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Page 2: Atlas of Surgical Anatomy - The Eye...Boca Raton, FL 33431, USA Within Continental USA Tel.: 800 272 7737; Fax.: 800 374 3401 Outside Continental USA Tel.: 561 994 0555; Fax.: 561

An Atlas of Surgical Anatomy

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Page 4: Atlas of Surgical Anatomy - The Eye...Boca Raton, FL 33431, USA Within Continental USA Tel.: 800 272 7737; Fax.: 800 374 3401 Outside Continental USA Tel.: 561 994 0555; Fax.: 561

An Atlas of

Surgical Anatomy

Surgical commentary by

Alain C Masquelet, MD

Illustrations by Léon Dorn

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© 2005 Taylor & Francis, an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group

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Preface vii

Léon Dorn: A biographical note viii

Léon Dorn: Notes on method ix

1 Reconstructive surgeryThe tree of flaps for the upper limb 2Flap from the lateral head of

gastrocnemius 3Soleus muscle flaps 5Sural skin flap 8Vascularised osteoperiosteal flap from the

femur 10Vascularised fibula transfer 11Lateral brachial flap 14Forearm radial flap 16Posterior interosseous flap 18Pronator quadratus muscle flap 20

2 Hand and peripheral nervesurgeryAnatomy of the hand 24The trapezium: volar approach 27The ‘boutonnière’ deformity 31Arthrolysis of the PIP joint 34Protective flaps for the median nerve at the

wrist 36Flexor digitorum superficialis transfer to the

thumb 38Vascularised bone transfer from the metaphysis

of the second metacarpal 39Dupuytren’s disease 40Surgery of the wrist 44Pollicisation of the index finger 45Brachial plexus 49Exposure of the interosseous nerve 54Exposure of the radial nerve at the

elbow 57

3 Gynaecological surgeryThe lower approach of the prolapse and

the separation of the vagina and the bladder 60

Treatment of genital prolapse afterhysterectomy 65

Surgical treatment of elytrocele 70

4 Urological surgeryAllotransplantation of the kidney 74Surgery of renal lithiasis 79Extrophy of the bladder in a young boy 81Hypospadias surgery 86Prosthesis for erectile function of penis 90Amputation of the penis for sexual ambiguity:

feminisation 97

5 Abdominal surgeryReconstruction of a urinary bladder 106Gastrectomy 110The liver 115

6 Surgery of the vertebral columnTranspleural approach to the dorsal rachis by

thoracotomy 120Treatment of lumbar spondylolisthesis 122Surgical treatment of scoliosis 126Treatment of lumbar disc hernia: anterior

approach 129

7 Upper limb surgerySternoclavicular dislocation 134Stabilisation of a shoulder prosthetic

implant 136Cleidectomy 137Osteosynthesis of a fracture of the

forearm 139Anterior approach to the subacromial

space 141



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Anterior approach to the glenohumeral joint 143

Axillary approach to the glenohumeral joint 147

Subdeltoid approach to the proximalmetaphysis of the humerus 150

Anterior approach to the proximal third of theradius 151

8 Lower limb surgeryAnatomy of the posterior approach to the

femoral shaft 154Extended medial approach to the popliteal

vessels 157Anatomy of the knee 160Anatomy of the lumbosacral plexus 162Prosthesis of the patella 163Repair of a rupture of the anterior cruciate

ligament 167Posterior approach to the posterior cruciate

ligament 171

Allograft of patella and patellar ligament 173Cross-section through the hip joint 176Posterior approach to the acetabulum 177Inguinal approach to the acetabulum 181Extended iliofemoral approach to the

acetabulum 186Posteromedial approach to the ankle 190Lateral approach to the subtalar and midtarsal

joint 193

9 MiscellaneousMuscular studies 195Surgery of the ear: neurosurgery 199Surgery of the middle ear 202Tympanic graft 204Paediatrics: Pavlick’s harness 207Congenital malformations 208Detection of fetal anomalies 216Dissection of the left heart 217Dissection of the right heart 221

Index 225



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Léon Dorn is one of the most famous medical illus-trators in the world. Even today, at 80 years of age,he continues to pursue his work with the sameenthusiasm. His work coincides with his greatpassion: the representation of the human body.Anatomy holds no secrets for him. He has spentcountless hours in operating theatres, dissectingrooms and with himself; when Léon Dorn is drawinghands, he is drawing his own hands ...

Until recently, medical illustration was an under-valued job. The illustrators were basically artists,attracted to the human body. Many of them wereself-trained people. Most of the time they were notwell considered and some publishers even refusedto mention their names in books.

Today, medical illustration has gained its ‘letterspatent of nobility’. Léon Dorn has witnessed theemergence, the development and the now wellrecognised state of the medical illustration.

Dorn is specially involved in the illustration ofsurgical techniques, which is probably the mostdifficult part of the art of medical illustration sincethe illustrator must attend surgical operations tounderstand what exactly is being done and thendistil a long procedure into a few drawings. Usually,no more than five to seven drawings are needed toillustrate a surgical technique.The skill and possiblythe genius of the artist lies in their ability tocondense multiple operating stages into a limitednumber of drawings.

From a didactic point of view, it reveals thesuperiority of drawings over film. A film (movie orvideo sequence) delivers a linear succession of snapshots whereas a single drawing illustrates an entiresequence of a technical procedure.

For learning a technique, human understandingproceeds more by intuitive discerning of wholestages rather than separate elementary actions.Thisis the reason why the medical illustration based ondrawings is superior to one based on videos. In spiteof the recent advances in techniques of communi-

cation, the illustrated book will always be valid forthe learning process.

I would like just to comment upon Léon Dorn’smanner of working. Some illustrators work at home,trying to restore a surgical technique from a draftprepared by the surgeon. Dorn’s method is quitedifferent. For him, the illustrator is like a reporter, aneye witness and a field worker; he has to perceivethe intensity of an acute stage to express it throughthe drawing. This book is an attempt to communi-cate this particular state of mind. With Léon Dornwe have selected over 300 drawings from among acollection of several thousands.

These selected drawings do not constitute atreatise of surgical techniques. Their function is tohighlight one of the main stages of the illustrator’swork, which is the ‘almost finished rough sketch’.For that reason the drawings are still outlines in leadpencil, in black and white. We have included a fewdefinitive drawings in colour to show the contrastbetween what is actually published and what is themost important stage of the artist’s work. Thus wepresent isolated drawings or several associateddrawings, taken from different surgical fields, whichdo not constitute the complete description of asurgical technique.

The drawings are succinctly explained, just forunderstanding what they show. Where they arepresent, we have kept the legends written by theartist as an aid for the definitive drawing. On theother hand, we have not added new legends thatcould impede the serene contemplation of thedrawings.What is important for the readers is to opentheir eyes for pleasure; the secret is not in the textbut in the illustrations. Léon Dorn has rejuvenated thetradition of the medical illustrators who were initiallyartists admiring the human body, such as Calcar, thepupil of Le Titian, who immortalised the dissectionsof Vesalius, or Jacob, the pupil of David, who drewthe anatomical preparations of Bourgery.

AC Masquelet



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Léon Dorn was born in Paris in 1920. He lived inIsrael from 1932 to 1965, where he worked in akibbutz. This long stay in Israel was interrupted fortwo years (1953–1954) during which he studied atthe Academy of Arts in Florence (Italy). In 1961, hewas named general secretary of the Organisation ofPainters and Sculptors of Kibboutzim.

He began to work as a medical illustrator whenhe came back to France in 1965. He was mostlycommissioned by Masson Publishers and, in 1989,was invited by Professor Tubiana to illustrate surgi-

cal books for Martin Dunitz. His illustrations for AnAtlas of Flaps in Limb Reconstruction (publishedby Martin Dunitz) won the Royal Society ofMedicine Atlas award in 1995.

Léon Dorn is a pioneer of modern medical illus-tration in France. He actively participated in theefforts of the European Association of Medical andScientific Illustrators to promote special schoolsdevoted to medical illustration. A department wasopened at the Ecole Estienne of Paris in 1992.


Léon DornA biographical note

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What is the method of Léon Dorn? Another form ofthis fascinating question could be: How is thegenesis of a definitive drawing?

The secret of Léon Dorn is based on two prin-ciples:

1. An excellent knowledge of anatomy. As LéonDorn has worked with many surgeons fromdifferent specialties, he has indepth knowledgeof the anatomy of the human body. Moreover, hehas contributed to several books on anatomy. Itcan be said that during his entire professionallife Dorn has continued to compare anatomy asdescribed and taught in books with real-lifeanatomy as encountered in operating rooms andtheatres.

2. The second principle issues from the first. LéonDorn draws ‘live’. In his professional life he ispermanently on the move to attend surgicaloperations and dissections. The vast majority ofhis illustrations have not been drawn fromphotographs or rough sketches made bysurgeons but from what he has seen andobserved.

The realisation of a definitive drawing as it willbe published in a book has three important stages.It has been difficult to retrieve all the stages for onedrawing from Dorn’s archives. He has lost manydrawings, and the first stage of a drawing is gener-ally destroyed.

We have only one example of a complete series.

a) The first drawing is done in the operating roomor in a theatre of anatomy. It can be called asketch, but it is a very precise sketch. All theproportions are good, and all the structures areset in place: the nerves are coloured yellow, veinsblue and arteries red. Some legends are added toremember exactly what has been drawn.

b) The second stage is drawn ‘at home’. It is theintermediate stage between the sketch and thedefinitive drawing. It can be called the ‘roughdrawing’. Details are precisely drawn, forexample the representation of the arteries andthe thickness of the subcutaneous tissue. In thisstage, primarily the shadows are applied toincrease the impression of volume for themuscles and the perspective for the deep struc-tures.The rough drawing is given to the surgeonwho can then modify any detail on a tracingpaper firmly attached to the drawing.

c) The definitive drawing is made once the roughdrawing has been corrected. The structures arecoloured or underlined in black ink and withpaint.

