assignments of advance manufacturing.docx

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  • 8/18/2019 Assignments Of Advance Manufacturing.docx


    Assignments Of Advance


    Process1)Reverse Engineering Technology Used In Pakistan :

    )Ra!id Tooling "

    #)Ra!id Manufacturing "

    1)Reverse Engineering Technology Used In Pakistan "

    Organi$ations %ame "

     I )KTDMC

    E&ui!ment Used 'or #( canning*Reverse Engineering

    i). GOM 3D Scanner

    ii). Carl Zeiss CMM Machine

    i)+ ,OM #( canner "

      The ATOS Triple Scan uses a specially developed measuring and projection technology from GOM.

    Using this brand new technology the ATOS Triple Scan produces a high accuracy and improved

    measurement of shiny surface complete data on comple! components with deep poc"ets or fine

    edges such as turbine blades reducing the number of individual scans and resulting in a simple


    Blue Light Technology

    The ATOS Triple Scan is also e#uipped with blue light technology. The narrowband blue light enables

    precise measurements to be carried out independently of environmental lighting conditions.

  • 8/18/2019 Assignments Of Advance Manufacturing.docx


    High Resolution 3D Scanner from small to large

    ATOS uses high resolution measuring cameras with up to $% megapi!el resolution and specially

    developed optics for precise measurement.

    The accuracy measurement resolution and measuring area are completely adaptable to the

    application re#uirements. This allows for the highest resolution for highly detailed small parts with

    measuring volumes down to &'mm or for e!tremely fast digiti(ing of large objects with measuring

    volumes up to )m.

    This fle!ibility allows measurement of a large part spectrum with the same sensor head and when

    used in combination with T*+TO, the ATOS System is capable of scanning parts of over &-m with a

    high local resolution.

    Industrial advantages for industrial processes

    The ATOS & igiti(er is an accurate and cost/effective solution in a number of different application

    areas including0

    • 1uality 2ontrol

    • *everse 3ngineering

    • *apid ,rototyping

    • *apid Milling

    • igital Moc"/Up

    ATOS & igiti(ers have been produced and constantly developed since $445 and with more than

    )5-- installations in measurement and analysis rooms as well as factory and production halls

    worldwide the ATOS has been for a long time an accepted measurement method beside the

    mechanical measurement machines.

    The ATOS sensor combines high data #uality in short measurement time with fle!ibility and stability

    for industrial environments.

  • 8/18/2019 Assignments Of Advance Manufacturing.docx


    ii)+ -arl .eiss -MM Machine"

    Spectrum bridge-type CMM is an entry level CMM that meets the market’s demand for an economical model, with

    Carl Zeiss machine, sensor and software technology. his model is designed for general measurement, and can be

    configured to meet your specific needs.

    Key Features

    Carl Zeiss !"S-C# articulating probe holder with our $" multi-point sensor or !enishaw %&' touch-trigger.

    Measure angled features in difficult to reach locations. he articulating probe holder offers ()- *+' degrees of bi-

    directional rotation and permits indeing steps of # degrees reaching #,*+ angular positions for either sensor.

    S%C!/M can also be configured with the $" directly for general prismatic applications.

    C00 1Computer 0ided 0ccuracy2 ensures computer-aided error correction of the dynamic deformations of the

    machine technology.

    Machine Technology

    he granite machine table underscores the sturdy construction of this measuring machine.

    -side air bearings from Carl Zeiss ensure more stability and measuring precision.

    he controller, software, sensors and additional components are Z3SS products and are optimally matched to each


    he computer-independent standard control panel permits manual control via the 4oystick at a measuring location

    away from the computer. Speed during C5C operation is controlled via the overdrive knob.

    Reverse Engineering (RE):

    he 6" digiti7er) Scanner is capable of scanning ob4ects both in gray

    and color mode. he polygon editing tool is used to % enables you to

    control the 8383" and easily scan, polygoni7e, edit, and convert the

    scanned data into any of several common data formats. Multiple scans

    can be easily registered and merged into a single watertight polygonal

    model. diting functions include9 fill holes: filter irregular polygons and

    noise: and perform smoothing. % eports data in industry-standard

    formats including9 "$;, S< etc.

    for accurate transfer to a variety of 6" application like 3nspection, !everse ngineering and !apid %rototyping. he;0!=0!M is a portable CMM that increases measurement productivity and fleibility and enhances accuracy in any

    production environment.

