astronomy data bases

Astronomy Data Bases Astronomy Data Bases Jim Gray Jim Gray Microsoft Research Microsoft Research

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Astronomy Data Bases. Jim Gray Microsoft Research. The Evolution of Science. Observational Science Scientist gathers data by direct observation Scientist analyzes data Analytical Science Scientist builds analytical model Makes predictions. Computational Science - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Astronomy Data Bases Astronomy Data Bases

Jim GrayJim Gray

Microsoft ResearchMicrosoft Research

Page 2: Astronomy Data Bases

The Evolution of Science• Observational Science

– Scientist gathers data by direct observation– Scientist analyzes data

• Analytical Science – Scientist builds analytical model– Makes predictions.

• Computational Science – Simulate analytical model– Validate model and makes predictions

• Data Exploration Science Data captured by instrumentsOr data generated by simulator– Processed by software– Placed in a database / files– Scientist analyzes database / files

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Computational Science Evolves • Historically, Computational Science = simulation.• New emphasis on informatics:

– Capturing,

– Organizing,

– Summarizing,

– Analyzing,

– Visualizing

• Largely driven by observational science, but also needed by simulations.

• Too soon to say if comp-X and X-info will unify or compete.

BaBar, Stanford

Space Telescope

P&E Gene SequencerFrom

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Information Avalanche• Both

– better observational instruments and – Better simulations are producing a data avalanche

• Examples– Turbulence: 100 TB simulation

then mine the Information – BaBar: Grows 1TB/day

2/3 simulation Information 1/3 observational Information

– CERN: LHC will generate 1GB/s10 PB/y

– VLBA (NRAO) generates 1GB/s today– NCBI: “only ½ TB” but doubling each year, very rich dataset.– Pixar: 100 TB/Movie

Images courtesy of Charles Meneveau & Alex Szalay @ JHU

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What’s X-info Needs from us (cs)(not drawn to scale)

Science Data & Questions


DatabaseTo store



Data Mining



Question & AnswerVisualizat



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Next-Generation Data Analysis• Looking for

– Needles in haystacks – the Higgs particle– Haystacks: Dark matter, Dark energy

• Needles are easier than haystacks• Global statistics have poor scaling

– Correlation functions are N2, likelihood techniques N3

• As data and computers grow at same rate, we can only keep up with N logN

• A way out? – Discard notion of optimal (data is fuzzy, answers are approximate)– Don’t assume infinite computational resources or memory

• Requires combination of statistics & computer science

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Analysis and Databases• Much statistical analysis deals with

– Creating uniform samples – – data filtering– Assembling relevant subsets– Estimating completeness – censoring bad data– Counting and building histograms– Generating Monte-Carlo subsets– Likelihood calculations– Hypothesis testing

• Traditionally these are performed on files• Most of these tasks are much better done inside a database• Move Mohamed to the mountain, not the mountain to Mohamed.

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Data Access is hitting a wallFTP and GREP are not adequate

• You can GREP 1 MB in a second• You can GREP 1 GB in a minute • You can GREP 1 TB in 2 days• You can GREP 1 PB in 3 years.

• Oh!, and 1PB ~5,000 disks

• At some point you need indices to limit searchparallel data search and analysis

• This is where databases can help

• You can FTP 1 MB in 1 sec• You can FTP 1 GB / min (= 1 $/GB)

• … 2 days and 1K$• … 3 years and 1M$

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Data Federations of Web Services• Massive datasets live near their owners:

– Near the instrument’s software pipeline– Near the applications– Near data knowledge and curation– Super Computer centers become Super Data Centers

• Each Archive publishes a web service– Schema: documents the data– Methods on objects (queries)

• Scientists get “personalized” extracts

• Uniform access to multiple Archives– A common global schema

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Web Services: The Key?• Web SERVER:

– Given a url + parameters – Returns a web page (often dynamic)

• Web SERVICE:– Given a XML document (soap msg)– Returns an XML document– Tools make this look like an RPC.

• F(x,y,z) returns (u, v, w)

– Distributed objects for the web.– + naming, discovery, security,..

• Internet-scale distributed computing


DataIn your address


Web Service





Yourprogram Web





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Grid and Web Services Synergy• I believe the Grid will be many web services• IETF standards Provide

– Naming– Authorization / Security / Privacy– Distributed Objects

Discovery, Definition, Invocation, Object Model

– Higher level services: workflow, transactions, DB,..

