ata121 ataturk's principles and the history of turkish...

ATA121 Ataturk's Principles and The History of Turkish Renovation I General condition of the Ottoman Empire; General appearances of main European states before World War I; Relationship with Turkey and Europe, East Question, wars in 1911- 1913; World War I, the position of the Ottoman Empire in World War I, fronts; Fronts, Dardanells Wars and its effects, partition plans on Empire during the World War I; Brest- Litowsk Treaty, principles of Wilson, other treaties with Bulgaria, Ottoman Empire, Germany and Austurian-Hungary states; Peace Summit in Paris, end of the World War I, economical condition of Ottoman Empire and laborer movements Mondros Armistice, minorities, the state of Ottoman army, cabinets, occupation of Smyrna; The beginning of the new period and Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, congresses, national assembly in Ankara; Fronts in independency wars, economical resources; Abrogation of regency, Lousanne Treaty and its importance, National Economic Congress, the foundation of parties, the announcement of Republic; The acceptance of secular law, social and cultural reforms, economical improvements, secular education and science; Principles of Ataturk and Turkish Republic, its content and concept FZK171 Physics I Physics, pure sciences, experiments and measurement concept, Motion in One Dimension,Vectors and Motion in Two Dimension,,Circular Motion,Motion Laws and Other Applications of Newton's Laws and friction,Review , exercises and problem solving approaches,Work, Kinetic energy and Power ,Potential Energy and conservation of Energy,Linear Momentum and Collisions,Rotation of a Rigid Object and Angular Momentum,Universal Gravitation,Static Equilibrium and Elasticity,Fluid Mechanics,General Review and problem solving.

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ATA121 Ataturk's Principles and The History of Turkish Renovation I

General condition of the Ottoman Empire; General appearances of main European states

before World War I; Relationship with Turkey and Europe, East Question, wars in 1911-

1913; World War I, the position of the Ottoman Empire in World War I, fronts; Fronts,

Dardanells Wars and its effects, partition plans on Empire during the World War I; Brest-

Litowsk Treaty, principles of Wilson, other treaties with Bulgaria, Ottoman Empire, Germany

and Austurian-Hungary states; Peace Summit in Paris, end of the World War I, economical

condition of Ottoman Empire and laborer movements Mondros Armistice, minorities, the

state of Ottoman army, cabinets, occupation of Smyrna; The beginning of the new period and

Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, congresses, national assembly in Ankara; Fronts in independency

wars, economical resources; Abrogation of regency, Lousanne Treaty and its importance,

National Economic Congress, the foundation of parties, the announcement of Republic; The

acceptance of secular law, social and cultural reforms, economical improvements, secular

education and science; Principles of Ataturk and Turkish Republic, its content and concept

FZK171 Physics I

Physics, pure sciences, experiments and measurement concept, Motion in One

Dimension,Vectors and Motion in Two Dimension,,Circular Motion,Motion Laws and Other

Applications of Newton's Laws and friction,Review , exercises and problem solving

approaches,Work, Kinetic energy and Power ,Potential Energy and conservation of

Energy,Linear Momentum and Collisions,Rotation of a Rigid Object and Angular

Momentum,Universal Gravitation,Static Equilibrium and Elasticity,Fluid Mechanics,General

Review and problem solving.

KMY120 Chemistry

Subject of chemistry, Nomenclature, Atom and its structure, Periodic table, Mol and

Chemical Problems, Chemical Bonds, Gases, Liquids, Solids, Mixtures, Acids, Bases,

Chemical Kinetic and Equilibrium, Thermodynamic.

MAT185 Calculus I

Function, Trigometric, logorithm and exponential function, inverse function Hyperbolic

function. Limit definition, one sided limit, limit properties, continunity, infinite limits,

derivativesdefinition, derivative of function, implicit differention, application of derivatives,

chain rule, coomon graphs, introduction to integration.

MAT187 Linear Algebra

Linear equation systems,Matrices,Vector Spaces,Linear Transformations, Determints, Eigen

vectors and eigen values,Orthogonal,Gram-schmidth othogonalization.

TF150 Work Health and Safety

The difference between hazards and risks, Common hazards, Improving health and safety

performance, Environmental protectione between hazards and risks, Common hazards,

Improving health and safety performance, Environmental protection

TRD121 Turkish Language I

Definition and characteristics of language; the place of Turkish among other worldly

languages; historical development, correct usage, structure and grammar rules of Turkish

language. Definition of language. Language, thinking and emotion relationships. Language-

culture relationship: What is culture? Components and its specifications which constitute the

culture. Changes in the culture. Language and society relationship. Languages of the World.

The place of the Turkish language among World languages. Development of the Turkish

language and its historical periods. Turkish dialects and accents. Verbal language and written

language. The present situation of Turkish language its scope. An applied study on a text of

any Turkish dialect or a comparative work on the texts of dialects. Spelling rules. Punctuation

marks. Derivatives. Discussion and evaluation of examination papers. Discussion on a

random issue. The ways to determine the verbal equivalents of concepts (derivation,

combination etc.). Verbal and written expression. Qualities of a good expression.

Observation, thinking, reading, good usage of parent language. Speech deficiencies. Stress in

Turkish: stress on words, stress on groups, stress on sentences. Conversation, public speaking,

meetings. Written expressions: Sentence, paragraph. Types of narration: to narrate,

explanation, description, etc. Incoherent expressions (Mistakes in Turkish language exam and

composition papers and other incoherent expression examples which were determined on

television, journals and in the Media. Phrasal expressions: Proverbs and idioms (Form and

concept specifications). Interlinguistic exchange: Historical relationships of Turkish language,

the channel of the exchange among languages, types of adaptations.

