a.thurston i'jtiiiuvs attorney law, i. i

(To min trmi few SME -.- - Established July 2, is.. VOL. XXII. NO. 1154. HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1895. PRICE 5 CENTS HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO.. LOR R I N A.THURSTON SPECIAL BUSINESS ITEMS. Yatmau, "you go up or down the pathways of life. Which path shall THE I'JTIIIuVS OF LIFE THE MIST BATTALION. Attorney at Law, 113 Kaahnmanu St., Honolulu. II. I. EDMUND P. DOLE. Attorney at Law, 318 FORT STREET. Telephone 91. WILLIAM C. PARKE, Attorney at Law AND (peat to Take Acknowledgment.. Office, 13 K.tahumanu St., Honolulu. LYLE A DICKEY, Attorney at Law, 11 KAAHUMANU STREET. Telephone .'115. A. S. HUMPHREYS, Attorney at Law, In Office of J. A. Magoon, Old Capitol Building, next Postoffice, Honolulu. GILBERT F. LITTLE, Attorney at Law, HiLO, HAWAII. DR. C. Clifford RYDER J FORMERLY OF THE: CALIFORNIA STATE WOMAN'S HOSPITAL Office: No. 73 Beretania street, opposite the Hawaiian Hotel. i i.kimiom: 844. DR. J. K. SMITH, The Richelieu, Beretania Street. OFFICE HOURS: 9 to 12 a. m. DR. J. UCHIDA, Physician and Surgeon, 5 KUKUI LANE. Office Hours, 8 to 12 n. m. and 7. to 8 p. m. Mutual Tel. 589. DR. E. C. SURMANN Has Removed to Garden Lane. -:- - TELEPHONE 181. -:- - M.E. GROSSMAN, D.D.S. Dentist -:- - -:- - 98 HOTEL ST., HONOLULU. Office Hours, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. HAWAIIAN HARDWARE CO., HARDWARE. Cutlery and Glassware MJ1 POUT STREET. . HACKFELD & CO., Gene Commission men 3: Honolulu. EXCHANGE Is nofc Robbery. In exchange for your dollars we will give you strictly NO. 1 FEED. A. L. MORRIS & CO., reiephotte 1 Fort st itH't . Steam Engines, Boiler. -- iiur Mill. Cooler, Brass ;tnI J aI CaaCl lifts, .And Machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ships' blacksmithing. Job work executed on the shortest notice. LEWERS & COOKE, Successors to Lewers & Dickson, Importers and Dealers in Lumber And All Kinds of Building Material, 0. H FOHT vrHtKT, HONOLULU. H. JAOUEN, Practical -:- - Gunmaker, Will do any kind of repairing to Firearms, ais Browning and Blueing and Restock- ing equal to factory work. Satisfsctior guaranteed. Union Street, with C Sterling Painter. flmerlcon Livery ond Booming siomes. Cor. Merchant and Richards Sts. LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLES Carriages, Surreys and Hacks at all hours. nuraon ivo. MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE. Cor. Klntc and Nuuanti Streets. Just Received by the Australia a Fresh Invoice of Enterprise Beer and Oysters FOR COCKTAILS. Telephone 805. KAHULUI HOTEL, Kahului Maui. mm. - Proprietor. Special Attention to the Traveling Public. M K XLS AT ALL HOI RS. "HALF AND HALF" Is a Great Appetizer. Makes the weak stout and purifies the brood. SOLD AT THE EMPIRE SALOON. Two for 96 Cent. BEAVER SALOON, Fort Street, opposite Wilder A Co.' H. J. Proprietor. First Class Luscsss Served With Ta. Csffce. Soia Water. G lager Ale or MHk. Open from 3 a. m. till 10 p. m. Satokera' Reasisttts a SpaciaJty. CONSALVES & CO., Wholesale Grocers and Wine Merchants, 25 Qnoen Street, Honolulu, H. I. LEWIS & CO., ntlesflle and iteloil Grocers, 111 FORT STREET. Telephone 244. P. O. Box 29. ATLAS ASSURANCE COMPANY OF LONDON. ASSETS - - - $10,000,000. H. W. SCHMIDT & SONS, Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. H. MAY & CO., Men e ond Re oi Grocers 98 FORT STREET. Telephone 22. P. O. Bos 470. S. KIMURA, Bolesole Decler in Jopanese Iks LIOl'OI AM rao VISIONS. SAKI A SPBI I Al .TY. ALLEN STREET. TELEPHONE 704. M. W. McCKESNEY & SONS, Wholesale Grocers And Dealers in LEATHER B SHOE FINDINGS Agents Honolulu Soap Works Company and H Kiohlu Tannery. (OB GUIDE THROUGH HAWAII H. M. Whitney, Publisher. Only Complete Guide Published. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. PRICE 75c. Safe by Hawaiian News Co., A. J. Derby, D. I. B. Dental Rooms loo Alakea St.. between Beretania and Hotel. Treatment of dead teeth and roots a specialty. Office hours. ! a. m. to 4 p. m. Tel. 615. N. IJ. The Singer received ."4 first awards for sewing ma- chines and embroidery work at the World's Fair. Chicago, 111.. being the largest number of awards obtained by any exhibitor and more than double the num- ber gien to all other sewing ma- chines. For sale, lease and rent. Repairing done B. BERGENSEN, 113 Bethel st I '.I'd room Sets, Wardrobes. Ire IJoxes, Stoves, Hanging Lamps. Chiffoniers, Steamer and Veranda "hairs, lied Lounges, Sofas, Baby Cribs, Clothes Baskets, Sewing Machines, Whatnots, Moat Safes, Trunks. Hugs, Bureaus, etc, sold at tin- - lowost Cash Prices at the I. X. J,., corner of Xuuanu and Kins st reel s. When hou wish to discontinue housekeeping let Chas. Hawkins bid on your furniture in its en-- t in Tv. It will avoid inconveni- - sjp once of selling in pieces or sale. Kin: and Alakea streets. Charles Hawkins makes esti- mates on all classes of painting, wall papering and upholstering. All work guaranteed. King and Alakea streets. Now and Second Hand furniture and all kinds of Second Hand books, jewelry and diamonds bought and sold. Contracts for painting. CHAS. HAWKINS. For bargains in New and Second hand Furniture, Lawn Mowers, Wicker Chairs. Harden Hose, etc., call at the L X. L., corner of Xuu- anu and King st reets. HAWAIIAN 1JOAT HOUSE. Foot of Richards street. Have fine pleasure boats of all descriptions for rent by the hour or day. Moonlight Boating Par- ties. If you want to sell out your Fur- niture in its entirety, call at the I. X. L. Jity Carriage Company have re- moved to the corner of Fort and Merchant streets; Telephone No. lb'!. First-clas- s carriages at all hours. jpHX S. AXDRADE. ( i. R. Harrison, Practical Piano and Organ Maker and Tuner, can furnish best factory references. Orders left at the Hawaiian Xews '(. will receive prompt attention. All work guaranteed to be the sjiiiic as done in factorv. Beach Grove, Waikiki, near flishop's Switch Bathing and Picnic Resort. Reserves for fam- ilies, ladios and children. Terms reasonable. CHAS. F. WARREN, Manager. RESERVED FOR PROFESSOR WKSTFALL. Artist. Sanders' Express, TELEPHONE B6. Piano ami Furniture moved by men of 10 t- - 15 years' experience. Baggage market! in our care delivered at once. Kul'tii-- h car;el for nOc ami upward per n onth by the nlv private concern in town. Office No. 87 King street, mar Fort. F. H. FOSTER, V anajrer. N. FERNANDEZ, Notary Public and Typewriter, It KAAHUMANU STREET, P. O. Box 334. Telephone 345. Powder I be yours? Jesus stands at the cross roads to receive you if you will go to Him. Won't you go? He loves you go to Him. You've entered the homes of drunkards, you've seen the misery depleted upon the faces of the wife and the children. That, my beloved, is a fragment of hell. You've beeu in homes where happiness was ever ap- parent it is a fragment of heaven. Some people will tell you that the broad road leads to heaven, but it is a lie; you can't go that road ami get to heaven. Suppose a man was to come here aud place asiirn a thousand feet loug ami a huudred feet high down on the beach aud paint on it, 'Atlantic Ocean.' Does he meau it? Why. a smarter man would come along and prove to you by a map In the geography that it is not so. It is the difference in the character of the men, between the two pathways of life. Let me tell you that below the broad road there are hovels ami deso lation; along the narrow road there is wickedness, but it is iu broad cloth and splendor; but, my beloved, let me tell you that a wicked man dressed in broad cloth cannot euter the king- dom oi heaven any quicker than one dressed iu rags it's the heart that tells." On the platform in the hall were seated the venerable Hiram Bingham, Revs. Boares, Perk, Gulick, Dr. J. M Whitney and others. Mr. Yatman looked around him ami said: "I am going to tell you something which the.-- e preachers may not like, but I waut to tell you just the same. If you are going to take the broad road, get out of it all there is iu it, all that may be had, for when you get to D there will be no more getting; its all behind you nothing ahead when you come to the doorway of eternity on that road. People with hidden sins take the broad road wicked peo- ple take that road. The narrow path is not so narrow when you get into it; it will hold a world of people if they will go. There's the path the path the saints take. I look at the chart every night before I go to pi each and I wonder how near I am to the gate. That road may be seem- ingly dark to some of you, but there is plenty of light ahead. I want to say to those who have been converted at these meetings aud who have selected the narrow pathway iu life, that you will find lota of people who will try aud pull you down and off the road, but they can't harm you if you have a determination to win, remember that you can be laughed into hell but you can't be laughed out of it. Let me advise you to keep in the middle of the road and then they cau'tget you out of it, you may feel faint and sick, the young converts get that way sometime, but keep on aud you will get stronger. On Thursday I will leave for New Zealand. Some days during my journey I may not feel well and it won't make any difference whether we travel three hundred miles a day or a hundred, I shall go just as far as the captain who, perhaps, never gets ill, and if we keep on going ahead we will get to Auck- land some time. "Thursday I leave you, and now listen to my last words. Take the narrow path, which leads to heaven, for you cannot take the broad oue without tramping through the blood of Christ, and when you reach eter- nity through the gate at the end of the broad road you can only think, think that you might have been above had you takeu the narrow path." At the close of the sermon Mr. Yat- man invited all of those who had been converted at the previous meetiugs, as well as those who had at this sermon selected the path by which they would journey through life, to step to the platform and go up into a room near the hall. It was estimated that up- ward of two hundred youDg, mid lie- - aged and old responded to the call. Among them were persons who have been regular attendants at churches here for years. H. A. A. C. Still Alert. The board of directors of the H. A. A. C. met in the Elite ice cream parlors at noon yesterday. Several matters were brought up but were referred to a meeting to be held in Y. M. C. A. hall at 0:30 o'clock this evening. It was de- cided that with the football game on Thanksgiving day novelties should be introduced. A ring tournament will be given. At the meeting tonight the invitation from Kamehameha school to join in with their athletic sports on Founder's day together with the advisability of giving a one mile novice road race, will be con- sidered. Will Investigate Methods. The Government has concluded to have the methods of the persons engaged in securing Chinese labor- ers in China investigated, owing to the reports circulated by the last batch of laborers that they were misled into coming here. It is the intention of Minister Cooper to as- certain, possibly through disinter- ested persons just what course the agents in China pursue in order to secure consent of persons to come here and sign contracts. A Great and Telling Sermon by Mr. Yatman. ASSOCIATION MA LL CROWDED. The Evana:elit Point-- . Out the Way. The Difference Between ihf Roads. Nearly Two Hundred onverted to Clod Sncoei ful Course to Pursue. Association Hall was more thau crowded la??t uii:ht it was jammed to hear Mr. Yatmau deliver his last sermon of the series, tniitled "The Pathways of Life." The illustrations were not just what a good many peo- ple expected ; they wanted a lot of magic lantern slides, with pictures of Honolulu representing Paradise and Chicago representing the other place on them, bat they were not there. Instead, there was an immense chart, on which lines were drawn represent- ing the straight aud narrow path to heaven, ami the broad roadway to hell. At the end of each road was a large letter D representing the door to eternity, aud heyond were Jesus, heaven and songs ; below were satau, hell and groans. From this Mr. Yat- mau preached his sermou, taking his text from Joshua xxiv : 15. "Choose ye tonight whom ye will serve." Before beginning his discourse, Mr. Yatmau announced that on Thursday next D. W. Corbett and A. B Wood would begin a Bible class for young men in the Y. M. C. A., and invited every man who was present to attend. He also recmesteu that all con- verts to God through these Y. M. C. A. meetings to be sure by the scriptures that they had learned that God is love There has spruug up a knowledge in some cpuarters that God is not love. "1 am not sure, said Mr. Yatmau, "but I have tried to make it plaiu, I have tried to make this known. I want you to know that you cannot make believe to be a Christian ; vou cannot try to be a Christian auy more than you can try to be a wife, but you can try to be a good wife and a good Christian." Mr. Yatman then related an in- stance ot the meeting of a young girl aud her lover at Ocean Grove, and described them walking, instead of riding from the railway station to the hotel, and the happiuess their faces showed was in their hearts. "The good Lord wants to walk with you, my beloved," said the speaker, "just as tbey walked, and I can see now the happiness that will beam on your countenances if you will only let Him do it." Mr. Yatman spoke of the beautiful flowers as the work of the Almighty, aud selectiug one from a number that were in a vase on the piano said: "Years in your life pass by aud you are asked to give yourself to God. You say 1 No, not yet' and those years are trampled under foot the same as I pick these petals and cast them on the floor. Again you are asked and you say 'not yet' aud more years of your life have gone with no thought of God until Anally naught remains but the stem, and you are willing to give that to God. Why not come tonight and Hive him some of the blossoms. Which shall it be ? Don't fling the fag end of a misspent life to your Creator, He will help you but go to Him before Death comes to close your eyes for ever." Miss Grace Richards was asked to sing aud she rendered in ex- cellent voice the hymn beginning "In the house of the Lord the soul shall dwell." Mr. Yatmau began his ser- mon by indicating the letters B aud A on the chart. "The first letter stauds for birth," said the evangelist, "the second accountability and be- tween these two periods represent the children who have gone to Heaven, none have gone to hell no matter whe- ther they be the infauts of the heathens or the Christians, the cries of babies are never heard in hell. 'A' stands for more thau accountability it stands for age of the gospel. Take your places at A and look from that hour iu your lives down to where you staud today ; look to the chart, at Eternity, without beginuing aud without end. Look below at the gulf which surrounds hell. The Bible tells you that the gulf is fixed, aud they who are below can never pass above. They never sing there ; heaven has all the singers. We are approaching death, ami Jesus tells you there is a broad and narrow way ; death is the doorway to Eter- nity. Each road has Its doorway, but there is as much difference between the two roads as there is between up aud down. In the one there is light and happiness; in the other there is gloom aud despair." The speaker then spoke of the death of the infidel, who, upou reaching the door leading to eternity that all was j dark, cried, "Light, light,' but there was none. Then, by way of com parisou, he told of the death scene of a friend who had lived a Christian life. "From tonight," continued Mr. j A Large Gathering Last Night at the Square. BOYS WHO KNOW HOW TO HK11L. A ireat Time on Union flgHTO Vfirjr Few A bunt Coiiimemlnble Work of thu Boys Colonel McLean Well Pleased Additions to tl&e Banks What did the First Battalion of the National (iuard oi Hawaii do last night? Well, they just didn't do a thing but show the crowds on Union Square what the correct definition of drilling is. Even before 7 o'clock the men of Companies A, B, C and B, consti- tuting the First Battalion, collected, in the drill hall preparatory to formation for the battalion drill. When the companies were formed it was found that only those with good excuses were absent. Professor Merger had his band out in full force and every man was in excellent condition to blow a bard blow, but a sweet one. And the drum corps which followed the band seemed ready for the most intricate performances on the drum. Promptly at 7:30 o'clock the band, followed by the four com- panies, marched out of the shed and down to Union Square. Preceded by the band the bat- talion passed in review before Col- onel McLean, every platoon show- ing a straight front and the dis- tance between each one never varying. Perhaps in all previou-drill- s the work of the men never-showe- d to such good advantage as that of last night. Every officer seemed to be on the alert for any mistake on the part of the men. But they found occasion for few words. Colonel McLean's face beamed with pleasure as the last platoon passed by. After review followed the dress parade in which Colonel McLean commanded. The manual of arms was performed as if by one sol- dier. Then came the battalion drill commanded by Major McLeod. Up and down and all over the square marched the battalion performing the movements with precision and earning just commendation from the spectators. At 8:45 the bat- talion marched down King, up Fort, on to Hotel and back to the drill shed where the band played the "National Guard of Hawaii" and the men broke ranks. Soda water flowed freely in the various company rooms. Company A elected to member- ship, L. Berndt, formerly sergeant in Company F. Seven new mem- bers will be elected at the next meeting. Company B elected two new members and did some other busi- ness. Company C will elect eight new men at the next meeting. Good Record for Hawaii. All the Hawaiian-bor- n young ifien of the Class of '97 at Yale University have received Junior appointments. This means that in grading the class as to its scholar- ship during the F'reshman and Sophmore years, all the Hawaiians are in the higher grades, which constitute the minority of about students composing the class. The names of the Hawaiians are William A. Baldwin, C. M. Cooke, Jr.. William C. Cooke, A. F. Judd, Jr. and J. R. Judd. Declined to Co-operat- e. LONDON, Eng., Nov. 7. The governments of South Australia, West Australia and Tasmania have declined to co-oper- ate with the other interested governments in pushing the project for a Pacific submarine cable. Highest of ail in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report 1 ABdOLUTEtV PURE

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Attorney at Law,113 Kaahnmanu St., Honolulu. II. I.

