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復復 9復 2017 復 復 9~2018 復 復 復復復復 去去去去去去去去去去去去去去去去去去去去去 9、8、1。9、9()。878()69、。 去去去去去去去 、、、9。。。 去去去去 no 去去去去去去去 、。、、、。、。 去去去去去去去 、、、、、、。 去去去去去去去去 、、、、、・ () “去 ”去去去去 去去去去去去去去去去去去去去去去去去去去去去去 、。 復復復復復復 Summary 去去去去去去去 reading material 去 summary 去去去 去去去 ・、 去去去去去 edit 去去去去 。、6、 去去 edit 去去去去去去去去去去Words to note 去去去 reading materials 去 去去去去去去去去 (!、、、)、 去去去去去 ()、、 去去去去去去去去去去去去去去去去去去去去去去去 去去 去去去 、。 去去去 去去 、。 (In the text) reading material 去 (Application) 去去 () 復復復復復復 去去去去 。、、 去去去去 ()、 September 4, 2017 1. Acoustically actuated ultra-compact NEMS (nanoelectromechanical system) magnetoelectric antennas - Nishiwaki SummaryPublished on line on 22 August 2017 by Nature 1

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復習ノート(第 9 巻) 2017 年9月~2018 年8月

はじめに  去年の9月から始まって、今月の8月で、1年になる。第9巻ということは、丸9年が経過した(当たり前だが)。この8月で78歳になる私(鶴本)は69歳の時に、会に参加した。英語が好きで、いつまでも英語を勉強し続けたいという思いで、会に参加したが、この9年間で記憶した単語数は増えただろうか。話すスピードがネイティブに近づいただろうか。英語の記事をスムースに読めるようになっただろうか。明らかに no、と言わざるをえない。うーん、、、。齢のせいだろう、きっと。でも、会に参加しなかったとしたら、単語、話すスピード、しどろもどろ加減などにおいて、マイナス面は大きかっただろう、ということも考えさせられる。曲がりなりにも、英語の記事を多数読み、単語を調べ、記事の内容に関し、いくばくかの自分の考えをまとめ上げようとしたなどの努力は、自分の老・人生にプラスに作用しているかもしれない(憶測)。私とほぼ同年代のメンバーの方々のこれからの“奮起”を期待し、元気パワーを互いに与え合うことを願うものです。本文中の区分Summary    メンバー各自が reading material の summary を作成・提出、        貞安さんが edit。ただし、6月から貞安さんの事情により、代        わりに、友澤さんが edit することになりました。 Words to note  用語集。reading materials の中で出会った、意味が分からな        い単語(多い!トホホ、、、)、あるいは昔覚えたがはっきり思        い出せない単語(これも多い)、あるいは、意味は分かるが        改めて使い方を確認しておくべきと思った単語など。        これらの単語の選択は、鶴本の個人的な判断による。単語力は        個人によって大きく違うもの。私の単語力が露わになってしま


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うので、ちょっと恥ずかしい。 (In the text) reading material 本文の中で、その単語が使われている文章(Application) 単語を使った他の例文(英英辞典からの引用)月別のコラム  鶴本が気ままに書き綴ったもの。あいまい、独りよがり、やや 独断もある(笑)が、英語に関連した題材に絞って書こうと        努力しています。 復習に面白味が加わるといいのですが。September 4, 2017 1. Acoustically actuated ultra-compact NEMS (nanoelectromechanical system) magnetoelectric antennas - Nishiwaki

(Summary)Published on line on 22 August 2017 by Nature Communications Authors: Tianxiang Nan and Hwaider Lin, Northeastern University Affiliations: Westford Academy, Andover High School, Air Force Research Laboratory, Dayton (Materials and Manufacturing)

State-of-the-art compact antennas rely on electromagnetic wave resonance, which leads to antenna typically with a size greater than one-tenth of the wavelength, and their further miniaturization has been an open challenge for decades. The paper reports on acoustically actuated nanomechanical magnetoelectric (ME) antennas with a suspended ferromagnetic/piezoelectric thin-film heterostructure. These ME antennas receive and transmit electromagnetic waves through the ME effect at their acoustic resonance frequencies. The bulk acoustic waves in ME antennas stimulate magnetization oscillations of the ferromagnetic thin film, which results in the radiation of electromagnetic waves. Vice versa, these antennas sense the magnetic fields of electromagnetic waves, giving a piezoelectric voltage output. The resonant bodies of the NEMS ME resonators were a 500 nm AlN (Aluminum Nitride) thin film supporting a [Fe7Ga2B1(45 nm)/Al2O3(5 nm)] × 10 (hereafter termed FeGaB) thin-film ME heterostructures fully suspended on a Silicon substrate, where AlN and FeGaB serve as the piezoelectric and magnetostrictive


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element of the ME heterostructure, respectively.The ME antennas with sizes as small as one-thousandth of a wavelength demonstrates 1–2 orders of magnitude miniaturization over state-of-the-art compact antennas without performance degradation. These ultra-compact ME antennas are expected to have great impacts on our future antennas and communication systems for internet of things, wearable antennas, bio-implantable and bio-injectable antennas, smart phones, etc.Word to notestate-of-the-art 最新技術の、最も進んだ         the most advanced, the latest の方が一般的な表現Nanomechanics  a branch of nanoscience studying fundamental mechanical          (elastic, thermal and kinetic) properties of physical systems          at the nanometer scale. ナノメカニックス      *ナノメートル:10 億分の 1 メートル(略:nm);1ミリの100万分の

magnetoelectric  磁電気の.ferromagnetic 鉄を含む磁石のpiezoelectric 圧電気のheterostructure ヘテロ構造degradation 品質の低下array 配列dissipation 散逸、消失contour 輪郭、音声の音調曲線perpendicular 垂直の、直角をなすclamp 留め金で留めるimpedance 交流回路における電気抵抗、インピーダンスacoustic, acoustical 音響(学)の、聴覚の、防音の、          (ギターが)アンプ(amplifier) を使わないλ lambda ラムダ(大文字:Λ,):ギリシャ語アルファベットの第 11字



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2.    Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons ― Nishimura(Summary)According to current Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT), only 5 nations (USA, Russia, China, England and France) are allowed to have nuclear weapons. But some other nations have or are endeavoring to have nuclear arms. NPA system have been collapsing in fact.The UN Assembly adopted Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPN) by 2/3 majority vote on July 7, 2017. Ratifications of 50 nations or over will make it effective. The vital point is that it defines all nuclear weapons are illegal. The reading material consists of two parts, preamble and article 1. The preamble contains mainly backgrounds, purposes and reasons for establishing TNP. For example, it runs as follows; “Recognizing that a legally binding prohibition of nuclear weapons constitutes an important contribution towards the achievement and maintenance of a world free of nuclear weapons, including the irreversible, verifiable and transparent elimination of nuclear weapons, and determined to act towards that end.” Article 1 stipulates prohibitions of all forms of possessing nuclear weapons. For example, close 1 runs as follows; “Each State Party undertakes never under any circumstances to: (a) Develop, test, produce, manufacture, otherwise acquire, possess or stockpile nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices.” Word to note


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nuclear weapon 核兵器、 nuke=核兵器、(ある場所を)核兵器で破壊するtranscend を越える (In the text): transcend national borders hibakusha  the victims of the use of nuclear weaponsindigenous 現地のsuperfluous 12分の、過分のabhorrent 嫌悪感を抱かせるinalienable 奪うことのできない、売却できない*記事によると、国連加盟国193か国中、この会議に参加したのは124か国。会議で賛成したのが、122か国。69か国が会議に欠席。批准国数が50か国を越えると、この条約は発効する。批准しない国には、効力が及ばない。5 大核保有国は会議をボイコット。イスラエル、パキスタン、インドは記事では触れられていないが、当然ボイコット組だろう。日本もボイコットした。K-SEC の meeting の中でも指摘があったように、こんな禁止条約は、現在の核保有国がボイコットしている中、何の効果もなく、単なる気休めにしか過ぎない、、、、とも言える。持たない国が、これからも持たない、と宣言しているだけで、持っている国は放棄する気配が全くないからである。1919年、日本が国際連盟の憲章に「人種的差別撤廃提案」を入れるべきと提案して、かなりの国の首脳から賛同を得たが、最終的には採択されなかった件と、この核禁止条約は、どこか似ているように感じる。すなわち、建前では賛成だが、現実の世界を見れば、実施は不可能、、、と分かるような提案だからである。人種差別を無くすなんて、当時はもちろん、現代でも不可能、、、と見える。



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September 18, 20171. Projection AR (augmented reality) ―  Shirashoji (Summary)Sony Mobile Communications Inc. released Projection AR "Xperia Touch G1109," which projects an image on a wall, floor or desktop and enables to use the projected image as a touch panel, June 26, 2017. Sony released "Portable Ultra-short Focus Projector LSPX-P1" on Feb 13, 2016. And the G1109 is a product that seems to have been developed by adding a touch panel function to the LSPX-P1. It is equipped with WiFi capability and Android 7.0 and basically supports applications available at Google Play. It is like a giant tablet computer that can be operated by multiple users. The G1109's ultra-short focus lens module, "SXRD" LCD display device module and laser light source module, which are three major elements for realizing an ultra-short focus projector, are almost the same as those of the LSPX-P1. Touch operation was realized with an infrared module near the lower part of the lens, and reflected light is received by an image sensor via the lens module. The detection frequency is 60fps, and up to 10-point multi-touch input is possible. Projection AR (Augmented Reality) does not necessary need special


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glasses like HMD but Video projector creates augmented reality.A new combined camera and computer can superimpose images over real-world objects without the need for a head-mounted display (HMD).Lightform connects to a video projector to beam images and animations on to surrounding objects, essentially turning any surface into a screen – a technique called projection mapping. To do this, it scans the environment using depth sensors to map the shape of objects, then tailors its lighting effects to fit. “The idea is to seamlessly merge the virtual world with the physical world, and to do it without wearing anything on your face.The mapping is not quite real-time – it takes about a second to do a scan – and you can’t interact with the projected images, unlike with some systems that use haptic devices or motion tracking to give users the illusion of touching what they see. A projected AR prototype by Texas-based Argo Design, for example, used computer vision to allow people to play air hockey using real objects as bats to hit a virtual puck, with the pitch markings projected on to a tabletop – though it only works on a flat surface.If projected interfaces become integrated into the spaces we live and work in, they could usher in a new kind of ubiquitous computing, says Linder. But first they need to find really useful applications.Words to noteaugment (権力、収入など)さらに増大させる、(価値を)増す       (主題を)拡大する (Application): augment one’s income with business on the internetundulate 波のように動く(揺れる)  (名)undulationcalibrate 計測するhaptic 触覚に関する(を伴う) (名)haptics    *Haptics is the study of how to couple the human sense of touch with a       computer-generated world.

touch-sensitive 指などに感応する

touch operation 指での操作touch input 指で入力


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2. Why the Earth’s magnetic poles could be about to swap places and how  it would affect us - Kanzawa(Summary)This article was published by The Conversation Media Group Ltd (January 27, 2017 )

The Earth's magnetic field is generated within the liquid core of our planet, by the slow churning of molten iron. Like the atmosphere and oceans, the way in which it moves is governed by the laws of physics.

The Earth's history includes at least several hundred global magnetic reversals, where north and south magnetic poles swap places. During a reversal of the magnetic field won't be zero, but will assume a weaker and more complex form. It may fall to 10% of the present-day strength and have magnetic poles at the equator or even the simultaneous existence of multiple "north" and "south" magnetic poles.

The last full reversal, the Brunhes-Matuyama, occurred around 780,000 years ago. There can be temporary and incomplete reversals, known as events and excursions, and a temporary reversal, the Laschamp event, occurred around


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41,000 years ago. It lasted less than 1,000 years with the actual change of polarity lasting around 250 years.

The alteration in the magnetic field during a reversal will weaken its shielding effect, allowing heightened levels of radiation on and above the Earth's surface, resulting in increased risks for satellites, aviation, and ground-based electrical infrastructure.

Without electricity, heating, air conditioning, GPS or internet would have a major impact; widespread blackouts could result in economic disruption measuring in tens of billions of dollars a day.

In terms of life on Earth and the direct impact of a reversal on our species we cannot definitively predict what will happen as modern humans did not exist at the time of the last full reversal.

The simple fact that we are "overdue" for a full reversal and the fact that the Earth's field is currently decreasing at a rate of 5% per century, has led to suggestions that the field may reverse within the next 2,000 years. But pinning down an exact date — at least for now — will be difficult.

The recent discovery of a jet-stream within the core highlights our evolving ingenuity and increasing ability to measure and infer the dynamics of the core. Coupled with numerical simulations and laboratory experiments to study the fluid dynamics of the planet's interior, our understanding is developing at a rapid rate. Words to notemagnet A magnet contains electrons that have both uneven orbits and uneven spins. Those magnetic atoms are aligned in nice straight rows inside each domain. And those domains are also lined up all in the same direction. And only with ALL of these conditions satisfied does this piece


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of metal become a magnet.(インターネットより、この説明、正しい?)magnetic pole 磁極magnetic field 磁場、磁界magnetic reversal 磁気反転deflect そらすequator 赤道polarity (磁気の)極性、磁性引力radiation 放射線、放射能anomalous 異常な、異例な、変則的なblackout 停電  power failurecataclysmic 大異変の、激変的なvolcanism 火山現象、火山活動melt melted, melted,(古)molten, molten iron=溶けた鉄go haywire 機械が故障する、計画が台無しになる


コラム  「ちょっとしたやり甲斐だね」、、、を英語でなんて言う?日本語で「うーん、それって、やり甲斐を感じるね、、、、」という場面で、アメリカ人は何というか。翻訳ではなく、その時の日英の表現の違い。話者の気持ちとして「ちょっとしたやり甲斐だね」を言う場面で、アメリカ人はどんな表現を使うか、また、それって同じ気持ちを表現していることになるのだろうか。私がいつも四苦八苦している声楽の「高音の出し方」で、アメリカ人のブログを読んでいた時、「こんな風にトレーニングを重ねていると、少しずつ高い音がでるようになるよ、それって It’s a lot of fun だね」という英語表現に遭遇した。私は、その文章を読んでいて、直前に「それって、やり甲斐を感じるね」が頭をよぎった。私は、その瞬間「やり甲斐」を感じ、アメリカ人は fun という気持ちだった、、、わけ。


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文脈を無視して、It’s a lot of fun.を訳せば、「それって、面白ろいよね」となる。fun=面白い、と記憶している。私も、その文章を普通はそんな風に訳す。でも、文脈から言うと、「やり甲斐を感じるよ」という気持ちの時に、その英語が発せられている。それって、どういうことなんだろう?やり甲斐=面白い事、なんだろうか。「やり甲斐」を広辞苑で調べてみると、記載そのものがない。広辞苑は、そんな表現は日本語には存在しない、と。ただ、「生き甲斐」は記載されている。インターネットの GOO という辞書には「そのことをするだけの価値と、それにと

もなう気持ちの張り」と定義している。まあ、私の意味するところは、GOO とほぼ同じ。

一方、英英辞書によると、 fun は、pleasurable activity, enjoyment, a source of pleasure となっている。pleasure は喜びだ。fun は喜びなんだ、やっぱり。

私の感情(気持ち)と英語の a lot of fun の間にズレがあるのだろうか。もしアメリカ人

It will be a lot of fun. と言ったとき、「生き甲斐を感じるだろうよ」と訳せば、間違い


英語では、テニスをしていても、仕事をしていても、教室の授業でも、よく  Let’s enjoy. とか Let’s have fun. とか You all enjoy it. とか言うことが多い。

仕事なら、How is your work? 学生なら How is your class? と言ったりする。それに答

えて、Yes, I am enjoying it. とか、It’s a lot of fun.と答えるとしたら、アメリカ人はど

のよう感情でそう言っているのだろう。How was the party? と聞かれ Oh, yes, we all had a lot of fun. と答えた時のアメリカ人と日本人の心の中の感情(動き、疼き、衝




October 2, 2017

1.   Transatlantic Telegraphic Cables (From Wikipedia)  - Tomozawa

(Summary)In the 1840s and 1850s several individuals proposed or advocated construction of a telegraph cable across the Atlantic Ocean, including Edward Thornton and Alonzo Jackman. Cyrus West Field and the Atlantic Telegraph Company were behind the construction of the first transatlantic telegraph cable. The project began in 1854 and was


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completed in 1858. The cable functioned for only three weeks, but it was the first such project to yield practical results. The first official telegram to pass between two continents was a letter of congratulations from Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom to the President of the United States James Buchanan on August 16.

Signal quality declined rapidly, slowing transmission to an almost unusable speed. The cable was destroyed the following month when Wildman Whitehouse applied excessive voltage to it while trying to achieve faster operation. It has been argued that the faulty manufacture, storage and handling of the 1858 cable would have led to premature failure in any case. The cable's rapid failure undermined public and investor confidence and delayed efforts to restore a connection. A second attempt was undertaken in 1865 with much-improved material and, following some setbacks, a connection was completed and put into service on July 28, 1866. This cable proved more durable.

Before the first transatlantic cable, communications between Europe and the Americas took place only by ship. Sometimes, however, severe winter storms delayed ships for weeks. The transatlantic cable reduced communication time considerably, allowing a message and a response in the same day. Five attempts to lay a cable were made over a nine-year period – one in 1857, two in 1858, one in 1865, and one in 1866. Lasting connections were finally achieved with the 1866 cable and the 1865 cable, which was repaired by Isambard Kingdom Brunel's ship SS Great Eastern, captained by Sir James Anderson. In the 1870s duplex and quadruplex transmission and receiving systems were set up that could relay multiple messages over the cable.Words to notestrand ロープを作るために寄り合わせる紐、ひも、より、糸       細めの紐=string, 太めの紐=cord, 物をつるす紐=linesplice ロープを結び合わせる、接着、添接、組み継ぎgalvanometer (微小電流を測定する)検流計hemp 麻latency (コンピュータの)待ち時間、呼び出し時間


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2. Populist former ally aims to rip up Japanese PM's election plans                      ― Sekiguchi(Summary)Tokyo mayor Yuriko Koike’s newly formed party could scupper Shinzō Abe’s attempt to cement his position at the poll.

This article was adopted from Guardian Thursday 28 September 2017


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Japan’s prime minister, Shinzō Abe, faces a serious challenge from an ally turned nemesis, as voters prepare to go to the polls next month in an election he has described as a verdict on his handling of the economy and North Korea.