YDZA121 German I

Perfekt:trennbare Verben,untrennbare Verben,Verben auf -ieren,Wetter-und Reiseberichte,

Zimmerreservierung, Personenbeschreibungen, Dativ, Possessivartikel, mit+Dativ,

Unterrichtsprojekte planen, an,auf,in+Akkusativ oder Dativ,Orientierung in der Stadt,welch-,

Übungen- Wiederholung, argumentieren und vergleichen,Stadt-und Landleben,

Verkehrsmittel, Komparativ und Superlativ, Nationalitäten und Sprachen,

Zeitungsnachrichten, aus, bei, von, zu +Dativ, Personalpronomen: Dativ, Präteritum:

Modalverben können, müssen, wollen, dürfen. Satzklammer: Modalverben, Nebensätze:

dass,weil ,über Häuser und Wohnungen sprechen,Wohnungsanzeigen, Dativ-Objekt,Verben

mit Dativ/mit Dat.und Akk.,eine Umfrage im Kurs,Anzeigen lesen und schreiben

YDZF121 French I

Alphabet et phonetique - les articles, Les adjectifs: etre, avoir - le corps, Les demonstratifs –

le jour, le mois, l'année, Les verbes en IR - les saisons, Les mesurel, l'age, Les trois groupes

de indicatif - La famille Vincent, Le passe compose de indicatif - La Mme Vincent, Le passe

compose avec etre - le salon, la cuisine, Le futur de l'indicatif, le futur proche recuit, Le verbe

pronominal La toillette de Vincent, Le passe compose d!un verbe pronominal, Le pluriel des

noms, Le superlatif L'amie a Paris

YDZI121 English I

Verb to be, possessive adjectives,guestions and negatives, present simple social expressions

informal letter, there is , there are , how many , how much , this , that, directions, prepositions

of place , some,any,these,those,linking words, can, can't,could, couldn't, formal letter, past

simple regular verbs, irregular verbs, silent letters, special occasions take part in the content of


ATA122 Ataturk's Principles and The History of Turkish Renovation II

Turkish revolution and basic characteristics of Turkish revolution; The other revolutions that

effected Turkish revolution; The aim of Turkish revolution: Democratic Law State;

Establishment of secular Turkish secular law system; Establishment of Turkish secular

education system. Reconstruction of Turkish economy, national economic and globalization;

Novelties that made the Turkish society contemporary General quality of Kemalist principles

and republicanism; Nationalism; Etatism and Populism; Secularism; Revolutionism;

Criticisms against Kemalist ideology and answers to them.

BLM110 Using Fundamentals of Information Technologies

This lesson introduces students to a well-rounded approach to computer literacy that includes

basic computer concepts, software applications keyboarding/word processing review,

spreadsheets and presentation .

FZK172 Physics II

Electrical charge and Coulomb's law, Electrical fields, Gauss's law, Electric potential,

Capacitors and Dielectrics, Current, resistance and electromotive force, Simple direct currnt

circuits and application of Ohm's anf Kirchoft's laws, Magnetic field and magnetic forces,

Soueces of Magnetic fields, Electromagnetic induction and Faraday's law, Inductance,

Magnetic propertion of matter, Alternating current, Simple alternating current circuits.

MAM102 Basic Manufacturing Operations

Introduction of design and technology projects and applications. Introduction of marking

Definition of measurement and control. Introduction to machining and manufacturing

processes chipless.

MAM120 Technical Drawing

Informatıon relating to tools of Manufacture drawing Definition and project of Manufacture

drawing Classification of Manufacture drawing Informatıon relating to Manufacture drawing.

Drawing tolls, drawing paper , norm writing, line class Ancillary information : line, angle,

circle, arc, tangent Polygon drawing General information about projection

systems.perspective and drawing technics Drawing steps of Manufacture drawing.General

appearance: Explanation of the firt steps Intersection, intersection class. Explanation of

intersection General appearance and drawing Explanation of Dimension, geometric tolerate

Explanation of Dimension, geometric tolerate Introduction of surface processing Explanation

of headline All steps inclusive application.

MAT186 Calculus II

Indefinite integrals, computing indefinite integral, substitution rule for indefinite integral,

average value function, area between curves, arc length of function valume revolution(

method of ring and method of cyclinder) , generalized integration, series and sequences,

vector calculation vector arithmetic, multiple integration, double integration, triplen


MLM110 Materials Science

The classification and properties of materials are introduced with examples from everyday

life. Atomic structure and atomic properties. Atomic bonds.

Crystal structure, unit celles. Crystal directions, planes and atomic density.

Crystal structure imperfections. Atomic diffusion and industrial applications.

Phase diagrams and phase rules. The ore, grade and mineral processing methods are explained

and introduction stages. Extractive metallurgy and principles (Prometallurgy,

Eletrometallurgy, Hydrometallurgy), and reactions to disclosure of this process. Explanation

of pig iron production and production reactions. Ore and scrap steel production and the

introduction of reactions. Iron - carbon equilibrium diagram describes the formation and

benefits. Steel types and standards, together with the importance of the user specified

locations. Aluminum, copper and magnesium nonferrous metals production. Ceramics,

polymers and composite materials non-metallic engineering materials.

TRD122 Turkish Language II

Types of oral and narrative expressions; methods of scientific research. Subject, aim, theme,

plan. Writing a request. Report, essay. Column, article, critic, presentation. Letter, diary.

Autobiography, biography. Travel log, conversation, interview, speech. Discussion about

examination papers, evaluation of replies. Discussion on a random issue. Theatre, tale, poem.

Story, novel. Conference, declaration, report, research paper. Scientific research methods:

book, the usage of library and computer, reading, note taking. Formatting a book: Front cover,

acknowledgements, inside cover, abbreviations, etc. Types, forms and rules of bibliographies.


