atls level (grade) crossings (march 2014) - boat'z … · atls level (grade) crossings (march...

ATLS Level (Grade) Crossings (March 2014) These are a set of 12 UK style level crossings, specifically intended for use with ATLS. They should be placed in Surveyor like a normal Auran crossing but they will not work without extra ATLS assets, (eg- Trigger and Traffic Stopper). The use of ATLS allows the Crossings to be Triggered earlier, thus ensuring extra time for a more prototypical closing sequence. It also allows tram traffic to cross the main line. Note that the crossings contain their own built-in ATLS Controller and ATLS Slave. The ATLS Channel will therefore be set within the crossing! Many of the latest versions of ATLS are now Trainz Build 2.9, (TS 2009 and up). Links to earlier versions that will work in TRS 2004, TRS 2006 and TC can be found on the ATLS page on my website. Note that these earlier versions may have minor bugs and less features. Some current, unmodified assets remain Build 2.4. All assets will work up to and including TS12 (SP1). The latest version allows for game-save and restore. Always use the latest version you can! See Issue 3 Updates and Important Technical Note regarding the invisible train! There are basically three types of crossing. Placement in Surveyor differ slightly, depending on which type of crossing you have chosen. Please select below. ‘Short’ Crossings for ordinary roads ……………………………………… page 2 Crossings for use with AJS Street Kit …………………………………….. page 4 Crossings incorporating tram crossover …………………………………….. page 7 ATLS Set-Up, (all crossings) ................................. page 11 Optional Extras ................................. page 13 Issue 3 Updates ................................. page 14 Saving to a Map ................................. page 15 Credits ................................. page 15

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ATLS Level (Grade) Crossings (March 2014) These are a set of 12 UK style level crossings, specifically intended for use with

ATLS. They should be placed in Surveyor like a normal Auran crossing but they

will not work without extra ATLS assets, (eg- Trigger and Traffic Stopper).

The use of ATLS allows the Crossings to be Triggered earlier, thus ensuring extra

time for a more prototypical closing sequence. It also allows tram traffic to cross

the main line. Note that the crossings contain their own built-in ATLS Controller

and ATLS Slave. The ATLS Channel will therefore be set within the crossing!

Many of the latest versions of ATLS are now Trainz Build 2.9, (TS 2009 and up).

Links to earlier versions that will work in TRS 2004, TRS 2006 and TC can be

found on the ATLS page on my website. Note that these earlier versions may

have minor bugs and less features. Some current, unmodified assets remain

Build 2.4. All assets will work up to and including TS12 (SP1). The latest version

allows for game-save and restore. Always use the latest version you can!

See Issue 3 Updates and Important Technical Note regarding the invisible train!

There are basically three types of crossing. Placement in Surveyor differ slightly,

depending on which type of crossing you have chosen. Please select below.

‘Short’ Crossings for ordinary roads ……………………………………… page 2

Crossings for use with AJS Street Kit …………………………………….. page 4

Crossings incorporating tram crossover …………………………………….. page 7

ATLS Set-Up, (all crossings) ................................. page 11

Optional Extras ................................. page 13

Issue 3 Updates ................................. page 14

Saving to a Map ................................. page 15

Credits ................................. page 15


‘Short’ Crossings for use with ordinary roads. (Kuids 76656:28603, 28604, 28607 & 28608)

Place the crossing in Surveyor and align to your chosen position. When using

normal roads, the height of the level crossing should need no adjustment.

Place two ATLS Traffic Stoppers (kuid2:76656:500017:2) as shown below.

As the attachment points on the Stoppers are set low, you will need to raise the

Stopper to approximately +0.2, depending on the road you are using. TS 2009

or later users will need to hold down 'shift' to obtain the required accuracy.

Now connect the approaching roadway of your choice to the Stopper’s outside

attachment points first. Then connect an invisible road, (eg kuid:122285:1122)

from the Traffic Stopper’s inside attachment points to the Level Crossing.

Next, switch to 'Tracks' and connect an invisible track (eg kuid2:122285:1003:1)

from the Traffic Stoppers to the built-in Slave.

Now align the Traffic Stoppers close to the crossing so everything looks neat.

The pavement, (sidewalk) may be deleted by attaching the AJS Spline Eraser,

(kuid2:122285:1002:1) if desired.

Now go to ATLS Set-Up.