Koike’s Party of Hope, formed only a day earlier, has pledged to be a “tolerant, conservative reform party” that will challenge vested interests and respect diversity.

Abe called the election – a year earlier than expected – in an attempt to exploit a weak and divided opposition and to secure a mandate for his spending plans and tough line against Pyongyang’s missile and nuclear programmes.

A survey by the Mainichi newspaper found 18% of respondents would vote for Hope compared with 29% for Abe’s party. Another poll by the Asahi newspaper put Koike’s party on 13% and the LDP on 32%.

The Party of Hope’s emergence on the national political scene has thrown the main opposition party, the Democrats, into turmoil. Several Democrat MPs have defected to Koike’s party, while its leader, Seiji Maehara, is reportedly considering allowing Democrats to run as Hope candidates.

As of 4th Oct, most of the Democratic except liberals ( leftists) converted to Hope, and it seems that the candidate from Hope would reach as much as half of total capacity.

However there are a lot of questions.

What are the core policies of Hope? Does Koike stand for the election?

Does LDP/Komei maintain the majority? In case they lose, what would be the magnitude of the turmoil? How does America or North Korea respond?

The election starts on 10th, voting day is 22nd, we still have another meeting on 16th, hoping a new positive drama would be developed.

Words to note


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scupper 船をわざと沈める、計画をダメにするnemesis 強敵、かなわない相手、天罰、応酬、不可避な結果 (Application): The tennis champion’s nemesis was a 16-year-old newcomer from Florida.unscathed 無傷の、痛手を受けていない (Application): He came through the accident unscathed.defect to 逃亡する defect=欠陥、弱点、きず (Application): He defected to the enemy.defy 屈せずに立ち向かう (Application): The union defied management and went on 出し抜く (In the text): The Democratic Party took power by besting an LDP-led coalition in the 2009 Lower House election. (Application): Our team bested the other team.


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October 16, 20171.   Kazuo Ishiguro Is Awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature ― KotakeThe article was taken from New York Times dated Oct. 5, 2017.(Summary)I selected Mr. Kazuo Ishiguro’s splendid achievement as the reading material in cerebration of his being awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. I have read his moving book, ’The Remains of The Day’, or「日の名残り」in an excellent translation. Mr. Ishiguro went on to publish seven acclaimed novels. All elderly K-sec members are recommended to read ‘Remains of The Day’ in our coming twilight days.Born in 1954 in Nagasaki, Japan, the son of an oceanographer, Mr. Ishiguro moved to Surrey, England, when he was 5 years old, and attended Working County Grammar School, a school that he told The Guardian was “probably the last chance to get a flavor of a bygone English society that was already rapidly fading. After studying English and philosophy at the University of Kent, in Canterbury, he spent a year writing fiction, eventually gaining a Master of Arts in creative writing. Mr. Ishiguro stood out early among the literary crowd. He was included in Granta magazine’s best of young British writers list, joining luminaries. He published his first novel, ‘A Pale View of Hills’. His deep understanding of the social conventions and affectations of his adopted homeland shaped his third novel, ‘The Remains of The Day’, which won the Booker Prize and featured a buttoned up butler, who was later immortalized in a film starring Anthony Hopkins. Mr. Ishiguro, who writes his first drafts by hand, later said he had written the book in four weeks in a feverish rush. Mr. Ishiguro, 62, is best known for his novels ‘The Remains of the Day’ about a butler serving an English lord in the years leading up to World War II, and ‘Never Let Me Go’, a melancholy dystopian love story set in a British boarding school. His body of work stands out for his inventive subversion of literary genres, his acute sense of place and his masterly


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parsing of the British class system. A supplementary for the novelists quoted in this material and Kazuo Ishiguro’s writing works are attached for your reference. Word to notespare 予備の、(金・労力を)惜しんで 使わない,惜しむ,節約するidiosyncratic 特異の、風変わりの    (名)idiosyncrasy=特異性、その人の特有の表現法、風変わりな言動 (Application): One of her idiosyncrasies is that she sleeps in her clothes.elliptical 省略された言葉が多く分かりにくい、(文法)省略のdystopia 地獄郷(utopia の反対)fallibility (形)fallible=陥りがちな、誤りのありうるporous 多孔性の、穴だらけの (Application): Sand is porous, and water can pass through it.subversion 破壊 subversive activities=破壊工作parse 文を構成要素に分析するself-effacing 表に出ない、控え目な self-effacement=謙遜して表に出ない efface=消す、消滅させる、人を目立たなくする (同意語)shy and modest (Application): The captain was typically self-effacing when questioned about the team’s successes, giving credit to the other players.imposter (他人の名前をかたる)詐称者

*随分前の事だが、「日の名残り」というイギリス貴族の生活を描いた映画を見て、しかもその原作が日本人の作家によると知った時、大きな驚きを覚えたことがあった。カズオ・イシグロ氏は、日本生まれ。5歳の時、イギリスに渡った。それにしても、日本生まれの彼が、イギリスの貴族社会の微妙な機微を Queen’s English で、イギリス貴族が話すスタイルで描き切ることができたとは、不思議な感じがする。しかも、ノーベル賞を受賞するなんて、語学の天才じゃないだろうか。


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ところで、この本のタイトルだが、原書の paperback の p.256 の次の文章から取られたものだと思われる。 ,,,,,,,I should cease looking back so much, that I should adopt a more positive outlook and try to make the best of what remains of my day.普通の訳は、「私の晩年」あるいは、少し説明的に「残り少ない私の後半人生」とでもなるだろう。2. Rising Seas, Development Predicted to Cause More Flood Disasters - Umemura (VOA September 1, 2017)(Summary)The tropical storm Harvey in the United States and the monsoon in South Asia have again shown how dangerous and destructive floodwater can be.Rising sea levelsAnother big concern is rising sea levels that are predicted to put major areas of the world under water in coming decades.   Numerous scientific studies have confirmed that global sea levels began rising in the 19th century. The levels increased 14-17 centimeters during the 20th century and just keep rising. In July, hundreds of scientists from around the world gathered in New York City for a major conference to examine sea-level rise. In its closing statement, the group said global sea levels are currently rising at a rate of about 30 centimeters per century. The group predicted that if climate conditions stay the same, world sea levels could rise one meter or more throughout the 21st century, possibly reaching several meters by 2300.What are the solutions?Spanger-Siegfried suggested three main possible solutions to fight rising sea levels. The first is to build seawalls or levees. The second is to build homes elevated or create waterways to carry floodwaters. The third would be for people to relocate to areas not threatened by


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flooding. She says communities will likely use a combination of these methods in the short term.  “It is human nature to reach for defensive measures and to try and simply keep the water out and keep, maintain things as they are within communities, which is fully understandable.”Word to notefloodwater 洪水 flooding, flood,     inundate (inundation), overflow=氾濫、浸水、洪水    deluge=大洪水 the Deluge=ノアの洪水sea level ゼロメートル land at sea level=海抜セロメートル地帯      海抜=altitude This place has an altitude of 20 meters. This place is 20 meters above the sea level.drainage 排水、下水、汚水 take in large amounts of rainwater 大量の雨水を取り込むimpervious 水や吸気を通さない、不浸透性の impenetrable (Application): Two coats of paint make the house impervious to bad weather.calve 子牛を生む、鹿、象、鯨などが子を産む、        氷河などが氷塊を分離するlevee 堤防、土手 (Application): A levee burst on the Mississippi River, and much farmland was flooded.elevate 土台をかさ上げして家などを洪水から守る


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コラム   No! と言う勉強を英語教育に取り入れるべきだ、、、、英語は国際交流のために学ぶと言われる。日本人は英語の文書や英語のスピーチを理解しようとすることに一生懸命になる。単語を暗記し、意味を読みとれるように勉強する。勉強の過程で、自分の意見をどのような英語にするか、反対の場合はどう表現するか、のような勉強は(ほとんど)しない。ディベートをクラブ活動として行っている学校もあるようだが、あくまで例外的少数派である。有名大学の入試の英語に、反対意見のコメントを英語で書かせるというのは、聞いたことがない。英語をマスターするまでは、一方的に文章の意味を理解することに重点を置き、マスターした後、自分の意見や反対意見を述べれば、それで足りる、と英語教育者は思っている、、、、かのようである。(実は、何にも考えていない。そんな経験を教育者自身がしてこなかったから、教えることさえできない。)トップクラスの外交官は、外国といろんな問題について、pro and con を述べ合わなければならない。しかし、ほとんどすべて、日本側の譲歩で進んでしまうことが多いと聞く。英語がよくできるはずのエリート官僚でも、相手の主張していることを理解することに重点を置き、自分の意見を主張することには未


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熟だからであろう。国と国の外交は、対等のはず。でも、日本の外交官は、容易に譲歩してしまうらしい。No という教育を小さなころから受けてこなかったことが大きな原因。特に、英語の学習とは、Yes だけでなく No も十分に言えるように勉強しなくてはダメだ、と私は思う。No を言うときは、理由を述べる必要がある。単に No とだけ言うのは、非礼である。また、反対意見を表明して、相手を納得させようとするのであれば、理由は論理的に言わなくてはならない。Yes, oh yes、、、、、、と日本人が言えば、聞き慣れていないアメリカ人でもいい気分だろう。反対されるよりは、Oh, yes.と言われるといい気分のはずだから。アメリカ人同士の会話の半分は No, I would rather think this way,,,,,.みたいな No が多い。日常会話で反対意見を言うのはごく普通の事。別にケンカするつもりなんてない。ただ、自分の意見を言う、それだけである。一方、日本人は相手に合わせようとする。それが和を保つ方法だと思っている。How do you think? What is your thought? Any opinion? Any comment?,,,,,,,,同じでいい、、、とうことはむしろ恥ずかしい事なのだ。No を言って、アメリカ人と仲良くなろう。

November 6, 2017 1. The Average Guy Who Spent 6,003 Hours Trying to Be a Professional Golfer – Tsurumoto(Summary)The article was published in the “Health - The Atlantic” on Aug. 11, 2017.We, an average guy or a regular Joe, take on whatever comes in front of our lives. We rarely think “what do I want to do for the rest of my life?” We often vaguely consider there must be something we are born to do in this life. But we must admit that we don’t try to find out seriously about that. In Japan, many students are said that they are riding on school-providing escalators which will take them to very similar destinations and they hardly ponder on what they personally wish to pursue in their


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lives.Dan McLaughlin in this article had been just an average guy in that respect, a representative model for other people with nagging hopes, if possible, to try something fantastic. When he was 30 years old with an “enough” career of a commercial photographer, he decided to launch an entirely different venture; to become a professional golfer and join a PGA tour.He collected information to formulate a strategy and called it “Dan Plan”. The plan specifies that 10,000 hours of hard practice would suffice for him to accomplish the goal.From day one, he created a blog and recorded his hours and hard practice. It drew a lot of attention from not only other regular guys but also from experts of various fields, and gathered supports for magazines spreads and TV spots.Dan McLaughlin had believed hard work of 10,000 hours would bring in results equally as a man of born-talent might do. He put everything aside in 2009 – career, money, even relationships – to put this venture to the test.For five years, Dan worked and worked. Tallying hours every day and it reached a figure of 6,003 hours. Then his back gave in. He could not swing a club anymore due to his back pain. His handicap was pared to 2.6.Although Dan committed to the test completely, all-in and no excuses, he always walked away from the practice and thought “what’s next”. He was not like great painters who persisted through their lives while their monetary rewards were almost nothing but never gave up. He was not like Tiger Woods nor a Canadian ice hockey player Gretzky whose parent had to go get him from the ice practicing alone who would not come back to meals.Dan McLaughlin does not consider the Dan Plan a failure now. He learned a lot from the test and began a new business venture.Dan was a symbolic figure who showed us a living example who tried everyman’s fantasy.


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In the class, we also discussed how many hours of hard work would be needed, say, to master English conversation. Word to notethe average guy ただの人a regular Joe ただの人seven-plus years ago 七年ちょっと前、 more than seven years agoと同じcome up short 目標に達しない、及ばないaspire 切望するabound 満ちているpare を少しずつ減らす、削減する、         (ナイフで果物の)皮をむく *peel=(手で)皮をむくinterleave 閉じこむembed 埋め込むupscale 中流より上のroster 名簿wistfulness 物思いに沈んだことrumination (心の中で繰り返し)思いめぐらす         ruminate=(動物)反芻するtrajectory 弾道、軌道shoestring budget 乏しい予算

2. Abe must fortify growth potential to overcome deflation - Nishimura(Japan News Oct.25 2017; Translated from Yomiuri Shimbun Oct.24 2017)(Summary)


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The public confidence gained in the latest House of Representatives election needs to be used as a driving force for steadfastly addressing difficult policy issues and producing good results.Top priority should be placed on reinforcing the Abenomics economic policy package and completing the task of overcoming deflation. The yen's appreciation and   falling stock prices have been resolved, and the corporate sector's performance and the employment situation have improved. However, the benefits of these results have been limited to only part of society.The government has designated fiscal 2018 to 2020 as a period for intensive investment and improving productivity, a move aimed at encouraging information technology investment in such fields as artificial intelligence, robots and medical services. The question is how to bolster the growth strategy to produce specific results.The prime minister regards the low birthrate and aging population as a “national crisis” and has set forth such policies as making kindergartens and day nurseries free of charge for all children aged 3 to 5.The North Korean crisis will not be solved by U.S. military pressure alone. It is essential for the international community ―including China and Russia - to cooperate, implement the U.N. Security Council sanctions resolutions stringently, and pressure Pyongyang to abandon its nuclear ambitions.Regarding constitutional revision, Abe and Yamaguchi stated clearly that their parties will “make an effort to have national discussions deepened and to build a consensus.”Word to notedecisive victory 圧勝ameliorate   ひどい状態から、、、を改良するinterpellation   大臣に対する質問、説明要求reactivate   再稼働する

November 20, 201724

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1.                  How time travel will work              ― Kannzawa

by Kevin Bonsor  from HowStuffWorks Website(Summary)Ideas of time travelThere may be no other concept that captures the imagination more than the idea of time travel - the ability to travel to any point in the past or future. What could be cooler? You could jump into your time machine to go back and see major events in history and talk to the people who were there! Who would you travel back to see? Your mother?   Father? Younger yourself? You could go back and meet yourself at an earlier age, go forward and see how you look in the future... It's these possibilities that have made time travel the subject of so many science fiction books and movies. Ideas of time travel have existed for centuries, but when Albert Einstein released his theory of special relativity, he laid the foundation for the theoretical possibility of time travel. Most theories of time travel don't rely on machines at all. Instead, time travel will likely be done by way of natural phenomena, which we are not even sure exist;・Rotating black holes In 1963, New Zealand mathematician Roy Kerr proposed the first realistic theory for a rotating black hole. If Kerr holes do exist, it might be possible to pass through them and exit out of a "white" hole. A white hole would have the reverse action of a black hole and would be our way to enter other times or other worlds. ・Wormholes There could be another type of tunnel-like structure existing in the universe that could be used for a time travel portal. Wormholes, also called Einstein-Rosen Bridges, are considered to have the most potential for time travel if they do exist.・Cosmic strings


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Another theory for how we might travel back and forth through time uses the idea of cosmic strings. These are - as their name suggests - string-like objects that some scientists believe were formed in the early universe. These strings may line the entire length of the universe and are under immense pressure - millions upon millions of tons. Objects attached to a cosmic string could travel at incredible speeds, and because their gravitational force distorts spacetime, they could be used for time travel.Problems with Time TravelIf we are ever able to develop a workable theory for time travel, we would open up the ability to create very complicated problems called paradoxes. A paradox is defined as something that contradicts itself. Here are two common examples: If you could travel back to a time before you were born. The mere fact that you could exist in a time before you were born creates a paradox. If you were born in 1960, how could you exist in 1955? What would happen if a time traveler went back and killed one of his or her ancestors before the traveler was born? If the person killed his or her grandfather, then how could that person be alive to go back and kill his or her grandfather? If we could change the past, it would create an infinite number of paradoxes. Word to note implosion 内部崩壊、内破  (反対語)explosiontaper into 端が次第に細くなるsingularity 単一、異常curvature 湾曲、屈曲


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2. Child Poverty ― Shirashoji(Summary)Japan’s child poverty rate has improved amid a steady economic recovery, but experts say continuing support is vital to prevent social exclusion.A 2015 survey report released recently by the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry found that 13.9 percent of children under age 18, or 1 in every 7 children, were from families living on less than half of the national median household disposable income.Relative child poverty is defined as having income of less than one-half the national median disposable income, which for a household of one parent and one child means a monthly income (including public assistance) of 140,000 yen or less.Children raised in these households are at an extreme disadvantage in terms of medical care, meals, schooling, and prospects for higher education, and there is a clear trend of these children being unable to escape from poverty in the future.Although the problem of child poverty is an extremely important issue, there has been almost no research or writing that quantitatively analyzes the impact of child poverty on society.To make more people realize that child poverty is not just “someone else’s problem,” but is an issue that affects everyone in Japan, The Nippon Foundation estimated, for the first time, the economic impact of leaving child poverty unaddressed.They estimated and showed that child poverty is a problem that has a huge impact on the Japanese economy and everyone in Japan, and also suggest that the implementation of measures to address the problem can be expected to yield a very large return.Alarmed by the situation, some municipalities have also moved to help children get out of poverty.


