assignment - reading skills

Discuss the reading skills in about 350 words. Reading skills enable readers to turn writing into meaning and achieve the goals of independence, comprehension, and fluency. Reading skills are specific abilities which enable reader to read the written form as meaningful language. There are four types of reading skills used in every language. There are skimming , scanning ,intensive and extensive reading. Skimming is used to get the general idea of the text and quickly gather the most important information, or 'gist'. Run your eyes over the text, noting important information. Next , scanning also one of the reading skills that have been used. Scanning is used to find a particular piece of information you need. We can cover a vast amount of reading material in a short time. Use scanning on schedules, meeting plans and the others in order to find the specific details you require. Extensive reading is used to obtain a general understanding of a subject and includes reading longer texts for pleasure, as well as business books. We use extensive reading skills to improve our general knowledge of business procedures.

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Reading SKills


Page 1: Assignment - Reading Skills

Discuss the reading skills in about 350 words.

Reading skills enable readers to turn writing into meaning and

achieve the goals of independence, comprehension, and fluency. Reading

skills are specific abilities which enable reader to read the written form as

meaningful language.

There are four types of reading skills used in every language. There

are skimming , scanning ,intensive and extensive reading. Skimming is

used to get the general idea of the text and quickly gather the most

important information, or 'gist'. Run your eyes over the text, noting

important information.

Next , scanning also one of the reading skills that have been used.

Scanning is used to find a particular piece of information you need. We

can cover a vast amount of reading material in a short time. Use scanning

on schedules, meeting plans and the others in order to find the specific

details you require.

Extensive reading is used to obtain a general understanding of a

subject and includes reading longer texts for pleasure, as well as business

books. We use extensive reading skills to improve our general knowledge

of business procedures.

Intensive reading is used on shorter texts in order to extract specific

information. It includes very close accurate reading for detail. Use

intensive reading skills to grasp the details of a specific situation.

Reading is a complex process that requires active participation

from readers by which, they need to process and understand information

in the texts. Hence, readers can understand the text more effectively if

they are able to make use of appropriate reading strategies. The use of

effective reading strategies is important as they help readers to minimize

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time and effort to comprehend a particular text.

Strategies that can help students read more quickly and effectively.

There are previewing , predicting , guessing from context and

paraphrasing. Previewing means reviewing titles, section headings, and

photo captions to get a sense of the structure and content of a reading


Second , predicting means using knowledge of the subject matter

to make predictions about content and vocabulary and check

comprehension; using knowledge of the text type.

Last but not least , paraphrasing means stopping at the end of a

section to check comprehension by restating the information and ideas in

the text.

2. Select an appropriate text of each text type, read , organize and

present the narrative, expository, argumentative, persuasive and report

in non – linear form / graphic organizers.

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Learning something new can be a scary exper ience. One of the hardest things I've ever had to do was learn how to swim. I was always afraid of the water, but I decided that swimming was an important skill that I should learn. I also thought it would be good exercise and help me to become physically stronger. What I didn't realize was that learning to swim would also make a more confident person. New situations always make me a bit nervous, and my f irs t swimming lesson was no exception.

After I changed into my bathing suit in the locker room, I stood timidly by the side of the pool waiting for the teacher and other students to show up. Af ter a couple of minutes the teacher came over. She smi led and int roduced hersel f , and two more students joined us. Although they were both older than me, they didn't seem to be embarrassed about not knowing how to swim. I began to feel more at ease. We got into the pool, and the teacher had told us put on brightly coloured water wings to help us stay afloat.