The destiny of each stage is quite different:

• The sketches are generally destroyed or lost.• The definitive drawing is given to the publisher

and becomes their property.• The intermediate stage – the rough drawing –

which is, in fact, the most beautiful stagebecause it is the most realistic, remains theproperty of Léon Dorn.


Léon DornNotes on method

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Léon Dorn: notes on method


First stage

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Léon Dorn: notes on method


Second stage

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1 intramuscular pedicle issuing fromintercostal arteries

2 latissimus dorsi muscle3 intramuscular divisions of vascular

pedicle supplying latissimus dorsi4 nerve to latissimus dorsi5 thoracodorsal pedicle6 pedicles to teres major muscle

7 subscapular artery8 axillary vein9 axillary artery

10 teres major muscle11 circumflex scapular artery and vein12 scapular flap13 vascular pedicle supplying rim of

the scapula14 infraspinatus muscle

15 subscapular muscle16 teres minor muscle17 bony angular branch to scapula

(anastomoses with vascularpedicle supplying rim of scapula)

18 thoracic vessels19 trapezius and rhomboid muscles20 long thoracic nerve21 serratus anterior muscle

Léon Dorn: notes on method


Third stage




















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During the past 30 years, reconstructive surgery hasundergone incredible development. One of the mainfactors is microsurgical techniques which havepermitted transfer of all kinds of tissue. There hasbeen a renewed interest in anatomy, especially forthe description of nutritive sources and vascularpedicles.

Recent advances in immunosuppressive treat-ment have allowed allotransplantation of functionalorgans, such as the hand.

An Atlas of Flaps of the Musculoskeletal Systemis the latest book illustrated by Léon Dorn. All thedrawings are based on anatomical dissections andevery detail is authentic.



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Reconstructive surgery


Anatomy: the tree of flaps

The tree of flaps for the upper limb

Numerous flaps have been described.The upper extremity is the source of fasciocuta-

neous flaps which can be used either as pedicledisland flaps or as free revascularised flaps.The mainvascular axis (the axillary artery or brachial artery)is considered as the trunk of the tree. Secondaryarteries (such as the radial or ulnar artery) are thedivisions of the trunk. The vascular pedicles of theflaps are formed from small branches and the flapsare the leaves.

1 latissimus dorsi flap2 serratus anterior flap3 scapular flaps4 lateral arm flap5 posterior intraosseous flap6 radial forearm flap7 distal ulnar flap8 ulnar forearm flap








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Flaps from the lower limb

Flap from the lateral head of thegastrocnemius

A The muscle is exposed with all the surroundingstructures.

Flaps from the lower limb












1 soleus2 fibula3 lateral sural cutaneous nerve4 common peroneal nerve5 head of fibula6 biceps femoris7 gastrocnemius (medial head)8 gastrocnemius (lateral head)9 lesser saphenous vein

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Reconstructive surgery


B The muscle is progressively raised from distal toproximal.

C The flap is turned for covering a defect of theknee. Note that the muscle is passed deep to thecommon peroneal nerve.

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Soleus muscle flaps

This flap is suitable for covering a defect of themiddle third of the leg.

A The muscle is exposed on the medial aspect ofthe leg. Two planes of dissection are developed: (i)between the soleus and the medial head of thegastrocnemius and (ii) between the soleus and thedeep posterior compartment of the leg.

Flaps from the lower limb


1 gastrocnemius (medial head)2 soleus3 deep posterior compartment




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Reconstructive surgery


B, C The distal portion of the soleus is isolatedand separated from Achilles’ tendon.


1 gastrocnemius2 soleus3 flexor digitorum4 incision5 neurovascular bundle






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Flaps from the lower limb


D The distal extremity of the muscle has beenfreed and the flap is raised from distal toproximal.







1 gastrocnemius2 tibia3 flexor digitorum longus4 nerve and vessels5 flexor hallucis longus

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Sural skin flap

The sural skin flap is a neurocutaneous flap whichis raised on the posterior aspect of the calf.

A The skin paddle is isolated on an adipofascialpedicle which contains a vein, superficial nerve andarterial network.

Reconstructive surgery


B The fascia is included in the flap and its pedicleto spare the fascial blood supply.

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Flaps from the lower limb


C This flap is indicated for covering a defect overthe posterior heel. It is supplied by a perforatingvessel issued from the peroneal artery.

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Vascularised bone transfers

Vascularised bone transfers have dramaticallyimproved the treatment of bone defects. Healingoccurs quickly avoiding the state of ‘creepingsubstitution’ specific to the revascularisation ofconventional bone grafts.

Vascularised osteoperiosteal flap fromthe femur

This transfer is chiefly indicated in craniofacialsurgery. It can also be used as a pedicled island flapto promote bone healing in a recalcitrant non-unionof the femur.

The flap is detached from the medial aspect ofthe distal metaphysis of the femur. It is supplied bythe descending genicular artery that issues from thelower femoral artery.

Reconstructive surgery






1 adductor magnus tendon2 lower femoral artery3 femur4 descending genicular artery

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Vascularised fibula transfer

The vascularised fibula is now of much interest inreconstructive surgery of long bone defects.

A The fibula has been isolated with the peronealvessels remaining protected by a portion of thetibialis posterior or the flexor hallucis longusmuscles.The transfer is severed at both extremities,sparing a cuff of periosteum.

Vascularized bone transfers





1 tibialis posterior2 intraosseous membrane

(released)3 peroneal vessels4 tibial nerve

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Reconstructive surgery


B A portion of tibialis posterior muscle remainsattached to the fibula to protect the peroneal vesselswhich supply the bone.





1 distal ligation of the peroneal vessels2 tibialis posterior (split)3 tibial nerve

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Vascularized bone transfers


C The transfer is completely isolated on itspedicle.


1 tibialis posterior (split)


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Flaps from the upper limb

Lateral brachial flap

The lateral brachial flap is raised on the lateralaspect of the arm and is available as a pedicled flapor a free flap. It can be combined with a piece ofbone from the humerus.

A Incision – the blood supply comes from theposterior branch of the brachial artery.

Reconstructive surgery


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Flaps from the upper limb


B The vessels are seen within the septum insertedon the humeral shaft.

C The flap is isolated on its neurovascular pedicle.Note the precision of the drawing showing thesmall sensory nerves.




1 triceps2 humerus








1 brachioradialis2 biceps3 deltoid4 radial nerve5 deep brachial artery6 triceps

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Forearm radial flap

This flap was the origin of a true revolution in 1980.Described by Chinese authors it is supplied by theradial artery and started the era of distally basedpedicled island flaps, with retrograde blood flow,which were initially considered difficult to achieve.

A, B The flap is raised progressively on its vascu-lar axis which is maintained in continuity during thefirst step of the dissection.

Reconstructive surgery







1 palmaris longus2 flexor carpi radialis3 radial artery4 brachioradialis


1 brachioradialis2 radial nerve (sensitive branch)3 extensor carpi radialis longus4 flexor carpi radialis5 palmaris longus





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Flaps from the upper limb


C The radial artery has been severed proximal tothe flap.The pivot point of the pedicle is at the levelof the wrist.The flap is convenient for covering anydefect of the hand.





1 flexor carpi radialis2 flexor digitorum superficialis3 brachioradialis

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Posterior interosseous flap

The flap is raised on the posterior aspect of theforearm.The advantage of this flap is the absence ofsacrifice of a main vascular axis, since it is suppliedby a small artery called the posterior interosseousartery. The technique is not easy and it is difficultto represent by drawings because of the differentplanes of perspective in depth.

A The flap is partially raised; a posterior hinge ismaintained while exploring the vessels.

Reconstructive surgery


1 arterial branch to the flap2 posterior interosseous artery3 extensor carpi ulnaris4 extensor indicis propius5 extensor digiti quinti6 extensor digitorum







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Flaps from the upper limb


B The artery is severed proximal to the branchsupplying the flap. Note that the divisions of theposterior motor branch of the radial nerve are atrisk during this dissection.

C The flap is raised on its pedicle.The pivot pointis at the wrist. The flap is convenient for coveringthe dorsum of the hand.

1 radial nerve (posterior branch)2 supinator



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Pronator quadratus muscle flap

This flap is rarely used. However, the dissection isvery fine and so are the drawings.

A Skin incision.

Reconstructive surgery


B Exposure of the pronator quadratus muscle.


1 palmaris longus2 anterior interosseous vessels3 radius4 flexor carpi radialis5 flexor hallucis longus6 median nerve7 flexor digitorum superficialis8 pronator quadratus









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C The flap is raised on the anterior interosseousartery.

Flaps from the upper limb


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The hand is probably a field of predilection for LéonDorn. He has worked very hard as the hand is noteasy to depict. Dorn was the renowned collaboratorof Raoul Tubiana for the monumental bookChirurgie de la Main.

Among Dorn’s vast production of illustrations ofthe hand can be seen some which truly demonstratethe true skill of the artist.


Hand andperipheral

nerve surgery

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Anatomy of the hand

A Allen’s test – the principle is to assess thepermeability (patency test) of each artery of thehand.

Hand and peripheral nerve surgery


B The radial aspect of the wrist and forearm. Notethe divisions of the sensory branch of the radialnerve.

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C Blood supply to the flexor tendons of thefingers. Note the small pedicles issuing from thecollateral artery. They pass beneath the ‘check reins’of the capsule of the PIP joint and divide intoseveral branches. One branch is devoted to thevinculum.

Anatomy of the hand


1 collateral artery2 ‘check rein’3 palmar plate

Dorsal view

Palmar view




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D The blood supply to the profundus tendoncomes from the vinculum of the superficialistendon. Hence the superficialis tendon should notbe excised when both tendons are divided; ratherboth tendons should be repaired.

Hand and peripheral nerve surgery


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The trapezium: volar approach

The indications of this procedure are trapeziumec-tomy (for osteoarthritis) and internal fixation ofintra-articular fractures.