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Though new law” Child Poverty Countermeasure” was legislated under the ministry health and welfare in Jan 2014, there seems no big improvement at moment after three years.Several NPO like Kid’s Door and Food Banks are supporting these children but it is not matter of volunteer. It is crucial that Government has to pay attention on it as a first priority. Word to noterelative poverty 相対的貧困those on welfare 生活保護受給者marginalize を主流から外す、排斥するthe Nippon Foundation 日本財団

*日本の非正規雇用者率:2016年(総務省)37.5%            2015年     37.5%            2014年     37.4%   2016年での年齢別:35歳~64歳: 59.4%        こんな年齢で「非正規社員」とは、、、絶望? 非正規雇用者とは?(総務省の調査での定義)    勤め先での呼称が「パート」、「アルバイト」、「派遣社員」、「契約社員」、    「嘱託」、「その他」など、会社内での呼び方による。

 日本における外国人労働者(2016年)(厚労省):108万人         内訳   中国人:   34万人            ベトナム人:   17万人          フィルイピン人:   13万人    厚労省のデータで、正規に登録している外国人のこと。    不法就労者は含まれていない。随分多そう、、、、。


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コラム 英語のヘルツ(Hertz, 周波数、ピッチ)再考パソコンの検索サイトで「英語の周波数(ヘルツ)」と入力するとすぐに、「日本語:125ヘルツ(Hz)~1500 Hz, イギリス英語:2000~12000、アメリカ英語:750~5000」などと、データが表示される。その数値は大学の先生をはじめ、英会話を教えるサイトにも頻繁に引用されている。私も随分以前にこのデータを見て、ああ日本語は本当に周波数が低いんだ、と思ったものだ。多少の疑問は抱いたのだけれど、反証のデータを探す努力もしなかった。そんなものかと思っていた。 一か月前、偶然に「Language pitch」by Erik Bernhardsson(ニュヨーク在住で、北欧出身の人)を読む機会があった。この文献には、言語はどの国のものもだいたい「50 Hz~300 Hz」だと書いている。そして、いろいろな周波数データを記載している。エッ? 何? ホント? というわけで、その長い論文を読み、ついでに、関連したサイトも探してみた。私個人の声の音域をピアノで確かめると、普通の話声は120 Hz~300 Hzくらい、そしてちょっと興奮気味に高いトーンで話す時は400~500くらいであ る。アメリ カ人の男性の多くは私よりト ーン が低い ので、上記「Language pitch」の言う50 Hz~300 Hz というのは非常にリーズナブルな範囲である、と私は思った。私には50 Hz は低すぎて出ない。じゃ何故、1500とか、2000とか、12000とかの Hz が正しい情報として、インターネットで流布されているのか。人間の声では絶対不可能なはずの12000ヘルツなんていう情報の出典は探し出せなかった。私はその面の研究者じゃないので、検索の仕方を知らないだけなのかもしれないが。インターネットで調べた中で、「倍音」という音の事が出てくる。5000とか12000は倍音のヘルツなのかもしれない。一方、子音のヘルツは本当は正確に測定できないのに、いい加減に測定した子音のヘルツを表示しているのかもしれない、というブログもあった。


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日本語のヘルツはほぼ正確なのに、外国語のヘルツは子音の不正確なデータか、あるいは倍音のデータを掲載したものを、他の人がいい加減な形で引用して、インターネット上で流布してしまったのかもしれない、とも思う。この段階の一応の結論としては、各国の言語のヘルツ(周波数、ピッチ)はほぼ同じレンジで、日本語も違いがない、としておこう。むしろ、日本語は少し甲高い傾向にすらある、と思われる。特に緊張して話すときは、トーンが上がる。December 4, 20171-1. Coffee consumption and health: umbrella review of meta-

analyses of multiple health outcomesAccepted 16 October 2017, a report published by BMJ ―Nishiwaki

(Summary)Objectives: To evaluate the existing evidence for associations between coffee consumption and multiple health outcomes. Design: Umbrella review of the evidence across meta-analyses of observational and interventional studies of coffee consumption and any health outcome. Eligibility criteria for selecting studies: Meta-analyses of both observational and interventional studies that examined the associations between coffee consumption and any health outcome in any adult population in all countries and all settings.

Conclusion Coffee consumption seems generally safe within usual levels of intake, with summary estimates indicating largest risk reduction for various health outcomes at three to four cups a day, and more likely to benefit health than harm. Robust randomized controlled trials are needed to understand whether the observed associations are causal. Importantly, outside of pregnancy, existing evidence suggests that coffee could be tested as an intervention without significant risk of causing harm. Women at increased risk of fracture should possibly be excluded.

1-2. Three cups of coffee a day 'may have health benefits' –Nishiwaki -

By Philippa Roxby Health reporter, BBC News, 23 November 2017

It found a lower risk of liver disease and some cancers in coffee drinkers, and a lower risk of dying from stroke - but researchers could not prove coffee was the cause.

The University of Southampton researchers collected data on the impact of coffee on all aspects of the human body, taking into account more than 200


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studies - most of which were observational.

Commenting on the BMJ review, Eliseo Guallar, from the John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, said there was still uncertainty about the effects of higher levels of coffee intake. But he added: "Moderate coffee consumption seems remarkably safe, and it can be incorporated as part of a healthy diet by most of the adult population."

Word to note

interventional studies 介入試験        (対象者の治療内容及び生活習慣、生活行動を、研究の        ために作為的に操作することを介入という)        プラセボや実薬を用いた二重盲検試験は典型的な介入試験polymorphism 多形、同質異像non-linear 非線形の(直線でない)nullify 無効にするtrimester 3か月の期間(妊娠の1期)robust がっしりしたepidemiological 疫学的なmetamorphosis 変態、変質genotype 遺伝子型microbiome 微生物叢cohort 群れ(同一年齢層など)cirrhosis 肝硬変hepatocellular     肝細胞carcinoma 悪性腫瘍confounding 当惑するcontextualize の文脈を述べるrandomize 無作為に注出するsystolic 心臓収縮のgestational 妊娠のgo to the toilet トイレへ行く(イギリス英語、イギリスではトイレって                  言うんだ!) 


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2. The Great Pyramid of Giza is hiding a huge, unexplored space — and scientists used cosmic rays to find it ―Umemura

This article is from Business Insider 2017 Nov.2.

(Summary)More than 4,500 years after their construction, the pyramids of Giza continue to hide deep and ancient secrets.

A team of more than three dozen researchers announced on Thursday that they had discovered a huge, unexplored void in the pharaoh Khufu's pyramid, also called the Great Pyramid — the largest of three main structures in Giza, Egypt.

What's more, the team used cosmic rays from deep space to see through millions of tons of rock, locate the void, and estimate its size. They've determined that the cavernous space is roughly 100 feet long — about the length of two semitrailers — and sits almost directly above the Grand Gallery, a towering passage that leads to Khufu's tomb.

"This void was hidden in the construction of the pyramid," Mehdi Tayoubi, a leader of the research effort, called ScanPyramids, told reporters on Wednesday. "It is not accessible, and we needed this new technique, at the right time, to identify it and to discover it. "The research group published its findings Thursday in the journal Nature.

"A lot of people tried to dig some tunnels looking for chambers," said Tayoubi, who's also a founder of the HIP Institute, one of the organizations that designed the ScanPyramids mission. "But as far as I know, no one has tried to dig something in this area. There was no theory expecting to find something as big as the Grand Gallery here."

Where researchers found a void in the Great Pyramid of Giza using muons. The 32

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team previously discovered a smaller, passageway-like void on the pyramid's northern face.

Tayoubi and his colleagues say they're 99.9999% certain that the "big void" exists, and they assert that it's neither an anomaly in the data nor porous rock or loose rubble.

Mark Lehner, an archaeologist and Egyptologist at the Ancient Egypt Research Association, agrees with that conclusion. He served on an Egypt-based advisory committee that oversaw the ScanPyramids project but wasn't involved in the work.

"I don't think this is bulls---," he told Business Insider. "I put credence in the results, and I think they have indications of a large, empty space."

Word to notevoid 空洞 *cavern=大洞窟、cave=洞窟、洞穴neither,,,,,nor,,,,,,or 三っつ目は or になるanomaly 変則、異常、例外bulls とんちんかんな話(e.g. 「欠席者は手を挙げてください」)credence (根拠のない)信用revere 崇拝する、あがめるboring bore(穴をあける)labyrinthine 迷路のようなheirloom 先祖伝来の家財pummel を(こぶしで)何回も打つ              *plummet=まっすぐに落ちるwary 慎重な、用心深い  *weary=疲れたmasonry 石造建築の石やレンガpop in ひょいと動くmummy ミイラtalisman お守りshoddy 見掛け倒しの、安物のconfound まごつく  be confounded at the news その知らせにまごつくconfound (古語)混同する


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confound it! ちくしょう、クソッ

December 18, 20171. Making of Constitution –Tomozawa (Summary)

Revolutionary war ended in 1783. The colonies — now states — joined under an alliance of friendship, called the articles of confederation.

But by 1787, the confederation was in trouble. Its Congress was weak. It could not solve disputes among the states. It could not pay its debts to other countries. It could not even pay the American soldiers who fought in the war for independence.

55 men from 12 states met in Philadelphia to discuss changes to the constitution. Only the smallest state, Rhode Island, chose not to send someone.

The delegates elected George Washington president of the convention. But Washington said little during the meetings. It was another man from Virginia, James Madison, who quickly became a leader. Madison had come to Philadelphia with a plan to strengthen the power of a central government.

On the first day of the convention, the governor of Virginia, Edmund Randolph, described Madison’s plan for a national government. It had three parts, or branches.

1. The first branch was a legislature that made the law. States with larger populations would have more votes than states with smaller populations.


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2. The second branch was the executive, or president. The president would enforce the law.

3. The third branch was a court system, including a supreme court. The courts would rule on disputes about the meaning of the law.

Many of the delegates were shocked. Madison’s proposal was very different than the confederation government. The confederation government did not have a president or courts. And in the Confederation Congress, each state had one vote. The states were all equal. In contrast, Madison wanted to give more populous states more power than less populous states.

Over the next weeks, delegates stood and described their concerns about Madison’s plan.

On September 17, 1787, the remaining delegates walked to the front of the Assembly Room and signed their names to the Constitution. An additional delegate who was not there asked someone else to sign for him. The final document includes 39 signatures, beginning with Washington’s.

Americans have continued to debate the Constitution throughout the country’s history. But the Constitution has remained our highest form of law. It is the oldest, written national constitution still used today.Word to note(特になし)

*憲法改正の回数(友澤さん調べ)     ドイツ     58回     フランス    27     カナダ    18     イタリー   15     アメリカ    6     日本      0 日本人は古来から、“諦め、諦観”が身に染みついているからなのだろうか。    「堪え難きを耐え、諦めの悪い奴にはならず、忍従せよ、、、そう


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なんだ、人間    諦めが肝心なんだ、、、、」と言いそうなのが、我々日本人か。    確かに、現状を受け入れ、変化、変更などを異常に嫌う人も少なくないような 気がする。

    占領軍が1週間で作ったと言われる憲法を改正してみよう、その草案を作成    してみよう、とするだけに何年もかけるという矛盾に、文句を言う人はほとん    どいないみたいでもある。 普段は自分の意見を積極的に言わない人でも、いざ意見を尋ねられると、あ    らゆる種類の意見が出てくることも多い、そんな国民性だからだろうか。憲法    改正賛成派の人でも、1週間で草案作れます、と宣言する人はいないらしい。

    9条とか、改正条項を絞って、改正案を公募して、その中でもっとも良く書け    ているものを選んで決めたらどうだろうか。期間も一か月程度がいい。応募資    格は問わない。優勝賞金をたんまり弾むと尚いいだろう (笑)。

2. Norway Is Happiest Country in the World. What's the Secret?

Another year, another report saying that the Nordic countries are the happiest in the world.

from NYT Mar. 20. 2017 -Sekiguchi(Summary)Every year the UN’s Sustainable Development Solutions Network releases the World Happiness Report .This year the winner was


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Norway, which follows a trend of Scandinavian countries consistently winning the title of the most content places on earth. But what exactly does Northern Europe do differently that makes its citizens so happy?“The Scandinavian countries are very big on social support,” Dr Jan-Emmanuel De Neve , one of the study’s associate editors, said. “The top countries, you can see, have societies which are not at each others throats. But also they have high GDP per capita.”“There is a view which suggests that historically communities that lived in harsher weather were brought together by greater mutual support,” Helliwell, another editor, said. “You see this with farming communities as well, who will get together to pull a barn roof up. They don’t ask about who’s paying what. So the colder climate of the Northern [European] countries might actually make social support easier.” However another scholar criticized as follows: Daron Acemoglu Oct. 20.20If the U.S. increased taxation to Denmark levels, it would reduce rewards for entrepreneurship, with negative consequences for growth and prosperity.The country significantly benefits from, and in some cases relies on, the technologies American entrepreneurs create., but in Denmark, the existence of the social welfare state means far fewer rewards for similar entrepreneurship.The Danish economy may be the most heavily taxed in the world , with rich Danes paying over 55% of their total income in the world.Imagine if the U.S. increased taxation, reduced rewards for entrepreneurship and discouraged risk-taking: It is reasonable to expect that its entrepreneurs — in Silicon Valley, medicine, robotics and aerospace, to name a few — would become less daring and innovative. This could have negative consequences for growth and prosperity not only in the United States, but throughout the world. There is no other country that could step in as the innovation engine of the world economy.


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We KSEC discussed whether Japan should follow Nordic Countries or not.There were several points which were completely different between Japan and them.The population of Nordic countries are respectively fewer: between 5 to 9 million ,whereas that of Japanese is still over 120 million, and Nordics are relatively rich and homogenous They seem to prefer the social discipline or orders to the individual freedom.Considering the high consumer tax rate: mostly 25% , we Japanese are not able to allow such heavy burdens;(to raise from 8% to 10 %,the Japanese government is risking its life for the past 2 elections and the result is not clear yet.)We concluded that Japan is Japan, not the Nordic Vikings.However, we still will encounter the Nordic welfare states whenever the subject is on the welfare or the child poverty or the equal society.Word to notescarring of long term unemployment 長期失業の後遺症(傷つくこと)pull a barn roof up 棟上げをする(上棟式をする)Denmark may be the most heavily taxed in the world, with rich Danes paying over 55 % of their total income in taxes. *日本は、所得税+住民税のケース      900万円~1800万円:   43%     1800万円~4000万円    50%     4000万円 以上        55%  日本はデンマークとほぼ同水準の重税国家であるらしい。  昔、昔(戦後ではあったけど)松下幸之助が93%の税金を払った、という  話を本人が言っていたのを、私は聞いて覚えている。「高い山があれば、谷  も低いものだよ、、、」と。 今は、松下さんでも55%しか払わなくて


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もい  い、、、、「天国みたいだな」と言うかな?  当時、日本は金持ちを許さない社会主義国家だという人もいた。コラム   語彙を豊かにするって、どういうこと?明治大学の斉藤孝(教授)は「語彙こそが教養である」とかいう本を出している。私は買って読んでいないけれど、彼の言う「語彙を豊かにする」というのは、いろんな漢字表現を記憶する、ということじゃないかと想像する。本を読まないでこんなことう言うのは変ですが、「語彙を豊かに、、」という類の話は、今まではそんなことだった。だから、私は独断でそんなことを考えるわけである。英語で語彙を豊かにする、というのは全く違う。ラテン語由来の長いスペルの難しい言葉を覚えるということを意味しない。テザウラスという辞書がある。Thesaurus と書く。類似語辞典である。同じような意味で、他の言葉がないか探す時に使う。例えば、hopeful の類似語を見てみると expectant, assured, sanguine, buoyant, enthusiastic, trustful, reassured, emboldened, cheerful, anticipating, forward-looking,,,,,,,。日常語としての使用頻度は違うだろうと思うが、みんな同じような意味の言葉である。難易度は関係ないし、ラテン語とも関係ない。free と い う 言 葉 に は 次 の よ う な 類 似 語 が あ る 。 sovereign, independent , autonomous, democratic, self-ruling, released, unconstrained, liberated, ,,,,,。単語だけでなく、短い文章でも同じことが言える。例えば、turn to the rightは次のように言える。change the direction toward the right, go right-handed,,,,,、、、、私の表現力が足り開くて、多くの文例を上げることができないが、雰囲気は分かっていただけると思う。日本語でも、「右折してください」、「右に曲がってください」、「ちょっと右に」、「あの角、右方向へ」、、、、なんていろいろ言うことができる。しかし、日本語でいろいろ言うことができることを“豊富な語彙”とは誰も言わない。日本人には、そのような言い換えを良しとする、あるいは望ましいという日常感覚がないからである。「おいしい」という日本語表現は非常によく使われる。しかし、別の表現を探


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そうという努力を日本語ではしない。「おいしい」一本である。地方名産を一口味わったタレントは、いつも常に「おいしい」という言葉を使う。アメリカ人 のタレン ト な ら 、「Oh, nice, good, fantastic, I can’t believe this, delicious, tasty, well-done, well-seasoned,,,,,,」と立て続けに単語を並べるかもしれない。英語では、語彙が豊富ということは、知性の高さを暗示する。mar, glut, tether, gaffe, tingle とか一見易しそうな単語を多く知っていることは小説家の専売特許のようなものでもあろう。日本語にはない伝統だ。January 1, 2018月の最初の月曜日は元旦。さすがに、K-SEC は休みになりました。

January 15, 20181. Eurasia Group’s Three Top Global Risks selected from its Top Ten Risks

 for 2018 January 3rd, 2018         -Kotake (Summary)First of all, we are pleased to extend a hearty welcome to Sadayasu-san after a long absence.

We are also very happy to study the worldly affairs and to exchange our views peacefully together with all members this year also in this K-sec meeting. We are hoping a K-sec‘s development under the excellent leadership of Sadayasu-san and Tomozawa-san.

Now, world political and economic situation seems to be full of ups and downs. In the beginning of this year, Eurasia Group led by Ian Bremmer, which has an established reputation as a worldwide geopolitical analyst group, gave its annual forecast for 10 top global risks we may face for 2018. Concerns about the prospects of a geopolitical depression form the backdrop for our top ten risks this year as follows. China loves a vacuum,

Accidents, Global tech cold war, Mexico, US-Iran relations, the erosion of institutions, Protectionism, United Kingdom, Identity politics in southern Asia, Africa’s security and Red herrings. These contents of risks are so long that I picked up three risks. But Tomozawa-san advised me to shorten further and take up China‘s risk for K-sec’s reading materials.


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To the world, especially to Japan, North Koreas nuclear and missile risks is recognized as the most imminent and important issue. However, Ian Bremmer regarded a rapid emergence of China as the most dangerous risk factor from now on, from US and European points of view. Eurasia Group seems to be afraid of China’s rapid growth in the world arena, and tried to analyze from the point of trade and investment, technology, values and security.

With the decline of US influence and hegemony, Bremmer is forecasting that China is trying to fill the vacuum in the world over. In K-sec meeting, Tomozawa-san asked the meaning of vacuum and expressed his opinion against Eurasia group’s view, or threat by China’s emergence to world arena. “We still want to believe that US is holding a hegemony to rule world order in every field. We suppose that for decades, many in the West have assumed that the emergence of a Chinese middle class would force China’s leaders to liberalize the country’s politics in order to survive”, on one hand.