EDMUND P. DOLE.Attorney at Law,

318 FORT STREET.Telephone 91.

WILLIAM C. PARKE,Attorney at Law

AND(peat to Take Acknowledgment..Office, 13 K.tahumanu St., Honolulu.


Attorney at Law,11 KAAHUMANU STREET.

Telephone .'115.

A. S. HUMPHREYS,Attorney at Law,

In Office of J. A. Magoon, Old CapitolBuilding, next Postoffice, Honolulu.


Attorney at Law,HiLO, HAWAII.

DR. C. Clifford RYDERJ



Office: No. 73 Beretania street,opposite the Hawaiian Hotel.

i i.kimiom: 844.

DR. J. K. SMITH,The Richelieu, Beretania Street.

OFFICE HOURS: 9 to 12 a. m.

DR. J. UCHIDA,Physician and Surgeon,


Office Hours, 8 to 12 n. m. and 7. to 8 p. m.

Mutual Tel. 589.


Has Removed to Garden Lane.

-:- - TELEPHONE 181. -:- -


Dentist-:- - -:- -


Office Hours, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.


Cutlery and GlasswareMJ1 POUT STREET.


Gene Commission men 3:



Is nofc Robbery.

In exchange for your dollarswe will give you strictly


reiephotte 1 Fort st itH't .

Steam Engines,Boiler. -- iiur Mill. Cooler, Brass

;tnI J aI CaaCl lifts,.And Machinery of every description madeto order. Particular attention paid toships' blacksmithing. Job work executedon the shortest notice.

LEWERS & COOKE,Successors to Lewers & Dickson,

Importers and Dealers in LumberAnd All Kinds of Building Material,


H. JAOUEN,Practical -:- - Gunmaker,Will do any kind of repairing to Firearms,ais Browning and Blueing and Restock-ing equal to factory work. Satisfsctiorguaranteed.

Union Street, with C Sterling Painter.

flmerlcon Livery ond Booming siomes.

Cor. Merchant and Richards Sts.

LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLESCarriages, Surreys and Hacks at all

hours. nuraon ivo.

MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE.Cor. Klntc and Nuuanti Streets.

Just Received by the Australia a FreshInvoice of

Enterprise Beer and OystersFOR COCKTAILS.

Telephone 805.


mm. - Proprietor.

Special Attention to the Traveling Public.M K XLS AT ALL HOI RS.

"HALF AND HALF"Is a Great Appetizer.

Makes the weak stout and purifies thebrood.


BEAVER SALOON,Fort Street, opposite Wilder A Co.'

H. J. Proprietor.First Class Luscsss Served With Ta. Csffce.

Soia Water. G lager Ale or MHk.

Open from 3 a. m. till 10 p. m.Satokera' Reasisttts a SpaciaJty.

CONSALVES & CO.,Wholesale Grocers and Wine

Merchants,25 Qnoen Street, Honolulu, H. I.


ntlesflle and iteloil Grocers,

111 FORT STREET.Telephone 244. P. O. Box 29.


OF LONDON.ASSETS - - - $10,000,000.

H. W. SCHMIDT & SONS,Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.

H. MAY & CO.,

Men e ond Re oi Grocers

98 FORT STREET.Telephone 22. P. O. Bos 470.

S. KIMURA,Bolesole Decler in Jopanese Iks




Wholesale GrocersAnd Dealers in


Agents Honolulu Soap Works Companyand H Kiohlu Tannery.


HAWAIIH. M. Whitney, Publisher.

Only Complete Guide Published.


PRICE 75c.Safe by Hawaiian News Co.,

A. J. Derby, D. I. B. DentalRooms loo Alakea St.. betweenBeretania and Hotel. Treatmentof dead teeth and roots a specialty.Office hours. ! a. m. to 4 p. m.Tel. 615.

N. IJ. The Singer received."4 first awards for sewing ma-chines and embroidery work atthe World's Fair. Chicago, 111..

being the largest number ofawards obtained by any exhibitorand more than double the num-ber gien to all other sewing ma-chines. For sale, lease and rent.Repairing doneB. BERGENSEN, 113 Bethel st

I '.I'd room Sets, Wardrobes. IreIJoxes, Stoves, Hanging Lamps.Chiffoniers, Steamer and Veranda"hairs, lied Lounges, Sofas, Baby

Cribs, Clothes Baskets, SewingMachines, Whatnots, Moat Safes,Trunks. Hugs, Bureaus, etc, soldat tin- - lowost Cash Prices at theI. X. J,., corner of Xuuanu andKins st reel s.

When hou wish to discontinuehousekeeping let Chas. Hawkinsbid on your furniture in its en-- tin Tv. It will avoid inconveni- -


once of selling in pieces or sale.Kin: and Alakea streets.

Charles Hawkins makes esti-mates on all classes of painting,wall papering and upholstering.All work guaranteed. King andAlakea streets.

Now and Second Hand furnitureand all kinds of Second Handbooks, jewelry and diamondsbought and sold. Contracts forpainting. CHAS. HAWKINS.

For bargains in New and Secondhand Furniture, Lawn Mowers,Wicker Chairs. Harden Hose, etc.,call at the L X. L., corner of Xuu-anu and King st reets.

HAWAIIAN 1JOAT HOUSE.Foot of Richards street.

Have fine pleasure boats of alldescriptions for rent by the houror day. Moonlight Boating Par-ties.

If you want to sell out your Fur-niture in its entirety, call at theI. X. L.

Jity Carriage Company have re-moved to the corner of Fort andMerchant streets; Telephone No.lb'!. First-clas- s carriages at allhours. jpHX S. AXDRADE.

( i. R. Harrison, Practical Pianoand Organ Maker and Tuner, canfurnish best factory references.Orders left at the Hawaiian Xews'(. will receive prompt attention.

All work guaranteed to be thesjiiiic as done in factorv.

Beach Grove, Waikiki, nearflishop's Switch Bathing andPicnic Resort. Reserves for fam-ilies, ladios and children. Termsreasonable.CHAS. F. WARREN, Manager.



Sanders' Express,TELEPHONE B6.

Piano ami Furniture moved by men of10 t- - 15 years' experience. Baggagemarket! in our care delivered at once.

Kul'tii-- h car;el for nOc ami upward pern onth by the nlv private concern in town.

Office No. 87 King street, mar Fort.

F. H. FOSTER,V anajrer.


Notary Public and Typewriter,It KAAHUMANU STREET,

P. O. Box 334. Telephone 345.


I be yours? Jesus stands at the crossroads to receive you if you will go toHim. Won't you go? He loves yougo to Him. You've entered the homesof drunkards, you've seen the miserydepleted upon the faces of the wife andthe children. That, my beloved, is afragment of hell. You've beeu inhomes where happiness was ever ap-parent it is a fragment of heaven.Some people will tell you that thebroad road leads to heaven, but itis a lie; you can't go that road ami getto heaven. Suppose a man was tocome here aud place asiirn a thousandfeet loug ami a huudred feet highdown on the beach aud paint on it,'Atlantic Ocean.' Does he meau it?Why. a smarter man would comealong and prove to you by a map Inthe geography that it is not so. It isthe difference in the character of themen, between the two pathways oflife. Let me tell you that below thebroad road there are hovels ami desolation; along the narrow road there iswickedness, but it is iu broad clothand splendor; but, my beloved, letme tell you that a wicked man dressedin broad cloth cannot euter the king-dom oi heaven any quicker than onedressed iu rags it's the heart thattells."

On the platform in the hall wereseated the venerable Hiram Bingham,Revs. Boares, Perk, Gulick, Dr. J. MWhitney and others. Mr. Yatmanlooked around him ami said: "Iam going to tell you something whichthe.--e preachers may not like, butI waut to tell you just the same.If you are going to take the broadroad, get out of it all there is iu it, allthat may be had, for when you get toD there will be no more getting; itsall behind you nothing ahead whenyou come to the doorway of eternityon that road. People with hiddensins take the broad road wicked peo-ple take that road. The narrow pathis not so narrow when you get into it;it will hold a world of people if theywill go. There's the path the paththe saints take. I look at the chartevery night before I go to pi eachand I wonder how near I am tothe gate. That road may be seem-ingly dark to some of you, butthere is plenty of light ahead.I want to say to those who have beenconverted at these meetings aud whohave selected the narrow pathway iulife, that you will find lota of peoplewho will try aud pull you down andoff the road, but they can't harm youif you have a determination to win,remember that you can be laughedinto hell but you can't be laughed outof it. Let me advise you to keep inthe middle of the road and then theycau'tget you out of it, you may feelfaint and sick, the young converts getthat way sometime, but keep on audyou will get stronger. On Thursday Iwill leave for New Zealand. Somedays during my journey I may notfeel well and it won't makeany difference whether we travel threehundred miles a day or a hundred, Ishall go just as far as the captain who,perhaps, never gets ill, and if we keepon going ahead we will get to Auck-land some time.

"Thursday I leave you, and nowlisten to my last words. Take thenarrow path, which leads to heaven,for you cannot take the broad ouewithout tramping through the bloodof Christ, and when you reach eter-nity through the gate at the end of thebroad road you can only think, thinkthat you might have been above hadyou takeu the narrow path."

At the close of the sermon Mr. Yat-man invited all of those who had beenconverted at the previous meetiugs, aswell as those who had at this sermonselected the path by which they wouldjourney through life, to step to theplatform and go up into a room nearthe hall. It was estimated that up-ward of two hundred youDg, mid lie- -

aged and old responded to the call.Among them were persons who havebeen regular attendants at churcheshere for years.

H. A. A. C. Still Alert.The board of directors of the

H. A. A. C. met in the Elite icecream parlors at noon yesterday.Several matters were brought upbut were referred to a meeting tobe held in Y. M. C. A. hall at 0:30o'clock this evening. It was de-

cided that with the football gameon Thanksgiving day noveltiesshould be introduced. A ringtournament will be given. At themeeting tonight the invitation fromKamehameha school to join inwith their athletic sports onFounder's day together with theadvisability of giving a one milenovice road race, will be con-sidered.

Will Investigate Methods.The Government has concluded

to have the methods of the personsengaged in securing Chinese labor-ers in China investigated, owingto the reports circulated by the lastbatch of laborers that they weremisled into coming here. It is theintention of Minister Cooper to as-

certain, possibly through disinter-ested persons just what course theagents in China pursue in order tosecure consent of persons to comehere and sign contracts.

A Great and Telling Sermon by

Mr. Yatman.


The Evana:elit Point-- . Out the Way.The Difference Between ihf Roads.Nearly Two Hundred onverted toClod Sncoei ful Course to Pursue.

Association Hall was more thaucrowded la??t uii:ht it was jammedto hear Mr. Yatmau deliver his lastsermon of the series, tniitled "ThePathways of Life." The illustrationswere not just what a good many peo-ple expected ; they wanted a lot ofmagic lantern slides, with pictures ofHonolulu representing Paradise andChicago representing the other placeon them, bat they were not there.Instead, there was an immense chart,on which lines were drawn represent-ing the straight aud narrow path toheaven, ami the broad roadway tohell. At the end of each road was alarge letter D representing the door toeternity, aud heyond were Jesus,heaven and songs ; below were satau,hell and groans. From this Mr. Yat-mau preached his sermou, taking histext from Joshua xxiv : 15. "Chooseye tonight whom ye will serve."

Before beginning his discourse, Mr.Yatmau announced that on Thursdaynext D. W. Corbett and A. B Woodwould begin a Bible class for youngmen in the Y. M. C. A., and invitedevery man who was present to attend.He also recmesteu that all con-verts to God through these Y. M.C. A. meetings to be sure bythe scriptures that they had learnedthat God is love There has spruugup a knowledge in some cpuarters thatGod is not love. "1 am not sure,said Mr. Yatmau, "but I have tried tomake it plaiu, I have tried to makethis known. I want you to knowthat you cannot make believe to be aChristian ; vou cannot try to be aChristian auy more than you can tryto be a wife, but you can try to be agood wife and a good Christian."

Mr. Yatman then related an in-stance ot the meeting of a young girlaud her lover at Ocean Grove, anddescribed them walking, instead ofriding from the railway station to thehotel, and the happiuess their facesshowed was in their hearts. "Thegood Lord wants to walk with you,my beloved," said the speaker, "justas tbey walked, and I can see now thehappiness that will beam on yourcountenances if you will only let Himdo it."

Mr. Yatman spoke of the beautifulflowers as the work of the Almighty,aud selectiug one from a number thatwere in a vase on the pianosaid: "Years in your life pass by audyou are asked to give yourselfto God. You say 1 No, notyet' and those years are trampledunder foot the same as I pick thesepetals and cast them on the floor.Again you are asked and you say 'notyet' aud more years of your life havegone with no thought of God untilAnally naught remains but the stem,and you are willing to give that toGod. Why not come tonight andHive him some of the blossoms. Whichshall it be ? Don't fling the fag end ofa misspent life to your Creator, Hewill help you but go to Him beforeDeath comes to close your eyes forever." Miss Grace Richards wasasked to sing aud she rendered in ex-cellent voice the hymn beginning "Inthe house of the Lord the soul shalldwell." Mr. Yatmau began his ser-mon by indicating the letters B audA on the chart. "The first letterstauds for birth," said the evangelist,"the second accountability and be-

tween these two periods represent thechildren who have gone to Heaven,none have gone to hell no matter whe-ther they be the infauts of the heathensor the Christians, the cries of babiesare never heard in hell. 'A' standsfor more thau accountability it standsfor age of the gospel. Take your placesat A and look from that hour iu yourlives down to where you staud today ;

look to the chart, at Eternity, withoutbeginuing aud without end. Lookbelow at the gulf which surroundshell. The Bible tells you that thegulf is fixed, aud they who are belowcan never pass above. They neversing there ; heaven has all the singers.We are approaching death, ami Jesustells you there is a broad and narrowway ; death is the doorway to Eter-nity. Each road has Its doorway, butthere is as much difference betweenthe two roads as there is between upaud down. In the one there is lightand happiness; in the other there isgloom aud despair."

The speaker then spoke of the deathof the infidel, who, upou reaching thedoor leading to eternity that all was j

dark, cried, "Light, light,' but therewas none. Then, by way of comparisou, he told of the death scene ofa friend who had lived a Christianlife. "From tonight," continued Mr. j

A Large Gathering Last Nightat the Square.


A ireat Time on Union flgHTO VfirjrFew A bunt Coiiimemlnble Workof thu Boys Colonel McLean WellPleased Additions to tl&e Banks

What did the First Battalion ofthe National (iuard oi Hawaii dolast night? Well, they just didn'tdo a thing but show the crowds onUnion Square what the correctdefinition of drilling is.

Even before 7 o'clock the men ofCompanies A, B, C and B, consti-tuting the First Battalion, collected,in the drill hall preparatory toformation for the battalion drill.When the companies were formedit was found that only those withgood excuses were absent.

Professor Merger had his band outin full force and every man was inexcellent condition to blow a bardblow, but a sweet one. And thedrum corps which followed theband seemed ready for the mostintricate performances on the drum.

Promptly at 7:30 o'clock theband, followed by the four com-

panies, marched out of the shedand down to Union Square.

Preceded by the band the bat-

talion passed in review before Col-

onel McLean, every platoon show-ing a straight front and the dis-

tance between each one nevervarying. Perhaps in all previou-drill- s

the work of the men never-showe- d

to such good advantage asthat of last night. Every officerseemed to be on the alert for anymistake on the part of the men.But they found occasion for fewwords. Colonel McLean's facebeamed with pleasure as the lastplatoon passed by.

After review followed the dressparade in which Colonel McLeancommanded. The manual of armswas performed as if by one sol-dier.

Then came the battalion drillcommanded by Major McLeod. Upand down and all over the squaremarched the battalion performingthe movements with precision andearning just commendation fromthe spectators. At 8:45 the bat-talion marched down King, upFort, on to Hotel and back to thedrill shed where the band playedthe "National Guard of Hawaii"and the men broke ranks.

Soda water flowed freely in thevarious company rooms.

Company A elected to member-ship, L. Berndt, formerly sergeantin Company F. Seven new mem-bers will be elected at the nextmeeting.

Company B elected two newmembers and did some other busi-ness.

Company C will elect eight newmen at the next meeting.

