atk bass bridge set up review

ATKB A SS BRIDGE A N DSTA N D A RDBASSBRI D G E To adjust the string height of the saddles use a 1.5mm allen wrench on each saddle (4) To adjust Intonation adjust the phillips head screw back or forth. S TRIN G G AU G E S Ibanez guitars are setup from the factory with the following standard string gauges.  Models 1st 2nd rd !th 5th "th #th  $lectric .%%& .%11 .%1" .%2! .%2 .%!2 # 'tring .%%& .%11 .%1" .%2! .%2 .%!2 .%5!  (ass ! .%!5 .%"5 .)% .1%% (ass 5 .%!5 .%"5 .%)5 .1%5 .125 (ass " .%% .%!5 .%"5 .%)% .1%5 .12)  *coustic .%12 .%1" .%2! .%2 .%!2 .%5

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Post on 24-Feb-2018




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To adjust the string height of the saddles use a 1.5mm allen wrench on each saddle (4)

To adjust Intonation adjust the phillips head screw back or forth.


Ibanez guitars are setup from the factory with the following standard string gauges.

 Models 1st 2nd rd !th 5th "th #th

 $lectric .%%& .%11 .%1" .%2! .%2 .%!2

# 'tring .%%& .%11 .%1" .%2! .%2 .%!2 .%5!

 (ass ! .%!5 .%"5 .)% .1%%

(ass 5 .%!5 .%"5 .%)5 .1%5 .125

(ass " .%% .%!5 .%"5 .%)% .1%5 .12)

 *coustic .%12 .%1" .%2! .%2 .%!2 .%5

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Intonation adjustment is usually necessary when new strings are fitted +it can alsobe affected by the angle of the tremolo unit,.

 *djusting the intonation is performed by mo-ing the indi-idual string saddles forward

or backward.To check the intonation: se an electronic tuner and tune the guitar to a standardpitch.

/ote0 *ll lbanez guitars use *!!% for a standard pitch. lay the harmonic at the12th fret3 compare it to the fretted noteat the 12th fret3 these notes should read thesame on the tuner.

(efore adjusting the intonation3 first determine the direction that the saddle needs tobe mo-ed.

Note: If the 12th fret is sharper than the open note3 the saddle needs to be mo-edback.

If the 12th fret is flatter than the open note3 the saddle needs to be mo-ed forward.


 *ll guitar necks are subject to great stress as a result of string tension3 humidity orchanges in climactic conditions. 4ccasionally3 there are times when the neck mayneed adjustment.

The truss rod is adjustable at the headstock using as allen wrench or an adjustmentwrench.

Note: This adjustment should be performed periodically and only by ualified repairpersonnel. 4-er adjustment can result in damage to the instrument and will no beco-ered under warranty.


"Action" is measured by the distance between the string and the fret.lbanezstandard action is set from the top of the fourteenth fret to the bottom of the string.

Note: Make sure the truss rod is properly adjusted before adjusting the action.

The action can be easily adjusted by raising or lowering the bridge studs or saddlesdepending on the model.

If lower than standard settings are desired3 this can often result in6buzz6 or 6rattle6 of the strings. This is caused by the string -ibrating.

7ifferent gauges of strings can result in the need for truss rod3 tremolo3 action orintonation adjustment.

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Neck Relief -

You want a little...not a whole lot for example this is an exaggerated picture, but you will get the idea.

keep in mind you want it to look pretty straight when looking down the neck of the bass.

To site the neck hold the bass by the horn and bring the headstock toward your face...then close one eyeand look down the side of the neck.

this may help too

To adjust


Action is measured from the bottom of the string to the top of the 1th fret.

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!ow " - should be apprx #.$%mm to &mm

' - should be apprx #mm to #.%mm

this is also subjecti(e, as long as you are not bu))ing while playing you can get away with whate(er you are

comfortable with.

Pickup Height

Your pickups should measure about &mm from the top of the pickup to the bottom of the string *on both the

high and low sides+ while depressing the last fret on the fretboard.


hen holding down the 1#th fret the note that you play should be the same as when the bass is un-fretted

this should also be the same when you hit the harmonic on the 1#th fret.

for the first string

open *nothing fretted+- "

1#th fret depressed - "harmonic on 1#th fret - "

To adjust ntonation mo(e the saddle back and forth until you ha(e the result abo(e

  tring Action Gauge

How to determine string action with the String Action Gauge.


Measure string action +the height of the string abo-e the fret, at any point by placing the

gauge behind the string. The string height markings are at increments of .%1%6 +ten

thousandths of an inch,. 8hen the bottom of a mark aligns with the bottom of the string3 that

measurement is the string height at that point.

The markings themsel-es are .%%56 thick3 so referring to the top of a mark instead of the

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bottom adds .%%56 to the measurement. In this way the progressi-e string height scale

measures in .%%56 increments.

String action specs

The suggested measurements listed here refer to the string height at the 1st fret and also at

a higher fret. Measured for the outermost bass and treble strings.


