atlantic coiunty r ec,)rll. · jlkbile~on lind proprietor ill lit genonll nlore at pru~.’llee...

r. ,ix’- ¢ ’!¯, ’l:. ’ 4 \41 ,-, , 0 ¯ t ¯ . .’v+- a",:,:: ’ ;,:t r. EX-GOVERNOI~ STOKES WILL SPEAK TO-NIGHT AT GREAT I’,’I~1~,1 ~, - TIC\DE I’OI.ICIES OF I)EMOCRATIC LEADER AND z ATLANTIC COIUNTY R EC,)Rll. ,t : t 4 ¯ .* . ¯ - I~--77..S:.-.~Y’-~--TL.TZ~i"~..:%-’-.-~. S-~-7~Y2Z~:~..=----=~.~.--=~.-7:.’TZT.’Z~;~ ...... £:Z.~:=~s32~=’~----:7:7. L~TS:--s’:~’-ZZ-~: -ZZLL’- ::--~_TA "=::’=’’--’77--’:7 .’271----2".’; "~’.’’/: : "’;L--7":7:7=:" : Y .--’." " " " ’ "" "" " - " , .... ~ . :’’J’ "7"7 Z:Z~Z--Z’= THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR--NO. 7.; .., MAY’S LANDING, N. J., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1911. W~OLE I’qURiBER. 1786. iO-OSlNg :RALLIES ND.EPUBLICAN CAMPAI TWO HUNTERS KI : : ¯ . SWEEPING vICTORY AT POLLS IS ASSUREO ...... MISTAKEN FOR COUNTS FOR OPEN MILLS AN9 POOSPEHITY Protective Tariff AsSailed. iteeognl~lng tile 11~.’~1 of t~i)llbllca, II unity and m~pport at the coaling 01o~llon Ii1 ()raer ’make the ulel!tlon.of every regular ltepublle~m eandld~te dottbly e~xtaln In vlew of tile MA’SS MEETING’IN ATLANTIC CITY AND APPEAL FOR STRONG SUPPORT OF GRAND OLD PARTY AND ITS PROTECTIVE POLICIES. "" policies nnG genend prtmperlty [tt stake, the County t;ampalgn Committee. consigning i)f Train.~ tO Carry Votersto seaslmrc--Grand :Rail), At Court .t,,,eph W. aulu~, Charleitl, XiS~hroeder, rnht,u~ ~Iottse ’M10nday I~vening Next With Calididates And.Others As t.. MeConnell, llarry Woottod%and.WIIlll~al Sl)eakerz~Citizens Repudiate Slanderous. Methods of D~ntoera’tic- ~’ Pa|rlek, ~ounds the fifllowlng cldl to arln~ Itadependent-Fu.sioii By RTdlying Roun,d Party That Ilas Brought Progress atid Prosperity--hnportant State attd National Issues At Stake. i FIRST DAY. OF SEASON. Anothe# Wo’unded By Fatai Charge Of Buckshot Fired Fronl Ambush By Careless Gunner-- One Day Law Censured. Is Mottrncd Throughottt Cottnty. After it Ilng(,rlng Illlzeltrt cilvl;rlnR the l~.i’ll~tl Hlllre April 19 ]liMt, Whell he Wlt~l tdrlckvn With pltrulxtd~ while wultln!~ In lhe I :l.urt Yard fi~r lhl~, (Jrltod Jury of whhql, lit, l, vp.~ elorh to (,oil. veil(*. Joli.n ldJllllllt JUly’ Itl~l "V I~l/ ’(I 77 ytq Ituceutnbed MJortly filler /tiltlnlghI TJull~dlty TWO nll/n killed and a third wounded welt, . limt Io II. t, el;oud Iqrok. of Ill,: ilrt’ltd dl~.’nse, t" p tile toll 61’ d~utll that Inlulgurat~l tile deer to Pllx o’eh)~’k Wedne~duy c.Venlllg his eondl- hnlltll)~ i~lu~rln Wednt~lday IIIMI~ w’hell 111111- 11011 hlld hL~ell Much n14 IO I’Ut’ll[Irllgl? hid fltinliy CANDII)AII~.S lie tS SI)PPORTING DIREC’FBLOW AG/\INST AMFRICAN WORKING M]’]N~ RI’MI’:MBFI~, IIARI).TIMES \VItI:,N DEMOCRATS R ULF, D. Great Care Mttst Be’ Exercised In Marking ]]allots :-Mark A Cro~s Every Time After Word Republican If Yolt Want. Your Voie ltoli*dllg rntlle~ nlurk tile elol~ of tile lhq)ub. Ilean eatlnlmlgn Ill Athuttle City nnd County, i~ ] elitnplllgll t littt had lirDllPted I¯norP enthll~ltt~ul ’ i’ :’i" ;" ~’~ ,?. lind i?urty loyalty thlll.I ally wltntw~.’d here Ill mall)’ yc.l~r~, p~urlng a I~’,vt.’el)llzg victor.;," at ’" th0. polll~ next Tue, llay for the (]ntnd Oht l’nrty flint tile t.itnilldtittm whu’lttal)d for tie- ptlhlle.un Hu(N’t,~t~l Rnd¯ tq’~mlR~rlty, The elun. palKn of Ihe r)elnoenl.|¯hvlndel~ndelit" [-IIRIon- [llllll l~ liar tllq?n . UOtal}lt!’ ~)r FIiunter! it.hllff4} and vllllfl~ttlon, itglilnst whleh Ih0 opeurfidr Ixnd IlitellIK’elil npl’wlt| lit the itepuhlltaul, dundl- dah’+l (or mllll~rt I!p~ IdiuwIi lip itlI tile nltll’t’ t~trnogly hy (.tqllr/~l~ Vlehwy for the t~q)nlP, Ileun ett.udldtttt’~l Ill every dIMrlet, nf Atlunth’ (:Oilllty If4 ilr(’dlclelt- ~]%:l~ry ~;lller Ill IheTowlmhlp la Ilrgl~ to at-, lend Ihe Krt’ltt ilniiv.~ nlel~thlg Io I~ held thIPi tlYcnlnK hRAIhlzllle City. when former (level’- nor I,]dvcn r!l Cil~p(,r Htnke~ (~lUllilrlq~lUllUI ~|olln " and Idhl,l’ Ullh.d et~’akel?i will I.l~ heard. Fife t rP, nhplu’tP.lhql will be pruvhled for every voter vcho wl~lht...i I.i lilh,ud Ihli~ ineetlrlg, tilt, Ilatltl ll.’It’,’lnK lilt’ 3|P.hl Hhtttun lit 11.’21 lind tile t’ollrt tloul~ ~llllillll Ill II.~l, rt, ttlrnlnK at I I o’ehmR, t4~q2ht] IIlllll~ will (~(lliVi’y VlllerH fl¯iilU Itlalll- ¯ in(in|ouo I{gg tlltl¯hor City, ,MIInltllllt III1(I till I~fllltl~ Ithlug the line ~ (if IIit~ Ill the Plcinqlore Io idteud the, Ille%*tlul~. ()n ~tolntay eYelllUl~ ilOXt |here will tm t tnuld Ilelluldloul iladly, at tlto Court troupe, tO wind np till, |t¢’lUltllh¯all eitnlplilgn |n ] lnln- Ilhln rPowni’thlJh lit which the 111111..hlhll J, (tardner, I~.ntldor tmuie Hh’hol., of [_’uln- tlerlltlllt I’llUnty. thP Itepuhllelill ellnd|datc I~, ~nld othem will ~IN"llk. Mui~le wlU lye fllr- nlMled by the Caplt(ll (h)rllet thtll(I lind all vote~ will ne c~lrdlnl|y welomle. A ~peelal luvltatlou li~ extended lal the hldl*.m to at|end¯ Cltlxen~ of Ihe Counly lin~ rnllyluK laulnll EX-GOVERNOR E, C. STOKES, the l~pulllh~ln |muller I11 lurge nnlulmrl5 de, lly ~A’ho will elmll, k to-night lt, t the Plteel i’h’r, nnd m~me dl~trlet~ that fornlerly turned In Atlauth, t’lly. man, y Denloeratle ’.’ote~ 1t’111 be ~tlaluK|y it4~- .............. " ..... i_ puhllczln thl~ yeltr, Tile i~hludenm~l eumpalgn POL:ITICAL JOTTINGS, tnetlell of the opt-mhIK l~rly ll.nd tile si~Raeh. - . .... of yellow.JourllallIorl Ill ()ill’ nf It~ wornt ft~rlnl~ ~kttelnl tile (Irund It,lily tl~’nlgilL in Atlautle axre repuKnllnt to |he go(l~l Alnerleilu elllzen-" (21|)’¯ Iqllp or Ihe t:ounly aud will Im rl,pudhl, tt~t |ly Vote fur ,hlhn E¯ llo’.uTd flit Towtliqllp L’tHU- nil overwhe|llllnl~ ¯lnnJurlly [’or the P!trull(ht ~ ilkltlttl?lnllll unll you will vole rIKht. lf~:pnhlleuu Ticket, VItal l’ltate nnd Natlonul Kc~ql hi.mlud llle hlg Itepullllee, II tneetlng tmll.le~ are P.t MLitke. which the l.~qllell[- tllll~ ,%londay evenlllg ne~t Ill Ihe t.~nrt Itl)u~,. district are gohlg Io prntPet hy ele~llng tl~,pub- (hi,terrier Vi’llm~n I~ a gwId ntlekler for reKu- II¢llln ret)rPtll’lllUtIveil la3 th0 HUI.t~JA’gltlhl, tl|rel larlty In Hui~itex County, arHt ii grlqtt iqh.kler ii Itepul)ll~lin ~h(¯rlff Io lllllnlIKe I k)unly I(|rltlrl5 .fl)r Indel)endel’lel? of lhe voler lu .ler~r¥. e, nd II.epuUIIcuntl toall otiwt omce~. When }’(lit mark yonr bullet, mltrk it ic¯lqv~ In the Iqq ullre opr(~lte every wont ** ll~ptlhll- 4..--------- (’11111 o und yoltr vote Will count for con|lnnl~ 4 W~..O S~ERVED__.._ _ O1~ JURtES pr~g~ nnd tr:,,~t;erlI>’. ......... ¯ The ilrt’m.t(.’~L nlOll that ever llvl’d nlade mls- ¯ How the Republican Sheriff Selected hike.,Thegl’Ind,~tandgrl.,,b~ ......... Hii-ml~tooTowns~-~ ~x~iml-hl-~ ;luide nllsLllkel% lind It which we eommelld to the nttcnthln of. every dred~ el gullnelm, Idt Ibrced to guu ini th0 voter, mime day by the law permltlhlg dtml* litultlng ¯ ’*To yell Im ll* reprl~,ntattve and n. nlelnt)er Oil Wednel4dli.ya ouly, Went into’ the Wey- of the gn~att~t party evcr irradiated wttl~ mouth wo~ls before daybD,,ttk itnd tsJ~jk their ll~)lltleltl go~rernnlent~ wheth0r it Im the goY- fttittikltiltlotia the r~tdn and ridge, to ~vltit for ernm0nt ofth0cRy, the¢ounty, ourpro~pel’ottll the animals, to prom. ~)n~t.