YDZA122 German II

Kennenlernen,Begrüssung,Vorstellung,das Alphabet, Präsens: Konjugation, sein

,Personalpronomen, Imperativ mit Sie,Aussagesatz,Fragesatz,Imperativ-Satz,Woher?Wo?

Wohin?, Zahlen bis 100, Menschen und Dinge beschreiben,Nomen:unbestimmter,bestimmter

Artikel;Singular/Plural, Menschen und Dinge beschreiben, Nomen: unbestimmter, bestimmter

Artikel; Singular/ Plural, Negation:nicht, kein, sein+ Adjektiv, Zahlen ab 100, Wie hoch? Wie

alt? Wie viele?, Uhrzeit (offiziell), Wochentage, ein Brief, Modalverben: möcht-,

Satzklammer: trennbare Verben, haben und brauchen, Modalverben: können, müssen,

Satzklammer: Modalverben,Pronomen:man Berufe, aktivitäten in der Stadt,Akkusativ,

Wechselpräpositionen:auf, in+Akkusativ, Possessivartikel.

YDZF122 French II

Les pronoms passessifs - maison ou appartement, Les pronoms personnels - l'appartement des

Monsieur. Vincent, Les objet directs et indirects, Le conjugasion des verbes en aler, ater, cer,

ger, L'imparfait de l'indicatif, la dunie, L'adverbe -le metro, L'autobus, Le futur anterieur, le

plus que parfait, Le participe present - la féte au vilage, Le conditionnel present - les sportifs,

Le gerondif - une lettre.

YDZI122 English II

Past simple tense, count and uncount nouns, comparatives and superlatives, present

continuous tense, going to, question forms, present perfect tense, ever and never, just and yet,

present perfect and simple past tense.

ELM201 Fundamental of Electric and Electronics

Studying of electrons, electric current, insulators, electrical laws, circuit devices, RLC

circuits, electrical and electronic systems in the vehicles. Studying of electrical values,

calculating and converting them other units. Studying the principles of measuring devices and

oscilloscopes, making different measurements. Studying of electric circuits, serial, paralel and

mixed circuits. Definition of the troubles in the circuits (short circuit, open circuit).

Implementing serial, parallel and mixed circuits using the various circuit devices.

MAM201 Statics

Introduction to static, Vectors and vector operations, Force systems. Moment. Force-couple

and wrench, Static equilibrium and equilibrium conditions; Free body diagrams, Support

types, Statically determinate structures; Bars; Trusses; Beams; Space structures, Distributed

loads, Centre of gravity, Moment of inertia, Bending of beams, shear force and bending

moment, Friction and friction types, Virtual work.

MAM203 Fluid Mechanics

The general concepts of the fluid. Duran fluids. Bernoulli's equation and applications. System

and control volume, mass, momentum and energy conservation equations. Navier-Stokes

equations. Dimensional analysis and similarity. Flow in pipes and channels. Laminar and

turbulent boundary layer. Pipe friction losses and terrestrial. Flow and pressure


MAM219 Computer Aided Technical Drawing

Introduction to computer aided drawing. Software and versions Determine coordinates,

options, layers, drafting Drawing commands Section, quick sections, drawing commands

Modify commands. Modify commands, view commands, setup command, Shortcuts, paper

space, modelling space, layouts, applications Formats, dimension commands, applications.

Applications Applications Applications and other properties.

MAT285 Differential Equations

Introduction to differential equations, relation with engineering sciences, general and special

solution, First order differential equations, separable and homogeneous differential equations,

Homogenized differential equations, Linear differential equations, Bernoulli differential

equations, Exact differential equations, integrating factor, Second and high order differential

equations, constant-coefficient homogeneous differential equations, Non-homogeneous

constant-coefficient differential equations, Cauchy-Euler differential equations, Solution of

variable -coefficient differential equations by series, Bessel differential equations.

MAM231 Spark Ignition Engines

Mixture formation in spark ignition engines, effect of air/fuel ratio on the performance,

Ignition systems and controls, determination of ignition timing, combustion and detonation

control, diagnostics equipments, investigation of ignition system signals, mixture preparation

systems in spark ignition engines: carburettors and fuel injection systems, calculation of

injection duration, sensors and actuators of fuel injection systems and operating principles,

lambda control, catalytic converters, idle speed control, cylinder balance, engine diagnostic

and applications on vehicles, cylinder leakage and compression tests.

MAM233 Power Transmission

Requirement of power transmission systems, drive systems, mechanical clutches and clutch

tests, gears, basic equations and gear ratios, vehicle resist forces, traction force, transmissions,

selection of gear steps, disassembling, examination and installation of transmissions,

disassembling, examination and installation of shafts, joints, differential and axles, hydraulic

friction clutch, torque converters, planet gear systems and mechanical circuits at automatic

transmissions, hydraulic circuits at automatic transmissions and investigation, disassembling,

examination and installation of automatic transmissions, tests of automatic transmissions,

continuously variable transmissions (CVT), automatic and manual selection transmissions.

MAM235 Automotive Industry

The historical development of the automotive industry World automotive sector - general

Fordist production Automobile industry after World War II America, Europe and Japan

Automotive Industry Automotive Sector in Turkey The whole automotive industry in

Turkey Employment, production, export and import in automotive industry Automotive

Industry Logistics Services Supply chain in automotive sector Big actors in the automotive

sector at the present time 12. Automobile ownership and car-parking problems Automotive

sector in 2050 Automobile: “Made in Turkey” or “Design in Turkey”.