One of the other students, May, had already taken the beginning class once before, so she took a kickboard and went splashing off by herself. The other student, Jerry, and I were told to hold on to the side of the pool and shown how to kick for the breast stroke. One by one, the teacher had told us hold on to a kickboard while she pulled it through the water and we kicked. Pretty soon Jerry was off doing this by himself, travelling at a fast clip across the short end of the pool. Things were not quite that easy for me, but the teacher was very patient. After a few more weeks, when I seemed to have caught on with my legs , she taught me the arm strokes. Now I had two things to concentrate on, my arms and my legs. I felt hopelessly uncoordinated. Sooner than I imagined, however, things began to feel "right" and I was able to swim! It was a wonderful free feeling - like flying, maybe to be able to shoot across the water. Learn ing to swim was not easy for me, but in the end my persistence paid off. Not only did I learn how to swim and to conquer my fear of the water, but I also learned something about learning. Now when I am faced with a new situation I am not so nervous. I may feel uncomfortable to begin with, but I know

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that as I practice being in that situation and as my skills get better ; I will feel more and more comfortable. It is a wonderful, free feeling when you achieve a goal you have set for yourself.2. ARGUMENTATIVE WRITING : WHAT ARE THE ADVANTAGES AND


“ Sports” are activities carried out for pleasure or exercise. Playing games

like tennis and football or taking part in athletics are sport activities.

One of the main reasons for encouraging students to take part in sports is

that it is good for health. In sports, especially outdoor activities , fresh air is taken

into the lungs , resulting in greater oxygen flow into the heart. With improved

blood circulation , other organs of the body function well. All this, together with a

good diet, make a healthy body.

The second advantage is that sports participation instills discipline and

develops leadership qualities among students. For example, students must

attend the various practices and training programmes punctually. When they are

late , they are reprimanded and soon they realize that obeying orders is

important. In addition, some students involved in sports activities may get elected

as captains, secretaries and other positions. Students holding these positions

usually develop leadership qualities.

Thirdly, sports participation helps students to release stress and tension.

The increasing amount of homework and the fear of failure at examinations do

not allow students to relax. After a game or workout at the gymnasium, the

students feel much better and are ready to study after a good bath. This way of

releasing stress is healthy unlike some methods many students resort to e.g.

smoking, loitering in shopping complexes or taking drugs.

On the other hand, there are disadvantages of participating in sports. It

often leads students to neglect their homework, studies and even family. When

students are over-enthusiastic, driven by great interest or the desire to win at

competitions, they tend to spend more time and more time away from home.

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This, in turn, may lead to poor academic performance and a breakdown in family


Furthermore, exposure to sports means students are prone to injuries like

torn tendons, sore muscles, sprains and even fractures. Injured students have to

stay away from school for some time, causing them to miss lessons and,

consequently, fall behind in their studies.

Finally, sports participation involves a lot of expenses. Students need to

spend money on equipment like tennis rackets and track shoes. In addition,

transport to and fro for practice and pocket - money for refreshments means

more money has to be spent. This money can be put to better use by buying

more books or food.

In conclusion, we can say that moderation is the key to success in

anything. Therefore, if participation in sports is kept in moderation, it should not

pose a danger or treat to the students. However if the student is over-

enthusiastic, then the disadvantages could turn out to be very real.

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To stay healthy, you need to work on four areas – exercise, diet , weight

control and good health habits.

Regular exercise is essential for good health. It tones the muscles,

strengthens the bones, and makes the heart and lungs work better. Exercise also

helps to relieve stress. The most beneficial type of exercise is aerobics. Aerobics

exercises, in the form of jogging, cycling and lap swimming, strengthens the

heart. It is important to choose a form of exercise you enjoy. As long as you do it

regularly, you will be fit. People who are fit enjoy life more because they can join

in any kind of activity.

To maintain a healthy life, it is necessary to develop good dietary habits.

Eat more whole - wheat grains, fruits, vegetables and fish. Decrease intake of

animal protein and fats. Use less salt and take at least 1000mg of calcium a day.

Non - fat milk is a good source of calcium. Do not forget to drink at least seven

glasses of water a day. Avoid eating junk food or processed food which is high in

sugar or salt content and has little nutritional value.

Developing good health habits is important if you want to keep healthy.

Don’t smoke, avoid excessive alcohol intake, and keep moderate hours. Go to

bed early and wake up early. Work hard and play hard too. Avoid stress by

exercising and developing hobbies. Have a positive attitude towards people and

work. Half- yearly dental check-ups are also necessary to maintain dental health.

