assignment one rough draft commented

Jonathon Theys Assignment 1 Description of the Location: Most of the event that happen in this observation happen on Westeros but the events of Daenerys Targaryen happen across the narrow sea on Essos. Specific locations on Westeros include, Kings Landing, The Wall, Winterfell, The Riverlands, and on Essos, in the central western region within a desert. Kings Landing is the seat of power in Westeros. The king of Westeros sits on the Iron throne within the city. It is also the home to the faith who worships the seven gods. The Wall is a massive wall of ice built by the north men of old. Its purpose is keep the Wildling out (A culture of men who don’t wish to follow the laws of the south) and to keep out the white walkers and unknown race that wish to kill everything living and raise their corpses for their army. The Wall is manned by the Nights Watch. Winterfell is home to the Starks. It stands in the center of the north governed by the Lord of Winterfell. The riverlands are the northern-most region of the south. It is ruled by house Tully. As the name suggests it is a wet area with rivers. The center of Essos is a large desert and the grasslands of the Dothraki, who ride on horseback and whose entire culture revolves around fighting.

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Page 1: Assignment One Rough Draft Commented

Jonathon Theys

Assignment 1

Description of the Location: Most of the event that happen in this observation happen on Westeros but the events of Daenerys Targaryen happen across the narrow sea on Essos. Specific locations on Westeros include, Kings Landing, The Wall, Winterfell, The Riverlands, and on Essos, in the central western region within a desert. Kings Landing is the seat of power in Westeros. The king of Westeros sits on the Iron throne within the city. It is also the home to the faith who worships the seven gods. The Wall is a massive wall of ice built by the north men of old. Its purpose is keep the Wildling out (A culture of men who don’t wish to follow the laws of the south) and to keep out the white walkers and unknown race that wish to kill everything living and raise their corpses for their army. The Wall is manned by the Nights Watch. Winterfell is home to the Starks. It stands in the center of the north governed by the Lord of Winterfell. The riverlands are the northern-most region of the south. It is ruled by house Tully. As the name suggests it is a wet area with rivers. The center of Essos is a large desert and the grasslands of the Dothraki, who ride on horseback and whose entire culture revolves around fighting.

Figured World: A large area that has its own rules and ways to behave where actors interact with one another and with Artifacts. Specific discourse groups interact within these worlds.

The rules of this figured world vary from place to place. Within Kings Landing one must always be respectful of the king because you may never know who’s listening in. Each member of the Small council have spy’s to gather information of them on what’s going on within the city and what the other members are doing. You must always be respectful of those who are superior to you. On the Wall one must follow the chain of command and never refuse an order given to them. Depending on the situation punishment could vary from a night in the ice cells to death. There is one rule on the wall for every member of the Nights Watch. If you’ve taken the oath you cannot run away any who do are sentenced to death. The Riverland and Winterfell are a part of the seven kingdoms. They all pledge fealty to Kings Landing and whoever sits on Iron Throne. To go against the wishes of the Iron Throne could be considered treason. Across the Narrow Sea on Essos the Dothraki rule the Dothraki sea. The rules there are simple. Either join a Khalasar or you die fighting them. A leader, aka Khal, who is

Jon, 02/07/14,
Easier to read if locations were broken up by bullet points.
Jon, 02/07/14,
The second rules and conventions paragraph is easier to read.
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unable to ride a horse is not fit to lead and is abandoned. If a Khal is defeated in battle then he must cut his braid. The longer the braid, the more power and respect one has.

Actors: Those within an Observation who have a Role to play within a Figured world.

Daenerys Targaryen: Is the Daughter of Aerys Targaryen, the previous King of Westeros. She was forced to flee across the Narrow Sea with her brother to avoid being killed by Robert Baratheon’s men. She is currently Khaleesi of the Dothraki with dreams of gaining enough power and men to attack Westeros and reclaim her birthright.

Jon Snow: Jon Snow is the bastard of Eddard Stark. He brought Jon home from the war with Areys. He “mother” Catelyn Stark hate him for Eddards dishonor. He took the black and joined the Night’s Watch to make his father proud and to hopefully please his mother.