Umemura-san expressed his concern in the China’s technology such as super computer, AI etc. on the other hand. Whether we agree with Bremmer’s view or not, it is a deniable fact that US global power, which was used too aggressively by George W. Bush and then removed too timidly by Barack Obama, is sputtered to a stall by Trump’s White House with little sense of strategic direction.

China’s political model is now perceived stronger than before. The 19th Party Congress marked a turning point in its contemporary history, and the speech President Xi Jinping gave there will eventually be recognized as the most geopolitically noteworthy event since Mikhail Gorbachev leading to Soviet Union dissolution. Strongest Chinese president since Mao Zedong and one of the weakest US presidents in modern history will end up with a moment of global reordering.

This means China is setting international standards with less resistance than ever before. The challenges posed by Trump’s approach to international affairs are the product of his unilateralist agenda and retrenchment, creating confusion for allies and rivals alike. From the belligerent tone of some of his speeches and most of his tweets just an expression of his negotiating style might take actions that push the US and others to the brink of war. China is no longer biding its time. Xi has now consolidated enough domestic power to redefine China’s


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external environment and set new rules within it. He benefits from lucky timing:

Trump has renounced the US commitment to Washington-led multilateralism and generated much uncertainty about the future US role in Asia, creating a power vacuum that China can now begin to fill. Under these imminent situations, notable US and European risk analysts and strategists such as Paul Kennedy, Miershemer, Michael Pillsbury and Gream Alison are concerned that US and China relations will fall into “Thucydides’s trap”, (ツキジデスの罠)and lead to break out worldwide war. We must keep an eye on their policies and strategies continuously to avoid dangerous situations. We should never forget the tense situation in the event of Cuban crisis.

Word to noteEurasia ユーラシア大陸     *中国は大陸に位置している。モンゴルはヨーロッパまで侵略した。 朝鮮半島の国家も大陸に位置している。日本は 15000 年前に完全な      島となった。文化、国民性が違う方向で進化するのは当然だ。unraveling 崩壊し始める、破綻をきたす、ほどくdescent 下り坂retrenchment 削減、切りつめsputter パチパチ音を立てるbide one’s time 時節を待つ、好機を待つevangelical 自分の考えを人に押し付けようとする、福音主義のviable 計画が実行できる、成功しそうなwreak havoc 危害などを人に与える、怒りをぶちまけるunpalatable 不快な、心地の悪いconflagration 大火、戦争demarcation 限界、境界caliphate カリフの地位copycat まねる人itching したくてむずむずするsift ふるいにかけるconvergence 収斂、収束


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morph     変身するaugment 増大する (Application): augment one’s income by writing short stories

2. Properly discuss ‘stipulating SDF’ in top law to gain public understanding             -Nishimura-(Summary)The topic was the amendment of the Constitution, a current hot issue. The reading paper was an editorial of Yomiuri Shimbun, Oct 14, 2017(translated by Japan News). The editorial was about a recent LDP’s report that summarized arguing points on amending the Constitution.

Japan has never experienced an amendment of its top lows. The current top law has never been changed since its enactment in 1946. The revision of the constitution would be an epoch-making event.

The most serious point of the revision was Article 9, so I made a short presentation about three opinions of its revision. In our discussion, some ideas were suggested: 1) Article 9 should be entirely deleted. 2) Preamble should be rewritten as Japanese-like. 3) Almost whole articles were forced by GHQ, and so on.

I expected aggressive discussions about pros and cons to article 9 and the SDF, but resulted in my slight disappointment, mainly due to limited time.

Word to noteself defense  自己防衛、自衛、護身術   *アメリカ人の「自己防衛」感と日本人のそれは随分違う、と思われる。


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    自分の家の庭に変な恰好した男が入ってきたとき、住民はピストルで    打ち殺しても、「自己防衛」と考える。まだ、実際に危害にあっていな    くても、だ。日本なら、実際に危害にあって、殺されるとわかったとき    にのみ、「自己防衛」が成立する(らしい)。    自衛隊と言ったとき、アメリカ人が考える軍と、日本人が考える軍とは    違う、のではないだろうか。sweep away 掃いて払いのける

コラム  “インターナショナルスクールに入れるのは愚の骨頂”これは、同時通訳の西宮凛という人の主張で、現代ビジネス:2018/1/16の配信である。彼女の主張は、日本で英語と日本語間の同時通訳をするには、日本語の深い素養が欠かせないので、子供のころからインターナショナルスクールに通わせるのはまちがいだ、とのこと。彼女が言うには、通常の中学から英語を勉強するのがいいと言う。彼女は日本語の重要性を強調している。まあ、同時通訳という仕事をうまくやるには、日本語の達人じゃないとダメというのは分かる気がする。日本に住んでいて、インターナショナルスクールに通うと、学校では英語、家では日本語、身の回りのすべてが日本語。こういう環境では完全なバイリンガルにはならないらしい。しかも、受験生のように英語と日本語を逐語的に対比して覚えないから、英語の意味が分かっても、とっさに適切な日本語が口をついて出てこない。えーと、えーと、、、、と考え込んでしまうだろう。それじゃ、買い物程度の通訳は出来ても、公式の会議の通訳は完全に無理というもの。この西宮さんの記事を読みながら、私も少し考えてみた。幕末のジョン万次郎を思い出す。それと現代のインターナショナルスクールの出身者は似ているかもしれない。万次郎は土佐の漁師の家に生まれ、14歳の時、漂流した。彼は、それまでに地元の寺子屋に通っていたかもしれないが、もしそうなら、「読み書きそろば


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ならない。英語の単語が発せられたとき、英語の単語の意味を英語で理解しただけでは日本語に訳せない。即座に訳するには、発せられた英単語の日本語訳が頭の中でよぎらなければ、訳することは出来ない。例えば、The scale of the world’s political challenges is daunting.というセンテンスを聞いて、英語で意味を理解しても、scale=規模、程度、political=政治上の、政治の、政治に関するchallenge=挑戦、daunting=非常に困難な、人の気力をくじく、、、などと、英語と日本語の対比できちんと記憶していないと、とっさに通訳はできない。その上、辞書通りの言葉で訳しても、変な日本語になってしまうことが多い。いったん、日本語に置き換えて、その次の瞬間、少しでも自然な日本語に言い換えなければならない。その時、日本語のしっかりした基礎が要求される。「世界の政治の挑戦の規模は、非常に困難なものである。」と訳せたとしても、それではぎこちない。通訳の話を聞いてもわかったようで、よくわからない、、、、となってしまう。一瞬のうちに「世界政治上の諸問題は、恐ろしいくらい多岐にわたる」とでも訳すれば、分かりやすいだろう。うーん、やっぱり「愚の骨頂」か。February 5, 20181 a. 2018 State of the Union Fact-Check By The New York Times

Jan. 30, 2018 ― Sekiguchi

(Summary)Tramp’s comment: “America has also finally turned the page on decades of unfair trade deals that sacrificed our prosperity and shipped away our companies, our jobs, and our nation’s wealth.”

NYT’s analysis: This needs context.Economists say the loss of manufacturing jobs has more to do with automation and globalization than specific trade deals. Research suggests that the North American Free Trade Agreement has had a negligible effect on American jobs. And China’s entry into the World Trade Organization in 2001 seems to have had a more pronounced


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impact on factory jobs. While Mr. Trump has abandoned the trans-Pacific Partnership, negotiations to revamp Nafta are ongoing.

Including the above item, The New York Times checked the facts, falsehoods and statements in need of context from President Trump’s first State of the Union address. Overall nothing new that shows achievement or greatness was found from this shoddy president. However, it is a pity that his speech was almost accepted as a not bad one.

1 b. Joseph P. Kennedy III Gives Democratic Response to State of

the Union traditional speech by the opposition party against the Union

of State.

“Their record is a rebuke of our highest American ideal: the belief that we are all worthy, we are all equal and we all count,” Mr. Kennedy said as he delivered the official Democratic Party response.

A scion of one of America’s foremost political dynasties — his grandfather was Robert F. Kennedy and his great-uncles were President John F. Kennedy and Senator Edward M. Kennedy — Joseph Kennedy, 37, is a third-term congressman representing a large area of southeastern Massachusetts.

Born in Brighton, Massachusetts, Kennedy was raised in the Boston area with his twin brother, Matthew Rauch "Matt" Kennedy. After graduating from Stanford University he spent two years in the Dominican Republic as a member of the Peace Corps, and earned his law degree at Harvard Law School in 2009. While Mr. Kennedy did not speak personally of Mr. Trump, he concluded his speech by suggesting that the character of the people — workers, parents, emergency medical workers, service members, those who say “me too” and those


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who say “black lives matter” — would eventually triumph over him.As We K-SEC members are sick and tired of the current naughty president, the sudden appearance of this new star is really a bolt out of the blue. We could much expect a new president with the age of 40 in the coming election in three years. And also another great point is we need no more worry about another plane crash or assassination because he is one of the twins. Here we go!Word to notechastise 強く非難する、折檻する (In the text): Kennedy III chastised the Trump Adm. for what he said,,,,. (Application): The newspaper chastised the politician for his bad behavior.rebuke 非難、叱責 (In the text): Their record is a rebuke of our highest American ideal. (Application): He received a rebuke for his mistake.scion (サイアン) 御曹司、名門の子 (In the text): Joseph Kennedy is a scion.

2. Real-world intercontinental quantum communications

enabled by the Micius satellite, Physical Review Letters, published

by American Physical SocietyJanuary 19, 2018, University of Science and Technology of China

               -Nishiwaki(Summary)A joint China-Austria team has performed quantum key distribution between the quantum-science satellite Micius and multiple ground


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stations located in Xinglong (near Beijing), Nanshan (near Urumqi), and Graz (near Vienna).

Traditional public key cryptography usually relies on the computational intractability of certain mathematical functions. In contrast, quantum key distribution (QKD) uses individual light quanta (single photons) in quantum superposition states to guarantee unconditional security between distant parties.

Previously, the quantum communication distance has been limited to a few hundred kilometers due to optical channel losses of fibers or terrestrial free space. A promising solution to this problem exploits satellite and space-based links, which can conveniently connect two remote points on the Earth with greatly reduced channel loss, as most of the photons' propagation path is through empty space with negligible loss and decoherence.

Micius, dedicated to quantum science experiments, which was launched on August 2016 and orbits at an altitude of ~500 km. Five ground stations in China coordinate with the Micius satellite. The effective link efficiencies in the satellite-based QKD were measured to be ~20 orders of magnitude larger than direct transmission through optical fibers at the same length of 1200 km.

A picture of Micius(墨子)with a size of 5.34 kB) was transmitted from Beijing to Vienna, and a picture of Schrödinger (with a size of 4.9 kB) from Vienna to Beijing, using approximately 80 kbit secure quantum key for one-time-pad encoding.

An intercontinental videoconference was also held between the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Austria Academy of Sciences, employing the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)-128 protocol that refreshed the 128-bit seed keys every second. The videoconference lasted for 75 min.Word to note


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cryptogram   暗号文cryptograph 暗号、暗号作成装置terrestrial 陸上の  celestial=天の、空のcoherence 首尾一貫性、理路整然性decoherence 首尾一貫してないことbackbone (コンユータ)ネットワーク同士を結ぶ基本通信回線quantum 量子

*真珠湾攻撃の直前、日本の極秘通信暗号が当時、アメリカ軍にすべて解読されていたことは、事実として定着した歴史だが、当時の日本軍の高官らは、アメリカ人のようなボンクラに、日本語の複雑な暗号なんて、絶対解読できるはずがないと主張して、暗号の定期的な変更を拒否していた、というエピソードを読んだことがある。当時の軍の高官らは、日本式の教育レベルから言えば、最高に頭がよい、秀才たちであったと思われる。しかし、その唯我独尊的無知蒙昧、洞察力や創造性の欠如などは驚くべきほどだ。どうして、そんな風潮が軍部に蔓延してしまったのだろうか。ひるがえって、現代の日本人にも、IT 関連の暗号技術に関し、甘い見通しを持っていないだろうか。ちょっと違うケースだろうと思うが、580億円を盗まれても、あんまりピーンと来てない世の風潮は、何か、暗示していないだろうか。

February 19, 2018

1. China’s Surveillance State Should Scare Everyone ―Tsurumoto


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An article written by Anna Mitchell and Larry Diamond and published on the ATLANTIC on Feb. 2, 2018Digital technology has greatly advanced in the past few decades and would now be able to provide effective means with governments to safeguard citizens, communities and states.The article cites China as a state to utilize such digital advancements to filter, collect analyze, and consolidate reams of information and establish all Chinese citizens’ trustworthiness scores.The Chinese government will use technologies such as artificial intelligence, video cameras installed on every corner of streets, sprawling networks of internets and e-mail communications, cell phones and facial recognition technology. Monitoring of individuals will be extended to their friends and families which will influence the individuals’ trustworthiness scores.Information mining will not be limited to digital capabilities of the concerned governmental organizations but private companies will be requested to provide their accumulated data to the government. For example, Alibaba and Tencent will have to provide their vast storage of consumers’ data.The government of China says their goal is to reduce crimes and terrorism to ensure public safety.Westerners and civil rights groups like the ACLU (American Civil Liberty Union) are worried that China’s meager freedom would be deprived of even further once the pervasive system of such algorithmic surveillance system be completed.Street video cameras in China is estimated to be 176 million today but it will be 450 million by 2020, just two more years later. The two authors of this article warn that what emerges in China will be diffused to other authoritarian regimes around the world. It may well be an Orwellian world.

K-SEC members and I almost share a feeling that development of digital technologies will continue and will never stop any time soon


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and some or most aspects of the situation described in the article might be inevitable and unavoidable future for many other states. Word to note

trustworthiness 信頼に足ること、信用度       同義語:dependable, reliable, honest, responsible, honorable data     (デイタ、ダータ) 読み方に注意 ダータと発音するネイテブは多い。

jaywalk 信号を無視して横断する *日本では、他人の目を気にする恥の文化がある。そんな中で、多く     の目を気にもせず、堂々と信号無視して横断する人がいる。たぶん、     日本の恥文化を身に着けていない人なんだろう、と思う。     もちろん、誰もいなくて、車の来ていない細い車道の信号を無視し     て渡るのは構わない、、、、、とは思うが。farfetched 信じかたい、こじつけのharness (自然の力を動力源に)利用するOrwelliian オーウェルの小説「1984年」、ビッグブラザーという独        裁者が登場するstaggering (数量が)膨大な、信じがたいほどのreams of (紙、書き物の)たくさん、多量の        ream(動)=人を強く非難するsprawling 無秩序に広がったomnipresent 偏在する、同時にどこにでもいる、modicum (良質なものについて)わずかのrepressive 弾圧的な  repress=暴動などを鎮圧する         弾圧する=oppress, suppress(言論など) busybody おせっかい屋、出しゃばりrun errands お使いをする、ちょっと出かける、ちょっとそこまで、、、

2.     All Solid-Sate Lithium battery     - Shirashoji –52

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Despite growing interest in electric vehicles, globally renowned Japanese carmakers have yet to totally embrace the challenge.Recently Toyoda has announced the firm will strengthen its cooperation with Panasonic Corp. who is the leading maker of lithium-ion batteries used for electric vehicles.And also Toyota has collaborated with Tokyo Institute of Tech to develop high-capacity, safer all solid-state Lithium batteries for use in next-generation electric vehicles, gaining importance as the U.K., France follows China in deciding to phase out traditional fossil-fuel engines.This improved battery technology would make it possible to create smaller, more lightweight lithium-ion batteries for use in EVs, that could also potentially boost the total charge capacity and result in longer-range vehicles.Another improvement for this type of battery would be longer overall usable life, which would make it possible to both use the vehicles they’re installed in for longer, and add potential for product recycling and alternative post-vehicle life.Currently, Tokyo Institute of Tech, Pro. R. Kanno is mainly focusing his energy on the development of all-solid-state lithium batteries, which have undoubtedly overturned existing conventions.The all-solid-state lithium batteries being developed by Kanno replace organic solvent with solid material, significantly improving safety while making it possible to handle larger amounts of electricity. The travel distance of an electric automobile utilizing this type of battery, for example, can be increased from 200 km to 500 km on a single charge. A more compact design is also possible as all-solid-state lithium batteries do not require the safety devices required for organic solvent."Solidity reduces combustibility and increases safety. Furthermore, all-solid-state lithium batteries function over a wide range of temperatures and easily pass current to provide increased power. Quick recharge is also a feature.While all-solid-state lithium batteries have great merits, their one disadvantage is in initiating a contact because, unlike organic


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solvent, contact requires an interface. If we can solve this problem, the goal of commercialization will be within reach."Finding the best material to initiate contact was the key to a new chapter in the history of batteries. Amidst the fierce competition that takes place in the world of material development, Kanno was the first to identify the right one.

