assistance dog has opened up a new world...73 final training d d d d d d d d d d 3 dear friends, in...


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Page 1: ASSISTANCE DOG HAS OPENED UP A NEW WORLD...73 FINAL TRAINING D D D D D D D D D D 3 Dear Friends, In this report it is our pleasure to provide you with highlights of the accomplishments






Page 2: ASSISTANCE DOG HAS OPENED UP A NEW WORLD...73 FINAL TRAINING D D D D D D D D D D 3 Dear Friends, In this report it is our pleasure to provide you with highlights of the accomplishments


Our MissionCan Do Canines is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for people with disabilities by creating mutually beneficial partnerships with specially trained dogs.

Our VisionWe envision a future in which every person who needs and wants an assistance dog can have one.

Cover photo by veramarinerstudio












3,345 DONORS





















Page 3: ASSISTANCE DOG HAS OPENED UP A NEW WORLD...73 FINAL TRAINING D D D D D D D D D D 3 Dear Friends, In this report it is our pleasure to provide you with highlights of the accomplishments


Dear Friends,

In this report it is our pleasure to provide you with highlights of the accomplishments achieved by Can Do Canines during 2015. We are grateful for the tireless work of the many dedicated volunteers and hardworking staff who contributed to this important year. Your contribution to this effort, whether it was financial, volunteer, or both, moved our mission forward as we strive to provide more high-quality assistance dogs in the community.

We capitalized on opportunities in 2015. We added three new staff this year, moved wages to a more competitive level with other nonprofit organizations and set the stage to add a fifth prison puppy program in 2016, all in preparation to increase the number of dogs trained. Our waiting list remained over 160 applicants, but we certified 46 new assistance dog teams during 2015, 35% more than in 2014 and a new record for the organization!

Volunteers remain the life-blood of Can Do Canines. Puppy Raisers and Foster Homes are the key to readying our young pups for their future jobs as assistance dogs. Amazingly, 738 volunteers contributed 343,956 hours of service during 2015.

At year-end, we had certified a total of 523 assistance dog teams since our start in 1989.

Generous gifts from individual contributors continue to be the most important source of support for our work. Your generosity is what makes it possible to continue to provide these specially trained dogs, free of charge. We are most grateful for your support.

We approach 2016 with a great deal of enthusiasm for the opportunities before us. We are fully staffed, with volunteer and prison partners fully engaged. Counting on your support, we have set our sites on an ambitious goal: to increase the number of new, certified assistance dog teams to 51 in 2016.

Your involvement with Can Do Canines gives life to our mission and gives meaning to our work. Thank you for joining us in this important endeavor.

Alan M. Peters Executive Director

MarySue Krueger Board Chair


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Marilyn Chazin-Caldie doesn’t want to be slowed down. A retired statistician, she lives in Medina, Minn. with her husband Patrick. Despite being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and Behcet’s disease—both of which have caused the inability to walk—she remains active and pursues her interests.

“I am involved in pottery and photography classes,” Marilyn says. “I like to take ‘walks’ and take photographs at zoos, arboretums, museums—oftentimes alone.”

While she does her best to stay independent, multiple sclerosis has taken its toll. Marilyn uses a wheelchair to get around and suffers from daily back and leg pain. She finds herself tiring easy from activity and—as MS is a progressive disease—she has increasing difficulty using her arms.

One day, Marilyn was talking with a woman at the Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Institute who had an assistance dog. Marilyn learned that the woman’s dog was trained to help overcome many of the same obstacles she was facing. Tuned into the idea of assistance dogs, she started to notice a lot of “red vests” around. That’s when she applied to Can Do Canines for help.

Meanwhile, a two-year-old black Labrador retriever named Checkers was working his way through the training program.

“We nicknamed him Mr. Checkers,” wrote one of his Foster Home volunteers. “When Checkers is dressed in his cape and Halti, he is such a different puppy. It’s like

he has a tuxedo on. He walks proud, and prances like he’s walking on air. We are sure he will make an excellent assistance dog.”

Checkers has fully lived up to his reputation. Partnered with Marilyn as a Mobility Assist Dog, he helps Marilyn regain some of the independence she has lost due to MS. The Lab excels at retrieving items that Marilyn drops. From silverware to laundry, Checkers can fetch it all with a happy wag of his tail. Extra helpful, says Marilyn, is that Checkers has been trained to bring her the telephone when she needs it.

“He’s really cute, because he latches on to it with his mouth—usually dialing someone while he brings it to me,” she says.

As Marilyn can become easily fatigued from activity, anything Checkers helps with is greatly appreciated. She fully realizes Checkers’ value through all the energy she saves from everyday tasks.

“In the mornings, I can say, ‘Checkers, go and get the paper!’ And he’ll run and get the newspaper for me. He’s a devoted puppy.”

Marilyn is grateful not only for the hard work of the trainers and Puppy Raisers, but to everyone for their contribution in raising her assistance dog.

“I read through all of the notes about Checkers and everyone wrote, ‘whoever gets this dog is going to be a very lucky person,’” Marilyn says. “And I feel like the luckiest person in the world. I really do.”


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Due to a hereditary condition, Julie Schneider of Arden Hills, Minn. started losing her hearing in her 20s. Her condition deteriorated over time and she became unaware of the sounds and noises around her.

In 2003 Julie got help from her first Can Do Canines Hearing Assist Dog, Sandy—a Cocker-Papillon mix. The hearing helper alerted her to all the sounds she had been missing and Julie was feeling reconnected to the world again. But when Sandy died of cancer in 2011, Julie’s problems reappeared.

A chance encounter with a dog breeder led her to adopt Shiya, a four-month-old American Eskimo. The two had an immediate connection, and from the start Shiya was beginning to alert Julie to sounds. But the little pup had some kinks and quirks that needed to be worked out. That’s when Julie reached out to Can Do Canines for help.

Bred to be a herding dog, Shiya could be timid and shy toward strangers. Can Do Canines worked with Julie to make Shiya more comfortable approaching people. Gradually, she overcame her fear.

Shiya also had a problem with pulling while on leash in public. Can Do Canines worked to overcome this issue through various training techniques and a special harness. “It took a lot of work and determination,” remembers Julie. “I almost gave up.”

But the two persevered, and now Shiya consistently alerts Julie to everyday sounds most of us take for granted. Alarm clocks, oven timers, door knocks, fire alarms, running water and Julie’s name being called all fall under Shiya’s repertoire.

“I’ve been extremely pleased and blessed—Shiya just sort of fell into my lap,” Julie says. “With help from Can Do Canines, Shiya has changed my life.”

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Holly Arnold-Rains of St. Anthony, Minn. has a complicated history of stroke and seizures. Her main problem is balance, but she also has trouble grasping items, because one wrist was badly damaged in a fall.

“I realized that I was calling on my kids more and more for help,” Holly says. “To keep my independence and be able to stay in my home, I knew I couldn't keep depending on them.”

Holly’s physical therapist thought an assistance dog from Can Do Canines could help. She applied, and was matched with Link, a two-year-old black Labrador Retriever. Today, when Holly drops items, Link is there to pick them up—no family assistance required. Link frees up her energy by opening doors, retrieving the phone, and even lending a paw with the laundry.

“Link is so attentive to my needs,” Holly says. “He just knows—he has an instinct. If I drop something, even when I didn’t know that I did it, he’ll surprise me by bringing it right to me.”

Holly’s seizures can come at any time, so she needs Link to get her medication, and keep her Vagus Nerve Stimulation magnet handy. Holly uses this special magnet to trigger an implanted device near her neck, which delivers a burst of stimulation that can help stop her seizure before it occurs. If a seizure does occur, Link makes sure she recovers quickly by licking her hands and face, re-acclimating her to her surroundings.

“It's wonderful to have him lay there and be with me,” Holly says. “I worked as a caretaker for many years, so I’m honored to finally have someone taking care of me.”

To all the volunteers and donors who made the partnership possible, Holly says, “I’m able to live independently and Link and I can be a team. I'm so appreciative.”


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Cyndy Frerichs, of Edina, Minn., is not new to the world of diabetes. Diagnosed at age 13, she has lived with Type 1 diabetes for 47 years. But only recently has it worsened to a dangerous stage.

Cyndy has developed hypoglycemia unawareness, which means she cannot feel the usual symptoms of low blood sugar. Her symptoms led to ten hospital visits in one year. Sometimes paramedics were called because she was unconscious and having convulsions.

“The unawareness of my low blood sugars became scary and life-threatening,” she says. “I feel like I have a guardian angel, because there were a number of times that I wouldn’t have made it.”

Realizing she needed additional help, she applied to Can Do Canines and was teamed with a Diabetes Assist Dog named Jagger. By monitoring Cyndy’s breath, the black Labrador Retriever is trained to alert her when her blood sugars are low and let her know it’s time to test.

“He’s very persistent,” says Cyndy. “He does not stop. If I don’t respond, he’ll nudge me. If I’m sitting, he’ll put his paws up on me. If I still don’t respond, he will bark.”

This has led to an improvement in Cyndy’s health. The number of emergency hospital visits since Jagger entered her life has dwindled down to zero. Jagger has even begun to alert Cyndy to high blood sugar levels, something Can Do Canines hadn’t trained him to do.

Cyndy has a special thanks for those donors who made Jagger’s training possible and wishes they could see the fruits of their generosity in action.

“It’s such a gift for everyone who gets an assistance dog,” Cyndy says. “I just wish that some of the people who donate could come and hang out with us and see how fabulous it is and how life-changing it is.”


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Riley Gallo lives in Ramsey, Minn. with his mother Cathy and an extended family of five. While his actual diagnosis is more than 80 pages long, Riley’s primary disabilities include a variety of pervasive developmental disorders, such as autism. Despite enrolling Riley in years of physical, speech and behavioral therapy, he was still having issues sleeping, bolting in public, and relating to his peers. After the family’s doctor suggested an assistance dog, Cathy applied to Can Do Canines.

Enter Nolan, a four-year-old black Labrador Retriever. In no time this calm, attentive Autism Assist Dog has had a profound effect on the Gallo family. To start with, Riley’s social skills have improved. In the past Riley had difficulty talking to new people. But now Nolan acts as a social bridge and Riley feels comfortable first talking about his dog and then moving on to other subjects.

There is also a marked difference in Riley’s sleep difficulties. If he wakes up in the night, he will call Nolan for comfort instead of waking his mom. Cathy says that middle of the night wakeup calls used to happen six to eight times a night. Since Nolan joined the family, Riley hasn’t woken her up once.

When he does begin to feel anxious or overstimulated, Riley cuddles with Nolan and is able to calm himself down. Cathy describes it as a “cocoon of security” for Riley. She is grateful that Nolan can create that feeling.

“It’s different,” Cathy says. “The stress level is still there, the anxiety is still there, but with Nolan, Riley just has a better way of calming himself down—of dealing with it—than he did before.”

Since Nolan has come into their lives, the Gallos report that Riley is calmer, happier and even healthier. “Nolan is not only a blessing,” Cathy says, “but he is Riley’s best friend.”



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2015 MOBILITY ASSIST DOGSMobility Assist Dogs work with people who have mobility challenges and other needs. They pick up and carry objects, pull wheelchairs, open doors and help pay at tall counters.

Kelli Heimerl & Justeen

Jessica Herbold & Kimba

Ingrid Hofmann & Judge*

Isaiah Kramer & Leo Voncille Martin & Doc

Clay Ahrens & Finnegan

Cory Anderson & Paddington

Marilyn Chazin-Caldie

& Checkers

Bonnie Colby & Reno

Lawrence Endres & Sierra

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Holly Arnold-Rains & Link**

Becky Meyers & Ginger

Amanda Mollner & Phyllis

Bill Monson & Percy Meg Schneider & Quest

Alisha Srock & Maverick

Lynn Teschendorf & Fritz

Samantha Wanner & Obie

*Also a Hearing Assist Dog **Also a Seizure Assist Dog


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2015 HEARING ASSIST DOGSHearing Assist Dogs are often selected from local shelters. The dog alerts a person who is deaf or hard of hearing to sounds by making physical contact with them and then leading them to the source of the sound.

Paul Chavez & Nina

Nathalia Jimenez & Darla

Cole Johnson & Paisley

Terry Marshall & Carson

Sandra McKie & Alea

Lindsay Moon & Cookie

Natalie Regenscheid & Nadia

Julie Schneider & Shiya

Karen Staats & Nash

Tami Summer & Lola

Ingrid Hofmann & Judge

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Autism Assist Dogs keep children with autism safe in public settings and help them experience the world more fully by offering comfort and assurance. These special dogs also serve as a social bridge between the family and the public.


Riley Gallo & Nolan

Collin Germundson & Thor

DJ Haye & Lex

Matthew LaMott & Lloyd

Jack Redding & Odin

Ethan Schmidt & Noble

Signe Scott & Luther

Lucas Smart & Neville

Nick Stay & Remo

Daniel Stirewalt Jr & Dory

Max Vellon & Jaycee

Shea Yaeger & Kylie

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Diabetes Assist Dogs detect low blood sugar levels by sensing a change in their partner's breath odor. The dog alerts their partner by touching them in a significant way.