• Synergy: commercial Internet & Grid tools

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World Wide TelescopeVirtual Observatory

• Premise: Most data is (or could be online)• So, the Internet is the world’s best telescope:

– It has data on every part of the sky– In every measured spectral band: optical, x-ray, radio..

– As deep as the best instruments (2 years ago).– It is up when you are up.

The “seeing” is always great (no working at night, no clouds no moons no..).

– It’s a smart telescope: links objects and data to literature on them.

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Why Astronomy Data?•It has no commercial value

–No privacy concerns–Can freely share results with others–Great for experimenting with algorithms

•It is real and well documented– High-dimensional data (with confidence intervals)– Spatial data– Temporal data

•Many different instruments from many different places and many different times•Federation is a goal•There is a lot of it (petabytes)•Great sandbox for data mining algorithms

–Can share cross company–University researchers

•Great way to teach both Astronomy and Computational Science

IRAS 100


DSS Optical



NVSS 20cm

WENSS 92cm

GB 6cm

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Put Your Data In a File?

+ Simple

+ Reliable

+ Common Practice

+ Matches C/Java/…programming model (streams)

- Metadata in programnot in database

- Recovery is “old-master new-master”rather than transaction

- Procedural access for queries

- No indices unless you do it yourself

- No parallelismunless you do it yourself

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Put Your Data In a DB?

+ SchematizedSchema evolutionData

independence+ Reliable

transactions, online backup,..

+ Query toolsparallelismnon procedural

+ Scales to large datasets

+ Web services tools

- Complicated- New programming model- Depend on a vendor

all give an “extended subset” of the “standard”

- Expensive


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My Conclusion

• Despite the drawbacks

• DB is the only choice for large datasetsfor “complex” datasets (schema)for “complex” queryfor shared access (read & write)

• But try to present “standard” SQL

• Power users need full power of SQL

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The SDSS Experience• It takes a village…. MANY different skills

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The SDSS Experience not all DBMSs are DBMSs

• DB#1 ● Schema evolves.

● crash & reload on evolution.● no easy way to evolve

● No query tools ● Poor indices ● Dismal sequential performance (.5MB/s) ● Had to build their own parallelism.

• This “database system” had virtually none of the DB benefitsand all of the DB pain.

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The SDSS Experience• DB#2 (a fairly pure relational system)

● Schema evolution was easy. ● Query tools, indices, parallelism works ● Many admin tools for loading ● Good sequential performance

(1 GB/s, 5 M records/second/cpu) ● Reliable

• Had good vendor support (me)- Seduced by vendor extensions- Some query optimizer bugs (bad plans)

are a constant nuisance.

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Astronomy DBs• Data starts with Pixels (10s of TB today)

– Optical is pixels (flux @ (ra,dec))– Radio is cube (f(band)@ (ra,dec))– Many things vary with time

• Pixels converted to “objects” (Billions today)– @(ra,dec) hundreds of attributes,

each with estimated error

• Most queries on “object” space.

• Drill down to pixel space or to cube.

• Many queries are spatial: need HTM or ..

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• Show pixel space and object space explorers.

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A Simple SchemaPhoto Spectro

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How to Design the Database?

1. Decide what it is for 20 questions approach has worked well

2. Design it to answer those 20 questions

3. Iterate (it is easy to change designs).

BUT.. Be careful about names:

reddening → extinction causes problemsfuzzy definitions cause problemsdocumenting what a value means is hard

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The Answer is 42

• But what is the accuracy and precision?

• What is the derivation?

• Needs a man page

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The SDSS Experience

• DB has worked out well– Tools are very important (especially data loading)– Integration with web servers/services is very important

• Need more than single-node parallelism• Need better query plans• But overall… a success.

• Have been able to clone it for several other datasets (FIRST, 2MASS, SSS, INT)

• Database replicated at many sites (25?)• Built an interesting data-ingest system.

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Traffic Analysis• SDSS DR1 has been online for a while.• Peak hour is 12M records/hour• Peak query is 500,000 rows (limit)








0 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 8192 16384 32768 65536 262144 524288




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The Future• Things will get better.• Code is moving into the DB:

easier to add spatial and other functionsbetter performanceNo Inside/Outside dichotomy

• XML Schema (XSD) describes data on the wire.• I love DataSets (an schematized network of records )

– XSD described – collections of record sets– With foreign keys – With updategrams

• XML and xQuery is comingThis may help some things This may confuse things (more choices)Probably both.