A Skin incision.

The trapezium: volar approach


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Hand and peripheral nerve surgery


C The capsule is incised, giving access to thetrapezium and the base of the first metacarpal.

B The muscles of the thenar eminence arereflected from the underlying capsule of thetrapeziometacarpal joint.

1 flexor carpi radialis2 trapezium



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D, E The trapezium has been removed. A band oftendon from the flexor carpi radialis is prepared tostabilise the first metacarpal bone and to fill thecavity.

The trapezium: volar approach



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Hand and peripheral nerve surgery



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The ‘boutonnière’ deformity

The ‘boutonnière’ deformity associates flexion of thePIP joint with hyperextension of the DIP joint. It iscaused by the rupture of the central band of theextensor tendon and the luxation of the lateralbands.

A Exposure of the lesions.

The ‘boutonnière’ deformity


B Release of the lateral band.

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Hand and peripheral nerve surgery


C Release of the central band.

D The fibrous tissue of healing is resected toshorten the central band.

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The ‘boutonnière’ deformity


E The PIP joint is immobilised in extension witha wire.The central band of the tendon is sutured.

F Distal suture of the lateral bands.

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Hand and peripheral nerve surgery


Arthrolysis of the PIP joint (limitationof extension)

A The cruciate pulley of the sheath is incised andreflected.

B The vincula of the flexor superficialis are wellseen.The blood supply is provided by a small arterywhich courses just beneath the ‘check rein’ of thecapsule.

1 2

1 ‘check rein’2 palmar plate

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C The check rein is divided, taking care of thesmall artery. This constitutes the first step of thearthrolysis, and most of the time this is sufficient. Ifit is not, the capsule is released.

Arthrolysis of the PIP joint (limitation of extension)


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Protective flap for the median nerveat the wrist

This procedure is indicated in iterative release of themedian nerve in carpal tunnel syndrome.

A The fat pad of Guyon’s compartment ismobilised. It is supplied by the ulnar artery.

Hand and peripheral nerve surgery


1 median nerve


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Protective flap for the median nerve at the wrist


B The fat flap is turned like a pageof a book to cover the median nerve.

C If necessary, the ulnar vessels aremobilised to increase the arc ofrotation of the flap.

1 ulnar nerve

1 ulnar artery



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Flexor digitorum superficialis transferto the thumb

This procedure allows, in a single drawing, to seethe opposite side of the base of the thumb.Therefore, we can see the fixation of the tendontransfer on the ulnar side of the thumb.

Paralysis of all intrinsic muscles of the thumb. FDStransfer to the thumb.The best site for the pulley isat the proximal pole of the pisiform. The simplestprocedure consists of passing the transfer aroundthe tendon of the FCU. However, if this muscle isparalysed, its tendon stretches and the direction ofthe transfer will not be maintained. In this event itis advisable to perform a tenodesis of the paralysedFCU tendon to the ulna proximal to the pulley.

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Vascularised bone transfer from themetaphysis of the second metacarpal

The bone block is pedicled on the first dorsalinterosseous artery. This transfer can be used foratrophic non-union of the scaphoid.

Vascularised bone transfer from the second metacarpal


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Dupuytren’s disease

This series of illustrations is probably one of themost beautiful of all of Léon Dorn’s drawings. Theamount of work needed for representing the lesionsis impressive. The drawings are based on the vastexperience of Raoul Tubiana, and the fibrous bandsare not a product of imagination.

A Radial side lesions.

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B At the digitopalmar junction and in the finger,pathological tissue is often very thick. It is necessaryto identify the arteries and nerves at the level of thefinger.

Dupuytren’s disease


1 radial collateral nerve of the thumb2 ulnar vascular bundle of the thumb3 radial collateral nerve of the index finger




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Hand and peripheral nerve surgery


C Zig-zag digitopalmar incisions on two adjacentfingers.

D At the digitopalmar junctionand in the finger, pathologicaltissue is often very thick. It isnecessary to identify the arteriesand nerves at the level of thefinger.

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E Division of the vertical septae.

Dupuytren’s disease


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Surgery of the wrist

Approach to the distal radioulnar joint.

A The fifth compartment of extensor tendons hasbeen opened. The tendon of extensor digit minimiis retracted and the floor of the sheath is incised.

Hand and peripheral nerve surgery


B The joint is exposed. Note rupture of the pos-terior radioulnar ligament.

1 ulnar head2 radioulnar ligament



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Pollicisation of the index finger

The procedure of pollicisation consists of transfer-ring a finger to replace a missing thumb. It is oneof the most difficult techniques in surgery of thehand. The skin incision should be preciselydesigned, dissection must be accurate and cautiousand the result should be assessed cosmetically andfunctionally.The series of drawings shows pollicisa-tion of the index finger, which is the most frequentlyperformed.

A Dissection of the dorsal aspect, skin flaps beingreflected.

Pollicisation of the index finger


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B Dissection of the palmar structures. Care shouldbe taken to spare the neurovascular pedicles. Notethat the common digital nerve should be split (byintraneural dissection) to allow the mobilisation ofthe finger.

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C The finger remains pedicled only on itsneurovascular bundles: palmar pedicles and dorsalvein.The tendons are severed to be sutured on therecipient site. The index finger should be rotatedwithout twisting the pedicles. Note that the firstphalanx has been removed.

Pollicisation of the index finger


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D Fixation of bone and sutures of the tendons.Thesecond metacarpal has been excised to increase thewidth of the first web.

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Surgery of the peripheralnerves

Nerve surgery is particularly important in the upperlimb, as the ultimate purpose of the upper extrem-ity is the function of the hand.Tunnel syndromes arefrequent (median nerve at the wrist, ulnar nerve atthe elbow, etc) and cause pain and disability.Traumatic lesions require exploration and repaireither by direct suturing or by nerve grafts. One ofthe most dramatic lesions is the partial or total paral-ysis of the brachial plexus as a result of trauma.Thefirst figure shows the exposure of the brachialplexus.

Brachial plexus

A, B Supraclavicular approach. The two drawingsshow the progressive dissection to the plexus, sever-ing the omohyoideus (a) and then the scalenusanterior (b). Note the coloured neurovascular struc-tures which form a key point for the roughdrawings.

Surgery of the peripheral nerves



1 retracted sternocleidomastoid2 scalenus anterior3 phrenic nerve4 accessory phrenic nerve5 scalenus medius6 branch to rhomboid and levator scapular7 superficial cervical artery8 omohyoideus9 omohyoideus fascia










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Hand and peripheral nerve surgery



1 subclavian vein2 int. jugular vein3 line of division of scalenus ant.4 sterno-cleidomastoid retracted5 phrenic nerve retracted6 scalenus anterior7 scalenus medius8 levator scapula9 splenius capitis

10 brachial plexus11 trapezius12 subclavian artery13 supra-scapular artery and vein













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C, D Supraclavicular and infraclavicular approach.Pectoralis minor is severed to expose the divisionsof the plexus. If necessary the clavicle can also beosteotomised.

Surgery of the peripheral nerves





1 deltoid2 pectoralis major

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Hand and peripheral nerve surgery

















1 pectoralis major2 lat. pectoral nerve3 subclavius4 sterno-cleidomastoid

5 scalenus anterior6 phrenic nerve7 C68 C59 trapezius

10 thoraco-acromial artery11 deltoid12 short head biceps13 pectoralis minor14 coraco brachial

1 serratus anterior2 pectoralis major3 pectoralis minor4 thoracodorsal nerve5 inferior subscapular nerve6 superior subscapular nerve7 second intercostal nerve8 second rib9 long thoracic nerve

10 subclavius muscle11 subclavian vein12 subclavian artery13 T114 suprascapular artery15 C816 scalenus anterior

17 C718 phrenic nerve19 branch to phrenic nerve20 C621 C522 C423 accessory nerve24 branch to rhomboids25 subclavius nerve26 suprascapular nerve27 trapezius28 acromiothoracic artery29 pectoralis minor30 upper subscapular nerve31 cephalic vein32 musculocutaneous nerve

33 nerve to coracobrachialis34 pectoralis major35 deltoid36 median nerve37 axillary nerve38 coracobrachialis39 biceps brachii40 profunda brachii41 axillary artery42 radial nerve43 ulnar nerve44 axillary vein45 medial brachial vutaneous nerve of

arm46 latissimus dorsi



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Surgery of the peripheral nerves


E Anatomical view of all structures.

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Exposure of the interosseous nerve(posterior motor branch of the radialnerve)

A Skin incision on the posterolateral aspect of theforearm.

Hand and peripheral nerve surgery


B Muscles are exposed. Two approaches aremandatory: the first one between the extensors ofthe carpus and the extensor digitorum communisand the second one between the extensors of thefingers and extensor carpi ulnaris.

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C, D The posterior radial nerve is identified proxi-mally and distally to the supinator muscle.

Surgery of the peripheral nerves






1 suprinator

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E Superficial head of the supinator has beensevered to release the nerve.

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Exposure of the radial nerve at theelbow (common trunk and its divisioninto anterior and posterior branches)

A The plane between the brachioradialis andbrachialis is developed.

B Medially the biceps and the pronator teresmuscles are retracted. The radial nerve and itsdivision are exposed. The posterior branch coursesbeneath the superficial head of the supinatormuscle.

Surgery of the peripheral nerves


1 suprinator2 radial nerve



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C By reflecting the brachioradialis muscle, theanterior branch is exposed. It courses near the radialartery.

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Some of these drawings have been made from roughsketches made in the operating theatre. They illus-trate the numerous techniques for treating genitalprolapse.



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The lower approach of the genitalprolapse and the separation of thevagina and the bladder

A–C The anterior aspect of the vagina is incisedand the plane of dissection between the vagina andthe bladder is developed.

Gynaecological surgery



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D–F The separation between the vagina and thebladder is pursued; the long forceps holds thebladder.