Good Record for Hawaii.All the Hawaiian-bor- n young

ifien of the Class of '97 at YaleUniversity have received Juniorappointments. This means that ingrading the class as to its scholar-ship during the F'reshman andSophmore years, all the Hawaiiansare in the higher grades, whichconstitute the minority of about

students composing the class.The names of the Hawaiians areWilliam A. Baldwin, C. M. Cooke,Jr.. William C. Cooke, A. F. Judd,Jr. and J. R. Judd.

Declined to Co-operat- e.

LONDON, Eng., Nov. 7. Thegovernments of South Australia,West Australia and Tasmania havedeclined to co-oper- ate with theother interested governments inpushing the project for a Pacificsubmarine cable.

Highest of ail in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report



GEO. A. TURNER,BY AUTHORITY.arrangements with the People's PowerCompany for the erection" of an im-men-- e

wing dam just ahove the Gov-ernment island. Thirty-on- e turbinewheels will be erected and two 1000horse-pow-er engines will be put inin addition to the 700 horse-pow- er en-

gines already iu operation. Thi- - im-provement will cost about SloO.OOOand will revolutionize the manufacturing industries of Davenport, RockIsland and Moliue. Next to the har-nessing of Niagara this will be thegreatest utilization of water jower inthe United States. THIS - :- SPACE

I- -



General StapleFancy

firnpflrioe Unrtarn nnH Unirco Enrnidhinn dnnrte Save




Dry Goods.

Pearl Buttons in great variety

Latest ! The Best J

I I mAimm QwtJMt kr I 1CI bSilks and Surahs, Black, nam. strti

New Goods Constantly Arriving.

UEEN CTREET CTORQNew Prints, Ginghams, Ducks, Denims, Towels,Napkins, Marseilles Quilts, Navy Blue Serges.

Navy and White Sweaters, Ladies' Cloti,Gents' Kangaroo Gloves,

of Ia-i-- - t it .'vt-rniiieii- t Lot outhe Esplanade. Hono-

lulu, Ml.':.

On WEDNESDAY. December istn, 1805

at 12 odocK noon, at the front entrance ofthe Executive Building, will be sold at public auction. the lease of Government Lot NoGO, on the Esplanade, Honolulu.Oahu.coutaining an area of 5j00 square feet.

Term Lease for tea years.

l'pet price $3o0 per annum, payablesemi-annuall- y in advance.

Fos-ie-isio- -i of the above lot will be givenJanuary 1.

J. A. KING,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Office, November 15, 1S95.

i 1 3t

Owing to the shortness of the presentschool term, teachers in all Governmentschools are ordered not to prepare for orhold any Christmas exercises.

Bv order of the Board of Education.ALATAl' T. ATKINSON.

Inspector General Schools.4 150-- 1 w 17CO-2-



January 1, 1896.i-- t- -- BICYCLE RACE. E.O. Hall Trophy.

Free for all.2d BICYCLE RACE. One-ha- lf mile Ju-

venile. Open to all non-winne- rs under10 vears.

3d BICYCLE RACE. Prize not decided.Arrangements to be made later.

4th RUNNING RACE. Prize $100 Purse.One-ha- lf mile and repeat. Weight forage.

5th TROTTING RACE Prize $100 Purse.8 minute class; mil heats, best 2 in 3.For Hawaiian bred horses.

6th TROTTING RACE. Prize $100 Purse.2:40 class; one mile heats, best 2 in 3.Free for ali.

7th ON K MILE NOVELTY RUNNINGRACE. Prize $100. Free for all.First horse reaching thequarter to receive $25. Firsthorse reaching the half to receive $25.First horse reaching the three quarterto receive $25. First horse reachinghome to receive $25.

This race will be of special interest as itwill allow admittance of both long andshort distance runners.

Entrance fee to trotting and runningHW to be ten (10) per cent of the amountof the purses.

All trotting and running races, HawaiianJockev Club rules to govern.

Entries to close December 15.For further informantion. address

CHARLES DAVID,O. Box 477. Manager.

4149-t- d

THE-:- - -:- -

Hawaiian Planters innH. M. WHITNEY, Editor.

Table of Contents for Octo-ber, 1895.

Notes and Currents Topics.Where Cholera is Bred.Queensland Leper Asvlum.Dark Sugars for New York.Extracts from Williams, Dimond & Co.'s

Circular.Plea for Co-operati-

Arrowing of Cane.With Our Renders.The Late Epidemic.Misstatements Corrected.New Cane Varieties and New DiseasesA Cuban Sugar Plantation.I'ses of the Bananas and Plantains.How to Colonize Lady-Bird- 9.

The German Empire.The Coming Plow.The Hygienic Commandments.




Half of Orltflual Cost for

don Crepes, i Slows,ETC.. ETC.. ETC. ETC.

S. NISHIMURA,Foster Block. Nuuanu Street.

NOTICE.DURING MY ABSENCE FROM THERepublic of Hawaii. Chang Jack Kun willhave charge under Power of Attornev ofall the business and affairs of the firui ofWing Mow Chan.


Dated Honolulu. Nov. 11. 1S!5.4147-2- w


THE HISSES RICE. LATE OF MEL- -bourne, have located on King street. Wai- -

kikiofJ.B Atherton. and will take pupilsfor tnitkm in Pianoforte and Hinging. Tele- -Phone ns;. 4049

New Stock of groceriesSalmon in Barrels and 1- -2 Barrels.FULL LINE OF CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE.Shelf Hardware, Enamel and Granite Ware,Pure Prepared Paints in leading Colors, Princess Metalic Paint,Oils, Turpentine, California Lime, Etc., Etc.

BKET SltAK AT - I ( K ION.lull-- . i . r i - I.- - tit Ijllli!-- . Iilll

Wmjm Ha will Huiid a Factory.STOCKTON, Nov. 8. That Claus

Spreckels has plant which will in-u- re

to the beueflt of Stockton, wai maJeevident hy hia actions whilt in thecity today Ostensibly he came inconnection with the building of theValley road, but the principal portionof his time today wai peut in lookingover the country to the wet of thecity, with a view to purchasing someof it for the cultivation of the sugar

The title of 4 The Sugar King" asgiven to Mr. Spreckelsis not to be lostin the title which comes to him asthe President of the Valley Railroad,and it is the intention of the 'SugarKing" to build other beet-sug- ar fac-tories in California, one of which willbe located in Stockton. This afternoon while other visitor made a tripto the frout to watch the workmen attheir track laying, Mr. Spreckels tooka drive of thirty-fiv- e mile about thecountry west of the city, visiting por-tions of Roberta aud Union islands,where the rich, fertile lands havebeen reclaimed, aud where there areother acres, jut as rich to be reclaim-ed. The c tmpaniou of Mr. Spreckelson the trip was Thomas Magee, whois acknowledged to be one of the bestjudges of lands in the State, andwhose articles ou the uses to whichlauds in California may be put, havereceived wide publication.

When asked regarding his harddrive, which he acknowledged wasnot one of pleasure, Mr. Spreckelssaid: "We have been looking at landthat is suitable for the cultivation ofthe sugar heet. I shall, some timesoon, build other factories for themanufacture of beet sugar in Cali-fornia, and all things considered Ithink that Stockton in favorably lo-

cated for the establishment of one ofthem here.

"The reclaimed lands at which wewere looking today are capable ofraising beets with a large percentageof sugar in them. In fact, there islittle trouble in raising them in Cali-fornia. In aud about Stockton thereis so much laud of the reclaimedcharacter and so much more that canbe reclaimed that I consider the cityan advantageous position for such afactory. Besides that there is theidea of making business for the newroad."

Where will the factory be located?"Here."Hut whereabouts in Stockton?")li. that is something for future

consideration. I have not fully ma-tured the plans, but may have something of interest to say on theoccasionof my next visit


livlleved to IUally Amount to Iltilucliu;Mttliuostr to h DKmI"ii-y- .

WASHINGTON, Nov. 5. It is theneneral opioion of State Departmentofficials that the Freuch have suc-ceeded in making their own termswith Madagascar, and that the pro-tectorate for which the treaty providesreally amounts to making Madagascara depency of the French Republic. Itconfirms and extends the claim of theFreuch under the treaty of 18tt6, andabsolutely nullities the protocol tothat agreement, which the Malagassyclaimed so modified the treaty as togive them absolute control over theirinternal affairs. The Freuch Government never recognized the bindingeffect of this protocol, notwithstand-ing it was negotiated by the FrenchPlenipotentiary.

The United Htates has remainedneutral on this point, apparentlyleaving the course to be pursuedlargely to the American Consul iuMadagascar. Consul Waller acceptedbis exequatur from the native gov-ernment, while Mr. Wetter appliedfor bis through the French resideut,on which account thequeeu refused torecognize him. He is therefore onlyacting consul at this time. Thi protoco! expressly reserved to the Hovagovernment the right to coutrol theinternal affairs of the island withoutFreuch interference. The queen ofthe islaud acted under the terms ofthe protocol in making the Wallerconcessions. The department officialsare very guarded in discussing theprobable effect of the aunulment ofthe protocol. It is pointed out, how-ever, that it is usual for this govern-ment to insist upon recognition of herown treaties regardless of changes ofadministration iu other countries,from wbicb it may be inferred thatthe United States will demandthat property rights acquired byAmerieau citizens in Madagascarunder the former treaty will be pro-tected. It is not believed, under thecircumstances, that if Waller shouldbe restored to the possession of thegrant be would find its occupancyeither pleasaut or profitable, and it issupposed on this account that hewould prefer acceptiug au iudemityfrom France in lieu of the land itself.

XII KY ALL ItODK ASTRIDE..( hit-- tc IIrowomeii Apx-a- r In Knlck-crlMH-kr- rs

and Dlvhlttl klrtn.CHICAGO, Nov. 3. Chicago horse-

women today asserted their right toride astride like men if they wishedto. A dozen fair equestriennes, ac-companied hy four male escort?, gal-loped through Lincoln Patk iu theafternoon, aud all but one of them be--strode a regulation man's saddle. Thesolitary exception brought up the rear,a such a womau necessarily must,and she sat on au old fashioned affairwith the regulation double horns andsingle stirrup.

Of the dozen all but four wore di-vided fkirts, and at a distance it wasdifficult to note the difference fromthe old way. The skirt only fell tothe feet, which showed in the stirrupsand the rider sat more erect than ou aside-faddl- e, but that was all.

The small boys bestowed their re-marks and advice on the remaiuingfour. They wore Knickerbockers ofthe latest cut, and, what is more,looked well in them.

All the women are members of theNorth Side Riding Club, aud yester-day was thwir first appearance inpublic.

HAKNKSSINi. A RIVKR.The Government Will Int the Mlssls- -

sippl to Work Now.DAVENPORT, (la ), Nov. 4.-- The

United States Government has made

RGB iS 0 6


308 Merchant Street.

Good corner Lot. Wilder Avenue. 185x240.

Corner Lot, Makiki. HQzSOt.

Wilder Avenue and Piikoi. 100x150.

House and Lot on Yonnp street, 50x150.

House and Lot on Punchbowl street,near Beretania street.

Beautiful Residence and Lot on Thurs-ton Avenue.

House and Lot on Thurston Avenue;Lot 75x200 feet; bounded by ThurstonAvenue. Magazine and Spencer streets.

Splendid Basiwess Corner on King street.In business portion of the city.

Beautiful Residence on Punchbowl street,above Mormon Church.

The Hood-wil- l and Furniture of a first-clas- s

lodging house of 15 rooms, situate onHotel street, nar Alakea. is ottered forsale at a sacrifice. Furniture consists of15 bedroom sets, oak and ash. with mat-tresses and bedding for same. Mosquitoliroof doors and blinds, matting and rugs.In fact everything ready for business.

Parties wishing to buy furniture separatecan do so.

All of the above properties will be soldat a bargain. For prices, terms, etc.,apply to


Real Estate Dealer,808 MERCHANT STREET.


The odd cents is what counts. I

can save you from 25 to 35 per cent,

on your clothes and guarantee a tit andperfect satisfaction in every respect.

I make friends of my customers,and customers of my friends. Do not

be deceived by a grand display. Fine-good-s

well-mad- e is half the battle.Once tried you will come again.

Latest designs constantly received.I must have room for my new stock.

If you are need of clothes, now is yourtime to see me.


323 Nuuanu Street.


BANKERS,Honolulu, H. I.,

torn Sight and Time Bills of Exchange,eta Commercial and Travelers' Letters at

on the principal parts of the world.approved Bills.


v deposits on open accountMerest on term deposits.md pwpMy to collect-tons- .

A Cart Btatog totems Twactol


Queen Street, Honolulu, H. I.

AGENTS FORHawaiian Agricultural Company, OnomeaSugar Company, Honomu Sugar Company,Wafluku Sugar Company, Waihee SugarCompany, Makee Sugar Company, H;de--akaia Ranch Company, Kapapala Ranch.

Planters' Line San Francisco Packets,Chas. Brewer & Co.'s Line of BostOHPackets.

Agents Boston Board of Underwriters.Agents Philadelphia Board of Under


List of Officers:P. C. Jones, president; Geo. H. Robert

Manager; E. F. Bishop, Treasurer andr,etary; Col. W. F. Allen, Auditor; C.

LC ke, H. Waterhouse, A. W. Carter,

All IU MQueen Street, U

Retween alakea and Richards Sts.

BRONZE, BRASS-:- - AND -:- -

Iron CastingsHousework a Specialty.

OWN D00RS,SHUTTERS,Etc.Articular attention paid to Ships' Black-smithin- g.


F. E. LYNN,Proprietor.

COTTAGE TO LET: NEWLY PAINTED.Cottage contains parlor, two bedrooms,dining room kitchen, pantry and bath-room. Enquire L. ADLEK. 13 Nuuanustreet. 4145-2- W

The Newest ! The


Knirlaii'l Is Iner-a-lr- i th- - KfTVetlve- -of IIr Fl-t- .

VICTORIA, Nov. 5 It is reportedin naval circles here today that Ad-miral Stephenson's flagship, the RoyalArthur, will shortly be repla ed bythe Emperious, a flghiing cruiser ofthe first class aud a sitter ship to theWarspite. For the first time in a de-

cade a flagship wid winter this year atE-jui- malt, which fact, taken with thenews that a majority of the ships onthe station are to be relieved by largerand more efficient cruisers, is regardedhere as significant In view of Britain'sstrained relations with Russia in thefar East.

Duty on Molasses.The present tariff levies a duty of

two cents per gallon on molassestesting above 40 degrees and notabove 50 degrees, and four cents pergallon on all testing above 56 de-- ',

grees, and that molasses testing notabove 40 degrees, polariscopic test,and containing 20 per cent, or lessof moisture is free of duty.

The Hoard of United States Gen-eral Appraisers has rendered a de-

cision that molasses testing under40 per cent, and containing over 20

er cent, of moisture is dutiable at20 per cent, ad valorem, as a "non-enumerat- ed

manufactured article."All molasses from the Hawaiian

Islands is free of duty under thereciprocity treat. American Ex-change.

Doctor TuckerHas taken the house on the corner of Nuu-an- u

and School streets recently occupied by

Mr. II-nr- y Wiit rliou-- -.

until he can secure a suitable office, centrally located, hisothce will he at his resi-- idence.

Office Hours, 9 to 11 4 tO 5 7 tO8. Telephone 427.

4153-t- f


familv 84 Beretania street 404-t- f

BWgg ;

WhyTreat VourPriends

better than yourself? Whyadvise friends to take some-thing for their coughs when3-0- neglect yours? There'sno positive cure for con-

sumption in advanced sta-

ges. Nip the cough with adose of

Putnam'stClierry COUgll

Comfortcontinue with a few moreand cure it.

Treat yourself generous- -1?iy and tnouehtlUllv, as you

-- - "mdo vour tnends. .Pleasant'to take for old or 3oung,and should always be inthe Family Medicine Chest.

SOLD IN 25c. and 50c. BOTTLES.

Hobron Drug Co.


Daily Advertiser 75c. a month.


FORT STREET STOREPERCALES.in great variety, new stv'e FLUTTER and COTTON D'JGKS.SCOTCHHAMS,and Seersuckers, Zephyrs in stripes and checks.CREPE Grenadines.!MALTBSE. Pi ATTF inri VaI FT I

Taffeta Gloves and Gauntlets,ai.J :;jured, White SWISS MUSLINS, Biack.White and Cream PASSEMBNTRIE, LACtBEADING, SILK GIMPS, Ladies' and Gents' Cotton and LISLE HOSE, SWRATBRS tmBoys and Men in Navy Blue and White, SILK BELTINGS.



The Only Known Specific that will InvariablyPrevent "Mai de Mer."





Issued Tuesdays FridaysAt GauetteZOmce.





.mm v3'--V- I

Headquartersfor Tin:




In tfce water i goni ol Bihnnjiii brocade pattern in doll Pernan colors. Theubestaul re'rM bftsq ic is of the Low XI jt yli. The uih rtvers are of whiteeatiu tml ! V m ito .".M Bad Persian silks. At tin- - right is gown with a pantoTel.. ' rmkili sad r ir other skirt of gnj and black taffeta. Two other

Is new in this country, but in theUnited States, thousands are in

la:.- - i.iij v tM i


1st Grade, Price $6 00

2d Grade, Price 4 50

3d Grade, Price 3 50

Election of Officers Yesterday.Aililif atit ii by Visitors.

