atoolintegraonapproachforarchitectural … · 2019. 12. 1. ·...

Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems Sponsored by the iCyPhy Research Consor4um, a collabora4on of UC Berkeley, Caltech, IBM, and United Technologies. A Tool Integra-on Approach for Architectural Explora-on of Aircra6 Electric Power Systems Hokeun Kim, Liangpeng Guo, Edward A. Lee and Alberto SangiovanniVincentelli The 1st IEEE Interna-onal Conference on CyberPhysical Systems, Networks, and Applica-ons Taipei, Taiwan August 19 20, 2013 EECS, University of California, Berkeley

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Page 1: AToolIntegraonApproachforArchitectural … · 2019. 12. 1. · Architectural"Model"(cont’d)" CPSNA 2013 13 Named Pipes Task1 Task2 Task3 Wait for SystemC events Notify systemC events

Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems

Sponsored  by  the  iCyPhy  Research  Consor4um,  a  collabora4on  of    UC  Berkeley,  Caltech,  IBM,  and  United  Technologies.  

A  Tool  Integra-on  Approach  for  Architectural  Explora-on  of  Aircra6  Electric  Power  Systems  

Hokeun  Kim,  Liangpeng  Guo,  Edward  A.  Lee    and  Alberto  Sangiovanni-­‐Vincentelli  

The  1st  IEEE  Interna-onal  Conference  on  Cyber-­‐Physical  Systems,  Networks,  and  Applica-ons  

Taipei,  Taiwan                August  19  -­‐  20,  2013  

EECS, University of California, Berkeley

Page 2: AToolIntegraonApproachforArchitectural … · 2019. 12. 1. · Architectural"Model"(cont’d)" CPSNA 2013 13 Named Pipes Task1 Task2 Task3 Wait for SystemC events Notify systemC events


•  Aircra6  electric  power  system  (EPS)  – Genera-on,  conversion  and  distribu-on  of  power  for  aircra6  u-li-es  

–  Safety-­‐cri-cal  cyber-­‐physical  system  –  Consists  of  power  generators,  buses,  contactors,  loads  and  sensors  

–  Becoming  increasingly  more  complex  •  References  

–  K.  Emadi  and  M.  Ehsani,  “Aircra6  power  systems:  technology,  state  of  the  art,  and  future  trends,”  Aerospace  and  Electronic  Systems  Magazine,  IEEE,  vol.  15,  no.  1,  pp.  28–32,  2000.  

–  L.  Guo,  M.  Maasoumy,  M.  Mozumdar,  P.  Nuzzo,  N.  Ozay,  U.  Topcu,  H.  Xu,  R.  Murray  and  A.Sangiovanni-­‐Vincentelli,  "Aircra6  Electric  Power  System:  Descrip-on,  Specifica-ons  and  Design  Challenges",  MuSyC  DSCS  internal  report,  March  2012,  unpublished  

CPSNA 2013 2

Page 3: AToolIntegraonApproachforArchitectural … · 2019. 12. 1. · Architectural"Model"(cont’d)" CPSNA 2013 13 Named Pipes Task1 Task2 Task3 Wait for SystemC events Notify systemC events

Introduc-on  (cont’d)  

•  Characteris-cs  of  modern  safety-­‐cri-cal  cyber-­‐physical  systems  – Consist  of  heterogeneous  components  – Complex  systems  both  in  func-onali-es  and  underlying  architectures  

– Timing  behavior  is  part  of  correctness  – Valida-on  of  reliability  is  cri-cal  

CPSNA 2013 3

Page 4: AToolIntegraonApproachforArchitectural … · 2019. 12. 1. · Architectural"Model"(cont’d)" CPSNA 2013 13 Named Pipes Task1 Task2 Task3 Wait for SystemC events Notify systemC events

Introduc-on  (cont’d)  

•  Design  challenges  – How  can  we  model  heterogeneous  components  in  safety-­‐cri-cal  cyber-­‐physical  systems  together?  

– How  can  we  cope  with  architectural  explora-on  problem  with  complex  func-onali-es?  