Gynaecological surgery



1 bladder


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Gynaecological surgery



1 bladder


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G, H Separation of the posterior aspect of thevagina.

Gynaecological surgery



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I, J The cul-de-sac of Douglas is opened and theuterosacral ligaments are ligated and cut.

Gynaecological surgery



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Treatment of genital prolapse afterhysterectomy

A In this procedure care should be taken of thebladder which can overlap behind the cervix of theuterus (after a hysterectomy).

Gynaecological surgery


B Just before the hysterectomy, the threads arepassed through the uterosacral ligaments, takingcare of the ureters.

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C–E The hysterectomy is completed by an upperapproach.

Gynaecological surgery




1 cardinal ligament2 round ligament3 uterosacral ligament




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Gynaecological surgery


F The vagina is sutured and the uterosacralligaments are sutured to the vagina.


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G–J The closure of the cul-de-sac of Douglas toprevent an elytrocele.

Gynaecological surgery




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Gynaecological surgery




The perineum is sutured.

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Surgical treatment of the elytrocele

The elytrocele is the interposition of the cul-de-sacof Douglas between the vagina and the rectum.Thesurgery is performed by the abdominal approach.

A The uterus is held by threads; the dotted line isthe landmark for the dissection. Care should betaken to spare the ureters.

Gynaecological surgery


1 rectum2 uterosacral ligament3 uterus




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Gynaecological surgery


B, C The plane ofdissection is developedbetween the posterioraspect of the uterusand the rectum.



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D The uterosacral ligaments are sutured together.

Gynaecological surgery


E The peritoneum is sutured.

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Urology is a surgical specialty covering a largenumber of indications and procedures.

Transplantation of the kidney was the firstsuccessful allotransplantation to be performed ashort time after the Second World War. This extra-ordinary achievement marked the start of themodern era of organ transplantation aided by the

advances in immunology. Urology is also concernedwith reconstructive procedures involving loss ofsubstance irrespective of the aetiology: tumour,congenital, traumatic, etc.

The last section of this chapter covers surgery ofthe sexual organs in sex modification.



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Allotransplantation of the kidney

The various steps are shown in the drawings: surgi-cal approach, preparation of the vessels and vascu-lar anastomoses.

A Skin incision.

Urological surgery


B The abdominal muscular wall is incised.

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C The peritoneum is retracted which allows thedissection of the internal iliac vessels.

Urological surgery


D Exposure of the division of the common iliacartery.

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Urological surgery


E Preparation of the recipient vein (external iliacvein).

F Presentation of the transplant.

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G, H Suturing the vessels. The first to be done isthe anastomosis of the veins.

Urological surgery




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I The final aspect of the vascular sutures.Then theureter is reimplanted in the bladder.

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Surgery of renal lithiasis

A The compartment of the kidney has beenopened.The ureter is identified.

Urological surgery


B Dissection of the ureter allows access to therenal pelvis.

1 ureter



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C Incision of the renal pelvis.

Urological surgery


D Removing the lithiasis.

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Extrophy of the bladder in a youngboy

A The incisions.Two skin flaps are delineated.

Urological surgery


B The lateral aspects of thebladder are released.

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C The penis is lengthened. The ischiocavernosusmuscles are released.

Urological surgery






1 ischiocavernosus muscle2 transverse perineal ligament3 release of the posterior aspect of the bladder4 bulbospongiosus


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D The urethra is lengthened by joining the twoskin flaps and the bladder is sutured.

Urological surgery



1 corpus cavernosus


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E Closure of the bone frame.

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F Closure of the muscular wall.

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Hypospadias surgery

Hypospadias is a congenital malformation in whichthe external urethral meatus is not contained in theglans penis.

The aim of the operation is to reconstruct thedistal portion of the urethra.

A The urethral canal will be reconstructed with atubularised and pedicled preputial flap (mucosalaspect). Design of the incisions.

B Incision around the urethral meatus.

Urological surgery


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C Section of the retractile band responsible for thecurvature of the penis.

D Release of the urethra between the corporacavernosa and the corpus spongiosum.

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E Preparation of the urethra: excision of themeatus and the distal hypoplastic portion of theurethra; incision of the inferior aspect of the urethraand fixation of the dorsal aspect of the corpusspongiosum to the corpora cavernosa.

F The mucosal flap is isolated on its pedicle.

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G Tubularisation of the flap. Note the trough inthe glans to implant the neo-urethra.

H The reconstruction is covered by a skin flap.

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Prosthesis for erectile function ofpenis

The principle is to obtain an artificial erection byinflating the corpora cavernosa of the penis. Theglans penis cannot be erected by this prosthesis.

A Prosthesis of penis. It comprises a tank, a pumpand two inflatable cylinders which will be placed inthe corpora cavernosa.

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B, C The prosthesis in the flaccid state and inerection. The tank is placed in Retzius’ space whilethe pump is in the scrotum.

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D–G Surgical procedure. Incision of the corpuscavernosum and dilation.

Urological surgery




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Urological surgery




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H A needle with a thread is passed through theglans, which permits lifting up the cylinder to putit in right place.

I The same procedure is performed on the othercorpus cavernosum.

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Urological surgery


K A tunnel is made to give access toRetzius’ space (for the tank).

J A tunnel is made in the scrotum to placethe pump.

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L The tank is introduced with a small speculum.

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Amputation of the penis for sexualambiguity: feminisation

A Diagrammatic representation of sexual ambigu-ity. Note the short urogenital sinus.

Urological surgery


B Vagina plasty and plasty of the labia. The skinincision permits raising a large flap with a posteriorhinge.

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C, D Incision in the posterior aspect of theurogenital sinus.

Urological surgery




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E The skin flap is inserted in the posterior aspectof the urogenital sinus (which has been incised).Incisions to prepare the plasty of the labia, theclitoris and the prepuce of the clitoris.

F Complete release of the penis; which willbecome the clitoris organ.

Urological surgery


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G Release of the ventral aspects of the corporacavernosa.

Urological surgery


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H Plasty of the clitoris. Dissection of the dorsalneurovascular pedicle for the (future) clitoris.

I Origin of the nerves.

Urological surgery




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J Excision of the major portions of the corporacavernosa, taking care of the neurovascular pedicleswhich supply the glans.

K Suture. The penis is shortened to obtain aclitoris.

Urological surgery


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L Plasty of the labium minus. M Reconstruction of the labium majus and labiumminus.

Urological surgery


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N Final aspect.

Urological surgery


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The following series of illustrations is devoted tosurgery of the abdominal viscera.The organs of theabdomen can be removed in case of tumour-likecancer; they can also be used in palliative proce-dures to reconstruct another organ which has beenremoved. The ileum, which is the distal portion ofthe small intestine, is not absolutely indispensablefor normal physiology; it is routinely employed toreplace a missing bladder.

Great advances have been made in liver surgeryrecently, particularly in the field of transplantation.The division of the liver into segments is basedupon ramification of bile ducts and hepatic vesselsand does not entirely correspond with division intolobes. Segmental resections are of major interest intraumatology and surgery of liver tumours. One ofthe main recent advances is the possibility of trans-ferring a lobe from the liver of a living donor toreplace an entire liver in a recipient patient.



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Reconstruction of a urinary bladder

A The distal portion of the ileum is isolated withthe corresponding part of mesentery.

Abdominal surgery


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Abdominal surgery


B The ileum is opened and sutured to reproducea bladder.

C Invagination of the afferent extremity toperform an antiretrograde flow valve.

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Abdominal surgery


D Stabilisation of the invaginated extremity bystaples.

E Suture of the ‘pocket’.

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F The two ureters are implanted in the afferentextremity. The efferent extremity is passed throughthe abdominal wall to constitute a stomy.

Abdominal surgery


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• Oesogastrectomy for cancer.

The tumour is located near the cardia.

A, B Excision of the proximal two-thirds of thestomach and the distal part of the oesophagus.

Abdominal surgery



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Abdominal surgery


C The distal portion of the stomach is lifted upand anastomosed with the oesophagus.


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• gastrectomy and anastomoses with the jejunum.

D–F The distal two-thirds of the stomach isisolated and removed. The extremities of theremaining portion of the stomach and of thejejunum are closed with mechanical staples.

Abdominal surgery




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Abdominal surgery



G The jejunum is prepared forthe end-to-side anastomosis.

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H, I Final view of the procedure.

Abdominal surgery




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Abdominal surgery


The liver

A–B The two lobes of the liver. Distribution ofvessels and cuts.



1 inferior vena cava2 common hepatic

duct, portal veinand proper hepaticartery

3 round ligament4 gall bladder





right lobe left lobe

Parietal surface

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Abdominal surgery




C, D Anatomic variation of the distribution. Theleft lobe is less developed.

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Abdominal surgery


E, F Left hepatectomy.



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G, H Partial left hepatectomy.

Abdominal surgery




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The following chapter is in a less complete or defin-itive fashion since the drawings were made a longtime ago and many sketches were lost. However, this

presentation allows us to appreciate the artisticskills of Léon Dorn, whatever the field of anatomyor surgery.


Surgery of thevertebral


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Transpleural approach to the dorsalrachis by thoracotomy

A The posterolateral incision is at the level of thesixth rib.The latissimus dorsi muscle is severed.

Surgery of the vertebral column



1 sixth rib2 latissimus dorsi3 trapezius4 rhomboid5 latissimus dorsi


1 incision of the periosteum2 parietal pleura








B A segment of rib has been removed.The pleurais incised.

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C Exposure of the dorsal rachis; the oesophagus,azygos vein and lung are gently retracted.

Surgery of the vertebral column



1 pleura and lung retracted2 azygos vein3 oesophagus4 sympathetic trunk and ganglia





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Treatment of lumbar spondylolisthesis

The surgical technique consists of the resection ofthe posterior segment of a vertebra and corporealfusion with the underlying vertebra.