Crossings for use with AJS Street Kit roads. (Kuids 76656:28601, 28602, 28605 & 28606)

Place the crossing in Surveyor and align to your chosen position. These crossings

are designed for use with AJS Street Kit roads which sit lower than standard

Auran roads. It is therefore necessary to first lower the level crossing to -0.4 in


This sets the attachment points to -0.4 for roads which is correct for Andi's

assets, (relative to local ground height). Note - It also puts the main line rail

track slightly below ground level but this is a necessary compromise to allow the

lower Street Kit roads to cross.

Place two ATLS Traffic Stoppers (kuid2:76656:500017:2) as shown below.

Traffic Stoppers have their attachment points set to match AJS roads, so no

height adjustment should be necessary.

Now connect the approaching AJS roadway of your choice (eg kuid:122285:1127)

to the Stopper’s outside attachment points first. Then connect an invisible road,

(eg kuid:122285:1122) from the Traffic Stopper’s inside attachment points to the

Level Crossing.

Next, switch to 'Tracks' and connect an invisible track (eg kuid2:122285:1003:1)

from the Traffic Stoppers to the built-in Slave.

Now align the Traffic Stoppers close to the crossing so everything looks neat.

As I’ve already said, dropping the asset to match AJS roads causes the main-line

track to drop slightly below ground level, (-0.15 relative to local ground height).

This is a compromise to allow cars to travel over the rails. After you’ve added

your main line track, it just requires a little ‘gardening’ to bring it slowly back to

zero a little distance away.

Now go to ATLS Set-Up.

SURVEYOR PLACEMENT... Crossings incorporating a Tram Crossover. (Kuids 76656:28501, 28502, 28503 & 28504)

Place the crossing in Surveyor and align to your chosen position. These crossings

are designed for use with AJS Street Kit roads and Motorman1066 tram track,

(6.4 meter wire height) or AJS tram track, (5.6 meter wire height). (Other tram

track may also connect OK so long as wire height is one of the above). Due to

the lower attachment point settings of both road and tram track it is necessary to

first lower the level crossing to -0.4 in Surveyor.

This sets the attachment points to -0.4 for roads and -0.3 for tram track, (relative

to local ground height). Note - It also puts the main line rail track slightly below

ground level but this is a necessary compromise to allow the lower road traffic

and trams to cross.

Place two ATLS Traffic Stoppers (kuid2:76656:500017:2) as shown below.

Traffic Stoppers have their attachment points set to match AJS roads, so no

height adjustment should be necessary.

Now connect the approaching AJS roadway of your choice (eg kuid:122285:1127)

to the Stopper’s outside attachment points first. Then connect an invisible road,

(eg kuid:122285:1122) from the Traffic Stopper’s inside attachment points to the

Level Crossing.

Next, switch to 'Tracks' and connect an invisible track (eg kuid2:122285:1003:1)

from the Traffic Stoppers to the built-in Slave.

Now align the Traffic Stoppers close to the crossing so everything looks neat....

Then connect your tram track and add two ATLS Tram Stoppers,

(kuid2:76656:500013:5) to the tram track. Make sure you get them on the

correct track and facing the correct way! Alternatively you may use a visible

ATLS Tram Signal here. Best positioning of these depends on which version of

Trainz you are running. Adjust to bring trams to a stop just before the barrier.

In addition, I recommend you place an ATLS Trigger, used in ‘Signal Guard’

mode, just in front of each Tram Stopper. This will overcome the problem of

SPADS when a tram suddenly gets a red signal. (See extra set-up for trams in

ATLS set-up section later).

As I’ve already said, dropping the asset to match AJS roads causes the main-line

track to drop slightly below ground level, (-0.15 relative to local ground height).

This is a compromise to allow cars and trams to travel over the rails. After you’ve

added your main line track, it just requires a little ‘gardening’ to bring it slowly

back to zero a little distance away.

Now go to ATLS Set-Up.


Common to all ATLS Level Crossings.

Select your Level Crossing in Surveyor, then click on the ‘?’ icon to open the

Properties Dialogue Box.

All you need to do here is select a clear ATLS Channel for the Level Crossing’s

Built-In Controller. Providing that any normal Controllers on your map are V2.5

or above, this will be done automatically by clicking on the ‘+’ button. This

Channel number must now be used for all added assets associated with this

crossing! There is also an option to switch to a ‘Drive on the Right’ set-up.

Close the Properties Box. Details will save with your Session, or you may save to

a Route if preferred. See ‘Saving to a Map’ below.

