atbi-1, a plant homologue of bax inhibitor-1, suppresses bax-induced cell death in yeast and is...

SHORT COMMUNICATION AtBI-1, a plant homologue of Bax Inhibitor-1, suppresses Bax-induced cell death in yeast and is rapidly upregulated during wounding and pathogen challenge Pedro Sanchez, Marta de Torres Zabala and Murray Grant * Department of Biological Sciences, Wye College, Wye, Kent TN25 5AH, UK Received 25 November 1999; revised 7 January 2000; accepted 14 January 2000. *For correspondence (fax +44 1233 813140; e-mail [email protected]). Summary Extensive searches have so far failed to identify functional plant homologues of the mammalian apoptotic machinery. Here we report the isolation and characterisation of an Arabidopsis thaliana homologue of human Bax Inhibitor-1, AtBI-1, isolated during a differential screen of plants challenged with the phytopathogen Pseudomonas syringae. AtBI is a member of a small gene family in Arabidopsis, members of which display extensive amino acid identity to human BI-1. AtBI-1 is also functionally similar to BI-1 in its ability to suppress the lethal phenotype in yeast conferred by expression of the mammalian proapoptotic protein, Bax. Expression of AtBI-1 is rapidly upregulated in plants during wounding or pathogen challenge, suggesting a role in responses to biotic and abiotic stress. AtBI-1 upregulation appears R gene independent and is not markedly affected by mutations required for speci®c classes of R genes. However, the accumulation of AtBI-1 message is signi®cantly reduced in coi1, in which defence responses to insects, pathogens and wounding are compromised. Introduction Programmed cell death (PCD) is a genetically controlled process that plays an integral role in the development, differentiation and disease resistance of multicellular organisms. Members of the diverse Bcl-2 family of proteins, characterised by the possession of at least one of four conserved Bcl-2 homology domains (Kroemer, 1997), have emerged as important regulators of PCD. Bcl-2 family members function as agonists or antagonists of cell death and the interplay between members represents a pivotal step in promoting or inhibiting PCD (Fadeel et al., 1999; Gross et al., 1999; Kroemer, 1997). The ability of Bcl-2 to regulate PCD is conserved through nematodes, insects and metazoans, and homologues appear to function interchangeably across these evolutionary extremes. Ultrastructural and physiological studies in plants show similarities between PCD in plants and animals (Gilchrist, 1998). The hypersensitive response (HR), a common feature of gene-for-gene resistance in plants to bacteria, fungi and viruses has also been described as a form of PCD (Richberg et al., 1998; Ryerson and Heath, 1996). Although exhaustive genetic and bioinformatic screens have failed to detect plant homologues of the apoptotic machinery, emerging experimental evidence favours the presence of functionally related components of the mammalian apop- tosome in higher plants. For example, immunological detection of Bcl-2 has been reported in wheat germ (Kuo et al., 1997) and tobacco (Dion et al., 1997), and recent studies demonstrating the phenotypic effects of the expression of components of the metazoan PCD machin- ery in planta suggest functional conservation of some features between the animal and plant cell death pro- cesses. Animal cells triggered to undergo apoptosis execute the death programme through a hierarchy of cysteine aspar- tate proteases known as caspases. Enzymatic activation of initiator caspases results in the proteolytic activation of downstream caspases and resultant cleavage of critical cellular substrates (Cohen, 1997). In tobacco, caspase-like proteolytic activity has been detected during a viral- induced HR and caspase-speci®c inhibitors can abolish a The Plant Journal (2000) 21(4), 393±399 ã 2000 Blackwell Science Ltd 393

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Post on 06-Jul-2016




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