at the on the oecaaion of the .anay of struggle withdrawa~ u ......liberation war our neople humbled...

I I SPEECH at the Pyongyang City Mass Rally Held on the Oecaaion of the .anay of Struggle for the of the u.s. Imperial:i,st .Aggression from South Korea" ..

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Page 1: at the on the Oecaaion of the .anay of Struggle Withdrawa~ u ......Liberation War our neople humbled in the dust the .. overweening pride of u.s. imperialism which boasted of being




at the

Pyongyang City Mass Rally Held

on the Oecaaion of the .anay of Struggle

for the Withdrawa~ of the u.s. Imperial:i,st

.Aggression lu~.y from South Korea"


Page 2: at the on the Oecaaion of the .anay of Struggle Withdrawa~ u ......Liberation War our neople humbled in the dust the .. overweening pride of u.s. imperialism which boasted of being

Comradesi Today we are marking the "Day of Struggle for the

Withdrawal of the u.s. Imperialist .Aggression Army from South Korea" nnder the circumstances in ·the whole country is seething with a great revolutionary upsurge to honour· the historic Fifth Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea, the South Korean people's anti-U.S. imperialist national-salvati?n struggle is gaining

. momentum·, and. the flames of the anti-iri~perialis·t and anti-U.s. im,perialist struggle are rising f.iercoly in

.Asia, Africa, La·tin .America an.d all other parts of the

world. . . 1~anty years have elapsed since the day when the

U.s. iml'erialist s unleashed a _be..:::.~ barn us ·war of

aggression against the Kor(-:an IH~ople. G!.'eeting the day, ~h13 en"t:Lrc Koroa.Yl people a:::-e

aflame with a surging animosity against tho U.S. s, the swo:r.n enem,y, ar.d a:,:· a. fill6d v1i th a fiery determination to drive out the u.s. imperialist aggressors from South Kol.'ea and unify tho cnuntry.

Today.this mass meeting ts honoureo with the attendance of Samdech :Horodo'.D. Sihanoul~, H8a6 of Sta.te of Cambodia, Chairman of the National Uniteu Front of Kampuchea and prominent anti-imperialist fighter.

Also attending this meeting are the government delegation of the People's Republic of China led ay Comrade Huang Yung-shell.g, Member of the Political BureA.u.

. . . ~ of the c.c. of the Chinese Comraunist Party and Chief of

Page 3: at the on the Oecaaion of the .anay of Struggle Withdrawa~ u ......Liberation War our neople humbled in the dust the .. overweening pride of u.s. imperialism which boasted of being

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the General Staff of the Chinese People's .Liberation Army; the government delegaticn of the Democratic Republic of Viet Nam led by Comrade Tran Huu Duk, Member of the c.c. of the Workers' Party of Viet Nam and Head of the Premier's Offico& ths deleGation of the Republic of South

Vietnam led by I:Iis RY:cellenoy llguyen Van H~eu, Speoiai Envoy of tho Pl·esidium of tho C.C. of the South Vietnam National Front for Liberation and the Provisional

# • . •

Revolutionary Gc··v"ernment of the .Republ!.c ot South Vietnam; the del.§gation of !Ieo Lao Haksat led oy His Excellency Sanan su ':P.he G~e.k, Member o:f tllQ C.'J. bf

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Neo Ha.ksat and H~1ad of the Propaganda. and Jl.g:i.tation Department of th~ same. .And present at this meeting are the. trade unicn delegations nnd dal~gations. o:e other mass Organizations an~ friendchi:p a.ssoc~ .. a·tions f:r:•c.n .. te.rious count:t'ies.

This w:i.ll land great su.ppor·b to tb.e causa of th.e Korea.'l. pe OJ:)l•1 fo:~ 1H1e inc1Gliand.ant l;l'.l.ifica.tion of the country aga~nst u .. s. impsrial:.Lsm.

F t h . ..,_ " + h \ ~· . s . , .,... . ~ or J.s ..;_ Gxpresa m.y aBe;• .. antra ...;o mncacn ..::ol."C:J::;m

Sihanouk:, Head of State of-Cambodia and the'l cf the National Unit ad F:ron·b of Kampuchea.

I also e)..-:prcss my thanks to ti~1e sovern.mants of the People's Republic of Chi,na and the Democratic Hepuhl:to of Viet Ne.m, the Provisional · Re .. lolut ionar.Y Government of the Republic of South Vic~tnam, the Central Committee ot Neo Lao Haksat, and to the trace union and other cass organizations and friondsnip 'associs.tions·or var~oua countries• which have sent their delegations to our country.

Page 4: at the on the Oecaaion of the .anay of Struggle Withdrawa~ u ......Liberation War our neople humbled in the dust the .. overweening pride of u.s. imperialism which boasted of being


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domraaesl u.s. impel."'talism is the Korean people's inveterate

enemy whose agg:cession on our country has a history of more than one hundred years.

As .far N:tck as 1866 "the UttS. imperialists organized the inva~ion of our country, by their armed pirate 'ship "General Sherman.n Even after that aggressive attempt was fl"'Ustrated :tsnominiously, they engaged themsalve.s in ceaseless bz·igandtsh aggression Emd predatory atrocj ties against our country ..

Before JJ.baration the u.s. imperialists backed Ja:pa!lese imperialism in its occupation of Ko!.·ea and in its clanial a::1d after liberation, directly occupisd SoutO. Korea taking· the place of· the defeated ,Jap~t3Se imperialism and lorded it over thel'O as a

ne~ colonial r~ler. Comrade K.:iw. Il Sung 17 the res_pec·~ed at:d beloved

Leader, sei("i as foLLows: "IJJhe occupa·~ion ,,:r: South Korea "by tha U.s ..

imperialists and their policy of aggression are the .ro1fa I

cause of all the rniseriaa of our ne·liion. anu the main obs·taclo to the un.ificatio:o. of our country • and co::.sti- ~

tute a ~onstant cause of war in Korea. n

·Having occupied South Korea, the UaS. i~parialists

have redu<;:ed it t;o their completa colony and aggressi'".ra m:tlitary base and plunged tha South Korean people it;to a l:tving hell where starvation, poverty, terrorism and slaughter p:t~eva:Lled. .

The u.s. im!'erialists, after turning S01.1th Korea

under their occupation into a land of darkness. unleashed an aggressive war against ollr Republic by surprise on

Page 5: at the on the Oecaaion of the .anay of Struggle Withdrawa~ u ......Liberation War our neople humbled in the dust the .. overweening pride of u.s. imperialism which boasted of being

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Juna 25, 1950,. with the olfj ect. of converting the whole of Korea into their.colony and enslaving the Korean pao:pla.