-tnt Hl~.ellnun, ~ 8late or our Krc~t P, nd glorlou~ Unlted’l’ltat~, Thomua J. Yotl~c and bio*e~ Jnrvll#, of I’lt~t~- lit Imhalf of the ~tralKht Itepublllmn Candl. itntvlll% witlRIng wlthotll0r~ along the Jnek- to I~lle’¢O I’i’C WIIPIlrllprllvhlg. I.qlt Itfh,r llo Wia~ ~trlekeu llt Ihll, l hlltlr h~l, llell(llly g(’ew worm. nn.(I ill el/loft tlnle I~:fornJll~ d,14th h(i#~:d lut. n nl.ol] Pie Ion Ptl iPltl~l, ills Yl’lfi ~ und dlldlght4~r, Mary, who hlln fullhfully IhroIIKli thl. nlany inonthM of lil~l [llnerl~l lind hilled [-~;1" lil,~ nltlmate rf~oYery, dld IIO| helh!ve |he t>nd wn~ 1#4) nlAitiP nnd’were llr~mtmted by the l~ltlll lerlnl- ’ ’.i ’l’o Count For Good’I’itne.~ and Full Dintxer l’ail--Only Way TO Insure Continued Welfare (if Cotmty, St’ate attd Nation Is To Elect Every Graud Ohl ’Party Candidate O~ Count3r and [ownshtp Tickets. DI goInK Io ren:t~ly Ihl/lU In lltl OWn Wiry at the right time. Tho |~nll~,l’lilh~ iqiell.lllndt, r~ are [r..~lnK In every way b i dehlde the p~lple hire the belief thilt tU,pullllean i411Ct¯l~q4 l~ n(ll Iirel~u~llry for i’outlnlll~l pr~ml~’rlty~but II Is lied Iliol~. who relil~lllber Ihe horlt tllne~t right hllrt! Ii1 )lll)’ll~ EMERSON L. RICHARDS For Assembly ~Vl¯lillh hll lie Ilhidrllnl’o kl a yilllll~ l liliiu ’)f Iterlhig p~il~ouill Wurlh, ii~ luMlitueelt Ill .the Postmaster Ends Own Life, ~uce¢~ill Mr. ]th¯lulrd~ itl,pulllh~an llOlllllle4 , for Allpl~luhl)’, who iq&rtea ut lhe very Imltom l)anlel Waltenl, Iliad 40 yi~llrl41 pt/iltioul~tt!r at rollnd of hlw ~ltilly, inld itfler year~ of imtlenl Jlkbile~on lind proprietor ill lit genonll Nlore at pru~.’llee blllll for hllnlqf a replllalloli nile that plil~e~ ell, dt~l hll life W¢~hl~ldily evenln i of the lihhll yOUliK nil,illl~l~ ill" the Atlllntle Ilil~t by lulelde I depll, It I! Ir~llel’ed, by Cotlnty thtr, IIit ~liccl,~l,l~l due wholly to bnllntl eiirt~ and nilllni health, lli~.traglc hard work~phl¢*k &lid i~l~rllvl,l’Ulil’t,=llnalltlell , dtllth wlul notouly aldloek to the elllzenlof ~lnerleant ,Ilk0 io ii4~ In Ihl, Inlui Ihey ure Ahll~uit bnl to the pt~lple of Ihe entire iotlrll [-ur I and thill lile p~lpl, of Atl&ulle t,*linnty~ itllnlni whom he ellJllyed el wide fit ~ I~lunty ilr~ jllllllt[ io villi ° for Illehai~hl I vote qtlaln,biooe,, Allou~ IMBVen o*eioek.lhe Ahltl~ll, i for iihn gtlo~ nnd llnllil~ tln, r(~ inli’t ill iQiiidow mall 0am. lit aLid ~ MnPd 8mllh, his houll~ of a doubt. keeper, eatlled ui~talr8 to tlllU IS.) C()llle @ inl$ siiortly aflierwurd a shot rang oot, Not In nilnt~ and art n~edlework More, Atlantic darlnl to io aplhu% lill I#mllh snninnllll~l t.’lly, 20 UI lid yliint nf like. Ou0 hnvlni ~ome helplind the poltmtmter will fl)und lylnll dead knowledge nr knlttlnli and erOtihetlloi pr~- aer~m the ~oorllll of hi8 room, n bullet ’~’oilttonlmrmanent. Cao bo~rdlfdo- througtl h18 hdad ~ad a physlolan who wtm slrdd wlth owner. }14~, IkIIly Pres~, Atluntlo nlnmnm~l said dl~lth wall hmlalLIAnl~OllS, (?lly, N. J. \ \ ,\ \ FELL WITH ROTTEN POLE. Two Linemen Seriously Ir0urli~LOrle Perhaps Fatally. l ~mm- Wlllh, al "work rl,nlovlnlf wlrt~ frolll tl¯h~ phone polc~l near tim corner of t’al~" MaY Avt~ ¯ hue und ~)l)d Hlrt~’t W~lll~lldlly &ftero(mn Iliiqt I IWOIluellieu I EuKllnd tin)wit and ChurR,~l Forldlng, of Athinth3 (.;It}’, were hurled Io the grouud aiid dltngela)ttnly IoJnred, oue" Iml % lulpa .liitidly~ wh~u tWO poh’i~ ~m whtch they were workhlg, i’oth~l io the ~lre, Ill’like und erellln~l down I~lrl’y[n ! Ihe nlen With lh’l¯lii. tlr~lwnl~t,’llo w&l etrnpped to the bile, fell I~l- ll¢ttlil It~ lile h~v)" lllnher pinning lillU dowu, ¢,ru~hinl hln arnl and Infllcthii m~vel’~ Inter- ¯ lnil Injurlee. Fonllln i Jiilnp~l and lu~talned puluful but not dangerolll~ lnjurlel~, prlnelpullf ilpilllhl# and br ulllea. Thllla the Ihlnl Utne wlthhi u few week~ that rotteu telephone pol~u bare fitlleu along the ~trtmta of btay’n ]Alndlng,’and nlmlrly all . are mild to be In’a dangerooe eondltlou. Clll- Itenl itre loud lu thel~ demand thut the d~nger be ranioved, urging the Towtinhip Comullttee to takeactlou that will do uwt~y with all polel~ and force the eompanle*l to lay their wlren uu- derground, t The cntili of the polea llrougtlt tl laige thn)nlr of people to the ~pot, arld the injured men were qnlekly "nntde comfortable In tin nutoaloblle with pll!ow~ , ete.ldonated Ily kind people living In the viclulty imd ru.hed to the Atlantic City ][ol~pltal. Ful~illng later ell. for hie holne, but llrown I~ ~tlll in the iio~pllal, hin ~)ndlllon b¢~ IIig ~)~d grave. ’\ i, ill4h, initllelol.Ii alid uuworlhy el~ol’t~ hilve pn~. vlded for lhe itel41rnetlou of lhal lllmral I~plrll Iliken ller~ hy I.utlln’nl,~unp huq Inlnllil-ri will er, of Athlulh ¯ Clly, Olit ¯ of llil, I~-~t kliOWLi lied which hlUl¯ll)ade Allelntle City file grlmtel4t ~na. tm IhoWll at lhe opera houl thlit evt¯lilnl[, Ou lll~t IiIghly r~p~’li’ll rl.~ldt, lll~ i,l. Ill4’ tlilel’ii i~hh~ rl~llrl In the worhL Plurely illieh n~llll~ ~’ellnl~ldlliy. evenln I !nell JMaoaler lhiliinler4 It~.~lrl. wiHi po--~d ii~’it), phorlly i.¯f~lre ~i~ (l(ron~rs !’.tr fro" ht~, MYY, TII,I’: I"ItANK............... ltellnhlll’~tn I X TIIOMAel D. TAOOAItT ...... ilopubll¢ltn ] ...... . ............................................ l)omoorutle I WM. O UTHI&II..: ........ ....Nat. Pruhlbltlon I .................................. L.....Nat. i’rohibttflla I ttiirl’rBorl of l[lffhu~iui I’l~/e/ira tl,~ l,IKtlt~ ................. ....... 1,700 ANt’tlFI0 IL t’it~)WF.LL ..... [ X tbmrtl of iltttltil ............ i00 i ClIAItLF24 VOlllttT ........ R~l,llbllcan [X !’l~lr ............................... II]0 ..... l.iemocrath: Forint Fin*, .................... k~00 01’rr#r~’i o/the l~l~,r I’ole Jor two ltmnd Artny of lt~l’Ullllc ~l -’- lt11-eml U i]ln ....................... I1#0 I)AVI li HI[EARl;it .... il~publloin \ # \ \ \ , ), I~liarlltl I), Miikepelu°e, Clierlt~ E. llenluiey, to heTuelilhl)’ uexl. full w,,ll Ihat liberality nnd reguhttton will ¯ John Pratt. {;~iiirh~l It"¯ K,~trl% Thooiu~l ~tV. ~lt’lleL) lU the eoLir~! of till inltil evl¯nlt It IK’- laulx, Tiiey kliOW how U) InlX lhenl ~ that I~llnollwood I Atldn,w Ahl~)ll, .]ol~ph Vinlllhu i ~olnell neeeilmiry to ilnnle otodldlt[(l i-or Ille Ihe illaJgn~lof our popular City and CounW Jr. J’oiln iMareh, {~lntrli’14 C. 141ewnrli Jotl~ph nllnor Town~hlp ilill¢l~, ¯It I~ not ill all i,~au~y Ill will not be Interfered with or Itnl~l. They llnh~l-i~lti, AIl~rlSmullwl~l, Iiernnin]|illnel4, ~le~l lneu whl)tin. ~ elilklletent elid whu will lire not lied to lelfl~h IILt~r~d/I llllt~l wllh %~illlalo ~idlel.Jltlre, Vi’lllhliu ttlpleyl WIIIlani ~)n~ent to lhe lIOmiLlillhlii, In nlulllnl lluvl~ inll.llee Iow&nl all wile uppo~ Ihein, Tile Adler, tlenry Burley, l+;lI~lllell,r l~llitli, Hhearer for Overseer el the Poor, the tl~litlbllX evente of tlle.llnalt Ib.w woeka have p’royen that ,Iohl I I% ,Taylor, lhllph H, ~i’luinaillun, 411ill of llainlltou Townllhlp jlhl0vd nu lhelr cerllllo Ioen. aolely ol~e lloekerll, liltYO"tuken Jltph thioer I +.lullus Knlu~, %l#*lllhtlu I.ewlit, Ileketlieiindld&le[-or tiuil ollll’e t’hoililll ht~ n iol’h Mei m to ertntte pnpularlty hi4 liilve l’t ~- t}llllreliOl~ ~aylor t tiarrY Jeliklnl~ I John Truelu- t¢lell und llOUlid ellmpl’lenl~ aud ull a Inilllel ~ of ~ulled In lhe holdhi I up of our in’tit rl..t)rt I~l I~)’, ,Mlehi~l lhxntaleo, ltarrY ~iVoodrull, Cl~ll’~ lie will he elected, rldleuh., ilhuider aud ithupe, led hi their ~01-