Tyrion Lannister: The son of Tywin Lannister, Tyrion is a dwarf and despised by his father for that and for the fact that he killed his mother and Tywins wife when he was born. Tyrion has a sharp mind and wishes to hone it to protect his families legacy. He is disliked by many for simply being a Dwarf.

Ayra Stark: The daughter of Eddard Stark, Ayra is not like her sister. She like to fight with swords, chase cats, and get dirty. She hates when people tell her what to do and anything ladylike. She could best be described as a tomboy.

Robb Stark: Son of Eddard Stark and the new king of the north as wished by the lords of the north after Eddards death. He’s goals are to kill the Lannisters for their part is killing his father and to rescue Arya and Sansa from Kings Landing.

Sansa Stark: Daughter of Eddard Stark she is easily fooled and can be manipulated easily by the Lannister and Joffrey. She wants to marry Joffery and become his queen but later learns of his dark heart and cruel mind.

Cersei Lannister: Daughter of Tywin Lannister and current Queen Regent of Kings Landing. She rules by her son’s side until he comes of age to rule the Seven Kingdoms on his own. Cersei’s only goal is to protect her son and see to his succession as king.

Bran Stark: Son of Eddard Stark, Bran is a cripple after being pushed out of a tower window by Jamie Lannister. He remembers nothing of the event and is the current lord of Winterfell while Robb is at war.

Catelyn Stark: Wife to Eddard Stark she is joining her son south to free her daughters from the Lannisters and to claim revenge for Eddard’s death.

Tywin Lannister: Father of Tyrion, Cersei, and Jamie. He rules from Castely rock with an iron fist. He is very intelligent when it comes so military actions and destroys those who rise against him.

Artifacts: Physical objects or ideas that have significance to characters/actors.

Jon, 02/07/14,
Consider adding wildfire. Seems like an important thing.
Jon, 02/07/14,
Identify what observation the actors show up in.
Jon, 02/07/14,
I think you did a really good job by adding some pictures.
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Jonathon Theys

The Iron Throne: A seat made of sword this throne commands respect. A king that sits in the Iron Throne holds power over all of Westeros. Many of the actors within this observation wish to sit in the throne such as Daenerys and Joffrey.

The Gods: Within the Figured world there are many kinds of god like the Seven of the south and the Old Gods of the north. They have an effect of the people of Westeros and can be used by the actors as a means of gaining power.

Discourse communities of the Game of Thrones Figured world.

The Men of the North: This group is not just the Starks but members from every house in the north that pledge fealty to Eddard Stark. They’re sick of being told what to do by those in the south who don’t know what they have to go through. They want to secede from the seven kingdoms

under Robb Stark. The Lannisters: This group only has the interest of their house at hand and will do

anything to get it. Cersei Lannister helped to arrange the previous king’s death so her son could become king. They’re trying to stop the north men and bring Westeros under their rule once again.

The Nights Watch: This group cares little for the wars south of them. Their concerns rest with the Wildlings and White Walkers who live beyond the wall. They watch the wall and repel and attack made on it to protect the realm from destruction and the Endless Winter.

The Dothraki: This group of horseback riding warlord resides in the Dothraki sea. They take what they want through raiding, keeping slave and trading them if for things like armor or weapons if they cannot get then with weapons.

Literacy Practices within the Game of Thrones figured world.

Ravens: The best way to communicate information is by tying messages to ravens ans sending them out to their destination.

Jon, 02/07/14,
Add, “show displays of power”
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Jonathon Theys

The Observations:

(The real times for the events of this observation take roughly 3-4 days. To make the observation easier to understand I have broken it down to reflect when the events where shown in the video.)

Observation one

1:50-Ser Illyn Payne hold up the severed head of Eddard Stark. The crowd is cheering and Sansa faints. A man of the Nights Watch is holding Arya blocking her view of her fathers severed head and keeping her out of sight of the Lannisters. He takes her with him into an ally telling her to keep her mouth shut and calling her Boy. He starts to cut her hair with his dagger telling her that their going north.

