at xattvr9 it geo, itiimn m - library of congress · jiary r..-ruray and'i otiiers,... i w ill...

fHinmui Bum OFl-JC- AT.T"t SAME OLD STAND. N. O. WALLACE, Editor iiml luljlSlior. - FAYEITEYIILE, TENNESSEE: Thursday Murnln,f tbruarj 22 18H farm, anfc IBokmIM. The Torture of Bearing Reins. From tho Hon. Giantley F. Burkljy. The severe bearing-rei- n .as need by coachmen generally is nothing more nor less than hor- rible and neediest torture to the poof "suffering horse torture while in harness and the cause of internal maladies when he is! j put back into his stall lor lood and supposed rest. If there is one thing' more opposed to na-ur- al health than another it is the increased production and then the waste of saliva which is to nccssary to the functions of i thp. LoJv. "Who ever saw a horse in the field at the,0, i na, greai vaneues 01 son im.,.;it- - as tPCOInp,iKh(Ml t.hcnlist mouth? Who ever saw a prop- erly bitted hunter do fo when ridden to hounds in an easy bit and obedient to a light hand? I never saw it, nor do I think any one else has ecfn it; there- fore, to begin with, the position Of the carriage horse's head, gagged with a bearing rein, out of place, and that profusion of faliva falling from the mouth, must fchow something essential - ly wrong. The perpetual toss- ing head arises from the fevered hi ate of the poor animal, and his consequent attempts to get lid of an irritating infliction, and not f rom the vulgar idea of a fiery wish to be put in motion Of this. I am certain that the j lens artificial restraint you the practice applying u non a horse's the better, "optics, aetringents.initants and i - . . . The less you encumber his grace- - ful limbs with lumber in the hhape of harness the better. The. freer you keep his limbs nnd respiraloty organs the lon- ger he will bervc you, and the greater will be the labor he will perform for you. Fat Meat. A celebrated French instructor ia the art ol cookery gays that fit meat is the moat profitable, lie adds: Many buy inferior meat on ac- count ofthe - waste of the fat which is always found in good m-?ii- When the fat is it is the fault ol the cook, who does oil almost every ease, and trimming ol com or raw oeei is much to lard to fry with. Ij ird all over. Beef tat nev- er does when properly melted. To melt beef fat, or suet, cut in small pieces, end set on rather a plow fire in an iron pan. As soon as it begins to melt, the part off with a ladle, and turn it into a ttone jar, which you cover when cold. Put it a way in a cool, dry and place. A careful cook never needs lard for purposes, but always has mere lat than is out of boiling roasting pieces. Sheep for Farmers. The Kentucky Live Stock Re cord a re those that yield the heaviest lleeces and the greatest number of pounds of meat. The ecruh ty pounds, and thorough-br- ed Ootswoli more. Why is it that fiirmers will' not raise the which will cive flee cea? Then as to meat, the fine pheep produce an enormous a mount of flesh, and do not a scrub. But these acts, the fine 6heep do not larger fleeces per head but the wool is oi a superior quality. The Fame is true the flesh eheep in comparison with Removix-- g Staixs. Almost any stain may bo removed from wash-goo- ds by finst soaking a while iu cold water. Removing therefrom, place clear boiling water to which nor lye been added. Repeat the boiling water a time or two ii necessary. This ap- plies to stains not having washed, as soap or lyc Stains, however, which this process fails to are not thereby fied,but are just as subject to any other treatment as before. To clean up the ugly stain made by a broken egg on the floor, Iw 1 1 o rr nrotfiprtn if an it will cook and be easily swent - mm. v. i: ' 1 he Greatest Wool Pro- ducing Country. There can he no doubt that the census of'iSSO will prove incon-teetnb- ly that this Republio of ours is the .greatest wool producing country iu the world Our latest figures seeral years old and mike the clip 200,000,000 of pound, while the Australian estimate for istnly 123,000, foaming and putjdemns of mouth wasted superior melted frying Best sheep beside? pound vvLile our 'yield in-- 1 wan ioi,.uuy,uuy puuni.o Thin interept is a Heady growit'g one, hut a gnat cry was raised :et the "woul tarifl," when Con- gress undertook to protect the A merican wool grower. Since then the clip has become immense, and is the main reliance ol the American Woolen factories. There are etill all sorts of reasons tor importing foreign wool, just as thiee are lor importir g foreign lead, oo; per, pair, cotton goods, silks &c. Some want foreign coarse goods because they are cheaper. Ullters want FP?cial grades ol foreign line , wools. 13(1 1 the quality of Arner - icau wod is such as give our wool- en go. ids the command the home markets. With our vast extent . . r i a i "i 1 Climate large developments Ol agricultural and pastoral interests, ' i there is no grade or quality of wt'ol we can not produce, and no good why we can not com- pete with foreign wool in price. Tbe war gave a great impetus to the production of wool and the manufacture of woolen goods at home, and it has been firmly held out and increased. Scientific A- - !w,sncrm Ice for Diphtheria. Diphtheria is slaving its thou eands. It is supposed by fome that the local treatment pursued has something to do with its fatal- ity. Dr. Caron, an Allopathic physician of Philadelphia, con- - . . .1 .1 i i poultices 10 me mroai ana necK, us only adding fuel to the fire His treatment is hoi ply ice and effusions. The Oiieida Community have recently treated seventy cases by th use of ice, and did not Io.e a single patient. They lost b'ix of their first cases by the ordintfy medical treatment. Dr. Craig-- s.iyp: " We find that, in order to the disease, and reduce the inflammatory symp- toms, pieces of ice should be placed in the mouth every ten minute, day and night, until the canker has disappeared, also a continuance ol external application, internal ly, if necessary, until every trace ol the lungus growth has vanish local wet packs and compresses to subdue the fever. We have found treatment irailar to this to ii.vvow wvev. wau used. - Fattening Fowls ij Two Weeks A writer in London lucid states that poultry properly fed will acqui e all tha fatness netd-e- d for marketing purposes, in a fortnight tbree weeks at most Their diet should be Indian, oat or barley mal, scalded milk or water tue lormer is tbe best, as' it expedites th3 fattening process. They should be fed in the morning, at noon, and also in the evening, just befure going to roost, II the fowls require-- to ve Lit, some trimmings of fresh mutton euet mav be chonned pm! I - .. ...w mni, ti 21 . . . J 1. n.l t iruucra iue iiesti urmer luan K Otherwisa vnnlrl ! WU ...... r.t i - - ' .y IU kill, tbe feeding should Leetcpptd' ui mcnc uuuia or nore, bc mail tue intestines uiaj con paratirely empty. . Shelter for Stock. Two tons of hay fed to in the stable will go a3 far as three tons led in the yard or field. So, SO, in leedlOg grain Or roots, two UUshela do the 8tOCk as much gooawhen fed ia iL. .I.U. laree waen led in tue yard or ueia. Ana tne philosophy of this difference must be apparent to any I linntrli t ful mind .. i ! "VCJ " II UlU CLUCK. 19 cApuscu iu .uiense coia a lare . a . - pari oi lite lood is consumed in the lungs in the effort ol nature to keep up the animal heat, but wben the animal is kept in a temperate! aimo.