During the l:as·t war the· U.s. imperialist agg:resst)I'S reduced our towns ·and villages to· heaps of ashes. OV~rriding even elementary int·ernational iaws an'd human morality, they used germ bombs and chemical and other mass apnihilation weaponS to murder numerous peaceable'' inhabitants, thereby committing thrice-cursed atroci­ties.

The atrocities commi tt ad by the U.S_. aggresBors in the Korean war served to.· J;"eveal that the u.s.· imper~alists were the most barbarous aggressors, the cannibals of ·iihe 20th century, ~nd the vicious enemy of· mankind • ..

Tha u.s. imperialists resqrted·.to the most oarba.r.oLrs methods and means of t'Ja~:-fare ever .known in ·the wa1 ...

history in an attempt to subdue Ol~ people but failed ' ' .

to raalizo· their aggressive d.Jsign. Upholding the tvise leadership of Com"t'ade Kim Il' Sur.:.g~

ou.t' :people rose u]$ in the .sadl'ed -war for the liberation of their fatherland agaj_nst tl;le U.s. imperialists, closely I•allied \Vith 'one id.aa and purpose around our Party and the Goverp.m9nt of. ·c he Repub.Lic and in:f:i .. ictod an irrevocable military and political defeat up,Jn. tha aggressor,s, bringing them to ·thelr lmees.

During the las·a ·Fa·therland Liberation War the Chinese peopla dispatched volunteers organiz~d with their best eons e.nd daur;ht ers to. assist ·our 'people 7li th blood under the banner of Oppose-u.s.-I~perialism-and-.Assist-

. Korean-People.

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Page 6: at the on the Oecaaion of the .anay of Struggle Withdrawa~ u ......Liberation War our neople humbled in the dust the .. overweening pride of u.s. imperialism which boasted of being



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... ,. .... Also, the peoples of the Soviet Union and other

socialist countries and all the progressive peoples of the world rendered active support and encouragement to .th~ just struggle of our peo~le.

The Korean people's historic victory in the Fatherland Liberation War and the ignominious defeat of

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the u.s. imperialist's clearly showed that no force could conquer the :veople who had' risen up for ·the freedom, independence and progress of their fatherland, taking their destinies in their own hands, under the leadership of their great Leader and Party.

· By winning ~a great victory in thl) Fatherland Liberation War our neople humbled in the dust the .. overweening pride of u.s. imperialism which boasted of being the world' a "strongest," and exploded the my·iih

about' its·"mightinass" completely and gave ·begiilning to the downfall of the u.s. imperialists.

:tn the Fatherland Liberation War our people toile(: the aggressive design of u.s. imperialism t.hat threatened

· the socialist countries, an<l. firmly defended the. ea.ste::rrl ' /

· outpost of socialism and ~reatly contributed to d;:tv~:;l:;p-t '

ing the national liberation movements of the op:pressed _peoples of the whole world onto a new stage.

The truce in lCarea wa& the first., step towards the . I

peaceful solution of the Korean question. Howeve;t', the u.s. imperialists who bad Stlffered a

shameful defeat ~n ·Korea ran amuck to hampfr in every way the settlement of the Ko.t'ean issuef step¢ up their policy of colonial subjugation in South Korea. and ignite a new war of aggression in our country. ·

In· the postwar years the u.s. imperialists set up the most reactiqnary military/fascist. dictator-,

Page 7: at the on the Oecaaion of the .anay of Struggle Withdrawa~ u ......Liberation War our neople humbled in the dust the .. overweening pride of u.s. imperialism which boasted of being

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. ! "!""· 6 .. •.· ... :. j1 ship in ~outh. Kor~a and .have' :t:rantica~ ww~ed to -;~1

. remove' all the ·social ~ci political elements that cam~ • . ·. ' ·:1

, in' t1ie way of, the :tul~d.lment of their policy ot agiges• · · · ·j .. • .sion and WaJ:, and wantonli ar.r:ested, ilnptisoned ana. · · , •· J;

. mercile&sly ,'killed the revolutionaries and. p$triotic ·.· ·;.,

. people figbt~ng· for .ind.ependent unification qf ·the - · ... · · '~ country against u •. s. ·imperialism._. '· ·:. -~

.... · )Vith. an· eye to ~tart:\,ng another war: of· $agressi~· · . ·: ·~~· .:tn· X0reat .·tbe ·u.s. imperialists have~ snipped int'o SoUth ·· . , ·:·

. ' Korea mass d~stru\~ton. w'~ap.~ne u;6ludi~ 't~··:: tapt~oal. . . •.' <I · · nuc~ear . weapons alia guided . -weapons·. it:J 18r.go quantities .····. ·1l

.. and n~l.Jt ·built· and· eJq>ande~l: on} a· la+'s• ecai• mflitaioy. '·· :. · '/ airport1s 1 ports1 :ro_ckst bases,. ''strategic roads and ~tb:~r ·· .• : :·~

· mi.litary bases and'· est~blishutent, in' gross·v,.olation of .· · ~ · ,· t:1 tha ·~miatica· As;t'eement• . . ,_ · '· ;, ~ ~ . . :rli the . recent on it or t~o·. yea; a. alone" the.t-:· increase~~.

tha stx-angtb. of the ptlppt:rtr:armt by over iQO~()CO to · ·. . . • • • , ·~ ' , . • • · r .. , • • t: · .. ' . '' boost it to ?Oo,ooo •. A~d' the~ have .bent themselves to·. arming tb~ ·"homel:and rtn!erv'a corps'.' o.V~r tvit? million ~." stroDg,., '

,. . ~ ' --Tlie u.s. 1-mpa:qialista. are riow. try in~ t1l oraw

Japanese. mili1iaris~ into, a· new \'1Sr Of. ·aggressicril. against . . the Korean people as t.heir "sho~k. . .. . .. . . .

· The u.s. imperialists brought· Japanese m1litarism 1 ~ '. ·7 '-~ and the. Pak Jung. Hi pUppet clique int~ collueioz:t and.· . . .

. \ let ihem. conclude bilateral mili tar3' agreernen·ts ana ttius· . y

·vi:rtuall3 trameQ up. a•u.s.-Japan-Soutb K~rea tripartite; .•. m~litary alliance," and the ·Japanese militarists o~. . · ·. • their p~rt ha~· ·worked. out ·aggressive ~ar_ planG> .. ag$.~:·;, .