A After exposure of the affected vertebra theligamentum flavum is excised.

Surgery of the vertebral column


B The inferior joints are opened and the capsuleis excised. The superior articular facets areosteotomised.

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Surgery of the vertebral column


C, D The whole of the posterior portion of thevertebra is removed.The spinal cord is freed.


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E Harvesting cancellous bone from the posterioriliac crest.

F A posterolateral fusion is prepared by puttingsmall chips of cancellous bone on the transverseprocesses.

Surgery of the vertebral column



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G, H An intersomatic fusion by the same posteriorapproach can be combined with the posterolateralfusion or it can be performed as an alternative bythe anterior approach.

Surgery of the vertebral column



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Surgical treatment of scoliosis

Different devices have been described for correc-tion of scoliosis. This series of illustrations presentsHarrington’s rod, which is now considered obsolete.

A The principle of Harrington’s procedure. Therod is used in distraction to correct the curvature;the extremities of the rod are fixed by hooks whichare applied on the laminae of the vertebrae.

Surgery of the vertebral column


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B Small bone chips of the posterior segments ofthe vertebrae are removed to prepare the posteriorfusion.

C, D The inferior hook is put in place; partial boneresection is needed.

Surgery of the vertebral column




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E Setting Harrington’s rod and distraction tocorrect the curvature.

Surgery of the vertebral column


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Treatment of lumbar disc hernia:anterior approach

The anterior approach to remove a disc hernia atthe lumbosacral level is usually not used. It is onlyindicated when an intersomatic fusion is performedin the same operation; the risk is a lesion of thesuperior hypogastric plexus.

A A transperitoneal approach is made.The organsare retracted.The sacral promontory is exposed andthe posterior peritoneum is incised.

Surgery of the vertebral column


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B, C The disc is exposed and the anterior longi-tudinal ligament is opened.

Surgery of the vertebral column




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Surgery of the vertebral column


D Excision of the disc.

E, F Distraction of vertebral bodies allowsexcision of the whole disc. The anteriorapproach is contraindicated when the posteriorlongitudinal ligament is ruptured.



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Surgery of the upper limb has increasingly gainedinterest over the past 20 years. This is due to themajor development of the surgery of the hand,which is equally performed by orthopaedic andplastic surgeons. Moreover many recent advanceshave been made in the field of surgery of the shoul-

der and elbow, chiefly in relation to the possibilitiesoffered by arthroscopy and prosthetic replace-ments. Thus, we have given some examples ofsurgery of the upper limb in a separate sectioninstead of including them in the chapter on surgeryof the hand and wrist.


Upper limbsurgery

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Sternoclavicular dislocation

A Skin incision.

Upper limb surgery


B The exposure of the sternoclavicular joint. Notethe rupture of the costoclavicular ligament.

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C, D Repair of the costoclavicular ligament andstabilisation by a frame or a screw.

Upper limb surgery




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Stabilisation of a shoulder prostheticimplant

This type of implant is employed in comminutivefractures of the proximal extremity of the humerus.

A, B The prosthesis is put in place. The greaterand the lesser tubercles are reduced on the prosthe-sis and firmly fixed.

Upper limb surgery


C The stability of theprosthesis is reinforcedby the suture of thebiceps tendon on therotator cuff interval.


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Excision of the clavicle is an uncommon procedure.It can be indicated in case of tumour.

A It is easier to remove the clavicle in two partsand the procedure begins by severing the clavicle.First all the muscle insertions are released.

Upper limb surgery


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B Then the medial portion is removed by cuttingthe costoclavicular ligament and opening the sterno-clavicular joint.

Upper limb surgery


C The lateral part is removed by cutting thecoracoclavicular ligament and opening the acromio-clavicular joint.


1 trapezoid coracoclavicularligament

2 conoid coracoclavicularligament

3 acromioclavicular capsule4 deltoid muscle5 coracoacromial ligament






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Osteosynthesis of a fracture of theforearm

The following early series of drawings allows us toassess the evolution of Dorn’s style. As a matter offact, this technique was designed in 1970 for Merled’Aubigné. Very few details are visible in the softtissues and the shape of the bones is approximate.

A Fracture of the radius treated by a plate.

Upper limb surgery


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B, C The shaft of the ulna is reamed to put anintramedullar nail. The technique with exposure ofthe fracture site is obsolete.

Upper limb surgery




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Surgical exposure of theshoulder

Anterior approach to the subacromialspace

A Skin incision according to the bony landmarks. B, C The deltoid origin is raised from theacromion and lateral clavicle.

Upper limb surgery



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D Exposure and incision of the subdeltoid bursa.

Upper limb surgery



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E Musculoperiosteal flaps are reinserted byfixation to the bone.

Anterior approach to the glenohumeraljoint

A Skin incision.

Upper limb surgery


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B The deltopectoral groove is opened. C Exposure of the coracobiceps by retracting thedeltoid and the pectoralis major muscles.

Upper limb surgery


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D, E The tip of the coracoid process is osteo-tomised.The coracobiceps is retracted, exposing thesubscapularis muscle.

Upper limb surgery





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F The tendon of the subscapularis is severed andretracted. Exposure of the capsule.

Upper limb surgery


G The capsule is opened.

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Axillary approach to the glenohumeraljoint

Although rarely used because of the dissection ofthe neurovascular pedicles, this approach has themain advantage of a cosmetically acceptable scar.

A Skin incision.

Upper limb surgery


B The neurovascular bundle is lying in the axillaryfat.

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Upper limb surgery


C The cords of the plexus and the vessels arevisible.

D Approach to the joint between the axillarynerve and the other components of the neuro-vascular bundle.

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Upper limb surgery


E The subscapularis tendon is served andretracted.

F Exposure of the joint.

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Subdeltoid approach to the proximalmetaphysis of the humerus

This approach is rarely used. Its indications aretumours and malunited fractures.

A The skin incision has a U shape.

Upper limb surgery


B The distal insertion ofthe deltoid is released with abone block. the skin flap andthe deltoid are retracted enbloc.


1 axillary nerve

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Anterior approach to the proximalthird of the radius

A The approach is made with the forearm insupination. the brachioradialis muscle is retractedlaterally exposing the two branches of the radialnerve and the supinator muscle. The biceps areretracted medially. The incision is made medially tothe supinator and laterally to the biceps tendon.

B Exposure of the humeroradial joint and theproximal third of the radius.

Upper limb surgery


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The lower extremity is traditionally an importantpart of orthopaedic surgery; however, it is alsorelevant to vascular surgeons. We will survey thefollowing: anatomy, reconstructive surgery of theknee and some approaches to the hip and the foot.


Lower limbsurgery

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Anatomy of the posterior approach tothe femoral shaft

A Skin incision.

B Identification of the posterior femoralcutaneous nerve.

Lower limb surgery




1 biceps femoris

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C Approach between biceps and vastus lateralis.The lower part of the biceps is released from thesemitendinosus.

D The long head of biceps femoris is retractedmedially; the plane between the short head andvastus lateralis is developed.










1 biceps femoris2 semitendinosus


1 vastus lateralis2 short head of biceps femoris3 fatty tissue containing sciatic nerve4 long head of biceps femoris

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E Exposure of the femoral shaft.

Lower limb surgery






1 short head of biceps2 long head of biceps3 fatty tissue containing sciatic nerve

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Extended medial approach to thepopliteal vessels

A The soleus has been released from the tibia.Theinsertion of pes anserinus, semimembranosus andmedial head of gastrocnemius are divided.



4 3 2 1

5 6 7 8


1 semimembranous2 gracilis3 sartorius4 semitendinosus5 soleus6 gastrocnemius7 semitendinosus8 sartorius

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B Medial aspect of the popliteal neurovascularbundle.

Lower limb surgery


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C Extended anatomical view of the medial aspectof the knee with the vascular and nerve supply. Onlymuscle insertions or tendons have been divided.


1 soleus2 gastrocnemius3 sartorius4 gracilis5 semimembranosus6 saphenous nerve7 perforatory nerve8 adductor magnus9 sciatic nerve

10 femoral artery11 vastus medialis












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Anatomy of the knee

A Anterior view.

Lower limb surgery


1 pes anserinus muscles2 semimembranosus3 patellomeniscal ligament4 medial collateral ligament5 patella6 patellofemoral ligament7 vastus medialis8 vastus lateralis9 iliotibial band

10 biceps femoris11 lateral collateral ligament












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B Posterior view.



1 popliteus2 popliteus hiatus3 biceps femoris4 arcuate ligament5 lateral collateral ligament6 lateral head of gastrocnemius7 plantaris8 medial head of gastrocnemius9 bursa

10 semimembranosus11 oblique ligament











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Lower limb surgery


Anatomy of the lumbosacral plexus

This is a definitive drawing.













1 2 3 4 5













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Surgery of the knee


1 sciatic nerve2 posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh3 perineal nerve4 dorsal nerve of penis/clitoris5 inferior rectal nerve6 obturator nerve7 pudendal nerves (S2, 3, 4)8 perineal branch of fourth sacral nerve9 to levator ani and coccygeus (S3, 4)

10 posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh (S1, 2, 3)11 sciatic nerve12 S413 inferior gluteal nerve (L5, S1, 2)14 S315 to piriformis (S1, 2)16 S217 superior gluteal nerve (L4, 5, S1)18 S119 to obturator internus and superior gemellus (L5, S1, 2)20 to quadratus femoris and inferior gemellus (L5, S1, 2)21 lumbosacral trunk22 L523 L424 L325 L226 L127 subcostal nerve28 transversus abdominis29 iliohypogastric nerve (T12, L1)30 ilioinguinal nerve (L1)31 to psoas32 quadratus lumborum33 femoral branch of genitofemoral nerve34 genital branch of genitofemoral nerve35 lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh36 iliacus37 psoas38 femoral nerve (L2, 3, 4)39 accessory obturator nerve (L3, 4)

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Lower limb surgery


Surgery of the knee

Prosthesis of the patella

A Medial approach to the femoropatellar joint.