3:25- Bran is riding on the shoulders of Osha. He tells her about the dream he had about a three eyed crow telling him to go down into the crypt and that his father was there. Osha tells him that his father isn’t down there and that he’s in Kings Landing. When their down there Bran tells Osha about the body’s down there like Eddards father and sister. When they come to the crypt Eddard’s bones are meant to rest they find nothing. Something moves in the shadows and attacks the two. It’s just Rickon’s Dire wolf Shaggy dog. Rickon tells Bran that he also had a dream of their father in the crypt. They go back up as Osha tells them that he’ll be ok when Maester Ammon approaches them with a letter. By the look on his face it’s about Eddards death.

5:40- Catelyn Stark walks through the war camp with wounded look on her face. Every solider she passes bows and say “My lady.” She wanders into the woods and begins to cry when she hears shouting. Her son Robb is swinging a sword at a tree in rage at his father’s death. She hugs him and Robb says he’ll kill them all. She reminds him that they still have his Sister. She says they’ll get them back first and then they’ll kill them all.

7:42- A group of Lords and Ladys are in the throne room with Joffery on the throne. On the floor a singer in playing a song mocking the old king’s death and his queen Cersei. When he’s done Joffery askes which he would like to keep his tongue or his hands. The singer says hands and Ser Illyn Payne cuts out his tongue. Joffery leave the court and has Sansa follow him. He shows her a wall where people heads were on spikes. He points out her father’s head and says he’ll give her Robbs head as well. Joffery had one of the kingsguard to hit her. She steps forward to push in off the bridge into the courtyard below. The hound stops her and tells her to just give him what he wants.

13:05- Robb and the other lord of the north call a war council to discuss who they should ally with to help take kings landing. Some recommend Renly but Robbs states that Renly is younger then Stannis (Both are brothers to King Robert). After more arguing about whom to follow Karstark makes him heard and tells the other to be quiet. He tells the other lords how he’s sick of being ruled by men of the flowery south sitting on their iron throne. He draws his sword and

Jon, 02/07/14,
Perhaps reduce the amount of information.
Jon, 02/07/14,
Who is them all?
Jon, 02/07/14,
Explain what season and episode each observation is from.
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points it at Robb stating. “There’s the only king I mean to bend my knee to, the king of the North.” He bows before Robb and other agree with him. Before too long everyone at the council is shouting King of the North.

15:40- Catelyn goes to the part of the camp where the prisoners are held to speak to Jamie Lannister. She threatens to kill him and he tells her he’s not afraid to die. He admits to pushing Bran out the tower, crippling him.

18:55- Tywin Lannister is reading a message at his war council. He states that they have his son. Some of the other members recommended gathering armies or suing for peace. Tyrion knocks a glass on the floor breaking it. All eyes turn to him. He informs the council that you would have an easier time drinking for the broken cup then suing for peace after what Joffery did to Eddard. Tywin tells everyone to get out except for Tyrion. He tells Tyrion that he’s being sent to King’s Landing to rule has hand of the King to try and clean up Joffery’s mess.

22:13- Daenerys wakes up in her tent with Jorah watching over her. She says she want to see her child but the witch says that it was dead. She reminded her that life must pay for life. Her son’s life for her husband’s life Drogo. The rest of the Khalasar has left after Drogo fell from his horse except for a few other who left. She commands Jorah to take her to Drogan. She finds him outside starting blanking at the sun. Daenerys asks when he will be better. The witch say never and walks away. Daenerys approaches her and tells her that she betrayed her kindness for saving her. The witch points at Drogo and says “That is what life is when everything else is gone.”

27:05- Jon Snow opens the gate of Castle Black to ride and join his brother in the south. Samwell tries to stop him telling Jon that they’ll come after him and kill him. Jon doesn’t care and rides past Sam and leaves. His direwolf follows him out the gate. Samwell, Pip, and Gren follows Jon to bring him back before the hunting parties are sent out. Sam falls off his horse and Jon goes to him to see if he’s ok. The others convince him to return to Caste Black by reciting the oath of the Nights Watch.

31:25- Daenerys washes Drogo trying to get him to speak to her and return to as he was. After realizing that he won’t ever be the same she smothers him with a pillow.