-pner- e only sulUcient food' required to afford nutrition to' natural organism; that is to furnish material to renew the blood, bone and muscle. Stock Journal. Jelly. To 13 ood-eiz- ed apples put 1 quart of wn. ter and 1 lemon; boil till soft. iiiiu Miuiu. xu x ninr of nunc i.add 1 notmd of ' " faoninW not know how to use it. The fat led. This treatment will undoubt-tkirame- d the troth boiled jedly save esptc meat, that coming- - from theiially where it is combined with flies skim dark necessary or total 1876 is inFpeakingof the Lest breed: and given "plentiful supply ol ol sheep lor farmers, says: The! pure, fresh water, plenty of grav-bes- t sheep for a farmer to kep,.i 8hCc, eat of ecruh. it most are una reason are the tuitiu;s. VMH& DEALERS IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, "VaiiiiwliOH, TOILET aTO FilXCY ilHTlCLKS, Superior Tobacco and Cigars, LIQUOKS For Medicinal Purposes, ' Window Glass, m to Eto, FAYETTE Vl LLE, TENN. WE would respectfully announce tint have bought the drig store of 31. l?j ice. tfC, wi'Ht Kids public square. "d will make regular additions to our al 'ready well selected stock, and that will our hoaM evcrUlillJJ uslttJ k,.p, ia Jalitst - clM's We deal in the Lest coods of ever? kind We would also we have Fecured tho services of Dr. U. Ij. Drake, who will lake if our Prescription Drpart- - men 1 !i mi fi nm I n k n.iw n n.l rent r nml n- - pharmaceutist, we confidently assure those favoring u8 wuh thnr prescriptions, that they will be put up with i;cttucs3,acc J di ;patch We hope by strict integrity and fair deal- ing in business to merit n largo custom, jan. 18-- o V1XIXG &STUAXK. W. C. DIEMER At Cui Old Stand 33x. O-L- . IDiomor, dXibciesqlc ijQeqier in window glass, putty, Chewing & Sniokin g Tobacco, BLASTxxra powdeh, rusu. c Ttl : i! AM oupenor imiuiniaiing v,oai wn. PATENT AND FAMILY MEDICINES and a well selected slock ol all Goods ustiiillv kept in a DRO&' STORE, PUKE CONCORD WINE Pure old Corn Whiskey, Foit Medicinal Purposes. DayidLantlretli&Son's Garden Secdforsale. Prompt attention given to Pre- scriptions. EST All sales,' CASH covll W. C. DIEMER. Schools. FAYETTEYILLE Ii ltary Mill. third session of theFnyettevillo fl Military Academy opens jTDE 29TI1 OF JlMflM, 1877, and continues 21 weeks. .Thorough Classical, Commercial and Primary Departments. TUITION: Classical and Commercial Course, f 5.00 I rmiriry, 2.50 .'Per four "weeks. tiio.s.l. XORTTOOD, Dec. 14-- 3 mo. o Principal. PUBLIC SALES. Chancer u Sale of On Saturday. Fchrnarv 21.1S77. . II fo nr II i: Mali .itimmlf-.u- . - r 'i .. . Jiary r.. uray and otiiers, i w ill at- - f"d on fhe premises and offer for sale to . . .. . I 1 J I - C 11 i"; uifjiirM uiuucr, me loitowing aescriijea c-- , . , . T . , . .. . . Xo. li, State of Tennessee, and bounded as follows: North br John East hv Joseph English, ilec'd, South by Thomas Tipps, Weet by Mrs. Scroggius containing 140 Acres ! This tract will be sold subject to the wid ore's homestead of $1,000. credit of six, twelve, eighteen and twentr- - months. Notes with two or more good ZTtJZ iVUoieor tbe purchase inoner is paid. IX W. CLARK. Jan. 25-- n C. and M. and Spe. Com. E. A. HOMIAH, REPAinnn of RIFLES, SHOT CI AS, PISTOLS, FnyettCTille, Tenn., TTILL brown, rifle, stocky dean ru.s n anf tr'.e desired, put on locks. sights or thimbles, or do any other kind of gan work needed, at moderate prices, proroptlr, and GUARANTEE HIS WORK. Shop at Lis residence, near tho military school. oct. 5 o Of every description neatly done at this Of bee, on reasonable terms. All work ds'ir- - r d when proniised. Trr u SSalKSSM,', will yield from tbree to bis pounds scdldeJ with their other feed, or IX pursuance to a decree of sale, pro- of wool per head, while Merinos they may be boiled in milk aloue1 ""unced at the October term, 187C, of the Will ranee between ten and twen- - and nnniv.l nvpr ll.a ,rl T..:. CIia'lcery Conr at Fa vt;tteville Tennessee, eheep these heavy any more than yield of fine it in neither has been sets stains. remove TtrVi un. c. 000 really iron, of ice-wat- er check and or in early he ry stock will Apple of (.mJ Drujr-Hou- se. tate that charge ind Fine ffHE Sandlin. VALUABLE TABLES. Strays a?dl.eix XJjp. . . i it. Kind of Animal iggiren 2nd. Color Zd. Deteriptiun 4th. Aje bth. Iitr't nam. Oth. T ime and Place vf trrttt 1th. Valuation. LIXCOI.N COUSTT. Cow, red and white color, smooth crop in the left and half crop in tho right ear, about 4 years old next sprirg; J 11 Warren, 25th di's.dan W) $10. Hoys sow, black and white spotted, crop and undtrbit off the left ear, yalued at $8; barrow, black and white spotted, crcp and underhit off the right ear, valued at $10; W S Bvaverf", 21st dis Feb 3. Maye, sorrel, wliiteFpol in forehead , sad- dle ruaiks, Hraall whita spot on end of nose about I t hands about 13 or 14 years old, J B Morgan, 81h dis, Feb G $15. Horse, bay, cress iallen, left hind foot white, 14 hands high, 8 or 9 years old; by Marcus Marrs, 8ih dis, Jan i!. Valued at jO Horse, nrrel, 3 white le;3, bald face, has h id fistula, branded on le.t shoulder, brand not known, about 15 hands, 12 or 15 year old; UC MeElroy, 8th din, Nov 180. UEITOHD COUNTY. Steer, red, crop off th riiht ear and over-b- it in the left, 1 year old; J. G. Shriver, 3rd dis., Jan 7 $3. MOOltE COTNTV. Horse, bay, mi ill star in forehead, hip j knocked down, M:ick mane, tail and Ins. 4 years olJ; C 12 Duit, 11th district, Oct 9 J15. MADISO COUNTY. Mare Mule, Eorrel, cUar marks on shoulder, M hands; W J II Daily, on the Jack Drake plare, nenr Iluntsyille, Oct 31 !ir..i . v. ..r . BAa ..i .it nit.- - tin v iiiMUl llili un n uca aiui sliouldi'i's, hiuall white spot on each udo ot shoulder, ono biganclo on left hind leg, a' i ... i .11. ii i I'.n.. ii tr.n uijiik li, years oiu, u v iyciil-jt- , oi juui Secret Orclora MASONIC. Jackson Lodge No. Gtf, F. and A. M., Fayetleville, A. O. W. M.; Geo. li. Boyles, Svc. meets 1st Monday night in each mouth. Felorsburg No. 123, W. It. Hanaway, W. M; W. K. .Smith, Sec meets 1st Monday nicht on or after full moon a each month. Coons Hill No. Kil, II T Childs, W M; W W Wilson, See. meets Saturday before the full moon, at 10 a. m. l'leasant I'lams Jso. ..u., n. varpenier, i W. M.; James F. Uyers, Sec meets In- - day mjrht before each lull moon. I Mt. Hebron 314, Norns Creek, S.C.McCo - . . . . IIIII1, . .11., 11 X 1 Ul lja.-nu- , day ni(tht on or before full moon each month. Sulphur Spring No. 400, Oregon, J. J. Cos-to- n, W. W.; W. L. l'arker, Sec meets Saturday at 2 o'clock on or before the full moon in each month Mulberry 401, W. II. Hobertson, W. M.W. W. James, Sec meets 1st Tuesday liiht on or before full moou. Macedonia 4.VJ, near Goshen, TO Gill, W. M.; Wm. A. Gill, jun., Sec meets Fri- day night on er before full moon. Kelso No. 4'JO, Jno JI Dickey, W M; J C Hasue Sec. ODD -- FELLOWS. Calhoun Lodge No. 2i5, Fritz Warren, N. G.; Jan. R. Feeney, Rec Sec. meets ev-e- rr Fridar ni"ht. t . Lincoln No. i0, LynchburgT, il. N. 1 arKS, N. O.; M L. McDowell, lfec. Sec mceis 1st, 3rd and 5th Saturday nights. Unity No. 81, Petersburg, Thos. Hester, N. G; F. 15. Terry, Sec meets every oth- er Thursday night. Oak Hill No. 139, Norris Creek, Samuel Haynie, N. O.; T. L. Williamson.Rec. Sec. meets every other Saturday night. Mulberry 11H. Ueo. V..Jone,.V U.; . . James, Sec meets every other Thursday niL'ht. Sm prise No. lo3, Flyntville, 1). M. Mimfi, N. (J.; W. II Ileckett. Secretarr J meets every Thursday night Chestnut Ridge 157, W A Williams, N G; W B Freeman, Sec; meets every Saturday night. Evening Star No. 101, Pleasant Plains, J A. Leatherwood, N. .; J. Franklin Smith Sec. meet? 1st and 3rd Saturday nivhts. Kelso 172, J C. StuLblefi.ld, N. G.; J A laylor, Sec meets every other Saturday Ilight. j Lnonia i.i e , lAingi.iers ci j.e- - wecca, riyiiiviiie, . iech'ti, -- ir&. ji. II. Canibron, V. G.; W. II. Warren, Sec'y meets 1st Saturday each month at 2 o'clock. Sereno, No. 105, George's Store, T. P. ry Saturday night. TATRONS OF HUSBANDRY. T. C. I.itti.i- - Favi'tteville. Master Counlv Grange II. 1 . Lhilds, rayettevitte, Sec- retary CorresjHinding Committee: II. T. Childs, Fayetteviile; W.W. James, Mul- berry; J. C. Hague, Kelso. MulVjerry Grange, 171 M D L Whitaker, master; A.J. Whitaker, sec'y; Mulberry. Buckeyc,173 C.A. McDanid, master; Jo- el O. Park, sec'y; Fayetteviile. Riley, X. G; A.J. Hunter, Sec. meets 17(3 T. C. Little, master; II. T. Uhilds, sec'y; Fayetteviile. Swan Creek. 308 S. A. Hill, master: W-W.