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Surgery of the knee




B–D Preparation of the trochlear implant.

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Lower limb surgery



E, F Preparation of thepatella.


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G The two components are in place.

Surgery of the knee

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Lower limb surgery


B Posterolateral approach to performa tunnel ‘over the top’ of the lateralcondyle.

Repair of a rupture of the anteriorcruciate ligament

A Anteromedial approach to retrieve the ligament.

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C A long forceps is passed through the tunnel,taking care of the vessels.

D–G The threads attached to the ligament arepassed through posterior capsule and retrievedwith the other forceps.



Surgery of the knee

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Lower limb surgery




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H The threads arepassed through thetendon of the poplitealmuscle and the lateralcollateral ligament.


Surgery of the knee

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Posterior approach to the posteriorcruciate ligament (left limb)

A Popliteal fossa with the medial head of gastroc-nemius.

Lower limb surgery


B The tendon of the medial head isdivided.

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C The head is retracted laterally. The capsule isincised.

Surgery of the knee

D Aspect of the posterior cruciateligament.

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Lower limb surgery


Allograft of patella and patellarligament

A The continuity of the extensor apparatus isinterrupted.

B Preparation of the recipient site.

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C The allograft with a bone block and a shortportion of rectus femoris tendon.

D Fixation and suture of the allograft.


Surgery of the knee

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E Final aspect with the sutures of the lateral patel-lar retinaculi.

Lower limb surgery


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Exposures of the acetabulum

Surgery of the acetabulum is difficult given thedepth of the joint and the extensive bone lesions.

Reconstructive surgery of the acetabulum waspopularised by R. Judet and E. Letournel.The follow-ing series of drawings is among the most beautifuland precise artwork of Léon Dorn.

Cross-section through the hip joint

Note the thick (and unknown) fascia lying at thedeep aspect of the rectus femoris.


1 trochanteric bursa2 obdurator extremis3 gluteus medius4 ileopsoas5 tensor fasciae latae6 rectus femoris7 sartorius8 femoral vessels9 femoral nerve

10 ilio psoas bursa11 obturator internus12 gemellus inferior13 sciatic nerve














Exposures of the acetabulum

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Posterior approach to the acetabulum(Kocher–Langenbeck)

Its indication is the fracture of the posterior wall.

A Skin incision. B Incision of the iliotibial tract and splitting of thefibres of the gluteus maximum muscle.

Lower limb surgery


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C Exposure of the sciatic nerve and the externalrotators of the hip.












1 vastus lateralis2 quadratus femoris3 gluteus medius4 gluteus maximus, split5 piriformis6 obturator internis and gemelli7 sciatic nerve8 gluteus maximus9 distal tendon of gluteus maximus (to be cut)

Exposures of the acetabulum

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D The rotators are retracted, exposing thecapsule; one of the key steps is to find the bursabetween the ischium and the obturator internis andthe gemelli.

Lower limb surgery









1 vastus lateralis2 quadratus femoris3 capsule4 gluteus minimus5 gluteus medius6 piriformis7 sciatic nerve8 obturator internus and gemelli9 lesser sciatic notch and bursa

10 sciatic nerve11 ischion12 distal tendon of gluteus maximus





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E The capsule is incised. Note the retractor whichhas been placed into the plane of the bursa.


Exposures of the acetabulum

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Inguinal approach to the acetabulum

Its indications are the fracture of anterior wall oranterior column and some complex fractures involv-ing both columns of the acetabulum.

A The fascia is incised in line with the skinincision.

Lower limb surgery



1 spermatic cord2 internal oblique3 inguinal ligament




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B The spermatic cord, the external iliac vessels,the femoral nerve, the psoas muscle and the lateralcutaneous nerve of the thigh have been isolated.Theiliopsoas fascia is severed.



1 inguinal ligament2 iliopsoas fascia3 femoral nerve4 iliopsoas5 lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh6 iliacus






Exposures of the acetabulum

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C All the structures are held and retracted byrubber slings. Medial retraction of the iliopsoasprovides access to the iliac fossa.

Lower limb surgery



1 spermatic cord2 external iliac vessels sheath3 ilio psoas4 sacroiliac joint5 lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh6 femoral nerve7 inguinal ligament








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D Lateral retraction of the iliopsoas gives access tothe pelvic brim.



1 external iliac vessels2 ilio pectineal eminence3 ilio psoas4 femoral nerve





Exposures of the acetabulum

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E Lateral retraction of the vessels and spermaticcord gives access to the superior pubic ramus.

Lower limb surgery



1 inguinal ligament2 superior pubic rami3 rectus abdominus4 urinary bladder5 neurovascular obturator bundle6 spermatic cord







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Extended iliofemoral approach to theacetabulum

This approach is also indicated in fractures of bothcolumns.

A The gluteal muscles are reflected from theexternal iliac wing.



1 rectus femoris2 sartorius3 iliacus4 gluteus medius5 tensor fasciae latae6 fascia lata







Exposures of the acetabulum

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B The insertions of gluteus minimus and gluteusmedius have been divided. The massive muscularflap comprising the gluteal muscles and tensorfascia latae is retracted posteriorly, exposing theshort external rotators.

Lower limb surgery



1 vastus lateralis2 rectus femoris3 piriformis4 sartorius5 gluteus medius6 pelvitrochanteric muscles7 quadratus femoris8 distal tendon of gluteus maximus









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C The short rotators have been divided andretracted. Retraction of the piriformis exposes thesciatic nerve.The whole acetabulum is visible.



1 superior gluteal pedicle and nerve2 sciatic nerve3 piriformis4 obturator internus and the gemelli5 quadratus femoris






Exposures of the acetabulum

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D Elevation of the iliacus, sartorius and inguinalligament gives access to the internal iliac fossa.

Lower limb surgery



1 rectus femoris2 iliopsoas3 sartorius4 iliacus5 glutei6 tensor fasciae latae7 piriformis8 vastus lateralis









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Approaches to the foot andankle

Posteromedial approach to the ankle

A, B Skin incision. The flexor retinaculum isincised in line with the skin. The neurovascularbundle is identified.

Approaches to the foot and ankle




1 naviculum


1 neurovascular bundle2 medial malleolus3 tibialis posterior tendon






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C The tendon of tibialis posterior is retractedanteriorly exposing the deltoid ligament.

Lower limb surgery








1 neurovascular bundle sheath2 malleolus medialis3 tendon of flexor digitorum longus within its sheath4 tibialis posterior tendon5 deltoid ligament

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D The capsule is incised, giving access to thesubtalar joint and the posterior aspect of the ankle,chiefly if Achilles’ tendon has been divided.








1 flexor hallucis longus2 flexor digitorum longus retracted3 tibialis posterior tendon4 subtalar joint5 head of talus

Approaches to the foot and ankle

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Lateral approach to the subtalar andmidtarsal joint

This exposure is used for fusion of the joints.

A, B Skin incision, exposing the inferior extensorretinaculum.

Lower limb surgery




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C The extensor digitorum brevis muscle isdetached to expose the subtalar joint.



1 calcaneum2 extensor digitorum brevis3 anterior tibiofibular ligament4 fibula5 calcaneo fibular ligament6 talus


1 calcaneum2 talus3 anterior tibio fibular ligament4 subtalar joint exposed

D The subtalar joint and the talonavicular and calca-neocuboid joints are exposed.










Approaches to the foot and ankle

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Muscular studies

The shape of the human body is very attractive fora medical illustrator.

Studies of the muscular relief were one of themain interests of the artists of the Renaissance. Itcan be said that one of the motivations for dissec-tion during this period was to understand how themuscles contribute to the shape of the body. Thefollowing drawings of Léon Dorn, particularly thefirst one, recall the ‘écorché of Vésale’. The differ-ence is that Vésale’s man seems to be very anxiouswhile Dorn’s has a relaxed (modern) attitude.



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Muscular studies


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Surgery of the ear

A series of drawings showing theboundary between neurosurgery andear surgery

The first three drawings are devoted to theapproach through the skull. The dura mater hasbeen opened which allows exposure of the facialand other nerves.

A Exposure of a tumour of the vestibular nerve bya retroauricular and transvestibular approach.

Surgery of the ear


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B Opening of the endolymphatic sac in a case ofMénière’s disease.











1 opening of the endolymphatic sac2 mastoid cortex3 malleus (head of malleus)4 incus (short process)5 lateral semicircular canal6 posterior semicircular canal7 stripped cerebellum dura mater

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C Transmastoid approach to expose the secondand third parts of the facial nerve, which is takenout of the Fallopian aqueduct.

Surgery of the ear











1 sternocleidomastoid muscle2 digastric muscle3 facial nerve grafting4 labrynthine segment of the facial nerve5 gerniculate ganglion of the facial nerve6 tympanic segment of the facial nerve7 mastoid segment of the facial nerve8 empty Fallopian aqueduct

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Surgery of the middle ear

A The transmeatal and extended transmeatalapproaches to the middle ear, which allows harvest-ing a temporal fascia graft.



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B The Shambaugh approach allows grooving ofthe cavities of the middle ear.

Surgery of the ear









1 relief of sigmoid sinus2 antium opened3 lateral semicircular canal4 anterior epitypanum5 facial nerve6 canal wall skin

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Tympanic graft

A Mastoidectomy (canal wall up procedure).











1 sigmoid sinus2 cholesteatoma3 perforated tympanic membrane4 head of the malleus5 posterior tympanectomy (facial recess opened)6 lateral semicircular canal7 facial nerve

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B Exploration of the tympanic cavity, sparing thefacial nerve. Mastoidectomy (canal wall down proce-dure) with tympanoplasty.


