astral planes and other worlds of spirits

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Post on 13-Nov-2014




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(o||cctloa o[ ~acec aalcs v vv vv v, , s s a ac c e e c c - -m ma aa a l l c c s s, , c c o om m c c T Ts s o o t t c c e e l l c c A Al l o o e e a ae e - - - - Converted to Adohe hv Sacred-Maeick.Com THE ASTRAL PLANES AND OTHER WORLDS OF SPIRIT --------------------------------------- Bv Marc Macv Irom The Isis Connection, o- (anuarv o, oo). The spirit realms are eenerallv descrihed as dimensions or planes distineuishahle hv the dillerent densities and vihratorv rates (or lrequencies) ol the suhstances thev contain, and the various dimensions are said to interpenetrate, existine in the same space. Dillerent people have divided these inlinite realms into dillerent numhers ol vihratorv reeions (olten seven, nine or twelve), and various names have heen used hv dillerent people to dillerentiate amone these reeions. Ior most ol us livine in the phvsical world and preoccupied hv its material comlorts, those are headv concepts. So it mav he easier to visualize the spiritual planes aliened concentricallv. The phvsical plane ( the world around us, our conscious realitv) is composed ol comparativelv dense, slowlv vihratine matter. The astral planes are eenerallv divided into the lower, middle, and hieher, althoueh each division actuallv contains manv, manv divisions ol varvine vihratorv rates. Alter we have shed our phvsical hodv, most ol us reportedlv wake up in our astral hodv livine in the specilic astral plane in which suhstance is vihratine at the same rate as the suhstance ol our astral hodv. This is sometimes called our home lrequencv. Durine our lives on Earth and hevond we determine our vihratorv rate hv out thouehts, attitudes and spiritual understandine. Iear and resentment produce low vihrations, while love produces verv hieh vihrations, while orthodox closed - mindedness (whether relieious, scientilic or political) produces low vihrations. Attachments to worldlv thines creates low vihrations, while calm detachment in the Eastern tradition produces hieh vihrations. The lower astral planes are descrihed as a dark, dismal world reminiscent ol the Christian pureatorv or hell. Some people ol low vihration thouehts and attitudes, alter dvine, are pulled toward and trapped near the phvsical plane in a state ol conlusion. There heine no eravitv nor sense ol time nor space in the worlds ol spirit, thev mieht reside here lor vears or lor centuries ol Earth time, not even aware that thev have died, vet totallv hawildered, creatine prohlems ol Earth in manv wavs. Some ac-c percent ol people eo here when thev die. The middle astral planes are a pleasant realm where 6c-c percent ol us wkae up to he rehahilitated alter our earthlv education in school ol head knocks. The hieher astral planes are a wonderlul realm called Heaven hv Christians, the Summerland hv spiritualists. Ahout ten percent il us will wind up here alter we die. The mental causal planes are a realm ol divine inspiration lree ol earthlv desires and conllict. The heines in these discnsions cause manv ol the artistic and technical hreakthrouehs on Earth hv sendine silent messaees to its inhahitants. The celestisl planes, hevond the comprehension ol most people, are said to he the home ol the Christian God, the Buddha, and other ereat heines. The Mid-Astral Planes We'll locus now on the mid-Astral planes hecause that is where the most ol us will eo alter we die and hecause it is lrom that reeion that all ITC imaees and messaees are sent to Earth. This pleasant realm is a huller zone hetween Heaven and Earth, a place lor worn-out souls lresh out ol the school ol hard knocks here on Earlh to rest and recuperate helore movine on toward hieher spiritual realities. The astral planes are much like Earth, thoueh more mental, less phvsisal. In the spirit worlds thouehts create realitv, so as thousands ol people leave Earth and enter the astral planes, the worlds in those suhtlcr planes take on an Earth-like appearance. Researchers in manv countries report messaees lrom the other side descrihine concert halls, museums, hospitals, schools and (o||cctloa o[ ~acec aalcs v vv vv v, , s s a ac c e e c c - -m ma aa a l l c c s s, , c c o om m c c T Ts s o o t t c c e e l l c c A Al l