. · olli' co\Ultry and are car;ying on ·frantic miUtary) · · , · · exerciseet ace,ordi~g to these p~.. .

.. ' ."·· ', . ' -;- ·, ' \. ~ . . ' ;

Page 8: at the on the Oecaaion of the .anay of Struggle Withdrawa~ u ......Liberation War our neople humbled in the dust the .. overweening pride of u.s. imperialism which boasted of being

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What is worse, the Sato clique are out openely . their 'aggressivo design· against our country. , Th.ey say that in the event of a wa1~ being unleashed· by

u.s.· itnperiallsm in, Korea they ·will not ttloolt on with . folded arms" and that they should toresoea n:forestalling

. . '

attack:" on' t~a Democratic People's Republic of Korea. In recent years the U. S'• imperialists' mfli tary

provocations against the Democratic People's Republic / .

of Korea have become more frequent on land, sea and in · the air.

: In l968 the u.s. imperialists intiltrated their . armed spy ship ''PufJbloa deep into the territorial waters · . . '

of Out' country and in 1969 they let their le . .rge · s:py

plane "ID-121" to intrude ~to our. air space •. Of late, . again they sept their armed spy ~llip. "I-2'• deep into the territorial waters on. the West Sea of our count~y ..

· 1J.lht'!Y ha-v~ been perpe~rating such grave hos·ti l·a es.pionnages and mili'tary provocations one after .another.,,

. ' ' . . ' . . .

· · Moreover, f:r:-om January to the middle of, June this . '

year alone the ·u.s. imperia~.ists perpetrated as many· aJ:r over 5,100 cases ·of armed raids, shel.lins ~md h3~:'ooti.!lg ·

in the area al()ng the Military Demarcation Line in ·violation of the Armistice .Agreement.

All the developments remind us of the. situation o.n the · eve of the Korean war unleashed ·by the U • s.

imperial,ists: During thd period from 1947 to 1949. tb.ey frequently launched armad raids in the Ongjin: Peninsular, Mi;s. Songak-san and Unpa-san, Kimhwa, ,

I .J • •

Yangyang and other places ap,d intruded into the areas , . in the northern half o:f' the Republic to commit the , ·

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atrocities o:t murdering and pla:p.clering. the pe opl~ and

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inoendiar~sm. And finally they· 'st~ted an e.ggressicn w~ aga~st our surprise on June.2.5,.l950.

T_be intensified aggressive manoeuvres of the u.s. imperialists have aggravated the situation in c;>ur

count~y to the extreme· and a dangerous s~tuation in twhich· a war may break out tomorrow or the day attar ·tomorrpw has been created in our country due to 'the u .... ~.

"· imperialists. The situation ot today makes it..impe:rative for us

to maintain sharp revo111tionary vigilance a~ to make full preparations 'to confront a v.lar·.

. . '

While keeping close watcb.: on the aggx-$asive .. mov'e . .

or the-u.s. imp_erialists, ·we must be :tully pi-apared to fight a war. sb tllatt.· we ca.n r~putse ·the enem_r at a .. st~oke.

' when h\3 ignites it. Witll no machin'ation o:t' military _provocation can '

·the. U.S~ imperialist aggressors frighten Ol1l" people .• . The Korean :people of todaJ: ia not the Kor.elm. people

of yesterday and our might. has grown inoolllJa)ara'bly stronger thQ.n in tho 1950 • s.

Our p~o:rle have been unj:b ed firmly aQ · Iiaver be :fora al~ound the great Lc.ader Oomrada Kim Il Sung, the eve·r--vict orious iron .... willed brilliant commander and '

gift ad milit al"Y strat, and ~ h~y. are fi~l;y dater­mi!ied to face, fight and, defeat the enemy at ani time at the call of the Leader.

The mono~i·th;io 'political and ideological unity of · our' people who are rallied arottnd the Leader with one· mind and purpose is the source of. ou.r inv:i.ncibla power that can def~at aey aggressor •

.:• ·w& havethe poweltfll,)..; independent\ .natipnaleco.nomy

and m'ig[\ty de.ten~e cal'ab~lity •. ··•···· ..... · < ·.· .. ···•·

. We have,. mighty< haaV3 indUstry·· wi~ .the macb,in$-'

Page 10: at the on the Oecaaion of the .anay of Struggle Withdrawa~ u ......Liberation War our neople humbled in the dust the .. overweening pride of u.s. imperialism which boasted of being

-. 9 bu;i.lding industry as the.~ore.

Our People's A~my has g~<T;;n into. l;l modernized, cadre army., ·into· a one-beat ··hWldred 11evolutione.ry armed force that can defeat a;a.y enemy, and the entire l?eopl6 · are under. arms and ·th~ whole country has been turned into an, impregnable fortress. . . -. •_; . . -., - . _/ -- - - .

. Besides, Wf:l have many cpmrades-in~arms and friends in th~ world, and. the reyolllt ionary peoples of th~ world are rende~ing an active· sup;port and encouragement to. our people in their just struggle •

. Ii' u.s. imperial~sm obst~nate]J force anew w~upbri . . . . . ,. . ' . .

·the Korean people· in disregarq ot :tb.eir repea~ed warnings,;.· it will auffer: sev~al times• nay, score a: ot. times

. . . . . . . . ·.· . ·.· ··. \ greater defeat than in the last Korean war.

The respec-ted anct beloved Leader Comrade Kim Il Sun.g s~id as follow e:

I, "' - •

"If the· enemy,.· f'orces a new war upon. us, all the • "C'' • - : ~ - --- - - '

people will rise as one in a heroic struggle to defend th.e g~aat .. social:let gains in the northern half. ~f the Republic, attain t~e complete·· liber.ation and unifica~ tion of the fatherland and safeguard peace in· Asia and the world and will deal annihilating blOwS to the

·• . ·:rhe u.s. imperialists must ~ace, tlla r6ality ~quarely

an9 should not behave recklessly. . 'l'P.e u.s. imperialist aggressors must quit South Ko~aa at once taking their aggression army and all their iethal weapons with them.

If the u.s. imperia~ists ,do not wat?-t to .'Withdraw :from ·~outh Koi'ea, our pe'oplet :i.n unity with the ,fightin~ peoples in A13ia, will force them by ttie ;}oint struggle~

· W:"len the u.s •.. imperialist agg~ession troops ·quit , South Korea, the· ques.t;to~ of,, Korea's unification. will be.