Being overweight can lead a lot of health problems. You can suffer from

heart disease, high blood pressure and gall bladder disease. Weight control

requires conscious effort and self- control. Diet and exercise play the most

important role in weight control. Make sure exercise is part of your daily

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programme. Watch the amount and type of food you eat. Complex carbohydrates

are important in a healthy diet.

Health is pleasurable; ill health is miserable. There are other threats to

health but if you remember the points mentioned above, you should enjoy good


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Smoking should be prohibited in all public places. It is a unhealthy habit,

which should be immediately banned. Smoking should only be allowed on

personal property and land. There have been numerous reports, linking cigarette

smoking to heart disease; lung disease; cancers of the lung, mouth, and other

tissues; and other ailments. Cigarette smoke contains thousands of chemical

substances, many of which have been linked to the development of diseases.

Chemical substances occur in cigarette smoke as gases or as particles. Many

places in which smoking should be banned are in pubs, clubs and working


Smoking affects everyone around you through Second Hand Smoke. The

risk of increasing your chances of lung diseases, heart failure, and risks even yet

unidentified are overwhelming. The cost of cigarettes is also getting out of hand

for people to afford. Cigarette smoking has many risks and no rewards that I

know of.

Second Hand smoke hurts people around you whether they will be your

loved ones or people you don't even know. If you spend eight hours a day with a

smoker, your chances of developing lung cancer increase by 20 to 40 percent.

Many babies can birth defects or become mentally challenged even before birth.

It almost does more damage to them than you, because you have a filter and

they don't.

Children are also spending money on cigarettes and not learning to save

for college or their futures, assuming their parents will for them. Smoking

increases your chance of cancer, stroke, heart disease, lung diseases, and much

more. 90 percent of all Americans who are diagnosed with lung cancer are either

smokers or former smokers. It also causes yellow teeth, and bad breath. By not

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smoking you could look years younger because cigarettes cause wrinkling of the

skin. Smoking increases odds of your life ending short or you spending years of

your life with avoidable health problems.

Research increasingly indicates that passive smoking contributes to

thousands of cases of lung cancer and heart disease in non-smokers annually.

Also, infants under one year of age who are exposed to smoke have twice as

many lung infections as infants who aren’t. Pregnant women should also be

banned from smoking as they are forcing someone to smoke that doesn’t have a

choice. These days it is a difficult job trying to avoid smoke. It is unhealthy and

should not be forced upon everyone. Even walking down a street or going to the

local footy you are in danger of passive smoking.

In conclusion , in many countries, smoking is prohibited on public transport

and in some public places, such as hospitals, schools, theatres, and cinemas,

but I believe this is not enough. It is a habit not everyone contributes in and those

who want to do it can but not in public.

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KUALA PILAH, Mon. – A clouded leopard was sighted outside a house near the

Ganim forest last night.

Puan Ali, 72, said she heard the roar of an animal for the past three days

near her house. Her son, Ishak, 33 added, ‘ Last night, I was about to get down

from my car to open the gate when I saw a leopard. I quickly switched on the car

headlights. I could clearly see the animal moving slowly and then it disappeared

into the jungle.’

He shouted to warn his mother inside the house that a leopard was nearby.

Then, he called the police on his mobile phone.

The Negeri Sembilan Wildlife and National Park senior ranger, Encik

Ahmad, said that based on the paw prints found near the house, he believed the

animal to be a clouded leopard. ‘ It could have strayed from its habitat in the

Ganim forest,’ he said.

The senior ranger said that a trap would be laid near Puan Ali’s house.

Also wildlife officers, villagers and policemen, armed with tranquillizers, have

formed teams to catch the animal. They hope it could be captured and released

into the Ganim jungle.

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The Graphic Organiser For Narrative Essay :

The narrator was always afraid of the water and his first swimming

lesson was no exception.

He changed into his bathing suit waiting for the teacher and the other

students coming.

The teacher had told them to hold on to the kickboard while she pulled

it through the water and her students kicked.