37:22- Littlefinger and Varys stand before the iron throne talking about how they respect one another and their plans and ambitions for the future. The whole conversation is clearly manipulative to try and make the other slip up.

39:25- Arya and the man from the Nights Watch are walking down the streets of King’s Landing. He tells her that she must act like a boy and that her name is Arry. He tells her to be quiet about who she really is cause she’s traveling with criminal who would trade her to the queen for a pardon in a second. She bumps into Hot Pie another boy who says he’ll kill Arry. She draws her sword and threats to kill him. Hot Pie back up into Gendry and then he threatens to kill him as well. He moves away from the two. Gendry and Arry talk for a moment until the Cavaren leader tells them it’s time to move to the wall.

42:35- Lord Commander Mormont of the Nights Watch tells Jon that he knew that he was planning to leave but thanks he for not leaving. He tell him that the Wildling are gathering and that the Nights Watch are going to march on them and White Walkers. A large group of Men of the Nights Watch including Jon go under the Wall and into the North.

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45:15- Daenerys creates a Pyre for Drogo to be burned following the Dothraki tradition. She ties to it all his possessions and her three petrified dragon eggs. She tells those remaining that they are free to go if they wish but if they stay they may join her new Khalasar. Some leave but more stay. The witch smirks and Daenerys tells Ser Jorah to tie her to the Pyre as well. She sets the Pyre on fire and prepares to walk into it when Jorah stops her telling her that he won’t let her die. She convinces him to let her go and she walks into the fire.

49:35- Jorah walks through the small camp as others are waking up. He approaches the burnt out Pyre and finds Daenerys sitting in the center of it. Her clothes have burnt off but other than that she is unharmed. In her hands in a baby dragon. She stands and other one climbs onto her shoulder and one climbs up her leg. Jorah bows in disbelief at the living dragons and says, “Blood of my blood.” Others bow as well the dragon on her shoulder stand up and begins to screech loudly.

Observation 2

2:10- Catelyn and Renly are stilling down to agree on terms of merging the two armies. Renly will allow Robb to become king of the north in exchange for his aid it claiming the Iron Throne. Renly has Brienne remove his armor as he explains his intentions to destroy his brothers army. A shadow creeps into the tent and stabs Renly through the heart. Brienne is forced to take the blame and flee before the other rainbow guards kill her.

5:30-Loras and his sister talk about running away before Littlefinger enter and tells them that Renly’s banner men will join Stannis when his come ashore. Loras doesn’t believe that Brienne killed Renly and he threatens to kill Stannis. Littlefinger convinces Loras to leave for Highgarden and to convince them to join Kings Landing in fighting Stannis to get his revenge.

8:15- Tyrion and Cersei talk about Renly death and sending Mrycella to Dorne in order to keep her safe. Cersei has doubts about Tyrions motives for Mrycella’s safety. Cersei won’t tell Tyrion about the Siege preparations. Tyrion learns from Lancel Lannister that Cersei is having Wildfire made.

11:25- Stannis and Davos walk through the war camp as Davos tries to tell Stannis about what he saw in the caves. Stannis doesn’t want to hear about it and informs Davos that all of Renly’s banner men came to his side excepts for the Tyrells. They make plans to sail on King’s Landing. Davos informs Stannis about rumors regarding him and Lady Melisandre. Stannis agrees not to bring her along and makes Davos admiral of his fleet.

14:10- Tyrion wanders through the marketplace talking with Bronn about the war efforts. They see a man yelling into the crowd about Joffery and how he was born of incest. Tyrion enjoys it until the man accuses him of being a twisted demon monkey.

Jon, 02/07/14,
Explain this paragraph more. Explain who the twisted demon monkey is.
Jon, 02/07/14,
Recommends to remove this paragraph. Doesn’t seem to fit with the rest of the observation.
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15:50- Theon stands on the docks admiring the ship his father gave him. The crew comes out of a tavern and disregards him. He yells at them demanding their respect but they laugh at him and his sister Asha joins the crew and makes fun of her brother. His crew leaves for the ship without him. Theons first mate informs him that Theon needs to earn the respect of his crew by doing more than raiding fishing villages. Theon makes plans with his first mate to attack Torrhen’s Square instead of the Stoney Shores.