Word to notetout うるさく勧誘する、押し売りする、ダフ屋行為で売る  (Application): Sidewalk vendors touted their goods.footprint  (通信衛星から)電波、映像、音声が届く地域by (in) leaps and bounds 急速に、うなぎ上りに、とんとん拍子にunleashing 網を解く、の束縛を解く       leash=ひもで、、、をつなぐsubstrate 培養基ion(アイアン)  似た発音の言葉=iron


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コラム   中年になると、英会話のテキストは自分で作るべしNHK の英会話の放送を見ていると、すべて立派なテキストがある(ようだ。買っていないので確たる証拠はない)。教える講師の先生方も、きちんとしたテキストを作らないと、世間に顔向けできないだろうし、第一、NHK が許さないだろう。時々だが、そんな放送を見ていると、たとえ基礎講座の放送でも、「エツ、そんな表現は中級者でも使わないだろう、、、」という、今風の粋なセリフ(文章)が出てきたりする。たとえ、一生懸命勉強したとしても、せいぜいブロークン・イングリッシュしか喋れないだろう視聴者に、そんな会話例を押し付けても、まったく使えないで一生終わってしまうだろう、、、、と想像してしまう。私の経験から言わせてもらえば、日本にいるアメリカ人相手に、他の日本人が同席していない場で、ちょっと小難しい英語表現を使うことは可能だが、日本人が同席していて、その人がネイティブ並みでない英語力だと、自分の喋った英語も理解していてほしいと思い、ごく一般的な易しい表現を使うことが多いといった具合。K-SEC の reading materials から、普段あんまり使わないだろうと思える英単語や言い回しを、日本人も同席する場で、使えるだろうかと、想像してみる。否、全く使わないだろうなあ、思う。少しレベルの上の初級や中級のプログラムになると、K-SEC の私達でも「あれ、これ知らないなあ、、、」という表現が出てきたりする。私が思うに、これらのテキストは講師のプライドを誇示するものになっているのじゃないだろうか、と。長年英語を使い慣れている人でも、過去形、現在形、未来形を間違わずにスムーズに表現できる場合はあまり多くないように思うので、粋な流行のトピックスを取り入れた NHK のテキストはほとんどの中年・シニアの英語学習者には「壮大な無駄」を強いることになるように思う。



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1)自分の仕事のことを日本語で書きだす(外国人を想定してセリフ風に)  大学ノートの1ページに一題でいい。2)自分で、自分の文章を英訳する(間違いだらけでもいい。今の自分の能力が  よくわかる)3)自分の英訳を、英語のできる人に校正してもらう(英語のネイティブでなく  てもいい。充分にコミュニケーションが取れる程度の能力を持った人に校正  してもらう。90%の正しさで十分)4)出来上がった英文を何十回となく繰り返して暗記する(自分の仕事の内容で  ある。外国人と仕事の話をすることをイメージして、繰り返し暗唱する)5)不十分な、かならずしも正確でない英文を何十回と暗唱して、本当にいい  ものか、と疑うかもしれない。これはそれでいいのだ、と思うべし。6 そして、次のテーマで、新しい文章を書く(以下、繰り返す)

暗記した英語は、自分のシチュエーションで使えるものばかり。そんな勉強を2年(いや3年か、いやいや5年くらいかな)も続ければ、“ものになる”のではないだろうか。このやり方に学習者から、大反論があるかもしれない。そんな面倒くさい作文と英訳なんてできない、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、 、と。はっきり言おう。そんなことさえできない者は、ビジネスに使える英会話は永久に「できない」ままだ、よと。英語を仕事に使える程度にマスターしようと思えば、とんでもない時間と自己努力が要求されるものだ。と、私は思う。私は英語を60年以上やっている。いまだに十分な英語が喋れない経験から、そう言える。


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March 5, 2018

1.       Hong Kong’s Court     ―Umemura

(New York Times, Feb, 5th, 2018)(Summary)HONG KONG — Hong Kong’s judiciary has long been one of its most prized institutions, a legacy of colonial rule in which the judges inherited not just the wigs and gowns of British courts, but also the common law traditions of fairness and independence.

Confidence in the rule of law has helped set Hong Kong apart as one of Asia’s best-run cities and a global financial center on par with New York and London. The court system is seen as the ultimate guarantor of the autonomy from the authoritarian mainland that Beijing promised when Hong Kong rejoined China in 1997 under the formula “one country, two systems.”

But in recent months, a series of politically charged cases has put Hong Kong’s judiciary under some of the greatest scrutiny it has faced in two decades of Chinese rule. Many see a test of whether the courts can protect freedoms even as Beijing exerts more influence over Hong Kong’s compliant local government and increasingly cowed press.

The biggest concerns have centered on the legal battles of three young activists who were imprisoned for their roles in leading the 2014 Umbrella Movement protests, when thousands of people flooded the streets to demand freer elections. Supporters call the three — Joshua Wong, Nathan Law and Alex Chow — prisoners of conscience.


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Hong Kong’s highest court, the Court of Final Appeal, is expected Tuesday to rule on an appeal from Mr. Wong and the two others of prison sentences of six to eight months that were handed down in August. Those stiffer punishments had been sought by Hong Kong’s Beijing-backed government, which was unhappy with more lenient sentences by a lower court two years ago of community service for Mr. Wong and Mr. Law and a suspended jail term for Mr. Chow.

The still-sterling reputation of its courts has been the bedrock of Hong Kong’s image as a bastion for the rule of law, and a big draw for the global banks and other companies that base their Asian headquarters here. Confidence remains that commercial cases are handled without political interference, despite a growing presence of mainland businesses in the territory.Word to notecompliant 従順な、言いなりになる、卑屈な      Compliancy=企業の法令順守 (In the text): Beijing exerts influence over its compliant local government and

cowed press. (Application): 財務省 exerted influence over its compliant理財局 officials in Osaka. *こんな風に使える。cow おどす、 coward=臆病者、cowardice=臆病barrister 法廷弁護士trumped-up でっちあげた、ねつ造した、大々的に宣伝されたbastion 要塞、防御の要bedrock 基盤、岩盤embrace 抱擁、容認diktat 理不尽な命令charade 謎言葉、みせかけat the beck and call of の言いなりで、指図されるままにmagistrate 治安判事beachhead 橋頭保、上陸地点 (In the text): This will create a beachhead for Beijing.undermine 徐々に衰えさせる (In the text): Beijing is finding new ways to undermine the judicial system.


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2. One of the Baltic states~Estonia - Taruishi -

The article is taken from Wikipedia(Summary)Officially the Republic of Estonia (Estonian: Eesti Vabariik) is a sovereign state in Northern Europe.Baltic states usually refer to the three independent states. They are Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.Estonia is the smallest state of the three. The territory of Estonia consists of a mainland and 2,222 islands in the Baltic Sea, covering a total area of 45,227 km2 (17,462 sq mi). Ethnic Estonians are Finnish peoples, sharing close cultural ties with their northern neighbor, Finland.During World War II, Estonia suffered successive occupations by Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, and Soviet Union again, resulting in its annexation as the Estonian SSR. After the loss of its de facto independence, Estonia's de jure state continuity was preserved by diplomats and government in exile. In 1987 the peaceful Singing Revolution against Soviet rule began, culminating with restoration of its de facto independence on 20 August 1991. Since restoration of its independence, Estonia has been a democratic unitary parliamentary republic divided into fifteen counties. Its capital and largest city is Tallinn. With a population of 1.3 million, it


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is one of the least-populous member states of the European Union, Eurozone, OECD, Schengen Area, and of NATO.Estonia is a developed country with an advanced, high-income economy that as of 2011 is among the fastest growing in the EU. It ranks very high in the Human Development Index of the United Nations, and it performs favorably in measurements of economic freedom, civil liberties and press freedom (3rd in the world in 2012 and 2007).Since independence the country has rapidly developed its IT sector, becoming one of the world's most digitally-advanced societies.   In 2005 Estonia became the first nation to hold elections over the Internet, and in 2014 the first nation to provide e-residency.

Territorial disputes (Russian border)Territorial issues between Estonia and Russia regarding some territories of Pskov and Leningrad Oblast of Russia are still unresolved. The 2005 treaty on Estonia–Russia border was not ratified by the Russian side. Negotiations were reopened in 2012 and the Treaty was signed in February 2014, but ratification is still pending.LanguagesThe official language, Estonian, belongs to the Finnic branch of the Uralic languages. Estonian is closely related to Finnish, spoken in Finland, across the other side of the Gulf of Finland, and is one of the few Languages of Europe that is not of an Indo-European origin. Despite some overlaps in the vocabulary due to borrowings, in terms of its origin, Estonian and Finnish are not related to their nearest geographical neighbors, Swedish, Latvian, and Russian, which are all Indo-European languages.Russian is still spoken as a secondary language by forty- to seventy-year-old ethnic Estonians, because Russian was the unofficial language of the Estonian SSR from 1944 to 1991 and taught as a compulsory second language during the Soviet era. In 1998, most first- and second-generation industrial immigrants from the former Soviet Union


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(mainly the Russian SFSR) did not speak Estonian.However, by 2010, 64.1% of non-ethnic Estonians spoke Estonian. The latter, mostly Russian-speaking ethnic minorities, reside predominantly in the capital city of Tallinn and the industrial urban areas in Ida-virumaa.The most common foreign languages learned by Estonian students are English, Russian, German and French. Other popular languages include Finnish, Spanish and Swedish.Word to notemetre/meter 韻律、メートル (In the text): songs in the poetic metre, the tradition shared by all Baltic

Finns. Runic 古代北欧風のpagans 異教徒(野蛮人というニューアンスが強い)Disparaging and Offensive な意味の場合(インターネットの辞書より);. 1) (in historical contexts) a person who is not a Christian, Jew, or Muslim; a

heathen. 2) an irreligious or hedonistic person. 3) an uncivilized or unenlightened person. 日本の神道は、まさしく、この定義に当てはまる。仏教はまだしも世界的な宗教だが、日本の神道はローカル中のローカルな宗教なので、下等な信仰、と捉えられていた。まあ、さすがに戦後の西洋では、あからさまにそんなことを言葉で表現する人はいないようだが。本当に、未発達な、下等な信仰なのか?? アニミズムなのか??culminate 最高潮に達する、結果的に、、、、になるrelinquish 放棄するdenunciation 公然の避難、弾劾upswing 急激な上昇、増加


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March 19, 2018Bitcoin Thieves Threaten Real Violence for Virtual Currencies

By NATHANIEL POPPER The New York Times FEB. 18, 2018  ―Tomozawa(Summary)It used to be that the thievery of the virtual currencies such as Bitcoin was a realm of high tech experts. But as popularity of virtual currency spreads, it become the target of real gangs.This article describes several down-to-earth style virtual currency thieveries and discusses some methods for preventing the crime.In the beach resort of Phuket, Thailand, last month, the assailants pushed their victim, a young Russian man, into his apartment and kept him there, blindfolded, until he logged onto his computer and transferred about $100,000 worth of Bitcoin to an online wallet they controlled.A few weeks before that, the head of a Bitcoin exchange in Ukraine was taken hostage and only released after the company paid a ransom of $1 million in Bitcoin.In New York City, a man was held captive by a friend until he


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transferred over $1.8 million worth of Ether, a virtual currency second in value only to Bitcoin.Virtual currencies can be easily transferred to an anonymous address set up by a criminal. While banks can stop or reverse large electronic transactions made under duress, there is no Bitcoin bank to halt or take back a transfer, making the chances of a successful armed holdup frighteningly enticing.Chainanalysis is a company founded by Jonathan Levin to help law enforcement agencies on virtual currency crimes. Chainalysis has helped police attempt to track down criminals in several recent cases, including some that have not been made public, according to Mr. Levin.But even when a transaction can be tracked, the design of Bitcoin means that criminals do not have to associate their identity with their Bitcoin address — as is necessary with most traditional bank accounts. That has stymied police in several cases.Some virtual currency rich guard themselves with powerful automatic weapons. In a more technical defensive measure, Mr. Lopp has long kept his virtual currency in so-called multisignature wallets created by the company he works for, BitGo. These wallets require multiple people to sign off on a transaction before the money can move.But the most the cryipto-rich can do is to lay low, do not boast their rich.Word to noteanything but 他なら何でも   (Application): I will eat anything but broccoli. I will do anything but that.brethren 仲間、同志、同胞alluring marks 引き付ける目標(標的にされる)stratosphere 成層圏duress 脅迫holdup 強奪、強盗


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enticing 誘惑的な、魅力的なstymie 妨害するproponent 提案者、擁護者make off こっそり急いで逃げるbrazen 鉄面皮の、恥知らずの(shameless より強い)audacious 大胆不敵なpull off 競争に勝つ、賞を得るat large 逮捕されないで、逃走中のextortion 強奪、強要loath 気が進まない、嫌うbanish 払いのける、締め出すmug 路上で、襲って金品を奪う

2.・Where Do You Go When You Die? The Increasing Signs That Human Consciousness Remains After Death

・From Birth to Death: Some Genes Stay Active After We Die,

New Research Shows             ―Kanzawa

(Summary)Have you ever died? What happens to your body after you die? Do we live on after death? If so, where?   What happens to my body? What happens to my soul?They are the greatest of all of life’s concerns which have been tackled by science or religion.Without any scientific evidence of an afterlife, many religions offer


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their own explanation as to what happens after death.Christians believe that after death, spirits are sent to heaven or hell depending on their behavior.Even in Japanese culture, there are similar ideas, like,・“三途の川” which is the river that separates the living world from the dead giving three ways to pass the river depending on their wrong doings in the living world.・”四十九日, forty-nine days after death” this is a period when the soul wanders between this world and the next to decide which way the soul should go.Clinically, Death means the state that takes hold after our hearts stop beating. Blood circulation comes to a halt, we don't breathe, our brains shut down—and that's what divides the states we occupy from one moment (alive) to the next (dead). Philosophically, though, our definition of death hinges on something else: the point past which we’re no longer able to return. Those two were more or less the same until about 50 years ago, when we saw the advent of CPR(心肺蘇生). Today, someone’s heart can stop and they can be dead, and then they can come back.Over the last few years, though, scientists have seen repeated evidence that once you die, your brain cells take days, potentially longer, to reach the point past which they’ve degraded too far to ever be viable again. This does not mean you're not dead; you are dead. Your brain cells, however, may not be.Quite a few of these are developmental genes, raising the fascinating and slightly disturbing possibility that in the period immediately following death, our bodies start reverting to the cellular conditions that were present when we were embryos. Genes stop working, would be a reasonable assumption. But a surprising, new study shows that even when our bodies show no signs of life, genes can continue to be active. Currently, little is known about how death affects gene expression. The presence of a gene in our DNA doesn't automatically guarantee an end


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result, like eye color. Rather, it's through the process of gene expression that they essentially provide a plan for how cells will function. And some of our genes are active, or expressed, while others are not. Solving the biological mystery of how our genes behave after death could help solve criminal mysteries, too.Word to notecadaver 解剖用の人間の死体dissipate 煙、霧、雲などを散らすrevert 先祖返りするviable 成長できる、発芽できる、成功しそうな       *viral (インターネット上で)もてはやされるpupil 瞳dilation 膨張、拡張  (名)dilation crash cart 病院での緊急・蘇生カートpetrify 恐怖で、すくませるforensic 犯罪化学の  forensic science=警察の科学捜査muscle tissue 筋肉組成colon tissue 結腸組織subcutaneous 皮下の  subcutaneous breeding=皮下出血             subcutaneous injection=皮下注射

コラム    英語を話す時の、英語以外のルール

1.いちいち相槌を打たない。黙ってじっと聞く。 顔を動かさない。





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19.No をごまかさない。きっぱりと言う。ただし、語調は柔らかく。




23.数字の位取りに注意。時には「1 億円」を「one oku-yen」と言ってみる。














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41.“ハイ”と yes、“イイエ”と no は違う。これは文化の問題。

42.言葉に出したことだけを理解する。言わなかったことは無いものとする。43.「初めに言葉ありき」は聖書の事じゃない、日常だと思うこと。44.先輩、後輩、地位の上下、年齢の上下などは、ほとんど気にしない。45.人間関係の多くは「契約」関係と捉える。hire と fire は一対だ。46.花鳥風月、、、って、ほとんど気にしない(考えることをしない)47.「虫が鳴く」って、英語で言えない。誰も聞いていない。48.「古池や蛙飛び込む水の音?」、そんな音、誰も聞かない。49.どんな些細なことでも、「私、こう思う」と言えなくてはならない。50.コーヒーか紅茶か、どっちがいいか、すぐ答えなくてはならない。


April 2, 20181. Stephen Hawking, best-known physicist of his time, has died:

by Robert Barr, ASSOCIATED PRESS      - Kotake(Summary)World famous scientist Dr. Stephen Hawking has passed away at the age of 76 on March 8 2018. He was a great scientist and an


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extraordinary man whose work and legacy will live on for many years, The news of his sudden death was taken as the greatest loss to the world physics and celebrities from various fields in the world expressed deep condolences to bereaved family. His funeral service was carried out at the church of Cambridge University, and his ash will be buried next to the grave of Sir Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin at Westminster Abbey.

We looked back on his life and achievements at K-sec meeting through this reading material. Ecce homo, Dr. Hawking was born Jan. 8, 1942, in Oxford, and grew up in London and St. Albans, northwest of the capital. In 1959, he entered Oxford University and then went on to graduate work at Cambridge. Signs of fatal disease ALS appeared in his first year of graduate school. He has achieved various scientific discoveries in spite of unfortunate absurdity. He was the best-known theoretical physicist of his time. He wrote so lucidly of the mysteries of space, time and black holes that his book. "A Brief History of Time," became an international best-seller, making him one of science's biggest celebrities since Albert Einstein. He was involved in the search for the great goal of physics -a "unified theory". Such a theory would resolve the contradictions between Einstein's theory of relativity, which describes the laws of gravity that govern the motion of large objects like planets, and the quantum mechanics theory, which deals with the world of subatomic particles. For Hawking, the search was almost a religious quest,-he said finding a "theory of everything" would allow mankind to "know the mind of God." "A complete, consistent unified theory is only the first step: our goal is a complete understanding of the events around us, and of our own existence," he wrote in "A Brief History of Time." In later years, though, he suggested a unified theory might not exist. He followed up "A Brief History of Time" in 2001 with the more accessible sequel "The Universe in a Nutshell," updating readers on concepts like super gravity, naked singularities and the possibility of an 11-dimensional


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universe. Dr. Hawking first earned prominence for his theoretical work on black holes. Disproving the belief that black holes are so dense that nothing could escape their gravitational pull, he showed that black holes leak a tiny bit of light and other types of radiation, now known as "Hawking radiation."

Dr. Hawking's other major scientific contribution was to cosmology, the study of the universe's origin and evolution. Hawking proposed in 1983 that space and time might have no beginning and no end. "Asking what happens before the Big Bang is like asking for a point one mile north of the North Pole," he said. In 2004, he announced that he had revised his previous view that objects sucked into black holes simply disappeared, perhaps to enter an alternate universe. Instead, he said he believed objects could be spit out of black holes in a mangled form.

His life reminds us of the life of great Classical music composer, Beethoven, whose many great works were made after suffering fatal hearing loss leading to the deaf. He felt hopeless about his future, writing his will letter, “Heiligenstädter Testament“ (ハイリゲンシュタットの遺書). But he conquered his adversity and expressed his strong belief that “Durch Leiden Freude“, (苦しみを貫いて歓喜に至れ) as a revelation to life, leaving many great beautiful musics to future generaation..