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solved _by _the Kor~an people themselves indttpendantly. The respect ad and beloved Leader Comrade Killl Il Sur:.g,

said as follcws: I

"Tb.e·basic line of national unitleation maintained, . all along by the Government of our Republic is to unify the ~ortb. and South by the Kor~an people themstllves

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independently on democratic principles without any interference of' outside fo~cas following tne withdrawal­of all :t'oreign troops from South Korea. n

The qu~s-uion of- the unification of ou.r- country is -the inte1-rla1 affairs of our natiOli,whicb can anQ must ·b~ solved by the' Korean people themselves 'without any


i~t~:c-ferenca of outside forees. . . It is entirely illegal that the u: s- impel.'ialists

-brought' the Korean qttestion to. the United Nations., · . .r I The United nations that was a belligerent in tb.e

Korc-;an war and still sor,Tes as a too] .. of U.-S.impeFialism

jor the occupation of South Korea and. the· execution of -ita policy of war, bas !lC> competence: whatsoave~ to msddle in the Korean question.

- I '

'2be United Nations must 2brcgate al.l its illegal "resolutions" ·on the i?Korean ·question" and break up at1 ones the lfTJnited Nations Commission: for th~ Unification and Rehabilitatio:1 of Ko+'·ea'' which acts as a sertant pf

u.s. inpel·ialism in Korea. In order to· achieve tha. independent unification

o_f the couut_ry w~·-~hrat.·: the }'ak: .;Tur1g Hi p~ppat clique, their faithful lalt~ys, along with driving out .the u.s._ imperialists.

· The :Vak Jung Hi clique; the executors ot u.s. I ' • • \ f' •

imper:titlist colonia~ rule and. the· traitors· ,to the nat1on1 shoulc be put- to a stern judgement of\ the pe:ople attd the•.




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Page 12: at the on the Oecaaion of the .anay of Struggle Withdrawa~ u ......Liberation War our neople humbled in the dust the .. overweening pride of u.s. imperialism which boasted of being

" -- 1 • ~~ , -. • ~~ .•·, '• ' ' ··I

?Xtd :t'eactiOtJ.ary pup.:pe:il~ :r:~o~Ku..lll.a, ···Korea $hov.ld l1e ·overthrow' h.: · · .· ·. ·

• • ' :,.0. - • .L '<., /' '·· 4 • •·- ~- v"• ';_ • • ' ' ' ' '

. Tlle Japanesa. ,militarists• maeb..inat~on to ~rain:vade ~ ~<.; .. . . . Sout·n~ Korea is o~e~tfng anothe~ sra~·a ~bstacle to 6(tr: -· ,>· ·_ .. _·

.. ' ' < ' J'i; .. •

· J?Gople's_st:rugg_le fo:r.tb.a un1fieapion 9f the country._"·~-·,: · ... . ~we mu~st k:ee:Q ~~- hig11~.st1 vigilaiictJ, _ag_aiPst. ·• .. · .. ·.japau$ke m111.tatiatn' that i~ se~ioiu:~ly· __ obstrcuc~!s.itlg•. ·at~~-

- . ' . • • . ~J; - • • .•. I ' > • • ' • '• ~

· _ st;er~ggla t.or the· independant. urd:f;i.cation ot- tae c:otmt:t'jf·;~ : ·: :th oollua~.on wlth Jr.s •. :tmperict'ltaljianti,' x-e~oll.rtr:3i..~· -~;&1i~~fi\i··

.~ s~:::~!;.~ ~;v: 7 ·r.~Dti\:: ,,.; •.·.· .. · ; >:{;//' C

.. Thtf U~ S~~-JmpeJ'iali_sts ~e~·no~_:;})niQ! ·. fi:r~- t~'turleasfi a:·f!ew war· ot.aggx'jl:}tii~a~. <:'.':• :- ~.",, '• ,-' -~···"' • c'~ )._ :.'·', ~-"); ~· ':,_/",;·~.:·· ~ • ~"",:;·;~rJ..', 'le',·~-·.:,··,:•,

·st eppiile ,·up the:1;t' .. agg~esat:v:a. ~~P.~~vr$& ·. -,'':• • ~-- • '·: ,: <' • '; ,.,''. •<'-:;-, .:·- ~ ·,, :.·· ,' ! ,,:>.~·~,·,, •.--:~·:·.' I; ,::,;-;·':!'-•;:._••_

. · t~ther; therabl ~ggravatins: Jha ... ':ttua:ti±on '~orla·., .... ~ · .• . : _• · _,- '. ;•, • : · · ~·::., · . ~:/'<; .. :,-.::, · . · . ·. " . :~ >: . . . • .. . .. . ' ~he. Tj;. S.. intpeirlalia~ S: ~.~;. fU:t;t.:J,li,Gl!" 6X,Pltll~ iJig;' . .

. i ·• ·, '>t· '•+.:' •. t· .. ":.'. • • ... ..· ....... ·.:···:.,;.- ••·· .. : ,;•. ···;,.·, ..

~. Qi-in\inaJ., war- .o:C. agsrt?Saion;'ag~p;i!if.: ~h(:f V'i~t~mes.$;: ·. : .. ~ . ·- .. •. - ' - ". • : ' .· • * .,. ·-- l - t . . . - . - . ' .

. : peop:t~· .·and.· flirt'her.iilteri$ffy,tp~ tfia;l.J~,·' ilitarve~:biolk·< -~:,: :t~ .. -~0$ and;~· ot lit_e;·. star\~ci·~ lars~-'~ca~~\ arme<t ·~ ·',/l·}···.'. . invas; on or cambodia. by' mQbili~ing· their aggrassfve' . 'armaii forces and ~ereenartea o:t,~,tha1i-:· a~telli);l9. d9unii~1es · .

. Th~y are also ocoupyirig: T~tv;fatl;; 'El,. sacrea ter~i . ..,· ........ _, ..... , ·. ~- , Of! :tfhe · Paopla' s R$pub·lic of .Clli~~:. ~nd . cnn·binh~u.Slj ..

. -, a,ggravatillg; tension in ':t;h~_ "Taiwe~n ·{ ···:: · ,, c'. '~: ... ·• The· tr.s:. ,::imperialists are. reso:qti~1g tp e:tfe'I}Y • .