19:30- Tywin sits at his war council while Arya acts as the cupbearer. Tywin is oblivious to Arya and thinks she is just some random girl. They talk about how the cold is coming but that won’t bother the northern lords. One of the lords at the table criticizes how they have gotten no sleep. Tywin threatens to kill him before sending him back to his wife back at Lannisport. Tywin asks Arya where she’s from. She lies to him and it seems to suffice for now.

23:10- Arya goes to get water when Jaqen H’ghar corners her. Arya saved him from being burned a while back. He has joined the Lannisters but tells Arya that he will kill three men for her in exchange for saving the life of him and his two friends. He gives her time to think of the names. Arya tells him to kill the Tickler, the torturer. He tells it will be done.

25:25- The Nights Watch continues their march beyond the wall. Sam continues to bother the others about Gilly. The Nights Watch camp at the Fist of the First Men and begin fortifying their defenses. A horn blasts telling them that brothers are returning. Sam tells them that one blast means brothers returning, two means Wildlings, and three means White Walker.

28:17- Tyrion meets with the Alchemists about the Wildfire. He is holding a jar of a green substance. The alchemist informs Tyrion that Wildfire burns so hot is melts wood, stone, steel and flesh. The alchemist tells Tyrion and Bronn that Wildfire was the key to the Targaryens power after the dragons died. Bronn makes fun of the Wildfire. Bronn tells the Alchemist that firing Wildfire in catapults could result it burning the city down. The Alchemist shows Tyrion a room that contains hundreds of jars full of wildfire and states that they have 7,811 jars so far. Tyrion fears the Wildfire could easily destroy the city and commands the Alcemist to create Wildfire for himself now.

31:25- Daenerys is feeding her dragons by giving them cooked flesh now that she found out what they like to eat. One of her handmaidens is jealous of Daenerys’s fondness for the other. They begin to talk about Xaro and the dress he sent her, their host while they remain in Quarth. Daenerys arrives at a party hosted by Xaro wearing the dress he sent her. She talks with the other rulers of the city before she has to talk to her bloodriders as they talk about stealing some of riches in Xaro’s house. Daenerys tells them not to steal anything while they are his guests. A warlock invites her to the house of the undying. He shows her a magic trick. An unknown woman tells Jorah to watch over Daenerys.

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36:53- Brienne and Catelyn talk about what happened to Stannis. Catelyn tells Brienne that they’ll make for Robbs camp and then leave for Winterfell. Brienne tells Catelyn she wants to kill Stannis for what he did to Renly. Brienne vows to serve Catelyn as she served Renly.

40:00- Bran holds court for those in the north who need help due to all the men being taken down to war. Bran does what he can to help them. Before he can leave Bran is told that a Raiding party it attacking Toren Square. Bran sends 200 men to help. He leaves court with Hodor and Osha. He talked to her about his dream. He said he dreamt of the sea coming to Winterfell, that water came flooding over the wall and killed many of the people.

43:30- The halfhand points out where the Wildling are hiding the mountains watching the Nights Watch. He tells Mormont that all the Wildling are joining forces to move against the wall. Halfhand wants to sneak into the Wildling camp and kill Mance, the leader of the Wildling. John offers to help the Halfhand take out the signal fires.

46:40- Daenerys and Xaro talk about what each other wants. Daenerys says she wants the Seven Kingdoms. Xaro shows her his unbreakable vault and Xaro says he wants her as his wife in exchange for his wealth and the Seven Kingdoms. She tells Jorah and he is not happy with it. He warns her that they will own her for the rest of her life. He tells her that she should find her own ship back to Westros. He promises to find it for her.

51:40- Arya meets with Gendry in the armory, he’s becomes a blacksmith. She recommends a position he could stand if he ever has to fight someone when someone falls off the wall nearby. The tickler was killed and Arya can see Jaqen H’ghar peering out of a window and smiling at her before holding up one finger acknowledging that he’s killed one of the three for her.

Observation 3

2:10- Davos walks along his ship making sure everything’s going well. Men are preparing for the siege along the deck. Davos talks to his son about King’s Landing and his life as a smuggler and how the people of King’s Landing will fight to the last man. His son tries to raise his spirits and attempts to convert him to the new religion.