Stephen Hawking has also managed to conquer his incurable fatal disease, ALS, achieving many epochmaking discoveries. His moving life style as shown in this reading material inspires us to live our life seriously with his valuable lessons.Word to note lucidly 明快に、透明に lucid=頭脳明晰な、意識明瞭なamyotrophic lateral sclerosis 筋萎縮性側索硬化症      atrophy=萎縮、栄養障害による発育不良


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      lateral=横の、 sclerosis=硬化症belief in a God “a God”という表現が珍しい。「神とかいうもの」という意味か。    *God とは唯一、絶対の創造神で a をつける人は他にいないのではな

いか。このような表現は初めて見た。wishful thinking こうあってほしい、あうあってほしいという願いcameo (一場面だけ登場する)名優のゲスト出演 (In the text): Hawking made cameo television appearances in (番組名).mangle 押しつぶす、を台無しにする (In the text): Objects could be spit out of black holes in a mangled form. (Application): His car was badly mangled in the accident.bear down on を成し遂げようと懸命になる (In the text): Hawking bore down on his work.acrimonious とげとげしい、きついbrittle (物が固いが)もろい (In the text): She (Hawking‘s wife) said the strain of caring for Hawking for nearly

30 years had left her feeling of “a brittle, empty shell”. (Application): The bones of elderly people become brittle and easily broken.exasperate を怒らせる、激昂させる、激化させる       類似語:irritate, provoke


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2. Before any talks, confirm Kim’s intent to denuclearize― Nishimura

(Summary)The reading article is the translation of an editorial of The Yomiuri

Shinbun, March 10, 2018. The main points of it are as follows: North Korean leader Kim sent a message to U.S. president Trump that North Korea moves toward denuclearization as well as a freeze on nuclear tests and ballistic missile launches. Trump has expressed his intention to hold talks with Kim by May.

It is vital to carefully assess North Korea's real intent, thoroughly prepare a strategy and make other arrangements to force the country to abandon its nuclear and missile programs. It is natural that the United States needs to maintain maximum pressure. While maintaining close cooperation with the United States, Japanese government should seek a comprehensive solution to the issues of North Korea's nuclear and missile development and the abductions. After the reading, I made a short presentation, which included 1) future developments of the issue and 2) view points for discussion. Members expressed their ideas concerning the characters of two leaders, Japanese abductees, possible federation of South and North Korea, Kim’s recent visit to China and so on. Word to note impasse 袋小路  発音=インパス、アンパース           フランス由来の言葉なので、後者の方がいいかも。prowess 優れた能力や技能   発音=プラウアスbolster を支持する、強化する、増す      類似語(?)=boulder 大きな岩(川にあって、丸くなっている)


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modus operandi 犯罪の手口、仕事のやり方conciliatory 融和的な、なだめるようなdisarray 無秩序、混乱

April 16, 2018 1. Power Prices Go Negative in Germany, a Positive for Energy

Users By STANLEY REED DEC. 25, 2017, The New York Times – Nishiwaki(Summary)Germany has spent $200 billion over the past two decades to promote cleaner sources of electricity. That enormous investment is now having an unexpected impact. Wind power, in particular, is highly dependent on changes in weather patterns. Giant spinning turbines produce, on average, about 12 percent of Germany’s power, but on windy days, they can generate several times that amount.

At the same time, other mainstays of the country’s electricity supply, especially some coal and nuclear power plants, are unable to dial back quickly enough, leading to negative prices on electricity trading markets. Battery storage capacity, meanwhile, is not yet advanced enough to take in all of the excess generation. And because older power plants that run on fossil fuels take a long time to ramp up and reduce electricity generation.

Several countries in Europe have experienced negative power prices, including Belgium, Britain, France, the Netherlands and Switzerland. But Germany’s forays into negative pricing are the most frequent. At times, Germany is able to export its surplus electricity to its neighbors, helping to balance the market. Still, its experiences of negative prices are often longer, and deeper, than they are in other countries.

In one recent example, power prices spent 31 hours below zero during the last weekend of October. At one point, they dipped as low as minus €83, or minus $98, per megawatt-hour, a wholesale measure. On


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Sunday, factory owners and other major consumers were at times paid more than 50 euros, about $60, per megawatt-hour, a wholesale measure, to take power.

The wholesale costs of power make up only about a fifth of the average household electricity bill in Germany. The rest is a stew of taxes, fees to finance renewable-energy investments, and charges for use of the grid. Even though power prices are sometimes negative, household energy bills have been rising over all anyway.Word to notewax 月が満ちる、大きくなる、 ワックスを塗る (Application): The moon is on the wax now. We will see more of the moon as it waxes.wane 力が衰える、衰微、減少 (Application): The fishing industry is on the wane in this area and soon will

vanish.on the grid 電気配電網 (In the text): Warm weather and strong breezes will provide an abundance

of wind power on the grid.rundown 詳細、手短な報告 (In the text): Here is a rundown of these negative power prices.mainstay 頼みの綱、支えforays 敵地を急襲すること、不慣れな分野への進出、

(日常の活動と違った分野への)一時に手を出すこと blast 爆風、爆発ramp up 暴れまわる、強める、強化するramp down 減らす ramp-down of の減少renewable power 再生可能エネルギーlagging 遅れている、ぐずぐずしているtweaks コンピュータの微調整、部分的な改変a stew 心配、混乱状態


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lignite(リグナイト) 褐炭(石炭化度が低く、水分や不純物が多い)      *泥炭=peat

2. Shohei Ohtani already looks like he belongs among baseball's best hitters and pitchers.

His style as a two way player is parallel to the legend “Babe Ruth” after 100 years April 08, 2018 Sports Illustrated - Sekiguchi(Summary)

In the week between his MLB pitching debut on April 1 and Sunday’s tilt, he homered three times and drove in seven runs in three games as the Angels’ designated hitter. Ohtani is hitting .389 打率 /.421 出塁率/.889長打率  His ERA防御率 as a pitcher in 13innings is 2.08

But it’s the underlying stats that make you realize just how special Ohtani is. His three home runs have gone an average of 415 feet, including a 450-foot bomb off A’s righty Daniel Gossett on Friday night. His fastball, meanwhile, sits at 98 mph and routinely touches 100, and his split-finger fastball tumbles out of the strike zone like a drunken acrobat.

The early 20th-century star that Ohtani will invariably draw the most comparisons is the player whose sobriquet was simply “Babe.” A hundred years ago, 23-year-old Red Sox lefty George Herman Ruth led the majors in home runs with 11, hit .300/.411/.555 in 382 plate appearances, and posted a 2.22 ERA in 166 1/3 innings over 19 starts.


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A year later, he broke MLB’s single-season home run record with 29 dingers and finished with a 2.97 ERA in 133 1/3 innings. That was the last season in which he was a regular starter. Wanting to play full-time, Ruth became an outfielder upon joining the Yankees in 1920, when he ascended to true superstardom. No one has reached those heights as a two-way player since then.

Opinions expressed by Forbes: A star is born. What is the value of

Ohtani economically and marketwise?

If Ohtani continues to produce on the mound and at bat as a designated hitter, he has all the potential to become an international marketing superstar. Ohtani is handsome and personable, and at this time is speaking through an interpreter. Over time, if he learns English, he will be incredibly marketable here. Southern California loves stars, and loves to gravitate towards the "next hot thing". Southern California is also home to the entertainment industry — television and motion pictures. Ohtani needs to prove himself over a long period of time to have sustained success off the field, but what a start!

April 10, 2018 (Mainichi Japan)

NEW YORK (Kyodo) -- Los Angeles Angels two-way phenom Shohei Ohtani was named the American League player of the week for the period ending Sunday, Major League Baseball announced Monday.( weekly MVP was introduced 1975)

Other Japanese big names who won this weekly MVPs as batters were Hideki Matsui and Ichiro Suzuki, who got five . As a pitcher, Hideo Nomo got in 1995, and he was named the National League Rookie of the Year., But in the case of Ohtani , he got it as a batter and a pitcher. It is quite amazing.Word to note


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precarious 不安定な、運しだいregression (統計)回帰、退歩whiff 空振りするpaean 賛歌、感謝の歌(Appollo)tumble 混乱状態、顛倒

コラム     日本語:声のトーンを変える。英語も?日本語には大まかに4段階の声のトーンがある。1)高いトーン:社外からの電話に出る時の声、上司に業務報告をする時の声、知らない他人だが、明らかに目上と見える人に話しかける時、など2)リラックスした時の声:家族と話す時の声、友人と談笑する時の声、同じ地位の同僚と話す時の声、など。3)低い声:部下の仕事ぶりが不満で注意する時の声、レストランの店員がちょっとしたミスをして、客がイライラした時の声、自分のミスを一人で呪う声、誰も周りにいないときの独り言。4)ダミ声:はっきり怒りを露わにした声、暗闇で誰かが怪しげな行動をしていて、それを大きな声で咎める時の声、勝手にグループを離れて遠くをうろうろしている部下に叫ぶ声。日本語には尊敬語、丁寧語、謙譲語など、話す相手によって言葉を選び、声のトーンも微妙に変える言語的、文化的伝統がある。それが日本語の常識であり良識でもある。無意識のレベルで私たちは声で対応している。尊敬語、丁寧語、謙譲語などで話すのは、上記の分類では1)になる。日本語のような、はっきりした声の使い分けはどうして出来上がったのだろうか。私


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には分からない。今まで尊敬語のような、言葉の使い方について読むことはあったが、その時の声のトーンについて、読んだことがない。「改まった話し方」みたいな表現は見ることがあるが、声のトーンを少し上げる、、、等は誰も言及しない。上記のように四つの分類にしてみたが、あくまで大雑把な分類で、細かく分けるともっと多くなるだろう。今は知らないが、昔の新入社員の研修では、お辞儀の角度を教えたし、電話の応対での声のトーンについても触れたものである。昔、デパートのエレベータに若い店員が乗っていて、各階の案内をしていた時代があった。その時のエレベータガールの声は典型的なハイトーンだった。現在は、エレベータに案内嬢が乗っていることもないので、彼女たちの声を聴く機会はないが、未だに飛行機のキャビン・アテンダントの案内は、昔のエレベータガールの声に近い。先日、札幌まで飛行機で行ってきたが、特に英語のアナウンスが、ハイトーンで行われているのに、改めて、びっくりさせられた。現在の日本には、多くの外国人が訪問する。ほとんどがごく普通の階層の人だ。キャビン・アテンダントといえども、そんなに改まった声を出す必要もないのではないか、なんて思ってしまう。May 7, 20181.    Labor Shortage in Japan    -Shirashoji

The Japan Times by Reiji Yoshida Staff Writer   Dec 31, 2017(Summary)Economists expect Japan to develop a severe labor shortage soon, and many argue that it will have to allow in more overseas workers if it wants to maintain its economic strength.“The labor shortage will be one of the most serious problems for the Japanese economy over the long term,” said Yukio Noguchi, an economist and adviser to Waseda University’s Institute for Business and Finance.According to the latest predictions put forward by the National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, Japan’s population will more than halve from 126.8 million this year to 50.56 million in 2115, given the low birthrate.


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The Cabinet Office has, meanwhile, projected that Japan’s working population of those aged between 15 and 64 will have shrunk to 37.95 million by 2060 from 65.77 million in 2013.Based on a 2011 simulation by the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry, Noguchi estimated future demand for nursing and medical workers and came to a shocking conclusion: Demand will be so strong that workers in the industry might constitute as much as 25 percent of the labor force when it peaks in the 2050s.“One in every four workers in Japan could become a nursing or medical worker. The nursing service is of course important, but other sectors will suffer from intense labor shortages,” Noguchi warned.“The only solution is to introduce immigrants because it is very difficult to raise the productivity of nursing services by introducing robots or other machines,” he added.But Noguchi maintains that Japan should immediately open its doors to immigrants, particularly caregivers, because it’s economy is losing strength and becoming less and less attractive.While robot machines in Japan are stepping in to fill vacancies amid the worst labor shortage in more than 40 years. Nitori Holdings Co., the nation’s biggest furniture maker, last week deployed 79 robots to move around shelves filled with products at its Osaka distribution center. The company, which introduced the country’s first automated furniture warehouse in 1980, is looking to reduce its reliance on human labor.Japan’s shrinking pool of workers helped push the number of jobs for every applicant to a ratio of 1.55 in October, the highest since 1973, according to the labor ministry. While companies such as Inc. have been investing in warehouse automation for years, many Japanese logistics providers are now scrambling to catch up. To keep up with booming orders from e-commerce companies and customers expecting fast delivery, businesses in the country are turning to startups such as Ground Inc. and Acca International Co.Word to note


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get dire 恐ろしい事態になる、危険が差し迫っているfret やきもきする、いらいらする to worry, express anxietyhelm (船)舵をとるcurtail 減ずる、抑える  curtailment=抑制、節減back end ユーザーが直接操作することのないシステムrecoup 損失を取り戻す

2.         Tsurumoto presented following two articles;1)Princess Kate Wows With Hospital Exit 7 Hours After Delivering 3rd Child              (ABC News  April 24, 2018)(Summary)On April 23, UK princess Kate gave birth to a third child and left the hospital 7 hours after the delivery. This quick return to her home (the palace) surprised the peoples of the world. Even US childbearing mothers would likely stay at the hospitals overnight and leave the following day. Kate went to the hospital early morning and in the afternoon she left there.Dr. Jennifer Ashton, ABC News chief medical correspondent and a practicing OB-GYN, commented that Kate’s early leaving the hospital would not be applicable to other women who might not have enough postpartum support at their homes.


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Princess Kate can be a role model for many Japanese women who have only one child or two in most of the cases. Japan needs many, many babies to sustain the future economy.

2) The Mystery of Why Japanese People Are Having So Few Babies(Summary)This article was reported by Alana Semuels, staff writer at The Atlantic, on July 20, 2017. She pointed out three reasons for the long-lasting trend of fewer babies in Japan. One is Japan’s young people not having enough sex, two is women think job careers more important than getting married and having a child, and thirdly in Japan there are fewer good, stable regular jobs for young people so the economic instability for them.While Japanese used to value regular jobs for life-time employment, the jobs have recently being replaced by irregular jobs due to global cut-cost pressure on domestic firms. The young people can find only low-paid, irregular jobs with unstable compensation status which will cause to defer them from getting married. This has been the case not only for men but also for women.Rapidly aging society as Japan has recently been, fewer baby births every year over the past 46 years will plague its future as a nation. The size of the population will be half in the coming 100 years, some economists predict. So will be the power of the nation and very likely the living standards will considerably decrease as well. What can we do in Japan? We need a woman like Princess Kate who will have at least three babies or more. By the way, will you want to be a husband for such a woman? Nope. Sure bankruptcy of the family finance.Word to note give birth to 出産する、子供を産むchildbearing 出産delivery 出産birth weight 新生児の体重paternity leave 男性の育児休暇


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newborn baby 新生児


May 21, 2018 1. War’s Other Victims: Animals -Umemura(The New York Times, Jan. 12,2018) By Rachel Newer


In 1996, when war broke out in what is now the Democratic Republic of Congo, just 31 northern white rhinos remained in Garamba National Park, the last stronghold of this endangered species.

Armed militias reached the park less than a year later, and half of the park’s elephants, two-thirds of its buffalos and three-quarters of its hippos disappeared in three short months.


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Poaching of northern white rhinos also resumed, despite conservationists’ best efforts. Today, after a succession of armed clashes, only three northern white rhinos survive — all transplants from a zoo in the Czech Republic, and all confined to a single Kenyan conservancy.

That the rhinos’ habitat included a part of Africa plagued by human conflict was “desperately unfortunate,” said Kes Hillman-Smith, a Nairobi-based conservationist and author of “Garamba: Conservation in Peace and War.” “The endless wars there have taken their toll on all the wildlife in the region.”

“There are really two alternative hypotheses you can imagine,” he added. “One is that war is just a disaster for everything, including environments. And the other is that pretty much anything that causes people to clear out from an area can be beneficial for wildlife.”

Indeed, Dr. Pringle noted, the Demilitarized Zone between North Korea and South Korea offers respite for rare species such as red-crowned cranes and Asiatic black bears.

Following 15 years of devastating civil war, Gorongosa lost more than 90 percent of its animals. The elephant population declined to 200 from 2,000, while wildebeest and zebras numbered fewer than 50 each, down from several thousand.

As herbivores disappeared, trees encroached into the park’s formerly open grasslands, and predators became virtually nonexistent.

Gorongosa now bills itself as “Africa’s greatest wildlife restoration story,” with more than 500 elephants, 60 lions and tens of thousands of antelopes.

The lesson? “Within a decadal time scale, it is possible to rehabilitate even a severely degraded ecosystem into something that is once again a natural wonder of the world,” Dr. Pringle said.


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Word to noterhino (ライノウ)  サイ  フルスペル=rhinóceros poach 密漁する  *別な意味=ゆで玉子(poached egg)clear out from そうそうに立ち去るrespite 一次中断、小休止 *似た言葉=despite (in spite of )laborius(ラボーリアス) 骨の折れす、よく働く (名)labor=つらい労働、賃金労働、(集合的に)労働者(階級)compárable 同種の  (否定文で使う場合)cómparable 同等の

(アクセントが違うことに注意) encompass 包含するherbivorous mammal 草食哺乳類   herbivore(草食動物)carnivorous mammal 肉食哺乳類 carnivore(肉食動物)herb 薬用植物、草木bush-meat 野生動物の肉remnant 残りencroach 侵犯する、少しづつ不当に奪うpit against 対抗させる、拮抗させる、戦わせる

2.    Xi Jinping’s Chinese Dream – Sadayasu(Summary)

In late 2012, Xi Jinping announced “the Chinese Dream”, the concept initially introduced by Den Xiaoping. Through the great rejuvenation, it aims to achieve two goals: material goal of becoming a “moderately well-off society”(小康社会) by 2021, the 100th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party, and the modernization of China becoming a


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fully developed nation by 2049, the 100th anniversary of the People’s Republic.

“A moderately well-off society” is defined as one where all the people, rural and urban, can enjoy high standards of living. It also aims for China to regain its position as a world leader in science and technology, as well as in economies and business, the resurgence of Chinese civilization, culture and military power.

To achieve this long term goal, Deng Xiaoping(鄧小平) and other leaders following him made various reforms of the economy and society. Now, the fifth generation leadership of President Xi Jinping came to power in 2012 and unveiled an ambitious reform plans to change the country’s economic fundamentals to ensure balanced, sustainable growth by putting more emphasis on quality rather than physical expansion.

The writer of this article concludes that Xi, with his new role as a permanent leader of the Communist Party, is set to achieve sustainable economic reform taking China to a nation of “moderately well-off society.”

