at danbury park we all aim… newsletter · “the starfish felt bumpy.” - iris “the starfish...

Congratulations to the following children who have achieved their reading awards: Mirabelle R – Emerald Fin M – Emerald Emily W - Topaz Certificates will be presented in Birthday Assembly on Wednesday 28 th June 2017 at 3.05pm. Families are welcome to join us. kggfgahHhhjnBejamin S Dear Parents, Danbury Park School An Outstanding School (Ofsted 2013) At Danbury Park we all aim… Be wise, be happy, belong Website: 23 rd June 2017 Newsletter Class Eider’s Trip to Colchester Zoo On Friday 9 th June, I woke up so excited, it was going to be a great day. I didn’t really enjoy the coach because it took around 40 minutes. Oh, by the way, we’re going to Colchester Zoo. I couldn’t stop thinking about it. When we got to Colchester Zoo, we went into a bit show room. We went into the show room to do a big quiz. It was quite hard because we had to guess how many of certain animals are left in the world. We also got to look at and feel lots of different things made from endangered animals. We learned about the Forestry Stewardship Logo and how we can hunt for this to make sure what we buy helps the world. Did you know that one piece of rhino horn is worth more than the same weight in platinum and gold put together? When we got out of the theatre we went to see spider monkeys. Spider moneys are more interesting than I thought. They were like children doing monkey bars all around their cage. Next we carried on walking, still hunting for rain forest habitats. In the distance I spotted the enclosure we were looking for. “There it is!” we shouted to Mrs Waring. As we approached the first tank, we realised there were three different types of tree frogs, all colourful. Next we passed the sleeping anaconda, tucked in the corner of his enclosure. As we entered the next room, we went over a bride. Underneath were some enormous black fish and two sting rays, gliding through the water. At the end of the day we got on the coach to go back home. I thought it was one of the best times I had been to Colchester Zoo. by Harry A with contributions from Christopher W and Thomas S

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Congratulations to the following children who have achieved their reading awards:

Mirabelle R – Emerald Fin M – Emerald Emily W - Topaz

Certificates will be presented in Birthday Assembly on Wednesday 28th June 2017 at 3.05pm.

Families are welcome to join us.

kggfgahHhhjnBejamin S

Dear Parents,

Danbury Park School – An Outstanding School (Ofsted 2013)

At Danbury Park we all aim… Be wise, be happy, belong

Website: 23rd June 2017


Class Eider’s Trip to Colchester Zoo

On Friday 9th June, I woke up so excited, it was going to be a great day. I didn’t really enjoy the coach because it took

around 40 minutes. Oh, by the way, we’re going to Colchester Zoo. I couldn’t stop thinking about it.

When we got to Colchester Zoo, we went into a bit show room. We went into the show room to do a big quiz. It was quite

hard because we had to guess how many of certain animals are left in the world. We also got to look at and feel lots of

different things made from endangered animals. We learned about the Forestry Stewardship Logo and how we can hunt

for this to make sure what we buy helps the world. Did you know that one piece of rhino horn is worth more than the

same weight in platinum and gold put together?

When we got out of the theatre we went to see spider monkeys. Spider moneys are more interesting than I thought.

They were like children doing monkey bars all around their cage.

Next we carried on walking, still hunting for rain forest habitats. In the distance I spotted the enclosure we were

looking for.

“There it is!” we shouted to Mrs Waring. As we approached the first tank, we realised there were three different types

of tree frogs, all colourful. Next we passed the sleeping anaconda, tucked in the corner of his enclosure. As we entered

the next room, we went over a bride. Underneath were some enormous black fish and two sting rays, gliding through the


At the end of the day we got on the coach to go back home. I thought it was one of the best times I had been to

Colchester Zoo.

by Harry A with contributions from Christopher W and Thomas S

Class Jay trip to the Sea Life Centre

On Friday 16th June Classes Jay and Hummingbird went on a trip to Southend to the Sea Life Centre.

We went on a coach; we got to sit with our friends and sing songs. It was lots of fun! When we arrived we were given

wristbands and went into the Sea Life Centre. First we went round to the Rock pool and met a lady called Rosie who

told us all about Starfish and Crabs.

