Thi

    does not have a lot of sales promotion while other competitorshave many attractive promo . So to gain and encourage more

    customers , our company needs to develop a smart sales

    promotion , especially in special occasion such as Tet holiday .


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    Group Assignment

    c. Enhance skill level of the market staff and salepersonnel : Because Trang Thi companys products and

    services requires good technical knowledge to sale , the

    company need to recruit , or train the market and sale

    personnel thoroughly and carefully .

    - Employees must have high responsibility for their job , high

    ability , high flair , must be decisive so they can work

    independently when needed . This is most important for the

    company , because it fits with Trang This goals and business

    plans .

    - Sale personnel needs to be friendly but also politely , actively

    greet customers to build up a good impression . Must be able

    to listen to and understand customers information & feedback .

    Patience , honesty is also a plus

    - Trang Thi should hire some marketing experts for marketing

    plans .

    d. Develop and expand to new markets : Mr.Vu told us that

    Trang Thi was planning to move into the market of some

    provinces around Ha Noi and Northern VietNam . The biggest


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    Group Assignment

    obstacle to this is market investigation , which we have

    already solved above .

    C.Executing the plan

    1. Interview statusTo implement the sale departments plan , Mr.Vu explained that

    theyve got a lot of problems on their hands . Even though there

    was no clarity in his talk due to personal reasons , we still


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    Group Assignment

    managed to catch some glimpses of the challenges Trang Thi

    Company will have to face in the near future .

    2. Problemsa. Summary :

    -The lack of budget

    -Too many complicated procedures with government

    - Complicated procedures within the companys structure

    -The lack of human resources

    - Upward communication is hard

    b. Interview :

    Question : So when you are implementing your plans , what

    kind of challenges your department have to overcome ?

    Answer : Oh challenges and hardness are tremendous . Themost important issue is about money , the funding to execute

    our plans . Also we have to go through many complicated

    governments procedures which take a long time , and we may

    not even be able to pass them . The last difficult thing is human


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    Group Assignment

    resources . All companies want good employees for their firm .

    Good employees demand high salary in return . We have a

    limited salary budget , and for some other personal reasons ,

    therefore we cannot pay high enough . This results in the

    resignations of many good employees . Upward communication

    to higher directors is a bit lacking , which is again personal

    reasons .

    3. Groups Recommendation

    - Loans from bank and implement company capitalization.

    - Restructure some department to simplify procedures in


    - Companies need to use a number of measures to increase

    efficiency of employees working and recruit good staff .

    D.Conclusion- Through interviewing with manager of the company's business and commercial

    services Trang Thi we can see that this is a state trading company typical of Vietnam,

    with many pros and cons. With planning for the department and the company, the


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    Group Assignment

    manager did the right thing fundamentally important steps in thinking and planning to


    - But there are many steps taken based only on experience but no scientific

    basics. The manager starts by analyzing the company's situation and then researchs

    the market ... but not in any approach.It will be much more effective if using SWOT,

    Ganttcharts, breakeven analysis and some other formula.He anticipates some

    problems which make it difficult for companies without a lot of flexible activities to

    resolve.The manager should promote the role of employees with their comments to set

    up plans as well as using methods of teamwork. More over he needs to pay attention to

    the factors affecting the decision making to plan. The work planning for the company as

    an important task and affect the future of the company, so the manager need to learn

    more about the planning skills that can help company reach up one new level.

    - Finally, our group hopes these suggestions can help useful to manager as well

    as company and would like to thank the company for helping us complete this



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    Group Assignment