MAM241 Building Energy Automation

Indoor and outdoor lighting systems, intelligent systems, remote control of electrical

appliances, boiler, furnace, to be controlled remotely over a phone line, washing machine and

dishwasher to be controlled remotely over a telephone line, video door machines, sensor stair

machines, air-conditioning systems, air conditioners, heating and cooling systems, fire alarm

and extinguishing systems. Indoor and outdoor security camera systems, burglar alarms,

closed and open areas, telephone, television, computers, sound systems. Elevator and

escalator systems.

MAM243 Mechanic Installation Technics

Forms of clean water systems. Calculation and design of water supply and sewage pipe

diameters. Systems and accounts. Control and safety systems. Hot water systems, and boilers

combiler. Fire equipment and fire safety. High buildings, clean water and fire systems.

MAM245 Renewable Energy Sources

Meeting with students, recognizing the related literature, solar energy, wind energy,

geothermal energy, biogas, other alternative energy resources.

MAM251 Ergonomics

Environmental factors, human capabilities, occupational tension and stress.

MAM253 Materials Examination and Thermal Processes

Classification of the material testing methods. Measurement methods of hardness; Rockwell

and Brinell Tests. Measurement methods of hardness; Vickers and Knoop Tests.

Measurement methods of hardness; Dynamic Hardness Tests. Tensile Tests. Problems with

Tensile Tests. Compression Tests. Bending and Folding tests. Notch impact tests. Fatigue

tests. Problems with Fatigue tests. Creep Tests. Problems with Creep tests.

MAM452 Flexible Manufacturing Systems

Introduction to Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS). Flexibilty concept. Advantages and

disadvantages of FMS and application areas. Industrial Robots and configurations.

Programmiming and simulation of RV-E' Robot by using COSIMIR Educational software.

RV-E2 Robot programming, uploading and running with Move Master. RV-AJ Robot

programming, uploading and running with Melfa Basic IV. Presentation of CIM system

stations. Working on the AS-RS station. Working on the soldering station. Working on the

Quality Control Station. Working on the SCADA ststion. Working on the Pres station.

Working on the industrial communication systems placed on the CIM system. Implementing

flexible manufacturing by using all the stations of the CIM system.

BLM120 Computer Programming

Program development , codification, compiling, error handling,objects, Sub program

structures, arrays, one dimensional and multidimensional arrays, inheritance, text and binary

files, GUIs.

MAM202 Strength of Materials

Introduction; External loads on structures; Support types of structures and reaction forces;

Internal forces: Section method; Stress: Normal, shear ve bearing stresses; Strain: Hooke’s

law and modulus of elasticity, Deflections of axially loaded bars, Strain measurement and

strain gages; Stress transformations: Mohr circle; Statically indeterminate problems; Stresses

in thin-walled pressure vessels, Moments of areas: First moment of an area, Second moment

of an area (Moment of inertia); Internal shear force, Normal force and bending moment in

beams; Shear force and bending moment diagrams; Torsion; Stresses in beams; Deflections of

beams and elastic curve; Composite beams; Statically indeterminate beams.

MAM204 Dynamics

Equation of Motion, Work and Energy, Impulse and Momentum). Planar Kinematics,

Equations of Motion, (Work and Energy, Impulse and Momentum.

MAM206 Thermodynamics

The basic principles of thermodynamics, properties of pure substances, thermodynamic tables,

and diagrams of pure substances, first law of thermodynamics the implementation of closed

and open systems, second law of thermodynamics, entropy, power cycles, refrigeration


MAT286 Numerical Analysis

Solving systems of linear equations, Cramer’s rule, Jacobi iteration, Gauss-Seidel method,

Over-relaxation method, Gauss-Jordan and Gauss-Elimination methods, Solving systems of

non-linear equations, Cramer’s rule, Secant method, Newton-Raphson method, computer

applications, Interpolation and extrapolation, linear interpolation, extrapolation using Taylor

series, extrapolation with divided differences, Lagrange interpolation, Least squares

approximations of power series, quadratic least square, exponentially weighted least square,

trigonometric approximation of least square, computer applications, Numerical

differentiation, numerical partial differentiation, Taylor series method and error analysis,

numerical differentiation with divided differences, Lagrangien numerical differentiation,

Numerical integration, rectangle rule, trapezoid rule, Simpson’s 1/3 and 3/8 rules, computer

applications, Multi-dimensional integrals, Romberg rule of integration, computer applications,

Fourier series, Fourier coefficients, Fourier series of odd and even functions, Ordinary

differential equations, Initial value problems, Euler method, taylor series method, Runge-kutta

method, Boundary value problems, shooting method, finite difference method, partial-

differential equations, Numerical solution of elliptic partial-differential equations (Laplace’s


MAM232 Automotive Electricity and Electronics

General electrical principles, writing short technical report, Batteries, various properties,

charge and discharge tests, battery tests, Starting system, circuit diagrams, figure out the

starter motor characteristics, selection of starter and tests, Starting system applications,

Disassembling of the different starter motors and investigation of operating systems, Charging

systems, circuit diagrams, rectify of AC currents, obtaining of alternator characteristic,

alternator selection and tests, Alternator regulators, charging system applications,

Disassembling and examining the different charging systems, Ignition system, magnetism,

circuit elements, the system's operation, ignition system types, Examination of various

ignition system and ignition system experiments, Vehicle electrical circuit elements, switches,

lighting systems, warning systems, Glass wipers, horns, signal systems, display systems,

signal transmission techniques and sensor types, digital display systems, The students will

follow the different circuits on the similated body electrical system unit and operate the

systems in basic principles given previously. student will check the operation of gauges,

sensors, wiper motors, automatic door locks and displays circuit, Circuit boards and circuit

establishment and examining.