- s cS?ieI si..?""0"119-- . V. ' W Lrw in; see'v; Poou's Hill. Unity 311 J J Short, master; L L Clark Kcc'y Fa vettevillo. j Petersburg .Jacob Gillespie, master; II B Talley, sec'y; Petersburg. Rocky Point Iu," Lben Hill, master; J C Hague, jr, sec'y; Kelso. Shelton's Creek :'JH J A Taylor, mas- ter, F P Taylor, pec'y; George's Store. Cold Water 07 A B Shellield, master; P L Twittj, sec'y; Cold Water. Chestnut Hill (21st districtpOG John Jl Routt.niaster. JasRRoutt.sec'v: FavctUviRe t U. F. OF T. ( FaTettcvill Council No. 380.F. V.r. Carter. Vf. V.; Thos. M. Goodwin, Rec. Scribe j ' nieets every Tuesday uigbtiu K.of 11. Hall. KNIGHTS OF HONOR. Fayetteviile Lodge No. J S Vaughn, Dictator; W A Gill, jr, Reporter. AVhat make a Bufcbcl. 1RTICLCS. rOCXDi, Dried Apples 26 Bran 20 Barley 43 Beans 60 Cow Peas 60 White Beana 60 CaMor Beans 45 Buckwheat 56 Skona Coal e0 Shelled Corn 56 Corn in the ear 70 Corn Meal 60 Flartorins Hair.. 8 Unslacked Lime 80 Barley Malt 28 Rye Malt 34 Oats 32 Onion.s 57 Dried Peaches, unpeeled 33 do do peeled 33 Millet Seed.. 54 ' Orchard Grasp Seed 14 nerd's Grass Seed 10 Irish Potatoes CO Sweet Potatoes 50 Peas 6 Rye 51 Blue Grass Seed 14 Cloer Seed CO Flax Seed..., 56 Hemp Seed 44 Timothy Seed 45 Hungarian Seed 43 Coarse 50 Fine Salt... 5 Turnips 53 Wheat ..CO Cotton See4 23 Peanirtf f3 SlovcsandTin-War- e 111 ll i tQYC S rF O It IS ! now permantly located in my BEING buihling next door to Wright & Wilson. I would most respectfully call the attention of tho people of Lincoln county that I am now prepared with the best facilities for the manufacture of tin- ware to sell at wholesale and retail at great- - iy - RETOUCJKD PIUCES in fair competion with any town in the State. My stork of Stoves comprises all sires and etj les. x i i K.xtra plates and. vessels can alway he had to keep Stoves in order. Iron and Wooden Pumps for wells snd cisterns, warranted to draw water any depth desired. E !, A H3 E OIL, the best in use. a specialtv. Lamp and ' r. - Lanterns all sizes, Hat ii tubs, Sorghum Fans, Wash Kettles, Skillets find Ovens, iu short a full assortment of always on hand. Thanking the generous public for their liberal j alronajre for the past year, I will try by my endeavors to merit a continuance, jan. 11 T110S. J. McOARVEY. NEW TIN SHOP ! WABB SnGftT HAVE just opened a new house near north-eas- t corner of tho Square, v.uoirillp. nnd will fill all orders in their j,. i!U.iudiM;r ,.vt.r variety of Sull Work. at reasonable prices, and in a prompt and Katisfilctorv STOVES, TI.WORG, POPS, Kitchen Coods,Lainps, &c. Kept on hand! Sorghum Evaporators Made to Order, CJieaj). Ptmrfpr fbY Stmrns a SnpniaHir'l UUUllUI UUJl WIVIUU u CJ july C. o WARD & SHORT. AMERICAN and FOREIGN PATENTS. CII.MOItr. 6c '0.,h,k. cor tnCliupinan in all 0 ItlSIMAUVAM i;,! No rAi&rn unit' ?d llu ii.tifi.t - LO"i't''t No I'M for making iirfliinnmry tx:uiiiiiiitioii. Xj Ui . lioitai lerji iur 0111:1111 inc aini i ri in-- n it nuiu inif llv u (lfrii )ii of the umiuisioiii r A I.I. rrioi U'i ,ii.lii i.lion m.iy Ih ipe-ria- l atlfiil (.'ivt-- n I'l 1 cr 1I nee uses be for tliu I'atciit Oili" '", I'.xti'nMoiis Imliire tonifie-- , Suits in ilili. all litiya-ti'i- n u injr to 1 ini-n- i A i,r I'alenll. ii'ml siatiip loOlI.MOiCL ii UJ., lor iatnililet of nxly l'i' :,": t i iin n nnn t i itn ttt i i limn LAitiJ UAOhS.LArllJ WAKMinS, and finiiTn i LUKir. ' t'ent'tcl f ani! Ta-r- s ,r Fccnto1 liefore the TJt. . I l.ui.l ".lit niMl it(i;i i ui i n ic r'jur Privaie I.jid t :.ini:. .Itnlnir an'! Fr i:iMiou t inn:;i. nn.i i!unitieai ias at., tu I mil i i .i I t V4 mi.l llil hid. : Ice-- . lor:t!o. 1 l.i S.rr'ii i nsMnaluV. itmi rau I in .Iu n I'm r.t' l)in i i.n-h.- i ii- iinni . n v 1 tverimicnt l;in( -- ii'ijtN t (o .rivnle rniry.&t 1.2iS ; ni-- .n-i- H is of r 'i..l with flouttr J.nn l vrr;ints. rwi .stamp to Oll.MOKK Jt CO. lor ..luiplilt I or ln-e- iii tion. iPnriPP nr civ rnj nniiltTV Uficer,!itr aul Sailor, o. tl.e lata war. or tlicir Iieim. Kit-i.- i nisiir ca-- n rnliU.vl tu ,, ,v ,,om ,,()V ri:lll, t , h u,ry i,ave no kiiuwIt'ilKe. W full imtni-- ofisei vice, cud cio it!tlu, to h.k .t i u . i ma leiy alter es.iuiinaiioii. tviil uu iveoyuu n. PENSIONS. All dt'.icriH H ltli-r- , an l Sailors t ri!rtnr-il- . cr m Mm l."t .ir, howtTt : si ly. c in all iil-- i a liy ftil lit'Ming OIL 31 OKI-- , A CO. Cases irosi-ciite.- l by V 1 1..V3 0II V. & CO., 1.0- - j the Miiiii iiie ( uni t "I me 1 niic-- l hlalft, tlie omit of cluuu unii iitc niiiLiit-ji- i Liiiuiik iuiu- - liii9:-in- . h.'tt'h uT on r fctinine? is romhirte'l In a Si'pnrat": huriMii. iiir.i r (" of til-- : ;im eil -i iii cr..iln dy tlm oi l linn I r u:i;it ailntiiM to ..ii l.i.ins ili nlei to ;il..i;ici: &. t lr. i ilms iMiitil. Wede-ir- e t u in m i' ; s Ii v v in it CII.JJOUE X . UH Sii-etl- . Wa liii Kti'ii, I). . It b.lU INSOLVENT NOTICE. to order of the Cleik of PURSUANT Curt of Lincoln county, Tenn., upon the susL'eistion of the executor of thu estate of Jasper A. Hamilton, dec, c the insolvency of snid decedent's cstntla notice i hereby ?ivrn to all persons having claims agairst est.-iti- j to present them to me Olerk ot sai'l Court, authenticated- - on or before the 1st of July, 1877, for pro rata distribution, or they will be forever barred. jan.'5 JAS. W. CAMBR0N', Adm'r. ir ttavr rH ,.r th 9r.,V'p.n.-.- Jl es-iar- to trmko l;ximsey'b feoap, at $l.s0 fur enough to 100 LBS. SOAP! Call and 8 e or order at Kelso Tennessee I can ship it to an3- - po'nt. jan -- o J. A. TAYLOR. CQQX'M'MXGt BARRELS, stands. Scz., kept on fitt' wf rk iasared to be Ws good. .Special attmtijri paid to making good whisky barrels. C call. CHARLES WEISS A: CO,, Sept.23-l- y FayeltCKille, Tenn. Shop on Bridge street, near old Fair Ground Cash paid for good dry staves. SEAR TOWN SPRING. MEDEA RIS announces to the HD. of Lincoln and adjoining conn-tn- :i that he it.tonds to sell Leather of all kinds at the lowest cash nices. and will jbuy Ililes and pay the highest piice in cah for the same. no?. 30-- ly r. ii. is ELLS- - n no. CARPENTERS, JOINERS airn- - X5iiilIoi-H- . SHOP: Ksit ticor to Centennial Lmry staWe. raycttcville, Tcaueeey ARE now line. prepared to do all work ia BUSINESS CARDS. ; If. f. GEORCrE, Attorney at Xattvr9 Fajettevlllo, Tcnu. Office nnder Bright Hall, South side Pub lic Square. Jan. 1- -o Medicine and Dentistry Dr. Joe DJuuiddle, Practicing Physician and Dentist, F&rETTEVILLKE. r.V.V. Office, two doors north of the carriage shop. aug20 FajelleTillc.Ttancssee, OFFERS his professional services to needing meaical attention. Of- fice nenr tho Female Academy, opposite W. J.Stegalls. jan.4-- o W. D. MARTIN. . W. CABXACK. Martin & Carmack, rayettevlllc, Tennessee, aug 24, 1876-- tf C. A. DIEMEU, FRACTICIHI PHYSICIAN, Fayetleville', Tennessee. Oillce at Lis Residence. mar 18 W. J.IUCGINS, SURGEON DENTIST, Fayetteville, Tennessee. f ILL practice in Lincoln and adjoining II couniies. Satisfaction guaranteed both in prices and operations of all kinds. Office, south Eida Squure, opposite the court-hous- aug. 12, 1875. inducements offered to WONDERFUL work in that line. Int. I proposo to do cheaper work. 2nd. 1 insure every case to he unsur- passed by any of its class, and purpose to stick strictly to the following rates and challenge oppowition in all its forms Kxtractiug teeth, 50 cents each. Gold filling 81.00 to $2.00 Flatinado 50c do 2 00 Tin foil do 60c do 1.00 Cleaning and poliehing teeth, SI to 2.50 Treating chronic" inflammation of mouth and throat fcl.OOtoJIO Artificial teeth inserted from 1 to 4 teetk $5.00 do do do 3 to 10 10.00 A full upper plate 15.00 do 20.00 Owing to material and style of work up- - er and lower gets. 30.00 do 35.00 DR. D. fiAFFOLD. aug. 5 Office at the Saflold House. W. C MIGHT, M. D., T ILL practice Medicine and Surgery T F in Fayrttevillij and vicinity. Otlice in Hiues' block.south ida Square. july2'i E. L. DRAKE. M. D (Office over Price's Drug Store, West side Square,) S r'FERS his professionnl services to the W citizens of Fayetteville and viciolty. lUlyis, loin. J. ClVlUnil Adonic at Law, iiijtueviuc, aenn. WILT practice in tho various Courts Lincoln and adjoining counties, and in the Supreme and Federal Courts at Nashville. Office near north-eas- t Corner of the Public Square. eept7-- tf J, M Goodwill) Atlornej at Law, Fayetteviile, Tennessee. 