“We got to touch them both!” - Charlotte

“The starfish felt bumpy.” - Iris

“The Starfish was orange and white at the bottom.” - Tom

“The Starfish felt spiky and rough.” – Charles

We then got to act like the starfish and learnt they eat mussels – not muscles we have though.

“Rosie also told us crabs we fish poo!” – Ellie

“The crab felt soft and hard” – Albert

Once we had finished the rock pool encounter we played a game of Hide and Seek with the Sea Creatures. They were

hiding in their tanks all around the centre and we had to find them and tick them off on our clipboards.

“The hardest creature to find was the eel” – Abbie

“My Favourite creature was the Shark.” – Gracie

“My favourite was Nemo.” – Avy

“Mine was the starfish.” – Leila

When we had finished in the Sea Life Centre we made the most of the lovely weather and spent some time on the

beach looking for shells and making sandcastles.

“I really enjoyed the Sea Life Centre.” – Sam

“I liked collecting shells on the Beach.” – Arabella

It was a fantastic day, all of the children behaved beautifully and listened to the adults. They also

remembered lots of facts they were told or read. Thank you again to all of the parents who were able to

come along to help.

Class Jay

Class Hummingbird’s report to follow next week.

Summer Events

We have lots of events for the second half of the summer term so please make sure you put dates which are at the

end of this newsletter in your diaries.

Tuesday 18th July Sports Day

This year we will be using the same format for our Sports Day and Open Afternoon as last year. To save busy

parents having to take two days off work we are combining the two events on the same day with the traditional

picnic lunch in the middle. The provisional timetable for the day is:

9.15am Front gates will be opened to visitors

9.30am KS2 opening ceremony on the playground

Sporting events for Key Stage 2 (Classes E, D, C, B & A)

10.30am KS1 and Early Years opening ceremony on the playground

Sporting events for Key Stage 1 and Early Years (Classes J, H, G & F)

11.30am Whole school running events on the field

12.30pm Awarding of cups and trophies followed by picnic lunch on the field

1.30pm Children return to class to change out of PE kits and for registration

2.00pm Open afternoon in classes with an opportunity to look at your child’s work

and then visit their new class for next year.

3.25pm End

The events will start with a carousel of activities stationed around the field in which all the children participate. At

11.30am the whole school will come together for the races on the main race track. We are already holding

practices and trials in school so that for these races the fastest boys and the fastest girls will compete against each

other. In keeping with the Olympic legacy the children will be earning points for their houses so that in Key Stage 2

we will have a house winner for each year group and then an overall winner. In the infants we will pool the points

and have one overall house winner.

We hope to offer a tea and coffee station for parents. Drinks will be charged at a nominal rate to cover costs. For

your comfort if you would like to bring blankets, seats and even gazebos, you are most welcome

Please remember to send the children in with water bottles and caps and apply a high factor sunscreen. All pre-

school children must be kept under your direct supervision at all times and please note that the climbing tower and

galleon will be out of use.

In the event of adverse weather we will make a decision as early as possible on the day as to whether events can

go ahead. Regardless we will still hold the lunch for families and we will picnic in the school building if needs be

and hold the open afternoon.

Sports Day and Open Afternoon will be followed in the evening at 7.00pm by the special presentation that the Year

6 children give to parents and families to celebrate their last few weeks at Danbury Park School.

More details of events will follow in due course.

Sally’s Coffee Morning

FRIDAY 7TH JULY 9.30AM – 12.00PM

The Old Pavilion, Main Road, Danbury

Dear Parents and Friends of Danbury Park School,

Many of you will remember that we lost our dear friend Sally Baker very suddenly in Dec 2015 to Meningitis.

We gathered at the end of the school year in 2016 to remember her, while raising money for Meningitis

Research through coffee, cake and raffle prizes. There was so much love and support and as a bonus we

managed to raise a brilliant £940.00, which I think showed Danbury Park in a great light.

As a tribute to Sally, we would dearly love to do it again and we will host a coffee morning in her name on Friday

7th July.

The format will be the same – a chance to remember Sally, chat with friends, have coffee and cake and raise

some money for this very worthwhile cause – but the venue has changed. Please come and see us at the Old

Pavilion to the front of the Sports and Social Centre from 9.30am to 12pm.