MAM234 Service Management and Costumer Services

Labor laws, required law sanctions for service business. Legal rights and obligations of the

employee. Service work flow organization, working instructions and job descriptions,

employee training, development, career planning, monitoring and organization of work,

reporting on service operations. Oral, telephone and written communication rules, the basic

contact information, to evaluate and meet the demand for roads. Consumer rights according to

consumer law.

MAM236 Compression Ignition Engines

Some general definitions and terms for internal combustion engine; The ideal diesel cycle

thermodynamic analysis; Real diesel cycle thermodynamic analysis; Work, thermal

efficiency, mean effective pressure; Engine characteristics; Valve-timing diagrams at two and

four stroke diesel engines; The basic parts of diesel engines; Intake and exhaust systems, and

supercharging applications; Lubrication and cooling systems; Starter and charging systems;

Fuel systems of diesel engines; Classification and properties of diesel engine fuels.

MAM242 Natural Gas Technics

The subject describes the scope, basic information about gaseous fuels, building interior

installations or definitions, boiler installations, counters, stacks, natural gas plant account, the

pipe diameter calculation introduction schedule, the flue cross section calculation, ventilation

calculations, LNG, CNG (PNG) functions and selection criteria used in the plants, LPG


MAM244 Energy Economy and Its Management

Meeting with students and recognizing the related literature, politics of energy and

environment, planning of energy savings, gaining back the energy, energy savings in the

production and usage of energy at factories, examples for the energy savings at industries.

MAM246 Pumps and Compressors

Introduction of the pump, determine the types and use of systems. Introduction of the

compressor, and the systems used to determine types.

MAM252 Maintenance and Repairment

Maintenance and repair concepts; Workers' occupational health and safety in maintenance and

repair; Tools and measuring devices used in maintenance and repair; Management in terms of

energy efficiency, labor, and environment in maintenance and repair; Using of common

language and culture in maintenance and repair; Maintenance and repair in serial production;

Scientific and sustainable management of maintenance and repair; Phases of repair and

maintenance at model applications; Management of road maintenance and repair of motor


MAM254 Design of Mechatronic Systems

What is mechatronics? Technologies forming mechatronics and application areas. Automation

concept and automation pyramid. Pneumatic systems, application areas, direct and indirect

control basic. Position, pressure, time and counter dependent control. Electropneumatics

system circuit elements and basics of electropneumatic circuit design. Squential circuits

control with PLC. PLC controlled project applications.

MAM256 Machine Tools and Manufacturing Machines

Teaches analytic approaches used in machining. Gives general theory for drilling. Shows the

cutting tool selection criteria for turning and gives tool life calculation technique in metal

cutting process Teaches cutting types used in milling machine and shows the selection

techniques of cutting parameters .Shows grinding theory. Shows the calculation methods of

cutting forces and engine power for any machine tool.

IST345 Statistics for Engineers

Organizing and analyzing data, introduction to probability, rules of probability, random


MAM300 Internship 1

Summer practice of at least 36 workdays carried out in an suitable establishment with option

courses followed third year. A comprehensive report is required which will combine the

knowledge gained in the third year courses with the practical experience gained by the


MAM301 Machine Elements I

General concepts, stress analysis, compound stress, breaking theory. Fatigue, factor of safety.

Notch, size, surface and other factors. Material selection. Joining by rivet, welding, soldering.

Effect of force and momentum. Screws ant nuts. Analysis of spindles. Wedges. Springs.

MAM303 Heat Transfer

Meeting with students, recognizing the related literature, Introduction, Heat Conduction, Heat

Convection, Heat Radiaton, Heat Exchangers.

MAM305 Manufactoring Processes

Aim of lathing, introduction of lathe machines. Working instructions according to the safety

precauations. Movement sizes of the lathing machines. Connection mehtods. Cutting tools.

Forehead and surface lathings. Chamfering and centering. Cylidrical shaft, fixed support.

Production of gradual shaft. Calculation of tapperd shaft. Production of tapperd pin.

Introduction of machines, starting and stopping, speed control. Safety precautions. Cutting

tools. Vices. Introduction of connection lug and bolts. Connection of workpices and Cutting

tools. Calculation of tool path and cutting times. Production of rectangular prisms.

MAM311 Computer Aided Design (CAD)

To explains general concepts of wire modelling, surface modelling and solid modelling, to

acquire sketching skills and teach to sketching terms, to understand the modelling procedure

of the processing sequence, to gain familiarity how to physically animate and simulate

assemblies, contents of CAD softwares and different advantages of this software are taught.

MAM330 Automotive Mechatronics

General wiev of automotive systems, to convey content, functions and working principle of

engine management and safety systems, to present automotive systems, to put forth working

principles of automotive systems and to examine behaviors of these variables under the

different conditions and to show related applications in simulative medium and to gained

quality of performing necessary measurements.

MAM331 Engine and Vehicle Dynamics

Effect of vehicle forces, traction force, cornering force and slip, braking stability, Mu-split,

steering and suspension theory. Kinematics of piston engines, calculation and graphs of

displacement, speed and acceleration of pistons due to crank angle. Forces and moments to

be balanced in engines, static and dynamic balance, 1. and 2. degree inertia forces and

moments, analysis of engine forces and moments affecting engine balance by using graphical

and analytical methods, balancing of various type single and multi-cylinder engines, sample


MAM333 Engine and Vehicle Performance Tests

Engine characteristics; Measuring devices; Engine tests; Error analysis; Writing of technical

reports; Dynamometers; Measuring of air-fuel consumptions; Pressure indicators; Friction

power; Heat balance; Vehicle tests and test devices; Measuring external forces; Measuring of

brake forces; Measuring of fuel consumption and calculating fuel economy.