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Page 1: ATLANTIC COIUNTY R EC,)Rll. · Jlkbile~on lind proprietor ill lit genonll Nlore at pru~.’llee blllll for hllnlqf a replllalloli nile that plil~e~ ell, dt~l hll life W¢~hl~ldily





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ATLANTIC COIUNTY R EC,)Rll.,t : t4 ¯ .* . ¯ -

I~--77..S:.-.~Y’-~--TL.TZ~i"~..:%-’-.-~. S-~-7~Y2Z~:~..=----=~.~.--=~.-7:.’TZT.’Z~;~ ...... £:Z.~:=~s32~=’~----:7:7. L~TS:--s’:~’-ZZ-~: -ZZLL’- ::--~_TA "=::’=’’--’77--’:7 .’271----2".’; "~’.’’/: : "’;L--7":7:7=:" : Y .--’." " " " ’ "" "" ’ " - " , .... ~ . :’’J’ "7"7 Z:Z~Z--Z’=



Protective Tariff AsSailed.

iteeognl~lng tile 11~.’~1 of t~i)llbllca, II unityand m~pport at the coaling 01o~llon Ii1 ()raer ’make the ulel!tlon.of every regular ltepublle~m

eandld~te dottbly e~xtaln In vlew of tile



"" policies nnG genend prtmperlty [tt stake, theCounty t;ampalgn Committee. consigning i)f Train.~ tO Carry Voters to seaslmrc--Grand :Rail), At Court .t,,,eph W. aulu~, Charleitl, XiS~hroeder, rnht,u~~Iottse ’M10nday I~vening Next With Calididates And.Others As t.. MeConnell, llarry Woottod%and.WIIlll~alSl)eakerz~Citizens Repudiate Slanderous. Methods of D~ntoera’tic- ~’ Pa|rlek, ~ounds the fifllowlng cldl to arln~

Itadependent-Fu.sioii By RTdlying Roun,d Party That Ilas BroughtProgress atid Prosperity--hnportant State attd National IssuesAt Stake.



Anothe# Wo’unded By Fatai ChargeOf Buckshot Fired Fronl AmbushBy Careless Gunner -- One DayLaw Censured.

Is Mottrncd Throughottt Cottnty.