5?" Collections a specialty. tzhi J. O. WOODS. X. W.WOODAHD. W. I. WOODS Woods & Woodard lllorncys at L,auf, Fayetteviile, - - Tennessee. jnn. 14-- ly GEO. W. illGGINS, mm AT) ?TCTJt"nr T JlTr7?7 AAV iX JkT Jut X JU. JL JLiUL it Office at hi residence near Camargo, nT ILL practice in the various Courts of Lincoln and adjoining' counties. o9 C. C. M K1NSEV. r. r. f. McKinncy Fulton, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. i rompc attention given to buin sk O! are ncr WiC ""wesi corner ol bquare ceo. a. loriu. J. H Sl'BMAa. UOYLES k PURNAM. Attorneys at Law, FAYETTEYILLE, TENN. 7ILL practice in the Tarious Coaits of F F Lincoln and the adjoining counties. s9 Office : South-sid- e of the Square, in the Miller block. oct20-- tf a wad wjyj . .Year the north-wes- t corner Squart, FAYETTEYILLE, TENNESSEE. IS now prepared to manufacture" HarncsM, Saddles, Hridlex, J and 31artinerales in the best ktvle. and of tbe rery best material. Collars. HaniCH, and Whips always on hand. JCepairing done with neatness and dispatch. Cheap for cash or barter oxlt. Jan21-12- ni IIOLMAJV k IIOLMAiY, Attorneys at Law, FAYETTISVILLE, TENN. PRACTICE in the Courts of Lincoln Cases in Bankruptcy prorapt-l- y attended to. jan30--tf mrstaFjoiikson PREPARED to receire a few y3 at a reasonable price, Residence conen- - ientto the So;uar. Prices of Job Printing have been lowered at the Ob- served office to suit the times. Bring in your orders. AVe war- rant satisfaction. NASHVILLE. OfcO. t. O0ODBICU CO. B. KObtXUEIM. X Geo, J.Goddrich &Co. . Successors to SPURLOCK, HOKE fit CO., COTTON MOTORS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Nos.OG and 9S South College Street, Nashville, Tcnn. "Will iarnish bagging and ties a usual at tha lowest mar- ket price, and make liberal ad- - . vancements upon all consign- - menta. II D TV lit occupy our.;,ni,"r old stand, and all consignments will be under our own supoms- - ion. Scpt. 21-- tf Shaving, Ilair-Cutlin- s: w Como itiid See BARKERS, HAVE opened a shop on the north side Square, in the baspmtnt of Col. J. U. Uolman's new builJing, and are pre- - pared j farmers desiring make ,air Clean Razors,; own goods. W re willing any of J prices for and prompt attention custom- - jjp gjjy jf era needing shavic, cut mg, bhmn- - " u,4 'ua,w? nooning, etc. Shopmen 6 o'clock ! e ool many eonditiun, al-t- he morning night J deducting for and damp. iune29 o nes, thircby it the basis TiT,r T? JT IM" it t lrt C C "tflt ILLlLU VJU South side qf the Publia 8ptare, Fayetteyille, Tennessee, IS now prepared with keen Ra- zors, sharp Scissors, clean Combsand Brushes, ind nice Tow- els, To shave, cut hair or bhampoo in t Vi a lft stvl.. and as chean as anv one. Respectful and attention always all customers. ' LEWIS PE&H, IK Farcttcvillc, Tenn. m rMIIB price of TonV-Voi- k has re J. ducel; I am now a"iln:g plain Wed Stones made of bst Lin'oln coun'y (irty Stone all neci-sar- IctUriig frmu 8.00 to ?15.00. Nice Head Stones in.-irf- of best Italian Marble with and let- tering from $12.C0 to f 10.UO. Liirsc Family Monuments cut ordr from f3 to $1,000.00. Every DESCRIPTION CF CARVHI& nnatly ciecuted. nuildii? of all kinds furnished to order. Rlca.-.-e call and examine debins and prices. TERMS : CASH OR j Mayl8 tfo Xon-Ileside- nt j III fLanCfry at f)f tttTlllf, Ifna. Eliia L. Phillips M. Pmkney D.lhillips. February, 177. motion of by co.mirl, I J snd appearinc; tbe satisaciion of the Clerk Master Toin the aI!ra(ioiis : complainant's bill, which hat j the defendant, I I. Phillips, isa ro:i-- ; resident of the Sia c of Ter ntste . to that ' the ordinary process of law mirnot be Ted npon hiin. It thrt-fore- , ord'rd by tho Cirrk and Master that sai I non-- r s ''dent j fundatit appear on t tl e Cr-- I thr'e: 'as of our rest Ch-'- 'cry Court ti b b.-!- for Lincoln ounty rc tbe l.t Monday iu j April noxt. li77, at the cmirt-- t .oms ' and pli-ad- ain t or i!enn;r to coin pbiin ant's ..vd bill, r,t the same will; be taken f r cor.rc.-sc- l and set for hearing ex pane as to hirn. ' It i. ordered that thi- pot'c le published for rour coutccut.T-- j weiks n tha r Al ETTEV ILLE OBkEItViB. 8- -o Cli-r- ai d iUsier. rUWJVGittILLS. AM prorared at nr rianins Mills to' Ja. put up SASII, AND MOULDING, and do all kinds Mateh;nz and Planing at short cotioe for cash. Willis Xcar tho Depot Fayetteviile, Tennessee. J. B. I will have my 8AW MILL run ning; iu a short time the creek near the Depot. W. E.TL'ULET. 22 o Gentlemen's Sliirts! I HAVE taught Sirs. A. JOIIXSON the rule for cutting and making Gilbert's Improved hfrts, and she ean now make a At, and do jtood work. She has exp-ri-nce- , having done a good deal of vrk for m: win- ter. She deserved a liberal patronage A. K. JIOf:!:I.N feb?-- 3t Slii.t-Makrr- . Cn't b mala hv evrr sent rrry h the tiutiiier ir iuri..ii. lut ui e to work i: in i tAttt '!. rlylit in lh-i- r i IwiliUef. Hare no room to ri plaiu am 1 " to'l booorll. Women, kii'l b) im1 iUI a well men We mil furni.h ?'" eoui,lTto OutStfrev. The luiue r,a) ",!" njr. thiucclM. M'm will r "t rti, farttovlar fiee. VVnl u i .lauui ,i mechanic, their aul !uC'iu.-t- , aut ( tht.s-- 4 in ell ,vlry or t Iioi.ia, iiuH wrtt to a and !" "U Vu tii ora t oc. atiW u tb4tm d;jr irrs aCo ra, Sfatse Ki WOOLEN GOODS. Gko. Arqcith. M. D. Hamttos J. U, IIOLJUN. Asquilh, Hampton & Holraan, raoraiETORaor TiL,tt it iimn U88L m MIIiLS. at tht Jlailroad Depot, Fayetteviile, - . Tenn. In Full Operation ! 40.000 lbsTWoolWanted Wc p;i y cents per !in good at the Factory, for the nicct clean-picke- d Wool. IT ETURNING our thanks to our putront XV of the pat, uud soiicitinj the ptroi- - I - age in the future, . we - rapectfully . . invit the STOCK OF GOODS, consisting of Jeans, ia variouscolorsandpatterLS Caaeimeres, ' Flannel, Linseya, Clankets, Skirl?, Lauiei' tre'kl't Gtnt's liawl.j, 4c AND STOCKING different sizes and colors. Ve will a!sr k'jtp on hand llf A AT 17' TVf 4 T) AT Ct ) U U L Ll i I A It 1 U. f nr Cf . mnA,.r.Att nric . ' ion wool and charge to customers, lut re- - ceive at and return tod,pot free of charge. As we have just now put Two Sets of Woolen Machinery into operation, we shall shortly le able to display to our customers a greater variety of Sprin and Goods than ever bofore. We have a with j0 gut tny to Tovyel., Keen to exchange oer Sharp bhcars, fabrics at cash to wait npon j;flj COCIlIrY PrCiECC hair ; from in rcc.ivo until at i grease, burrs placing or. or VWAA4iJ prompt given to been with base to fJ.LO BARTER, Notice. I couipLitant it to and in I fn if, !e- - in Fayetteviile, D.W.CLARK, Feb. DOORS, I3LIND3 on un perfect l will- ing l )04 o4 it Pound, Bulmoral bluxvr YARNS T Summer fVNEW ROLL CARD and will do custom woik in the g S' S 'Jl' '5.' Y L K , f. . . - CASH Oil TOLL. We are alao prepared t Yarns for cn.stomrrs, from Nns. 6iA'-- 7' cr from 8-- 12 cuts in lots of l'JO Bjs. nr nior it 2-- cts. fur white, and 30 cts. for mixed. March 13, JKWKLRY. 0. E Anslh Watchmaker and Jeweler. South side of Public Square in th Hints liuibliitij. If S MOW nTf.Mrnil frt lct .H tin-t- j r.t av.r' X in bis Iin, such as tne repairing of evf ry description of Chronom-tf- r. Duplex, Lever, Vtr;; and Swiss Watches. Allkmds of t,lockH and .Jewelry, promptly and rt ly repaired and warranted Jan. 30. hl-i:- n- "COLrWBIA JEWIIA" Heyman & hill, KEEP on hand a full stock of WATCH LS, CLOCE8, Holland Gold Ih, JEWELRY, MUSICAL BOXES lit- Mar 2 1372. this papeii is ox rixr wnu TAILORIXGJIEDUCEDI Suits Cut Out at ?1.50! ' PANTS, 33 TWf,35 cnts; Coat, Time are hard and I WANT 3IOKY. Ebop lt Ueor aocth of Carriajr, Wirp. jtn. 27 3ta G. f.EKGLEMlX.