– How  can  we  validate  -ming  behavior  in  advance?  

CPSNA 2013 4

Page 5: AToolIntegraonApproachforArchitectural … · 2019. 12. 1. · Architectural"Model"(cont’d)" CPSNA 2013 13 Named Pipes Task1 Task2 Task3 Wait for SystemC events Notify systemC events

Introduc-on  (cont’d)  

•  Tool  integra-on  approach  –  Crea-ng  a  plaborm  for  architectural  explora-on  of  safety-­‐cri-cal  cyber-­‐physical  systems  by  integra-ng  Ptolemy  II  and  Metro  II  

•  Ptolemy  II  – A  system  design  framework  suppor-ng  experimenta-on  with  mul-ple  heterogeneous  models  of  computa-on  (e.g.  DE,  SDF,  SR,  etc.)  

•  Metro  II  – Design  environment  for  plaborm  based  design  where  the  mapping  can  be  easily  changed  and  thus  suitable  for  architectural  explora-on  

CPSNA 2013 5

Page 6: AToolIntegraonApproachforArchitectural … · 2019. 12. 1. · Architectural"Model"(cont’d)" CPSNA 2013 13 Named Pipes Task1 Task2 Task3 Wait for SystemC events Notify systemC events

Introduc-on  (cont’d)  

•  Design  challenges  revisited  –  How  can  we  model  heterogeneous  components  in  safety-­‐cri-cal  cyber  physical  systems  together?  

•  By  using  Ptolemy  II  that  supports  mul-ple  models  of  computa-on  

–  How  can  we  cope  with  architectural  explora-on  problem  with  complex  func-onali-es?  

•  By  decoupling  func-onal  aspects  from  architectural  aspects  using  Metro  II  

–  How  can  we  validate  -ming  behavior  in  advance?  •  By  running  co-­‐simula-on  on  the  integrated  plaborm  of  Ptolemy  II  and  Metro  II  

CPSNA 2013 6

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•  Approach  overview  

CPSNA 2013 7

Architectural Model

Task1 Task2 Task3

Scheduler Interac4on  

Ptolemy II Metro II

SystemC ( + Metro II Extension)

Page 8: AToolIntegraonApproachforArchitectural … · 2019. 12. 1. · Architectural"Model"(cont’d)" CPSNA 2013 13 Named Pipes Task1 Task2 Task3 Wait for SystemC events Notify systemC events

6/12/13 3:27 PMForCapture2

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a b c

a b c

a b c

a b c


B4B3 B2B1


Right AC LoadLeft AC Load

? ForCapture2

•  Aircra6  EPS  specifica-on  

Func-onal  Model  

CPSNA 2013 8

Generators •  Generate AC power •  May have faulty behaviors •  Main & backup generators

AC Loads •  Always need to be powered

by exactly one generator •  Can be powered off while

generators are replaced

Contactors •  Transfer power from

generators to loads •  Set up control paths


Courtesy : P. Nuzzo

Page 9: AToolIntegraonApproachforArchitectural … · 2019. 12. 1. · Architectural"Model"(cont’d)" CPSNA 2013 13 Named Pipes Task1 Task2 Task3 Wait for SystemC events Notify systemC events

Func-onal  Model  (cont’d)  

•  A  supervisory  controller  for  aircra6  EPS  (Ptolemy  II)  

CPSNA 2013 9


Director •  Implements Synchronous / Reactive •  Metro II extension

Input •  Health status of Generators

Output •  Control signals for Contactors


Sub tasks

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•  Tasks  inside  of  the  supervisory  controller  

6/12/13 3:27 PMForCapture2

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a b c

a b c

a b c

a b c


B4B3 B2B1


Right AC LoadLeft AC Load

? ForCapture2

Func-onal  Model  (cont’d)  

CPSNA 2013 10

ArrangeLeftPath (ALP) •  Selects a generator for

Left AC Load •  Based on health status

ArrangeRightPath (ARP) •  Selects a generator for

Right AC Load

ControlSignalGen (CSG) •  Generate control signals for contactors (B1 ~ B6) •  Based on the generator selections of ALP and ARP  