Surgery of the ear








1 fibromuscular flap raised from the mastoidian andtemporal muscles

2 stapes3 temporal aponeurosis graft under the tympanic rests, on

the facial nerve and the lateral semicircular canal4 facial nerve5 lateral semicircular canal6 automastoidian cavity

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C A muscular flap from the temporal muscle fillsup the mastoid cavity. Reconstruction of theauditory canal.






1 temporal aponeurosis graft prefigures the final outer earcanal

2 fascia temporalis graft and muscular flap of thetemporalis muscle

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Crying baby with a Pavlick’s harnessto prevent hip dislocation or instability



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Congenital malformations

Each plate shows the relation of the clinical aspectwith the anatomical lesions and the ultrasoundimaging aspect

A Myelomeningocele.



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B Laparoschisis.



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C Cystic tumour of the lungs.



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D Different varieties of tumours: cystic hygroma;lymphangioma; sacrococcygeal teratoma.





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E Anomalies of the urinary tract: agenesis of thekidneys; cystic tumour of the kidneys.



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F Achondrogenesis.



35 weeks

35 weeks35 weeks







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G Omphalocele.





Peripheral membrane

Intestinal loops

Intestinal loopsNaevus









Intestinal loops

Transverse section: omphalocele 37 weeks

Umbilical cord

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H Monstrous anomalies.




Two-headed foetus 14 weeks


two vertebral columns

one trunk

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Detection of fetal anomalies.Amniocentesis under ultrasoundimaging





upper limb



Ultrasound imaging is mandatory

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Heart anatomy

Heart anatomy cannot be understood withoutexposing the cavities.

Dissection of the left heart

A Section of the left auricle between the twopulmonary veins.

Heart anatomy


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B The knife is introduced in the left auricle.



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C Left ventricle. The mitral valve and the anteriorand posterior papillary muscles are visible.

Heart anatomy


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D The left ventricle is separated into two parts.









1 posterior papillary muscle2 anterior papillary muscle3 mitral valve4 opening of coronary arteries5 ascending aorta

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Dissection of the right heart

A Sectioning and opening of the right auriclebetween the two venae cavae.

Heart anatomy


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B The knife is introduced in the right auricle andthe right ventricle is opened to the tip.



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C, D The right ventricle is opened. The tricuspidvalve and the papillary muscle are seen.

Heart anatomy




1 posterior papillary muscle2 right atrium

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1 tricuspoid valve2 right atrium3 posterior papillary muscle


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abdominal surgery 105–18abdominal wall 74acetabulum 189

cross-section through hip joint177

exposures 177–90extended iliofemoral approach

186inguinal approach 182–6posterior (Kocher–Langbeck)

approach 178–81achondrogenesis 215acromion 141agenesis of kidneys 214Allen’s test 24amniocentesis 218antiretrograde flow valves 107arm flap, lateral 2arteries

anterior interosseous 21brachial 14collateral 25descending genicular 10iliac

common 75external 183internal 75

interosseousdorsal 39posterior 18, 19

permeability (patency) test 24peroneal

sural skin flap 9vacularised fibula transfer 11,


exposure of radial nerve atelbow 58

forearm radial flap 16, 17ulnar 36, 37

auditory canal reconstruction 208

auricleleft 219–20right 223–4

back, muscle relief study of 198bladder

extrophy in young boy 81–5bladder sutures 83bone frame closure 84muscular wall closure 85skin flaps 81, 83

genital prolapse afterhysterectomy 65

reconstruction 105, 106–9antiretrograde flow valves 107ileum isolation 106ileum modification 107ileum suture 106, 108stabilisation 108ureteric implantation 109

separation from vagina aftergenital prolapse 59–64

blood supply see vascular supply bone

covering defects of 10frame closure in bladder extrophy


lumbar spondylolisthesis 124patella allograft 175scoliosis surgery 127vascularised 10–13

‘boutonnière’ deformity 31–3brachial flap, lateral 14–15brachial plexus 49–53

anatomy 53infraclavicular approach 51–2supraclavicular approach 49–51

bursaein acetabulum 180, 181subdeltoid 142

calf, skin flap from 8canal wall down mastoidectomy

207canal wall up mastoidectomy 206cancellous bone

harvest/transplantationlumbar spondylolisthesis 124scoliosis surgery 127

capsulesacetabulum 180, 181ankle joint 193glenohumeral joint 146knee joint 173trapeziometacarpal joint 28vertebral 122

carpal tunnel syndrome 36cervix, uterine 65clavicle

excision 137–8exposure of brachial plexus 51exposure of subacromial space

141cleidectomy 137–8clitoris plasty in feminisation 99,

101, 102compartments

of hand, Guyon’s 36of kidney in lithiasis 79of leg 5

congenital malformations 210–17monstrous anomalies 217of spine 210tumours 212–14

coracoid process 144corpora cavernosa

erectile function of penis,prosthesis for 90, 92, 94

feminisation 100, 102hypospadias 87, 88

corpora spongiosum 87, 88craniofacial surgery 10


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cul-de-sac of Douglas 64elytrocele prevention 68elytrocele treatment 70

cystic hygroma 213cystic tumours

of kidneys 214of lungs 212

defects, coveringof bone 10of hand 17, 19of heel 9of knee 4of lower limb 5

deltopectoral groove 143diaphragmatic hernia 211distal ulnar flap 2Dorn, Léon vii, viii

evolution of style 139on hands 23his method ix

first stage sketch ix, xsecond stage rough drawing

ix, xithird stage definitive drawing

ix, xiidorsal rachis 120–1Douglas, cul-de-sac of 64

elytrocele prevention 68elytrocele treatment 70

Dupuytren’s disease 40–3artery/nerve identification

at digitopalmar junction 42in finger 41

radial side lesions 40vertical septae, division of 43

dura mater 201

ear surgery 201–8retroauricular/transvestibular

approach 201écorché of Vésale 197elytrocele

prevention 68surgical treatment 70–2

endolymphatic sac 202erectile function of penis, prosthesis

for 86, 90–6

Fallopian aqueduct 203fasciocutaneous flaps 2feminisation 97–104

clitoris plasty 99, 101, 102final aspect 103labia plasty 97, 103vagina plasty 97

femurdistal metaphysis, flap from 10posterior approach to shaft

154–6recalcitrant non-union of 10

fetal abnormalitiesdetection 218two-headed foetus 217

fibula transfer 11finger, index, pollicisation of index

45–8bone fixation/tendon suture 47dissection of dorsal aspect 45dissection of palmar structures

46rotation 47

flapsarm, lateral 2brachial, lateral 14–15from calf 8distal ulnar 2fasciocutaneous 2feminisation 97, 99free revascularised 2hypospadias 89interosseous, posterior 2, 18–19island, pedicled 2, 10

distally based, with retrogradeblood flow 16

from lower limb 3–9mucosal, in hypospadias 86

isolation 88tubularisation 89

musculoperiosteal 143neurocutaneous 8–9osteoperiosteal 10preputial 86radial forearm 2scapular 2shoulder exposure 143sural 8–9sural skin 8–9tree of, for upper limb 2ulnar forearm 2upper limb, tree of flaps for 2

forearminterosseous nerve exposure

54–6osteosynthesis of fracture 139–40posterior interosseous flap

18–19radial aspect anatomy 24radial flap 16–17radial flap pivot point 17radial flaps 2ulnar flaps 2


columnsanterior 182, 187posterior 187

wallsanterior 182posterior 178

forearm, osteosynthesis of139–40

intra-articular, of hand 27plate repair 139

free revascularised flaps 2

gastrectomy 110–14jejunum, anastomoses with

112–14oesogastrectomy 110–11

genital prolapseafter hysterectomy 65–9lower approach 59–64

glanserectile function of penis,

prosthesis for 90, 94feminisation 102hypospadias 89

Guyon’s compartment 36gynaecological surgery 59–72

handanatomy 24–6covering defects of 17, 19surgery 27–48

Harrington’s rod 126, 128heart anatomy 219–26

left heart 219–22right heart 223–6

heel, covering defects of 9hepatectomy, left 117

partial 118hernia, diaphragmatic 211humerus

lateral brachial flap 14, 15shoulder implant stabilisation

136subdeltoid approach to proximal

metaphysis 150hygroma, cystic 213hypogastric plexus, superior 129hypospadias surgery 86–9

mucosal flap 86, 88, 89skin flap 89

hysterectomy 66

ileum in bladder replacement 105,106–7



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iliac crest 124iliac fossa 184

internal 190iliac wing, external 187iliopsoas fascia 183iliotibial tract 178implantation

patella prosthesis 165–6shoulder prosthesis 136ureteric 109

interosseous flap, posterior 2,18–19

intramedullar nail 140ischium 180island flaps, pedicled 2, 10

distally based, with retrogradeblood flow 16

jejunum 112–14joints

acromioclavicular 138ankle

neurovascular bundle 191posteromedial approach to

191–3posterior aspect 193

calcaneocuboid 195DIP (distal interphalangeal) 31distal radioulnar 44elbow 57–8femoropatellar 164–7glenohumeral

anterior approach 143–6capsule exposure/opening

146muscle exposure 144–5skin incision 143

axillary approachjoint exposure 149neurovascular bundle 147–8skin incision 147

hipcross-section of 177instability/dislocation 209

humeroradial, exposure of 151knee

anatomyanterior view 160–1medial aspect 159

covering defect of 4posterior approach 172surgery 164–76

anteromedial approach 168medial approach 164–7posterolateral approach


midtarsal 194–5PIP (proximal interphalangeal)