April Biever & Basia

Alan Burggraf & Oz

Sarah Lawrence & Lucy

Michael Pastir & Paris

2015 SEIZURE ASSIST DOGSSeizure Assist Dogs respond to a person having a seizure by licking their face, retrieving an emergency phone and alerting other family members.Holly Arnold-Rains

& Link

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This is an excerpt from Can do Canines independent financial audit. A full copy of the report can be furnished upon request or by visiting

Income Statement for the year ended December 31, 2015

Public support and revenuePublic support Individual and corporate donations $ 507,236 Service club donations 170,272 Foundation grants 316,490 Federated fundraisers 66,992 Earned Income – net 29,553 Special events – net 244,516 In-kind contributions 123,858 Total public support 1,458,917 Investment income (loss) (202)Net assets released from restrictions - Total support and revenue 1,458,715

ExpensesProgram expenses 1,235,479Support services Management and general 74,738 Fundraising 145,811 Total support services 220,549 Total expenses 1,456,028

Increase in net assets 2,687Net assets – beginning 4,075,244Net assets – ending $ 4,077,931

Balance Sheet for the year ended December 31, 2015

AssetsCurrent Assets Cash and investments 991,508 Pledges receivable 341,376 Prepaids & Inventory 9,120 Total current assets 1,342,004

Pledges receivable-long term 152,366

Property and equipment Vehicles & Equipment 153,092 Land & Building 3,450,365 Less accumulated depreciation (638,981)

Total Assets 4,458,846

Liabilities and Net Assets

Current Liabilities Accounts payable - trade 36,910 Accrued expenses 67,276 Total current liabilities 104,186

Long Term Debt 276,729

Net Assets Unrestricted net assets 3,584,191 Temporarily restricted net assets 493,740

Total net assets 4,077.931

Total liabilities and net assets $ 4,458,846

Earned Income










10% 5%

2015 Revenue 2015 Expenses

Earned Income










10% 5%

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D The Accola FamilyD Diana Adamson

Jan Adelman Jennifer Alexander Mary & Jon Alexander Dennis Alm Linda Altergott Doug Anderson Ellen Anderson Erica Anderson Marsha Anderson Miriam Arendt The Arrington family

D Doug Astry Becca & Erik Ayala Tim Bachmeier The Bailey family The Baker family

D Karin & Elroy BalgaardD Jeff Bangsberg

Micah Barlass Paulette Barnier Melina Baron Dan & Christine Barr Becky Baskett

D Bill Beddie Darleen Beillargeon Bryan Belknap Holly Bell Ellen Bennett Mary Bente Ann Berendes Kelsey Berens Joleen Berres Connie Birk Cari Bishop

Lisa BittmanD Catherine Bjerkebek

Laura Bjorlin Alicia & Tim Blank Kathleen Bleckeberg Darlene Blomberg White

D The Bloomquist family Taylor Blustin The Bobo family Lisa Boersma

D The Bonebrake family Rhonda Bosacker Melanie Boschaert

D Anita Boucher Alex & Katrina Boyer

D Vickie & Mike Braml Elena Branca Mike Branch Deb Brashear Scott Brault Darlene & Vern Breamer Mary Brekke Mark, Kyle & Haley Broten Connie Brown Carol Bruemmer Diane Bryers Julia Buege Freeman Karen Buellesbach Kristine Burdick Chris Cahill Mary Ann Campbell Any Canfield Laura Capaldini Julie & Darell Carlblom Nancy & Dick Carlson Joyce & Dennis Carlson-Rioux Lana Carnahan Lauren Caton

LuAnne Chambliss The Chapman family Beth Cherryholmes David Christiansen Lydia Christianson

D Stephanie ChristieD Melissa Close-Boldon & family

Anna Cobus Janet & Gary Cobus Judy & Don Cochran Michelle Coffey Melissa Cohen Silberman Roxie Collier Bob Copus Maryls Cordie Karen Craig Linda Craig

D Barbara Crawford Nick Cunningham

D Timera Cyr & family Nacia Dahl Katelyn Dalby Brenda Daml Maggie & Tim Darsow Mary Decheine-Rhatigan & “Ebony” Marlene DeOtis Jasmine Dhanju Tony Diaz Mary Jo Dickinson Beth Diedrich Jenna Dokken The Domack family

D Patti & Rick Dougherty Patty & Erin Douglas Campell The Doyle family Jim DuChamp The Dunford family

Amy EastwoodD Nancy Sue Edgar

Cathy Edstrom & family Dennis Ellingson

D Jim & Rosalind Elmquist Bobb Elsenpeter & “Herbie” Sara Elstad Candy Embry Grace Enebo “Sparkplug” Galen Engholm Diane Engle

D Frank & Victoria Ernst The Essen family Brian & Rebecca Etling Jean Euteneuer & “Lexie” Amy Ewert Amy Faaren Mark Falstad Dan Farrand Dana Ferat

D Mike Ferber Dawn & Harold Ferguson Anna Ferk Rose Ferreira Victoria Fielder Betty Fitzer Kris Fitzer Michele Fitzpatrick

The Fjetland family Mary Fleck Kevin Florence Julie Flotten Leslie Flowers Dorothy & Michael Follese Shad Follmer Sherry Fonseth Lais Susan Forsberg Stephanie Fortman & “Fred” Patty Fosler Brianna Foster John Frank Cyndy Frerichs & “Jagger” Holly Friday Walker Friend Jenny Fritz Claudia Fugle Erin Furlong Maria Gallagher Jennifer Gast Danielle & Tony Gebhard The Gengler family Bonnie Genin Christopher & Cheryl Gibbons Duke Gichana Marcia Gilman

D Mark Givens

Volunteers are a vital asset to completing our mission at Can Do Canines. Their commitment and enthusiasm are unparalleled. Puppy Raisers give a good dog a great home and provide the stimulation, guidance and education necessary to prepare the puppy for its future as an assistance dog. We could not provide this vital service without them. Puppy Raisers are noted with a D beside their name

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2015 Puppy Raisers and Volunteers (cont.)D Pam Glass

The Goodman family Terri Goral

D Beth & Brian Gordon Jim Gorman The Gorman family Teresa Gostonczik The Gott family Esther Graney

D Kathy Grant The Greeley family Becky Green Vi Greene Sharon Griff Becky Groseth Jean Gross Randy & Paige Gross Debra Gudgell Jeanette & Paul Gunderson Joshua Gunderson Chelsea & Neal Gusek Pam Haar Jessica Hackner Darlene & Tom Hafner Sharolyn Hagen Sue Hager & “Mattie” Nancy Haley

D Beverly Hall Heidi & Steve Hamilton Tracy & Matt Hancuh Caren & Chad Hansen Jennifer Hansen Cherie Hanson Stacey Hardin-Ferguson Nancy Harms

D The Harris family Sharon Haskell Bruce Hassig Lisa & Mike Hathy Mike & Teresa Haugen

D Pat & Dee Dee Heffernan Kiersten Hegna Grant Hendrickson The Hendrickson family

D Paula Henn Michael Herr

D The Herr family Shannon Hicks Jack Hines Lynda & Nick Hinrichs Marcia & Dan Hjerpe Kimberly Hodges The Hodgkins family Hannah Hoffman Alicia & Tim Holicky

D The Holmes familyD The Hollerud family

Lynn Holtzleiter Adreanne Hoppe Pam Horton Cheryl & Doug Howard

Samantha Hudson Carole & John Humphrey Jessica Huppler Colleen Ittel

D Dave & Verna Ittner Erin Janke Deborah Javinsky-Wenzek Keshia Jenkins Deb Jensen Mary & Violet Jensen Eric Johnson & family Jodi Johnson Kathy Johnson Michelle Johnson Tracey Johnson

D Christie & Howard Jones The Jones family Colleen Kaldun

Beth Kantor & “Dazzle” Hanna & Lily Kantor Ellie Karol Tracy Karth Mike & Mark Kaufman Karen Keeney The Keller family Mary Kelley & “Brinks”

D The Kelley-Pegg family Courtney Kelly Karen Kelly & “Joy” Megan Kelly Lora Kennedy The Kenney family

D Kristina Kiefer Roxanne Kimball

D The Kittock family

The Kittok familyD The Kjolsing family

Chad & Elizabeth Klavetter Pete & Sharon Kleingartner Mary Kay Knapp Katherine Knauer & “Summer”

D Jim & Pat Knorn Deb Koehnen Ken Kolding Terri Krake & “Brody” Patrick Krasky

D Elaine & Catherine Krob MarySue Krueger Frank Kuhar Sarah Kunz The Kurtz family The Laase family & “Kona”

D Angie & Larry LaBathe

Maureen LaBore Christine & Jon LaMott & “Lloyd” Julia LaNeau Charles Lais Jill Lapke Julianne Larsen

D Karen & Ray Larsen Brian Larson The Paul Larson family Carol Lemche Shenna Lemche The Lenneman family Matt Levisay Brenda Liebsch

D The Lindemann family Steve Linder Marilyn Lingard Joan Lisi McCoy Paul Loken Nancy Long The Long family Jennifer Lopez Courtney Lowe Liz Lucast Mark Lukitsch & “Avery” Jan Lund Jean Lundquist & “Juno” Rachel Lunsford

D Kelsie Lyall & family Dianne Maciosek Tracie MacDougall Anne & Dale Mackereth Bryce & Kelly Madsen & “Dallas” Linn Magnusson & “Darwin” Jan Maiola Michelle Maki

D Marianne & Teresa Malko Carrie Maloney Mary Manders George Manesis Julie Mankowski Kathy Marshek Keri & Matthew Marske Dr Jennifer Martin

Christina & Nick Martinez Doreen Masloski Tim Matson Scott McClure Tracie McDougall

D Kathryn McFadden The McGarry family Casey McGee Kaity McGinn Scotty & Diane McGunnigle Sandie McKie & “Alea” The McLinn family Gwen McMahon Renee McMillan Jan McQuillan

D The Merkel family Dr Lindsay Merkel Chance Meyer Kendall Miller Jennifer Mitchell The Mitzel family The Moldan family Amy Molis Ethan Mollet Amanda Mollner Jeanne Morales Rita Moser Susan Motzko Candee & Eric Murphy Sarah & Ryan Murphy Kelly Neal Sherrie Nelson Ellen & Steve Neseth

D Charles NeumanD Jennifer & Shane Newman

Joanne NicholsD The Niederloh familyD Maja & Mary Nord

Ron & Madonna Norton Rosalyn Nosco Maggie Nye

D Sue O'ConnellD Paul Oberhaus

Dave & Vicki Okerstrom Alison Olausen

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2015 Puppy Raisers and Volunteers (cont.)D Louis Oswalt

Elizabeth OttoD Jennifer & Eric Page

Steve Paladie Vicki Palmer Ann Partridge & “Kirby” Sherry & Mike Patterson Thomas Paulus John & Lyn Pegg Julie & Steve Pesek Alan Peters

D Caroline PetersonD Mitch & Wendy Peterson

Sandy & Jon Pidde Laura & Michael Pierce Ann Platt Nathan Points Maureen & Paul Pranghofer Jon Prom Michele Prom Kirsten Purvis & family Matt Quade Dave Reach Karen Reed & family The Reinardy family Mallory Reisdorf Cullen Reiser Tim Reppe Kathy Rice Sheri Richter Jerrie Rimas Connie Roehrich Lynn Rolstad Bill & Jill Rost Eileen & Ali Roston Amy Roth Barbara Roth Anne & Mark Rowland

D Kristina Rudd The Ruppe family Brittney Quant Karen Salley

Diana SchansbergD Jerry SchendelD The Schleif family

Dana Schlemmer Sue Schlueter & family Darlene Schmaltz Arthur Schmidt Kyle Schrieffer The Schroeder family Robin & Bill Schulke

D Holly & Ken Schultz Judy & John Schwab Jenn & Dean Sconberg Indigo Scott Stephanie & Seth Scott

D The Sears family Lauren Segal Jana Seliger George Selman Nancy Sellman

Bernie Shasky Collin & Bob Shaughnessy & "Giles" Kathy Sherwood Stacy Sheldon-Wilkinson Jim Showalter Devyn & Lauryn Sievers

D Kyle Simmons Marge & Dave Skeie Kathy Skeie Bob Slayton Sharon Sloper Dave Snyder The Soderholm family Katie & Eric Speckman Bev Stachovich

Bob StamosD Linda & Rick Stefonek

Sharon & Paul Steinbrecher Craig & Kathy Steinmetz Greg & Cat Stevens Kari & Greg Stewart Tom Stewart Brent Streeter Pam Streiff John Sturgess Marcia Taylor

D Tysley Taylor Judy Terp Lynn Teschendorf & “Fritz” The Tews family Sharon Thaler Karen Thiede Barbara Thies The Thomas family Stefanie Thorsen Meghan Thull Kirsten Timmers & family Brian Toews Rebecca Toews Debbie Trettin JoAnna Trumbull

D Angela Tseng Gerry & Mary Tucker Dan Tuehy Jessica Tuenge Val & Dan Tuenge Brent & Karen Turner Sarah VanKempen

D Nick Van Denburgh & family Patty Van Landschoot

D The Vander Lugt family Eileen & Jon Vasquez Barb Verhage James Vescera Linette Voss Sue Wagner Jill Walker Jennifer Walp

D Dianne Walsh Astry Nancy Walter Ashley Wancowicz

Julia Washberger Len Washko Laura & Adam Waudby Cindy Webinger The Wedul family The Weinreb family Nancy Weitgenant & family Amanda Welle Doreen West Caroline Westphal Nancy Westphal Graydon Wheeler Michael Wheelock Merle White Robert White Lynda & Emma Whittemore Linda & Stu Wicklund Ellen Wiese Hannah Williams Patty Wirz

D The Wisdorf family The Wolter family Alison Wood

D Dave Woodley Anne Woolsey

D Rosa Yang Darrin Young Susan Youngberg & “Bali” Anita Zemlicka The Zillmer family Burnsville Breakfast Rotary Eagan Funfest Ambassadors Leah, Lilly, Megan, and Sylvia Kohls A Teams - Apple Valley Kohls A Teams - Eden Prairie Kohls A Teams - Shakopee Northwestern Health Sciences University St Joe’s Church

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$5000+Fred C. and Katherine B. Andersen FoundationAthwin FoundationBloomington Lions ClubStephen & Mary Birch FoundationHelen Brach FoundationKenneth BrennenRodney Burwell Family FoundationRobert CharsJudith ChristensenChuck & Don's Pet Food OutletCommunity Shares of MinnesotaKathleen DelonaisDelonais FoundationMax and Victoria Dreyfus Foundation, Inc.