Page 11: AToolIntegraonApproachforArchitectural … · 2019. 12. 1. · Architectural"Model"(cont’d)" CPSNA 2013 13 Named Pipes Task1 Task2 Task3 Wait for SystemC events Notify systemC events

Architectural  Model  

CPSNA 2013 11

•  Architectural  model  overview  &  interac-on  with  the  func-onal  model  

Named Pipes

Task1 Task2 Task3

Wait for SystemC events

Notify systemC events

Propose or notify Metro II events

SystemC Architectural Model

Ptolemy II Functional Model


Page 12: AToolIntegraonApproachforArchitectural … · 2019. 12. 1. · Architectural"Model"(cont’d)" CPSNA 2013 13 Named Pipes Task1 Task2 Task3 Wait for SystemC events Notify systemC events

1 Introduction

This document details the ongoing meetings among the authors to discuss the Metro II executionsemantics of mapping. The outcome of these meetings, held primarily in the Summer of 2007, is a setof three proposals for the execution semantics of mapping in Metro II. The purpose of this documentis to clearly illustrate the pros and cons of these three proposals as well as provide concrete designscenarios by which these and future proposals will be judged. In order to illustrate the semantics, handexample traces are provided for each proposal. These hand examples are created at a level of granularitywhich provides enough insight to compare the proposals without overwhelming the reader.

More importantly however, the design scenarios will serve as “necessary, but not su!cient” bench-marks for any modifications or other proposed execution semantics. The design scenarios are intendedto capture a wide variety of potential situations a designer may want to model. We propose that thetables which contain the hand traces in this document set the standard by which Metro II execution ispresented.

This document describes four main pieces: the general execution semantics shared by all proposals,the execution semantics’ assumptions, the individual design scenarios, and each proposal with its ac-companying hand execution traces for the design scenarios. It is the authors’ hope that this documentwill prevent ambiguity regarding the semantics and facilitate discussions on Metro II. This is achievedby clearly defined scenarios and a standardized way to present Metro II execution.

It should be noted as well that this document is not intended to be a comprehensive discussion ofMetro II. We refer the reader to [2] for more information (which should be read before this document).Aspects of this document may later be used for a future journal submission (i.e. an IEEE Transactionson Computers special issue). Also the reader should inspect the MetroII code base, as this documentmay not reflect the latest implementation details.

2 Execution Semantics Overview

1. BaseModel

2. QuantityAnnotation

3. Constraint


Proposed Events

Proposed Eventswith Annotations


Figure 1: Metro II: Three Phase Execution

This section describes the common portion of the execution semantics for all of the proposals. Figure1 illustrates the current 3-phase execution semantics consisting of:

1. Base phase - Where components execute concurrently and propose events.

2. Quantity annotation phase - Where proposed events are assigned physical quantities such astime or power.


Architectural  Model  (cont’d)  

•  Metro  II  execu-on  seman-cs  &  Co-­‐simula-on  flow  

CPSNA 2013 12

Named Pipes

Task1 Task2 Task3

Wait for SystemC events

Notify systemC events

Propose or notify Metro II events

SystemC Architectural Model

Ptolemy II Functional Model



Page 13: AToolIntegraonApproachforArchitectural … · 2019. 12. 1. · Architectural"Model"(cont’d)" CPSNA 2013 13 Named Pipes Task1 Task2 Task3 Wait for SystemC events Notify systemC events

1 Introduction

This document details the ongoing meetings among the authors to discuss the Metro II executionsemantics of mapping. The outcome of these meetings, held primarily in the Summer of 2007, is a setof three proposals for the execution semantics of mapping in Metro II. The purpose of this documentis to clearly illustrate the pros and cons of these three proposals as well as provide concrete designscenarios by which these and future proposals will be judged. In order to illustrate the semantics, handexample traces are provided for each proposal. These hand examples are created at a level of granularitywhich provides enough insight to compare the proposals without overwhelming the reader.