Few weeks later , the narrator seemed to have caught on with my legs. She taught me the arm stokes.

The narrator was able to swim. He had learnt how to swim and to conquer his fear of the water. He had learned something new about swimming.

When he faced new situation , he will not nervous again and his swimming

skills got better.

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The Graphic Organiser For Expository Essay :


Instill discipline and develops leadership qualities among students.- Students attend the training programmes punctually.- Students involved in different positions abd it helps to

develop leadership qualities.

Good for health- The fresh is taken into the lungs, greater oxygen

flow into the heart.- Organ functions well.

To release stress and tension.- The increasing amount of homework let students

feel stress and they will feel better and are ready to study after participating in sports.


Students neglect their homework ,studies and family- They spend more time in the sport competition and

this may lead to poor academic performance and a breakdown in family communication.

Students are prone to injuries- Injuried students have to stay away from school for

some time cause them to miss the lesson and fall behind in their studies.

Involves a lot of expenses- They need to spend their money to buy equipment

like tennis rackets.- Transport to and fro for practice.



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The Graphic Organiser For Argumentative Essay :


- Tones the muscles, strengthen the bones.

- Makes the heart and lungs work better.


- Decrease intake of animal protein and fats.

- Avoid eating junk food or processed food which

is high in sugar and salt content.

- Drink at least seven glasses of water a day.


Avoid stress by exercising and developing hobbies.

- Do not smoke.

- Avoid excessive alcohol intake.

- workout at the gymnasium as a part of


- Can have some hobbies like reading,

swimming and the others.

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The Graphic Organizer For Persuasive Essay :


Smoking should be prohibited in all

public places as it is a unhealthy


It increases your chance of cancer, stroke, heart diseases, lung disease, and cancer of the lung.

Cigarette smoke contains thousands of chemical substances which in gases or particles.

The cost of cigarette is also getting out of hand for people to afford.

Second hand smoke hurts people round you especially the people you love one. Many babies can birth defects or become mentally challenged even before birth.

By not smoking you could look younger because cigarettes cause wrinkling of the skin.

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The Graphic Organiser For Report Essay :

A clouded leopard was sighted outside a house near the Ganim forest last night.

Puan Ali , 72 said that she heard the roar of an animal for the past three days near her house.

Her son , Ishak said that he saw a leopard when he wanted to get down from his car to open the gate. He saw the animal moving slowly and then it disappeared into the jungle.

He called the police. The Negeri Sembilan Wildlife and National Park senior ranger, Encik Ahmad ,he believes that the animal to be a clouded leopard based on the paw prints that near the house.

The Wildlife Officers, villagers and policemen, armed with tranquilizers have formed teams to catch the animal.

They hoped it could be captured and released into Ganim jungle.

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3. Write about the new learning in completing this course work in about

350 words.

I had gained new knowledge through this assignment . After I had done

this coursework, I had learnt new knowledge on reading skills. In short , reading

skills are specific abilities which enable reader to read the written form as

meaningful language.

Firstly, I would like to state the problem that I faced before I doing my

assignment. Before I was exposed to this coursework, I didn’t know what was

reading skills at all and it was hard for me to get on this task. I knew not much

about the reading skills , but I had my new learning about the overall reading

skills after I had get on this task. I tried to search from internet to know more

information based on the question of the assignment. I also spent some time

discussed with my coursemates about the detail of this assignment.

Then, I would like to share about how I cope with the problem I had faced

while I was doing this assignment. From here, I put a lot of efforts to choose the

suitable articles for this coursework. I also tried to ask the opinions from my

lecturers about my assignment and they gave me their opinions generously, I

really appreciated for the opinions and solutions that gave to me.

Last but not least, I gained a lot throughout the process in completing my

assignment. I learnt how to work together with my coursemates and I also

realized that a thing is hard to be done without the supports from peers, a group

work will make the work done easily and effectively. Besides, I had learnt that

we should share our knowledge with others generously. This was because we

won’t gained anything if we keep the knowledge with us, but if we share our

knowledge with others, we can help our peers to increase their knowledge too.