MAM341 Environmental Conservation

Meeting with students and recognizing the related literature, basic ecology data, environment

where we are living, environment and health, disasters, movements of population, social

environment, correction again the destroyed environment.

MAM343 Heating and Cooling Technics

The importance of heating and thermal comfort, heating systems, heat insulation, heat loss

calculation of safety systems, heaters, radiators, boilers, pumps, exhaust and fuel tank, etc.

account and the selection of elements, pipe calculation and design of ventilation systems and

air ducts, and a sample project work account. The basic concepts of refrigeration and the Ph

diagram, cooling cycles, the cooling circuit components (compressor, condenser, cooling

tower, expansion valve, evaporator, other elements), insulation, refrigerant fluids and cured

meats, and a model application on the cooling load calculation.

MAM345 Advanced Thermodynamics

Meeting with students, recognizing the related literature, Introduction, Exergy, Second Law

Analysis, Chemical Equilibrium,Combustion,Statistical Thermodynamics, Unequilibrium

States Thermodynamics, Thermodynamics of Compressible Flow.

MAM351 Mould Design and Manufacturing

Shows the selection of a standard die set. Teaches mounting of die elements. Shows design

method of sheet metal cutting die. Teaches analytic approaches used in cutting and bending

dies. Shows design techniques used in drawing dies.

MAM353 Cutting Tool Desing

Mechanics of metal cutting and chip formation, Chip breakers of cutting tools, Chip removing

cutting forces, force measurement and calculation, Finishing surfaces, surface roughness and

measurement of surface roughness, Processing tool geometry on the properties, selection of

tool selection and tool holder.

MAM355 Dynamics and Theory of Machines

Introduction to mechanisms, Linkages: Four-bar linkage, slider crank mechanism, scotch-

yoke mechanism, quick-return mechanism, toggle mechanism, oldham coupling, straight line

mechanisms, Linkages: Hooke coupling, pantograph, chamber wheels, constant velocity

universal joints, Intermitted motion mechanisms: Geneva wheel, ratchet mechanism,

intermitted gear mechanism, escapements, Cams: Disc cam with radial follower, disc cam

with oscillating follower, positive return cam, cylinder cam, inverse cam, Type of

follower motion, cam production, analytic cam design, disc cam with radial flat faced

follower, disc cam with radial roller follower, disc cam with oscillating roller follower, three

dimensional cams, Spur gears: introduction to involute spur gears, involutometry, spur gear

details, characteristics of involute action, interference in involute gears, interchangeable

gears, minimum number of teeth to avoid from interference, determination of

backlash, internal annular gears, Non-standard spur gears, Bevel, helical and worm gears,

theory of helical gears, Gear trains: planet gear trains, applications, Computing mechanisms,

integration, square, square roots and square root of products, computing cams and gears,

Introduction to synthesis: spacing of accuracy points, Design of four-bar linkage for

instantaneous values of angular velocity, design of four-bar linkage as function

generator, Automotive applications of mechanisms.

IKT344 Engineering Economy

This lesson deals with the concepts and techniques of analysis useful in evaluating the worth

of systems, products, and services in relation to their costs.

MAM302 Machine Elements-2

Analyzing and designing of machine elements in mechanical systems.

MAM304 Measurement Technique

Definition and scope of the measurement. Length measurement systems and measuring tools

used in measuring. Magnification of measurements. Measuring with calippers. Measuring

with micrometers. Comparators and areas of use. Surface testers. Measuring with hole

indicators. Measuring with pasa ve pasimeters. Control with gages. Measuring angles:

measuring with universal angle tool; measuring with cylindrical bars; measuring with balls.

Measuring angles with sinus tables. Measuring screw, angle and length with profile projector.

Measuring with pneumatic tool. Measuring stress with gages.

MAM310 Hydrolic-Pneumatic

Automation, automation pyramid and place of the hydraulics and pneumatics systems.

Advantages and disadvantages of pneumatics, usage areas. Basic pneumatic system structure.

Compressed air preparation and distribution. Air compressor types. Symbol of circuit

elements. Direct and indirect control basics. Simulation of circuits by using FLUIDSIM

software.Position and pressure dependent control. Time and counter dependent control.

Squential control, time-step diagrams, signal overlaps. Signal overlap solutions: Idle valve

solution and kaskad method solutions. Electropneumatics systems. Electropneumatics system

design. Hydraulics systems, basic consepts. Hydraulics system design and dimensioning.

Pressure and position dependent control. Electrohydraulics circuit design and applications.

MAM312 Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM)

Gives basic knowledge about computer aided manufacturing in design process. Shows

creation of tool path in turning and milling process. Shows selection of appropriate tool and

cutting parameters. Teaches creation of tool path for 3D parts. Teaches forming M and G

codes for CNC machines.

MAM332 Engine and Vehicle Design

Design and phases, design philosophy and ergonomics. Engine and vehicle design standards.

Engine types and characteristics. Determining main dimensions of an engine ascertained

power and engine speed. Task of the piston, types, dimensions, thermal characteristics,

materials and manufacturing processes. Task of the crankshaft, sizing, balancing and control,

materials and manufacturing processes. Engine block and the cylinder head duties, structure,

materials and manufacturing processes. Valve-train, valves and camshafts, dimensioning,

tasks, structure, materials and manufacturing processes. Engine and vehicle development

processes/requirements and business planning. Determination of the main dimensions of

vehicles. Resistances against to movement of vehicles and vehicle performance calculations.

Certain vehicle weight and dimensions determine the need for power. The main parts of the

computer software and dimensioning of the motor vehicle. Software/s three-dimensional

modeling and finite element analysis of the production of technical drawings.