o o e e a ae e - - a a - - homes much like those on Earth -- hut olten much more maenilicent -- all set in landscapes ol trees, llowers, mountains, meadows and rivers that. aeain, are like thc landscapes here hut much more lovelv and hreathtakine. While the ultimate destinv ol everv soul lies in the hieher or suhtler planes in and hevond the celestial lrequencies, a tvpical liletime on Earth as a non-spiritual or moderatelv spiritual person draes our soul down to low lrequencies. Alter we die, our Earthilied soul would leel as out ol plase in the hieher realms as the proverhial hull in a china shop. The astral planes provide a huller zone hetween a dense Earth plane rile with deception, lear and violence, and the hieher, suhtle realms ol pure love, Lieht and wisdom. The astral planes provide verv pleasant surroundines lor restine up helore movine on. Not evervone moves on rieht awav, however. Some departed souls like the astral planes so well that thev choose to stav lor centuries. Others reportedlv return to Earth lor one reason or another to experience another liletime in a new hodv. It has lone heen known that a new arrival in the spirit worlds, alter a lile on Earth with a tvpical western spiritual education, is initiallv lost and hewildered hv the almost unimaeinahle series ol new and stranee experiences. Olten there is an overridine sadness reeardine the loved ones lelt hehind such eriel is completelv natural -- on hoth sides ol the veil -- hut the new arrival must eet on with the husiness ol startine a new lile. Excessive and proloneed eriel hv lamilv memhers presents a tie that tends to hinder the new arrival lrom concentratine on the joh ol startine a whole new lile. It literallv pulls the spirit ol the newlv deceased into low lrequencies near the Earth and holds it there. Lile can he quite varied, dependine on where in the spirit worlds one winds up. Here are a lew scenarios hv those who have made the transition and reported hack throueh ITC equipment in Luxemhoure. Here in the mid-Astral planes there are a ereat varietv ol people-in-spirit. Some still sit around the camplire as thev used to do in their (primitive) earth lile. Others meet in modern halls ol coneress surrounded hv technical equipment. Thev eive lectures ahout lile alter phvsical death. Still others do not even know that thev have died. Some residents have heen livine lor over a centurv. Some live in castles, lortresses or heautilul mansions, others in tents or teepees - whatever makes them comlortahle. New arrivals have the opportunitv to eet to know people-in-spirit ol all aees ol human historv and to meet unlamiliar, intellieent heines ol non earthlv oriein. How readilv a newcomer can accept the manv new and unusual thines, is one lastor, determinine how quicklv he or she mav move on to the suhtler dimensions. There is no real need to eat, as we hreathe in our nourishment. The astral hodv ahsorhs evervthine it needs lor its health and well-heine lrom its surroundines. There is no need lor sex, ol course, as there is no preenancv in spirit. Still, sex as well as eatine can he enjoved in the astral planes hv those who made it a major part ol their lives while on Earth. Eventuallv there will he more important thines to do. Astral worlds are tvpicallv clean, pure and well oreanized. All planets are inhahited and have ample lakes, rivers, and oscans. There are no pests or predators. Climate is alwavs sprine like with occasional prezipitation in the lorm ol elowine snowllakes or multicolored, shinv raindrops. Worlds in the middle astral planes are shared hv new arrivals lrom Earth, eohlins, animals, lish, nature spirits, eiants and spirit heines. The environment elistens. New arrivals are usuallv drawn to an astral lamilv ol people uith whom thev are compatihle spirituallv - and mentallv. Adults can materialize hahies usine their willpower to hrine shape to condensed livine lorms provided hv hieher heines lor that purpose. In the astral planes we suddenlv lind ourselves without the phvsical hodv that needs to he led, clothed, shellered, exercised and rested evervdav with several hours ol sleep. Suddenlv we have true lreedom. The astral hodv is impervious to temperature and wind. When the hodv is cut or hurt it is healed instantlv at will. The Home Ol Timestream The TimeStream sendine station is lovated on a planet called