After it Ilng(,rlng Illlzeltrt cilvl;rlnR the l~.i’ll~tlHlllre April 19 ]liMt, Whell he Wlt~l tdrlckvn Withpltrulxtd~ while wultln!~ In lhe I :l.urt Yard fi~rlhl~, (Jrltod Jury of whhql, lit, l, vp.~ elorh to (,oil.veil(*. Joli.n ldJllllllt JUly’ Itl~l "V I~l/ ’(I 77 ytq Ituceutnbed MJortly filler /tiltlnlghI TJull~dlty

TWO nll/n killed and a third wounded welt, . limt Io II. t, el;oud Iqrok. of Ill,: ilrt’ltd dl~.’nse, t" ptile toll 61’ d~utll that Inlulgurat~l tile deer to Pllx o’eh)~’k Wedne~duy c.Venlllg his eondl-hnlltll)~ i~lu~rln Wednt~lday IIIMI~ w’hell 111111- 11011 hlld hL~ell Much n14 IO I’Ut’ll[Irllgl? hid fltinliy



Great Care Mttst Be’ Exercised In Marking ]]allots :-Mark A Cro~sEvery Time After Word Republican If Yolt Want. Your Voie

ltoli*dllg rntlle~ nlurk tile elol~ of tile lhq)ub.

Ilean eatlnlmlgn Ill Athuttle City nnd County, i~ ]elitnplllgll t littt had lirDllPted I¯norP enthll~ltt~ul ’ ’ i’ :’i" ;" ~’~ ,?.

lind i?urty loyalty thlll.I ally wltntw~.’d here Illmall)’ yc.l~r~, p~urlng a I~’,vt.’el)llzg victor.;," at ’"th0. polll~ next Tue, llay for the (]ntnd Ohtl’nrty flint tile t.itnilldtittm whu’lttal)d for tie-ptlhlle.un Hu(N’t,~t~l Rnd¯ tq’~mlR~rlty, The elun.palKn of Ihe r)elnoenl.|¯hvlndel~ndelit" [-IIRIon-[llllll l~ liar tllq?n . UOtal}lt!’ ~)r FIiunter! it.hllff4} andvllllfl~ttlon, itglilnst whleh Ih0 opeurfidr IxndIlitellIK’elil npl’wlt| lit the itepuhlltaul, dundl-

dah’+l (or mllll~rt I!p~ IdiuwIi lip itlI tile nltll’t’t~trnogly hy (.tqllr/~l~ Vlehwy for the t~q)nlP,Ileun ett.udldtttt’~l Ill every dIMrlet, nf Atlunth’(:Oilllty If4 ilr(’dlclelt-

~]%:l~ry ~;lller Ill IheTowlmhlp la Ilrgl~ to at-,lend Ihe Krt’ltt ilniiv.~ nlel~thlg Io I~ held thIPitlYcnlnK hRAIhlzllle City. when former (level’-nor I,]dvcn r!l Cil~p(,r Htnke~ (~lUllilrlq~lUllUI ~|olln "and Idhl,l’ Ullh.d et~’akel?i will I.l~ heard. Fifet rP, nhplu’tP.lhql will be pruvhled for every votervcho wl~lht...i I.i lilh,ud Ihli~ ineetlrlg, tilt, Ilatltlll.’It’,’lnK lilt’ 3|P.hl Hhtttun lit 11.’21 lind tile t’ollrttloul~ ~llllillll Ill II.~l, rt, ttlrnlnK at I I o’ehmR,t4~q2ht] IIlllll~ will (~(lliVi’y VlllerH fl¯iilU Itlalll-¯ in(in|ouo I{gg tlltl¯hor City, ,MIInltllllt III1(I tillI~fllltl~ Ithlug the line ~ (if IIit~ Ill thePlcinqlore Io idteud the, Ille%*tlul~.

()n ~tolntay eYelllUl~ ilOXt |here will tm t tnuld Ilelluldloul iladly, at tlto Court troupe,tO wind np till, |t¢’lUltllh¯all eitnlplilgn |n ] lnln-Ilhln rPowni’thlJh lit which the 111111..hlhll J,(tardner, I~.ntldor tmuie Hh’hol., of [_’uln-tlerlltlllt I’llUnty. thP Itepuhllelill ellnd|datcI~,

~nld othem will ~IN"llk. Mui~le wlU lye fllr-nlMled by the Caplt(ll (h)rllet thtll(I lind allvote~ will ne c~lrdlnl|y welomle. A ~peelalluvltatlou li~ extended lal the hldl*.m to at|end¯

Cltlxen~ of Ihe Counly lin~ rnllyluK laulnll EX-GOVERNOR E, C. STOKES,the l~pulllh~ln |muller I11 lurge nnlulmrl5 de, lly ~A’ho will elmll, k to-night lt, t the Plteel i’h’r,nnd m~me dl~trlet~ that fornlerly turned In Atlauth, t’, y Denloeratle ’.’ote~ 1t’111 be ~tlaluK|y it4~- .............. " ..... i_

puhllczln thl~ yeltr, Tile i~hludenm~l eumpalgn POL:ITICAL JOTTINGS,tnetlell of the opt-mhIK l~rly ll.nd tile si~Raeh. - . ....

of yellow.JourllallIorl Ill ()ill’ nf It~ wornt ft~rlnl~ ~kttelnl tile (Irund It,lily tl~’nlgilL in Atlautleaxre repuKnllnt to |he go(l~l Alnerleilu elllzen-" (21|)’¯Iqllp or Ihe t:ounly aud will Im rl,pudhl, tt~t |ly Vote fur ,hlhn E¯ llo’.uTd flit Towtliqllp L’tHU-nil overwhe|llllnl~ ¯lnnJurlly [’or the P!trull(ht ~ ilkltlttl?lnllll unll you will vole rIKht.lf~:pnhlleuu Ticket, VItal l’ltate nnd Natlonul Kc~ql hi.mlud llle hlg Itepullllee, II tneetlngtmll.le~ are P.t MLitke. which the l.~qllell[- tllll~ ,%londay evenlllg ne~t Ill Ihe t.~nrt Itl)u~,.district are gohlg Io prntPet hy ele~llng tl~,pub- (hi,terrier Vi’llm~n I~ a gwId ntlekler for reKu-II¢llln ret)rPtll’lllUtIveil la3 th0 HUI.t~ JA’gltlhl, tl|rel larlty In Hui~itex County, arHt ii grlqtt iqh.klerii Itepul)ll~lin ~h(¯rlff Io lllllnlIKe I k)unly I(|rltlrl5 .fl)r Indel)endel’lel? of lhe voler lu .ler~r¥.e, nd II.epuUIIcuntl toall otiwt omce~. When }’(lit mark yonr bullet, mltrk it ic¯lqv~

In the Iqq ullre opr(~lte every wont ** ll~ptlhll-4..---------

(’11111 o und yoltr vote Will count for con|lnnl~

4 W~..O S~ERVED__.._ _ O1~ JURtES

pr~g~ nnd tr:,,~t;erlI>’. .........¯ The ilrt’m.t(.’~L nlOll that ever llvl’d nlade mls-

¯ How the Republican Sheriff Selected hike.,Thegl’Ind,~tandgrl.,,b~

......... Hii-ml~tooTowns~-~~x~iml-hl-~ ;luide nllsLllkel% lind It

which we eommelld to the nttcnthln of. every dred~ el gullnelm, Idt Ibrced to guu ini th0voter, mime day by the law permltlhlg dtml* litultlng¯ ’*To yell Im ll* reprl~,ntattve and n. nlelnt)er Oil Wednel4dli.ya ouly, Went into’ the Wey-of the gn~att~t party evcr irradiated wttl~ mouth wo~ls before daybD,,ttk itnd tsJ~jk theirll~)lltleltl go~rernnlent~ wheth0r it Im the goY- fttittikltiltlotia the r~tdn and ridge, to ~vltit forernm0nt ofth0cRy, the¢ounty, ourpro~pel’ottll the animals, to prom. ~)n~t.-tnt Hl~.ellnun,~8late or our Krc~t P, nd glorlou~ Unlted’l’ltat~, Thomua J. Yotl~c and bio*e~ Jnrvll#, of I’lt~t~-lit Imhalf of the ~tralKht Itepublllmn Candl. itntvlll% witlRIng wlthotll0r~ along the Jnek-

to I~lle’¢O I’i’C WIIPI lrllprllvhlg. I.qlt Itfh,r llo Wia~~trlekeu llt Ihll, l hlltlr h~l, llell(llly g(’ew worm.nn.(I ill el/loft tlnle I~:fornJll~ d,14th h(i#~:d lut.n nl.ol] Pie Ion Ptl iPltl~l, ills Yl’lfi ~ und dlldlght4~r,

Mary, who hlln fullhfully IhroIIKli thl.nlany inonthM of lil~l [llnerl~l lind hilled [-~;1" lil,~nltlmate rf~oYery, dld IIO| helh!ve |he t>nd wn~1#4) nlAitiP nnd’were llr~mtmted by the l~ltlll lerlnl-

’ ’.i

’l’o Count For Good ’I’itne.~ and Full Dintxer l’ail--Only Way TOInsure Continued Welfare (if Cotmty, St’ate attd Nation IsTo Elect Every Graud Ohl ’Party Candidate O~ Count3r and[ownshtp Tickets.