The annual meeting of the W. C.T. U. was held in the parlors of

use, and on account of their superior strength and easyrunning qualities, they have taken first rank amongwindmills.

We have just received a car load of Mills and can fur-nish on short notice steel galvanized mills of 8, io, and1 2-f- oot diameter and wood mills of 8, io, 12, 14, 16 and 18-fo- ot

diameter. We have direct motion windmills forplaces where thereare steady strong winds, and geared millswhich will run in very light winds, but cannot pump so fastas the direct motion mills. Some of our mills have oiledbearings of the most approved kinds, and some the cele-brated graphite BEARiNGS,which will run for vears with

Central Union Church yesterdayafternoon. Over thirty ladies were

KeepHimpresent and a most enthusiastic

THE MANUFACTURERS' SHOEout anv oil: also steel gavanized towers,Home $0 and 40 feet high.

SEND FOR THE COMPANY,Perkins Catalogue

Wholesale and RetaiUAgents for ttie Hawaiian Islands.And read the description of the geared millsfor farmers and stockmen. With the use ofshafting and pulleys thev can be made to

meeting resulted.The following officers were chosen

to serve during the ensuing year:Mr.--. J. M. Whitney, president;Mrs. T. I). Garvin, Mrs. H. W.Peck and Mrs. P. C. Jones, vice-president- :-:

Mrs. R. J. Green, re-

cording secretary : Mrs. E.Jordan,corresjKniding secretary and Mrs.L. B. Coan. treasurer.

Mrs. Roseorans of 01erlin, Ohio,who came to the islands recentlyfor the purpose of entering intomission work among the Chinese,gave a short interesting talk ontemperance.

Reports were read as follows:Miss Chamherlain on TemperanceLiterature and Woman's Exchange;Miss Nellie Judd on the LoyalLegion: Mrs. Jordan on the Y. W.C. T. U.: Miss Mary Green on theHawaiians and Mrs. R. J. Greenon the work of the W. C. T. U.during the past year.

grind corn or barley, cut fodder, turn a grind

If there's one way of inducinga man to stay at home, it's tomake home comfortable for him.

Just imagine papa, hubby orbrother trying to resist the temp-

tation to lay of on one off our


He simply can't do it, andwhen you own up to him that

stone and saw your wood.Wooden Towers can be erected if pre

amferred, and we give directions for the thetimber and erection. We have also Gould'sLifting and Force.



for house or windmillpunpsyou only paid use. We can furnishredwood tanks, also, F$ 1 2.oo of all sizes from 600 gallons to 10,000 gallons

For TwentyYears

We have been tailoring at moderateprices.

Twenty years of experience toprofit by.

Our KNOWLEDGE of CLOTHES forSTYLE, fit, and workmanship, havestood the test as the liberal patronagewe have received assures us of thatfact.

We have just received our fallstock of woolens, which we areoffering at prices that will aston-ish you.

made in the best way and of the best clearredwood.for it, if it's hubby, he will pass

off into a dream of his bachelor The perfect satisfaction that the PerkinsWindmills and the joulds Pumps have given whereverthey have been used and properly adjusted is a guaranteeof their success. Try the Perkins Mill and get somethingthat will stand the strongest wind and yet work well inthe lightest Southerly wind.

days, only to awake and offer

thanks for the great change andcomforts of home.

Sit beside him in one of ourhandsome


THI him you bought it for only

E. 0. Hall & Son, Limited,

In Miss Mary Green's paper onwork among the Hawaiians weresome valuable points of informa-tion. Miss Green says in part :

"In February of the present year Ileft for Hawaii, remaining therenine weeks and visiting from houseto house among the Hawaiians. Ifound a great many men and womenwho hail kept inviolate the pledgethey had taken several years before.At Haile church I addressed a fullhouse. Union meetings are heldeach month, and are always lookedforward to with glad anticipationby the various nationalities of Hiloand vicinity. Work was done atHilo jail. I learned through thenatives of Hilo that there is muchdrinking and carousing at a retiredplace near the sea shore. Muchillicit selling goes on not only inHilo but elsewhere on Hawaii.Patiently, a band of ladies, foreignand Hawaiian, are at work in HiloMonthly meetings are held forprayer and consultation on themethods of work.

" I found the Kula district in


WHAT TO DRINK.and you .will awaken an interestin him for the comforts of life.

You will be surprised at theeffect.


Woven Wire Mattresses and Iron BedsMANUFACTURED AND SOLD BY

WOVEN WIRE BAILEY, - - Queen Street, Honolulu.At the following prices, carriage paid to any steamboat landing in these Islands, termscash with order.

folding Woven Wire Cot, WOOd frame $5; Folding Pintle Iron Beds and WovenWire Mattress, complete, $7 ; Folding Iron Beds and Woven Wire Mattress, complete$9; Folding Full size Iron Hed,and WovenWire Matt es,coinplete.$10. Your English IronKeds. ritted with WovenWire Mattresses: single $4.50; Full Size $5.50. WovenWire Mattresse-- v Duplex :" Single $5; $5 .50; Foil &UK $J Woven Wire Mattres-e-"Ordinary- :"

single $4; 4$4.50; Full Size $5.These to tit any American made beds. In any case it is better to give length and

width (inside) of any wood or iron bed. for English bed slat- - are entirely dispensed withwire bed sii inside iron frame and covers entire surface of bed and cannot move out ofplace. Iron Bedsteads with slats made to order; positively unbreakable; jiist the right

R 1 if.I6 nHOPP&CO.,Furniture Dealers,

All Fountains in city supplied by them are filled with

water which has been

article for scnools and institutions. Hospital, etc. i rices qooted by return mail. Anysize, kind or derriition of Iron Bed and Woven Wirt Mattress made t order.

J. BAILEY, Maker of Woven Wire reds which wiil not rust; Dry Earth Closets;Cord Hammocks. Etc., Etc.. Honolulu, H. I. springs very cheap tothe trade any size.


Maui influenced by the curse ofalcohol and kahunaism.

"Cholera in Hawaii nei marks anew feature in our country's his-tory. It is a noticeable fact thatnota member of our native churchesin Honolulu has been a victim ofthe dread destroyer.

"The Reform School boys ofPalama I meet weekly for instruc-tions in temjerance.

"The Hui Manawalea' is a ben-evolent sewing society, consistingof Hawaiian and foreign ladies whomeet each Friday. It is our aim toaid those rendered unfortunatethrough the curse of the saloon."

NOTICE. EsdSsiSiJSs Hyatt Process.Have You Tried It ?



link 1 mSons of Veterans.Fifteen prospective members of

the new Sons of Veterans campmet in Oahu Lodge K. of P. latevening to size up their forces. The

All advertisements intend-ed to be published in theSemi-weeklyGAZE- TTE mustbe at the office of the Com-

pany not later than ; o'clockp. m. on MONDAYS and

71 Telephone -- 71V.. - Cooked Rolled Oats

THE ORIGINAL BRAND.meeting was a short one owing tothe battalion drill. Application j

for a charter will be sent to Cali- - THURSDAYS, and for the AN INDUCEMENT FORHEALTHFUL, -:- - ECONOMICAL



fornia today. A reply is expectedthe fir?t of December, when thecamp will be organized under aspecial dispensation.

Off for the Coast.The following small list of pas-

sengers will leave on the Australiafor San Francisco today: FatherNoel, S. If. Ballou, Miss H. Wilder,Miss Alice Kimball. Miss E. Moss-ma- n,

Mrs. Ward, the Misses Ward(2) and Mrs. J. Kirkland.

Kuokoa, THURSDAYS: oth-

erwise no assurance can begiven that same will be pub-

lished in the first issuefollowing.


Geo. H. Paris,Manager.

Out of Door LifeIs a Close, Stuffy Roomed House

G. W. LINCOLNCan build you a house that will be as airy and comfortable as all out doors.Consult me before building.

G. W. LINCOLN,Contrac tor and Builder of Anything.

MJMT'qx sale by all leading Grocers.





THE "KOMBI" and Pocket Kodak.(Commercial Advertiser. AERMOTOR Queen -:- - Street.

On Saturday, Nov. 30

the inhabitants than any other, andthe doing of it would not add ma-

terially to our olitical difficultiesor increase our financial burden."

It will be remembered that theja--enLf- rs of the Coptic were notallowed to land on account of theprevalence of the cholera. Al-

though Mr. Bradford was sadly dis-

appointed at this turn of affairs, hepoints out one comjensation thatno one could accuse him of havingbeen influenced by Hawaiian off-

icials in forming his conclusions onthe subject of annexation. He-close- s

with the remark: u In thename of humanity I plead for



Every one who saw our "NO. 2 BULLET" was more than pleased with the workdone by them. The only fault we had to rind was that we did not have enough ofthem to satisfy the demand. Come and look at the


i'uominknt business man of Steel Tower.Maui, remarking on the proepecti Loaded for Twelve l'lcturo.Makes pictures large enough to be good for contact printing and

AT IS ON LO K ))N.At ruv Salesroom, I will sell at Public Auc-

tion, that


On Queen Street,Directly opposite the Kapuaiwa Building,

and adjoining the warehouse of Me-r- ;.

W. C. Peacock A: Co. Tlie Propertyhas been divided into three

line business sites.

good enough toof the email farmer in this coun- -l .... , ... ., -- l7l r-- l . . J . , - :. V .,.. " eighs only

trv. recently said : ' The coffee live ounces. HERE ! ANOTHER!J 7

planter and the fruit grower musthave direct communication withthe CiMUSt.91 The tendency to diverttrade from the city is bound to in Dr. X. J. Gbou, a Dane educated

in the United States, who has re- -

Kombi! Kombi! Kombi!Loaded for Tweuty-nv- e Picture.

This little camera can be carried in the pocket. Nothing is left undone to make ita perfect little gem of a camera. Can be used as a snap shot or time exposure. Sosimple that a boy or a girl can use it. Twenty-fiv- e perfect exposures one loading.Every KOMBI guaranteed.

Both of these Cameras can be loaded or him changed in daylight. We have onexhibition an assortment of pictures taken with these cameras which are perfect Inevery detail.

crease. Meanwhile, what is beinjrdone to develop the island of Oahu?

No. 1 31. 15 feet on Queen street.and from84 to i.3 feet deep. Contains 2540 square feet.

No 2 31. 15 feet on t'ieen street and from7; to 1 feet deep. Contains -- 3' square feet.

No. 3 30.30 on Lane and from 54 feet to55.5 teet deep. Contains 1831 square feet,together with the Cottage thereon.

This is an unusual opportunity to obtainValuable Business Property, adjacent tothe Government Building and within ashort distance of the New Market.

centlv returned from a visit toWe have a few plots of land in this Norway, says that there is a markisland that ought not to be over- - ed growth in the sentiment favorlooked. ing a republican form of Govern

ment in that country and that he1 THE NAME OF III MAM TV.

further predicts that lefore manyR v. A. H. Bradford, a member U-ear- s Norway will be independent H0LL1STER DRUG COMPANY.

JAS. F. MORGAN,Auctioneer.

4142-eo- d

BRUCE CARTWRIGHTof the Commission sent to the On- - 0f Sweden as a republic. The de- -

. I

ent bv the American loarU, is sire for a democratic form of Gov- -

writing a series of interesting let- - eminent is particularly strongters for the Outlook, giving a gen- - among the peasants of the north.eral description of his trip and im- - This feeling has been brought about REAL ESTATE, TELEPHONE 604.TELEPHONE 604. Tpressions gathered ' along the road. 1V friends and relatives who haveAfter petting out from San Fran- - gone to the United States. There

. i a gT A ? a t j mm Cash St9re( isro ..ii Ui- - -- ieamr i oiii- - wiui ,;1P v a nr. inin"iit tamilv in FAMILY GROCER.PEOPLE'S STORE.I J J 1

the expectation of spending twenty- - tne country from which one or rfour hours in this city. Mr. Brad- - m,,re members has not gone to theford turned his thoughts to the States. Thousands of Norwegians

! BROKERAGE,In as much as most of our INSURANCE.

remarks have been confinedto the pumDing Aermotor we Especial facilities for handling Estates,

Trusts, Guardianships and Private Busi- -

Wish to call your attention tniS ness. Moneys carefully invested. Loansnegotiated, Rents, dividends and Interestsweek to the geared motor tor collected. Property sold or leased for a

barns. Undoubtedly some-- "i&SStfSL, , the Hawaiiantime in the past you have con- - Elands for the following Insurance Com- -

Hawaiian Island?, and naturally Lre constantly sending letters home Hotel Street, Opposite Arlington Block.enough more or less of his letter which are epistles of democraticwritten on board ship was devoted doctrine. At the present time thto the nroblem of annexation. He differences between Norway and CHOICE FRESH GROCERIES.

Just opened a full and complete assortment of thet luxuries and delicacies from every civilized nation,


is an enthusiastic supporter of an Sweden have been smoothed overnexation and gives the following bv a compromise that serves itsp':i.oib a- - the la-- i f his opinions: purpose for the time being. When

"The islands are nearer to the tjie Heets 0f republicanism haveAmerican republic than to any once Wn nlanted. however, it is

eluded to equip your mill With Equitable Life Assurance Society of tarnUnited States, assets $185, M4,310 ORShafting for grinding Of Corn Commercial Union Assurance Co., Ltd.,

and feed for your stock, and of London' assets i,5i7,7St ooImperial Insurance Company, Limited, of

perhaps attach a grind stone London, assets t, &ti'2,020 oo. Lion Fire Insurance Company, Limited, of

and buzz saw, and sent away! London, assets $4,1 25tooo oogjL The Board of Underwriters of New Yotk.for estimateda catalogue Tr Nat m Uofcr

other nation; the methods of busi- -OTly a matter of time when they

which will be sold lower than the lowest.

Fresh California Creamery and Island ButterFAMILY TRADE A SPECIALTY.

All Goods delivered promptly. Civility and every attention given to customers at

COWAN'S CASH STORE.ness and the habits of thought of wjn i,e:ir frujt and monarchial

writers of New York.the predominant class are almost ruie must ive wav cost and the location of your

FOR LEASE.building for horizontal andvertical shafting, but finally

..1 1 1Valuable Lease

Ladies, Attention!FOR SALE.

entirely American, and will, withthe swifter ship- - of the near future,he still more .so. If the islands donot become American, they aremorally sure to become the prop-erty of some other nation whosespirit is not likely to be so free orprogressive as ours. If no othernation assumes the protectorate,then in the future they will possi-

bly be the scene of attempts at rev-

olution, with their strife and blood-

shed; but if thev are annexed they

NO. 5. THAT DESIRABLE LOT ONthe West side of Jmll street, on the Waiki-- ki

side of the residence of C. Bolte, Esq.This affords one of the finest building sitesin the city. A lonpj lease on moderateterms to a desirahle tenant.



lot on Young street, near ThomasSquare. Desirable location near the resi-dence of L. Dee Price $2200.

NO. 6. LAND AT K I'M 1 ELI . KAMA-l- o,

Molokai. Price $275. One-ha- lf expenseof deeds.

- ). r 1 a ( R E 0 P F I N E T A R ) L AND,all in taro. located at Kamakelu; water

The Government lease of the land ofNapali, Kauai, containing 12,000 to 14,000

1 r it 1 Iacres. While mucn or tnis lanct is

came to tne conclusion matthe cost and difficulties of constructing were too great towarrant the expenditure. Nowhere is where the Aermotordoes away with all those greatobstacles and petty annoy-ances. In our plan you haveonly to secure the vertical SxSmast in position, put the Aer-motor on one end and thegrinder on the other. Themast then holds it all. You

mountainous, there are some beautiful andfertile valleys: some hundred acres,suitable for coffee, and a large tract for

generations the pasturage; seve-- al acres of taro in allwill surely le forstages ot growth; anout 25,000 corree trees

L. B. KERR, Queen St., Honolulu,Has just opened up one of the most complete assortment of

DRESS GOODSEver Imported Into These Islands.

During the whole of this month he will continue tosell at reduced prices Black and Colored Cashmere, Nun's

planted; 30 cows. This lease has 21 yearsto run. Annual rental 555.

right goes with the land. Last year's tarocrop sold for over $900. Price $1300. One- -hah expense of d- - eds.

NO. 9. BUILDING LOT AT A ALA.Palarua. 50x15 teet. on Aala lane. Price

! $14X). One-ha- lf expense of deeds.NO. 10. 2 LOTS, BAG H WITH TWO--(

story houe. at Aala. Palama. Price to-gether $l'-50- . or singly $1000 land $750. One-- !half expense of deeds.