Ray Edwards Memorial TrustEngelsma Family FoundationAlvera FranceschiFridley Lions ClubJ. Elmer and Esther Hansman Charitable TrustHarmon FoundationSteve and Rita HeiseJohn and Dee HollerudiHeartMedia Management ServicesInver Grove Heights Animal HospitalK.A.H.R FoundationKatherine Johnson

Barbara KochSteven Leuthold Family FoundationMetro Dogs Daycare & BoardingMinnesota TimberwolvesCasey Albert T. O'Neil FoundationEarl D. and Marian N. Olson Fund of The Saint Paul FoundationTerri and John PenshornDr. Catherine Pfeifer and Paul ChavezPoehler-Stremel Charitable TrustMargaret Rivers FundRogers Lions ClubRotary Club of Edina FoundationRotary Club of West St Paul/ Mendota HeightsRotary International Burnsville Breakfast ClubCarl and Verna Schmidt FoundationRichard M. Schulze Family FoundationVirginia Lee Shirley Private FoundationPatty and Dennis SolbergGreg and Cathy StevensStevenson Family Charitable FundTony Stewart FoundationStillwater Area FoundationSubaru of America, Inc.James SvobodnySharon ThalerThrivent Financial for LutheransUBS Matching Gift ProgramUniversity of St ThomasTimberwolvesStephen and Jayne UseryMary WeiselRobert S. and Karen WhiteWright-Hennepin Electric Trust

$2500-$4999Austin Morning Lions Club

Baker FoundationBanfield FoundatonPatricia BlockMike and Lynn BranchSara BrazillerChanhassen Lions ClubBruce and Sharla ChenowethRichard and Karen CressDuluth Superior Area Community FoundationEnterprise Holdings FoundationHamel Lions ClubSteven and Karen KittayKohl's Cares for KidsKopp Family FoundationMarySue and Mark KruegerRonald and Duska LaCount Family FoundationChristopher LeinesSusan Lowum and Kerry SarnoskiH. William Lurton FoundationMedica FoundationMedtronic Foundation Volunteer Grant ProgramMid America FestivalsJake, Teresa and Andrea MillerNew Brighton Lions ClubChuck and Carolyn NovotnyOffice Depot FoundationOsseo Lions ClubOttertail Lions ClubElizabeth PfeiferJay and Rose Phillips Family Foundation of MinnesotaThe Premier Dental GroupRamsey Lions ClubMark RethlakeKen, Michelle and Holly SchultzJames and Janice SeifertSpring Lake Park Lions ClubRobert S. Starr FoundationThrivent Volunteers! MplsWayzata Community Church

Wells Fargo FoundationDoreen and Jeff WestSuzanne and Matthew Woods

$1000-$2499AdobeElizabeth AirdAitkin Lions ClubMary and Jon AlexanderAmeriprise Financial Employee Gift Matching ProgramEllen AndersonBaker Family FundBarnesville Lions ClubBell MortgageBell State Bank & TrustBieber Family FoundationBettina Baruch FoundationSuzanne BodaBrainerd Lions ClubReva Jean BrandtJessica Brokaw ManzBrooklyn Center Lions ClubVanessa Brown-Mcguire Family Charitable FundPat BurnsBurnsville Lions ClubBurnsville Rotary FoundationNancy ChalmersCIGNA FoundationClear Lake Lions ClubCombined Federal Campaign of The Red River ValleyCormorant Lions ClubCraig-Hallum Capital GroupCrosslake Ideal Lions ClubCrystal Lions ClubDavid Michael & CoDavitaJanet Conn and Mike DebelakDayton Lions ClubPenny De Vries

Patti and Rick DoughertyDuluth Lions ClubEden Prairie Noon Rotary ClubJan EdwardsElk River Lions ClubIndia, Gena, and David ElverhoySue Forsberg and Doug AndersonJames FrushMelvin GoldenbogenGrey Eagle Burtrum Lions ClubMelody HachAnn and Mark HallHanover Lions ClubDiane HansonDr. Daniel C. Hartnett Family FoundationPaula HennHolden Family FoundationKnights of Columbus #526Joseph Kurimay and Kathryn HoySandrine HutchinsLynne Hvidsten and Cindy AmbergerImpactAssetsRebecca IwenErin Janke, Mike Janke and Mark KaufmanYvonne KastensAdele KaufmanChristy, Deb and Bruce KiersteadCarol and Roy KraftLake City Lions ClubErnie LappMs. Karen LarsenLiberty Diversified InternationalLions District 5M2Lions Foundation of MinneapolisPaul LokenNancy and Donald LynchMaple Grove Lions ClubJohn MarshallJames and Jane MartinDr. Jennifer F. Martin


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$1000-$2499 (cont.)Christina and Nick MartinezDavid McFarlandMedicaMelrose Lions ClubMille Lacs Band Of Ojibwe IndiansJulie MillerRoseann MillerGary and Jane Miller Charitable FundMiltona Lions ClubMinnesota Valley Electric CooperativeMinnetonka Rotary ClubMonticello Lions ClubNew York Community Trust James Talcott FundNisswa Lions ClubTeresa NolteNorth Central Electrical Manufactures ClubNorthern Lights CFC # 0481Steven NovotnyOehlke Family Foundation of the Saint Paul FoundationKathy PapatolaCarol PetersenWendy and Mitch PetersonPetPac MNLaura and Michael PierceThomas PikePortman Amis Fund of The Minneapolis FoundationKimberly and James PostPrinceton Lions ClubBill PutneyRandy and Mary QuistQuota International of MinneapolisRobbinsdale Lions ClubRotary Club of BuffaloCharlotte and John RydbergCurtis and Lisa SanfordSarah Wilson Sweatt FundElmer Schindel

Florence SchurmanSeagateLauren Segal and Rich GrigosMillie and Howie SegalAdrianna and Mark ShannonShepard Family FoundationKathryn SherwoodSierra Bravo Corporation dba The NerderySleepy Eye Lions ClubMax SmithCraig and Kathy SteinmetzJohn StentzBarbara SternquistSt. Joseph Lions ClubStanton StormSpecial People In NeedSunrise BanksSweitzer FoundationAlan and Barbara TennessenMary ThomasThomson Reuters My Community ProgramThrivent Financial Central Minneapolis ChapterThrivent Financial Northern Dakota County ChapterThrivent Financial NW Hennepin County ChapterJoAnna TrumbullMary TysonMarian VeaasenVillwock Family Fund of The Saint Paul FoundationVenture BankLaurie Carlson and Bill VoedischCharlene WadeDianne Walsh Astry and Doug AstryWaterville Lions ClubWayzata Lions ClubWayzata Rotary ClubJean WestPeg and Webb WhiteWildwood Lions ClubRosa Yang

$500-$999Abelconn, IncAlexandria Lions ClubMary AllenburgPete and Margie AnkenyAnoka Lions ClubCindy Thoreson-ArnoldAustin Lions ClubStacy AveryBabbitt Lions ClubKim BachDan and Christine BarrMichelle BartelBaxter Lions ClubJohn BeanKacie Beatch

Brenda BeckmanChuck and Christine BichlerRuth BiedermannSharon and Paul BloomquistDavid BounkPaul and Linda BradyKate BrennanMatt BrewerBrooklyn Park Lions ClubDiane BryersByron Lions ClubCarlos Lions ClubCarlton Lions ClubCarver Lions ClubCFC - Bethesda MDCedar East Bethel Lions ClubCenterline Freight Services, Inc.Chisago Lakes Lions Club

David ChristensenChurch Of The EpiphanyIrene ClineTara CohnCollision Center, Inc.Don and Janet ConleyCook Lions ClubCoon Rapids Lions ClubCorcoran Lions ClubCorcoran Pet Care CenterJudith and Richard CorsonKris CotroneElizabeth CowieMelinda CressSarah DavisCathy DeBruyneDeer River Lions ClubDelano Loretto Area United WayDilworth Lions ClubKelly DittmarJan and Bill DubatsEden Prairie Lions ClubSteve EricksonFalcon Heights Lauderdale Lions ClubJim FearJoan FickerCheryl and Bruce FicksFinlayson Giese Lions ClubKris Fitzer and Dick SwansonFridley Rotary ClubLina GallardoGateway Menahga Lions ClubBonnie GeninBrad and Diane GlorvigenSara GrachekBarbara and Arthur GrachekDarlene Hafner and Tom CherrySusan HagerPaul Hansen and Shirley KleinKiersten HegnaStephanie and Andy HelgersonCindy and Francis HermanPeter and Rebecca HilgerHinckley Lions ClubHopkins Noontime Lions Club

Roy and Paula HosekRichard HoytPatricia Hughes and Paul PittmanGreg HulneStephanie HuntJames and Patricia HuntJackson Lions ClubDeborah Javinsky-WenzekCristy JensenJK Interiors IncBrenda JohnsonWilliam JohnsonWayne JohnsonT. L. JohnsonKevin JohnsonMichael and Chris JolowskyJordan Lions ClubConstance Mary and James JostJustGiveLouis KaplanNancy KarthMary Kelley and Mark FalstadKimball Lions ClubChris KirchbergGordon and Mavis KlaudtElizabeth and David KlingelhoferJim and Pat KnornKaren KodzikKowalski's Market (corporate)KTMY-FMNicole LarsonLarsen Winchester Lions ClubKen and Faye LeDouxKeith and Toni LelandLe Sueur Lions ClubRita and Gary LindersLions District 5M1Lions District 5M9Wilma LokenJan and Harold LundMaple Lake Lions ClubCraig MarbleMayer Watertown Dandy Lions ClubMaynard Lions Club

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$500-$999 (cont.)Beth and Scott McGinnisBecky MeyersJoyce and Gary MillerDoug and Martha Miller Family FoundationMinneapolis Association of RealtorsMinneapolis Northeast Lions ClubMinneapolis Riverview Lions ClubMinneapolis Southwest Lions ClubFrancine MocchiTimothy and Cindy MurphyCassie MyhroMarie and Michael NagelMary and Kenneth NeustelNew Hope Women of TodayNew Ulm Lions ClubNorth St Paul Lions ClubBruce and Rose OgrodnikWallace OlsonSusan and James OsiolOstrander Lions ClubElizabeth PagelPark Grove Pet HospitalParker Hannifin Corp. Oildyne DIvisionParkers Prairie Lions ClubPaynesville Lions ClubLaura and Robert PaulsonJose PerisGinny PetrosPillager Area Lions ClubPlummer Lions ClubPolk County Tavern LeagueBob and Laura PowersCarol PriestPrior Lake Lions ClubDavid and Amy RasmussenRichfield Lions ClubCraig and Katherine RichterRockford Lions ClubRotary Club Of Eagan/Community Service FoundationRotary Club of Mound/Westonka

Sam's Club Facility #6310 (Fridley)Sam's Club Facility #6311 (Shakopee)Sandstone Lions ClubScandia Marine Lions ClubLyle and Lori SchlueterSue SchlueterCedric and Janet SchranklerGeneral Dennis and Pamela SchulstadShakopee Lions ClubSusan and Jeff ShellbergDarryl and Teri Sippel Schmidt Charitable FundJane SnilsbergSpring Grove Lions ClubSt Augusta Lions ClubSt Paul East Park Lions ClubSt. Stephen Lions ClubStacy Lions ClubJoan StanishaStaples Host Lions ClubGary SteinKari and Greg StewartDeb StreeseLucille SukaloSwanville Lions ClubKaren TarrantTCF FoundationDavid and Mary ThompsonCindy Thoreson-ArnoldRoss and Lynda ThorfinnsonThrivent FinancialThrivent Financial Carver- Hennepin County ChapterThrivent Financial North Ramsey County ChapterJames TruaxTruistUnited Health FoundationUrbank Lions ClubUS Bank Employee Matching GiftVadnais Heights Lions ClubJodi VohnoutkaLori and Joe Vosejpka

Mary Kathryn WallaceWalmart Facility #3513 (Shakopee)JoAnne and David WalvatneChris and Kadee Watkins Charitable FundBarbara and Keith WatschkeAndrea and Mike WehrungDebra WeichelStephen WeissLaura WestphallMichele WhiteWilliam and Naomi WilkinsWillmar Noon Lions ClubNancy WiltgenHoward Wittels and Beth RyanDr. Linda Wolf Charitable Fund for AnimalsNeal and Deborah WunderlichBarbara WysoskeAnimal Wellness CenterXcel Energy Foundation Matching ProgramYourCause, LLC

$100-$499Linda AabergGloria and Mark AanensonSara AaserudSandra and Greg AckermanBruce AdamsAdams Lions ClubDiana Adamson and Paul OberhausVeronica AhernRaymond "Clay" AhrensKristin AkornorAlbert Lea Cloverleaf Lions ClubAlbert Lea Lakeview Lions Club

Albert Lea Lions ClubAlbertville Lions ClubKathy and Matt AlbrechtErin AldrichAndrea Weinreb and Greg AlexanderJim and Shirley AlfsonDiane AllainErik and Susan AllenAllina HealthBernardo AlvaradoAmboy Lions ClubMarilyn AmundsonKate and Gary AndersenGary AndersonChristine AndersonSteve AndersonThomas AndersonMelissa AndersonAl and Cheryl AndersonJuel AndersonGail AndersonHolly AndersonKaren AndersonGlenn AndisThomas AndrewsAnoka Lioness ClubJanet Aquino-DantonaSatoru AsatoCraig AshbyAshby Lions ClubJoanne AshenfelterAskov Area Lions ClubAT&TAtonement Lutheran ChurchAtwater Lions ClubAvon Lions ClubJudith and Charles BabcockTim and Lisa BachmeierBruce and Libby BackbergBackus Lions ClubJanet Baker and Jackie AlschulerMichael BakerKarin, Elroy, Heather and Jesse BalgaardBruce and Connie Ballanger

Marcia BallingerAnne BaraschCheryl BarberBarnesville Thursday Night Lions ClubRobert BarrieRoger and Kellie BarryKaren BarstadRobert BarthelVincent and Susan BartonJulie BartschBattle Lake Lions ClubBay Lake Area Lions ClubBob Bayardbdh and Young Interiors/ ArchitectureGloria BecchettiBruce and Erin BeckBecker Lions ClubJamie and Koivu Becker-FinnReed Beckler, Jr.William BeeryLois BehmScott and Lori BehrEvelyn BehrensBelle Plaine Lions ClubHeidi BellefyBemidji Lions ClubJoyce BengtsonPatty BensonMegan and Allan BensonPatricia and George BergColleen BetlachMichelle BiermanBig Falls Lions ClubFred BigelowLeona BillingsBird Island Lions ClubLisa and Rainey BittmanSheryl BjorkNancy, Brad, & Katie BjorkmanBlackduck Lions ClubBarb BlakeAlicia and Tim Blank

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$100-$499 (cont.)Carl Blegen and Madeline Stenback BlegenPam BlomgrenMartha and Herb BloomKim BloomerBlue Earth Lions ClubBluffton Lions ClubSarah BoberMarilyn BoeLuke BogdanowiczPamela BongersDouglas and Marilyn BoothAnita Boucher and Jeff BangsbergKaren BowenErin BowleyKelly BoyleEmilie and Denny BrancaCatherine BranchChris BrandMarc and Mara BrandenburgLarry and Jane BrandenburgerSandra BrandvoldJanet and Steve BratkovichLuanne BraultRose Mary and Alex BrietkrietzNeil Bright and Judy CowdenTina BrobergChase Lemke, Christine & Andrew BrocktonBrooklyn Center Lioness ClubBrooklyn Park Lady Lions ClubLaurie BrovoldCarole Brown and James JacksonPatricia BrownDoris and Rex BrownConnie BrownPatti BrownDavid Brown, M. D. and Sandy BrownBrownton Lions ClubRowan BroylesCarol and Lloyd Bruemmer

Patti and David BruflodtBernadeen BrutlagThomas BuckleyDino BuegeBuffalo ExchangeBuffalo Lake Lions ClubBuffalo Lions ClubLisa Bugman and David AndersonChrista and Kim BuhlAnnette BujoldLisa and John BurbanRobert and Susan BurnsWilliam Burns Jr and Helen BurnsRandy and Sheryl BurrowsDebbie BurtDavid BuschkoChristy BussButterfield Lions ClubAmy BuvalaSusan and Jeffrey ByersByron Pet ClinicBruce CadwellCaledonia Lions ClubSue CalhounCallaway Lions Club

Barbara and Tim CallisterLaura and William CampbellJanis CampbellKira CampbellCampbell Lions ClubCamper Trampers Good SamsCarol Cantrell