Anyone wishing to contribute a cake for the coffee morning, this will be very welcome. Please catch me at


If you would like to make a donation but can’t make it on the day, you can do so on our Just Giving page –

I will now carry raffle tickets with me at school so please see me for those, too.

With grateful thanks to those who have so far offered to make a cake and to the following businesses for their

kind donations to the raffle (other prizes to be confirmed).

1 x Family Pass for the Petting Zoo at White Elm Garden Centre

1 x Family Swim Pass at Blackwater Leisure Centre

£75 worth of vouchers for Monkey Puzzle, Madison Heights, which will be split into 5 prizes

1 x Cream Tea for Two courtesy of Tea on the Green, Danbury

1 x Bottle of Oxford Landing Sauvignon Blanc from our local CO-OP on Main Rd, Danbury

More prizes to be announced.

On behalf of myself and Sally’s family, we thank you for your support and hope to see you there.

Yvonne Burton

Notices and Reminders

Stranger Danger – With the older children often walking to and from school by themselves, please remind

them about staying safe and not speaking with strangers should they be approached by someone they do not

know. This week a parent has informed us that they have reported to the police a car parked in a residential

road which caused them some minor concern; they have said that parents should not be alarmed and asked

that they be reminded to talk with their children about what to do, should they feel unsafe.

11+ Registration – The registration for the 11+ tests with CSSE opened on 4th May. Please see their website

for full details:

PE Kits – It is essential that the children participate in their PE lessons and therefore have their full kits in

school at all times as we do not hold large stocks of spare uniform. Please ensure these are washed and

brought back into school. Earrings have to be removed for all PE lessons and we are not allowed to cover

pupils’ ears with tape, so if you are considering having your child’s ears pierced, please do this at the

beginning of the summer holiday.

Letters sent home this week:

Year 6 Human Biology Work

Welcome to Year 3 Meeting

Classes F and G African Activity Day

DPSA news

Summer Fayre – TOMORROW

Saturday 24th June 12-3pm

Please come and join us at our medieval Summer Fayre including a

birds of prey display, bouncy castles, raffle, stalls, BBQ, Pimms tent and children’s


Be there for the falconry display at 1.15 where the birds will take to

the skies above school. Birds will be on show afterwards on their stand.

Shield competition - Children are invited to design

a shield/coat of arms and are of course welcome to come in fancy

dress. There will be a parade and judging of the shields at 12.15. Shields

can be handed in to the office on Friday or bought along in the morning.

Please bring friends and family.

School disco Friday 30st June EYFS and KS1 6.00 – 7.00pm £1.50 (payable on entry)

Drinks are provided. Sweets will be on sale. We suggest you

give your child no more than 50p for sweets (average cost 10-

20p a bag). Glow sticks will be available at 20p each or 3 for 50p

KS2 7.15 – 8.30pm £2.00 (payable on entry)

Drinks will be provided. Sweets, bottled drinks, crisps will be for sale. There is also a children’s

raffle. Please note the DPSA and parent helpers cannot be responsible for what children

choose to spend their money on. It is therefore recommended that parents check how much

money children are bringing. Raffle tickets will be 20p each and sweets approximately 10-20p


Disco helpers – especially for KS2

Please let Sally know if you can help (a form went home in book bags which you can return

to the office). KS2 is always harder to get help, we know it’s Friday evening but it’s all done by

8.30. Without enough help we can’t run the discos but the children love them especially the

summer one as it is the last event for our Year 6 children.

End of term drinks

We will be at the Griffin for end of term drinks on Friday 7th July. This is not a DPSA event but

chance to get together before the end of term. With everyone so busy at the end of term it’s

great to try and get as many people together on one evening.

Dates for the diary

24th June – Summer Fayre

30th June – School Disco

Road Crossing Patrol


Members of the DPSA have brought to our attention their growing concerns over the safety of the children

and adults walking to school. As you will know we regularly remind parents about using the car park safely

particularly when manoeuvring and reversing as it can be difficult to see young children who may be in the

vicinity. We do ask that parents do not park on the tarmacked roadway down to the carpark as this causes

difficulties for cars pulling off Well Lane which develops into a jam back into Main Road. This then

compromises the safety of the zebra crossing.