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Page 1: at Xattvr9 It Geo, itiimn m - Library of Congress · Jiary r..-ruray and'i otiiers,... i w ill at--f"d on fhe premises and offer for sale to Ii"; uifjiirM 1uiuucr,J.meI-Cloitowing


N. O. WALLACE,Editor iiml luljlSlior.


Thursday Murnln,f tbruarj 22 18H

farm, anfc IBokmIM.

The Torture of BearingReins.

From tho Hon. Giantley F. Burkljy.

The severe bearing-rei- n .asneed by coachmen generally isnothing more nor less than hor-

rible and neediest torture to thepoof "suffering horse torturewhile in harness and the causeof internal maladies when he is!j

put back into his stall lor loodand supposed rest. If there isone thing' more opposed to na-ur- al

health than another it is theincreased production and thenthe waste of saliva which is tonccssary to the functions of


thp. LoJv. "Who ever saw ahorse in the field at the,0, i na, greai vaneues 01 son im.,.;it-


as tPCOInp,iKh(Ml t.hcnlist

mouth? Who ever saw a prop-

erly bitted hunter do fo whenridden to hounds in an easy bitand obedient to a light hand?I never saw it, nor do I thinkany one else has ecfn it; there-fore, to begin with, the positionOf the carriage horse's head,gagged with a bearing rein, outof place, and that profusion offaliva falling from the mouth,must fchow something essential -ly wrong. The perpetual toss-

ing head arises from the feveredhi ate of the poor animal, andhis consequent attempts to getlid of an irritating infliction,and not f rom the vulgar idea ofa fiery wish to be put in motionOf this. I am certain that the j

lens artificial restraint you the practice applyingu non a horse's the better, "optics, aetringents.initants and

i - . . .The less you encumber his grace- -ful limbs with lumber in thehhape of harness the better.The. freer you keep his limbsnnd respiraloty organs the lon-

ger he will bervc you, and thegreater will be the labor he willperform for you.

Fat Meat.A celebrated French instructor

ia the art ol cookery gays thatfit meat is the moat profitable,lie adds:

Many buy inferior meat on ac-

count ofthe - waste of the fatwhich is always found in goodm-?ii- When the fat is itis the fault ol the cook, who does

oil almost every ease,and

trimming ol com or raw oeei ismuch to lard to fry with.Ij ird all over. Beef tat nev-

er does when properly melted.To melt beef fat, or suet, cut insmall pieces, end set on rather aplow fire in an iron pan. As soonas it begins to melt, the

part off with a ladle, andturn it into a ttone jar, whichyou cover when cold. Put it away in a cool, dry and place.A careful cook never needs lardfor purposes, but alwayshas mere lat than is outof boiling roasting pieces.

Sheep for Farmers.The Kentucky Live Stock Re

cord a

re those that yield the heaviestlleeces and the greatest number of

pounds of meat. The ecruh

ty pounds, and thorough-br- ed

Ootswoli more. Why is it thatfiirmers will' not raise thewhich will cive fleecea? Then as to meat, the finepheep produce an enormous amount of flesh, and do not

a scrub. Butthese acts, the fine 6heep do not

larger fleeces per head butthe wool is oi a superior quality.The Fame is true the flesh

eheep in comparison with

Removix--g Staixs. Almostany stain may bo removed fromwash-goo- ds by finst soaking awhile iu cold water. Removing

therefrom, place clearboiling water to which

nor lye been added.Repeat the boiling water a timeor two ii necessary. This ap-plies to stains not havingwashed, as soap or lyc

Stains, however, whichthis process fails to arenot thereby fied,but are just assubject to any other treatmentas before.

To clean up the ugly stain madeby a broken egg on the floor,

Iw 1 1 o rr nrotfiprtn if an itwill cook and be easily swent

- mm. v. i: '

1 he Greatest Wool Pro-ducing Country.

There can he no doubt that thecensus of'iSSO will prove incon-teetnb- ly

that this Republio of oursis the .greatest wool producingcountry iu the world Our latestfigures seeral years old andmike the clip 200,000,000of pound, while the Australianestimate for istnly 123,000,

foaming and

putjdemns ofmouth








pound vvLile our 'yield in-- 1

wan ioi,.uuy,uuy puuni.oThin interept is a Heady growit'gone, hut a gnat cry was raised :et

the "woul tarifl," when Con-

gress undertook to protect the American wool grower. Since thenthe clip has become immense, andis the main reliance olthe American Woolen factories.There are etill all sortsof reasons tor importingforeign wool, just as thieeare lor importir g foreign lead,oo; per, pair, cotton goods, silks &c.Some want foreign coarse goodsbecause they are cheaper. Ullterswant FP?cial grades ol foreign line ,

wools. 13(1 1 the quality of Arner -

icau wod is such as give our wool-

en go. ids the command the homemarkets. With our vast extent

. .r i a i "i 1

Climate large developments Ol

agricultural and pastoral interests, '


there is no grade or quality ofwt'ol we can not produce, and nogood why we can not com-

pete with foreign wool in price.Tbe war gave a great impetus tothe production of wool and themanufacture of woolen goods athome, and it has been firmly heldout and increased. Scientific A--


Ice for Diphtheria.Diphtheria is slaving its thou

eands. It is supposed by fomethat the local treatment pursuedhas something to do with its fatal-ity. Dr. Caron, an Allopathicphysician of Philadelphia, con- -

. ..1 .1 i i

poultices 10 me mroai ana necK,us only adding fuel to the fireHis treatment is hoi ply ice and

effusions. The OiieidaCommunity have recently treatedseventy cases by th use of ice,and did not Io.e a single patient.They lost b'ix of their first casesby the ordintfy medical treatment.Dr. Craig-- s.iyp: " We find that,in order to the disease, andreduce the inflammatory symp-toms, pieces of ice should be placedin the mouth every ten minute,day and night, until the canker hasdisappeared, also a continuance olexternal application, internally, if necessary, until every traceol the lungus growth has vanish

local wet packs and compressesto subdue the fever. We havefound treatment irailar to this to

ii.vvow wvev. wauused. -

Fattening Fowls ij TwoWeeks A writer in Londonlucid states that poultry properlyfed will acqui e all tha fatness netd-e- d

for marketing purposes, in afortnight tbree weeks at mostTheir diet should be Indian, oator barley mal, scalded milk orwater tue lormer is tbe best, as'it expedites th3 fattening process.They should be fed in themorning, at noon, and also in theevening, just befure going to roost,

II the fowls require-- to veLit, some trimmings of fresh

mutton euet mav be chonned pm!

I - .. ...w mni, ti 21. . .J 1. n.l tiruucra iue iiesti urmer luan K

Otherwisa vnnlrl ! WU...... r.t i- - ' .y IUkill, tbe feeding should Leetcpptd'ui mcnc uuuia or nore, bc mail

tue intestines uiaj conparatirely empty.

. Shelter for Stock.Two tons of hay fed to in

the stable will go a3 far as threetons led in the yard or field. So,

SO, in leedlOg grain Or roots, twoUUshela do the 8tOCk as muchgooawhen fed ia iL. .I.U.laree waen led in tue yard orueia. Ana tne philosophy of thisdifference must be apparent to anyI linntrli t ful mind .. i !"VCJ " II UlU CLUCK. 19

cApuscu iu .uiense coia a lare. a . -pari oi lite lood is consumed inthe lungs in the effort ol nature tokeep up the animal heat, but wbenthe animal is kept in a temperate!aimo.-pner-e only sulUcient food'

required to afford nutrition to'natural organism; that is to

furnish material to renew theblood, bone and muscle. StockJournal.

Jelly. To 13 ood-eiz- ed

apples put 1 quart of wn.ter and 1 lemon; boil till soft.iiiiu Miuiu. xu x ninr of nunc

i.add 1 notmd of ' "faoninW

not know how to use it. The fat led. This treatment will undoubt-tkirame- d

the troth boiled jedly save esptcmeat, that coming- - from theiially where it is combined with








inFpeakingof the Lest breed: and given "plentiful supply olol sheep lor farmers, says: The! pure, fresh water, plenty of grav-bes- t

sheep for a farmer to kep,.i 8hCc,















Superior Tobacco and Cigars,


For Medicinal Purposes, '

Window Glass,


WE would respectfully announce tinthave bought the drig store of

31. l?j ice. tfC, wi'Ht Kids public square."d will make regular additions to our al

'ready well selected stock, and that willour hoaM evcrUlillJJ uslttJ k,.p, ia

Jalitst - clM's We deal in theLest coods of ever? kind

We would also we have Fecuredtho services of Dr. U. Ij. Drake, whowill lake if our Prescription Drpart- -

men 1 !i mi fi nm I n k n.iw n n.l rent r nml n- -

pharmaceutist, we confidently assure thosefavoring u8 wuh thnr prescriptions, thatthey will be put up with i;cttucs3,accJ di ;patch

We hope by strict integrity and fair deal-ing in business to merit n largo custom,

jan. 18--o V1XIXG &STUAXK.