. : r ~6nc&lbabla int.rigga to :c'~aliztt t'hai:C ambi ttoh for . .n.oo:r . .L.ClL.~~ . assr~Ssion by bringing tile< JapaneSe ndlit·artsta · alld: . pup!· eta. arid vassal. countries lu. .. ·a ..........

.. : comni\uit~t," :militm~y alliance; u~q:e:e. ' ~ ~. , . T" ~' ',, ··, • ~ - ' ' .~ . • , j ~". . - ' •

· ·· ao . .o.oalled ·. "Nixon doetx,ine:'t:; 1i~bj:, A sfari~,:!~> ~~ciy: q~· •· , .

{' : I;_~

Page 13: at the on the Oecaaion of the .anay of Struggle Withdrawa~ u ......Liberation War our neople humbled in the dust the .. overweening pride of u.s. imperialism which boasted of being

- 12 ~·.

tighte~ corner with tb.eti- agg:i~rss~~·e' machinati~s . ha:v:tns met. wit~. the growing~; indignation an<l i' of the peoples all over. the wor!!.d including ttita :pe oplEJ · ·· of 'tho Uni-ted· .States. · . . . .

.. The u,. s. imperialists ar'a inatiga~ing· the Zionists tq perpetrat~ aggressive ac~s t~e' Arab. people and trying frenziedly to strangulate. the Republic ·

•' .• - .

o:t: Cuba. · .. , · · · . · -- Comrade Kim Il surig,. tho· f;r_eat Lead~r g:e\r~voJ.u:..~ :t{ion, taught. that under tht.1· pra$Emt situatipn !n whiob

,. tens ion, has becotne f~tner aggravat od ,:in Asia an4 all.· · the ott1er ~eg~o~ ()f tne wor;a drt~ to th~ ag~e~aj,~lt,ana., .

. w~ nrachiriations o:t u.s. impe1•1a1ismr.' tho; people~ pt_ . . . all oo:unt.ries:: ot. the world engaged il{. rev(Jlution ahoul<l ;­

··3.oin I in dea.ling blofuj au u.s.··imp~:ria:l.isni :·. and. tb~t, particularlyt··.thE~-:Paople.a o# tbe r~vQ~~frioA~~­. countries· in . .Asi.a shoUl4 f~ni: d united t•:r3ont: againQiJ ..... ·.·· U.S,~ .iinperialiSIIi e.nd Step Up the jOiP..,t aUti-11.8~ . . imperialist. . struggle.. . · · ' . . .

The· respected and beloved Leader Cmnrad&: . ~

Kim Il Sung taught as follows:' . "1'be ,Peoples o:C ·all ~ountries tqaking l'e~olutio~> .

'• · should tear .limbs off .the u.s. beast an¢1. behead.··it ·. all. over the world. Tho u.s.· imperialists app,e~r tp 'be· strong,. bu'tl when the peoples· o:t maey cQUnt~i~~ra~tS.c~ ·

· them from all sides arid. jo:i.n in mu'!iilatirig th~m in: that· ... wayt they will become impot~nt· and bite tb.E:t dust. in the·.

end.'* . . .

· Recently he a1ac taught. th~t ••i:( th~ people~: of . various· Asian oou~t~l~~ cSJ:r;y-ing on r·e~t,ut;on inell.tding

.. ·. Cambodia,. Laos, Viet NaJit china and l{o~ea,. for.m.·a. .. .

. ··~ited front and. -.join.: ill. de,aline/ c~·llec:tt:i.v~,- "Qlow~: ·at: t;1ey wilt.' be a.blftl to· kilook- it down;

.. ~~:

Page 14: at the on the Oecaaion of the .anay of Struggle Withdrawa~ u ......Liberation War our neople humbled in the dust the .. overweening pride of u.s. imperialism which boasted of being

' 13

firmly 'ensure the. victory ot ow: common'"' '' Today when, the u.s. imperlallsts ar·e directing

the:l4::' spearhead o:f aggl .. ession at _Asia, which has. become the main venue of the w'orld x-evoltttion, it is of gl~e{tt slgniticanc~ iri frustrating theU.S •. imparialists'

. aggression in Asia ~nd accelerating their doom to :f'orD( ' - f •

a united .front of the' peoples of those C9WJ.tries .. · ' -· - - - .-__ - --_-- ' ,' - -~ - - ·_ -.. '_ -- . - - ' -_._ . ·::-_·

angagod in .revolution .in this region and step> up their< . joint·· anti-u.s. imperialiat ~:r~.rugg:te •.

. ·.• ·~he Asian peoples: b.ave i. .. bri.ll:tant tradition •. 9f joint revolutionary· st:t'uggl~:,.fougb.t 'against iniper:t~l£sm. . - - . . -

The Korean and Chinese' people~ ilaa fo\lgb:t· stioulder· td shoulc.le~ .. tor .~ long time asainst Japattese· imperiallst'il, the common ~n~my, a.tld fought :togethttr in the sama ·.· .trench agains·t Jr. a •. illlperia:).ism in the last :F·atherla.nd Liberation War~ Today, the K~rean.andGhin,eae,:peDples

"' ' ,_- __ ,_ - ·;'- ' ' '- ,:.; '.: ' ' --~ ' ' ,)' are waging, as before, ,a joint struggle against imperialisJn and Ja.:pane~e militarism.· . .

As was pointed out in the joint couimuni_q~tl issued early in Ap~il last in conneQtioD. with tha visit to ot.u." country of Comrade Chou En.-.lai, Prel;llier of the State C.ouncil ot "'tbe People' .a· Republ:i.c of Ch:Lua, . the promotion of tant fraternity, r, friend ship and·. ·

·unity between the tw.o pp,oplt1S of Ko~e!l and. China, and t~e intensif~cation, of the anti-iJ!lpe:rialist and a.nti-U. s. imperialist strugs.le: by thein' 51re of great significance in. frustrating the a.ggt'SSI;iiV'e ·and War .