We are also aware of cars that have been parked on the pavement area at the top of the entrance to Well

Lane which obstruct the views of pedestrians who are trying to cross the road. These cars have been reported

to the highways authority.

There have been many discussions in the past with the authorities about the need for a safer crossing point in

Well Lane and these have been unsuccessful in resolving the situation. However, we feel that it is again time

to get together a petition and re-open the conversation in the hope that someone will listen to our very real

concerns and prevent an accident.

The petition will be kept in the front office so if you would like to add your name, please drop in at any time.

DPSA Class Representatives will also be in the playground at the end of the school day canvassing support.

Birthday Assemblies

Wednesdays at 3.05pm

28th June 26th June – 2nd July

5th July 3rd July – 9th July

12th July 10th July – 16th July

Families are welcome to join us for this assembly

to celebrate your child’s birthday.

Dates for the Diary

Week beginning 26th June

Mon 26th June New Entrants in for lunch

1.30pm Meet your new teacher

Tues 27th June

12.00pm Class Flamingo parents in for


Weds 28th June

3.05pm Birthday Assembly

Thurs 29th June

9.10am Welcome to Year 3 meeting

12.00pm Class Flamingo parents in for


Fri 30th June

Am Sandon School Art Project

12.20pm School Council meeting

2.50pm Class Goldfinch Assembly for


Full term dates for this and the next academic year

(2016-17 and 2017-18)

are available on the school website.

Owl’s Barn School Meals Week commencing Monday 26th June


Homemade Cheese and

Tomato Pizza


Salmon Puff

Pasta Twists




Jacket Potato with a

choice of filling

Shortbread Biscuit with


Organic Fruit Yoghurt

Selection of Fresh Fruit


Local Butcher’s pork

sausage or

Vegetarian Quorn Sausage

Creamy Mashed Potato

Fresh Sliced Carrots

Peas/Green Salad

Creamy Mashed Potato

Jacket Potato with a

choice of filling

Marble Cake served

with custard

Organic Fruit Yoghurt

Selection of Fresh Fruit


Local Butchers Roast Beef

served with Yorkshire

pudding and gravy or

Cheesy Stack Wrap

Roast Potatoes

Cauliflower florets

Fresh carrots

Green salad

Jacket Potato with a

choice of filling

Ice cream pot

Organic Fruit Yoghurt

Selection of Fresh Fruit


Chicken in Homemade

Rustic Tomato Sauce.


Quorn Pieces in

Homemade Rustic Tomato


White and Wholegrain


Sweetcorn / Cucumber

Jacket Potato with a

choice of filling

Apple Crumble and

Custard Organic Fruit

Yoghurt Selection

of Fresh Fruit


Harry Ramsden’s battered

Fish Fillet


Baked Beans/Peas

Green Salad

Jacket Potato with a

choice of filling


Organic Fruit Yoghurt

Selection of Fresh Fruit

Yours sincerely

Carol Gooding


Danbury Park Community Primary School

Dates for Summer Term 2017

Date Time Event


24th DPSA Summer Fayre

26th 1.00pm Parents and new entrants to join school for lunch

26th 1.30 – 2.30pm Class swap - meet your new teacher

27th 12.00pm Class Flamingo parents in for lunch

29th 12.00pm Class Flamingo parents in for lunch

30th 2.50pm Class Goldfinch (Year 1) Assembly



DPSA Discos


4th 9.30 – 12.45pm Year 6 Induction Day at Sandon

2.50pm Class Hummingbird Assembly

4.30pm District Sports

6th 1.00pm District Sports

6.30pm Danbury Park School Concert

7th 9.30 – 10.30pm Class swap - meet your new teacher

13th 7.00pm Full Governing Body Meeting

14th 2.50pm Class Jay assembly

18th Sports Day

Picnic Lunch

Open afternoon

18th 7.00pm Year 6 presentation and celebration

19th 1.30 – 3.00pm Pre-school Picnic

20th 12.00pm Leavers’ Lunch

Pm DP’s got Talent

21st 9.15am Leavers’ assembly

3.25pm School closes for summer