At Cui Old Stand

33x. O-L- . IDiomor,dXibciesqlc ijQeqier in

window glass, putty,Chewing & Sniokin g Tobacco,

BLASTxxra powdeh, rusu.c Ttl : i! AMoupenor imiuiniaiing v,oai wn.


and a well selected slock ol all Goodsustiiillv kept in a


Pure old Corn Whiskey,Foit Medicinal Purposes.

DayidLantlretli&Son's Garden Secdforsale.

Prompt attention given to Pre-

scriptions.EST All sales,' CASH

covll W. C. DIEMER.



Ii ltary Mill.third session of theFnyettevillo

fl Military Academy opens

jTDE 29TI1 OF JlMflM, 1877,and continues 21 weeks..Thorough Classical, Commercial

and Primary Departments.

TUITION:Classical and Commercial Course, f 5.00I rmiriry, 2.50

.'Per four "weeks.

tiio.s.l. XORTTOOD,Dec. 14--3 mo. o Principal.


Chanceru Sale of

On Saturday. Fchrnarv 21.1S77.

.II fo nr II i: Mali .itimmlf-.u- .

- r 'i .. .Jiary r.. uray and otiiers, i w ill at- -

f"d on fhe premises and offer for sale to. . .. .I 1 J I - C 11i"; uifjiirM uiuucr, me loitowing aescriijea

c--, . , . T . , . .. . .

Xo. li, State of Tennessee, and bounded asfollows: North br John East hvJoseph English, ilec'd, South by ThomasTipps, Weet by Mrs. Scroggius containing

140 Acres !

This tract will be sold subject to the widore's homestead of $1,000.

credit of six, twelve, eighteen and twentr- -months. Notes with two or more goodZTtJZiVUoieor tbe purchase inoner is paid.

IX W. CLARK.Jan. 25-- n C. and M. and Spe. Com.

E. A. HOMIAH,REPAinnn of


FnyettCTille, Tenn.,TTILL brown, rifle, stocky dean ru.s

n anf tr'.e desired, put on locks.sights or thimbles, or do any other kind ofgan work needed, at moderate prices,proroptlr, and

GUARANTEE HIS WORK.Shop at Lis residence, near tho military

school. oct. 5 o

Of every description neatly done at this Ofbee, on reasonable terms. All work ds'ir- -r d when proniised. Trr u


will yield from tbree to bis pounds scdldeJ with their other feed, or IX pursuance to a decree of sale, pro-of wool per head, while Merinos they may be boiled in milk aloue1 ""unced at the October term, 187C, of theWill ranee between ten and twen- - and nnniv.l nvpr ll.a ,rl T..:. CIia'lcery Conr at Fa vt;tteville Tennessee,

eheepthese heavy

anymore than



it inneither










ice-wat- er











(.mJDrujr-Hou- se.

tate that







Strays a?dl.eix XJjp.. . i

it. Kind of Animal iggiren 2nd. ColorZd. Deteriptiun 4th. Aje bth. Iitr'tnam. Oth. T ime and Place vf trrttt1th. Valuation.

LIXCOI.N COUSTT.Cow, red and white color, smooth crop in

the left and half crop in tho right ear, about4 years old next sprirg; J 11 Warren, 25thdi's.dan W) $10.

Hoys sow, black and white spotted,crop and undtrbit off the left ear, yalued at$8; barrow, black and white spotted, crcpand underhit off the right ear, valued at$10; W S Bvaverf", 21st dis Feb 3.

Maye, sorrel, wliiteFpol in forehead , sad-

dle ruaiks, Hraall whita spot on end of noseabout I t hands about 13 or 14 years old,J B Morgan, 81h dis, Feb G $15.

Horse, bay, cress iallen, left hind footwhite, 14 hands high, 8 or 9 years old; byMarcus Marrs, 8ih dis, Jan i!. Valued at jO

Horse, nrrel, 3 white le;3, bald face, hash id fistula, branded on le.t shoulder, brandnot known, about 15 hands, 12 or 15 yearold; U C MeElroy, 8th din, Nov 180.


Steer, red, crop off th riiht ear and over-b- it

in the left, 1 year old; J. G. Shriver, 3rddis., Jan 7 $3.


Horse, bay, mi ill star in forehead, hip j

knocked down, M:ick mane, tail and Ins.4 years olJ; C 12 Duit, 11th district, Oct 9


Mare Mule, Eorrel, cUar marks onshoulder, M hands; W J II Daily, on theJack Drake plare, nenr Iluntsyille, Oct 31

!ir..i . v. ..r . BAa nit.- - tin v iiiMUl llili un n uca aiuisliouldi'i's, hiuall white spot on each udo otshoulder, ono biganclo on left hind leg, a'i ... i .11. ii i I'.n.. ii tr.nuijiik li, years oiu, u v iyciil-jt- , oi juui

Secret OrcloraMASONIC.

Jackson Lodge No. Gtf, F. and A. M.,Fayetleville, A. O. W. M.; Geo. li.Boyles, Svc. meets 1st Monday night ineach mouth.

Felorsburg No. 123, W. It. Hanaway, W.M; W. K. .Smith, Sec meets 1st Mondaynicht on or after full moon a each month.

Coons Hill No. Kil, II T Childs, W M; WW Wilson, See. meets Saturday before thefull moon, at 10 a. m.

l'leasant I'lams Jso. ..u., n. varpenier, i

W. M.; James F. Uyers, Sec meets In- -

day mjrht before each lull moon. I

Mt. Hebron 314, Norns Creek, S.C.McCo -

. . . .IIIII1, . .11., 11 X 1 Ul lja.-nu-,

day ni(tht on or before full moon each month.Sulphur Spring No. 400, Oregon, J. J. Cos-to- n,

W. W.; W. L. l'arker, Sec meetsSaturday at 2 o'clock on or before the fullmoon in each month

Mulberry 401, W. II. Hobertson, W. M.W.W. James, Sec meets 1st Tuesday liihton or before full moou.

Macedonia 4.VJ, near Goshen, TO Gill,W. M.; Wm. A. Gill, jun., Sec meets Fri-

day night on er before full moon.Kelso No. 4'JO, Jno JI Dickey, W M; J C

Hasue Sec.

ODD -- FELLOWS.Calhoun Lodge No. 2i5, Fritz Warren, N.

G.; Jan. R. Feeney, Rec Sec. meets ev-e- rr

Fridar ni"ht.t .Lincoln No. i0, LynchburgT, il. N. 1 arKS,

N. O.; M L. McDowell, lfec. Sec mceis 1st,3rd and 5th Saturday nights.

Unity No. 81, Petersburg, Thos. Hester,N. G; F. 15. Terry, Sec meets every oth-

er Thursday night.Oak Hill No. 139, Norris Creek, Samuel

Haynie, N. O.; T. L. Williamson.Rec. Sec.meets every other Saturday night.

Mulberry 11H. Ueo. V..Jone,.V U.; . .

James, Sec meets every other ThursdayniL'ht.

Sm prise No. lo3, Flyntville, 1). M. Mimfi,N. (J.; W. II Ileckett. SecretarrJ meetsevery Thursday night

Chestnut Ridge 157, W A Williams, N G;W B Freeman, Sec; meets every Saturdaynight.

Evening Star No. 101, Pleasant Plains, JA. Leatherwood, N. .; J. Franklin SmithSec. meet? 1st and 3rd Saturday nivhts.

Kelso 172, J C. StuLblefi.ld, N. G.; J Alaylor, Sec meets every other SaturdayIlight. j

Lnonia i.i e , lAingi.iers ci j.e- -wecca, riyiiiviiie, . iech'ti, -- ir&. ji.II. Canibron, V. G.; W. II. Warren, Sec'ymeets 1st Saturday each month at 2 o'clock.

Sereno, No. 105, George's Store, T. P.ry Saturday night.

TATRONS OF HUSBANDRY.T. C. I.itti.i- - Favi'tteville. Master Counlv

Grange II. 1 . Lhilds, rayettevitte, Sec-

retary CorresjHinding Committee: II. T.Childs, Fayetteviile; W.W. James, Mul-berry; J. C. Hague, Kelso.MulVjerry Grange, 171 M D L Whitaker,

master; A.J. Whitaker, sec'y; Mulberry.Buckeyc,173 C.A. McDanid, master; Jo-

el O. Park, sec'y; Fayetteviile.Riley, X. G; A.J. Hunter, Sec. meets

17(3 T. C. Little, master;II. T. Uhilds, sec'y; Fayetteviile.

Swan Creek. 308 S. A. Hill, master:W-W.-

scS?ieI si..?""0"119-- .



W Lrw in; see'v; Poou's Hill.Unity 311 J J Short, master; L L

Clark Kcc'y Fa vettevillo. j

Petersburg .Jacob Gillespie, master;II B Talley, sec'y; Petersburg.

Rocky Point Iu," Lben Hill, master; JC Hague, jr, sec'y; Kelso.

Shelton's Creek :'JH J A Taylor, mas-ter, F P Taylor, pec'y; George's Store.

Cold Water 07 A B Shellield, master; PL Twittj, sec'y; Cold Water.

Chestnut Hill (21st districtpOG John JlRoutt.niaster. JasRRoutt.sec'v: FavctUviRe


U. F. OF T. (

FaTettcvill Council No. 380.F. V.r. Carter.Vf. V.; Thos. M. Goodwin, Rec. Scribe j

'nieets every Tuesday uigbtiu K.of 11. Hall.