The country, of course, has many challenges to tide over such as severe economic imbalances, mounting environmental issues, rising economic inequality and aging population. But, she will definitely become the largest economy in the world within ten to twenty years, the writer says, and its impact on the world will not only be limited to economic areas but also will have profound political, ideological and cultural effects.

Finally, the writer adds one aphorism that Xi Jinping has to bear in mind: “Political power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” (By Sir Acton, British Historian)Word to notehallmark 特徴、特質。目印、品質保証


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colossal 膨大な(enormous)、すばらしいhitch (計画などの)中断、延期、車両間の連結部        (動)ヒッチハイクする、動物をつなぐ、resurgence 復活、再起   *似ている言葉=insurgency(反乱、暴動)preamble 序文、前文Chinese Empire of the Han  漢王朝(206年 BC~220年 AD)tributary 属国redress 矯正する、正す、再調整する、補償するcrop up (問題などが)不意に起こる、突発するtide over 乗り切る、切り抜けるaphorism 金言(maxim, wise saying, proverb) (Application): “The great dies young” is an aphorism.

コラム        英語の声のトーン キャビン・アテンダントの声がハイトーンだと書いたが、アメリカ軍占領時代の頃の日米往復の乗客のイメージを今に引きずっているのかもしれない。乗客は社会的にハイクラスの人がほとんどだった。だから、言葉使いも、最上級の丁寧語で話すよう訓練が行われたのであろう。そして、その時の案内英語もそ


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June 4, 20181.   What If Earth Started Spinning Backward?  - Kanzawa

By Mindy Weisberger, Senior Writer, Live Science 87

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(Summary)For billions of years, Earth has rotated in the same direction as the sun — but what if that direction were reversed?

Deserts would cover North America, arid sand dunes would replace expanses of the Amazon rainforest in South America, and lush, green landscapes would flourish from central Africa to the Middle East, according to a computer simulation presented earlier this month at the annual European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018 in Austria.

In the simulation, not only did deserts vanish from some continents and appear in others, but freezing winters plagued western Europe. And the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), an important climate-regulating ocean current in the Atlantic, faded away and resurfaced in the northern Pacific Ocean.

During Earth's yearlong orbit around the sun, our planet completes a full rotation on its axis (傾き 66.5°)— which runs from the North Pole to South Pole — every 24 hours (46 億年前の1日は5時間。50 年毎に 0.0015秒長くなっている), spinning at a rate of about 1,670 km/h as measured at the equator. Its rotation direction is prograde, or west to east, which appears counterclockwise when viewed from above the North Pole, and it is common to all the planets in our solar system except Venus (公転:225日、自転:243日、なので一日が1年より長い) and Uranus, according to NASA. 太陽は銀河系を2億 2600 万年で公転している。

To simulate what would happen if Earth were to spin backward, they used the Max Planck Institute Earth System Model to flip the sun's rotational path — and thereby flip Earth's rotation — and reverse the Coriolis effect, an invisible force that pushes against objects traveling over a rotating planet's surface (北半球と南半球では逆方向に力が働くので、渦巻きの方向が逆).


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Overall, the researchers found that a backward-spinning Earth was a greener Earth.

The change in rotation also reversed global wind patterns, bringing temperature changes to the subtropics and midlatitudes; continents' western zones cooled as eastern boundaries warmed, and winters became significantly colder in northwestern Europe. Ocean currents also changed direction, warming seas' eastern boundaries and cooling their western ones.

And also, the greening of the Sahara was the most intriguing change that appeared in their "backward" model of Earth.

Note: In the meeting, there was one important comment;

What will happen in the timing when the Earth changes the spinning direction from counterclockwise to clockwise, which means the Earth completely stops. 

Word to note

arid 土地や気候などが異常に乾燥した (application): The Sahara Desert is arid.expanse 果てしない広がり (In the text): expanses of the rainforest in South America (Application): We left the mountains and entered the vast expanse of

farmland.lush 瑞々しいparched からからに乾いた arid と同じ意味prograde 巡行retrograde 逆の、後退のtopography 地形、地勢flip パッとめくる


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2. Battle for India's EV charging standard swings in Europe's favour -Tomozawa

KOSUKE TOSHI, Nikkei staff writer April 16, 2018 16:00 JST (Summary)TOKYO -- With the Indian market for electric vehicles poised to take off, a battle is raging behind the scenes among companies vying to establish a nationwide standard charging system.The Indian government released a draft report in March singling out Combo, the EV fast charging method favored by European manufacturers, as a proposed national standard for direct-current chargers with a voltage of 100 or more.The development is a setback for Japanese and Chinese makers, which use CHAdeMO and GB/T systems, respectively.The report does not entail a formal adoption of the Combo standard. It will be possible, for example, for private sector operators to install CHAdeMO fast chargers of their own accord. But it has put companies that use the system at a disadvantage.Japanese automaker Suzuki Motor's Indian subsidiary Maruti Suzuki India holds a roughly 50% share of the passenger car market in India and has manufacturing facilities in India. This has left many wondering why the Indian government appears to be favoring the European system. It may be that India is eyeing on exporting EVs to Europe.


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The momentum may have shifted in favor of the European system, but the battle to win over the Indian government is far from over.Word to note

be poised for の用意ができている (In the text): Indian electrical vehicles are poised to take off. (Application): The army is poised for an attack.vie (vying) 競う、張り合うcompatible 共用(互換)できる (In the text): Chinese and Japanese standards are compatible with each

other.June 18, 20181.          Sexual harassment           -Nishimura-(Summary)The reading article is from Japan News April 21, translated from the Yomiuri Shimbun April 21, 2018.

The summary of the article is as follows: Finance administrative Vice Minister J. Fukuda announced his intention to step down over the allegations of sexual harassment; He repeatedly made sexually suggestive remarks, such as, “May I touch your breasts?” to several female reporters; Audio recordings of his comments were released; Sexual harassment is a grave violation of human rights and his actions are completely unforgivable; The Audio data was provided to a weekly magazine and his acts were published in the magazine; The reporter’s offering of the recordings to an external party is, in terms of journalism ethics, unallowable.

After a round of reading, Nishimura made a short presentation. In this presentation, he showed three requirements for sexual harassment; 1) Actions are conducted in workplace or work-related place. 2) Actions are conducted against victim’s will. 3) Actions are sexual in nature. He


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also suggested that some actions can be subjects of damage claims and could be punished as crimes.Word to notegrope (人が物を)手探りで探す、痴漢行為をする、人の体をまさぐる       grope around, grope for (Application): The room was completely dark and I groped for the light

switch.groper 痴漢sexual molester 痴漢molest (女、子供に)みだらなことをする(rape の婉曲な表現)

2  Globalization and Higher Education Reforms in Japan:The Obstacles to Greater International Competitiveness   -KotakeBy Amano Ikuo-Professor emeritus at the University of Tokyo. .

(Summary)Amano Ikuo, author of this essay, seemed to be overtaken by a sense of crisis about recent decline of Japanese Universities international status disclosed in the ranking table for 2013-2014, which was published by British Times Higher Education. We Japanese have not paid great attention to this matter. Because we are confident that Japanese educational system has served to its modernization and industrialization, and produced multiple Novel Prize winners. But we must change our old views and give up “throwing our weight around without knowing our real ability or夜郎自大 “. Mr. Amano is historically looking at three international megatrends or Universal Higher Education, Market Force, and Globalization, and three factors specific to conditions in Japan or Population, Economy, and Deregulation. Furthermore he


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evaluated national university’s corporatization, which were released from direct supervision of Ministry of Education in 2004, leading its autonomy to administer and have budget. “Freedom and competition” have replaced “protection and regulation” as the new Japanese education policy. But OECD Report, Reviews of National Policies for Education criticized Japan’s Inflexible and hierarchical educational system, which remains unchanged. They gave frank advice that these university structure cannot meet the generally accepted educational objectives of the highly technological society in Japan. With the advent of fierce competition among globalized countries, we need for more internationalized universities. The most important criterion for evaluating a university is the standard of teaching and research etc. Japan needs to open up its universities and work positively to welcome more talented researchers and students to stimulate the standard of Japan’s university. Not only English education but also public spending, adult education and graduate schools are also needed forIncreasing international competitiveness. We must conquer various obstacles lying ahead of us to greater international competitiveness. Word to notea tour’s de force (フランス)力作、手腕、離れ業tertiary 第三の、三次の (primary, secondary, tertiary)demarcate 限界を示すindigenization indigenous=現地の、原産の、当地の        *似た言葉 indigence=困窮、貧乏paucity 少数、少量、不足、欠乏

*60年近く前と12年前の米国の二つの大学の授業を経験したことで言えることは、下記のようなことだろう、と思う。1)60年前も12年前も、大学の学生は真剣に勉強していること。  12年前は、短大だったが、ちゃらちゃらしたお遊びムードはクラスの中で



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3)自分の意見、自分の創造性など、自分の自主性を伸ばすことに努力している。4)ロジック、エビデンス、仮説を重要視している。5)自分の言葉で、考え方を表現するレポートが多い。6)reading などの宿題が多い。7)評価がはっきりしている(A,B,C,D,F など)8)入学時は成績を重視しないが、卒業のための査定は厳しい。

コラム 「虫が鳴く」って、ホント? “聞いたことない”という人もいる虫って、英語でなんて言うのだろうか。電子辞書を見てみると、下記の言葉が出てくる。

(昆虫)insect   (アメリカ) bug (ミミズやウジなどの這う虫) worm (毛虫やイモムシ) caterpillar

鳴く虫には次のようなものがある。cricket (コオロギ)、 bell cricket (鈴虫) 、grasshopper (キリギリス)、cicada (セミ)虫が鳴く=chirping of insects、、、、、、、、


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秋に虫が鳴いているのを聞いて、「ああ、秋になったのか」、なんて、日本人は思う。そんな時の英語を chirp で表現していいのだろうか。確かに虫が鳴いている音は、chirp かもしれないが、実際は虫の鳴いている音を日常生活の上で、アメリカ人は「聞かない」ので、私たちが 〝Oh, I hear someinsects chirping now” と言ったとしても、アメリカ人は「ウッ、なに?」というくらいにしか関心を示さないだろう。「閑さや岩にしみ入る蝉の声」のセミの声は、日本人にしか聞こえないものである(らしい)。音として聞こえることは聞こえるが、人間に全く関係ない自然の“雑音”でしかないという。確かに、ミンミンゼミの大合唱に会うと、雑音ではあるが、一匹のセミが鳴いている声も、アメリカ人にとって、雑音だという。すると、そんな雑音を表現する英語は特にない、というのは理の当然だろうと思われる。ところで、私たちの「虫」には、いろんな意味がある。•腹の虫が収まらない•虫が知らせる•虫が好かない•虫がつく(望ましくない男友達ができる)•虫が良すぎる•虫のいいことを言う、などなど。 本当は「虫」じゃなく、「むし」なのだろう。何か、神秘的な、霊的な、大きな概念の言葉なのだろう、たぶん。

July 2, 20181. Plastic garbage patch: Medical tests 'inspired me to investigate'

–Nishiwaki-26 June 2018, BBC


In March this year, scientists published their latest estimate of the size of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch (GPGP) formed by winds and ocean currents that swirl the material around. For Emily Penn, it is the


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potentially toxic impact of the breakdown of plastics of which tiny fragments contain chemicals which are similar to the sex hormone oestradiol and this can impact fertility in animals and humans.

"When I tested my own body for some of these chemicals in the ocean and in plastic, I then found them inside me as well," she said. "During pregnancy, it's critical that you don't have these hormone disruptors inside you; we can pass them on to our children through childbirth and breastfeeding.

The team will be trawling for plastic.

As well as potentially releasing toxins, plastics are incredibly absorbent and act as sponges for other harmful chemicals floating in the ocean. Sea-going animals mistake microplastics for food and eat them, absorbing these contaminants. Because they don't ultimately break down, these chemicals become concentrated in the bodies of creatures, and are magnified as they move up the food chain. So a predator such as tunas will contain much higher concentrations than something like a shrimp.

(Note 1: The scientists belong to The Ocean Cleanup or Teledyne Inc. and some of them also belong to universities in UK, USA, France, Germany or Denmark. The Ocean Cleanup founded by Dutch inventor Boyan Slat at the age of 18 is a non-profit organization. They predicted 79 k-tons of plastics floating inside an area of 1.6million ㎢. They estimate to clean up half the GPGP in 5 years’ time. Global annual plastics consumption has now reached over 320 million tons.)

50 nations 'curbing plastic pollution', 6 June 2018, BBC

India will eliminate all single-use plastic in the country by 2022, with an immediate ban in urban Delhi. The UN report also reveals that the Galapagos will ban single-use plastics and Sri Lanka will ban styrofoam. The report presents an A-Z of 35 potential bio substitutes


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for plastic. It runs from Abaca hemp (from the inedible banana Musa textilis) to Zein (from a maize protein).

National actions include: Eritrea – ban on plastic bags and dramatic decrease in drain blockage; Morocco – bags banned – 421 tonnes of them seized in one year, replaced by fabric; Ireland – tax led to 90% fall in consumption; Kenya – cows ingested an average of 2.5 bags in their lifetimes. Now there's a total ban.Word to note ditch (人、物)を捨てる、人を置き去りにするsediments 堆積物impasse (フランス)袋小路、(交渉の)行きづまり

*50年、60年前、プラスチックは夢のような材料だった。プラスチックで自由なデザインの住居を立てることができるといわれ、ほとんどサイケデリックなハウスのモデルを写真で見ることもあった。その当時、プラスチックが、パッケージを含め、このように広く使われるだろうことは、誰も考えていなかったかもしれない。今や、家こそ建てないが、プラスチックは生活のあらゆる場面で使われている。毎日の生活に必要な日用品はほとんどすべてプラスチックで覆われている(パッケージされている)。世界中の人々が毎日、膨大な量のプラスチックを破棄している。この記事の言う被害が進行してわけである。恐ろしや!女性の不妊に関係しているともいう。 日本の男性の“草食系”もこのせいか?


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2     Trump to dictators: Have a nice day    -Sekiguchi-―Our friend Trump so far―

(Summary)What I have noticed is the tone change of the NYT, which represents the mass media of USA. The change is from a serious criticism to despair, and from a professional column to a kind of farce. Herewith two opinion columns are quoted.They no more treat him as a normal president or a politician. He is a guy to risk America for his own sake that is at least not to be defeated by the midterm election. He is finally honored to be one of the current gorgeous dictators.Trump to Dictators: Have a Nice Day By Thomas L. Friedman June 19 2018 “Trump’s America does not care,” historian Robert Kagan wrote in The Washington Post. It recognizes no moral, political or strategic commitments. It feels free to pursue objectives without regard to the effect on allies or, for that matter, the world. It has no sense of responsibility to anything beyond itself.” But what’s terrifying about Trump is that he seems to prefer dictators to our democratic allies everywhere.What makes matters worse is that he still innocently believes that


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America is strong enough to scare other countries, and that they will surely obey his improper threats. Fall of the American Empire By Paul Krugman June 18 2018 America isn’t nearly as dominant a power as it was 70 years ago; Trump is delusional if he thinks that other countries will back down in the face of his threats. And if we are heading for a full-blown trade war, which seems increasingly likely, both he and those who voted for him will be shocked at how it goes: Some industries will gain, but millions of workers will be displaced.So Trump isn’t making America great again; he’s trashing the things that made us great, turning us into just another bully — one whose bullying will be far less effective than he imagines.Is his presidency out of mere freak or should we soon expect another Trump? Now is the time for Japan to prepare an independent survival voyage seriously to get out of the comfortable American umbrella, isn’t it?Yes, you can????Word to note unencumber 負担となるものがない(邪魔者、困難がない)、借金がないencumber 妨げる、邪魔する、(人に借金や債務を)課する (Application): Too much debt encumbered his business.anything but の他は何でも、の他は何も、、、、、でない、とは程遠い (Application): I will eat anything but broccoli.       *パパ Bush 大統領がブロッコリーが嫌いだというのは有名な話。


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July 16, 20181.    How could Western civilization collapse?  –Sadayasu

This is an April 2017 BBC article (although a little outdated) written by an American freelance journalist Rachel Nuwer.(Summary)

First, she quotes the political economist Benjamin Friedman who once compared modern Western society to a stable bicycle whose wheels are kept spinning by economic growth. Should that forward-propelling motion slow or cease, the pillars that define our society – democracy, individual liberties, social tolerance and more – would begin to teeter.

Putting aside species-ending events like an asteroid strike, nuclear winter or deadly pandemic, many civilizations collapsed in human history for a number of reasons.

Safa Motesharrei at the University of Maryland says there are two factors that cause the collapse of civilizations: ecological strain and economic stratification. The ecological category includes depletion of


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natural resources such as groundwater, soil, fisheries and forests – all of which could be worsened by climate change. The economic stratification is caused when elites push society toward instability and eventual collapse by hoarding huge quantities of wealth and resources leaving little or none for commoners who vastly outnumber the elites and support them with their labor. The commoners eventually rise and revolt against the elites and place the societies in ugly battles between the rich and the poor leading to the collapse of the society in the worst case scenario..

Another factor is the increasing occurrence of nonlinearity: sudden and unexpected changes in the world order. Recent examples include ISIS, Brexit, Trump’s election to president of the United States. They will place the world in confusion and in a chaotic situation.

In addition, societies are becoming more complex and more difficult to manage and yet keep them humane, liberal and democratic. It takes a strong government to manage such societies. Perhaps governments like China may be the winners if and when those humane values are ignored.

However, Homer-Dixon, chair of global systems at the Balsillie School of International Affairs in Canada, says western civilization is not yet a lost cause. Using reason and science to guide decisions, paired with extraordinary leadership and exceptional goodwill, human society can progress to higher and higher levels of well-being and development. “The question is how can we manage to preserve some kind of humane world as we make our way through these changes?” Word to noteteeter      シーソーする、落下しそうにぐらつく (Application): She teeters when she walks in high-heeled shoes.plethora     過多、(医)多血症 (Application): There is a plethora of cookbooks published each year.stratification     階層化、層化 (動)stratify


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(Application): That city is stratified into rich and poor neighborhoods.carrying capacity 車両の積載能力、送電能力careening     車が左右にゆれながら疾走するtectonic      地殻変動によるVisigoths     西ゴート族prop up      を支える、支持するprecipitate     を突然に起こす、水蒸気が凝結して雨になる、沈殿する

(名)precipitation=降水量、降雨量retraction      撤収、収縮whimper      しくしく泣くinconsequential   取るに足らぬ、重要でないweather      風化させる

*”Extraordinary leadership and exceptional goodwill,,,,,”は難しい。どちらか一つを兼ね備える人はいても、両方を備えている人って、本当に稀、、、と思える。ということは、問題の解決は予想以上に困難である、と著者は考えているのであろう。


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2    More than half of your body is not human   -TsurumotoWritten by James Gallagher 10 April 2018 BBC-Health


We know that our human body contains a lot of water. A newborn baby has 70% of its bodyweight as water, and the volume of the water gradually decreases into levels of 60 to 50% as aging. We think that the rest of the body must consist of human cells; muscles, bones, and tissues of various kinds.