More importantly however, the design scenarios will serve as “necessary, but not su!cient” bench-marks for any modifications or other proposed execution semantics. The design scenarios are intendedto capture a wide variety of potential situations a designer may want to model. We propose that thetables which contain the hand traces in this document set the standard by which Metro II execution ispresented.

This document describes four main pieces: the general execution semantics shared by all proposals,the execution semantics’ assumptions, the individual design scenarios, and each proposal with its ac-companying hand execution traces for the design scenarios. It is the authors’ hope that this documentwill prevent ambiguity regarding the semantics and facilitate discussions on Metro II. This is achievedby clearly defined scenarios and a standardized way to present Metro II execution.

It should be noted as well that this document is not intended to be a comprehensive discussion ofMetro II. We refer the reader to [2] for more information (which should be read before this document).Aspects of this document may later be used for a future journal submission (i.e. an IEEE Transactionson Computers special issue). Also the reader should inspect the MetroII code base, as this documentmay not reflect the latest implementation details.

2 Execution Semantics Overview

1. BaseModel

2. QuantityAnnotation

3. Constraint


Proposed Events

Proposed Eventswith Annotations


Figure 1: Metro II: Three Phase Execution

This section describes the common portion of the execution semantics for all of the proposals. Figure1 illustrates the current 3-phase execution semantics consisting of:

1. Base phase - Where components execute concurrently and propose events.

2. Quantity annotation phase - Where proposed events are assigned physical quantities such astime or power.


Architectural  Model  (cont’d)  

CPSNA 2013 13

Named Pipes

Task1 Task2 Task3

Wait for SystemC events

Notify systemC events

Propose or notify Metro II events

SystemC Architectural Model

Ptolemy II Functional Model


•  Metro  II  execu-on  seman-cs  &  Co-­‐simula-on  flow  


e1, e2, e3 – Metro II events

e2 e3

Page 14: AToolIntegraonApproachforArchitectural … · 2019. 12. 1. · Architectural"Model"(cont’d)" CPSNA 2013 13 Named Pipes Task1 Task2 Task3 Wait for SystemC events Notify systemC events

1 Introduction

This document details the ongoing meetings among the authors to discuss the Metro II executionsemantics of mapping. The outcome of these meetings, held primarily in the Summer of 2007, is a setof three proposals for the execution semantics of mapping in Metro II. The purpose of this documentis to clearly illustrate the pros and cons of these three proposals as well as provide concrete designscenarios by which these and future proposals will be judged. In order to illustrate the semantics, handexample traces are provided for each proposal. These hand examples are created at a level of granularitywhich provides enough insight to compare the proposals without overwhelming the reader.

More importantly however, the design scenarios will serve as “necessary, but not su!cient” bench-marks for any modifications or other proposed execution semantics. The design scenarios are intendedto capture a wide variety of potential situations a designer may want to model. We propose that thetables which contain the hand traces in this document set the standard by which Metro II execution ispresented.

This document describes four main pieces: the general execution semantics shared by all proposals,the execution semantics’ assumptions, the individual design scenarios, and each proposal with its ac-companying hand execution traces for the design scenarios. It is the authors’ hope that this documentwill prevent ambiguity regarding the semantics and facilitate discussions on Metro II. This is achievedby clearly defined scenarios and a standardized way to present Metro II execution.

It should be noted as well that this document is not intended to be a comprehensive discussion ofMetro II. We refer the reader to [2] for more information (which should be read before this document).Aspects of this document may later be used for a future journal submission (i.e. an IEEE Transactionson Computers special issue). Also the reader should inspect the MetroII code base, as this documentmay not reflect the latest implementation details.