Laura and Mark CapaldiniDarell and Julie CarlblomNancy and James CarlsonDarlene and Lockwood CarlsonMichael and Nancy CarlsonDawn Carlson and Gary GustafsonChristine CarlsonWally CarrCecelia CaspramCass Lake Lake Country Lions ClubKatie CastroKathy CaustonCenterpoint EnergyCenterville Elementary SchoolCFC - Okaloosa-Walton CountiesBen Krueger and Janet Chambers KruegerAngela, Ellie and Jay ChapmanChaska Lions ClubChatfield Lions ClubBillie ChavezMarilyn Chazin-Caldie and Patrick CaldieElizabeth CheneyChequamegon Lions ClubKaren and Steve ChesebroughGayle ChivateroLouis and Vicki ChouinardJoAnn ChristensenBarbara ChristensenKristine CinealisCity Of New HopeClarissa Lions ClubTim and Marcia ClennonKevin CloheseyCloudy Town SamsJanet and Gary CobusJudy and Don CochranJody Cohen PressMelissa Cohen SilbermanCokato Dassel Lions ClubCold Spring Lions ClubCollege City Sertoma ClubCologne Lions ClubCommunity Health Charities Minnesota

Congregational Church of ExcelsiorMichael ConnorsRick Pike and Barbara ContiBob CopusKim CornelisonCorvettes of MinnesotaL CoryCottage Grove Lions ClubCourtland Lions ClubJeffrey and Cheryl CowanKaren CowanKaren CoxElizabeth CrawfordJan CroftCrookston Lions ClubPat CrosbyMary Beth CrowleyCSM Bakery SolutionsKristi CurmeKatherine CurranCuyuna Range Lions ClubNacia Dahl and Michael WheelockDakota County Technical CollegeLyle and Linda DallmanDalton Lions ClubNancy DanielsonDanube Lions ClubMichael and Nancy DardisTara DarstMelanie DavisRebecca DavisonDawson Lions ClubJohn and Jan DayElizabeth De LayKathleen DeanDonna and Phil DeanMary Decheine-Rhatigan Jenny DeeDeer Creek Lions ClubDeer River Ave of Pines Lions ClubJean DeJongSally DekeDelano Lions ClubLisa and Mitchell DemaraisSandy Dempsey

Margaret DemsharDent Lions ClubMichael DettleKatherine DevineNancy DickinsonFrances DiedrichBeth DiedrichRichard and Cathy DiedrichsenVincent DiFruscioDilworth Loco Ladies Lions ClubPamela DitterGloria and Vern DockterJohn DoebleyAnn Doescher Curme-Shaw and Reid ShawKathy DolanCharles Hendrix and Elizabeth DolezalLouise and John DonhamRuth DonnerDora Paolucci Charitable FundPatty Douglas Campbell and Phil CampbellElizabeth DoverDowntown St Paul Lions ClubAnita DuderDuelm Area Lions ClubBriar DuffyJoAnn DurhamRuth DutchakEagan Lions ClubEagle Bend Lions ClubGary and Linda EastmanMadeline EbelingEden Valley Lions ClubEdina Lions ClubJoyce EdmeierTerry and John EggeEitzen Lions ClubMark and Sonja EliasElizabeth Lions ClubMarilyn ElsenpeterSara ElstadEmily, Outing & 50 Lakes Lions ClubLawrence and Jolene Endres

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$100-$499 (cont.)Michael EnrightBarbara and Greg EnsbergNicole EnsrudDeanna EricksonJames and Kristin EricksonMary ErnstJeff ErsboEsko Lions ClubEveleth Lions ClubTim EversonAda EvertonLinda and John EwingExpress EmploymentFacettesFairhaven Lions ClubFairmont Lions ClubRenee Falkum-YoungbergFaribault Lions ClubFarmington Lions ClubDonna and Sam FascianaBeth FaulconerMary FaustRobert FawcettCarlyle FayDan Feeney DVM and Janet FeeneyNancy FellandKaren FellerDedra and Dave FellnerMike Ferber and Betty OttoAnna and Kenneth FerkGretchen FerneliusCarol FernholzDelores FilipTeri and Harold FinnSkip FinnSherrie and Gary FischerViviAnn FischerDaniella and Alex FisherDonna FlintKevin and Vanette FlorenceDr. Christopher FoleyMichael, Dorothy and Paige FolleseSheryll Fonseth-Lais and Charles LaisFood Perspectives, Inc

Forada Lions ClubBruce Foreman and Lisa DiehlForest Lake Lions ClubMary ForstromFosston Lengby Lions ClubDominic and Jill FragomeniBarbara FrameMargaret FrancisFranklin Elementary SchoolRosemary FrazelJill Frederickson-Kratzke and Joseph KratzkeRandy FrehseMary FreyDavid FriederLynda and Paul FriedmanEdward FruchtenbaumSandra FullerNancy FultonCynthia FunkJulie FunkErin FurlongChristine FurlongKathleen GaligerLaura GallatiGannett FoundationLynn GannonJayne GardnerRichard Lee Garon and Robbie PerlGarrison Lions ClubConnie and Harland GarvinJudith and Steven GeldermanPete GellerupSue GermainMary GieslerCorrine GilbertsonJulia GillisMarcia and James GilmanKaren GlanderGlencoe Lions ClubGlenwood Lions ClubGlyndon Lions ClubSvetlana GodnyukLarry and Pam GoehringGeorge Golden and Deanna LouieGolden Valley Women's Club

Peggy, Jon, Shannon and Kelly GoodGoodhue Lions ClubErica GossardGrand Marais Lions ClubGrand Rapids Cap Baker Lions ClubGrand Rapids Star of The North Lions ClubGrandy Lions ClubEsther GraneyJacqueline GrantMark GrantGrant County Lions ClubValiree GreenGreen Isle Lions ClubGreenbush Badger Lions ClubGreenwald Lions ClubDeb GreisingJean and Megan GriebelSharon GriffBrandon and Colleen GuestJeff GullicksonMary McCormick and Theresa GurneySusanne GustafsonBill and Marcia GuthrieGuthrie-Nary Lions ClubPeter GutlovicsKelly GutzmannHackensack Lions ClubDayle HaglundDarla HainesTony and Louise HalekLisa HaleyCarmen HallMilanya and Jay HallHallock Lions ClubBruce HalversonBernadette HalversonHam Lake Lions ClubHamburg Lions ClubKarin HamiltonMark HammelHands On Twin CitiesJason Hanken

Hanover Crow River Lions ClubCaren and Chad HansenBetty HansenMarcia HansenSandra HansenJerome HansonCheri and Gerald HansonKeith HansonNadine HansonCheryl HansonLouise HarrisMark HartmanShawn and Gregory HartzelKris HassigHastings Rivertown Lions Club

Hilary HauserWesley HautThomas and Candy HawkinsonCate Heaven-YoungKate HebelPamela and Gregory HeckHector Lions ClubPat and Dee Dee HeffernanMichael and Cecilia HeigesKelli and Jonathan HeimerlJudy HeiserKay HelmekeKathi HemkenRobin and James HenrichsenKandace HensleyKarin and Bob HermanWilliam HerzogDiane Hester

Tracey HetlandPatricia HetrickKaren and John HickJoe and Judy HickeyHighland Prairie Church WelcaTracey HildrethMary HillHill City Lions ClubJulie HillmyerHills Lions ClubJack HinesJohnna HobbsKimberly HodgesKathleen HoelscherMary Jo HoffHoffman Lions ClubEric HoggardHokah Lions ClubHoldingford Lioness ClubHoldingford Lions ClubJeanne HolmanMary and Mark HolmesLynn Holtzleiter and Raylan Holtzleiter-StreeterCollin HolzwarthKim HoopesAmy and Terry HooverHopkins Lions ClubKimberly and Steve HorneHouston Lions ClubChaconas HowardJennifer and Bob HoweKent HowePaula HoytDale and Judy HughesHugo Lions ClubNancy HunzikerHutchinson Lions ClubInternational Falls Lions ClubRichard IrvineCindy and Shaun IrwinSonja IsaacsonIsle Lions ClubNora IvoryMike JacksonPhyllis Jacobs

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$100-$499 (cont.)Jean JacobsGeorgia JacobsenNichole JacobsonRobin JacobsonAngela JannottaMary Ellen JansenKaren JeapesCarol JenningsJude JensenDavid and Lisa JensenChristine JernanderGail and Doug JobesEmmert JohnsonMaggie JohnsonHazel and Jim JohnsonDoug JohnsonDonna JohnsonGregory and Cynthia JohnsonMarlene JohnsonPatricia JohnsonMary JohnsonSharon and Ron JohnsonDeb JohnsonDawn JohnsonBrenda and Nate JohnsonBetty Jo JohnsonBart and Gwen JohnsonSusan JohnsonDonald JohnsonCarla Johnson GabrielTrish Johnson-DossChris JonesJordaness Lions ClubJudy JoynesMichele and Gary JuipAmanda KaedingKathy KaiserColleen KaldunCathy KaliskiMike KallasSue KanterKathy KardellPeter and Patricia Karle

Kasson Mantorville Lions ClubRachel KaulJeanne KauthJoan KeenanPatrick and Tari KeeneSue KeiserCynthia KelchNancy and Tim KellyKaren KellyMelanie KellyDennis and Mary KellyBreanna, Carol and Richard KelmShinano KenshiKensington Lions Club

Ron and Laurie KentKerkhoven Lions ClubSiona KellyDenise KesselringDawn KesslerTanya KettingerKristina KieferKatherine KielbMary KilbyYoungmi Kim and Taewook YooJohn KimmesKingston Lions ClubNancy KirsnerJoan KittokDana and Pete KittokFredric KlingelhoferWanda KlossnerLisa Knazan and Dennis Levendowski

Mary Ann KnotekKatie KnutsonNels and Paula KnutzenSandy KochJoseph KoegelRenee KohlerSusan KollerDavid KoopConnie and Michael KopietzKevin KoschakBill Kostur and Nancy JamesDiane Kozlak and Gary EllisTerri Krake and Lora KennedyLorraine KretchmanDonna KrieselJune KroeningJames and Coralee KruegerJolene and Jeffrey KuballFrank and Jacinta KuharJayne KuharVirginia KukkolaDelano and Emily KulenkampDiane KutzerBenjamin KyesLa Crescent Lions ClubNichole and Corey LaaseAngie and Larry LaBatheRon LaCountLadies Auxiliary To The Charles R. Knaeble VFW PostDavid LaechelLafayette Area Lions ClubElizabeth LaFondLake Crystal Lions ClubLake Elmo Lions ClubLakeville Lakeside Lions ClubLakeville Lions ClubKristin LallakLamberton Lions ClubAmber and Steve LaMoureaLand O Lakes IncLand O Lakes Kennel Club IncDavid LanttoBarbara LaPoliceSarah LarkinSusan Larkin

Bethany and Kirk LarsonTimothy LarsonCheryl LaurentShirley LautenschlagerVicky and Joseph LauxChristopher LavalleLe Center Lions ClubCharles Leavitt IIIAbbygail and Charles LedonioDavid LeeHeather LeideKathryn and James LeideJulia LeNeauDiane LentzWIlliam LeonardLesauk Township Area Lions ClubLester Prairie Lions ClubSharon LevitskyLewiston Lions ClubLincoln Scandia Valley Lions ClubNicole LindbergHeidi LindbergSusan LindsayMarilyn LingardLino Lakes Lions ClubLions Club Wi AltoonaLions Club Wi Turtle LakeLions District 5M4Lions District 5M7Litchfield Lions ClubLittle Falls Dandee Lions ClubLittle Falls Lindbergh Lions ClubLittlefork Lions ClubRichard and Aileen LivelyJacquelyn LobitzJanice LoebelBeth LoechlerTheresa LoechlerBetty and Kim Winston LokkenLonsdale Lions ClubMelinda LookLow Voltage Contractors IncLaura LowryLowry Lions ClubEmily LowtherLoyal Lions Club

LaVonne LudkeDave LukeKathleen LundJudy and Andrew LundyRachel LunsfordLuverne Lions ClubJanet LynchScott Anton and Jan LysenTroy MaasBarbara MachonesStephanie and Dorothy MagelkyJan Maiola and Doug ThompsonPeter and Cheryl MairsKim MakieMargaret MakowskeVictoria MalaweyJewell and Allan MalerichTeresa and Marianne MalkoLinda MandersManheim MinneapolisMankato Sunrise Lions ClubSandra ManningSusan MaplesMaplewood North Lions ClubMaplewood Oakdale Lions ClubFrancis MarkJodi Monson and Nathan MarkellThomas MarronJean MartellElizabeth MartinPatricia MartinRichard MartinezDoreen MasloskiChandra MasloskiKristin and Jim MatejcekRebecca MatsonMary MatthysLeslie Matton-FlynnShannon MayerJan MayerRuth McAlindonMary McAndrewsBill McCallumCaroline McCardMary McCarten DoyleKaren McCauley

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Denise McClain

$100-$499 (cont.)James McCoyMaureen McDonough and Roger KapsnerBonnie McGinnisMark McGreeMcGregor Lions ClubScotty, Diane and Lawrence McGunnigleBetty McIntoshLeslie McKayJanet McKeanSandra and Tim McKieJames and Diane McLaughlinGwen McMahon and Jerry HarrisBarbara McMorrisLaura McQuillanNancy and Walter MeadleySue MegerDavid MeisterChris MelinJodi MenkeLindsay and Jerome MerkelAngela MerrifieldJoanne MeyerAmy and Shawn MeyerChris MillerLarry MillerScott MillerLisa MillerMinneapolis Elks Lodge 44Minneapolis Fort Snelling Lions ClubMinneapolis Hiawatha Lions ClubMinneapolis JayceesMinnesota Grand Chapter Order Of The Eastern StarMinnesota Lake Lions ClubMinnesota State Good Sam ClubMinnetonka Lions ClubMinnie and Maurice Weisberg Family Foundation FundAdelea Moe

Andrea MohanRobert and Mary MolendaDeb and Bill MolinAmanda MollnerJohn and Kathie MollnerRosemary Moneta RosengrenCheryl, Bill and Ellen MonsonJames MonteiroMontgomery Lions ClubCharlie and Jodee MontreuilMontrose Lions ClubBill MooreBeth MoorheadMoorhead Lions ClubMoorhead Midday Lions ClubMora Lions ClubJeanne MoralesKelly MoravecCynthia MorganMelanie MoriartyAdrianne MorrisMorris Lions ClubMotley Lions ClubPatricia MoudryMounds View Lions ClubMountain Iron Lions ClubTommie and Joann MuddChristine MuellerMary MuellerLarry and Sue MuenchowKathleen MurphyTricia and Frannie MurphyKatie NelsenCatherine NelsonJulie NelsonTron NelsonWilliam C. NelsonJames NeppCindy NessSandra and Collin NestandePaula and Mark Neuman-ScottNew Brighton/ Mounds View RotaryNew London Lions ClubNew Richland Lions ClubWink Newcomb