6:35- Cersei and the Grandmaester speak about a potion Cersei. He informs her of the dangers of overdosing on the drugs. He attempts to council her but she disregards him and sends him away.

8:03- Bronn and a couple of the mercenaries sing Rains of Castamere as the drink. Bronn talks to a whore about how he broke his nose. Sandor Clegan enter the room, sending two other away. The mood of the room darkens as he enters the room. Bronn tries to lighten the mood but Sandor

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only wants to kill him. Before they get a chance to fight the bells rings signaling the war is about to begin. They both share a drink before leaving.

12:13- Vary’s meets with Tryrion asking about his squire and complaining about the bells. He shows Tryion a map of secret passageways under the city. Vary’s tells Tyrion about the Red Priestess Stannis has taken under his service. Podrick helps Tyrion don his armor while Vary’s and Tryion talk.

15:10- Davos and his son hears the bells. His son thinks the city is welcoming Stannis but Davos does not. He has the drummers on the ships begin playing as men take positions with bows and arrows.

15:50- Tyrion talks with Bronn about the ships. He meets with Sansa on his way out Shae is with her though she pretends not to know Tyrion. She tells him that the Queen has invited her into the holdfast. Joffery interrupts them and tells Sansa he’s going to cut out Stannis’s heart and make her lick the blood off his sword. Sansa questions his bravery for not being in the vanguard before he leaves.

18:40- Men take their positions on the walls preparing the catapults. The ships are viable now but none of Kings Landings ships are anywhere to be seen. Joffery asks Tyrion where they are and they get into a little argument about being ready.

20:15- Davos is concerned about the lack of ships as well. His son Mathos thinks they caught them by surprise but Davos doubts that. They both consider dissention in the ranks of Kings Landing.

20:35- Cersei enters the holdfast, Sansa and other women are being held there for their own protection. Cersei calls Sansa over and they begin to talk about the war. A guard tells Cersei that some servants tried to escape with some gold. She has their heads put on pikes as a warning to others.

22:40- Tyrion calls the archers to their marks but have them hold fire. Joffery questions the command but Tyrion ignored him. One of the ships from Kings Landing appears and approaches Stannis’s fleet. Davos has the archers prepare to fire on it but as the deck comes into view they can see that no one is on board. The ship is trailing green liquid from holds in the back. Davos calls out the steer clear because it wild fire. Tyrion gives the signal and Bronn, who is on a small island and fires a flaming arrow into the trailing fluid. The liquid bursts into green flames and makes it way to the ship. On contact the ship explodes violently, taking the entire attack fleet with it. Stannis and his soliders on other ships land and make their way to the gates.

27:28- Back in the holdfast the ladies try to stay calm by praying. Cersei calls Sansa again and asks her what she’s praying for and about her handmaiden. Cersei insults the guests she was stuck with. She tells Sansa what happens if the city should fall.

Jon, 02/07/14,
This seems like an interesting scene add a picture or link to video clip to help the reader visualized what is actually going on .
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Jonathon Theys

31:30- Tyrion gives the order to fire on the approaching army. Joffery makes it know he’s afraid of the coming army. Tyrion has Sandor form a “Welcoming party” for those that manage to make it ashore. Sandor and his troop charge the army. Lancel flees the battleground and tells Cersei about the attack. She tells Lancel to call Joffery back to the keep. He warns her that if he flees the gold cloaks with abandon their post. She hits him and sends him away. Bronn enters the fight, saving Sandor once; they continue to fight before being forced back to the gate. Stannis and his troops set up ladders to scale the walls.

39:20- Sandor declares he no longer cares about Joffery. He leaves the city. More of Stannis’s troops storm the wall. They bring a ram and begin slamming it into the gate. Lancel returns and tells Joffery that Cersei wants him to return to the keep. Tyrion asks Joffery if he won’t defend the city way should they. Joffery leaves anyway and the rest of the troops begin to run away. Tyrion says that he’ll lead the attack. The men disregard him but he encourages them to follow him. He shows them the way to a secret tunnel under the wall to take Stannis’s forces by surprise.