"' - _..- ' ' "" . ', - ' . ' / ' '

machJ.nations of u.s. 'imper.t:alism" and hastening its doom. The Korean and Chin(Hie. peoples are also ti.J.'m~ .. standing on: the same front ill suppo:('t~g· and encourag~

ing. the I'igbte~us > anti-TJ·~~- \~pe;rialist 1 11~,tional~,. salvation struggle .. of Viet.n~mHJ"S~t. Ce.moodiax:L, Laoti~

' ~-- - - - '-- ' '-- / ._.- ' '' .·.·; :> ·-·- '<.:; -: ... -, ·J ~- '1:- "; j'

.. o1nie:C ~dof.Ch~e~et pe'oples·~;, ,_ ,_" "' - ,." -~ - ,_ ·-·:-- ' '.-/ _,. ':;i ··: _--' -:-" .. _ .. _- ... - .,._.,_

Page 15: at the on the Oecaaion of the .anay of Struggle Withdrawa~ u ......Liberation War our neople humbled in the dust the .. overweening pride of u.s. imperialism which boasted of being

.. 14-~n his May 20 st.atement, Ooll.rade· Mao Tse-tung,

respected all.d beloved Loade:t" of the Chinese pe-Jple, . . . . . \ . .

appealed: "The peoples of ·the uhole worl.dt iet 'us untt3 ('~, - --- . - - .

···. and defeat _Ghe U.s. aggressors aad all their ·_stoogealu " Tb.ia aot only ~reatly, ins~b:-ed· the struggle 9/ the · peoples but also enco.uraged the peoples of all couniiries figb.ttng against u.s •. · imperialism.

Today, ljhe \miby has bee~--f-~ther strene;thened amoil3 the peoplGa .of the·ravolU.ti.:~nary countries ini\sia :lnolud1ng Viet· Na'll, La.os, Cambodia, China and Korea;,itt their slirt.1¢gla against. u.s., iiiP·9rial1sot. ·

The; Irido•Chinese peoples ~'no fought together ·agaitlst foreign 1n1:~2riatia·tar and w~n .victoj_ .. ;y a~e 't~dat,_ ~.s in tile, wasin.:; a jotnt struggle. a:.Ainst't,.he u-.s. tmp'el:'ip.lisb ·· aggressors in all areas.of Ihd~-Obina~.strengt;b.ening

. mut·ual sup.;_:>rt ~nd solidarity, 'thereby. dr1,Jtng·.t1h.em; into a ti.:::;hts;i. .. corner1 · . .

.·rnepsoples o£ tna rav:>lu.ti~nary coun·cri.ea 'tn. J\·st~ ·• should fox·-n':a!:l antt-u.s. imper~.,:-.list united frorl.ti and

further sti"engthan liheir· m:p. ty -::tnd oo;.operation. :so aa to admini.s·:;::r more powerful ooll:3ctive blows at the· u.s.

, . o ' ·' • ~ I;.s. evarywb.ere the devils set foot. Th$; sooialtat ' .

countries, tlls• new-born indepeud.~nt states, the progressitre d.emO()ratio .i::'Jrces and all tb.e. a.i.1!ii-imperiali.sf4 forces

. should uni:;s to. smash u.s. impe:r:.afist policies of aggression and war. Thus• tb.ey m:ust cut oft tb.a· aggresaiv~. tentacle-s ~£ the· u.s. 1mperial~.:3ts, drive out, the u.s. i!nperialis·t aggression t:roops. from.- Soutl:t Korea., Taiwcin, .. VietNam, La.oaand Oambodia and entomb· the!ll 1h Asia fo~ aver •.

-The Koj:-ean people wiJl march forWard., in .the futura., too, as in tlle past, . in firm. ur.ti·t;y witb. the so.cia.lisb countrf.esandall tb.e revolut':I.onary,peoplea tha-wo:old.· ovel:', b.oldin.;; b:igh the banne.t .. ; of 'an tit-imperialist~ antt-u~S•· t:upertaltstr;' sliruggtT'' i·t:&d:.~>#til.ciUtci:r:t;rk wti1 unfol:d' tli.a _po~er:ful..· . 3.nlii•11~ s. .

I ..

Page 16: at the on the Oecaaion of the .anay of Struggle Withdrawa~ u ......Liberation War our neople humbled in the dust the .. overweening pride of u.s. imperialism which boasted of being


' '~ .. ' .'

1 ... - ~

'imperialist joint strl'~ggle, firmly united with the

:poopl~JS of the !:avolut;ional:~Y cotl.ntri1a in .A.sit1. ·

· W& support and encourage in evary -.vay t:he juJ:rtf .

struggla o! tha VietnrunetHl ::tn.d Laotian .f•tw.ples who valiantly fightfnf! to defo·nd the. indapendanoe ,D.nd freedom of .t.heir countries against the ngg.rasatcn of "!ihe u.:s. imperialist~.··

. We fully suppo~t thet f~Jui.·-point stand. o! the

· Demoora·tic Republic of Vi(9t Nam: an,j ·~·he t eu· ... poiilt proposal of' the Sou·th Viet·na.vr ii! Rl:'ont toJ.." ' ~' . ' - . ·. . ·. ' ... ' .• Libaration··and th& Provisio~l Re"'rolutionar:r.Gove;-nment


· of· ·one Republic of Soir~h Vie~n!:.lll, whlch atford the ·.m~v. t'i.ght solutions ot "th~ Vietn~:t~aa issue~· .

Otlr people 'ully suppo1•t all the raaoiuto and just measures taken by· Bamdecli Norodom Sih~ouJc. Head of . .

Btate of Cambodia,. to' smash the reactionary coup qtgtat carried out by the tr.'l.itorous Loll 1io1·-Sf:rik: M~rteJc clique at the instig~tion o:i:' tht'} u.s.·. irnpe:d.alist's t;l-Ud

to repulso hhe latter's arced. inv~sion e.nd inval'i~bly ·support the stand th8t the Cambodian problam should ~e~ · · settled by tba Cambodian _peopl& themselves. on the

' :"' ) ' .

basis of ·i;he historic, fiva-poi7t decltu•at.!.O!l ism1ed bj' · Sa.mdech Jiorodom Sihanouk on .M& .. ob 23 •

. \Ve are firmly convinced that the Cambot.lian ;pec>plrr 1

1mder the. las.dersMp ~:f. Samdech Norodc:.l!l Si.hanouk, thai~ .. · prominent load or £\nd a st~adfast, brave anti-imperialist, . , . . . ..

figb.jer, and undsr the guidance of tb.e .l'liational U!l.ited · F".t-.:)nt Will crush the u.s. im:parialieta and tb.ail.'. stoot:;ea and hoist the flag of the !fat1~o:!ai Ullitod Front o:f Kampuchea and . the 11oyal GovCJ.rt'.Jll;nit ·of Nati.onal LT:c1ion

. lect by the Front over the sol~. of Cam~odia St)OVEt:!' 0~

late:r:. Ou.r people wiJ..:t always- do ovarytb~g, ,ili their

I ~'\'

,. ,:.•.'