Next, if you have not already done so connect the main line train track to the

crossing’s main-line attachment points. Then add ATLS Triggers,

(kuid2:76656:500016:6) in accordance with the ATLS LCM Tutorial. The best

placing of ATLS Triggers depends on the speed of your trains. A train should hit

the approach Trigger at least 15 to 20 seconds before arriving at the Level

Crossing. The barrier closing sequence on ATLS Crossings takes approximately

13 seconds.

Leaving Trigger(s) can be placed immediately after the crossing. Set the Trigger

Channel to the one in use for this crossing. All main-line Triggers should be set

to monitor ‘SPL’. Note that as this is a dedicated ATLS crossing, invisible bridging

track is not needed!

See instructions in the Trigger asset for more information on ATLS LCM/SPL

Triggers. All the Trigger Methods will work so set-up as required. Advanced

users may wish to implement ‘Train-Priority’ to distinguish different train speeds.

Extra Set-Up for Tram Crossings .

ATLS Level Crossings with Tram Crossover have two extra assets. An ATLS Tram

Stopper and an ATLS Trigger used in Signal Guard mode.

Place these assets on the tram track as shown, (both sides of the crossing). Set

their Channel to the one in use for this crossing. Set both assets to

monitor/control trams on Route 1.


The assets above will get you working but if you add the following it will make it

work better.

ATLS Controlled Signal (highly recommended)

Place an ATLS signal, (eg Sen City Signal kuid:76656:24011) to protect the Level

Crossing. This will only allow main line trains to pass when the Crossing is closed

to road traffic.

Open ATLS Control in the Properties Box and set the Channel to the one in use for

this crossing. Then select 'AUTO on SPL Activation'. The signal will now go red

when the crossing is open to road traffic.

ATLS Corrector Trigger (optional)

Place a Corrector, (kuid:76656:500029) in front of a your main line signal. This

will release any train you have placed here at Session Start-Up

Set this asset to the same Channel as the one in use for this crossing.

Also – ‘See Corrector Trigger Set-Up’ in ATLS Full Tutorial pdf for more

information on placing this Trigger for best results.

Note – This Trigger is no longer required to clear stuck trains at a Session

Restore. The latest version of ATLS will save and restore in-game data


Clickety Clack Trigger (for fun)

Place one Trigger on each tram and rail track. You will hear the clickety clack of a

train passing over a junction. (Not effective in all Trainz versions)

Issue 3 Updates

The latest versions of ATLS Crossings are issue 3. Ie – kuid2:76656:28***:3.

These versions have alternative road textures when using on right hand roads.

The UK yellow ‘box junction’ is replaced with a plain arrow.

Important Technical Note

These Crossings contain an in-built ATLS Slave, which in turn contains an invisible

train. This should have been downloaded automatically. Derailments of this train

may occur after game-save restores IF you have the wrong version of the

invisible train installed. For the latest version of these Crossings, the invisible

train must be kuid2:76656:1158:2. If you are using the latest TRS 2004 version

of these Crossings instead, then the invisible train must be kuid:76656:1158. If

your version of the invisible train is kuid2:76656:1158:1 then you should

download the latest invisible train AND Crossings from the DLS!

SAVING TO A MAP (Route) This is optional. Normally settings are automatically saved to a Session. This

shouldn’t be a problem if you keep a ‘Master Session’ to build your Route from.

However if you specifically want to, you may ‘Name Save’ a special code to the

map. Then all settings will be saved to the Route Layer.

Take a look in the top left corner of the Properties Box and you will see something

like ATLS1[0,3] in blue. This is an encoded representation of all the settings you

have made to your assets. (All ATLS assets can do this).

If you save the name of this signal EXACTLY as shown, the settings will be

retained. It's important to keep the format, including the square brackets and

comma or it will either just not work, or may cause errors.

On occasions you may encounter the 'That Name Is Already In Use' message. If

you do, DON'T save it but add: '(A)' to the name you are saving…. So you will

save: ATLS1[0,3](A) Use the letter (B), (C) etc., for subsequent clashes.

The brackets are important.


Much credit goes to Motorman1066 for the intersecting rails used in the tram

crossings and for creating and animating the unique pivoting barriers, (which

were adapted from Adrian19's basic barrier mesh). Also to Adrian19 for his

meshes, used in the non-tram crossings. Many thanks for all your work.

(c) Boat 2011

These assets may be used for personal use only. They may be modified and re-

issued on the Auran DLS as FreeWare but please credit the author.

Neither scripts nor assets may be sold for financial gain in any way without the

author's permission.

The items are used at final user's own risk and on the understanding that the

author will not be held responsible for any damage to software or hardware,

howsoever caused.