Newfolden Lions ClubJennifer and Shane NewmanNicollet Lions ClubMike NielsenDonna NiggelerDiane and Tom NokkJoanne NolinMaja, Mary and Tom NordCarolea Nord

Liisa NorlingDonna NorlingNorth Branch Lions ClubNorth Suburban Evening Lions ClubNorthern Edge ChiropracticNorthfield Cannon Valley Lions ClubNorthfield Lions ClubGretajo Northrop MD PhDNorwood Young America Lions ClubNowthen Lions ClubNYA West Carver Lions ClubMike and Kurt NystuenCarol OatesKathryn ObergJennifer O'BrienOgilvie Lions ClubHarriet OheFrank O’KeefeKristi OlienDebra OlsonNancy OlsonPam Olson

Renee OlstenWilliam OmlieLu and Susan OmmenOnamia Lions ClubOwen and Kristen & Joe O'NeillOrr Lions ClubOsage Lions ClubKristi OsciakOslo Lions Club

Owatonna Lions ClubSarah PageRhonda and Jamie PalmersheimSylvia PannkukMarisa PapsinNancy ParadeisePark Port Lioness ClubPark Rapids Lions ClubJeffrey and Nancy ParkerParkers Veterinary ClinicAnthony ParsonsPatrick, Sherry and Paige PattersonJerome PattersonTabatha PattersonChad PaulsonRobert and Carol PedersonJeanette Pederson RobergeElizabeth PenningPeoples Bank of CommerceTeri PepinChris PerryPersonal Touch Pet Grooming

Paul PeskeAlan Peters and Penny MarsalaAngela PetersNancy Peters Sparrow and Jonathan SparrowDelores PetersenKurt PetersenNancy PetersenJean PetersonPatrice PetersonKirsten PetersonGeorge and Carrie PetersonHeidi and Scott PetersonJill PetroPets Are InnSandra PfisterRandy and Terry PhillipsJon and Sandy PiddeShannon PiercePierz Lions ClubGary and Sandy PietigPine City Lions ClubPine City Pine Area Lions ClubPine Island Lions ClubPine River Lions ClubAmy PisulaPlato Lions ClubPlummer Lions Too Lions ClubJoan Miller and Craig PoorkerMatt PorterKevin PotterDiane PottsRenee PritzkerSharon and Gerry ProskinPrudential Foundation Matching Gifts ProgramKirsten PurvisBonnie and Donald QuigleyChad and Shannon QuigleyPeggy RaderElizabeth and Brad RadichelPete RaineyRamey Morrill Area Lions ClubBobbi RamsellRandall Cushing Area Lions ClubEvelyn Rau

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Jon and Cynthia RaubDavid and Lucia Reach

$100-$499 (cont.)Miriam ReadingSandra ReedJeff ReedJohn RegalCharlene ReinertJean and David RennerWilliam RetertKevin and Nancy RheinVincent RicciStephanie RiceRice Lions ClubSue RichRichardson Township Lakes Lions ClubRichmond Lions ClubKirby, Loretta and Alex RichterPauli RikeAudrey and John RingdalJeffrey RingerLinda RingwelskiAndrew RipkaBarry and Vicki RivenRL Barry AccountingCynthia RobeckRobert L. Slifer Living TrustSandy RobinChristine RobinsonRochester 76 Lions ClubRochester Host Lions ClubRochester Morning Pride Lions ClubRock Creek Lions ClubRockville Lions ClubRocky Mountain CFCBernie Waibel and Donna RodelConnie RoehrichRochelle RoehrichCraig RoenBrandi RogersTonja RolfsonRosemount Lions ClubJoan Rosenberg

Beth RosenbergerRobert RosenbrookKathy RosenowRoseville Lions ClubRotary Club of Golden ValleyTheresa RotellaKristina RuddStephanie Ruotsinoja and Bradley NordbergAmanda RushRush City Lions ClubAlan RussellPhilip RustadTerry RyanSabin Lions ClubMartina SailerTom SailstadPatricia SalladeCher SanchezCynthia and Ricky SandersJoseph SandersScott SandisonMary and Dick SandnessSandstone Quarry Lions ClubSartell Lions ClubDebra SasseJane SassenfeldLinda SauerSauk Centre Lions ClubSauk Rapids Lions ClubSauk Rapids Riverside Lions ClubRyan and Donna SautterMary SavageCindy and Mark SchaeferJane SchamberJill ScharoldPatrick SchervenKathy SchleichertAmber SchlettyTracy SchlichenmaierNancy Vierling-Schmitz and Rickie Lee SchmitzTracy SchrammKevin and Jean SchuldtCarolyn Schurr and June PrangeJudy and John Schwab

Stephanie Schwartz and Pamela SchwartzJackie SchweikertKristen SchweilochTanja ScottLinda ScottDorene ScrivenBea SearlesJoan SedlacekSharon SelleyJonathan SembranoJanna SeveranceBarb SeverniSeverson Family FoundationChris Simon and Judy Sharken SimonBob and Collin ShaughnessyRich and Mike SheehanTonya SheldonSherburn Lions ClubDoris SherburneJohn ShimotaAngela ShoberCarrie, Dave, Brynea and Greta ShofnerGail ShoreMelody ShoresNathan ShugaMariana and Craig ShulstadStacy ShumanDrew SieplingaLaurie SieverSilicon Valley Community FoundationSilver Lake Lions ClubLee SkaalrudKelley SkumautzAnne, Elizabeth and Zach SlamaBob SlaytonLynn Slifer and Tom KinseyJoseph and Caroline SmithNancy and Lawrence SmithKevin SmithDeborah SmithCyndy SmootsLarry and Sharon Smoots

Dan and Mary SnoblJodi SnyderSobieski Lions ClubGlen and Eileen SoderbergMaria and Donna SoleiLois SolomonElizabeth SongaliaKatherine SonntagLaurie SorensenLori SorensonSouthfork Animal HospitalGayle and Al SpannbauerJoan SpeersSpicer Sunrise Lions ClubSharon and Mark SpilmanCarmaline SpurrierSt Cloud Metro Lions ClubSt Francis Lions ClubSt James Lions ClubSt Louis Park Lions ClubSt Michael Lions ClubSt Paul North Ramsey 500 Lions ClubSt Pauls Women of the ELCASt. Andrew Lutheran Church

St. Hilaire Lions ClubSt. Martin Lions ClubSt. Paul Midway Lions ClubSt. Pauli WelcaSt. Peter Lions ClubStagetime ProductionsMina Stahl

Jean and Callie StammeyerRachel StantonStaples 93 Lions ClubJim and Christie SteckelbergLeandra, Wayne and Ms. Melissa SteegeSharon and Paul SteinbrecherPaul and Catherine StemperKenneth and Judy StenzelSTEP TherapiesStephen Lions ClubJulie StevensMary StewartStewart Lions ClubStewartville Morning Lions ClubBlythe StillwellJane Bresnahan and John StockmanDiana and Larry StoenLisa StokesLarry StollerMary and Jeff StonerSue StrandStephanie StreeterBrent StreeterRoss and Pauline StrehlowGail StreitzCharlotte StrohKatheryn StrongMelissa StruncSturgeon Lake Lions ClubMaureen and Matt SufkaGabrielle SugliaKaydell SunstenMike SweeneyAnne SwensonCheri SwensonLinda Mischke-Szurek and Steven SzurekDavid and Liane TackesTakeda PharmaceuticalsKatherine TalbergEbony TanLyndsey TaylorRita TeresiJudy Terp

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$100-$499 (cont.)Marc TerrisLynn TeschendorfThe Segel FoundationKathleen TheisenThief River Falls Lions ClubMelanie, Craig & Vincent ThielkeBarbara ThiesMindy and James ThomasLinda ThompsonAnn ThompsonDave and Beth ThompsonLarry ThompsonLois ThomptoVera ThorpeJennifer TingleyDebra TobinDean ToftRichard TollefsonNathalia Torres JimenezTown of Texas Lions ClubLindsey TraderClaudia and Michael TraynorTreasure Island Resort & CasinoPatrick TroskaJames TschidaMichael TubbsBonnie TuckerRay and Mary TurcotteTom TurnerTwo Harbors Lions ClubUnderwood Area Lions ClubUnited Way of Greater Los AngelesUniversity Of Mn Crookston Lions ClubBrenda ValeRoy VanceDawn Vander BroekSara, Stan, Isabella and Abigail Vander LugtKim Vander LugtVandervest Charitable FundPatricia VanErtHenrik VanlengerichKaye VaskeJenny, Max and Ciaran Vellon

Nancy VerbaVergas Lions ClubJerome and Julie VerginBarb and Cathy VerhageVerndale Lions ClubVesta Lions ClubVirginia Lions ClubSharon VollmerThomas VollmerWabasso Lions ClubWaconia Lions ClubWadena Lions ClubNan and Bruce WagnerWendy WagnerSusan Wagner and David SnyderWaite Park 2012 Lions ClubDale and Kathryn WaletzkoJan WallKrystle WallaceWallace the Pit Bull FoundationWalnut Grove Lions ClubLisa WalsakMichael WalshSusan WanhalaSamantha, Joel and Melissa WannerDean WardJosey WarrenWarren Lions ClubWarroad Lions ClubAnnmarie Warter and Duane AipperspachCheri WarwickWaseca Lions ClubLen and Nannette WashkoWatertown Lions ClubWatson Lions ClubWaverly Lions ClubRobert WavrinMelani WeberHope WedgeMary WegehauptLara WeismanJeanette WeiszGary WelhartickyAmanda and John Welle

Ronda and Harold WellsWells Fargo Community Support - MplsWendell Lions ClubBarbara Wendt

Mary WestWestbrook Lions ClubBonnie WestraWheaton Lions ClubDena WheelerWhitehall Lions ClubMarilyn and Art WickStu and Linda WicklundEllen WieseBarb and Paul WilliamsJeannine WindelsWindom Lions ClubBruce WingertAndrea and Mitchell WinieckiWinnebago Lions ClubPatty WirzJon, Jill and Austin WisdorfJudy WoellnerScott, Brandon, William and Shannah WojciakWolf Lake Lions ClubGail and Ronald WolfeWood City Ramblers SamsCynthia WoodsDedra WoodwardAnne WoolseyKathy Wright

Donise WrightJudy WrightLynnea WuolletToni YeamansAnita Young

Mikyung and James YoungquistAmy YungnerGreg YurickMary ZappaKevin ZaunKristina ZempelSally ZesbaughDonna ZilkaTyler ZillmerHeidi ZirkleKendra ZoaKate Zumberge

Up to $99Wayne AakreBarry AbblettMichele AbellTom, Nick and Sue AbrahamsonGunnhild, Hans and Andrea AccolaGeorge and Sue AcklandMs. Maureen AcostaAda Lions ClubJulie AdamsTom and Nancy AdelmannAffiliated Emergency Veterinary ServiceAsya Akerman

Brianna, Heidi and Rick AlbersMary AldenAlden Lions ClubAldrich Lions ClubAll World EnterprisesPaula AllanLaura AllbrittonCarol AllendorfAlmelund Lions ClubAM Real Estate ServicesJanyce AmundsenBernice AndersonBuzz AndersonColleen AndersonDenise AndersonMeghan AndersonAndrea AndersonCarol AndersonTricia AndersonShawn AndersonTessa and Ali AndersonKarla AndersonBruce AndersonBetty AndersonKatherine AndersonCorinne AndersonJoan AndersonMartha and Kenneth AndersonBecky AndersonSally AndersonKen AndersonBecky AndersonJeri AndersonVicki AndersonApril AndersonLeesa AndersonJane AndersonBonnie Anderson RonsLori and Bill Anderson TepleyAndover Lions ClubLorraine AndrewsAnimal BridgesAnnandale Lions ClubDebbie AnspachAlyssa AnttilaJulie Apold

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Up to $99 (cont.)John and Rose AppelWayne AppelMike and Cheri AppelAmber AppelApple Valley Lions ClubDonna and Steve ApplebaumMaria Aranda SchwobAmy ArellanoArlington Lions ClubJanet ArnoldBonnie and Todd AscherCheri AshfeldLori AusAustin Evening Lions ClubRebecca AyalaTodd BabekuhlDonna BaberRodney BaconSandy BaineyKaren BairdBeverly BakerSusie and Brad BakerMarta BakerDon BakkeNoelle BakkenCharles BallentineNicole BalzarottiDebbie and Richard BancroftDoris BangsAmy BannisterDavid BarkerMicah BarlassBrian and Natalie BarnesCarol BarnesSharon BarnettIngrid BarnettCarol BarnhartNancy BarronJennifer BarthelJane BarthelemyLaura BasballeRebecca BaskettSheryl and Mike Bassett

Sharon BassettBauer Floor Covering IncDaniel BaumanMs. Doris BautchMichael BeachCarolyn BeachKelly Beamish-EricksonDouglas BearroodDiana BeattieVicky BeaudetteDeb BeckerRyan BedellMichelle Mattfield and Marge BegmanBarb BehrensSara BeigleRoberta BeihofferDennis BellTherese BenckBrigitte BennettJake BensonDebra BensonBrad BensonBenson Lions ClubElaine Benson-MoosbruggerAnn and Paul BerendesKellie BerensLisa BergCarny and Dan BergCindy BergquistSarah BertschWanda BerwaldJudy BetchwarsLinda BetleyDavid and Darlene BetlockChristine BezekSheila and Anthony BianconiBig Lake Lions ClubDavid and Jennie BimbergElaine BjergaardKristine BjerkJoie BjorkPatrice BlaeserBlaine Central Lions ClubDavid and Jane BlandKathleen Bleckeberg

Jennifer BlombergMichael BloodBlue Lakers SamsMichelle and Eric BoettcherLaVonda BoettcherAlan BohmeJoanne and Alison BolducRich and Lora BoleyNoah & Julie BonebrakeJudy BongardJohn BonnesDarci BontragerTheresa and Russ BorchardtDonna-Lee BorovanskyAndy BostromMary BotRodney BothunTony BoucherBowlus Lions ClubJoanne BoydGina BoyerCharles BoyungJeff and Pat BozicevichKristine Braaten-LeeJill BrabenderDavid and Ann BradenPat and Howard BrahmstedtBrandon Lions ClubMargaret BrandstetterCrystal Brandt

Heidi BraunBreckenridge Lions ClubDebra BreiSherry BreimhorstJack Breitkreutz

Mark BreuerHilary and Nathan BrezinkaLaura BriggsLinda BrookeKathy, Mark, Haley and Kyle BrotenGay BrownCarolyn BrownBonita BrownCindy BrownBarbara BrownRhonda BrownRichard and Patricia BrownRobin BrownRachel Brown Seurer and Jim SeurerPatricia BrowneMargaret Brownrigg and Tom BarbeauBrownsville Lions ClubKent BrunTeresa and Tom BrunesMichele BrusegardSondra and Bill BrustJeanne BuchanMaria BuchholzCatherine and Charles BuddMary BudgeRichard and Delores BuegeJulia Buege Freeman and Troy FreemanWilliam BuellEmily BuellIzzy BuiLiz BurginDebra BurkeMarcia BurkeLinda BurnsBurns & McDonnell Foundation Matching Gifts FundJD BurtonJanet BushMike BushDawn BushmanTiffany BusoneSandra BusseDebra Butler