NO. 11. LOT WITH COTTAGFS ONPunchbowl street, below Queen street, near

'water front, will ultimate!? become fine

EiTor terms apply to

can belt to different machinesand drive your pump and feed1 mm mi deposit

j business property. Price $3500 one-ha-if Veilings, Serges, Ginghams, India Linens, Nainsooks, Dimi- -grinder at one time. The feedgrinder is always in position.You have only to turn a handscrew to adjust the lower

no. 13.-- 32S GR xziNo, cop-- tics, Victoria Lawns, Lace Stripes, Sateens.And Investment Company,


Ill the Circuit Court 1 irt Circuitof the Hawaiian Islands.

fee and feed lands at Uonokna, South Straw Hatsthousands to select from ; Feathers, Rib- -Kona, Hawaii.no. 14. land at puiwa, nupanu bons, Flowers, etc., etc.

valley, mauka of "Hanai a Kamalama."grinding ring sufficiently close;Uneen Emma's old residence: area 3 77-1- 00 CALL EARLY AND GET FIRST CHOICE.In tbe Matter or Hit Bankruptcy or

Tin jtnir WhI Companyand it is already for use, or inan instant you can put on abelt to run any other machine.The saving of power effected

acres. Planted to strawberries and taro.Price 500.

NO. 16. HOUSE AND PREMISES ONthe west corner of Hotel and KekanlikeStreets. Area 1425 square feet. House hasrecently been repaired and shingled. Arare business . opportunity. Deed, stamps

1 a a. eanu acKiiowieoirmenis ai 01 imr- -expenseby having all bearings rigidly chaser, price $1200.

L. B. KERR, Wholesale and Retail Importer,QUEEN STREET.

TO ALL WHO USE PAINT:The undersigned, L. C. Abies and H. P.Walton, purchased from Charles J.Waener.


premises centrally and conveniently,nearly opposite Emma Square. Honolulu,next door and mauka of the residence ofJ. M. Oat. Esq. Certainly a bargain. Forparticulars apply to the undersigned.

connected in one casting andtherefore in proper place, isno less important than thematter of convienence allowedtoo. The Aermotor runs inhalf the wind required by

Besides the above I have other desirableproperty for sale and lease. Fee informa-tion call at the ofhee,

other mills, and regulates in a Cartwright Block, MerchftSt Ststrone wind as well as in a

alode of a peaceful and progres-sive people.

"The alternatives seem to me tobe as follows: First, either somestrong nation must assume thereins of government, or confusion,unrest, and possibly diabolicalcruelty will prevail; second, eitherour nation must interfere, or someother, whose interest may be hos-

tile to ours, will do so. If it is

said that we cannot afford the ex-

pense, I reply, it has been provenalmost to a demonstration that in-

stead of involving expense on ourpart the islands would be a sourceof constant and increasing reve-

nue. ' It it be declared that themass of the people do not desireannexation, the reply will be thatthat probably is true of the ignor-ant, serving class, who simply ex-

ist, and who, if their wishes arefollowed, will inevitably becomemore and more degraded, untilthey cease to exist. But the intel-ligent class, those who have madethe islands what they are. thosemay be depended upon to preserveorder and advance civilization,with great unanimity do desireunion with the United States. Wedo not ask the Indians of a Terri-tory whether it shall be admittedas a State, but we ask the intelli-gent citizens. This is not a ques-tion of justice to a subject race, butrather of the strong bearing theinfirmities of the weak.

"In regard to annexation, then, I

conclude that in some form it isdesirable, because in no other waycan the best ends of justice andhumanity be served. It is notsimply a question of national pol-

icy, but one which ought to be con-

sidered in its relations to the king-

dom of God. If the best ends arerealized, some nation must step inwith its strength and guaranteepeace and civilization. Our ownnation is earnest; it can do thework easiest ; it is more desired by


ar' beeby notified to come in atulpioro their debts before the circuit Courtof the rirt Circuit at Chambers!, at Hono-lulu, on FRIDAY, the 2 2d Hay of Novem-ber 1885, between the hours of ten o'clockin the forenoon and noon of the s.tid day.at d elect an Asine" or Assignees, of thesaid Ban crnpt'a Ktate.

llv the C urt:GKOUCK L!"CA- -

41 50-- t Clerk.

AUCTION SALE.PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENthat the undersigned Kau Ohong Sing hasilitrainel and levied upon the followingdescribed goods and chattels, the propertyof Lum Chip Tai and You Choy. for rentdue bv the said Lum Chip Tai "and YouChoy to the said Kau Chong Sinn and inarre'ar to the amount of Twenty-fiv- e Dol-lars ($-- 5) for rent of certain premises onl'auoa road corner of Nuuanu street. Towit: 1 taro pan, 1 bellows, 1 table. 1 setharness, 1 lamp, 1 pair scales. 1 srajron,5 stools. 2 taro boards; and notice is furthergrfCfl that said goods and chattels will besold at Public Auction, to satisfy the rentdue and in arrear as aforesaid, on theabove described premiees. bv Jan. K.Morgan, auctioneer. 011 SATURDAY, the30th day of November 1805, at 12 o'clocknoon. KAU CHONG t?IN(i.

414-t- d

Hawaiian LimeAT RETAIL.


the inventor of Peerless Preserving Paint the exclusive right to manufacture, usand sell the PEERLESS PRESERVING PAINT in the Hawaiian Islands.

Patent for Peerless Preserving Paint.On the 2f!th day of September. M5. the Republic of Hawaii granted to L.C.Abies and

H P.Wal;on a Patent No. IK, granting to tbem the exclusive npht to make, use andvend Pekrless Prksf.rvi; Paint throughout the Hawaiian Islands.

Trade Mark for Peerless Preserving Paint.The Bepublic of Hawaii has also granted to L.C.Abies and H.P.Walton the exclusive

u-- e of the words Peerless Przse&vibg Paixt as a trade mark throughout the Republic ofHawaii for the term of 20 years.

Imitations.Certain parties in San Francisco have recently been sending to Honolulu under the

name of Peeki.ks.- - Pkk-kkvi- x, Paint a tpuriotifl article not onlv inferior 10 the genuinepaint, but one wbich is positively injurious to any metal to which it may be applied.

Beware of Fraud.We hereby warn all persons against being defrauded into using anv but the genuine

Peerless Preserving Paint, which can be obtained only of Abies and vValton.Warning Against Infringement.

We also hereby warn all persons against buying, stlling or using anv article unde.the name of Fekrless Pfe.-frvin-o Paint except that sold by us as such"buving, sellingo r using will be a di ect infringement of our Patent and Trade Mark, and a" violation ofour rights, subjecting the persons buying, selling or using such paint to a claim fordamages by us in accordance with the Hawaiian Law. L. C. ABLKS.

Honolulu. October 19, 195. H. P. WALTON.



And Investment Company

mild wind. It handles thepump the smoothest of anymill made. An eight inchstroke Aermotor will throwmore water with less windthan any of the old style mills.


The favorable weather durinp the pastSlltliniPr I'ivp' Ttrnniit nf n lri rrnn fnr

If VOU are in need of a mill ls. and with an esumated shortage of the

DUV an Aermotor and VOUr Sucrar. hiirher price-- - are looked forp situation btp hfin- -f ersons alive to th

neighbors will Congratulate nin? to purchase now. During the present

you on your foresight.

(Including container CENTS" w per Bucket.


Importers and Dealers in

Groceries, Provisions and Feed.THE

Class Stocks than for the past twelvemonths.

We are now buying and selling the fol-lowing:

Hawaiian Sugar Company Stock.Ewa Plantation Company Stock.Haiku Sugar Company Stock.Honomu Sugar Company Stock,Hawaiian Agricultural "Company Stock.Paia Plantation Company Stock,Mutual Telephone Stock,Hawaiian Electric Company Stock.Also Hawaiian Government Bonds, and

Plantation first Mortgage Bonds.We have some very secure boxes in the

Safe Deposit Vaults to let by the month orby the year at very reasonable rates.


(Special terms on large lots for shipment.)

.New and Fresh Goods received by every packet from CaMfomia,and European Markets.

Standard Grades of Canned Vegetables, Fruits and Fish.toCOMPANY, L'D.,

Opposite Sprockets' Bank,

307 FORT STREET.Goods delivered to any part of the city. SatisfactionIsland trade solicited.


And Investment Coeipany,

408 Fort Street, Hofioiuta. P. O. BOX 145. TELEPHONE NO. 92.AT GAZETTE OFFICE.


TEL. 56o.;isk'l fr is within th- - suiiinl lis-cretio- n

f the court, and we are of P. O.K. ISOSHIMA,The BeautyOF SOME PIANOS

Is only " case deep." It is mucheasier to make a handsome case thanit is to put music into it. A tolerablemechanic can do the one the otherrequires the best thought of a musicalartist. The

Kroeger Pianos

411 KING STREET, NEXT DOOR CASTLE & COOKFS,Formerly Occupied bv Nan Yu Shosha, Honohim, H. L


We have just received from Japan a fine assortment ofCrepe Shirts, Straw Hats, Silk and Cotton Pajamas,Kimonos, etc. Very lowest of prices.

AwardedHighest Honors World's Fair,

Gold Aledal .Midwinter Fair.




MOST PERFECT MADE.A pure Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free

from Ammonia, Alum or any ether adulterant.

In all the great Hotels, the leadingClubs anl the homes, Dr. Price's Creao3aking Powder holds its supremacy

y Years the Standard.LEWIS & CO.,

Atrnt. Honolulu, H. I.

In the Supreme Court of the

Hawaiian Islands.




f flfl 3

mm a f







the opinion that justn jos notrequire thai such leave be reservedin tliis inst;in .

A dew! will ! inado in conformity with tin- - derision til 1

withool reservation.A. 8. Hartwell for plaintiff; W

A. Kinney for defendants.Honolulu. November 13, 1895.

TIDINGS FROM TAHITI.Dictatorial Policy of the Ift iich Gov-erniiH-- nt

In th- - Mnniuea.The schooner Leon, which arrived

from Marquesas islands on Wednesday,says the Han Francisco Examiner ofNovember 4th, brought strauge tidingsfrom the group. The Leon is ownedby Captain Kennedy, who sailed herto San Francisco. The captain saysthat the Freuch Government has be-

come very dictatorial in and aboutTahiti, and as a consequence businessis stagnant.

The Governor of the group has or-

dained that no copra is to be manufac-tured for -- ix months, and has prohib-ited diving for penrl shells in thevicinity of all the islands except two.There are no pearl shells, it is naid, inthe neighborhood of those islands.The natives have been compelled toplant trees, and are enjoined frompicking more cocoanuts than is neces-sary for their own use.

An injunction has beeu placed onAmerican vessels which formerlytraded between the islands. They arenot permitted to trade now unlessthey are owned in part by French-men and have a French master incommand. The result is that Ameri-can craft are tied up at nearly everyisland.

He Had no Case.No,'' said the lawyer, decidely.

after the negro had told his story,"you have no case at all. Youwent to hear Miss Henrietta Dres-ser play Juliet and was thrown outof the "theater on account of yourcolor, but you cannot claim dama-ges. If you had been obliged toremain I would take vour case andsue for not less than $20,000. Ihave heard her myself." ChicagoEvening Post.

VLvl S i i V AMhtAAJU

If r. Sorman D. YoungOtsdnwn. N. Y.

Helpless as an InfantAfter Pneumonia Weighed 80 lbs

Mood's Snr-:apari"- a LTado Him Feelas Young .3 a Eoy.

MC. L IIno.l & Co.. Lowell, Mass. :

" ;!;: men I wish t express my jrrateftil(banks tor Bood'a Sarsaparilla. I am a my

Mvrnth bottle and it has truly been a blessinglo myself and wire. I hail a severe attack of

. i i last December, and It was thoughtI should die, but I frrarluaily pulled through,

ii inl not seem t Rain any strength 1u! to he helped Ji - an Infant, ami had fallen

m from 14. to w l' s. i read ;.Mut Hood's- . apariUa, and 1 decided to take It.

I Socn Cainod In Strengthso that I could sit up. and then having a seversp:t:ir In the small d my hack, sent lor a TusSanoPain-Killi-ng Plaster, which soou cured me ol

Hoods S3Pr Curesthat trouble. Today I feel as well as ever Idmy lll. ami as young as a boy, althongll I nraIn my Slst year. I cannot express the gratitudeof my neart for tiooo s narsapaniia. nosaAiD. YoLNG. otsdawa, OUu Co.. New V.-rk- .

Hood's Pills 'ure Constipation byins tli prl;uiiie action of tiie alimentary canal


Wholesale Agents.

Miss JESSIE R.AXTELLGraduate of the

New - Enaiand Conservatory

OF MUSIC,Will meet all desiring Instruction in Music


From 2 to 4- - p.AT Til E


4147 --81


WATCHMAKER.Watches sold for the very lowest of cah

prices or on ea?y payments.

Watches -- : RepairedON SHORT NOTICE.

Workmanship guaranteed acd pricesvery reasonable.

Corner Fort andMerchant Streets.


All have handsome, tasteful, durablecases, but in their factory constant,careful, studious attention is given tothe production of a perfect and lastingtone. The beauty and honesty of aKroeger begins with the varnish onthe case and goes straight through tothe iron plate that holds the strings.We'd like to show you the inside or aKroeger.


Old Instruments Taken hi Part Payment.

Tuning and Sepabiac a Specialty.

J. W. BERGSTR0M,Office, Thrum's Bok


-:- - DEALERS IN -:- -

Ren iic. Ming tt,HOUSES AND LOTS


Parties wishing to dispose of their pro-perties are invited to call on us.



Cheap for Cash !

Every Day ! Why ?

Because the demand is so great we can donothing else.


-:- - A.GENTS FOB -:- -

Popelton's Home-mad- e BreadFresh every morning. Prompt delivery.

TELEPHONE 680. 1. HOX 381.

VOELLER & CO.,Waring Block, Fort and Beretania Streets.

H. G. Bl ART,.

Jeweler and Watchmaker,515 FORT STREET.

Hawaiian and Gold Wire Jewelry


Souvenir Spoons at Very Low Prices.

P. O. Box 355.

If vou can have a fit for the same as amisfit. ,why not have a tit.

For particulars, see

M ED KipOS & CO.,8. Decker, Manager,

TAILORS.Hotel street, opposite King Rros.



Trains will leave on Saturdays at 9:15A. M. and 1:45 P- - W--j arriving in Hono-lulu at 3:11 P. NL and 5:26 P. M.

Train will leave on Sundays at 9:15 A.M.arriving in Honolulu at 5:26 P. M.

Round Trip Tickets:FIRST CLASS : $ 1.75.SECOND CLASS $ 1.25.

F. C. SMITH,General Passenger and Ticket Agent.

HUSTACE & CO.,Dealers In

Wood and Coal,also White and black Sand,

WBfcfa we win tell at tht vary towaat marketrates.

Telephone No. 44--


June Term, 1806.

Elizabeth Mokehead v. DavidDayton, Trustee, Daniel M


Before judd C.J., and freak, j.

In a decree affirming the decree below,liberty to apply the lower court forleave to file a hill of review for newly-.fiM-ove-e- d

matter, will not be reservedwhere it appear that such matterinitfht have been by reason-aM- e

diligence iri time to be available atn oHrlit-- r st ire of the case and that it

would not have altered the result if it),rn before the court at the hear-



This Court having n the lltliof last duly filed a decision (towhich reference is hereby madefor : statement of the case) affirm-bi- g

the decree of the Jircnil Jndgethai the plaintiff basino interestin die property known as the Cri-Im4- m

Suloon. the nlaintitT nowl a ' a a m - - -

mnvM that a decree lo mado inconformity with such decisionbut that such decree reserve to herliberty m apply to tin CircuitJudge for leave to iil a bill freview on the ground of newly-iiscovere- d

matter.Assuming, bn1 not deciding,

thai it i the better practice forthe Appellate Court to reserveupon a proper showing such lil-ert- y

as is asked for rather thanfor the lower court to entertainsuch application without libertyreserved here, we are t the opin-ion that a sufficient showing hastiot been made in this Instance.

The alleged newly-discovere-d

natter is: l that the propertyon Fort St root was conveyed tothe plaintiff's testator by twodeeds; that at the time of hisdeath there won- - only two leasesof tin property outstanding, tineveral portions thus granted and

leased being shown by a new map.and (3) that the testator had beenin the habit of calling this proper-ty "the yard." and that shortlybefore bis death he bad told tinnlaintiff that " the yard' was to beg -

kept for her except thebla ksillitllshop."

Upon examining the deeds,leases and map. we find thai oned-- d covers the front portions ofthe Blacksmith and German iaMarket premises and a small pariof the Criterion Saloon premises,and the other the remainingpart of the Criterion premist 2one lot and the rear portionthe premises as another lot; alsothat one lease covers the CriterionSaloon premises and the othertin Germania Market premises.This strengthens rather thanwo:iU-n- s th- - former findings, forit tonds to show that the testatorconsidered tin Germania Marketpremises and the Criterion Saloonpremises is separate. It is im-

material that the boundaries oflthe demised Germania market j

premises do not exactly coincidoall around with those of the Ger-

mania market building. As to the al-leg- ed

now matter remting to "theyard."' we do not think that itwould have altered the result ifit had boon before the court at thehearing.