KNIGHTS OF HONOR.Fayetteviile Lodge No. J S Vaughn,

Dictator; W A Gill, jr, Reporter.

AVhat make a Bufcbcl.1RTICLCS. rOCXDi,

Dried Apples 26Bran 20Barley 43Beans 60Cow Peas 60White Beana 60CaMor Beans 45Buckwheat 56Skona Coal e0Shelled Corn 56Corn in the ear 70Corn Meal 60Flartorins Hair.. 8Unslacked Lime 80Barley Malt 28Rye Malt 34Oats 32Onion.s 57Dried Peaches, unpeeled 33

do do peeled 33Millet Seed.. 54

' Orchard Grasp Seed 14nerd's Grass Seed 10Irish Potatoes CO

Sweet Potatoes 50Peas 6Rye 51Blue Grass Seed 14Cloer Seed CO

Flax Seed..., 56Hemp Seed 44Timothy Seed 45Hungarian Seed 43Coarse 50Fine Salt... 5Turnips 53Wheat ..COCotton See4 23Peanirtf f3

SlovcsandTin-War- e

111 ll i tQYCS rF O It IS !

now permantly located in myBEING buihling next door to Wright &

Wilson. I would most respectfully callthe attention of tho people of Lincolncounty that I am now prepared with thebest facilities for the manufacture of tin-

ware to sell at wholesale and retail at great--

iy -

RETOUCJKD PIUCESin fair competion with any town in theState. My stork of Stoves comprises allsires and etj les.


i iK.xtra plates and. vessels can alway he

had to keep Stoves in order.

Iron and Wooden Pumpsfor wells snd cisterns, warranted to drawwater any depth desired.

E !, A H3 E OIL,the best in use. a specialtv. Lamp and' r. -

Lanterns all sizes, Hat ii tubs, SorghumFans, Wash Kettles, Skillets find Ovens, iushort a full assortment of

always on hand. Thanking the generouspublic for their liberal j alronajre for thepast year, I will try by my endeavors tomerit a continuance,

jan. 11 T110S. J. McOARVEY.


WABB SnGftTHAVE just opened a new house near

north-eas- t corner of tho Square,v.uoirillp. nnd will fill all orders in their

j,. i!U.iudiM;r ,.vt.r variety of Sull reasonable prices, and in a prompt andKatisfilctorv

STOVES, TI.WORG, POPS,Kitchen Coods,Lainps, &c.Kept on hand!

Sorghum EvaporatorsMade to Order, CJieaj).

Ptmrfpr fbY Stmrns a SnpniaHir'lUUUllUI UUJl WIVIUU u CJ

july C. o WARD & SHORT.

AMERICAN and FOREIGN PATENTS.CII.MOItr. 6c '0.,h,k. cor tnCliupinan

in all 0 ItlSIMAUVAM i;,!No rAi&rn unit' ?d llu ii.tifi.t - LO"i't''t No I'Mfor making iirfliinnmry tx:uiiiiiiitioii. Xj Ui

.lioitai lerji iur 0111:1111 inc aini i ri in-- n it nuiuinif llv u (lfrii )ii of the umiuisioiii rA I.I. rrioi U'i ,ii.lii i.lion m.iy Ih ipe-ria- l

atlfiil (.'ivt-- n I'l 1 cr 1I nee uses be fortliu I'atciit Oili" '", I'.xti'nMoiis Imliire tonifie-- ,

Suits in ilili. all litiya-ti'i- n

u injr to 1 ini-n- i A i,r I'alenll. ii'mlsiatiip loOlI.MOiCL ii UJ., lor iatnililet of nxlyl'i' :,":t i iin n nnn t i itn ttt i i limnLAitiJ UAOhS.LArllJ WAKMinS, and

finiiTni LUKir. '

t'ent'tcl f ani! Ta-r- s ,r Fccnto1 liefore the TJt..I l.ui.l ".lit niMl it(i;i i ui i n icr'jur Privaie I.jid t :.ini:. .Itnlnir an'! Fr

i:iMiou t inn:;i. nn.i i!unitieai ias at., tu I mil i i .i I t V4 mi.l llil hid. :

Ice-- . lor:t!o. 1 l.i S.rr'ii i nsMnaluV. itmi rau I

in .Iu n I'm r.t' l)in i i.n-h.- i ii- iinni . n v1 tverimicnt l;in( -- ii'ijtN t (o .rivnle rniry.&t 1.2iS

; ni-- .n-i- H is of r 'i..l with flouttr J.nn lvrr;ints. rwi .stamp to Oll.MOKK Jt CO. lor..luiplilt I or ln-e- iii tion.iPnriPP nr civ rnj nniiltTV

Uficer,!itr aul Sailor, o. tl.e latawar. or tlicir Iieim. Kit-i.- i nisiir ca-- n rnliU.vl tu,,,v ,,om ,,()V ri:lll, t , h u,ry i,aveno kiiuwIt'ilKe. W full imtni-- ofisei vice, cud

cio it!tlu, to h.k .t i u . i ma leiyalter es.iuiinaiioii. tviil uu iveoyuu n.

PENSIONS.All dt'.icriH H ltli-r- , an l Sailors t

ri!rtnr-il- . cr m Mm l."t .ir, howtTt :si ly. c in all iil-- i a liy ftil lit'Ming OIL31 OKI-- , A CO.

Cases irosi-ciite.- l by V 1 1..V3 0II V. & CO., 1.0- - j

the Miiiii iiie ( uni t "I me 1 niic-- l hlalft, tlieomit of cluuu unii iitc niiiLiit-ji- i Liiiuiik iuiu- -

liii9:-in- .

h.'tt'h uT on r fctinine? is romhirte'l Ina Si'pnrat": huriMii. iiir.i r (" of til-- : ;im

eil -i iii cr..iln dy tlm oi l linnI r u:i;it ailntiiM to ..ii l.i.ins ili nlei to;il..i;ici: &. t lr. i ilms iMiitil. Wede-ir- e

t u in m i' ; s Ii v v in it CII.JJOUE X .

UH Sii-etl-. Wa liii Kti'ii, I). . It b.lU

INSOLVENT order of the Cleik ofPURSUANT Curt of Lincoln county,

Tenn., upon the susL'eistion of the executorof thu estate of

Jasper A. Hamilton, dec,c the insolvency of snid decedent's cstntlanotice i hereby ?ivrn to all persons havingclaims agairst est.-iti- j to present them tome Olerk ot sai'l Court, authenticated- - on orbefore the 1st of July, 1877,for pro rata distribution, or they will beforever barred.jan.'5 JAS. W. CAMBR0N', Adm'r.

ir ttavr rH ,.r th 9r.,V'p.n.-.-

Jl es-iar- to trmko l;ximsey'b feoap, at$l.s0 fur enough to

100 LBS. SOAP!Call and 8 e or order at

Kelso TennesseeI can ship it to an3-

- po'nt.jan --o J. A. TAYLOR.

CQQX'M'MXGtBARRELS, stands. Scz., kept on fitt'wf rk iasared to be Wsgood. .Special attmtijri paid to makinggood whisky barrels. Ccall. CHARLES WEISS A: CO,,

Sept.23-l- y FayeltCKille, Tenn.Shop on Bridge street, near old Fair GroundCash paid for good dry staves.


MEDEA RIS announces to theHD. of Lincoln and adjoining conn-tn- :i

that he it.tonds to sell Leather of allkinds at the lowest cash nices. and will

jbuy Ililes and pay the highest piice incah for the same. no?. 30-- ly


airn- -

X5iiilIoi-H- .

SHOP:Ksit ticor to Centennial Lmry staWe.

raycttcville, Tcaueeey

ARE nowline.

prepared to do all work ia


; If. f. GEORCrE,Attorney at Xattvr9

Fajettevlllo, Tcnu.Office nnder Bright Hall, South side Pub

lic Square. Jan. 1--o

Medicine and DentistryDr. Joe DJuuiddle,

Practicing Physician and Dentist,

F&rETTEVILLKE. r.V.V.Office, two doors north of the carriage shop.



OFFERS his professional services toneeding meaical attention. Of-

fice nenr tho Female Academy, opposite W.J.Stegalls. jan.4-- o


Martin & Carmack,

rayettevlllc, Tennessee,aug 24, 1876-- tf


Fayetleville', Tennessee.Oillce at Lis Residence. mar 18


Fayetteville, Tennessee.

f ILL practice in Lincoln and adjoiningII couniies. Satisfaction guaranteed both

in prices and operations of all kinds.Office, south Eida Squure, opposite the

court-hous- aug. 12, 1875.

inducements offered toWONDERFUL work in that line.Int. I proposo to do cheaper work.2nd. 1 insure every case to he unsur-

passed by any of its class, and purpose tostick strictly to the following rates andchallenge oppowition in all its forms

Kxtractiug teeth, 50 cents each.Gold filling 81.00 to $2.00Flatinado 50c do 2 00Tin foil do 60c do 1.00Cleaning and poliehing teeth, SI to 2.50Treating chronic" inflammation of

mouth and throat fcl.OOtoJIOArtificial teeth inserted from

1 to 4 teetk $5.00do do do 3 to 10 10.00

A full upper plate 15.00 do 20.00Owing to material and style of work up- -

er and lower gets. 30.00 do 35.00DR. D. fiAFFOLD.

aug. 5 Office at the Saflold House.

W. C MIGHT, M. D.,T ILL practice Medicine and Surgery

T F in Fayrttevillij and vicinity. Otlicein Hiues' block.south ida Square. july2'i

E. L. DRAKE. M. D(Office over Price's Drug Store, West side

Square,)S r'FERS his professionnl services to theW citizens of Fayetteville and viciolty.

lUlyis, loin.