DI goInK Io ren:t~ly Ihl/lU In lltl OWn Wiry at theright time.

Tho |~nll~,l’lilh~ iqiell.lllndt, r~ are [r..~lnK Inevery way b i dehlde the p~lple hire the beliefthilt tU,pullllean i411Ct¯l~q4 l~ n(ll Iirel~u~llry fori’outlnlll~l pr~ml~’rlty~but II Is lied Iliol~. whorelil~lllber Ihe horlt tllne~t right hllrt! Ii1 )lll)’ll~


For Assembly

~Vl¯lillh hll lie Ilhidrllnl’o kl a yilllll~ l liliiu ’)fIterlhig p~il~ouill Wurlh, ii~ luMlitueelt Ill .the

Postmaster Ends Own Life,~uce¢~ ill Mr. ]th¯lulrd~ itl,pulllh~an llOlllllle4

, for Allpl~luhl)’, who iq&rtea ut lhe very Imltoml)anlel Waltenl, Iliad 40 yi~llrl41 pt/iltioul~tt!r at rollnd of hlw ~ltilly, inld itfler year~ of imtlenl

Jlkbile~on lind proprietor ill lit genonll Nlore at pru~.’llee blllll for hllnlqf a replllalloli nilethat plil~e~ ell, dt~l hll life W¢~hl~ldily evenlni of the lihhll yOUliK nil,illl~l~ ill" the AtlllntleIlil~t by lulelde I depll, It I! Ir~llel’ed, by Cotlnty thtr, IIit ~liccl,~l,l~l due wholly tobnllntl eiirt~ and nilllni health, lli~.traglc hard work~ phl¢*k &lid i~l~rllvl,l’Ulil’t,=llnalltlell ,dtllth wlul notouly aldloek to the elllzenlof

~lnerleant ,Ilk0 io ii4~ In Ihl, Inlui Ihey ureAhll~uit bnl to the pt~lple of Ihe entire iotlrll [-ur I and thill lile p~lpl, of Atl&ullet,*linnty~ itllnlni whom he ellJllyed el wide fit~

I~lunty ilr~ jllllllt[ io villi ° for Illehai~hl I voteqtlaln,biooe,, Allou~ IMBVen o*eioek.lhe Ahltl~ll, i for iihn gtlo~ nnd llnllil~ tln, r(~ inli’t ill iQiiidowmall 0am. lit aLid ~ MnPd 8mllh, his houll~ of a doubt.keeper, eatlled ui~talr8 to tlllU IS.) C()llle @

inl$ siiortly aflierwurd a shot rang oot, Not In nilnt~ and art n~edlework More, Atlanticdarlnl to io aplhu% lill I#mllh snninnllll~l t.’lly, 20 UI lid yliint nf like. Ou0 hnvlni ~omehelplind the poltmtmter will fl)und lylnll dead knowledge nr knlttlnli and erOtihetlloi pr~-

aer~m the ~oorllll of hi8 room, n bullet ’~’oilttonlmrmanent. Cao bo~rdlfdo-througtl h18 hdad ~ad a physlolan who wtm slrdd wlth owner. }14~, IkIIly Pres~, Atluntlonlnmnm~l said dl~lth wall hmlalLIAnl~OllS, (?lly, N. J.


,\ \


Two Linemen Seriously Ir0urli~LOrle

Perhaps Fatally.l ~mm-

Wlllh, al "work rl,nlovlnlf wlrt~ frolll tl¯h~phone polc~l near tim corner of t’al~" MaY Avt~

¯ hue und ~)l)d Hlrt~’t W~lll~lldlly &ftero(mnIliiqt I IWO Iluellieu I EuKllnd tin)wit and ChurR,~lForldlng, of Athinth3 (.;It}’, were hurled Io thegrouud aiid dltngela)ttnly IoJnred, oue" Iml%

lulpa .liitidly~ wh~u tWO poh’i~ ~m whtch theywere workhlg, i’oth~l io the ~lre, Ill’like underellln~l down I~lrl’y[n ! Ihe nlen With lh’l¯lii.tlr~lwnl~t,’llo w&l etrnpped to the bile, fell I~l-ll¢ttlil It~ lile h~v)" lllnher pinning lillU dowu,¢,ru~hinl hln arnl and Infllcthii m~vel’~ Inter-

¯ lnil Injurlee. Fonllln i Jiilnp~l and lu~talnedpuluful but not dangerolll~ lnjurlel~, prlnelpullfilpilllhl# and br ulllea.

Thllla the Ihlnl Utne wlthhi u few week~that rotteu telephone pol~u bare fitlleu alongthe ~trtmta of btay’n ]Alndlng,’and nlmlrly all

. are mild to be In’a dangerooe eondltlou. Clll-Itenl itre loud lu thel~ demand thut the d~ngerbe ranioved, urging the Towtinhip Comulltteeto takeactlou that will do uwt~y with all polel~and force the eompanle*l to lay their wlren uu-derground, t

The cntili of the polea llrougtlt tl laige thn)nlrof people to the ~pot, arld the injured men wereqnlekly "nntde comfortable In tin nutoalobllewith pll!ow~ , ete.ldonated Ily kind people livingIn the viclulty imd ru.hed to the Atlantic City][ol~pltal. Ful~illng later ell. for hie holne, butllrown I~ ~tlll in the iio~pllal, hin ~)ndlllon b¢~IIig ~)~d grave.

’\ i,

ill4h, initllelol.Ii alid uuworlhy el~ol’t~ hilve pn~.vlded for lhe itel41rnetlou of lhal lllmral I~plrll Iliken ller~ hy I.utlln’nl,~unp huq Inlnllil-ri will er, of Athlulh¯ Clly, Olit ¯ of llil, I~-~t kliOWLi lied

which hlUl¯ll)ade Allelntle City file grlmtel4t ~na. tm IhoWll at lhe opera houl thlit evt¯lilnl[, Ou lll~t IiIghly r~p~’li’ll rl.~ldt, lll~ i,l. Ill4’ tlilel’iii~hh~ rl~llrl In the worhL Plurely illieh n~llll~ ~’ellnl~ldlliy. evenlnI !nell JMaoaler lhiliinler4 It~.~lrl. wiHi po--~d ii~’it), phorlly i.¯f~lre ~i~

(l(ron~rs !’.tr fro" ht~,

MYY, TII,I’: I"ItANK ...............ltellnhlll’~tn I X

TIIOMAel D. TAOOAItT ...... ilopubll¢ltn ]

...... . ............................................ l)omoorutle I

WM. O UTHI&II..: ........ ’....Nat. Pruhlbltlon I

.................................. L.....Nat. i’rohibttflla I

ttiirl’rBorl of l[lffhu~iui I’l~/e/ira tl,~ l,IKtlt~ ................. ’ ....... 1,700

ANt’tlFI0 IL t’it~)WF.LL ..... [ X tbmrtl of iltttltil ............ i00

iClIAItLF24 VOlllttT ........ R~l,llbllcan [X !’l~lr ............................... II]0

..... l.iemocrath: Forint Fin*, .................... k~00

01’rr#r~’i o/the l~l~,r I’ole Jor two ltmnd Artny of lt~l’Ullllc ~l

-’- lt11-eml U i]ln ....................... ’ I1#0

I)AVI li HI[EARl;it .... il~publloin



\\ , ),

I~liarlltl I), Miikepelu°e, Clierlt~ E. llenluiey, to heTuelilhl)’ uexl. full w,,ll Ihat liberality nnd reguhttton will

¯ John Pratt. {;~iiirh~l It"¯ K,~trl% Thooiu~l ~tV. ~lt’lleL) lU the eoLir~! of till inltil evl¯nlt It IK’- laulx, Tiiey kliOW how U) InlX lhenl ~ that

I~llnollwood I Atldn,w Ahl~)ll, .]ol~ph Vinlllhui ~olnell neeeilmiry to ilnnle otodldlt[(l i-or Ille Ihe illaJgn~lof our popular City and CounW