MAM334 Vehicle Technology

Vehicle mechanics and dynamics. Hydraulic and air brake systems for vehicle. Steering

systems. Vehicle safety systems. Active and passive safety systems. Front geometry design,

suspension system. Static and dynamic axle loads. Retarders.

MAM336 Vibration and Noise in Vehicles

Vehicle vibration models, criteria for examining vehicle vibrations, transfer functions.

Physical structure of sound and noise, noise measurement environments, noise propagation,

sources of noise in vehicles, methods for determining noise sources, techniques for noise


MAM342 Gas Turbines

Meeting with students, recognizing the related literature, flow of gases, theoretical and real

cycles, aerospace gas turbines, compressors, fire rooms, turbines, recent advances.

MAM344 Climatization Techniques

Meeting with students, recognizing the related literature, Repeating Thermodynamics, Fluid

Mechanics and Heat Transfer, Flow in closed volumes,Flow in open volumes, Operations of

heat and mass transfer,General air-conditioning projects.

MAM346 Boilers and Combusiton Technique

Meeting with students, recognizing the related literature, Combustion, Controls of

Combustion, Heat Transfer, Heat Exchangers, Fluid Dynamics, Thermal Calculation

Techniques of Steam Boilers.

MAM352 Automatic Control

Automatic control, areas of applications and importance. Open and closed conrol concepts.

Laplace Transforms. LT of defined functions. Inverse Laplace Transforms. System dynamics

and mathematical model concept, lineerization. Block diagrams, block alcebra , open circuit,

feedforward and feedback concept. Driving Transfer Fuction of mechanical system elements.

Transfer functions of fluid systems. Transfer functions of termal systems. Transient and

permanent response of dynamic systems, first order system responses. Second order system

responses curves. Simulations of first and second order system by using MATLAB software.

Basic control effects and controlor types used in automatic control: on-off, P, PI, PD,

PID. Lab. Appl.: Precise position control of a hydraulics cylinder by using PID block. Lab.

Appl.: Velocity control of a Servomotor system by using Computer. PLC and usage at

automation sysytems. Lab. Appl. On MPS unit.

MAM354 Reverse Engineering

Introduction to reverse engineering, Reverse engineering and applications, Advantages of

reverse engineering in industrial applications, Contact methods in reverse engineering, Non-

contact methods in reverse engineering, Point capture devices, 3D Coordinate Measuring

Machine (CMM). Three dimensional object scanning applications, Three dimensional point

process, Three dimensional point process, Geometric model development applications,

Geometric model development applications, Curve and surface creation Surface and solid

modeling, manufacturing approaches.

MAM356 Product Development

Quality of design. Traditional product development processes. Product life cycle. Process of

Design. Customer-driven product development process. Product planning. Simultenious

product development process. Product development teams. Data collecting techniques to

define the customer voiceses. Tools and techniques used for product development work.

Quality function definition (QFD), Design for manufacturability (DFM), Design for

Assambly (DFA), Design for Environment (DFE), Six Sigma.

MAM400 Internship 2

Summer practice of at least 36 workdays carried out in an suitable establishment with option

courses followed third year. A comprehensive report is required which will combine the

knowledge gained in the third year courses with the practical experience gained by the


MAM401 Work placement Training

This lesson aims to introduce the students practical knowledge about business education

beside theory.

MAM497 Graduation Project 1

Meeting with students, literature scanning, examining the literature collected, preparing the

Graduation Project, writing and examining the Graduation Project, Producing the final state of

graduation project.

YDI431 Technical Foreign Language I (English)

To teach in english the technical terminologies and CV and text writing rules used in

Mechanical Engineering to communicate technical information in writing.

BSB441 History of Science

Science in ancient civilizations: Science in Egypt and Mesopotamia, Science in Ancient

Greece and the Hellenistic Period, Science in Romans, Science in Medieval Europe and

Islamic World, Renaissance and Modern Science: Situation in Astronomy, Chemistry,

Medicine, and Biology; Situation in Physics and Mathematics; Galileo , Newton; Age of

Enlightenment; Astronomy, Mathematics and Physics in 18th Century; Industrial Revolution

and Science; Modern Science: Einstein's Revolution, Quantum Theory and The Birth of

Atomic Physics.

BSB443 Environment and Energy

Meeting with students and recognizing the related literature, basic ecology data, environment

where we are living, artificial environment, politics of energy and environment, environment

in the production and the usage of energy.

BSB445 Report Preparation and Presentation Techniques

General issues in reporting and presenting. The students will be able to do own project report

and presentations to tell the poeple in an effective way.

DB441 Behavioural Science

This lesson introduces to students the sosyological and physlogical relation between human.

DB443 Work Psychology

This lesson introduces teh techniques of social behaviour in working environment.

ISL441 Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial intent and purpose of innovation, business creation,

entrepreneurship risks.

KSS441 City and Culture: Istanbul

Know Istanbul and its surroundings based on the interaction between the city and the culture.

HUK444 Business Law and Ethics

Law, right and obligation of working, employment law and contents of this law, Features and

sources of employment law, employment organization, Debts due to employment (labor)

contracts, Breathers, general holiday and annual leave of absence, Occupational health and

safety, Wokin Ethics.

ISL444 Industrial Organization and Management

Basic subjects of Industrial Organization and Obtaining management.