J. ClVlUnil

Adonic at Law,iiijtueviuc, aenn.

WILT practice in tho various CourtsLincoln and adjoining counties,

and in the Supreme and Federal Courts atNashville. Office near north-eas- t Cornerof the Public Square. eept7-- tf

J, M Goodwill)Atlornej at Law,

Fayetteviile, Tennessee.5?" Collections a specialty. tzhi


Woods & Woodardlllorncys at L,auf,

Fayetteviile, - - Tennessee.jnn. 14-- ly

GEO. W. illGGINS,mm AT) ?TCTJt"nr T JlTr7?7AAV iX JkT Jut X JU. JL JLiUL it

Office at hi residence near Camargo,

nT ILL practice in the various Courts ofLincoln and adjoining' counties. o9

C. C. M K1NSEV. r. r. f.


i rompc attention given to buin sk O!

are ncr WiC ""wesi corner ol bquare

ceo. a. loriu. J. H Sl'BMAa.


Attorneys at Law,FAYETTEYILLE, TENN.

7ILL practice in the Tarious Coaits ofF F Lincoln and the adjoining counties.

s9 Office : South-sid- e of the Square,in the Miller block. oct20-- tf

a wad wjyj ..Year the north-wes- t corner Squart,


IS now prepared to manufacture"HarncsM, Saddles, Hridlex, Jand 31artinerales in the best ktvle.

and of tbe rery best material. Collars.HaniCH, and Whips always on hand.JCepairing done with neatness and dispatch.Cheap for cash or barter oxlt. Jan21-12- ni

IIOLMAJV k IIOLMAiY,Attorneys at Law,


Cases in Bankruptcy prorapt-l- y

attended to. jan30--tf

mrstaFjoiiksonPREPARED to receire a fewy3

at a reasonable price, Residence conen- -ientto the So;uar.

Prices of Job Printinghave been lowered at the Ob-

served office to suit the times.Bring in your orders. AVe war-rant satisfaction.



Geo,J.Goddrich &Co.. Successors toSPURLOCK, HOKE fit CO.,



Nos.OG and 9S South CollegeStreet,

Nashville, Tcnn."Will iarnish bagging and

ties a usual at tha lowest mar-

ket price, and make liberal ad- -

.vancements upon all consign- -

menta. II D TV lit occupy our.;,ni,"r

old stand, and all consignments

will be under our own supoms- -

ion. Scpt. 21-- tf

Shaving, Ilair-Cutlin- s:w

Como itiid See

BARKERS,HAVE opened a shop on the north side

Square, in the baspmtnt of Col.J. U. Uolman's new builJing, and are pre- -pared j farmers desiring make ,airClean Razors,; own goods.

W re willing any ofJ prices for

and prompt attention custom- - jjp gjjy jfera needing shavic, cut mg, bhmn- - " u,4 'ua,w?nooning, etc. Shopmen 6 o'clock ! e ool many eonditiun, al-t- he

morning night J deducting for and damp.

iune29 o nes, thircby it the basis

TiT,r T? JTIM"it t lrt C C "tflt


South side qf the Publia 8ptare,

Fayetteyille, Tennessee,

IS now prepared with keen Ra-

zors, sharp Scissors, cleanCombsand Brushes, ind nice Tow-

els, To shave, cut hair or bhampoo

in t Vi a lft stvl.. and as chean as anv one.Respectful and attention always

all customers.'



Farcttcvillc, Tenn.m

rMIIB price of TonV-Voi- k has reJ. ducel; I am now a"iln:g plain Wed

Stones made of bst Lin'oln coun'y (irtyStone all neci-sar- IctUriig frmu

8.00 to ?15.00. Nice Head Stones in.-irf-

of best Italian Marble with and let-

tering from $12.C0 to f 10.UO. Liirsc FamilyMonuments cut ordr from f 3 to$1,000.00. Every

DESCRIPTION CF CARVHI&nnatly ciecuted. nuildii? ofall kinds furnished to order. Rlca.-.-e calland examine debins and prices.


Mayl8 tfoXon-Ileside- nt


III fLanCfry at f)f tttTlllf, Ifna.Eliia L. Phillips M. Pmkney D.lhillips.

February, 177.motion of by co.mirl,

I J snd appearinc; tbe satisaciion ofthe Clerk Master Toin the aI!ra(ioiis :

complainant's bill, which hat j

the defendant, I I. Phillips, isa ro:i-- ;resident of the Sia c of Ter ntste . to that '

the ordinary process of law mirnot be Ted

npon hiin. It thrt-fore- , ord'rd by thoCirrk and Master that sai I non-- r s ''dent j

fundatit appear on t tl e Cr-- I thr'e:'as of our rest Ch-'- 'cry Court ti b b.-!-

for Lincoln ounty rc tbe l.t Monday iu j

April noxt. li77, at the cmirt-- t .oms '

and pli-ad- ain t or i!enn;rto coin pbiin ant's ..vd bill, r,t the same will;be taken f r cor.rc.-sc- l and set for hearingex pane as to hirn. '

It i. ordered that thi- pot'c lepublished for rour coutccut.T-- j weiks n thar Al ETTEV ILLE OBkEItViB.

8- -o Cli-r- ai d iUsier.

rUWJVGittILLS.AM prorared at nr rianins Mills to'

Ja. put up


AND MOULDING,and do all kinds Mateh;nz and Planing atshort cotioe for cash.

Willis Xcar tho Depot

Fayetteviile, Tennessee.J. B. I will have my 8AW MILL run

ning; iu a short time the creek near theDepot. W. E.TL'ULET.

22 o

Gentlemen's Sliirts!I HAVE taught Sirs. A. JOIIXSON the

rule for cutting and making

Gilbert's Improved hfrts,and she ean now make a At, and dojtood work. She has exp-ri-nce-

, havingdone a good deal of vrk for m: win-

ter. She deserved a liberal patronageA. K. JIOf:!:I.N

feb?-- 3t Slii.t-Makrr- .

Cn't b mala hv evrr sent rrry hthe tiutiiier ir iuri..ii. lut ui e

to work i: in i tAttt '!.rlylit in lh-i- r i IwiliUef.Hare no room to ri plaiu am 1 "

to'l booorll. Women, kii'l b) im1 iUI awell men We mil furni.h ?'" eoui,lTtoOutStfrev. The luiue r,a) ",!" njr.thiucclM. M'm will r "t rti,farttovlar fiee. VVnl u i .lauui ,imechanic, their aul !uC'iu.-t-, aut ( tht.s-- 4

in ell ,vlry or t Iioi.ia, iiuH wrttto a and !" "U Vu tii ora t oc. atiW utb4tm d;jr irrs aCo

ra, Sfatse Ki


Gko. Arqcith. M. D. HamttosJ. U, IIOLJUN.

Asquilh, Hampton & Holraan,


TiL,tt itiimn


at tht Jlailroad Depot,Fayetteviile, - . Tenn.

In Full Operation !

40.000 lbsTWoolWantedWc p;iy cents per

!in good at the Factory, for the nicctclean-picke- d Wool.

IT ETURNING our thanks to our putrontXV of the pat, uud soiicitinj the ptroi- -

I -age in the future,


rapectfully. . invit the

STOCK OF GOODS,consisting of

Jeans, ia variouscolorsandpatterLSCaaeimeres, '



Lauiei' tre'kl'tGtnt's liawl.j, 4c

AND STOCKINGdifferent sizes and colors. Ve will a!srk'jtp on hand

llf A AT 17' TVf 4 T) AT Ct) U U L Ll i I A It 1 U.

f nr Cf. mnA,.r.Att nric .

'ion wool and charge to customers, lut re--ceive at and return tod,pot free of charge.

As we have just now put

Two Sets of Woolen Machinery

into operation, we shall shortly le able todisplay to our customers a greater variety of

Sprin and Goodsthan ever bofore.

We have a

with j0 gut tny toTovyel., Keen

to exchange oerSharp bhcars, fabrics at cash

to wait npon j;flj COCIlIrY PrCiECChair ;

from in rcc.ivountil at i grease, burrs

placing or. or


promptgiven to




to fJ.LO



couipLitantit toand in



!e- -

in Fayetteviile,






l will-ing l








fVNEW ROLL CARDand will do custom woik in the

g S' S 'Jl' '5.' Y L K, f.. . -CASH Oil TOLL.We are alao prepared t

Yarns for cn.stomrrs, from Nns. 6iA'-- 7' crfrom 8-- 12 cuts in lots of l'JO Bjs. nr nior it2-- cts. fur white, and 30 cts. for mixed.

March 13,


0. E AnslhWatchmaker and Jeweler.

South side of Public Square in th Hintsliuibliitij.

If S MOW nTf.Mrnil frt lct .H tin-t- j r.t av.r'X in bis Iin, such as tne repairing ofevf ry description of Chronom-tf- r. Duplex,Lever, Vtr;; and Swiss Watches. Allkmdsof t,lockH and .Jewelry, promptly and rtly repaired and warranted Jan. 30.

hl-i:- n-


Heyman & hill,KEEP on hand a full stock of

WATCH LS, CLOCE8,Holland Gold Ih,


this papeii is ox rixr wnu


Suits Cut Out at ?1.50! '

PANTS, 33 TWf,35 cnts; Coat,Time are hard and I

WANT 3IOKY.Ebop lt Ueor aocth of Carriajr, Wirp.

jtn. 27 3ta G. f.EKGLEMlX.