Jr. J’oiln iMareh, {~lntrli’14 C. 141ewnrli Jotl~ph nllnor Town~hlp ilill¢l~, ¯It I~ not ill all i,~au~y Ill will not be Interfered with or Itnl~l. They

llnh~l-i~lti, AIl~rlSmullwl~l, Iiernnin]|illnel4, ~le~l lneu whl)tin. ~ elilklletent elid whu will lire not lied to lelfl~h IILt~r~d/I llllt~l wllh

%~illlalo ~idlel.Jltlre, Vi’lllhliu ttlpleyl WIIIlani ~)n~ent to lhe lIOmiLlillhlii, In nlulllnl lluvl~ inll.llee Iow&nl all wile uppo~ Ihein, Tile

Adler, tlenry Burley, l+;lI~lllell,r l~llitli, Hhearer for Overseer el the Poor, the tl~litlbllXevente of tlle.llnalt Ib.w woeka have p’royen that

,IohlI I% ,Taylor, lhllph H, ~i’luinaillun, 411ill of llainlltou Townllhlp jlhl0vd nu lhelr cerllllo Ioen. aolely ol~e lloekerll, liltYO"tuken

Jltph thioer I +.lullus Knlu~, %l#*lllhtlu I.ewlit, Ileketlieiindld&le[-or tiuil ollll’e t’hoililll ht~n iol’h Meim to ertntte pnpularlty hi4 liilve l’t~-

t}llllreliOl~ ~aylort tiarrY Jeliklnl~ I John Truelu- t¢lell und llOUlid ellmpl’lenl~ aud ull a Inilllel ~ of ~ulled In lhe holdhi I up of our in’tit rl..t)rt I~l

I~)’, ,Mlehi~l lhxntaleo, ltarrY ~iVoodrull, Cl~ll’~ lie will he elected, rldleuh., ilhuider aud ithupe, led hi their ~01-

Page 2: ATLANTIC COIUNTY R EC,)Rll. · Jlkbile~on lind proprietor ill lit genonll Nlore at pru~.’llee blllll for hllnlqf a replllalloli nile that plil~e~ ell, dt~l hll life W¢~hl~ldily

..... . ................................................................. 7 ................. "~ ~"~l"~¯ "

aBL ESTATE TRARSFEffSix another ronud hi .the ladder oiprogress attd COlttiL ,ted good times;hi view of this, the election ofDr::’.Tholna,+ D.Taggart aud Myrtilel~rank, Relnll)lic,3u candidates forCoroners, is important .to the Re-publicans of Atlantic Cotulty. Bothmen are well qualified in .everywhy for (hose ililpor{aut offices andwill perfornl their duties in a care-ful, conscientious nlanncr and bothwill be elected beyond a doubt.

The urge,It ncccssit~ oJ .’very.voter careftilly examining hissnnlple ballot and hein, ,hitch"certain just"lqi~v to I:lark it iu

found tile nante.’-+ of all candidates’.instead of the old way of havingeach party ticket separate. I)ml’tthink you kiioxv ]lOW to mark it --know how bcyolld every d’onbt be-fore you go to vote lltld if you.,nl’enot certain ask an’ Clcctlb~i off%orto It will he his tlnt~+ to

Stetson Hats,English Hats,¯

Manhattan Shirts,Keiser Cravats,Onyx Hosiery.

TIIKn. W, I’tCitlMPF, l~lllcllor.Pr’a fee, 1124.01)

St, lt17-F; + ; ’ --1121’ "IPIrtu4~ ¢,f a writ of fferl h~hi~, to lnl<? tll

recli~d, hmued out of Die Iqew Jert*ey Court olChlicel~’, will he e(~ltl ill publi~ ~’eudne, (Ill


DRED AND ELEVEN,at tWO #clo~k I11 the afternoon of ~ld dmy, stKneh nle’n Hotel) c~wner of I’loutll CM.rullml lilldAtlantic Avenuea lu the CRy of Atlantic CityC0nnty’or Atlantic and Hl~ of ’NeW Jeixtey. ¯

All thlll eerlaln trlm, t or Imreel of Imid

(~nd prelulne~ situate in LheCI1y Of F~ IAarborIty, In the (Munt~ of Atlantl~ mud t~.te ofof New Jerl~y, bnunded lilld de~.rll~d Itafulh,we [

I~.glnnlng st It point lU the NurthwetterlyIlue ~ff Philadelphia Aveune forly feet iNot’th.


I)ltF-D AND ELEVEN,nt two <)’elo(~K In the aft~rno~,(i or mild dlly Knehule’a tiotel coiner of Atlalrtlc and l’)<lulhI.’a~lnna AYenuel Ill thl, City "of AtlnnU0 City,(’oauty nf Atlantic ltl~ld ~ta~ nf New .lerm .y.

AlL tllat ee~ln tract of land andpromlse~,¯ eltuato In Atlantic City, C~lunty of,ktlanth~

and ~tato of iNew Jersey, bouaded and de-Im rl bed ~ ~t)llnws

.~1Utble lin d J ullt.he obJl~t of,lid nult I~ to obh¯ia it decree ofdlvortm dissolving the irlarrlage between youaud the mild tmtliloner..

BOURUF~)IS & COldLOIinI¯t’~ollcltora of Petltlouer,

’. ~5-1~l]~W Buildlug,Atlaaile City, N. J.

Dated tMol~r 24, 1911. Pffs fee, IW.24-.[ ........



Township of Buena Vista,

GENERAL ELECTIONFor the imrix3ms of ehmtlng e~ndtdatm to

fill the foltowlng omeem: .



TWO (.*0 I~)iN ER-~

TUWNStltP CO M M FI"TE E~%I A NI’OR TII~ ~K y E illllt





OVEI~EER OF THE POl)ItTIlt ’tKig ~ EA lq~




Will be held uu

Tuesday, November 7, 19.1 I,and that the electlnn offloer~ will all ~s & laml.rd

For the pnrpo~s of ele’.’tbl.~ can,thlntellte fill the following omfet:


~wo ASSEmi’-tMZN=we CO~O.~RRs

civil’ CLR~K



¯ WO ME~]tlEII~ ]BOARD OF EDI.tCA-TION li’OR TWO lilg.41R8






Will be held o~

Tuesday, November 7tk, 1911and that the election omeerl will sit as aboard of election at the plaeea above men-Ilened on tha above day, commencing at (Io’clock in Lhe morning and ¢1 ring at set-en o’clock In the eveulnr.And notice I~ hereby lurlher g"lveu lital

the Ronrd of Rellstry and ~levllttl ~lllmeet at ,be following de~llgnated llhtt’t~:Flrnt Ward, I#ara Greer’s J{ealdenct,: ,qec-end Wnrd, Fire House.

JAMES E. ~CULL.\ CRy Clerk.


Margato CityCounty of Atlantic, 8tale of New


of elomlon it the pla~ea lbove U3entlone~ onth0above d~y, mmmenalng at Co’clock In the CllO~IgN FREEtlOLID~ERmomlag nnd elo~ng at ~en (l’elock In the \evening. . - (IPI~And nnilee Is hereby further glven that the FOUR )IEMIIEIt8 DOAItl) ._ EllI’-Board of ~atry nnd Eieetlnn wnl meet at CATI()N the renewing dlmlltmted place: Fll~t pre. Twn far two ytr~ and twa for one yearclnet, Hotel el Jtmeph (t. Outtgra, Bueaa, N. J.;~eeond i’r~tnct, Koehrlng Prolwrty, ConntyIttm.d affd Flower I~ltrt~t. Llndllvllle.

" DOUOLAIei REED, Will be held on

oty C,,r~. Tuesday, Nm-ember +"the, 1911

Confidence la what you nell.

Abbott’sPan-Dandy Bread

"Won It with qaallty.Try It and b~ convinced.