Page 17: at the on the Oecaaion of the .anay of Struggle Withdrawa~ u ......Liberation War our neople humbled in the dust the .. overweening pride of u.s. imperialism which boasted of being

. ,._,

power to actively support arid erJ.eourage thE1. just. national-salv~tion struggl~ !lf· th~f. Cambodik. p,ople aga1nst thS-. ;imperiali$n~-

, .· Our ·people reso];utel.i support the'. Ob;tb._,a& people .. ~ · · · . in· their struggle to ·l~berattt.T{ii~an ·irom tp.e illeg~1~. oc~_upation o£. the u.s. imp.ert~a~ists~. .· \ . · . , 01U pe~pla. J;"ender/'e~o,~u~EJ" sUP,~or:ff: anti enqou:r:f!ge~~n~·,.. ·ta the st.ttuggle: of. thEJ· Cuban people.w~a a~e successtu113: building .soc~e_llsm while ftauat~ttns~ .. thf1: inc~~sant. · ··

- aggreQsiva•: 0~ u.s .... itil!l~~~l~sm~.,. 0

j . ··••··· . •. . . • ··. <' i' .·.' ' . • . . .. , • :• .• ··.:i • • . . . . . .•.•. . ''"·· { .•. . .We wa:rmlJt· suppo;rt". ~4 enoo\4t'agij, t~(t, Ara'b~ people:

who __ ~+'e· ~igtl'fr1ll$. ag.~iA~1:>~he;:~~~f:~nv:~~io~·.,9r~.u~s·;;\···.·. ·imperia1ism ... a;td it&;-l~c,keY.l$~t~\;.:.·~$~~~lj.;~ag~esstiJ.ts~· t:l1.Tl,., .••..

to:C- tlie' creatio!l ~·a.· ~aw.· li~e_. · ·:·<. ··· . .. · · · . . · . Our people resa:llitely · suppQr~·· ~e\foluti,onui'

~ ." .· " , . . ,· . ·- ~ .. -': ·. -.. , .:· ... :.~r. ·- .. · .":.- ·" ·_:: .:· .:: : .. - ... -.>·:.: ,_ .. ..,,. -.. ·_~·· . ~::·.- ·.··~--

StrUggle ·Of. tb.$ p~opleEt·O.t·,,A$illi· A~t'iQ&i;;:_•, Latin . , .Am.erica: and tb~ rest of. t11~ WO;id:·ag~illSt the impeJ'i:..< "·· . . . . . . . . :;.' ,, . .· ...... ·. .. . .. . . . . . . . : : .. al1st.s led by u.s. imperialism; an,"' fC>l'· peace, demqcraet~ ..

' national independenco and 'socialism: ~ntf wi11 d.o all the~ .. can t 0 strengthen the militan~· soi:t.da;-ity witb. tb.em".' .. : .

Comrades! \ . .

Today we are· confronted with a,- weightY. task to· . :fu:ri;her consolidate. ths revolut:fonara base of· the northern half of the Republ~c politically, ·aconomicall;y: and inilit~rily and hasten the ~ountry•s .unificatibn··;: "'ihe nation-wide victory of. the Korean revolution~ .. ' ·

The entire people should f~mly a.rm.·.~hems9~ves with. tb~ revol~t~onary ideasc of Odmrade Kim. Il: Sl1!1g, tne·· .... Sz.~at. Lea~er ot our Party. a~d tha.4{l>m1lliol+.Itoreari ··· ..

< people, that ia, th~ unit$:t'Y ideology ~t oU# Party:~, and : •··._.reli.y ~hemselve!J· tlr1Xll$.aiound --~b' --~~aderwitq/ons.mind)'! ' an~( one w~lt tO.~ t~r()pgJl~ o~r.;,:/·9u¥.'h;fJ -~e'~u)!l¥tss,~~d• · .th&<l?art3"'s:·po~9ies:: · :\ -~· ·· :.· '."-·.,~:: ~~-·.:;;~·.> ·. "··: . .. .

~. ~~.-~-·~~~

Page 18: at the on the Oecaaion of the .anay of Struggle Withdrawa~ u ......Liberation War our neople humbled in the dust the .. overweening pride of u.s. imperialism which boasted of being


Tl:ie entire worii:ing. -peoplEr should vigorously dash ahead at °Kangson speed,n anew Chol11ma spe~d• and seal~ without fail ali the ·heights of·· the Seven-Year Plan · be.fore the ~,ifth Congress:' o:f'' OUt'·· P~ty •.

All tho w~rk:tne · p~ople· ~~l~dify the ecg~omia · · foundatian of the country a's :firm ~.s ta rock and stx.-eng:- .

' . . .· ·, ' .·.' . . . ,. 1\ . . . ·,. •' .. ·. then our defences impregnabJ.i by{carry:tng~througll.

:::a~::~~ :n r::: 1~:~:::1u!th~ihia1~!la~e~~qnof7° . . . . . . . . • . . . . ·: .. ·. ·' ':• • . • ., . . ' ' .· . ..'. • ... ·~. j . . . .

~ ·' . Cl!he eri'tire working. people shotlldt b.;Ltte:r:ly'bate.~ .. · .. · .• imperialism, ·u~s. imperial:tm>'and Jap~.nese mtlitaritJtnin

!'": . > .. ·· ' ~-/ . ·'· --~ ,·,;··/,'.:_><; ;·.\ ~:~ .> --~'"· --~~,.~ :--.\ > .-·-,.-·:¥·_.

·~· . \ , particular, ardently: love. tlle socialist tatherl.a!l~ tmd: .... _:' .t'orcet.uil.Y ·puatr ahead with ~oci~list conf!truction a:].waytf

,. •.. '•, ...

kaeping a strained and mobilized postur&. . . . . ~-· . The South Korean people ~re -B-OW '\'igorously. wag;Lng . their anti~U .S. lmperialiat, national-~alvation ajjrugg~e::. ·

• <'l • • • • ,_ '"-··· "- • -. • .- l ~ - . ' ·- 0 '

l~hile steadily reinforcing the revolu'Ciont:U"Y forces~ ' Eapecia.l' aome·time . ago .. the Revoiutionacy Pa~ty

for which reg~rda ··as its guiqelina ·.the • id€a of Juche, the great revolutionary ideas o~ Comrade

• Kim Il sun.g, the brilliant Marxist-Leninist .. ant\ the out­,··· standing Leader of revolution~. made public. its militant

programme and declaration. ['his marks a new turning-point in the struggle of

the South Korean pe.oi:le ·iJ~ drive ou-t the u.s. imperi-• ' . . ali.sts ·from Sou~h Korea and accomplish tJ,la. ua.tione.l-liberation democratic revolution and gi.ves a bo~vy blpw · to the u:~S•'erialistf!, and to thei:tr stooges, tne . . ,

Pak 'Hi puppet cliqu.e.-. · .