  • 8/18/2019 Assignments Of Advance Manufacturing.docx


    Features of the FARO Scan Arm

    he ;0!= Scan 0rm adds unparalleled non-contact measurement capabilities to your ;aro 0rm.

    he Scan 0rm is a seven-ais contact)non-contact measurement system with a fully integrated laser scanner. 3t

    enables users to collect simple point variations with the ;aro 0rm’s hard probe, then laser scan sections re>uiring

    larger volumes of data.

    ?et maimum data handling, accuracy, and efficiency in one combined package

    2)Rai! Manufacturing :

    %aramount is innovatively establishing new levels of achievement in rapid manufacturing, producing finished parts for 

    highly-speciali7ed applications direct from 6" C0" digital input, thus dispensing with the costly and time-consuming

    process of tool making.

    /tili7ing recently-developed materials with superior functional characteristics, %aramount engineers apply theirmastery of the selective laser sintering process to achieve new plateaus in >uality and durability. %arts from rapid

    manufacturing meet eceedingly demanding specifications in defense-aerospace hardware, homeland security and

    medical applications.

    "enefits of #sing Rai! Manufacturing

    Manufacturing finished parts direct from digital input is a breakthrough technological advancement. he $enefits of

    rapid manufacturing include9

    liminating the costly and time-consuming process of tool making by producing parts direct from computer-generated

    6" C0" solid models.

    /sers add significant speed and fleibility to their production operations with free form fabrication applying additive

    manufacturing processes.

    "esigners are freed from traditional manufacturing processes allowing them to create with less restrictions.

    ;inished systems can be completed and deployed faster.

    "esign changes can be implemented with total fleibility at any time, with no wasted inventory of obsolete parts and

    no lag time for epensive and time-consuming tool changes.

    %)Rai! Tooling :

    @uilding on our epertise in product engineering and prototyping, %aramount 3ndustries has become a world leader in

    rapid tooling. =ur services are distinguished for utili7ation of the most advanced concept)bridge, prototype and low-volume rapid tooling processes, and materials in the creation of tooling through applications of high-speed C5C

    machining, and stereo lithography. %aramount has set new standards for rapid tooling in a variety of industrial and

    consumer product applications.

    !apid tooling continues to offer opportunity for discovery. "uring the mid AB's when the phrase !apid ooling was

    first used, it described any method that would replicate an in4ection mold to manufacture a physical plastic or metal

    part. he name was coined as an etension of rapid prototyping. !apid tooling included the development of rubber

    molds, plaster molds, ceramic molds and metal molds. oday, advanced technologies, processes and business

    practices are the foundation upon which rapid tooling is no longer dependent on prototype models and has become

  • 8/18/2019 Assignments Of Advance Manufacturing.docx


    an established practice in widespread applications, saving manufacturers considerable time and money in product


    he search for a cost and time effective tool-making process was not born of rapid prototyping. 3t is not a product of

    the AB's. 3n fact, cast composite tooling resin systems, spray metal, cast metal, sintered metal molds 16M artan

    process2 pre-date C5C. hese processes standing alone are no more or less rapid today than twenty years ago.

    Dhat has inspired this new wave of innovation is the rapid prototype model. Dhat has fueled financial investments

    into technology driven mold-making techni>ues is the need for faster development processes. 0n increased

    awareness of the benefits derived from aggressive prototyping in the development process, has given rise to

    demands for better >uality and performance from rapid tooling processes. he thrust behind this innovation is the

    need to compress product development time. he engine is the 6" C0" solid model. he fuel has been solid free-

    form fabrication systems 1S;;2, and the wheels are new business practices 1agile manufacturing paradigms2.

    &in's :!TIOS/Sch""ls/SMM#/Depart$ents/DDM#/%&"ut