M. Friedeberg,

H reproveYourEyesight

\Gla,m~es that make youreyes see the finest print, $1:

old gold takcIl in exchange,

IkwllmlnK at t~ o)nler Ill the North side of l~t~tt of Cbarl~. Johrt~u)n, deceased. Arctic Aveuue one hal)tired nud ~eveu fiP~t Punlu&nt to theoixier of Eunuiuel t’,Bluin0r,ll’oln the Nortl,wl,~t ct~rner (if llelawltre Avo- Plurl, ngab0 of the Coanty of Atlautle~ tale dayhue; lhenee {1) N¢lrthwurtUy pltPallel with Inude on the applh’&thnl of the UndePiiIl~nPd,l,elawart~ Avenne one hundred nlld llfly fl~t ; EXl~Uto~of the l, lllld dL~’i~i~.nt i Ill)rice Isherehytilence (2) Wl;nllwlirdly. purnliel with Aretle liven to tile iIPPdllore of the lid dol’edent NIAvenue xlxty-elght feet: lhenee (3) Moutll- exhlhlttothenub~rll~i~,underonthuralllrnl-wardly Iparallel with LMlawnro AVallUe CUe allen their elulnla alld\donlitn(~q age.lnst thehnndrt~ and fifty feet to the .,North side of imtat~ of the mtd decodent, within nluemout leArctic Avellile; theuo~ .(4) Euatwardly ~h),lg from Ulla diite, nr they will be forever barred.,~retie Avenne Mxty-elghtfeet to Lhoplae~ of f~lln prO~utlag or recovering the marne

ag~.l nstthe ii i1 lllt~ rl herll,b~elnulug¯

lied lira’ the pmllorty of B. Frunk llarrl.,i A.,ll~.i M. JOllPiPion’,~nd ttlken In execution at the ault of t’Inndry 21 N. Florldll Ave.,pl&lntlllk, and to Im sold by EI)wAltn’t4. [qI|ARI, IP~

EN()t?ll L JoH Nitt)N. 2512 Atlantic Ave..t~herltr. AtlenUe City N.J.

l~.ted t~ep’lember 30.1911. Exee.ator~


Weymouth Township,County of Atlantic, Stato ol New J 0r~ey,


For the purpe~ of electing ettndldatat tn~!11 the following om(~a



au(I that the election officers wLI sit am hoard’of election at the places almve al,~n. ~-tloned on the ahove da~" comlnenclng nt fi For sale at the Vtater Power Co.o’floek hi lille momlp , a,] closing itt ~ev.I’ll o’clock |o the eveu,,g. Stork. Fresh aud pnre.

And notice la hereby farther glveti th:’;the Board of Registry anti El~’tlon ~rlll Apollo alld LowileV Chocolat~..’s,nit~,t at the City Hall¯

fresh weekly.Ctl~itt,ES n~RT.

C-~y Clerk

POLAKOFF,1208 Atlantic Avenue,


T’l" I’E %%¯ !1I T Eltq.

+- May’s Landing Water Ty ewrRer\ l wer Co., Exchange,

Page 3: ATLANTIC COIUNTY R EC,)Rll. · Jlkbile~on lind proprietor ill lit genonll Nlore at pru~.’llee blllll for hllnlqf a replllalloli nile that plil~e~ ell, dt~l hll life W¢~hl~ldily

.¯." ,[

,.,~ .... ¯

¯,. ’ . (,

......................... 7:’.’"7-- ~7 ....... "+’77"7-’-"_’7L" 7":-=7 :.":¯’"-¯--7~:7- +¯~ -


Defeated. the Strong Millville PIRsklnChasera Score 2-0,

The MaLY’M l,nndfng l,’l.)l lhdl Al~nehtton lh-l’ot~l~d ill(: Ahullnl A~iml,dhni or Mllh, lllt,

llllRlnotl~l H(~III)Ot llPq ."411lllrdlty hy t¯lle |,leiIl’e nf’~I IO 0. rPlte Klllll¯t:, thouKh l.,II:t ¯ Pollll’du;llI

¯ prnvL.t lhe.3hly’, l,lillll~ll¯~ I,-37~ fin ¯ In itatvlun~oof lh(. Ol)l~+llt,lltl, [Ii lhl. [Int, r piHllt.l tff lln,

~nllle0 l’oat’h llrlll~h l.x,dh, l. n tlRI.II elllJ wllhlhe llOled h lll’hlRl’llm lil~h " lO-dlly l’l.t lh’hh.’q~|nn" l,IllC-nll r, plhlw.:

¯ Mny’~ l,andln~. Mlllvl It,.

l ,liln hi,el: ............... :, I,. 1,’, .................. V¢ ill hllUl’l

II. lien nu,:.l ............ I,.T, .................... ’.,..I hHnl.MiinKadd .................. l,. ( ; ......................... 1 |lL;l’KA. | ll’n I lll’llll ......... I’. : ............ l’h,qell

1"~ht’ll rPe .................. II: (| .................... I lilt Izl’,I, Denltaclul: ......... IL T..,..’. ........ Ii .Rhml3"’A’nrp ................. It. I.: ............ WcherWIg~h,~worlh ........... q, II ......... , . ..Uh.lze~A¯eth’r. ..................... I,, II. ,, . I hdl’lnntnMet h’lwy. ................. It. 11 .............. .~ ........ liar’|’lty o ¯ , .... ",. , I". II .................. .’-lh,,,Inl’in

¯ ,I~t I~,lv. I~ ’ H’,’l ILV .~1 ty’~ I,tlnldhnt, 2. .ItOl(’l~’OI 1: .~ ’IJt .~ I.V’~ l+It ItlhlKiTInI ,irt,, I’4a lldel"+, .;’ M lllvllh,.

IAln,.llnnl,~lhtl’lhlt itlltt lhn’l’t,ll, M ty’+ l,and-

In~¯,IHlh,lt.ll’l’hnt, R(~,l,er,% UIRt, v, Mn’¢’.~ l.,u.lhl~

lllffl 1 ’otlh+llll,. Mlllvlll,~.

TIIII,2 of l’el’hM+, l,’h’+l Iiii,I l’hh’d. 12 llllllllh’~;~ll’.l,Olld nlltl l,’otlrth, Ill lllllllltl’i,


’|’II0 o11h’o or (’ofonlq+ I~ llol ~H.’ llol,.ll hH’

urdlll)U~l vrnrk ILL’ gel,lit l’l’llllnll’llllloll, l,tll It I+

lleVlWlheh,.’.~, l)llt, tel~ hnl.H’tllnl’l, Io flip l.lldh’

l~nf(,l) ¯, llllll lhl,l.l+fOl’l, iiii(+ |ii wh11,h iiii’Ii or in-h’grlly and lll;Ol,t’P qnldllhmth.l+ .houhl I.,

eh’ehml¯ Ill l)r. l,’nnlll. Ii ~.Itli();Vll t’q)lIlll.VllhyMvhtn, lhe llel+lllflh’itn+ of "~|hllll h’ l ’lillll ly

hltVt, ii vnltalhhth, lllh.d Iii (,%’i, "y Wily I~ii IIH, ! nllh’l, ltnlt hlm Ph’t’tlon Is II~MIlI’I,I.[. I

,, +,) .o, . ¯ .. . ¯


I,U M lllrAt E’I’(’.

will fit you withIll/ill ,. o,w;~,,_ Reading, Sew-

ing or Near-work EyeGlasses or Spectacles.This Includes the ex-

amlnation and proper fitting,we make these goods andguarantee the quality


There {viii be sold nt l’ttblic Vendue ’it the above place attd timc

a lot of l h~usoliohl I’ttrniture consisting of Cth’pets, Mat(it,s T,ibles.

Chairs. seven sets of Bed Roonl Fttrniture. Parlor Fttrnitttrc, Lantl~S,

5torts. l)inil~.Lu~urttitilrc. IIat Racks¯ 1)ishcs, Bcdditl~, and

all the varitlus .kinds aud chattds tll:tt g~, with a con~l>li.’tcly

furnished lie(tat.

’I’F+I~,M,’q ()1: SAI,F, CASI[.

t)tht.’r Uollditioll.S llltlt|U klloWll Oll thlv of sale.


For Business or Pleasure

By Hour or By Day at l easenab e

l ates

Quick Service to Atlantic City,

Pleasantville, Egg HarborCity, Hammonton and

All Other Pointsi


will be marled to any

address In the U~lted

AdvertisingIs the Salt of Trade. When

.~usln~ss ls Slack It

Results as well as In the Busy

Seasons¯ Try advertising

In. "The Record"

and watch the

i% u][;ao

States, postage pre-

paid, for

$1.25per annum. In advance

q’(-~t I’hon. T_.%:2.1{

Sire & CarlsenFloor ~- Laid, Planed and. Scraped

Hardwood & Parquet Floorsa Sgeclalty

Old Floors Scraped and Retlnlshed

IH|II’I ¯ ~III(I i’lhow It(.Plll

2%2~ Atlantic Ave , AtlantLc City, N,J,Nht)li: 2 ~. ,~(IW York AVV. i rl¯(l+l’J


¯ Cu’t IFIowers ~ndF3eautlful Blooming Plants¯ "

Artistic Floral Emblems for Funerals

Arrang_ed at Short NoticeIAIII~ I)1~LILll4¯(’ |*h(inl..