~- . ·T,-, I


.· l.


'•. ····!··. ·- ·,;

Page 19: at the on the Oecaaion of the .anay of Struggle Withdrawa~ u ......Liberation War our neople humbled in the dust the .. overweening pride of u.s. imperialism which boasted of being

- . ~· . ' ..

~~·.. . '';t.· _. . ;.•!!-:

•.· "*·· ·.,.<· ; ·.•

- 18 ..;. .·· . .. ... ... .

. · ·under the .. revoll.l.tit)nari barin.el' of·. t-he· R~volutiorvary . Party for Reunificat,.on,.; tna< S.~uth Xb:r:-aan revolutionaries •

and people~wiltl ma~~ thtili rev~ltttionary rank'S m·ora . · .~_invincible · surtllountins.. all thf.( sore . trials,,· t;r:uE1trat~· ai .. ··

~ every· step. the fas~il!t. op1lres$ion' and· war ·uiaohi~tion$ •• ·· ~ o:t• th& u.s.· imperialists ~ci t.h~tr· sto·ogas. ari(t 'lf,ie;o~qu~iy·_·· . ~ight: on tor the '4!li!i~a~i.on·cof·. tb.a· com1tr;t_· and the . . . .. fiM;t. yictoxa.r. of. the :pev:ol1l~1oix•· · · ~ ~ . ~ L: -· .

· ThEJ ·people ·of< allt!tra:t.~ ;1n solit tt· Xorea:i • . -· ' •. - . .. - ' . ·:-. ·:, .. ~.- '-~ .. - _:··· .• -:•'.: ·_ - - '. ' • ~ _.· - . - --~---.- . '· - - '.· •• l.

workerSt .. paafJ~~S1r'y1lu~ht-,.t:J~U4:ents •. andintel+e~t\lal~ ·.: will 's.urely: ov~tib~oVIt·t·~ct;: -a;~~:.;. imp$t-ia.list~. ~d ·.thai:~ :_ ·· · ~:.:eaitnful.''~toogee:,.~,.t!le,·P~~··.:.tnng.·CHi:puppet's, .·i.r.•vigo:ro\lsl;r,

Viaging<: vS-t'ied: .torma<o~.-s'lt;tWuggl~.YJitli united strength~ · ·. ·. -.• -~h&:enti;e; peoJle:.i:il~.~ti~:uor.tb.erl1 h~lf' of~ the·····

: _; - "_:_ ~~ .. _l ;-"." .. ""• . " .: ·: • -~- ~"· _ _ :< ·. : >:-- __ : / -/_·._ .. ·'---.- __ ::.·-~-- ·.: ·'.' __ · .--. . < ,. ._,·_ .~ - • -. ••• -:

··. Repttolia. Should) no': :torgf):tf .e:rt&t,l. a· moment their brother$~· ' ,<:·:·· __ --<--'·-~·

\- ::~-~~:- .. ~~:i:,.:~ .. . }·-:::;-'- _, . . -~~:-;:.· ''} .. }· . in the· s9t1tb . wh6, .. boidfug .. ~~~1:~:. the banner of revolu'ti1.o~,.. !

are figl{ting sl.i~ddin&".'b:tood.~~.·~r;.~fr'~P.der a~.· active:' : ,, ··< /{i}r~ suwort ahcl.eneoura~innent to;tiieir 'reyolutionar~ ~. struggle-. ~ ~ . \\ . .. .. : · · · .. . , .

. ·. . . . . ., ~ ' . ,. f .·;: . . . :i .• . · ·• ·. ' . . . ·. : ' .. ~.

'rhe entire people: should .. b&•· full$ prepared so. -t.;nat; · they may. come put: :Ln a decis:tvEt st~:ruggl&' aJ· a,ny timec : to drive.· the.· u.s.- imperialist. agg~essors . qut o:f, our. territory and attain the. ca~se· o:£~ tlie: national ~n+fica::....;

. tion in concert w~th, the. South' Korean. people. when. . .. requested 'by -them . .:· > ~~ . · · . . ... · · :. · .

. Let us all unite. ;:-ock-fir~ around. the LaadeJ:o::; :. of the 40 million Korean peoPle ,comrad$ .~nt:Ii,'suilg, tb~, · .Peerless~ -patriot, national hero, .. evar~~i:~t~:i.OwJ iron4. : .· willed brilliant.· commander and oite o:t· th"; oat ~t~ " · ..

i lea<lelis of th~ communtst>and 'wd;~ing;..' ~ class movements, ~nd vigo;-ou,sl.Y. ma~~lt .i~~q:.j; OW£lfdS tt)e~' indepandent· unifi.cation of, the .count;rf~ th~·. ~ation-w·ida:· 7

.. v;tc~or;r, 9f· the.fKorean re~alu,~o~ ~n~~l tb.e. t:u~~p~;~z~< : ; '.'~ '-<~ .. ;;~ ~ ,:

Page 20: at the on the Oecaaion of the .anay of Struggle Withdrawa~ u ......Liberation War our neople humbled in the dust the .. overweening pride of u.s. imperialism which boasted of being

. ('


world revolution. Long live the ,'people_ of the, uiU.~ied Ko:raa!.1 . . _,· ... - . . ' .

Long-· live ·to.~ UUite~·antr~u.s. imlierialiat_··_:rron.t· . of the, revolution~ p('oples.ill;_As~af . . . . . Long live t'he ttnited aJ:,rt~ .... iJu,p~':u;l:ilst f auti~U~ s.. ' imperialist front o:f' tpe, pedpl,El$,:c):i: :Asia., '·AfMca, tat~ America and the rest Of ,the-~,o~lii't :i

Long live the militant ~olid~id.ty-· q:e·: ~.ria re:Volu..,. .· tionary· peo}llee ot. the whol~·;worldS} ; · ._·;_- . . ·. .

I1ong· live Comra.qe. Kim. !J.1 Sungf! tbEf··l,~~at; Leu~der. : of·: r)ur ·Party !tnd the 40 m1lliozt to~~~- :P~opJ.e! ·

·I· .. .... ' . :. i"

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