But asido from the effect of thealleged 'new matter, it seems toos that upon tin facts before uson this motion the matter cannothi-- considered now. Now matterfor which a bill of review may befib-- d must bo not only newly-discovere- d,

but such as could not byreasonable diligence have beendiscovered in time to be availableat an earlier stage of the case. Inthis case, the matter as to "theyard" was known to the plaintiff,and the deeds and leases wereopen to the inspection of herselfand her counsel.

Granting leave of the nature

YOKOHAMA BAZARCor. Nuuanu and Motel Streets.

J. T. Waterhouse's

Iff 81s pecial attention is called to a recent

consignment of

KID GLOVES,Standard Linens,Full assortment of Laces.Tarltons. Victoria Lawns.Latest effects in Cooling Serges,


Hemstitched -:- - HandkerchiefsGlove Fitting 8. L Corsets, all lengths,

waists, sizes an1 colors.SM-c-Ia- il IH'sItriis In lU'iuloil Trlmmim;.

Other articles too numerous to mentionwhich we will be g'ail to have you inspect.


4147-l- w




Flower .Materials,New Mouldings,

Sheet : Pictures,




Mules -- 36 -- MulesFOR SALE.

Parties desiring Mules will make moneybuying of me, as 1 raise all my stock inCalifornia and can sell cheaper than thosewho buy to sell. My Mules are from 4 to6 years old, and weigh from 1000 to 1250pounds. Call or address

R. T. McCULLOUGH,Arlington Hotel.

NOTICE.NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALLcreditors of the Estate of M. Goldberg. thatpayment must be made on or before De-cember 1st next, or suits will be brought inthe District Court for the recoverv of thesitue. T. C. PORTER.

E. D. TENNEY.Executors Estate M. Goldberg.

Honolulu, H. I.. November 7th, 1S85.4145-t- d

ff u.nilCrepes, Silk Goods and Kimonos, Handkerchiefs, Scrttnt,

Furnishing Goods, Bamboo, China and PorcelainWare and Japanese Drugs.




OFFICEAlakea and Richards Streets,

of Jowb Fancy G00&


PLANING MILL,CO., Proprietors


near Queen, Honolulu, H. I

ScreenIS. ff EIL


-:- - MOULDINGS -:- -


Prompt attention to all ordars.


75 Cents a Month.

Delivered by Carrier.


kr fav - A SOBLE FIGHT. WE PREFERpnug hrrdwire ull CASTLE JAr. Izi-- i ri: Soldier: lawyerof BLhop A Co. 7a. Trusts of - ' : - ierrr for m xve . Thmtatte of Walter M irraj adaaa SEQUAH LIMITED.

ieceaaed. Ba testimony bafanc During these hot, closeTntj-dT- i Y art .f Prwpnr. .tvr iav ssadc t TieirJimes Thompson, afark 07 tipal.i-- t what is nicer than a Importers

n. on Monday, tad Jcdjre Wt.-.-m- g Endorsedr. rj W.n ht Mn' 0r free burning non-co- mb usti-bf- eappoint! P. C Jonas uhjIpu

Krr:;re Oil Stove Hardware SS1QBFANCY DECORATEDpetuiinz a hearing : ne caw n

th 291 h - . Cnla fcba 1 1 r-- Range, which can be used to bv the ANDties at interest iball rajr..

: :ok your meal extinguished 54.00 and up.r.r7 --

. , --.--: - she r-- 2 and placed one side until English GENERAL Liii;."" Furni-.tnc- .


lit of Pi-A- time for your next meal. We... . 1- - r --.": carry :nem in an sizes i 1. UUi Press.C zuardianit a, W- - 3ur pri res Cn r- - isrhp hit "hp or rn rne ;

. . . .

.. .. . : sol lower thou the .tr.ers.r


b S. OZAKI,antr. etigiifeaef on one cv -

l "V t -

Partial list per Amy Turnerof Goods jus: received

from New York.


Frozenuronznt :n a verdiot: . te --i."TT'.r B IIe. and Paul N en-ple- ad

srailty to thein or cc iraoy and the ren-

te! st Coort wa- - oon- -

Tr.- - M Beattie ts.1 :. . F. M 1 ferial before

"P. i z aLE 0h z .:. is' "Mij 3.1S90J. remark. : "Some re-- ii

trkable cures have certain7;---ri- :

effected by Seqaah'irdicines."- rH?ORC Nexs' Apr. 6th.

LS90, speaking I Sequah'sromediaa, aaji The cureremain. : r-- j. i'.k:::


about to-ii.i- y. Lo lot thecat ten wem ra read novelsin their beiie . rii j theintervals snatched from dry"oast, potions an i pills."liD-DntBisB-

nti Stab" Maj"2. 18901, " TLe exxrofl madeby Sequah s Remedies,have excited a great deal ofa'.k. beci :se parienti

art well known as havingaoffered a number of years.

rne of them have been3.:rli:ted for 20 years.

MTKDAU Star" "May3rd, 1890. ' It cannot beienieii that persona well knownin Rockdale, known to havesuffered from the poor man'scurse, rheumatism, havesecured permanent rslief bythe use of Sequah 'aRemedies.'


ao.i beenid i verdkt ren-- aoa M.

wae errr-- d by 1

the case ol Be-- -- Nfizuel Laiz. U ..

It and I alter y. :?Ji


pabi H.iwa:

vkf.u f l.i. ESI m

Mr-- . Ftr "rcnaJcJ r M c m -

K:r of the V. H. I.M - - : V . r H.ixu-ians- 7

In.-tita-te zave Mr-- . Mary E.F -- ter i v-- ry r a-:i- r.t - :r: iher home on Naoann avenoe faafl

r. jht. The boys, knowing it wa.

the evr ol her departure for the" ..!".'- - .r' -- . - - . v -

token f retrard : r the kiflbearing which -- he MM

maintained toward the institute.Of cour--e muic wi th wst indmoat acceptable method. Count- -

ine the officer- - there were eleven inall wbo r..ei into Mr- - r ;ter -

trd Bfc tftss " Clock. Aa. . , .

thev walkea Up the anTV UMTJ e--

can inzinz ..'ne f Mr. F Mster -"? 7r --p,ravonte tlawaiian mm bat

ladv was in the hou.--e doinghpP paca.mz. bat whc1 --


droDDei ar.d wa kin out on the, . .

vcrauua -- utr --iini. cix.yoa have arpri:sed me in ZOxi prooPtiy refuaa all imitatioca and iuGaa-earne- t'

" The .:: an of the inti- - Dr. WiUiaoa' Pink Pilla ara sold bj Thetute went up on the veranda knd aoiiiatar Drw Co., Honvoio. whoiaaaia

311 Kin? Street. Comer olSmith Street.

I Cordiallv

'te Vou

IsW. ;rt have u5t been

Cor.r.rtsseurs wifl greatlythese roods, Thev are I

Nc iupi :ates.

It ShowsThat everv item of mv advertiss-pte- nt

is read by men and women.My Silk jauutan laws :een areal beehive.

Asi ie f this I rtceivsd alarge er. :f

GeTs, Fancy Shirts,Gents' Fall Dress Shirts.

Gents' Plain Shirt

UNDERWEARIn Cotton, Ba --- in. Flexible

and Silk.



Wide Brim Straw Hats. 75c eiclkDoo't Overlook Ms la the Ruk.

K. FURUYARobiBsoa Block. Hotel StneL




Lacies' wide-brt-a low crown Straw HbtaBasboo Balcoay Screers. 8x10, gxio andia x ic. Bamboo Portieres. Lunch miTraveling Baskets.

IWAKAMI,Hotel Street. Robinson Block

ILANIWAIHa been Leased by tne

Hawaiian HotelAnd will again open as a



:.n--- ..

ra is chid ome zh&z a omwi -



id 1



i - I .a.

t v

v t x ..ic-- e si L)l rcie aacMba, v-- ry ia7 wstk mm

r.SSE Sfi'lSdSi.. - -- t. - ir is..aa UBpovertaced coail:t: .ofr a d:r-ir'H- l condition I

m.m:. tna bo ay iaj ifecteii Dr. aa--

'Om' mi r.i.a olfar a apwiy and. '.r..- - ;u- -j7 -- T-r r-- - vitfa

, - ma - r nwo.ifa r U . flM IB .T

t? a an.u.ia care for loct

a agmiacfao. paipicauaa ot the haart or--9Vmty!LL LlS'T?'Llji r'

--?pia. tc. laev ire i.-.- . ,f?nc forz? 9cmit to .:orm U fortxmwiniiM. la mea :av --iif-ct mtiicai

:ar m ail cum frgi ai?ntal worry.ifwon, or ixa4t4H ,f

TlitJHe pills rf manufactured bv the Dr.MIuaM c,,., Br Citiir, Canad

H.iitxm Viaduct. Loaion. Enu.1 7 "Pf wwiilMi eShva-- 12pr eownr.tf iiice bwn ;tw fali tra,i

t01-- -vocderrixi reoj?dy. see thawri .a -- c rv pHCiau- - too career

AND OTHERS.The Honolulu mn Worts Company bav-

in renewal thtir D mm nn with theITaiifal Tibb W ai rtwin M

Nsrv YwBK ani are cur.--- , rtad


Hawaiian IslandsFor a., the variouf Lines of manaiaorare

Steam Pipe,Arelaa wU Tabe an --


Tne tonTep L--t --Joint water pipe of

GALVANIZED WATER PIPEteel. and Iron Boiler Tub?. Etc..

rwRm t:thValues. Cocks, and an ILnds of Steaa. Witer

aad Gas Fimncs.

Ar.i w:L hnceforh --t a arge rtock otaid tooi$ ir. H hoSbib. to enable thm to

all ordinary orders cn rhort notice atuiac

Prices Hitherto Unknown




W. W. WRIGHT. Proprietor.


Cmrriit 3 : - id Paintin

You can make your icecream for any quantity ofpersons in almost as short atime as it lakes to say i: withone of our


Ice Cream Freezers.

Among the many interest-ing things we are expectingto arrive will be Piano. Ba- -Qycrf and parlor Lamps inthe very latest designs justcompleted by the factory forthe

SILK SHADESIn the newest of designs. 7 to

" r inches.Full line of

mourn. BotooraiB.Etcfairurs ami trip Etching'-- .

Plcrare- - Monltilntr?.


Ebony and


Toilet Ware,Consisting of evry nsefnl article

in that Line is


We have a full stock of the popular

Beaded and Rococo Border Patterns, than

which there :s nothing more desirable or

in keeping with the prevailing styles.

The most desirable, however, has been,

and always 9 be, the Plain Ebony Back.

Hands: me Paised S . - tr Monogram.

These we make r in i variety-- of stytes

to suit each individual taste.

Prices on these goods will be found

.ewer :han sim.iar e:ods in the L'n.ted

Sie. being direct importations from En-rop-e,

a hereby we save the high tariff on

such z:ods America.

: ?

i M( BiCI Din

(1 l O o l. Zk

Yoa SuOQli Have One.

Wheel Barrows,Road S:rrers.

Ox Bows,Hoe Handles.

Barbed Wire,Asbestos Cement,

MATTOCKS,F"ccd Cucter.Lawn Mowers.Forges,Blacksmiths' Bellows.Machinists' Drill, Vises.

ChafCOal iTOnS.



n i ptt v cv n(rvv i aVJAjILL OL jUUiiJ, LU,

: M ? Z - T Z r S

Hardware and General Mercnandise.

DAI NIPPONHotel St.. Arlington B!ock.

Keep-- ? constantly reeivinfir via everyTaraer from Japan. Frhet and

wet of DRESS 600D6LFull ?to?k of everythinir Japanese.

DAI NIPPON,Hotel Street. Arlington Block.



7ars. -a :3 favcr w.th both c a:-- .- an.io - iea - ' ' ic t- -e world. .3 w u- --

qugsrionahly at ooiv- - the br hWmi for--. tcfaeta auk, koc :- -e w-.i- c-i ars

.-if" of infers. It,i tst prrcntae y.-.-- s

- and ita.a.r.A to rr.jCc Tr- -.: ar. i --x.i sa---- t i s c

..-- .t - ;s t iafancs. Tj ny tni,cr sead:- -.

:rr 2 : trew, a--d mer.z-.r.r.-.r.- f this paoT. we .

: i..-.;.- i.-.-d acacafcioa cf N'scc s F ,;ri.- --ming jt Co.. ".lie Ats. 39 M imy St.. 5. i

r - a.'w ifi aaaaaaaaaaaaasEit 'i ) a i a. n r j j i



HoLUster Drag Compaay. Limited,

53 Fore Street, Honolulu. H. I.


N'ii :E SZ-HAN- T DELIVERYWax ) o 1 1 carrv lull J0C8 pound. Aiireaa"P. U. Box 4. 4143-t- f

Hobron Drug Co.A6EBTS.




MMGibsanm for saiji the best qcai


Ruling Market Rate.T'wa Litre w the jer arai. pun ar.i

Ring up 247 andLeave Y our Orders.

mam lime id stone


MISS D. LAMB,Lawyers' Clerk


Notarv Public,BP

7?. - With J. A. faoon.

J T. LUND,1 and 130 Fort St.. opp. Club Stables.r lie


NightDread !

Thcusa.- - is people iread thecottii ng ofsut??r-r- c they hav-- to endureKm coughs, mgnt - swea,asthma xr.i BUuuoe9B nikethe foe awning drearyss.d pair.ru!.


w.:i care congas, prevent sight.sweaa. relieve '-


and thu-- grwe restand 5ie- -r . It a lood enrdi-cin- e

that is pleasant to take andbailds uo the general heaith- -

50 cr- -. an.i 1.00.

XXG saltan- -g


eugaged in conversation with Mrs.Foster while the inger remaineibelow on the lawn among thethe tropical plant. The bows angat interval until 10 o'clock, whenthey bid farewell to the "mother"of the institute, wishing her a pleas-ant vovaee and a --peed v return.

Assaulted HL-- Wife.Mrs. Victoria Fernandez called

at the police station Monday morn-ing and told a very pitiful tale ofher having been beaten and other-wise maltreated bv her husband.Peter Fernandez, a great. irlvPortuguese. It seems the two havenot been very happy together forsome time past. Little hints of astorm had asserted themselves pre-vious to Sundav last. At that timethe climax was reached. A disputewas the forerunner of harsh wor i- -

and blows from the husbandsoon Mrs. Fernandez found thatthe man had become incensed to adegree bordering on madness. Heran for his revolver and she couldhear him loadinz it as she ried from.the house. Complaint was made at, . . . .me sxatin noose, ana me re-u- ii

was Mr. Peter had to appear beforeJude Perry yesterday morning.He was found guilty of assault andbattery on his wife and sentencedto pay a tine of 15 and 13 costsfor his indiscretion.

Stcvcn4n' Prtraits.There are only three portraits of

Robert Louis Stevenson in exig-ence. One of these was never fin-ished. It is owned by the artist.W. B. Richmond. R.A.. wh couldnot induce the great novelist togive him a third sitting. Anotheris by Xerli. an Italian artist. Thisis the most recent. New YorkWorld.

The wife of Mr. Leonard Wells, ofEast Brimfie'd. Mass . bad beenufftricg from neuralgia for two dav.not being able to sleep or hardly keepetill, when Mr. Holden, the merchantthere. snt her a bottle of fhimlv-- -

Iain's Pain Balm, an 1 asked tbat she L

give it atborougb trial. On meetingMr. Wells the next day be wu to ithat she was all right, the pain badlefr her within two hours, and thattbe bottle of Pain Balm wa worthJo.OO if it could not be bad for Iee.For aale at 50 centa per bottle by all.if Rrc-- v iuiTu a r nrafor H. I.

1 V-J-lli.

will meet with promr: arrentioo.

P. O. Box 3l

128 Slid 130 FORT STREET.

Uai.v A'l vertier . o cen: -month. Delivered bv carrier.


Contain 30t.S55 Vocabulary Termsmore than twice the number of terms inany other sinjrie Toiome Dictiooarr. and75.CX) more than in any other Dictionaryof the lanjraage.

Address: B. R. FOSS,Soliciting Agent. P. O. Box as.

:h. f.wichman


LOCAL BREV WE A R E TO BAVE A CABLE Costs Less for Fuel Than aay Stove Made SPECIALTIES: c. & c.A gold cuff button with mono-gram has been lost.

Read Hopp & Co..--- ad. in thisis-u- e regarding furniture.

Rev. Feather Xoel will leave forthe Coast on the Australia today.

Manager Ahrens of Waianaeplantation was in the city

Rpntino-- houses, storks.offices, btcI can find you a tenant or rent you

what you want.

Buying and SellingRESIDKyCK PROPBRTT,


K you want to buy call on rae. If yuwant to seil fist your property with me.

Notary Public,

modem starxd-Farri- lj

CoutfhThe usual weekly Board of Healthmeeting will be held at 3 p m- - 10dav.

Th- - court of tax appeals will sitat the District Court room on Fri-day, the 22d inst., at 2 p. m.

Pacific Lodge, No. B22, A. F. fc

A M will hold a sneeial meetinf?at 7:30 tonight. Work in the thirddegree.