107 South Carolina Ave.. South,ATI,A NTII’ t ’l’rY, N..I


¯ %.

Public Sale, of Real Estate, Fer Taxes,






Enter Your Subscription NowFor The

News from the County Towns,

Proceedings of Civil, Criminal and Orphans’ Courts,

Legal and Real Estate News.

WeeklyFifty-Two Weeks For Only


Fill out the following coupon and mall It to this qfflce to-day.

Please send the Atlantic County ~ecord to thefollowing address for one year, for which I enclose $1.25.

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Address ................ . .............................

City, etc ..... .................. X .............................

,¯.,¢ , ).




fW[[Pttit VIIIIll Ill ’Ill AHI IIIH1


Will Be Held In Atlantic CRy Thl~M~mth.

A Joint Te~h0m’ I~tltttt~ of Ath~ntl+0, Oh)n-center and l~,lem (3ouotl~ will tm held ~t theHigh P~hool llulldtng, Atlantic City, Thnt’~dlty, Friday ~nd I~tnr0aT, NovehdH, r ~.I,

Sheriff-elect Robert H. Inlterloll.Eleeted by the people of Atlantte Couuty It~t

Tnesday by’a blK majority, he will take theo~th of ()ffltm Tut~lay next to " nuootmd

.b;nc~.h l,:ooeli L. Johnl~on, Iton~ will beKlven for the Ib, ltblMI perrgrlnunoe of hl~t dntyIn the amoont 9f IH0,000, the amount Nxed forhis’t=(IPcem*orP-. JPAlnt̄ areal In the hi.w, forn,art 2 ~t-mtt*~ J ndge’of’lhe l|l~lrlet (~ourt e.ndnoted for I,Is exeentlve ability, Ilbel~llty’tLndg~ Judi[ment, hl~ a~mlnlsttmtlon I~ eertalnto he u pro~Imrous one und the lmllele~ e~rrled

nnt that Imve made Atlantic City the f~tl~nIIx~ort of th~ World. Ma, y’t~ lmudlng will


M4,r~ff l.~t Precinct ~ preetnet Total

ROIIEItT I!. IN(]EIt2’K)I.i, ............ II,epuhlle’~n ......... 7~ I’m 1~

7@WM, il, IA)UDI’;.NSI,A(~I";It ........... IN~mt~ratle. .......

TIIOMAI5 (3 I’OI1,CII .............. Nul. Pr.hlt)lth)n ,1 1 l

weloOln~ Ilee 1+Ol1+ home with ol~u ~.rms and Ora+tuble, ~ Fear~her etthten~Jolu with re~lderat~ or the connty JOt.qEl’H LEACH ............................ IR.epnblLe~n .........Rt larg’e lu eongratnlatlnK "Iklh" lugerloll on SAMUEL TAYLOR ........................ I~mocralle .........

his ek’~tlon,¯

OptMtoble, *. ~tear~) ta.tex~dredDeath of GeorKe W. Foster.

One of the ,)ld’tnlL and motif highly I’~p~tedre~ldenta_nr Lhhl_I~l~ waa elutmed hy d~thTu~day last whcn Ooorl~ W. Ft)~U.r, agedeighty-tWO yenr~ ~w.m~l aws)’ at the home ofhis daughter, Mr-& Henry HeholltZ~ ~t .%ledl-ford, N’,J.iafterallnKerh~g lllne~ l~rly It(ll,t~ FaLl ,Mr. leo~tmr went We~t to visit rela-tlvtm and ()n hie return Pstopped aL Medford visit hltl daughter and alamo hl~t ~on, Ou~nFtmter~ both of whom remlde at tlmt plmm.

~hlleat the rtmlden oe of Mra. 18ehoh~ be was~m~ltt-nndl-~ll nea.l+Is- death haY=

lu K been e~poeted several dayl~ before It tookplace. Mr~holntz nnrtmd him fitlthfully tothe day of’hl~ death, Mr, F~ter wtut a, rettl*dent of thl. pla~m for many ytmr~, bavlnK beenengttged In the WOOd and lulub~r boslnet~ unde~loyed Io~e t~nd e~te(Bm of all who knewhim. Funerat servlom were held yeetet’d~yfrom the realdenee of hlx d~ughterand lurer-merit n,ade lu the M. lg. Cemetery at Medford.

Appointed To Fill Term,At&n ad~oorned meeting of the Townlhlp

Gommlttee held Wedtim~d~y evening last In

IAbrar7 Hall for tho purpotm of Imylog blll~

and tran...:tlug other hnst~e~, Charlos D.Makell~tce wna appointed to fill the nuez-idred term or the l~te Fr~holder John i.kl~lele¥. Mr. ~,lakelt~mm In a memtme nf theTawnxhlp (2ommlttee and h~m eerved ~ Tretu~

uror. ’lLllx.ternl m CommlLteemalt will expirenext Novemt~r, when lhe Freehuldee termfor which he wtm apl~dnte~l al~) expll’tm.


Card of Thanka.

Member, of A,,embl#EMER.t~ON L. IIIC, llARI)H..: ......... Republle~o ......... ~ 1411 158

CARL’I~)N OoDPREY ......... ; .........l~.publle~o ......... Ile ¯ 10~ 17’3

JOSEPH THOMPt’~N ................... Demoerttle ......... 87 78 l~a

JOHN T. F1KENCIt ......................... l)emoeraUe ......... I~ ~ I~

MAMUEI, C’OMLY ........................ Nat, ProhlhLtlon 2 fi 7

JOHN E, BLAKE ........... : ............... Nal. pla)hlbltlon 5 4 9

Ommer~MYRTII,E FRANK ........................ Itepuhllean ......... 7~ 1~0 l~

TltOMA~ D. TAOOAItT ............... ltepuhllc~n ......... 08 117 1t45

C, (IARKABI{ANT ......................... l~n)oeratle ......... 7H 54". l,~J

WM. OUTHItlE .................... .~ ....... Nat. Prohlbltlnn 4 6 10

~ItmlPll~p C¢omtrl(llee, 8 gtrar~ \

JOHN F~ IHZAItD ........................... I~i)uhlhmn ......... 8’2 II’1 194

CIIAI¢,[,F.|’5 C. 18TEWAIq.T .............. Democratic ......... F~3 3’a lfadS

t~l 101 161

1¢7 +’70 157

JOIIN ABBOTT .............................. I.tepublh~n ......... 81 129 210

ANI~.EL 11. CROWEI, L ....... .,,...~.,.1R.epuhllea,u,’.,,..+~. ~ 137

CHA!tLI~ VO|(IHT ...................... Itepnbllcan ......... 79 l~q4 2t~

JOHN HATZ ................................... ltepnblltmn ......... 77 1.~ 202

DAVID I~HEAKER ........................ l~pnbllc~n ......... tI~t" 1.’14 ~IS

--~--/~d Kee~,’r .LORENZ LEI LTNO.L.L..L;.;....-.,’....Itepnhltctm.."T" 7"I 1:~

CHItlBTI Alq 18CH RUMPF ............ l~epubllc=m ......... ~I 128 194



Almmoe, 1st W ..........Atmetmi~. 211 W ..........

6R’\ 41452

Atl~.ntle City .............. , 4,8,57 ~,944Brlipmtt ne CIly ...........

Buena Vista, Twp..: ....F,~g Harbor City ........~gg llarbor Twp .......FnL,~)m lloroog n .........Oailuway, lxt P .......

The family o9 the late Frt~llnldee Johtl H. (J~.lloway, 2d P ..........L"tlele¥, who delmrted this life November 2 at ~umllton Twp ...........

the ale ofT/year= and wM bnrle4 IMt Monday ltammonton ............St Port Repnblle, dmlre, to exprem throulh l.lnwood BovoUF.t*...L¯lhl0olUmue thelr xln~re appr~l~llon tnd bOnlllmr t Boru~lh .....

l)onrty for the mttny klnd a~’l~ ,tnd Marll~toUL’~ .......

Innlt IIInem+ aml folh)wlnll Northfleld ....................... ~ .... Ple~mnt~tlle ..............

Sltle Continued. Port lh, lmblle .........

The msle of bont~hol;t gondxat tht~.Moore HomgrlPoln k letW...

Vilh~, I~L’gUl, I~t I’~ttnrday, will bo ct.lllllnOd I~mere Polnl, 2d W...

lhh, all