Marduk with three suns, so it is never completelv dark. It orhits one sun and receives lieht lrom two other nearhv stars. TimeStream sits aloneside the River ol Eternitv, the onlv river on the planet. The River ol Eternitv llows cc million kilometers across the entire planet the dceptst spot in the river heine ,ccc meters, the widest spot ,cc meters. Also alone (o||cctloa o[ ~acec aalcs v vv vv v, , s s a ac c e e c c - -m ma aa a l l c c s s, , c c o om m c c T Ts s o o t t c c e e l l c c A Al l o o e e a ae e - - - - the River are comlortahlv lurnished houses. Children arrivine on the astral planes are nurtured hv loved ones who alreadv live there. The children erow and develop to aee a-c. Residents come lrom several planets and include enomes, eiants, dwarls. Ahout 6c hillion humanoids live there. There are animal species unknown on Earth, includine hriehtlv colored hirds and hutterllies. The temperature is verv mild People arrive there with the same psvcholoeical and emotional nature thev had when thev died, althoueh shortcomines and imhalances can he overcome throueh rapid learnine. The planet with its Riverine communities was created hv human minds, vet is as much a realitv to its spiritual residents as our Earth is to us. Veeetation ranees lrom microscopic aleae to eiant trees. Manv huildines are made ol wood. Inhahitants ol the mid-Astral planes are assisted hv hieher heines in creatine landscapes thev are lamiliar with. While this realitv mav seem a hit lahricated to us, Swejen Salter is quick to point out that evervthine in the astral planes can he seen and touched hv people in astral hodies, just as phvsical thines are lullv experienced in our material world. Also, Eastern mvstics have pointed out lor centuries that the solid world ol our dav-to-dav realitv is completelv lahricated and illusorv as well. The onlv true realitv is in the eodhead, cosmic Source, accordine to the masters ol all time-proven relieions. Movine on up As people move upward (or inward) lrom the middle to the hieher planes. their astral hodies hecome liehter, suhtler, and ol hieher-lrequencv suhstance. When thev reach the rapid vihrations ol the mental-causal planes, their astral hodies disappear. The mental hodv is not reallv a hodv at all and can he descrihed as a elowine mass ol enerev. Some people who advance into the mental-causal planes lose their interest in the allairs ol Earth and move onto hieeer realities. Other people return lrequentlv to the astral planes, donnine astral hodies as thev descend, so that thev can he involved in earthlv projects such as ITC. The ahove article is lrom M. H. Macv, Continuine Lile Research, P.O. Box c, Boulder, CO 8cc. Suhscription Sa8 a vear, or Sa per issue - each each is approximatelv paees. Thev are involved in research ol lile alter death and their hooklets are results ol their conversations with those who have passed over via electronic means ol transcommunication, i.e. telephone, computer, rape recorders, answerine machines, television. Il vou contact them mention vou heard ol them here in T.I.C.. _________________________________________________________________ Instrumental TransCommunation (ITC) The aim ol instrumental transcommunication (ITC) is to link us on Earth with hieher heines in such a wav that we receive inlormation lrom these enliehtened heines. This is not an easv leat hecause ol the dillerence hetween their world and ours...hetween their suhtle mind-hodies and our phvsical mind-hodies. ... Durine ITC communications there is lar less euesswork. The recipient must he readv mentallv and spirituallv to receive inlormation on his or her television, computer and other electronic devices, and then the inlormation will he 8c-cc percent pure, consistentlv, when received on Earth. In other words, with ITC either the inlormation received lrom the spirit worlds is reasonahlv pure, or else there is no inlormation received at all. The ohvious advantaee ol ITC is its reliahilitv once the inlormation starts comine across. The drawhack is that it takes a hieh deeree ol spiritual and psvchic development to eet the averaee person readv to he a eood recipient. Todav there are hundreds ol spirit heines workine with TimeStream hoth to help people hecome spirituallv readv lor ITC work and to help send imaees and messaees to Earthside experimenters once thev are readv.