9ay a straightedge across the frets and measure the clearance at the )th. +4r put a capo at

the 1st fret and press a string down at the highest fret : the string becomes the


Sggeste! action settings

'teelstring acoustic guitar (ass $ Treble $

 *ction at the 1st fret .%26 .%16

 *ction at the 12th fret .%&%6 .%#%6

;elief0 .%%26 at the )th fret

/ylonstring acoustic guitar (ass $ Treble $

 *ction at the 1st fret .%%6 .%2!6

 *ction at the 12th fret .15"6 .1256

;elief0 .%%26 at the )th fret

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$lectric guitar (ass $ Treble $

 *ction at the 1st fret .%2!6 .%1%6

 *ction at the 12th fret .%#)6 .%"6

;elief0 .%%16 at the )th fret

(ass (ass $ Treble <

 *ction at the 1st fret .%226 .%2%6

 *ction at the 1#th fret .1%56 .%&!6

;elief0 .%1!6 at the #th fret

Mandolin (ass < Treble $

 *ction at the 1st fret .%%6 .%2%6

 *ction at the 1#th fret .%#56 .%"56

;elief0 .%%56 at the "th fret

(anjo (ass 7 Treble 7

 *ction at the 1st fret .%#6 .%56

 *ction at the 12th fret .%&%6 .%&%6

;elief0 .%%)6 at the )th fret

=or more information on setups3 including setup preferences of 

famous players3 see 7an $rlewine>s <uitar layer ;epair <uide

and ?ow To Make @our $lectric <uitar lay <reatA


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'ros:The Musicman sound plus more for ?alf the price.(uilt like a tank.

Cons:9ooks like they selling these in the states in >&&.

(etter get on $bay.The otto ine:If you want the Musicman soundwithout the Musicman price3 or a -ersatile and wellconstructed workhorse of a bass0 Then go *TB.

The Ibanez *TB is a diamond in the rough. It>s not aboutiue bass. It is not eCotic. It is not handmade. It won>t

cost you an arm and a leg either. 8hat it will do is pro-ideyou with years of flawless ser-ice in the trenches of yourmusical endea-ors. 8hat it will also do is pro-ide you witha fairly wide pallette of -ery usable and musical sounds+and it does the Musicman thing particularly well,. The *TBis a really great instrument and it>s a shame that Ibanezdoesn>t sell them in the .'. anymore.

I originally bought my *TB in 1&&5. I had a 'uier bassand this *TB was my first ;$*9 bass. I was in lo-e withthe ;ed ?ot Dhilli peppers and wanted to sound like =leaso bad I could taste it3 but at 15 I couldn>t e-en think ofaffording a Musicman 'tingray. I checked out the *TBbecause I had read that it was designed with theMusicman sound in mind. * local shop had a brand new

sunburst ! string hanging on their wall3 and after a fewhours with this bass3 I forked o-er the cash and wenthome a happy teen. I played this bass all through highschool3 and I continued to play it through college. It has/$E$; gi-en me any trouble. I absolutely lo-e this bass. I

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ha-e since succumbed to gear lust and now play an older8arwick thumb 5 +she>s so seCy it hurts,3 but I still comeback to the old *TB and it ne-er ceases to impress me

with the rich sounds it can produce. I don>t think I>ll e-erget rid of this bass.

The *TB apparently came in se-eral different models andconfigurations but Ibanez sold only the %% and %5 in the.'. The construction is top notch three piece ash body3three piece 22 fret maple neck and maple fretboard. Med

 jumbo frets3 black dot markers. Mine has a nice sunburst

finish. The bridge is large and substantial with its polishedplate eCtending up to surround the single pickup3 and itallows for top or throughbody stringing +although I>-efound I break strings more often when throughbodystringing,. The neck is a 5 bolt asymmetrical pattern3 wellfitted with no slack in the neck pocket and no mo-ement.The control ca-ity is well shielded with threaded brass

inserts for the co-er screws +a feature usually found onhigh dollar instruments,3 and the battery compartment hasits own separate co-er. It is really surprisingly wellconstructed considering some of Ibanez>s other offerings.

=or the electronics end3 there>s one MM style coil +2coils3 1 dummy, with a way selector switchF you>-e got choices0 single coil +still humbucking with dummy coil,3series3 and parallel. The tuners are big open gear3 2G2configuration by schaller. It has an onboard band e withbass3 mid3 and treble boost and cut as well as a -olumecontrol and the coil switch mentioned abo-e. The e isreally well -oiced and usable. It>s pretty powerful too +go

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easy on the bass knob for your speakers> sake,. @ou canreally get a lot of different sounds out of the *TB and itlends itself to any style of playing3 be it fingerstyle3 slap3

with a pick3 etc. +hell3 it>s way better for slapping than my8arwickA,.

 *s far as ergonomics and playability3 well it is a prettygood sized hunk of wood. The body is somewhat similar toa bass on steroids3 and the neck is nothing like the tinylittle things on Ibanez '; series +which I ne-er really caredfor anyway,. It is meaty but /4T uncomfortable at all.

7efinitely playable. The *TB is a little on the hea-y side3but not unbearable +and light compared to my 8arwick,.That>s probably its only fault. The weight lends itself to thebulletproof feel of this bass though3 as well as its sweettone I>m sure. <ood string spacing3 great for slapping andpopping till your fingers bleed. It came set up with mediumto low action and stayed that way for years till I learned

how to set up my basses myself. It still has great3 lowaction3 allowing speedofthought fingering with minimaleffort +9earn how to set up your bassA,. I also want tomention the looks of this bass. Eery distincti-e3 especiallywith the big honkin> chrome wraparound bridge. /ot uglyreally. Hust distincti-e. I can>t say it enough. The *TB iswhat a bass should be.



/atural =lat


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neck type *TB! pc Maple neck

body *sh body

fretboard Maple fretboard w(lack dot inlay

fret Medium frets wremium fret edge treatment

number of frets 22

bridge *TB! bridge

neck pickup D* 'onic *rch! neck pickup +assi-e,

bridge pickup D* 7ouble ?umbucker bridge pickup +assi-e,

eualiser Ibanez Dustom $lectronics band e

nut <raph TechJ (9*DB T'K L9J nut

hardware color Dhrome

casebag Gig +ag incl!e!

/$DB 7IM$/'I4/'


a 0 8idth at /ut

b 0 8idth at 9ast =ret

c 0 Thickness at 1st

d 0 Thickness at 12th



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