MAM402 Engine Fuels and Combustion

Review of Stochiometric Relations, generalized reaction equations; Basic Definitions;

mixture fraction, heat value, heat of reaction, adiabatic flame temperature; Chemical

Reactions with Finite Reaction Rate and Thermo Chemical Equilibrium; reaction rate, rate

coefficients, Arhenius model, complex chemical equilibrium and dissociation, calculation of

equilibrium constant and composition, models for combustion of hydrocarbon fuels, flame

temperature calculation, Non-Equilibrium Processes; partially equilibrium assumption,

Combustion Kinetics and Sensitivity Analyses; kinetics equations, solution methods for stiff

ODE’s ; Reduction of Chemical Reactions; justification of steady state assumption, reduced

mechanisms for hydrogen-oxygen, hydrogen-air, methane-air and higher molecule

hydrocarbons-air mixtures, Ignition and Explosion theories; Auto-ignition temperatures and

ignition delay, thermal explosion theory, explosion limits for fuel-air mixtures; Conservation

equations for multi component reacting systems; Flame phenomena; Flames in premixed

combustible gases, Laminar flames, Turbulent flames. Vaporization and burning of a fuel

droplet; Diffusion flames, soot formation and air pollution.

MAM498 Graduation Project 2

Meeting with students, literature scanning, examining the literature collected, preparing the

Graduation Project, writing and examining the Graduation Project, Producing the final state of

graduation project.

YDI432 Technical Foreign Language II (English)

The terminology used in the field of Mechanical Engineering, The grammar used in the field

of Mechanicall Engineering, The rules of English used in technical writing, The rules of

English used in presentation.

MAM432 Hybrid and Electric Vehicles

History of electrical vehicles and comparison with conventional vehicles; Energy sources and

energy storage devices: batteries, fuel cells, high capacity condensers. Energy conversion

systems; different motor types, torque-speed characteristics and control techniques. Basic

parameters used in electrical vehicle design. Software used in electrical vehicle design.

Drivetrain and power control systems in electrical vehicles. Electrical vehicle models (with

battery, hybrid and fuel cell).

MAM434 Vehicle Emissions and Their Controls

Vehicle-born pollutants, Pollutants caused by spark ignition engines (HC, CO, NOx),

Emission control techniques in SI engines, Pollutants caused by Diesel engines (HC, CO,

NOx, soot), Emission control techniques in Diesel engines, Effects of emissions on human

health and environment (greenhouse effect), Emission standards (EPA, EURO, TIER), Noise

pollution, Emission measurement techniques, Emission measurement devices, Relations

between emission production and operating conditions, Pollutants caused by vehicle wastes

(waste oils, filters, antifreeze, brake pads, refrigerant fluids, plastics, etc.,), Prediction of

the total vehicle emission production, Determination of vehicle based emission sources in

metropolis cities and comparison with international standards.

MAM442 Energy Productivity and Environmental Effects

Meeting with students and recognizing the related literature, politics of energy and

environment, environment in the production and the usage of energy, gaining back the energy

and environmental effects, environment and health, correction again the destroyed


MAM444 Thermal Turbo Machinery

Meeting with students, recognizing the related literature.Introduction, Gas Dynamics, Vapour

Turbines, Ventilators, Compressors.

MAM454 Computer Integrated Manufacturing

Flexible manufacturing systems FMS. Examples of production system CAD / CAM systems

of the design process steps, and the structure of CAD system. Preparation methods for CNC

code DNC systems and structure. Manufacturing practices in CNC machine tools. Solid and

surface modeling.

MAM456 Transport Technique

To understanding transportation engineering problems and define terms of the transportation

technique,to acquire techniques of the lifting, hoisting, conveying and transfering, to obtain

understanding how to preparing transportation sytems for appropriate condition, to gain

familiarity classification of the different materials for the transportation. Conveyors, hoisting

material, elevators, jacks, different type of cranes are taught.

BSB442 History of Civilization

Ancient Greek History, History of Urartu, the Uyghur History, History of the Khazars,

Khorezm Empire History, Ghaznavids History, Alexander the Great Empire, History of the

Oghuz Turks, Egyptian civilization, the Mesopotamian civilization, the Lydian Civilization,

History of the Hittites, Phrygian.

BSB444 Ottoman History

Emergence of the Ottomans as a principality; Osman Gazi and Establishment of the Ottoman

sultanate; The process of Orhan Bey and becoming a state; The Ottoman Empire until War of

Ankara; Ottoman Empire from War of Ankara to the conquest of Istanbul; Fatih and the

conquest of Istanbul; Ottoman Empire until the period of Yavuz Sultan Selim; Yavuz Sultan

Selim and caliphate; Kanuni’s Period; Organizations in Ottoman State; Decline of the

Ottoman Empire; Activities to halt the decline; The Fall of the Ottoman Empire; Emergence

of a new Turkish State in Anatolia.

BSB446 Social Organization

Science concepts (science, theories, laws, rules, policies, systems, arguments, assumptions,

hypotheses, methods). The process of scientific research, Scientific research methods. Phases

of scientific research methods, Scientific determination of the requirements for project

preparation Scientific project preparation and identification of targets. The emphasis on

content creation and identification of projects, Project management and team building.

Extraction of the project results, evaluation of home in terms of content of statistical analysis,

Dissemination of project results, Preparation of technical papers and articles. Preparing

scientific papers and general formatting. As an effective presentation of data and presentation

techniques, Ethical conduct and confidentiality agreements.

KSS442 Technical Communication

This lesson aims to introduce the students basic knowledge about technical communication.

PAZ444 Techinal Sales and Marketing

This lesson includes basic technical sales and marketing techniques.

YON444 Leadership

This lesson includes basic concepts of leadership and principal management.

YON448 Technology Management

Create value from science and technology. Critical factors in technology management.

Sources and types of the innovations. Case analysis on innovation. Technology and

competitiveness of the company. Basic competences and technology life cycle. The

commercialitaiton of the tehnology. Technology stratey. Technology planning. Technology

transfer. Green technology management. National innovation systems.