Janice BuvalaMark BuvalaColleen ByrneCadott Lions ClubWarren and Virginia CaldwellCambridge Lions ClubCamden Lions ClubPatricia CameronToni CammonSylvia CampbellJanice CampbellDebby CampeauWilliam CampionAmy CaneroCannon Falls Lions ClubFrances CantrallVincent CarbonellTye CardJanelle CarleSheri CarlislePia and Ben CarlsenKay CarlsonCynthia CarlsonCarol CarlsonPam CarlsonNancy and Dick CarlsonSteve CarnesSandra CaronDoris and Mike CarrollEmma and Laura CarrollMichel CarterBridget CarterAnne CarterCass Lake Lions ClubMurna CassadaHollie CaugheyAllison and Ryan CavisCedar East Bethel Lioness ClubCedar Mills Lions ClubCenterville Lions ClubCFC Overseas - Global ImpactDiane ChadMichelle ChalmersCharlie and Trina ChambardSharon ChambersSarah Chaney

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Up to $99 (cont.)Barb and Coy ChelgrenAmy ChihakCheryl ChoukalasSherry ChristensenMargaret Christensen-FreeseCarol ChristiansenMr. Lane ChristiansonAmelia and Julie ChristoffersonRemington and Nicole ChristophDoug ChristophersonChurch of St Patrick of EdinaCircle Pines Lexington Lions ClubKailee ClappClara City Lions ClubAnita ClarkDavid Clark and Constance Fukuda-ClarkShannon ClarkeClarkfield Lions ClubKimberly ClausonClearwater Lions ClubArlen and Donna ClercxCM Perme & AssociatesMary Lou CodyRoger CoffeyMark CoffeyKalyn CoffeyMichelle CoffeyBetty ColeJennifer ColeTom ColemanRobert and Karen ColinMarilyn CollinsSteven CollinsRoberta CollinsMary CollinsCologne Leos ClubLori Jo ColwellComfrey Lions ClubCompanions Animal HospitalCarol and William ConnellyPatricia ConzetJessica CookDale Cook

Carol CookJayne Cook-QuarryCoon Rapids Lioness ClubRachel CorcoranMary CoryCosmos Lions ClubRachelle CotterBridget CoutureLynn and Gerald CoxLora & Rich CracraftJames and Roberta CraigTerese CressCrookston Dawn To Dusk Lions ClubOuida Crozier and Karen McMahonLois CrunstedtPatrick CummingsJennifer and Andy CzerniakCarol DahlElizabeth DahlLouise and Bruce DahlgrenLinda DahlquistDiana DanielsPeter DanielsonDorothy Ann DanleyKaren DareDavanni’sLynn DaveyKevin DavisRosemary DavisDennis and Pamela DavisDarci DawsonRobin DayDebra DeckerDeerwood Lakes Lions ClubSonja DegraVonna and Ben DeLongBonnie DeMarce-KollGreg DemarcoJohn DeWittCarol DickGretchen and Ronald DiegnauKelly DietzElizabeth DillonJudith DirksStephen Dirksen

Erin DirksenEileen DiskenLori DixLonnie DixonPaula DobbertinAmanda DobleDodge Center Lions ClubAlwood DokkenDenise DolsKatherine Dols and Alan StevensonPaula DonnellyMs. Erin Follese and Leah DonnellyBob and Sandie DonnerWendy DorholtCorinne DornPaul DoubleSteven DoughertyJanet DroneckSarah DuesterhausRaphael Dufresne-HardenJulie DumayStephanie and Courtney DunfordPatricia DunhamDenise Dunnell WellsSue DurandPat DuryeeRon DusaJill DyerKay DykstraToni EamesEast Central Leo ClubMr. Gale and Barbara EastwoodAmy EastwoodLauren EberhartDawn EcksteinLeanne EdbergNancy Sue EdgarHolly EdgettCathy and Scott EdstromRobert EdstromPaul EggenKaren EhlertMarie Ehrenberg and June GoodrichChristine EidAmanda Elfstrum

Ellendale Lions ClubJim and Rosalind ElmquistJanet and Robert ElsenpeterHanna ElshoffCate Elsten and Art Beeman

Pam EmersonPamela EndeanJulie EngbrechtCathy EngelbyEdward EngelsGalen and Gloria EngholmSusan EngstranEllen EnrightEpilepsy FoundationJim EricksonSharon and Jon EricksonSamantha EricksonSally EricksonMuriel EricksonJo EricksonShelley EstevezRaymond EtzelJan EtzellRenee EvansLorie and Rick EvensonKaren EwingAmy FaarenBarb FaegreFarming Lions ClubKate and Melissa FarrandPatricia FaustgenPeggy FaySarah FeldbruggeElizabeth FellingRichard and Denise Fenton

Thomas FerberDonna FerrierFertile Lions ClubAlana FialaPatrice and Norman FilkinsRisa FinnBarbara Firth and Jennifer RitchieCharlene FischerErin FischerLaurie Fischer and Allen FuechtmannDebbie FisherPam and Steve FlatenTiffani FlawsColleen FletcherShannon FlinnFlom Area Lions ClubBarbara FlorenceBarb FontaineBeth FordeJuanita FosterBeth FowlerMark FoxCandyce FoxAnitra FrancisBryan FrandrupJoan and John FrankJohn FrankJean FransenVicki and Terry FranzenDominic FrecenteseKathleen FreichelsPatricia FreiertCyndy Frerichs-RasmussenMarcia and Gary FritzmeierFulda Lions ClubAlyssa FullerRuthann GaardPamela GackeDawn GaetkeJean and Dale GagnerRoger GaleJanet GalvinLynda GanterMary GardinierPhyllis Garelick

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Up to $99 (cont.)Janet GarfieldElaine GarleyNancy GastonGateway CFCLinda GavelLeslie GentnerCasey Gentz and Hayden HollandKaren GeorgeJodi GeorgeBruce GeorgesenGlenn GerlitzChristopher and Cheryl GibbonsBill Duel and Robin GilbertsonLarry and Jeanette GillmanNina GilmerBarbara GilmoreGirl Scout Troop 1380Laura GischMarna GisvoldDeb GleasonBrian GloverTheresa GmiterkoCarol GoblishKatherine GoetzkeJackie Gohdes and Dorothy EideDiane GoldenGolden Valley Lions ClubJill GoldsteinJudy GoldstrandLindsay GolzGoodshopGeorgia GoodwinMarilyn GooleyBrian and Beth GordonSteven and Jill GottliebLeigh GoudeKathleen GouldAnita GoulettShirley GouveiaBethany and Ryan GrabowCindy and Nick GrahamGrand Meadow Lions ClubLisa Graney

Granite Falls Lions ClubThomas GravesGreg GravesJane GravesJohn Gregoire

Ellen GriffinKari and Amanda GrimmEverett GrindstaffBecky GrosethJean GrossHannah GrossmanMarjo GruhotJames and Lynn GrycJean GuentherJean GustDana GustafsonGeniene HaackSusan HaakeHadley Lions ClubKathy HagenGeorge HaikelRex and Jacquelyn HaleCharles Neuman and Beverly HallSheila HallenbergErin HalonenHeidi and Steve HamiltonAnn HamiltonPhillip HammondLarry HandelAnne HandfordCarolyn HaneyJanet, David and Kara Hansel

Elisa HansenLynn HansenTeresa, Chris and William HansenAmy HansenCarol HansenJulia HansonRoger HansonMargo and Valerie HansonKristin HansonJackie HansonKenneth HansonMelissa and Brian HansonKarin HansonHanson Accounting ServicesHeather HanssenJennifer and Steve HardingHarmony Lions ClubPenny HarrisMerrie HarrisonKaren HarrisonDianna HartGail HartlDaniel HartmanDorothy HassBruce HassigCorinna HastingsWilla HathawayLisa HathyLind HattremKim and Sean HaugeThomas HawleyLouise Hayden Falk and Milo FalkBarbara HayesRita HayesHolly Hayes BergerHealthPartnersJuliet HeathHector Lioness ClubRob and Rhonna HedMike and Mary Beth HeffernanPaul and Phyllis HeffernanSharon HegnaDebra HeilSarah and Diane HeinschIrene Helmueller

Kristin HemmrichHenderson Lions ClubTiffany and Cory HendricksonMolly J. HenkeHenning Lions ClubHenriette Lions ClubPeter HenriksonDarren HenryRoberta HerbstRhonda Hergott-WelpMark Hermison and Susie RoesElizabeth HesterMichelle HigginsMargaret HigginsBeth HillemannKathleen HillestadSteve HinrichsGarry HippeNichole HirmanEd and Diane HirschMary HirschJoanna HirscheyMarcia HjerpeTomicholar HodgesGary and Harriet HodneJan HoferKim and Mark HoffLynette HoffmanShelby HoffmanMargaret HoffmanRonald HolbachJames HolbergDorothy HoldenJohn and Esther HolgateHolistic Veterinary CareSun HollandHolland Hair ShackJudy HolmesDorothy HolmesMike HolmesLydia and Ted HolstenMary Ann and Roger HoltzleiterKathy HoltzleiterHoly Nativity Evangelical Lutheran ChurchBarbara Jean Hones

Mary HooleyBob HooverKathleen HopeMary HorejshTerri HouleKen HoversonTom and Jill HoversonJennifer HowardNathan HowardHoward Lake Lions ClubAmy HoydStephen and Mary HughesJean HughesJohn and Carole HumphreyMarilyn HurrleDeborah HusomeHutchinson Lioness ClubAna IbsElisa IhaJudy Ingram and Susan SobelsonInterior IdeasIsanti County Humane SocietyIsanti Lions ClubEd and Marian IssenhuthVerna and David IttnerRobert IversenPeter IversonKelly JacksonJill JacksonIngrid JacobsKrista JacobsonPeggy JacobsonMel and Gwen JacobsonNancy and Bruce JahnkeCarole JamiesonKimberly JanovecPhil JarvisJasper Lions ClubJasper Quarry Lions ClubMartin JavinskyElizabeth JavinskyCecile JavinskyM.W. and D.J. JaworskiJeffers Community Lions ClubCorey Jensen

Page 31: ASSISTANCE DOG HAS OPENED UP A NEW WORLD...73 FINAL TRAINING D D D D D D D D D D 3 Dear Friends, In this report it is our pleasure to provide you with highlights of the accomplishments


Up to $99 (cont.)Elizabeth JensenJoni JensenLinda JessenHaldis JezuskoMuhammad JiwaPatricia JohnsonDiane JohnsonKari JohnsonCraig JohnsonJean JohnsonLois JohnsonRae JohnsonCheryl JohnsonBarbara JohnsonAlan JohnsonBarbara JohnsonBill JohnsonCorinne and Richard JohnsonJames and Elizabeth JohnsonPeggy JohnsonEric JohnsonCathy and William JohnsonAshaki JohnsonPearl JohnsonVivian JohnsonLaura JohnsonEva JohnsonCurt JohnsonMarcia JohnsonAmy JohnsonJustin JohnsonGlenn Joly and Merridith Duellman-JolySusan JonesNadine JordanMary JosephsonMindy JoyceOrlyn JoynerGeorge JuairePamela JunceskiTim and Ann KaduceStephen KairiesDave KaiserShirley Kallenbach

Katherine KantorBeth and Brad KantorMichael KarelsKarlstad Lions ClubElaine KastnerOksana KatkovaRuth KatzLiana KazaryanSheila KeenanCynthia KeeserTonni-Sue KeinzSusan KellerKellogg Lions ClubNick KellyMichael KellyCourtney KellyNorm and Barb KelzenbergGail KentonPatricia KentonKenyon Lions ClubKey City Kennel Club IncSara Kidd-LewisKiester Lions ClubRebecca KillMichael KindermanMarsha KindsethMerrilee KinneyNancy KirchnerDeloris KirkpatrickDonald Bartkowski and Mary KistingColleen KitagawaBrenda KittlesonLynn and Tim KjolsingSue and Lyle KlaassenCharlene KlausDuane KleinePete and Sharon KleingartnerKaren KlousJeanne KlukasHelen KnaresboroDarci KnauerGeorge KniselyLorraine KnorrCarah KochMary Shea Kodluboy and

Stephen KodluboyMarie KoehlerJoanne and Chuck KoehlerHarriet KohenKen Kolding and Eleanor SiggerudKeith KolleMichelle KollingShelley KonradVicki KopplinStephanie KozaJoy and Dave KraftWally and Char KramersmeierLynn KrapfJoann KratochvilValerie KreagerBeth KrietzmanMary KristoCarol KrivestiElaine and Catherine KrobAmy KruchowskiKaren KruegerCarl KruegerNancy and Sagar KrupaSuellen KruseDavid Kuball

Rebekah KubistaLynne KubistaLori KuhlmannHarriet KuikenKarla and Timothy KuisleMargery KullmanJean KulvichMary Kay Kunz

Brenda KurttiKris and Tim KurtzSusan KyserLa Dee Dogs Llc Dba Pooch WalkersKatherine LaaseMelissa LaatschCarol and Paul LaBonteLeanne LafaveGary and Carla LagerstedtSally LajonLake Wilson Lions ClubLakefield Lions ClubChristine and Matthew LaMottDot LandisTracy Landowski-Ulland and Joel UllandDon and Mary LandryCarol LangeBrad LanglaisLaporte Benedict Lions ClubGladys LarsenDeena LarsenJulianne LarsenSandra LarsonMarita LarsonBob LarsonFrances LarsonRebecca LashleyJordan and Cecilia LaubeLee LaurischJohn LavenderEleanor LawrenzKathy and Donald LeaonTim LeeJames LeeVicki LeeNancy LehrmanAlena, Maxim and Mikita LemeshAndrea LenzSuzzan Leonard and Kathy DeweesJohn Leroy and Nicole LeRoyBen and Jeana LetourneauMichael LeveilleLevel Up GamesRachel Levitt

Jodi LewisCarlton LewisJennifer LieffringTim LiestmanJane and Todd LifsonDeb LilyJanet LindahlRichard LindellMary LindemannRena LindgrenLarry LindquistJoan LindquistThomas LinharesSarah Linnes-RobinsonLino Lakes Lioness ClubLions District 5M3Lions District 5M6Lions District 5M8Dennis LitfinSteve LitzkowCarolyn LockwoodPamela LoganMindy LogeBarb Logue and Noreen FerrarieBev and John LokenFrank and Judy LokenNancy LongLongville Lions ClubFaye LopezPatricia LoveletteRoland LozierLucan Lions ClubMark LucasLiz LucastElaine LuckingJeanette LudwigRoss LundPhyllis LundeenSusan LundquistRuth and Bob LundquistJean and Larry LundquistMichelle LundyLiliya LychkovskiKathryn LyfordScott LysneKathy Maas