Pedro Fernandez, having sepa- -

rated from his wife, notifies thepublic not to tru-- t her on his ac- -

count.Messrs. A. L. Morris ft Co, feed

merchants, have a bright new ad- -

vertisement in the shaie of a de- -1

livery wagon.John Randolph Gait has been

recognized by President Clevelanda- - the Hawaiian Congo at Seattle,yice Carter resigned.

The Hawaiian band will give theusual Wednesday afternoon con-cert at the Executive buildinggrounds this afternoon.

The committee on hanging pic-tures has about finished its workin the Kilohana Art League rooms.This is varnishing day.

The Hawaiian Safe Deposit andInvestment Company, calls at-

tention to valuable Governmentlease of land offered for sale.

Mr. Thomas Rain Walker wasunanimouslv elected synodsman inthe Anglican Church last night tosucceed Captain H. W. Mist, K. X..deceased.

Ladies' day at the courts of thePacific Tennis Club this afternoon.lady friends will l)e welcome tothe grounds at any time through-out the day.

The meeting of the jury called toconsider the plans for the new roadalong Nuuanu stream has beenpostponed until tomorrow at 10o'clock a. m.

M Heavy rains have knocked plo-ver hunting in the head," said adisgusted hunter yesterday. Therains have scared the birds awayand washed out all the caterpillers.

B. F. Dillingham, manager O.R. & L.


.provided... the people of

Spalding Seta Every Enourajj'iiiMit.

Eastern apltiilKt- - Willing to "iipiwirtIt The scheme Considered Good.

Preside nt t Aid.

From private advices it is learnedthat Colonel Spalding has receivedgreat encouragement from the capi- -

talists in the East regarding hiscable scheme. The monied men ofNew York. Boston ami Washingtonlook upon a cable to Hawaii as anabsolute necessity and should bebuilt by American capital, eventhough it may not be a paying in- -

vestment from the start.Among the clubmen in New

York and Washington the impres- -

8ion exists that operations willlegin even before the time allow- -

ance expires. The reasons for thehaste heing due to the fact thatHonolulu -

is fast being recognized. fu an uiiporiaiii jini uuui cuiu- -

mercially and strategic. The factthat the situation in the Orient isas it is and with nothing to leadthe jeople in the United States tofeel that it will be permanentlysettled very soon brings to them arealization of the importance of atrans-Pacif- ic cable.

President Cleveland has beenspoken to on the subject and hasexpressed himself as favorable tothe scheme, and from his remarksit is believed he will favor sub- -

.a. a ; isianiiai assistance.The news received are considered

favorable, and whatever doubt hasbeen felt regarding the completionof the cable may be dispelled.

Pacific Lodge, No. 822, A. F. & A. M.


of Pacific Lodire No. 822. A. F. & A. If.,at their Hall. Masonic Temple. THIS(Wednesday) EVENING. November 20. at7 :30 o'clock

Work in Third Degree.

Members of Hawaiian Lodge, Lodge leProgres and all sojourning Brethren arefraternally invited to be present.

By order of the U. W.-- . II..H. H. WILLIAMS,

4154-l- t Secretary.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THATthe Court of the Tax Appeals for the Dis-trict of Honolulu, Oanu, will sit at the Dis-trict Court room on FRIDAY, the 22d dayof November. A.D. 1805. at 2 o'clock p. m..J' fheaf,such appeals as may be brought

. A. rh KrC i ,

LOST.ONE GOLD ctkf BUTTON WITHmonoL'ram "J.D.T " Return to H. S.Tregloan A Son and receive reward. 4154-2- t


HAVING SEPARATED FROM MYwife, Victoria Toriz rortaJo Fernandez,for just and leal reasons, I hereby fcive

niy said wife on my account and credit,a. 1 w11 nt be responsible for any debts

date.(Signed) PEDRO FERNANDEZ.


--THAT DESIRABLE RESIDENCE ON' Beretania street. No. 9, at present oc-

cupied by A. XI. Sproull. Eso.. and contain-ing 6 rooms, kitchen and uathhouse, besidesouthouses.

4in-t- f H. W. SCHMIPT & SONS.


JhJJSLSZpanv will he held on November 'iorh. 1!."at 10 o'clock a. M at the office of L'astle 6c

Cooke. Limited.E. D. TENNE Y.

Secretarv Ewa Plantation Company.4145-t- d

ANNUAL MEETIXGr.THE POSTPONED ANNUAL MEETINGof the shareholders of the Kohala Sugar'umpany wilt be held on the 27th inst , at

lOo'cIock a.m., at the office of Castle &Cooke, Limited.

W. A. BO WEN.Secretary Kohala Sugar Company.

Honolulu. H. ., November 7th. 1895.4145-t- d


I WILL RECEIVE PATIENTS DAILYbetween 9 and 11 a. m., at my office, in theMasonic Temple.

4151-l- w DR. N. BU8SEL.


Choice Maui PotatoesAT

VERY LOW PRICE,And They are Superior

To Anything Imported.


FLOu RHas rained the

fldence of aH o


Prices below

other No. 1 St

Hour in the




Theo. H.Davies& Co.,

Sok Agent!

Mutual Tel. 266. P. O. Box i$b.WING WO TAI & CO..

214 Nuuanu St., Honolulu, H. I.

COMMISSION MERCHANTS,Importers and Dealers In

General Merchandise, Fine Manila Cigan,Chinese and Japanese Crockerywart,Mattings, Vases of nil kinds, CamphorWood Trunks, Rattan Chairs. A FinAssortment of Dress Silks, ChoicestBrands of Chinese and Japanese Taaslatest importations.

Inapcctton of New Goods respectfully soUettoA.

Commercial Saloon,Cr. Nuuanu and Beretania St.

T. KEVEN, Managsr.

COOL FRESH BEEROb Draught and the Standard Braac

of Bottled Beer.Plat Whiskies. Brandies. Wins and Frsac



a thirst on Thurston).


Wa. G. Irwin - President and ManafsfClaws Spreckels - - - Vke-Presid-

W. M. Giffard - Secretary and TreasurerTheo. C. Porter - Audita



Oceanic Steamship CompaapOf San frtnoUoo, Ca4..


Pint-Clas- s Market in Every Respect.

Bteldes carrying a Pull Line of Maatswe make a specialty of



WESTBR00K & GARES.Proprietors.


Maui, will not esponsible tor anydebts incurred in h le without writtenorder from him.

(MPT AJH D.TAYLOR.October 12, 1895. Lahaina, Maui.

412?-3- m

The Daily Advertiser 75 cents amonth. Delivered by carrier.

IMYa antl poini. tins Siae Wltn iree President of Court of Tax Appeals forto Honolulu and re--! tnct of Honolulu.

Dated Honolulu, H. 1., November 19,turn last night in order to attend' i&x. 4i54-3- t

the Yatman meeting.



CURES the coldsaid COVJgKs tK&t

afflict Kvimarxitvj.









E. VANDOORN & CO.,Dealers in

How floors

W ate carry a full line of Tobaccos,Pipes, etc.

Ice Cold Drinks a Specialty.Step In on your way to the city front

and fet a cold drink and a good cigar.


PIEEIVE JONES t. a. srikrpsor


Accountants and Commission Agents.


Business m.Conveyancing and Legal documents drawnup. Drawing and tracings made. Trans-

lation In French, German, Spanish, Fortuguesc, Dutch, Italian and Hawaiian.BHs collected and accounts adjusted.

Office: 308 Merchant St.


91 Nuuanu Street,5000-me- n daily to drink the-SO- OO

FAMOUS SEATTLE BEER,Ice Cold on Draught.

EDWARD HARRY,Postoffice Box 475, Honolulu.



A. HARRISON,Castle & Cooke's New Warehouse, Bethel

Street. 4141-t- f

STORE TO LET,King street, near Fort. Apply to


FOR SALE.Fine black h rse. perfectly sound. Ap--plv to


TO LET.Fine stable accommodations, one tothree stalls. Apply to

ED. A. WILLIAMS.4141-t- f


Barnes Spec e itce '

Will Sell on Time or for Cash.

Price $100.Call at this Office and see Ca- -


NOTICEIS HEREBY GIVEN THAT MISSDorothea Lamb is authorized to transact allmatters of business for me and to sign myname. J. ALFRED MAGOON.Office: Old Capitol Building, next Post-offic- e,

Honolulu. 4141-t- f

Brokerao, Gnoral BuslneewAccident Insurance, 9fes, Safe

jc D. CHASE4.06 Fort Street. Tel. 184.

ISYOURSILVERWARESterling Silver or onlv marked so. Everyhousewife has heard of the Gorhams,Silversmiths. When they stamp anyarticle sterling silver you can rest assuredthat it is sterling silver.

We invite the public (tourists especially ;

to make a thorough examination of ourstock and prices in Sterling Silverware,Souvenir Spoons, Plated Ware, Watchesand Diamonds. Native Jewelry manu-factured in unique designs and to order.

Jacobson & Pfeiffer,FORT STREET.

Wenner A Co.'s Old Stand.

F. W. MAKINNEY,Searcher of Records,


Certificates . of . Title.Having had fifteen years' experience as

a Searcher I am prepared to do all wortc tam , line reasonably and accurately.AH Work Guaranteed to be Absolutely Correct.

Office: 318 Fort Street.(W. Q. Smith's Office.)

W. J. ST0DDART,(Successor to Farrer & Co. )

mm on mf.Ilepalrs of Every Description.

Wire Jewelry made to order,Musical Boxes repaired,


First-clas- s Work. Moderate Prices.

CARE OF T. LINDSAY,Merchant Street.

Hand -- made and imported Harness Sad-dles, Bridles and all Horse and CarriageGoods. Prices are right.


C. R. COLLINS,P. O. Box 496. 337 King street,

4079 near Nuuanu.

CRITERION SALOONFort, Near Hotel Street,

Have just received a consignment ofthe famous


Malting Company's Beer in BulkTRY IT.

Popular Brands of Straight Goods al-ways on hand.

c. j. McCarthy,Manaerer.


13 ACRES ORANGE GROVE; ALL TNgood bearing; one mile from centre of townand situated at corner of Main street andOntario avenue. The above is in a highstate of cultivation, well watered and inone of the most beautifnl localities in Cali-fornia. The party owning the same is nowresiding in these islands, and needingready money, is willing to dispose of at abargain for cash, or in exchange for city

ropertv. Parties wishing to purchase wille furnished with good references at River

side. Full particulars will be cheerfullygiven by calling or addressing

lifcU. A. TURNER.Real Estate and General Business Agent,

308 Merchant street. 4069-t- f


Tiles for Floors and for Dect-rati- ng



.--. Manila Cigars .. .'.



Sole Agent, Waring Block.Telephone 994. P. Q. BoxVg.

ni.111and Tuesday.



Pants and Shoes

These are just the thing for school child-

ren and every parent should take adan- -

tage of this sale,

BOyS SUIISWith Knee Pants, all sizes from

6 years to 13 years, formerlysold for to $11, will be sold for

$3.00Boys' KneePants

All sizes, from 4 to 12 years;

good value at $1.50 to $2.50, to

be sold for

50c,75c,$l.oo.Boys' Shoes

Sizes, 13 to 5, formerly sold for

$2 and $3.

95c.No eoods bouget at sale prices will be

taken back or exchanged, but these goodsare on exhibition and may oe fitted at thestore.


I I A Iki r v r t r v




FOItT AM) BERETAXIA STS.Graduated from Dr. S Rodger- -'

Perfect Embalming School in anFrancisco, California, in L890. Hahad twenty --five years' experience inHonolulu." n th UndertakingBusiness.

Hear-e- s and 'arriaire f r funerals.

Headstones 1 Monuments $rficp Telephone M: Rei- - $

dene and n ght call sjm.

1. 1 L Comer Is OwM245 Is Our Telephone.


We move Furniture by the job'or $2 toS5 by the load, according to quality or dis-tance, and we guarantee all work done byus.

Intending passengers on island or foeign steamers will rind us prompt and upto all details in handling, marking an3checking baggage.

All work superintended by' competentmen.

william larsen,Proprietor Larsen s Express.

Rev. Stephen Desha of Hilo, Ha- - :

waii, and Rev. Kapu of Maui, bothnf nhnm p iLwn ftn :ittnl tliofirst service in Kawaiahao church,renewed, returned to their respec-tive homes yesterday.

There will le a meeting of theHawaiian Medical Society at thehome of the president. Dr. Mc--

Cirew, this evening. Ihe object is :

to make final arrangements in theorganization of the society

Mr. Yatman will sjeak in Ka-waiahao church at 7:3U o'clock this ;

evening. His remarks will be'translated in Hawaiian by Rev. H.H. Parker, pastor of Kawaiahao.Undoubtedly the church will lefilled to its greatest capacity.

Superintendent Brown of thewater works put an additionalforce of men at work blasting rockat the top of Punchlowl yesterday.An effort is being made to have thenew reservoir completed by Janu- -arv 1st.

The resignation of Minister V.R. Castle, to take effect December1st, has been received at the For- -eign Office. As Mr. Hatch wentdirect to Washington he wouldreach his post before Mr. Castle'sresignation would take effect.

Miss Helen Wilder and MissAlice Kimball will leave on theAustralia for San Francisco. MissWilder will visit at the home ofMiss Kimball in Oakland, Cal.The two young ladies will he awayfor a couple of months, when theywill return to Honolulu.

Hanloa 'ill K Bubear.AUSTIN, (Texas), Nov. 8. Last

night Hanlon challenged Buhear,the English sculler, to row him forthe championship of England and

500 a side, and today Buhear ac-cepted the challenge. "The Dickin-son Coast Fair Association offer inaddition a purse of $1,000, and therace Will lx rivrl on th I)wlcinon Bayou, 27 miles from Galves--

ton. on the 19. Jack Gaudaur andKogers, and Bubear and Barry,signed articles of agreement todavto row a double-.scu-ll for $1000 andEr3Tpone ttVv 'Therace will come off here on the 1 ,

SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. Indurinelockout today, by paying ofT andu?en.lini: 25 per cent, of their

workmen. The Clyde builder.-- areacting in harmony with the Belfastshipbuilders who?e employes areon strike.

'wSfr'rai Irlfi aaavBWlSai


Steamship Line.

Steamers of the above line, running in

connection with the CANADIAN PACIFICRailway Company between Vancouver,8. C, and Sydney, N. S. W., and callingat Victoria, B. C, Honolulu and Suva(Fiji),

Are Due at HonoluluOn or about the dates below stated, via:

from Sydnev end Mo. loi ficiwic

.B. 6.!

S S. - WARRIMOO' Novn)b r 4S. S. "MIOWERA". December 2

Froffl Victoria Qnti Voncouver. B. C lor

Suva and SiOflei

. S. "V RKI.MOO " N( vember 24S. s. MIOWERA- - .. . December 21

Through tickets issued from Honoluluto Canada, United States and Europe.

For Freight and Passage and all generalinformation apply to

Theo. H. Davies & Co., Ltd.,.KN ERAL AGENTS.



Bin M elite

For San Francisco:The New and Fine Ai Steel Steamship

"ALAMEDA"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company willbe due at Honolulu from Sydney and Auck-tan- d

on or about

DECEMBER 12th,And will leave for the above port withMails and Passengers on or about that date.

For Sydney and Auckland:The New and Fine Ai Steel Steamship

"MARIPOSA"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company willbe due at Honolulu from San Francisco on

or about

NOVEMBER 21st,And will have prompt dispatch with Mailsand Passengers for the above ports.

The Uedersigned Are Now Preparedto Issue

Through Tickets to All Points


For further particulars regarding FreightPassage apply to

1. 6. Ill I CO.. LGeneral Agents.

OCEANICenrn iiffonrnnADlLHmOnir uU.


S.S.AUSTRALIAArrive Honolulu Leave Honolulu

from S. F. for S. F.

Nov. 15 Nov. 20Dec. 9 Dec 16Jan. 3, '96.. .. ....Jan. 6, '96Jan. 27, '96.... ....Feb. 1, '96Feb. 21, '96 ... ..Feb. 26, '96

THROUGH LINEFrom S. F. for From Svdney for

Sydney. Si F.Arrive Honolulu. Leave Honolulu.

Mariposa... Nov. 21 Monowai... Nov. 14Monowai... Deo. 19 Alameda... .Dec. 12Alameda Jnn 16, '96 Mariposa Jan 9, '96MariposnFeb 13 '96 Monowai Feb 6, '96

GonsolldQted Sod mier Works Co


Esplanade, Cor. Allen and FortSts.

HOLLISTER & CO., A-e- nts.