This article tells us that we human’s body is made of non-human creatures. Well, this is not by weight versus weight. It is compared by counts. According to the newest study, human cells are reported to be 37 trillion (The older estimate was about 60 trillion), only 43% of the total cell count. The rest of the count is that of microscopic creatures (bacteria, virus, fungi, and archaea).

Recent research reveals the functions of such microbiome. The microbiome which is mostly concentrated in the murky depths of oxygen-deprived bowels plays valuable roles in our digestion, regulating the immune system, protecting against diseases and manufacturing vital vitamins.

Medicine such as antibiotics works to kill “bad” bacteria to cure diseases. It also kills “good” bacteria in the intestines. The disrupted gut flora causes new diseases like autoimmune disease and allergy.

Microbiome taken from a lean person works to lose weight and one from obese person will cause to gain weight. In other words, microbiome seems to influence people’s eating patterns through the brain communication.


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Recently poop transplant has been conducted in some hospitals. Persons who used to have stomach problems such as frequent diarrhea can be cured by poop transplants taken from a person who does not have such problems.

Microscopic creatures in our guts help us live a healthy life. It may be advisable for us at least to take as much natto bacilli (納豆菌)、lactic acid bacteria(乳酸菌) or bifido bacteria (ビヒズス菌) as possible.Word to notetotal cell count 細胞総数(最近の研究では37兆個。今までは、根拠な


microscopic colonists 微細な入植者(外部の細菌の寄生を指している)every nook and cranny あらゆる場所、隅々まで (Application): She lost her ring and searched for it in every nook and cranny.fungi fungus の複数形、菌数(カビなど)archaea 古細胞oxygen-deprived bowels 酸素のない内臓、腸(嫌気性菌の繁殖に適している)microbe 微生物genome(ジーノウム)   ゲノムaugment 価値を増すDNA デオキシリボ核酸(遺伝)autoimmune 自己免疫性のinfectious 伝染性のulcerative 潰瘍性のcolitis 大腸炎、結腸炎remission 寛解、軽減 (Application): His cancer is in remission and he is feeling better now.transformative 変化させる力のあるpoop ウンチ  大便(stool, feces) (Application): There is dog poop on the sidewalk.


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That dog pooped on the sidewalk.


コラム  最近10日ほどの間の新聞の“英語”に関する本・CM広告8/4: こうすれば一瞬のうちに―「カタカナ英語」が「通じる英語」に生き返る!!   究極の英語マスター法 なぞるだけ

8/4: もしも高校四年生があったら、英語を話せるようになるか8/3: 机に向かって英語の勉強一切しない、スピードラーニングなら時間もお


8/1: 5歳までにやっておきたい 英語が得意な脳の育て方7/27: 筋トレ英会話7/26: 先生のための小学校英語の知恵袋  ―現場の「?」に困らないために

朝日新聞に掲載された、英語に関する本の広告です。ただし、スピードラーニングだけは本の広告欄を使った CM です。


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朝日の朝刊の一面の下部全段は、いつも書籍の広告が載っています。二面、三面にも続いていることが多い。何か面白い本が出ていないかと、私はいつも広告欄には目を通しています。多くの本は、「英語なんて、簡単にマスター出来ます」という主張になっている。出版社が、これなら人の目を引くだろう、売れるだろう、、、というタイトルを、著者の意向を無視て、つけることが多いでしょう。だから、著者はまじめにコツコツ勉強してください、という気持ちで本を書いていても、タイトルだけは、奇抜なものが多くなる、ということも少なくないと思われる。本ではないですが、スピードラーニングの CM は“勉強は一切不要です”というメッセージが強烈です。これを繰り返し、繰り返し見せられると、中学生、高校生は「俺、英語なんて今勉強しなくてもいいんだ、将来必要になれば、チャチャっとやれば、すぐ身に着くんだから」と思うでしょう。多くの人が何となくそう思わせられる、、、、という広告です。一方で、小学校からインターナショナルスクールに通わせ、高校か大学はアメリカに留学させる親もいます。彼らは、「チャチャッとやれば、英語なんて身に着く」とは思っていないようだ。大きな金額を投資して、小さい頃からインターナショナルスクールに通わせるわけだから。




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じゃあ、原点にもどって、「英語をマスターする最善の方法は何か」と自問して み る 。 答 え は 、 う ーん、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、ない。“最善の方法”なんてない。それぞれの人のそれぞれの目的に合った方法が数多くあり、その目的のために、一定の方式を考える、、、、、。 最善じゃない、しかも、普通の能力の人なら、大卒後、10年、20年もかかるだろう、と。しかも「マスター」した状態じゃなく、意思疎通ができるレベルにしかならないだろう、と。


August 7, 2018 1. Low Cost & Quick Cancer Detection from Hirotsu Bio Science (2/26/2018) ―Shirashoji(Summary)The Tokyo-based venture run by Takaaki Hirotsu, formerly a biology researcher at Kyushu University, is creating a method to detect early-stage cancers with nematodes, which he discovered are attracted to the diluted urine of cancer patients. The firm plans to introduce the urine test kit, named N-Nose, by January 2020. It is currently conducting clinical trials involving patients with about 10 different


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cancers at over 20 hospitals and cancer research institutes across Japan.Just as amazingly, the impressive accuracy rate is 95% or higher, which holds great prospects forearly-stage detection. N-NOSE is the name of this test, which uses nematodes (C. elegans) olfaction and has created much fanfare in Japan.N-NOSE's developer is Dr. Takaaki Hirotsu, with Hitachi, Ltd. developing the automated analyzer and Nanpuh Hospital collaborating with clinical trials.the N-NOSE test was administered to 63 urine samples from patients diagnosed with digestive organ cancers (pancreatic, colorectal, stomach, esophageal, gall bladder, bile duct). The test returned positive on 57 samples, a 90.5% sensitivity. N-NOSE also demonstrated a high 90.0% sensitivity to biliary tract cancer. Tumor marker CEA and CA19-9 tests demonstrated 20.6% and 28.6% sensitivity, respectively, on the same patients.When compared to the sensitivity of conventional tumor marker cancer testing, the N-NOSE test proved capable of detecting cancer at a higher level. Of particular significance was its ability to maintain nearly 90% accuracy in detecting Stage 0 and Stage 1 cancers without any decline in detection sensitivity. They can therefore anticipate that the N-NOSE test will be capable of early cancer detection with a high level of precision and expected N-NOSE test to be employed in the standard checkup for detecting cancer.Word to notenematode 線虫biliary 胆汁の   bile=胆汁olfaction(アールファクション)  嗅覚rectal 直腸のcolorectitis 結腸直腸炎colorectal 大腸のcolorectal cancer 大腸がんevasion 追跡をのがれること


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線虫         線虫と卵

2.The Tiny Nation Leading a New Space Race -― Tomozawa(Summary)This is a BBC webpage article by Justin Calderon dated July 16, 2018.

Although the most of the news focuses on Mars as humankind’s off-Earth destiny, but they may be looking too far afield. Our most immediate chance for life-beyond-Earth lies much closer, a path likely to be blazed by far lesser-known companies.


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Building colonies on the Moon will provide a blueprint to Mars. The men and women who will found these lunar settlements will in all likelihood be employed by small private mining companies. Many of these companies are connected to the tiny EU nation of Luxembourg.

Takeshi Hakamada is one of those trying to boldly return to where humanity has set foot. This time, however, there is a much more commercial dream in mind: to scour the Moon for profitable mineral and gaseous resources, as well as life-sustaining lunar water. His plan is to complete a lunar orbit in 2020, and then attempt a soft lunar landing in 2021.

There now are 10 space-mining companies (including ispace) legally domiciled in Luxembourg since the launch of the country’s space resources law in February 2016. This was fuelled by a fund worth $223m (200m euros/£176m). For these space ventures, the Moon is one of two primary targets being considered; commercial ventures also are eyeing near-Earth asteroids for mining metallic resources.

Despite the investment, space mining is an industry that simultaneously highlights ambiguous legal pitfalls. There is certain regal issues regarding ownership of the moon surface or resources as property.

“It is not clear whether international space law allows for a country to grant property rights to natural resources extracted in space,” a study by Allen and Overy, a Luxembourg-based law firm, found. The 1967 Outer Space Treaty (OST), a Cold War-era accord prohibiting the national appropriation of celestial bodies. Essentially, space is treated as common ground, not unlike Antarctica. But the OST noticeably overlooks any reference to the ownership of resources, an omission that the US and Luxembourg have chosen to define.

“Luxembourg’s law on the exploration and use of space resources addresses this [omission] and gives clarity on a national level, as a first


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step to enable space resources activities,” says Zenners. “Luxembourg’s law will only address the ownership of space resources in the legal framework, which also lays down the regulations for the authorisation and the supervision of missions.”Word to notescour 大急ぎで(くまなく)探し回る、光らせる、侵食して、、、、を作る、 (In the text): to scour the Moon for profitable mineral, gaseous resources and

lunar water. (Application): We scoured the woods for a lost child.repatriation 本国送還finesse(フィネス)  巧妙な処理、策略 (In the text): The UAE signed an agreement to learn from Luxembourg’s

legal finesse.(Application): The chef makes elegant desserts with great finesse.

tout ほめちぎる、持ち上げる (In the text): Space-mining companies have had a habit of touting

overambitious launch schedules (Application): Sidewalk vendors touted their goods.


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August 20, 2018

1. Coffee may come with a cancer warning in California  –Kanzawa

By Jen Christensen, CNN March 9, 2018

In addition to this topic, followings were also discussed as we understand these are

related to possible causes of cancers;

-Micro plastics and aquatic food chain, fish to human beings

-Eating scorched part of food, fish or rice, and cancer

(Summary)Under the California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act, Proposition 65, California coffee shops may soon be forced to warn customers at store counters or on walls where someone could easily see them when making a purchase, about a possible cancer risk by drinking coffee. The state keeps a list of chemicals it considers possible causes of cancer, and one of them, acrylamide, is created when coffee beans are roasted.

- We are not sure if the amount of intake, like how many cups a day has a risk, is to be warned.

-Coffee association in Japan released comment and some data of acrylamide creation by the level of roast, but no specific risk of causing cancer is not stated.

Raphael Metzger, the attorney representing the nonprofit, said it really wants the coffee companies to reduce the amount of the chemical to the point where there would be no significant cancer risk. At least 13 companies have settled and agreed to give a warning, most recently 7-


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Coffee has been much studied over the years, and research has shown that it provides several health benefits, including lowering your risk of early death. It (3 or 4 cups a day) may reduce your risk of heart disease, multiple sclerosis, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer's and even some cancers like melanoma and prostate cancer.

However, a review by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, a branch of the World Health Organization, found that drinking very hot beverages was "probably carcinogenic to humans" due to burns to the esophagus; there was no relation to the chemical acrylamide.

In addition to coffee, acrylamide can be found in potatoes and baked goods like crackers, bread and cookies, breakfast cereal, canned black olives and prune juice, although its presence is not always labeled.

The National Toxicology Program's Report on Carcinogens considers acrylamide to be "reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen."

The Food and Drug Administration website says it "is still in the information gathering stage" on the chemical, but the FDA gave consumers suggested ways to cut it out of their diet.

Word to noteacrylamide(アクリラマイド)  アクリルアミドendometrial 子宮内膜のcarcinogen 発がん物質


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2. What kind of nation do we want to be? -NishimuraThis special report to The Yomiuri Shimbun was written by Takenori Inoki, professor emeritus at Osaka University(Summary)The Trump-Kim talks made me curious about the political and economic system of Singapore. It seems to me that Singapore prompts us Japanese to ask the important question: What kind of nation do we want to be in the future? Singapore is a small country with a population of about 5.6 million. This means it must be extraordinarily shrewd in the areas of security and diplomacy, but also at the tough restrictions on freedom of expression and the press.


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The city-state boasts Asia's highest per capita gross domestic product, surpassing Japan and Hong Kong. It has achieved remarkable economic expansion, with an average annual growth rate of about 6 percent. But the income gap between the rich and the poor is significantly greater than other high income countries. Its population does not necessarily seem satisfied with the fact that the city-state has continued to be effectively under one-party rule.

In Singapore, economic growth has resulted in the widening of income inequality, while economic affluence has been achieved amid the so-called development dictatorship system's sacrifice of freedom of the press and freedom of expression.

Further, as far as the education system is concerned, l believe that their complete focus on econo-centrism and meritocracy will not be sustained generation after generation. In this connection, l would refer to the United States. It actually maintains a flexible attitude toward education and research activities by respecting the well-balanced relationship between technology and liberal arts knowledge.

After a round of reading of the report, a kind of short presentation was held concerning a question, ‘Do you know any nation that has something useful or harmful to Japan in the future? Nishimura showed several examples such as increasing population of France, propaganda of China and tax-haven of Singapore and other members shared lots of ideas.

Word to noteomnidirectional 全方向性の (In the text): Singapore maintains omnidirectional security and diplomatic

relations with the rest of the world.

*シンガポールはいつの間にか、「一人当たりの GDP」(GDP per capita)では日本をはるかに凌駕している。2013年から2017年のデータを見ても、


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常に日本の数値より、約50%高い。日本が4万ドルに対して、約6万ドルである。次のような要因が考えられる。1) 自国民が60%、外国人が40%で、これら外国人は「一人当たり

GDP」の計算には含まれない。2) tax haven と揶揄されるだけに、法人税は17%である。日本の約半分。

実行税率はぐんと低く、7,8%程度との記事もある。3) 実体経済(real economy)ではなく、金融経済(financial economy)


4) 一党独裁である。日本は、「物つくり」の国である。即ち、50分の1の経済規模の中で、行動している。それだけに、金融経済中心の国より、GDP では後れを取っているが、逆に国民の貧富の差は小さい。日本は以前に、ロンドン、ニューヨークと並んで、東京を世界の金融センターにしようとする政府の目論見があったように記憶する。しかし、その計画は全く実現せず、今やシンガポールにその地位を取られてしまっている。親しい知人によると、スイスの大手証券会社の日本業務は、すべて、シンガポールにあるアジア本部の指揮の下にあるとのこと。何故、シンガポールにアジア本部があるのか、この記事で了解できた。

コラム  学校英語は“上品”だと思う。変に崩さない方がいい。116

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中学から英語を学び、高校、そして大学を卒業した社会人を、一つのモデルと考えると、ほとんどの人は、ネイティブのように、自由には話せない。せいぜいよくて、たどたどしい英語を話す程度にしか出来るようにならない。まあ、ブロークンな英語といわれるもの。仕事で海外の人とやり取りする機会が増えると、その内、ビジネスには、なんとか使えるようになる。仕事で使う機会がない人でも、趣味でコツコツ勉強を続けると、その内、ネイティブの人と、日常会話はできるようになる人もいる。そんな人達の英語を評して、「ブロークンでも、意味が通じればいいのよ」と公言し、賛辞を送る人がいる。と言うか、このようなレベルがごく一般的に受け入れられている英語のレベルだと言えるかもしれない。「通じればいいのよ」ということがキーになってしまっている。英語はネイティブの人々にとって、ブロークンでいい性質のものじゃない。思考の手段、コミュニケーションツールとしての非常に高度に体系化された言語という形で、日常使用されているものである。だから、基本のレベルで、我々もそれに寄り添いたいものである。ただ通じればいい、ということじゃなく。苦労して学んできた私達日本人は、ブロークンでいいじゃない、といって済ませてよいものではない、と言いたい。一言、しゃべれば、non-native と分かってしまう我々の英語レベルで言えば、ブロークンでも、受け入れてくれることは確かである。「この人、英語をしゃべってくれている」と寛容に受け止めてくれるだろう。我々日本人が、つたない日本語を喋る外国人を喜んで許せるのと同じことである。でも、私は敢えて、ここでブロ-クンから、上品な英語に移行することを提唱したい。大して難しいことを言っているつもりはない、積りである。「うまく喋れるなら、それに越したことは無い。でも無理だから、ブロークンに話しているだけだ」という反論が聞こえてきそう。私の提唱したいのは、中学校や高校1年生くらいのレベルの英語を「きちんと話す」ことを、「上品な英語」と言いたい。主語をはっきりと述べ、動詞は現在形や過去形をきちんと分け、目的語は易しい英語の組み合わせで、文章にする。ただそれだけである。



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「今日は、渋谷へちょっと」「あっそう、、、買い物?」「ちょっと本などと思って」「あっそう。混んでるでしょう?」「駅前、外国人の旅行者、多いね、写真撮ってる」、、、、、、、そんな人が頭を切り替えないで、英語を喋ると、Ah, Shibuya, ah, this, this afternoon, I go,,,, ah, a book and some,,,,,,みたいな。聞いてる方は、「えっ、これから行くの?何?本がどうだって?」と悩んでしまう。主語をまず先に言う、次に過去形の動詞が来て、、、、これって、すべて、中学校で習ったこと。でも、I went to Shibuya today. とスタートする人は、本当に少ない。 社会人に英語を教えた私の経験から、これははっきりと言える。もっと中学英語や高校1年生程度の英語をきちんと話せるように心がけるべきではないだろうか。実は、動詞の過去形を最初から間違わずに言う人はほとんどいない。go, went, gone って、中学で習った。その過去形がすんなりと言えない。went が過去形であることは知っているのに、である。次のような文章を、少しゆっくりと、発音ははっきりと、真顔で(ニタニタせず、恥ずかしがらずに)話せば、これは、「上品な英語」になる ,と思うのである。I went to Shibuya this afternoon. I bought a book and some others. Oh, thereI had a cup of coffee. I saw a lot of people at the Shibuya-kosaten. There were many foreign tourists. They were taking pictures…………………………………




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