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Up to $99 (cont.)Mabel Lions ClubJames MacFarlandDiana MachonesJohn MackEd MackayDale and Anne MackerethTammy MacyPaul MadsenBryce, Kelly and Dan MadsenBrian MadsonBarb MageeMary MagersTheresa MaggiElaine MahinMark Given and Carrie MaloneyMankato Key City Lions ClubMankato Lions ClubBonnie MantheyMaple River Study ClubPeggy MarchesaniLaurence and Karin MargolisCyndi MarkgrafMarcia MarshallMarshall Lions ClubLois MartellJanet MartinMitchell MartinDoreen MartinJohn MarudasMarty MarzolfShirley MasterHelen MathisonAl MattheisenLuke MatusovicMarilyn MatykiewiczMichelle MaxwellAnn MayerMazeppa Lions ClubPam McCabeElizabeth McCambridgeNorm and Dawn McCarthyAndrea McCartySusan McCarville

Tess McColloughEric and Kimberly McConleyDavid and Becky McConnellCathy McCoyCheryl McDonaldTracie McDougallMartha McGannRichard and Tamara McGeheeVince McInernyRuth MckayBonnie McLaughlinKaren McLucasGene McNamaraTimothy McNamaraDennis McNelisJennifer McNertneyJan McQuillanKim and Tom MedinDiane MeekMichelle MehrerKay and Gordon MeierPeter MeierMelissa MelnickTammy MelottBev and Richard MensingMichele and Bruce MenzelNancy MerrittAmanda, Marthanne and Randy MertonDorothy MessnerNancy MeyerMelissa MeyersKathleen MichelsDeborrah MickelsonAllen and Debra MickelsonMilan Lions ClubJanet MilesDee MillardLinda MillerSharon MillerRita MillerJoyce and Romaine MillerJane MillerMilroy Lions ClubRebecca Milz

Minneapolis Can Do Canines Lions ClubMinneapolis Downtown Next Generation Lions ClubMinneapolis Lyn Lake Lions ClubMinnesota Autism CenterMinnesota Women Of TodayJessica MitchellFranny MoenKaty MoenDonald MogenMike and Linda MolendaJoe MolinaroShawn MonighanJodeen Monson

Dave and Roxanne MontebelloKenneth Dodge and Maureen Moo-DodgeLindsey MoonMark MooneyDorianne MooreJanette MooresScott MorganMorgan Lions ClubNancy MorinCindy and Robert MorinKathy Morson

Rudy MortensonAnn and Keith MortimoreAnnamarie MosengEdith MoserMary MoudryTaylor MuellDebbie MulvihillHolly MurphyMindy and Marlean MyersMason and Gwen MyersMark MyronN.E.W. New Market-Elko- Webster Lions ClubNancie Lauritsen and Sandy NeddersenMelissa and Lori NeebLaurie NeffNikki NefsteadMichele NehartAmanda NeisLoraine NeisenMarilyn NelsonSarah NelsonDenise and Dave NelsonRandy NelsonChris NelsonGretchen NelsonDeborah NelsonHeidi NelsonJessica Nelson RademacherAnita Nerhus and Sameel KhanKathy NeumanChuck NeumanNancy Nevin-AtwoodNew Auburn Lions ClubSteph NewinskiJack Anderson and Marsha NiebuhrDonna NieckulaLeeAnn NiemiecLori NigburDebra NollRandall NordHeather NordRobert NordEunice Noreen

Beverly NorlinBrooke NovaczykShalon NovakJason NowakNutriSource/Tuffy's Pet FoodMarla NyboLisa NyenMichelle OchsendorfJennifer O'ConnellJacob Davis and Debby Odell-DavisPatricia OehrleinBeverly OfsthunMarjorie & Bret OkerstromVicki OkerstromJon OkstadLorie OlafsonConnie and Jason OldfatherJanice O'LearyJohn O'LearyFred OlofsonWayne and Marilyn OlsenCarol OlsonMarie OlsonPamela OlsonGaylene OlsonCaroline OlstadMartin OlszowkaNik OmanMaria O'NeillDiana O'NeillDavid O'NeillAnn OrdMaxine OrdahlOrigami OwlOronoco Lions ClubDebbie OrrockOsakis Lions ClubCheryl and Abby OsborneMark OsthusLeslie OstremPeter OtternessYoerg PaaverudNicole PackeePalisade Area Lions ClubChris Palmisano

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Up to $99 (cont.)Patricia PanacekKim PankoninRita ParisJane ParryNancy ParsonsPartnership ResourcesAnn & Brian PartridgeJeffrey PartykaAlan PascoalMarilyn PashLisa Marie PasqualeGary PasterikMike PastirClifford PatrickPaul Bunyan SamsJanet PaulsenLeroy PaulsonCarolyn PeapenburgJanet PearsonJanet PedersonHeather PedersonPelican Rapids Lions ClubPennock Lions ClubPequot Lakes/Breezy Point Lions ClubPerham Lakes Lions ClubMary PerkinsJil Perreten and Charles ToengesChristine Peters and David and Forrest LinsellGreg PetersenStewart PetersonAllison PetersonAl PetersonVictoria PetersonLeslie PetersonTed PetersonMary Jo PetersonTheresa PetersonAnna and Ramsey PetersonKathleen PhilippBeverly PierceAnita PietilaNatalie PinaultGeorge and Carol Pintelon

Lisa PitmanPizza CornerBob PlahmerPlainview Lions ClubNatalie PloesslElmo and Jane PlumhoffTami PohlCynthia PohlKelsey Polcher and Travis HockertMike PolisMelissa PondShannon PopeSusan PopkinDonna PorfiriTom PorterRichard PostPost Office Customer Council of MplsLisa PowellVirginia PowerPrairie Village Pet HospitalWesley PrattTamera PrestinPreston Lions ClubJanet PribnowPride of Parkers Prairie Lions ClubPamela PrinceMark ProchaskaNeil ProechelPrudential FinancialJan and Tom QuadeBrittney WolfLinda QuastRodney QuimbyDarrell QuinehanKelly RaderKristen RagozzinoBob RandRob RandLois RandRandall Cushing Little Elk Lions ClubSharon RanningSuzanne RarichSid and Clarice RasmussenLynette Rausch

Linnea RavelingKathleen RawnRaymond Lions ClubLeah RecchioRed Wing Lions ClubKara and Jack ReddingSharon ReedMartha RegerJulie ReidheadMike ReierBarbara ReimannJanalee Reineke LythLisa ReinertNina ReinertsonJanis ReinschmidtDeborah ReppGillian ReynoldsRhinelander Northwoods Lions ClubEmily RhudeKaren RicciAnne and Raymond RicciMichael RichardsonKrispen and Richard RidgwayMichael Hughes and Sheila RiekeJerrie RimasConnie RipleyBob RitchieSteven RitterDonna RitziRiverside Fergus Falls Lions ClubMarilyn RobbinsJill RobbinsKaren RobertsGayle RobertsonCarmen RobertsonRick RobinsMargaret RochellePamela RodenbergDelores RoehlMelissa RoettgerHeather RogersLaura RohdeJacki RohrerJohn RolfingMs. Patty Roller

Matalyn RomeneskoSally and Robert RoscoeMichael RoseGloria RosenthalConstance RossSue RosselandKay and Rick RostHeidi RostonSteve RothermelTeresa RousseauJane RovaShelley RowanPatty RunyonRushford Lions ClubKathleen RustAlice RutzenJennifer RyanMichelle RyanWilliam RyanKaren RyanSusan Ryan

Sharon Ryan-OlinKathy RyghAnne SaevigSusan SalataKaren SalleySandra SampairKelly SampsonDenise SandbergJames and Joann SandersNaila and Daniel SandersonThomas Sandness

Santiago Lions ClubMichael SarafoleanMark SaranPeg and Mark SaskerPam SatekGeorgia SavatCarolyn SawyerSBI Financial ServicesDan and Gina SchaalDiana SchansbergDonna SchefflerCarleen SchelitscheElise SchendelJerry SchendelSue ScherbenskeC Rose ScheunemannCarol SchieboldRobert SchirlingerJeannette SchlegelEileen SchlentzPatricia SchluenderLorna SchmelingJulie SchmidtChristine SchmittJoanne and Meg SchneiderJeff SchneiderKrista SchneiderKaren SchnuckleKelly SchoeneckerMegan SchommerJulie SchoshinskiTheresa and Jerry SchrankPatricia SchreiberKyle SchriefferAndie SchriefferDuane SchroederAlina SchroederArlene SchroederJennifer and Jon SchroederDave SchroederEmily SchubertAshley SchuldesBeverly and Paul SchulerRobyn and William SchulkeElizabeth Schulte

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Up to $99 (cont.)Kim SchulteAmanda SchultzDiane Schultz Fleming and Dan FlemingTeresa SchulzNancy SchunemanElizabeth SchusterAngela SchwalbeLaure and Shawn & Renee SchwartzDavid and Mary Sue SchwarzCamille SchwopeAmy ScoreLynn, Lois, and William Lee ScottAnne ScottMary ScottSusan SearleScott SederJeanne SegarKerry SeimRenee SellerBrenda SelnerShannon SelzDiane SenjemSertoma Club Of Fergus FallsBrandy SessingJean SeveranceShakopee Valley Lions ClubJames and Celia ShaplandSuzanne and Larry SharkenMichelle SharpDawn ShawStacy Sheldon-WilkinsonKathryn ShelhamerAnn ShepardAlison ShermanStacy ShermerThomas ShraderWill ShushelnyckyMary SieversKaren SiewertMary SigmundikJuliette Silvers

Darleen and Leslie SimonMaryanne Simonitsch and Gregory & Casey GerschRobert and Jacqueline Ann SingerKitty SinjemDeborah SinningVicki SivulaKathleen SkeieMarge and Dave SkeieShane SkellyConnie SkillingstadFloyd SkinnerKristen SkowronekGary and Luann SkrivsethNancy SlaughterSteve and Sherry SlettenSam SlettoEmma SmallRamona SmererRobin SmerkarJim SmithLouise and Gary SmithKathryn SmithNancy SmithRobert Niebauer and Danielle SmithPeter and Denise SmithTony SmithMarilyn SnyderGina SochaRoger Hanson and Robyn Socha-HansonBill SodemannJackie SokolSouth Paw Pet GroomingRoseann SpanglerKaren SpeckGail SpeckmannSusan Spence DVMMelissa SpreemanSpring Grove United Fund IncAlisha SrockSt Charles Lions ClubSt Cloud Southsiders Lions ClubSt Francis Lioness ClubSt Paul East Side Lions Club

Siah and Katrina St. ClairJeffrey StalbergerChuck StalbergerDavid StampsKathy StarkJean and Tom StarkCarol StarkeyJenny StarrJudith SteenbergCarl SteffenScott SteffenJacklynn StefflRick and Linda StefonekMary SteinDiane SteinhoffDenise SterlingKaren SternStewartville Lions ClubSusan StinsonKerri StockwellJosh StokesKris StolskiKelly StowellBruce StrachotaLarry StreeterPam StreiffAllen StruckClaire StuessyCarri StuhrKelli SturgeonTara and Patrick SullivanDevika SuriMegan Sutherland FerdenPamela SvedbergMartha SwainStephanie SwearingenJulie SwedbergShelly SwensonJeffrey and Debra SwensonDustin SwensonJeri SwierzewskiKristi SwisherKen SykoraNicole SylvesterJay SyversonDiana Szymkowiak

Gregory TankJulie and Ethan TarshishPeter TatikianTysley TaylorSue TaylorMarcia TaylorCarol TaylorLouise TedfordChristopher Reichel and Linda TedfordRyan TeelAnne TegenKathleen TeichroewTemple Israel MinneapolisBarbara and Marvin TenclayThe Balanced OrchidThe Grant House Hotel & EateryThe K FoundationRichard TheilmannJulie TheisenAnna Theisen OlsonSheryl ThenoThief River Falls Moonlighters Lioness Club

Teresa ThielenAlan ThomasBarbara ThompsonCheryl ThompsonElizabeth ThompsonChristine ThompsonLori ThornStefanie Thorsen and Joshua GundersonTonya ThulEdward Thull

Meghan and Madelyn ThullDavid TignerDixie TildenRichard TilleryBeth TimmJane ToenjesJoanne TomlanovichDesiree ToninatoHolly TonolliLorri and Mark ToomeyTotal Dog CompanyMaimouna ToureLorena ToveyLisa and Mike TracyTracy Lions ClubTravelers Companies, Inc.Dianne and Michael TrdanElmer TrefethenDavid TrucksessPam TrumbowerMary and Gerry TuckerDaniel TuohyBill and Carol TurnerTurning PointSteven TwaitTyler Lions ClubUlen Lions ClubWally UllrichUnited Methodist Women of St. Paul's UMCUnited Technologies - Goodrich FoundationUnited Way of Greater MilwaukeeUnited Way of Greater PortlandDon UntiedtJim Urie and Betty LykeKaren VagelGerard VaillancourtChaz VakulaMarsha and Nicholas Van DenburghJohn and Mary Van HookCarrie Vanden BusscheJames and Nthalee Vander LugtC VanderHaeghen

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Up to $99 (cont.)Jan VanderwallSarah VanKempenNicholas VarsMartha VenemaBud and Greta VerdickDavid VertinVeseli Area Lions ClubTrisha ViauErin VicariJohn VilleriusDeeann VinjeKristina VinnikMarsha VirginDebbie VoitKaren VoneschenDawn and Keith VorderbruggenJames and Janet VromanJenny WadeRosie WadewitzBeth WagnerMargaret WagnerLouisa WalkerSheila WalkerKari WalterWanamingo Lions ClubDeborah WardRuth WardenMargaret WarfieldJudy WarnerClyde WartianenJim WaskoDebra WasnalasScott WatsonCarole WeatherbyKelli WeaverFrancis WeberSheila WefaldWendy WehrGeri WeinhandlCarrie WeismanJenelle WellerWells Lions ClubTheresa WesemanKristen and Sloane WeslohCarla West