44:20- Lancel report to Cersei that the battle is lost and that men began to run when Joffery left. Lancel wants to bring him back onto the battle but Cersei hits him in the wound he took causing him to fall over. She leaves the room in a hurry. The other women begin to panic. Sansa calms them down with prayer and songs. Shae convinces Sansa to leave the Keep and return to her room.

48:05- Tyrion and his troop make their way out of the secret passage and attack the ram and ladders. Taking Stannis’s forces by surprise they quickly overwhelm them. Tyrion thinks their done but even more soldiers attack Tyrion and his small army. Stannis’s forces are winning again. One of the Kingsguard saves Tyrion but turns on him slashing him across the face. Before he can deal the killing blow Podrick, Tyrion squire, stabs the Kingguard in the head. Cersei sits on the Iron Throne with her other son Tommin. She tells him a story about how his is a lion and that he should fear no one else. The battle looks lost but reinforcements arrive for King’s Landing. They stop Stannis armies and force him to fall back.

250 Words on Rules and Conventions

The rules of my observation vary from place to place. In Westeros everyone needed to listen to the king. To ignore something he says or to go against it could be ground for being accused of treason. Similarly, peasants must listen to their lords and anything they say. The Night Watch in the north has some exception to the rule. They are charged with protecting the realm from the Wildlings and the Others. Because of that they cannot take sides in wars between rival kings. When you swear an oath to the

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Nights Watch there is no leaving it. If you try to run away they’ll hunt you down, send ravens ahead to receive aid from other lord. When they catch the runner they sentence him to death. Throughout all of Westeros and even among other cities in Essos there is the rule of hospitality. If guests eat of a host salt and drink their water they are protected from any harm while under their roof. To violate this rule could bring down the wrath of other lords or that of the gods. Another rule that all must follow is not to attack the silent sisters or men of the cloth. Among the Dothraki pretty much everything is fair game. The strongest among them rule their Khalasars, if a Khal is defeated in combat however he must cut his braid. A khal with the longest braid is the most respected even among other Khals.


The interview was done for Daenerys Targaryen

1. Can you explain how you knew that placing the petrified dragon eggs in the pyre with Drogo would bring them back to life?

After Khal Drogo was stabbed and close to death I asked Mirri Maz Duur to bring him back to life she told me that only life can pay for life. From that I knew that I had to sacrifice someone to bring them back. And after her betrayal left Drogo in his hollow state I had the life I needed. The second thing I needed was fire. I noticed that the eggs seemed to absorb heat from a brazier and fire when I placed them in the flames. Fire would bring them back I just needed more. I placed the eggs in Drogo Pyre and tied Mirri Maz Duur next to them. Her blood and the flames brought my children back into this world.

2. Can you tell me what you’re planning to do now that the rest of the Khalasar left after Drogo fell?

I will not give up my dreams of retaking Westero from the Usurper. I will travel through the Red Wastes and buy and army. When my dragon are large enough I shall ride them into King’s Landing and take back my birthright.

3. Are you afraid that the other Khal’s like Qotho or Jhaqo. Do you think it might be easier to go back to Vaes Dothrak like Jorah wants?

All I have left is Ser Jorah and a couple of bloodriders. The rest are slaves I have freed. I will not attack them which is why we shall travel through the Red Wastes. They wouldn’t dare follow me into that forsaken place. I will not return to Vaes Dothrak to rot away with the other widows. I am blood of the dragon and I shall have my birthright not some dusty mud pit.

4. Can you elaborate on how you plan to take care of the dragons? Do you know anything about dragons?

Jon, 02/07/14,
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Page 12: Assignment One Rough Draft Commented

Jonathon Theys

I know very little about taking care of my dragons. My brother told me some things but he knew almost nothing about dragons. I will raise them and see what I can learn about them. They might be able to take care of themselves for all I know.

5. After what happened in the Dothraki sea with Drogo, do you still think you can take back Westeros?

If course I can still take back Westeros. I may have lost my sun and stars but I have gain three dragons. I lost the Khalasar and my army but I am no longer bond to the Dorthraki. I can now follow my own path and do things my own way.