Daily Advertiser 75 cents amonth.


rThls lla--t doea not Include coutera.)W H IMmond. HBtOD, Han Francisco.Bk City of Adelaide, Williamson, Newcs'leBark lion Adolfo. Larsen. Newcastle.Bark S C Allen. Thompson. San Francisco(ier bark H Hackfeld. Wolters, New York.Scbr Robert Lewers. Goodman. Hilo.D 8 ?5 Bennington. Pieman, Hilo.OSS Australia. Hondlette. San Francisco.Bk Coioma. Noyes, Portland.

rilSBLI r.IPICTID.Vesaela- - Where from. Due

Br bk Alden Grove. .Liverpool. . . DueGer bk J C Pflufrer. .Bremen DueK M S S Mariposa. . . F . . Nov 21O A8 fl Miowera .Vancouver. . Nov 21O A O S S City of Peking. China. ..Dec r,Bk Paul Isenbenr... Liverpool .. . . Dec 30Bg W G Irwin S F ..Nov 26

AKIUVALS.Tcesday. Nov VJ.

Stiur Hawaii. Fitzgerald, from Hawaii.

I K FA KT I l;K".Tuesday. Nov 19.

Stmr Kinau, Clarke, for Maui and Hawaii.

ritrnr Mikahala. Haidund. for Kauai.Stmr Waialeale. Gregorv, for Lahaina.

KuKuinaele and Honokaa.Stmr Claudine, Cameron, for ports on


wmmmmui leauno today.OSS Australia, Houdlette, for San

Francisco at 4 p m.Stmr Kilauea Hou. Weir, for Kalau-- ,

papa, Paauilo, Ookala and Kukaiau ati at 5 p m.

DEPARTURES.For Mani and Hawaii, per stmr Kinau.

Nov 19 D Kahaulelio, Mrs Gibb. MorrisReads, Mr J D Holt. Mr-- J C Lorenzenand nephew, Mrs J V Winter, MrsGra-bss- n,

Master Harry Oraham. Ira Van('amp. D W Jones. J Makainai and ser-vant. O K Thrum. Jas Kenton. Miss Horn-er. Mr- - A B Naone and 2 children. B Da-vie- s.

Kev 9 Desha. Mi-- - M Ahrens. CaptTaylor and friend, J M Jones and J V

Mason.For Maui ports, per stmr Waialeale. Nov

If Mr and Mis W E Lebertew ami b" ondeck.

For Maui, per stmr Claudine. Nov 10A Hockinj?. B Bailey, David Center. J WColville and wife. Rev S Kapu, Makuda. AG Dickens. J H Boyd. A Enos Young Heeand wife, E B Freil anl E Methane

Diamond Head, Nov. 19, 10 p.m.Weather, hazy; wind, light W.The Likelike. James Makee and

Kauai are laid up for repairs.The R. If. S. S. Mariposa is due

from San Francisco tomorrow.The Claudine sailed on her regu-

lar Maui route yesterday afternoon.The City of Adelaide is still tak-

ing on ballast. She will sail nextweek.

The Kilauea Hou will sail forKalaupapa, Pauilo, Ookala andKukaiau today.

The Mikahala sailed for Kauaiports at the usual time yesterdayafternoon. She took a large cargo.

A deserter from the bark H.Hackfeld, who was missing sincelast Saturday, was caught by De-tective Hammer yesterday after-noon.

The boys on the water front havebeen heard to remark frequently oflate, "It looks good to see Billy"Ht;'s down around these partsagain.

The Kinau sailed yesterdaymorning for Maui and Hawaii.She will leave Hilo Saturday, No-

vember 23d, arriving in Honoluluon the following Monday.

The O. S. S. Australia, Houdlettemaster, sails for San Francisco at4 p. m. today. She will take alarge freight list but very few pas-sengers. The Hawaiian band willbe on the wharf to bid farewell tothe passengers.

The U. S. S. Bennington will le-gi- n

taking on 370 tons of coalThursday . Next week she will bepainted and then Captain Pigmanexpects to get his men down tohard work. The regular dailydrills will be given again.

BERLIN. Oct. 30. The NorthGerman Lloyd Steamship Com-pany, at a meeting on Thursday,resolved to build an Atlantic linerwhich is to outdo in size, speed andelegance anything afloat. In addi-tion, the Trave and Aller are to bereconstructed.

The Waialeale did not get awayuntil 4 p. m. yesterday. Her delaywas caused by having to wait forsome machinery for the Honokaamill which had to be repaired atthe Honolulu Iron Works. J?hetook 50,000 feet of lumber for La-haina. Kukuihaele and Kailua.

Hij; SUpbailders' Lockout.GLASGOW, Nov. 5 The Clyde

shipbuilders began their promised I

A Cold Water Paint Especially

Designed for Inside Wo'k on

Factories and Public


It Is a drv p.nvJer which csn be prepared for use by simply stirring in COLDW ATER, and can be applied by any oneani will always produce good work.

It is VERY WHITE, extremely reflec-

tive and hardens on a wall like stone andwill take any tint.

It will last for years and Is unaffectedby gases.

One coat covers better than two coats ofoil paint or whitewash.

It can be used on any surface and forall classes of work, even for the finestdecorating.


This Is for Outside Work.

Such as Fences, Outbuildings and Labor-

ers' Quarters. It is a thick paste to be

diluted with cold water; stands rain andexposure, as well as oil paint, and costsbut a fraction as much.

Adapted for Dwellings, Offices and PublicDwellings, or any other place whereK ALSO MINE is used. It will not rub,discolor or scale off.

LUCOL.A new Paint Oil. It comes raw and

boiled: is superior to linseed, and coverswith one-thir- d less lead and pigment to thegallon,

P. and B. Compounds and Papers.


i. G. Irwin I Go., linlefl,Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.


) -t rL aaBJ"aSaff"aa

!!!!SSar i




Housekeeping Goods,AND


Ware- - Rubber Hose





NewGoods, New Goods: at

GOO KIM'S, 4H Nuuanu Street,Importer and Dealer In


Dry and Fancy Goods.By the latest vessel we received a Full

Line of Gents' White and Brown PanamaHats and a Full Line Lawns, Ginghams,and Trimmed and Untrimmed Ladies' Hatsin Latest Patterns, etc., and a Full Line ofBest Black and Green Chinese Tea inpounds or boxes. Call on us for your fineSuitings. We guarantee a fit. Pncesm 'derate. GOO KIM, Proprietor.

v x irsjf 1 io. y



Within a year it is confiiiential-l- y

expected the Straits f Fncawill echo tin- - music of the shoregone at Esqnimault, Great Brit-ain's npw nnH most liMMb'I'I) 1 i li

of defences at the southern ex-tremit- y

f Vancouver Island.Never has a military undertakingin time f profoundesl peace beenprosecuted with stricter secrecythan the construction of these for-tifications, and all thai Victoriansknow about th marvelous systemof protection at their doors mightbe told in a few brief paragraphs

that the new forts are designedfor stern work. nr for display;that their armament will be themost modern and best in theworld: that submarine mines andtorpedoes an a prominent feat-ure; that the "forts"' an loeatedsomewhere in the bowels of theearth between point Macaulayand Esquimalt navy yard: thatthe magazines are storked lorsieire if necesary, and that thew ork of construction is now nearlyaccomplished, and that of equip-ment has begun. How the fortslook from the shore none ran saysave the uncommunicative officersin charge, for in the past twoyears the scene of operations hasnighl and day been surrounded bya line of sentinels, to pass whomnothing less than an order fromili- - Imperial War Office was re-quired. Tin workmen, too, havebeen changed about, so that itwould be impossible for any ofthem, even should he feel so in-cline-

to disclose the secrets ofthe stronghold. And not eventhe highest officers of the residentmilitia have as yet been admittedwithin the sacred precincts bounded by that faithful sentry line.In view of such an emergency theheadquarter militia companieshave, during the past year or so,been put through a course of spec-ial training by instructors fromthe Marine Royal Artillery, prac-tical artillery work being giventhem, and their patriotic enthusi-asm being strengthened by aeasli bonus of .'o dollars to eachman attending the gunnery class-es.. Besides this, a handsomenew drill hall has been providedfor them : they have been suppliedwith every military luxury andW W

necessity, and have generally beendealt with n a scale of liberlity


that would simply astound anyvolunteer corps in eastern Canada.All of which points to but oneeon elusion. Exchange.

FITS CUREDFrom V. S. Journal of Medicine.)

Prof. W.n.Peokp.who makes a specialty of Epilepsy,h is without doubt treated and cured more eates thanany living Physic ian ; h is success i s astonishing. Wehave heard of cases of 20yearsVtandinscured by him.Ilepublishesavaluablework on thisdisease which hetends with a larire bottle of his absolute cure, free toany sufferer who may send their P.O. and Express ad-

dress. We advise anvone wishing a cure to address.Prof. W. B. PEE&E,F. !., 4 Cedar St., New York.


The Bark "lolani"Will go on the berth in N w York on

or about January 1st, and sail forthis port n or about

FEBRUARY 1st, 1895.If sufficient inducement offers.

For particulars, call or addressH . BREWER Si CO.,27 Kilby street. Boston, or

C. Bkf.wkr vV '.. L'i.,Agents. Honolulu.

For Yokohama and Hongkong.

The ai Steamship

"ASLOUN," :- -,O00 TONS.

Is due on or about NOVEMBER 15, andwill have immediate dispatch

for above ports.

For particulars of Freight and Passageapply to

THEO. H. DAYIES & CO., Limited,


POl 1 POl !

E. Van Doom & Co., Fort StreetNext Lucas' Planing Mill, will have

fresh everv davMACHINE-MAD- E POl


KALIHI POl FACTORY,Which will be sold to families in l.irge or

small quantities. No Contain-ers r-- I'RNISHED.

Store open evenings.

W. L. WILCOX.Proprietor Kalihi Poi Factory.


NE SECOND-HAN- D FIRE PROOFSafe: medium size. Add-es- s P. O. Box 84.

4143-t- t


Ic 2

m9SS jj

t ', 5

P-- r.a.Cf. UODOlnla. , 6.40 9.1S 1:48 S;10

" prl City... 7;J 5- - 5:53" Swi Mill..- - 9:10 10:19 2:49 :14

4t. Wilmie . .54 a. 4 8:49

sxs21 s

g 5W&Q - -A.M. A.M. r.M. P.M.

C. WHiOM.... 6:44 IJ33 3:47Iwi Mill... 7:19 9:10 4:2Pearl City.. 7:50 '4:48 4.52

Am. Honolulu... i?i 10: 3:11 5:"J6

On Sundays train will leave Waianae at3:47 p.m. instead of 1:32 p.m. arriving inHonolulu at B:98 p.m.

Freight Trains will carry Passenger ac-

commodations.O. P. Damson, F. C. Smith,

Superintendent. Gen. Pass. & Tkt. Ajrt.


Pa coniKKioi MBKr,Issued Every Morning, Except

Sunday, by the

Hawaiian Gazette CompanyAT 318 MKKUHANT W BEET.

Subscription Rate:Ths Dally Pacific Commercial Advertiser,

Eight Pages....n. mrcr monin w

Per months if paid in advance - 2

Per yea in advance - 8 coPer year, postpaid to United States

of America, Canada or Mexico- - n cdPar i year, postpaid other foreign 14 OQ

Hawaiian Gazette, Semi-Weekl- y, EightPages, Tuesdays and Fridays:

Per year, 104 numbers f 00Per year, foreign countries - - 6 00

Payable lavariaMy is Advance.

AdVertTsements unaccompanied by specificInstructions inserted till ordered 01

Advert iements discontinued before ex-

piration of specified period will be chargedas tf continued for full term.

Liberal allowance on yearly and halfyearly contracts.

All persons desiring their advertisementsdiscontinued must send a written order tothat effect.

Where cuts are inserted they must beALL METAL, not mounted on s

otherwise wa assume no risk of theirpreservation. GEO. H. PARIS,

Business Manager.


THE advki: 1 im.i: alendak.November, 1M..

m. Tb Fr. moon's phases.

1 r Fall MoonNov 2.

S 4 6 6 S Lut Qu'r"lo" 17 12 13 14 IS 16

Xot 9.Siovg Mood

Nov 16.17 18 19 20 21 32 23

34 2JS 26 37 it 39 3U Nov 25.


Steamships will leave for and arriveNan Francisco, ancouver ami

Sydney on the following dates, till theclose of 1895.AS. AT HOSOLCLC LBAVB HOKOLCLrfu. Bas Fbahcisco Fob Bas Fbahcisco

os Vascouvkh ob VajicouvebOn or About On or About

Australia. ...Nov. 15 Warrimoo. . . Nov. 4

Mariposa. . Nov. 21 Coptic Nov.Miowera Nov. 24 Monr.wai Nov. 14

optic .Nov. 28 Australir Nov. 20Austrrlia . . . . Dec. 9 Warrimoo Dec. 2Monowai . Dec. 19 City Peking.. Dec. fl

Warrimoo. ..Dec. 24 Alameda Dec. 12City Peking..Dec. 2S Australia . . Dec. 16

1S96.Miowera Jan. 1

fteoroloftc) Kscord


THEKMom I: c


Z 2 a 03 g


Sun 10 30.17 30.0V 74 M .10 64 6 ' EN E cMon 11 90.14 30.04 72 81 .03 71 4 HE rTue. 12 ?0.09 30.Oi 6g -- 4 .00 75 3 6 wsw lW-- d 13 30.0t)29 98 69 S2 00 77 3--7 lrhu llj3.1.0029.9tH 75 m .01 80 0 3Fii. 15 29.96 9.92 I' 75 1.50 92 10-- 3 1- -4

bat. 75 .03 56 3 B 1

Barometer corrected for temperature and eleTAtion, but not for latitude.

TMea. Son and Moon.

4 aDay. 9 ?

1 I

p.m p.m. p.m.

Mon . 18 4.5-- 3 4 26 9.50 12 32 6.13 7.15 :

Thh .. 19 5 3 5 7 10 24 1.31 6.14 5.17 s.iaWed.. 2)i 6.17 6 15 11. 1 2 27 6.14 5.17 9.12Thur.. 11 7. 0 7 48 3.14 11.60 6.15 6 17 10. IFrld . 22 7.4 1 9 28, 3.49 a.m.; 6.15 5 17 11. 1

SAt.... 33 8.38 10 47 4.20 0.58 6.16 6.17 11.52Sun.. b4 9.17 11.43 4.51 2.3; 6.17 5.17

IIFirst quarter of the moon on the 23d. at 8b i

urn p.iu .



A Model Plant is not complete witlElectric Power, thus dispensingsmall eniiies.

Whv not generate your poer from anaCENTRAL Station ? One generator canfurnish power to vour Pumps. Centri-fugals, Elevators. Plows. Railways anaHost: also furnish light and power fata radius of from 15 to 20 miles.

Electric Power being used saves tnalabor of hauling coal in your field, mwater, and does away with high-price- d

engineers, and only have one engine tlook after in vHir mill.

Where water power is available it costsnothing to generate Electric Power.

THE HAWAIIAN ELHCTRIC COMPANYis now ready to furnish Electric Plantsand Generators of all descriptions at sh xtnotice, and also has on hand a largeStock of Wire, Chandeliers and all Elec-trical Goods.

All orders will be given prompt atten-tion, and estimates furnished for Lightingand Power Plants; also attention is givento House and Marine Wiring.


G. WEST,GO 111 111

Importer and Dealer ta

Carriage Materials0? Every Description, including


Spokes, all sizes; Savern Wheels,Wood Hub Wheels, Sawed Felloes,

Bent Rims from 1 to z inches.Dump-Ca- n Shafts, Wagon Poles,

Double Trees, Single Trees,Wagon and Cart Hubs, all siee

And a Full Assortment of

Trimmers' Materials,Carriage Hardware. Norway iro.

and Steel Tires.

Having a long experience In the carriage business I am prepared to supplycarriage builders, plantations, etc., withfirst-clas- s materials, personally selected, atthe very lowest cash prices.

All Island orders will receive promptattention.

MASONIC BLOCK.Corner AJakea and Hotel Streeatv

Telephone Ne. 3 5a).

Sugar! Sugar! Sugar!If Sugar is what you want use

FERTILIZER.The Hawaiian Fertilizing Company ha

just received per " Helen Brewer

50 Tons Soft Phosphate Florida,ISO Tons Double Superphosphate,300 Tons Natural Plant Food,25 Tons Common Superphosphate

Also par " Martha Davis" and otnarvessels,

Nitrate of Soda,Sulphate of Ammonia,

Sulphate of Potash.Muriate of Potash A Xaiart

High-Gra- de ManuresTo any analysis always en hand er

made to order.

A. F. COOKE, Agent.

8-40- -4

THIS IS THE TELEPHONE NUMBERto ring up if you wnt any Plumbing orTin work done promptly and property.

I am prepare'! to do all kinds of work inmy line at the Lowe-- t. Possible Kates.

Jobbing a Speciality.Estimates furnished and all work and

material Guaranteed.Give me a call on ta44 and convince your-


JAS. NOTT, JR.,Tinsmith and Plumber.

WorR Speaks Plainer Than Talk

Honolulu, h. 1., Juiv 20, 1895.

TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:This is to certify that C. Akima has

made several suits of clothes for me and theworkmanship has been of the best. I takepleasure in rcemmending him and hitwork to any and all.

Respectfully Yours,JAMES B. OBERTEUFFER,

Seattle, Wash., U. S. A.