Heidi WesterlundJackie WetterlingPamela WheelerClaralouise WheelerMary WhelanPatti WhiteVicki WiborgRichard and Connie WikmanDavid WilhelmMarie WilliamsDean WilliamsErin and Debra WilliamsonCarolyne and Richard WillyJavon WilsonPaul WilsonPatti WilsonGeri WilsonLaura WingateWinona Lions ClubWinona Rivertown Lions ClubWinona Sunset Lions ClubWinsted Lions ClubWinthrop Lions ClubGail WirtanenCindy WirthLisa WisnewskiAron WittJay WittaMartha WittrockChuck WojciakMary WojcikDonna and Terry WoldMary Jo WolfBen WolfLois WolterTeddy WongMeghann WoosleyWorthington Lions ClubColleen WrackerNatalie WuSteven WyczawskiWyoming Lions ClubDeb YagerJohn and Rochele YarussoRandi YoungKenneth Young

Danielle and Mary YoungRita YoungerYuliya YurevichTerry ZabelAllan and Polly ZabelJulia ZdrazilLinda ZiegelmeyerGary ZiehrDebra ZiemanHolly ZiemerSusan ZinckZumbro Falls Lions ClubGil ZunigaMary and Andrew ZurnDoris ZwachDianne and Kenneth Zylla

In KindAdele’s Frozen CustardADMCAdventure InnAirport Animal HospitalMary AlexanderAll Pet Animal HospitalRebecca AlonsoAlumaMartha and Ken AndersonAnimal EmergencyAnimal House Pet Boarding - Animal Humane SocietyAnimal Medical CenterAnimal Wellness CenterAnonymous (Friends of Can-Do-Canines)

Apple Ford Lincoln Apple ValleyStacy AveryB.T. McElrath ChocolatierDenise and Rob BabcockBark BoxBark Busters Home Dog Training-North MetroBass Lake Pet HospitalBelleMugsBeltmann Relocation GroupBest Friends Veterinary ClinicJoAnn BirkholzBissell Pet FoundationJessie BlankenshipKim BloomerSharon BloomquistCheryl BoehmeDonna-lee BorovanskySherry BradleyEmilie BrancaBrasserie ZentralBrave New WorkshopKathy BrotenCarolyn BrownNelda Bruegger’s BagelsJulia Buege FreemanAdam BurrowsButcher and the BoarW. Bruce CameronCapra's Sporting GoodsDana Caribou CoffeeLaurie CarlsonNancy and Dick CarlsonLindsay CaseCenterville ElementaryChanhassen Dinner TheatresCheers Wine & SpritJudith ChristensenChristensen JewelersChuck & Don’sCoalitionSue CompartStacy CookBob CopusCove Point LodgeGwendolyne Cowle

Richard CressCub Foods (Rockford Road)Jennifer CurtisNacia Dahl and Michael WheelockKathleen DelonaisAngie Dick & Lorie OlafsonDog EternalDouglas Animal HospitalRoger EasteyRebecca EckertElm Creek Animal HospitalEly Flower & SeedEly Northland MarketMary Jane EricksonExcelsior United Methodist ChurchExcelsior United Methodist Church – “Holy Cows” youth groupFairfield Inn by Marriott, MankatoFat Lorenzo’sMike FerberKris FitzerDan and Peg FlaigLeslie FlowersForever FloralFour Seasons Curling ClubJudy FridonoJeannine FriedrichFromm familyFront Porch Coffee & Tea

In Kind (cont.)Fun with Cavaliers of MNGabe's Rinkside Bar & GrillMary GaffneyGNP CompanyGolden Valley Country ClubJeffrey GraceGrand CasinoThe Grand Hotel MinneapolisEsther GraneyGraphic ResourcesNancy GravalinGreat Lakes AquariumAdrienne GuelkerGuthrie TheaterMelody Hach

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Bernadette HalversonTherese HansenHaskell’s Maple GroveHaskell’s The Wine People!Heartland Animal HospitalAlan HiemerHilton - Mpls/St. Paul AirportHistory TheatreJohn and Dee HollerudHotel IvyCheryl and Doug HowardHy-VeeIllusion TheaterInver Grove Heights Pet HospitalVictoria Ittner and GS Troop 16649Jake's City Grille - PlymouthJet's PizzaKatherine JohnsonJonnyPopsMeleia Jordan and Delta flight attendantsKai ScissorsBeth KantorKeller Williams RealtyKelley Animal HospitalKaren KellyDana KittokKevin KlingBarbara KochRebecca KollsCatherine and Elaine KrobMarySue KruegerKyatchiLDIDavid LeeShenn LemcheLesson ProsLettuce Entertain YouSharon LevitskyLH OriginalsSteve LinderLongfellow GrillLucky Dog Pet LodgeMary Ludington

Steve Luedke - CargillLunds & Byerly’s PlymouthLupine PetNancy LynchJulie MachDale MackerethMagic CarpetsMary Elaine MalheimMall of AmericaMalone's Bar & GrillTherese MansenMark Falstad VideoMark Given

Carrie MaloneyKathy MarrChrissy and Nick MartinezMaryland Avenue Pet HospitalMattie's on MainKristen McLeskeyMealey’sMediterranean Cruise CaféJessica MelsonTeresa MillerMilton’sMinneapolis Marriott City CenterMinneapolis Marriott SouthwestMinnesota OrchestraMN Renaissance FestivalMN TwinsMN WildAmy MolisBill MonsonCindy MorganPatricia MoudryTommie MuddMurray's Restaurant

Mystic LakeMyTalk 107.1Katie NelsenNew Hope Cinema GrillNightingaleNorth American Bear CenterRosalyn NoscoNutrisourceOld Log TheaterBetty Otto and Thrivent Action TeamPadelford RiverboatsParadise Charter CruisesPark TavernPat's TapAlan PetersMitch & Wendy PetersonCate PfeiferPiccoloSandy PiddeSteve PinikLeanne PomeroyPoop 911Kirsten PurvisTim and Julie RaineyRed CowRed Stag SuperclubRed Stone - Eden PrairieRed Stone - Maple GroveNatalie RegenscheidRice Pet ClinicRichfield FlowersJerrie RimasRock Elm TavernThe Seldom Herd Bluegrass BandSondra RosendahlSafco ProductsSarpino's PizzaLeeanne SchererScrappy ProductsJoan SedlacekJeanne and John SegarJim and Lynn ShowalterSkadron Animal HospitalNancy and Marty SolhaugSparrow and Stoll LLC

Stanley Correctional InstituteLuke and Emily StaplesStaybridge Suites - NaplesGreg and Cat StevensStone Mountain Pet LodgePam StreiffSubwayLucille SukaloTami SummerSunbelt Business BrokersTangletown GardensBarbara TechelLynn TeschendorfThree Rivers Park DistrictTin FishMeghan ThullTonkadale GreenhouseToroTotal Dog CompanyTPI HospitalityTravel LeadersTwin Cities Gateway Visitors BureauTwin Cities Gay Men's ChorusVale Park Animal HospitalSara Vander LugtVCA All About PetsVet Partners Pet HospitalVeterans on the Lake ResortWagner's Drive-InAnita WallaceCinda WallerDianne Walsh AstryWaseca - Clarks Grove VetWhite Wilderness Sled Dog AdventuresStu and Linda WicklundWilde Roast CaféWild Irish Creative GroupRyan WilliamsThe Wine CompanyThe Wine ShopHoward WittelsMary Jo WolfWoolley’sYowza! Bead Designs

Gary Ziehr/Action Plus Sign

Workplace GivingSara AaserudCindy AdamsHeidi AlbersDenise AndersonCorinne AndersonCraig AshbyMarta BakerCheryl BarberChristine BarrMarge BegmanBrad BensonLisa BergPatricia BergMichelle BiermanBarb BlakePam BlomgrenPaul BloomquistSarah BoberLora BoleyTheresa BorchardtTina BrobergAndrew BrocktonJessica Brokaw ManzLaurie BrovoldRobin BrownGay BrownAnnette Bujold

Workplace Giving (cont.)Randy BurrowsJD BurtonDavid BuschkoDawn BushmanChristy BussColleen ByrneBruce CadwellToni CammonLaura CampbellJanelle CarleCynthia CarlsonSandra CaronAnne Carter

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Sharla ChenowethLane ChristiansonKimberly ClausonPatricia ConzetRachel CorcoranTara DarstRosemary DavisMelanie DavisRebecca DavisonKathleen DeanCathy DeBruyneBonnie DeMarce-KollFrances DiedrichPamela DitterKelly DittmarAmanda DobleBriar DuffyLauren EberhartHolly EdgettRobert EdstromTerry EggeJoleen EndresCathy EngelbyShelley EstevezAmy FaarenBeth FaulconerJim FearKenneth FerkCarol FernholzColleen FletcherBryan FrandrupJill Frederickson-KratzkeCynthia FunkLina GallardoCasey GentzJodi GeorgeMary GieslerJulia GillisMarna GisvoldLynn GlynnTheresa GmiterkoLisa GraneyJacqueline GrantDeb GreisingAmanda GrimmAnn Hall

Ann HamiltonKarin HamiltonJulia HansonPenny HarrisHilary HauserPat HeffernanKiersten HegnaMolly J. HenkeKandace HensleyPatricia HetrickBeth HillemannKathleen HillestadJoanna HirscheyLynne HvidstenElisa IhaKelly JacksonGeorgia JacobsenAngela JannottaAmy JohnsonGregory JohnsonCarla Johnson GabrielChris JolowskyNancy KarthTracy KarthMichelle KarthTonni-Sue KeinzCynthia KelchSusan KellerCourtney KellyTanya KettingerNancy KirchnerCharlene KlausKatie KnutsonCarah KochCarl KruegerJacinta KuharBenjamin KyesMelissa LaatschAngie LaBatheElizabeth LaFondMichelle LagerquistSally LajonTracy Landowski-UllandNicole LarsonTimothy LarsonPaul LeClaire

Vicki LeeAlena LemeshMichael LeveilleNicole LindbergMarilyn LingardPaul LokenFaye LopezEmily LowtherSusan LundquistKathy MaasBarbara MachonesMargaret MakowskeCraig MarbleRebecca MarlerLois MartellJean MartellMitchell MartinChandra MasloskiHelen MathisonAnn Mayer

Shannon MayerRuth McAlindonCaroline McCardDavid McFarlandBeth McGinnisSue MegerChris MelinAngela MerrifieldChris MillerRoseann MillerAdelea MoeKelly MoravecCynthia MorganTaylor MuellChristine Mueller

Julie NelsonMark Neuman-ScottPaula Neuman-ScottLiisa NorlingLisa NyenJeffrey PartykaLisa Marie PasqualeChad PaulsonCarol PedersonTheresa PetersonAmy PisulaLisa PitmanNatalie PloesslCynthia PohlMelissa PondDonna PorfiriMary QuistBobbi RamsellMichael RichardsonKirby Richter

Pamela RodenbergHeather RogersMatalyn RomeneskoHeidi RostonTheresa RotellaTerry RyanKaren RyanKelly SampsonDenise SandbergDebra SasseGina SchaalJill ScharoldLori SchlueterStephanie SchwartzRenee Seller

Brandy SessingStacy Sheldon-WilkinsonLaurie SieverMary SigmundikDeborah SmithElizabeth SongaliaLaurie SorensenLori SorensonMelissa SpreemanScott SteffenMary SteinDiane SteinhoffKari StewartBlythe StillwellJohn StockmanLisa StokesCharlotte StrohKatheryn StrongMaureen SufkaMegan Sutherland FerdenMike SweeneySteven SzurekGregory TankLyndsey TaylorSheryl ThenoDebra TobinJoanne TomlanovichSteven TwaitErin VicariDeeann VinjeKristina Vinnik

Workplace Giving (cont.)Keith VorderbruggenSheila WalkerKrystle WallaceRobert WavrinSheila WefaldAndrea WehrungDebra WeichelCarrie WeismanAmanda WelleBonnie WestraDena WheelerPatty Wirz

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LEGACY CLUBThe Legacy Club honors two groups of generous individuals: those who, while living, inform Can Do Canines of their intentions to include us in their will or planned giving device, and those who have passed on (indicated with a D) and already made bequests to further our work. We are grateful for their faith in Can Do Canines.

Anonymous (12)Gary AndersonMarci BergdahlLeona BillingsEunice Bren (D)Neil BrightJudith ChristensenJudy CowdenMelinda CressBill & Jan DubatsTerry EggeRuth Engebritson (D)Eleanor S Fenton Living Trust (D)Joan FickerDebbie FisherKathleen GaligerGeorge GoldenDiane GoldenEsther GraneyMichael Hankee (D)Mary Jane Hankee (D)Cheryl HansonAnn Harhai (D)Kathy HeinkelFrancis & Cindy HermanJanet HolcombDorothy HoldenPatricia HughesLion Dean Julifs (D)Kathy KaiserEileen KalowSteven Kleinman Estate Trust (D)

Barbara KochJoanne KruegerOsborn Lang Trust (D)Ernie LappLee & Gruff LaurischSandy LenarzLynnette LillquistMary LongleyLiz LucastLaVonne LudkeBrian McCannKim MedinGwen MyersMary & Guy RoemhildtScott SandisonSandra SimonsonJane SparksAmy & Mark SperrySheila & Scott SweelyMargaret Syring (D)Lynn TeschendorfDavid VincentCharlene WadeSandra WassermanMary WeiselClaralouise WheelerSusan & John WilliamsLinda Wolf, DVMKathy WrightRoger Wright (D)Alice Ziittel

Kathy WrightRoger Wright (D)Holly ZiemerHeidi ZirkleKate Zumberge

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CAN DO CANINES DONOR PRIVACY POLICYCan Do Canines is committed to respecting the privacy of our donors. We have developed this privacy policy to ensure our donors that donor information will not be shared with any third party. Can Do Canines provides this Donor Privacy Policy to make you aware of our privacy policy, and to inform you of the way your information is used. We also provide you with the opportunity to remove your name from our mailing list, if you desire to do so.

We collect and maintain the following types of donor information:

• contact information: name, organization, complete address, phone number, email address;

• payment information: credit card number and expiration date, and billing information;

• requests to receive periodic updates: e.g., to individuals who request it, we will send periodic mailings and/or e-mails related to Can Do Canines events, newsletters, and general or specific fund-raising events or appeals.

Can Do Canines uses your information to complete a transaction, communicate back to you, and update you on organization happenings. Credit card numbers are used only for donation or payment processing and are not retained for other purposes. Can Do Canines will not sell, rent, or lease your personal information to other organizations. We assure you that the identity of all our donors will be kept confidential. Use of donor information will be limited to the internal purposes of Can Do Canines. It is our desire to not send unwanted mail to our donors. Please contact us if you wish to be removed from our mailing list or e-mail communications.

If you have comments or questions about our donor privacy policy, please send us an email at [email protected] or call us at 763-331-3000.


Dianne Walsh AstryMike BranchKevin FlorenceSusan ForsbergKiersten HegnaMarySue KruegerMary RhatiganLauren SegalGreg StevensJohn SturgessRobert White

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Knox opens the door with a slight tug of the rope, but he also opens the door to increased freedom and independence for his partner. You open doors too, with your gift to Can Do Canines.