25arthrolysis (limitation of

extension) 34–5‘boutonnière’ deformity 31, 33

sternoclavicularcleidectomy 138dislocation 134–5exposure 134

subtalarexposure 195lateral approach 194–5

talonavicular 195trapeziometacarpal 28wrist

distal radioulnar joint approach44

posterior interosseous flappivot point 19

radial aspect anatomy 24

kidneys 73agenesis 214allotransplantation 74–8

skin incision 74transplant presentation 76vessel sutures 77, 78

cystic tumour 214renal lithiasis

exposure 79–80removal 80

Kocher–Langbeck (posterior)approach 178–81

labia plasty in feminisation 97, 99,103

laparoschisis 211ligaments

coracoclavicular 138costoclavicular

cleidectomy 138repair/stabilisation 135rupture 134


anteromedial approach 168posterolateral approach

168–71posterior 172–3

deltoid 192inguinal 190ligamentum flavum 122longitudinal, anterior 130longitudinal, posterior 131

patellar, allograft of 174–6radioulnar, posterior 44ureterosacral

elytrocele treatment 72genital prolapse

after hysterectomy 65, 67lower approach 64

lithiasis, renalexposure 79–80removal 80

liverhepatectomy, left 117

partial 118lobes 106

distribution of cuts 115distribution of vessels 115,

116segmental resections 105transplantation 105

lower limbanatomy 154–63covering defects of 5flaps from 3–9muscle relief study 200surgery 153–93

lumbar disc hernia, anteriorapproach to 129–31

disc excision 131disc exposure 130

lumbar spondylolisthesis 122–5lumbosacral plexus anatomy

162–3lungs 121

cystic tumour 212lymphangioma 213

macrosomia 216macroglossia 216mastoid canal 208mastoidectomy

canal wall down procedure 207canal wall up procedure 206

Ménière’s disease 202meningocele 210mesentery in bladder replacement

106metacarpals 28, 29middle ear surgery

Shambaugh approach 205transmeatal/extended transmeatal

approach 204mitral valve 221monstrous anomalies 217mucosal flap in hypospadias 86

isolation 88tubularisation 89



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approach to proximal third ofradius 151

exposure of radial nerve atelbow 57

posterior approach to femoralshaft 155

biceps femoris 155brachialis 57brachioradialis

approach to proximal third ofradius 151

exposure of radial nerve atelbow 57, 58

coracobiceps 144, 145deltoid

glenohumeral joint approach toshoulder 144

subacromial space approach toshoulder 141

subdeltoid approach toproximal metaphysis ofhumerus 150

extensor carpi ulnaris 54extensor digitorum brevis 195extensor digitorum communis 54extensor retinaculum, inferior

194flexor hallucis longus 11flexor retinaculum 191gastrocnemius

approach to popliteal vessels157

flap from lateral head 3–4medial head 172, 173soleus flap operation 5

gemelli 180gluteal 187

gluteus maximus 178gluteus medius 188gluteus minimus 188

iliacus 190iliopsoas 184, 185ischiocavernosus 82latissimus dorsi

flap vascular supply 2transpleural approach to dorsal

rachis 120obturator internus 180omohyoideus 49papillary 221, 225pectoralis major 144pectoralis minor 51pes anserinus 157pisiformis 189

pronator quadratusexposure 20flap operation 20–1

pronator teres 57psoas 183relief studies 197–200rotators of hip, external 179,

180, 188, 189sartorius 190scalenus anterior 49semimembranosus 157serratus anterior 2soleus

approach to popliteal vessels157

flap operation 5–7subscapularis 146supinator

approach to proximal third ofradius 151

exposure of radial nerve atelbow 57

interosseous nerve exposure55, 56

temporal 208tensor fascia latae 188of thenar eminence 28tibialis posterior 11, 12trapezium

removal 29volar approach 27–30

vastus lateralis 155musculoperiosteal flaps 143myelomeningocele 210

nervesaxillary 148cutaneous, lateral, of thigh 183digital, common 46facial

mastoidectomy 207retroauricular/transvestibular

approach 201transmastoid approach 203

femoral 183interosseous 54–6of knee, medial aspect of 159lumbosacral plexus anatomy

162–3median 36–7in penis, origins of 101peripheral, surgery of 49–58peroneal, common 4posterior femoral cutaneous 154radial

anterior 57–8

approach to proximal third ofradius 151

exposure at elbow 57–8posterior

exposure at elbow 57–8interosseous nerve exposure

55posterior interosseous flap 19

sciaticextended iliofemoral approach

to acetabulum 189posterior (Kocher–Langbeck)

approach to acetabulum179

traumatic lesions 49vestibular 201

neurocutaneous flaps 8–9neurosurgery/ear surgery boundary


oesogastrectomy 110–11oesophagus

excision in oesogastrectomy 110stomach, anastomosis with 111transpleural approach to dorsal

rachis 121omphalocele 216omphalothoracopage 217osteoperiosteal flap from femur 10osteosynthesis of forearm fracture


paediatrics 209–17patella 175

allograft of 174–6prosthesis of 164–7

patellar preparation 166–7trochlear implant 165–6

patellar retinaculi, lateral 175Pavlick’s harness 209pedicles

adipofascial 8neurovascular 101vascular 1, 2

pelvic brim 185penis

amputation for sexual ambiguity97–104

corpora cavernosaexcision 102release of 100

final aspect 103neurovascular pedicles 101release of penis 99shortening 102urogenital sinus incision 98



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bladder extrophy 82curvature in hypospadias 87nerves, origins of 101prosthesis for erectile function


elytrocele treatment 72genital prolapse after

hysterectomy 69periosteum 11peripheral nerve surgery 49–58peritoneum

kidney allotransplantation 75lumbar disc hernia treatment 129

plate repair of fracture 139pleura 120pollicisation of index finger 45–8

bone fixation/tendon suture 48dissection of dorsal aspect 45dissection of palmar structures

46rotation 47

popliteal fossa 172popliteal neurovascular bundle 158popliteal vessels, extended medial

approach to 157–9preputial flap 86prosthesis

for erectile function of peniscomponents 90flaccid/erect state 91placement 91, 96surgical procedure 92–6

of patella 164–7shoulder implant stabilisation

136pubic ramus, superior 186

radial forearm flap 2radius

anterior approach to proximalthird 151

osteosynthesis of 139reconstructive surgery 1–21

development of 1rectum 70, 71renal lithiasis

exposure 79–80removal 80

renal pelvis 79, 80retractile band 87Retzius’ space 91, 95ribs 120

sacrococcygeal teratoma 213scaphoid bone 39

scapular flaps 2scoliosis surgery 126–8scrotum 91, 95sexual ambiguity

amputation of penis 97–104diagrammatic representation 97

Shambaugh approach to middle ear205

shoulderbony landmarks 141prosthetic implant stabilisation

136surgical exposure 141–9

glenohumeral joint anteriorapproach 143–6

glenohumeral joint axillaryapproach 147–9

subacromial space anteriorapproach 141–3

skin flapsfrom calf 8in feminisation 97, 99in hypospadias 89sural 8–9

spermatic cord 183, 186spina bifida 210spinal cord 123spinal surgery see vertebral column

surgery stomach

excision in oesogastrectomy 110,112

oesophagus, anastomosis with111

subacromial space, anteriorapproach to 141–3

musculoperiosteal flaps 143subdeltoid bursa 142sural skin flap 8–9

temporal aponeurosis graft 207,208

temporal fascia graft 204, 208tendons

Achilles’posteromedial approach to

ankle 193soleus flap operation 6

bicepsapproach to proximal third of

radius 151shoulder implant stabilisation

136extensor 44extensor digiti minimi 44extensor, of hand

central band release/resection32

central/lateral bands, suture of33

lateral band release 31flexor carpi radialis 29flexor carpi ulnaris 38flexor digitorum superficialis 26

blood supply 34, 35transfer to thumb 38vincula 34

flexor, of fingers 25flexor profundus 26to gastrocnemius medial head 172lateral collateral 171of popliteal muscle 171semitendinosus 155subscapularis 149of tibialis posterior 192

teratoma, sacrococcygeal 213thoracotomy 120–1transplantation

bonelumbar spondylolisthesis 124patella allograft 175scoliosis surgery 127vascularised 10–13

kidneys 74–8skin incision 74transplant presentation 76vessel sutures 77, 78

liver 105patella/patellar ligament allograft

174–6temporal fascia graft 204tympanic graft 206–8

trapeziumectomy 27, 29tree of flaps for upper limb 2tricuspid valve 225Tubiana, Raoul 23, 40tunnel syndromes 49

carpal 36tympanic cavity exploration 207tympanic graft 206–8tympanoplasty 207

ulna, osteosynthesis of 140ulnar forearm flap 2ultrasound-guided amniocentesis

218upper limb

flaps 2, 14–21muscle relief study 199nerve surgery 49surgery 133–51

see also hand, surgery



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uretersbladder replacement 109genital prolapse after

hysterectomy 65renal lithiasis 79sparing in elytrocele treatment


bladder extrophy 83hypospadias 86, 87, 88

urethral canal reconstruction 86urethral meatus, external 86, 88urinary bladder see bladder urinary tract anomalies, congenital

214urogenital sinus 97, 98, 99urological surgery 73–104uterus 70, 71

cervix 65

vacularised fibula transfer 11vacularised osteoperiosteal flap from

femur 10vagina

elytrocele treatment 70

genital prolapse afterhysterectomy 67

plasty in feminisation 97separation from bladder after

genital prolapse 59–64posterior aspect 63

valves, antiretrograde flow 107vascular supply

flexor profundus 26flexor tendons of fingers 25knee, medial aspect of 159liver lobes 115upper limb flaps 2

vascularised bone transfers 10–13,38

from distal metaphysis of femur10

from metaphysis of secondmetacarpal 39

veinsanastomosis in kidney

allotransplantation 77, 78azygos 121iliac, external 76, 183iliac, internal 75

peroneal 11, 12pulmonary 219ulnar 37

vena cavae 223ventricle

left 221–2right 225–6


lumbar spondylolisthesis 122,124, 125

scoliosis surgery 127resection

lumbar spondylolisthesis 122scoliosis surgery 127

resection of posterior segment123

sacral promontory exposure 129vertebral bodies, distraction of

131vertebral column surgery 119–31vertebral disc hernia, anterior

approach to 129–31disc excision 131disc exposure 130



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