2 Execution Semantics Overview

1. BaseModel

2. QuantityAnnotation

3. Constraint


Proposed Events

Proposed Eventswith Annotations


Figure 1: Metro II: Three Phase Execution

This section describes the common portion of the execution semantics for all of the proposals. Figure1 illustrates the current 3-phase execution semantics consisting of:

1. Base phase - Where components execute concurrently and propose events.

2. Quantity annotation phase - Where proposed events are assigned physical quantities such astime or power.


Architectural  Model  (cont’d)  

CPSNA 2013 14

Named Pipes

Task1 Task2 Task3

Wait for SystemC events

Notify systemC events

Propose or notify Metro II events

SystemC Architectural Model

Ptolemy II Functional Model


•  Metro  II  execu-on  seman-cs  &  Co-­‐simula-on  flow  

e1, e2, e3 – Metro II events t1, t2, t3 – Global clock (e1,t1) (e2,t2) (e3,t3)

Page 15: AToolIntegraonApproachforArchitectural … · 2019. 12. 1. · Architectural"Model"(cont’d)" CPSNA 2013 13 Named Pipes Task1 Task2 Task3 Wait for SystemC events Notify systemC events

1 Introduction

This document details the ongoing meetings among the authors to discuss the Metro II executionsemantics of mapping. The outcome of these meetings, held primarily in the Summer of 2007, is a setof three proposals for the execution semantics of mapping in Metro II. The purpose of this documentis to clearly illustrate the pros and cons of these three proposals as well as provide concrete designscenarios by which these and future proposals will be judged. In order to illustrate the semantics, handexample traces are provided for each proposal. These hand examples are created at a level of granularitywhich provides enough insight to compare the proposals without overwhelming the reader.

More importantly however, the design scenarios will serve as “necessary, but not su!cient” bench-marks for any modifications or other proposed execution semantics. The design scenarios are intendedto capture a wide variety of potential situations a designer may want to model. We propose that thetables which contain the hand traces in this document set the standard by which Metro II execution ispresented.

This document describes four main pieces: the general execution semantics shared by all proposals,the execution semantics’ assumptions, the individual design scenarios, and each proposal with its ac-companying hand execution traces for the design scenarios. It is the authors’ hope that this documentwill prevent ambiguity regarding the semantics and facilitate discussions on Metro II. This is achievedby clearly defined scenarios and a standardized way to present Metro II execution.

It should be noted as well that this document is not intended to be a comprehensive discussion ofMetro II. We refer the reader to [2] for more information (which should be read before this document).Aspects of this document may later be used for a future journal submission (i.e. an IEEE Transactionson Computers special issue). Also the reader should inspect the MetroII code base, as this documentmay not reflect the latest implementation details.

2 Execution Semantics Overview

1. BaseModel

2. QuantityAnnotation

3. Constraint


Proposed Events

Proposed Eventswith Annotations


Figure 1: Metro II: Three Phase Execution

This section describes the common portion of the execution semantics for all of the proposals. Figure1 illustrates the current 3-phase execution semantics consisting of:

1. Base phase - Where components execute concurrently and propose events.

2. Quantity annotation phase - Where proposed events are assigned physical quantities such astime or power.


Architectural  Model  (cont’d)  

CPSNA 2013 15

Named Pipes

Task1 Task2 Task3

Wait for SystemC events

Notify systemC events

Propose or notify Metro II events

SystemC Architectural Model

Ptolemy II Functional Model


•  Metro  II  execu-on  seman-cs  &  Co-­‐simula-on  flow  

e1, e2, e3 – Metro II events t1, t2, t3 – Global clock Global clock += (scheduling overhead +execution time of tasks +synch overhead + etc.)

[Task1,(e1,t1)], [Task2,(e2,t2)], [Task3,(e3,t3)]

Page 16: AToolIntegraonApproachforArchitectural … · 2019. 12. 1. · Architectural"Model"(cont’d)" CPSNA 2013 13 Named Pipes Task1 Task2 Task3 Wait for SystemC events Notify systemC events

1 Introduction

This document details the ongoing meetings among the authors to discuss the Metro II executionsemantics of mapping. The outcome of these meetings, held primarily in the Summer of 2007, is a setof three proposals for the execution semantics of mapping in Metro II. The purpose of this documentis to clearly illustrate the pros and cons of these three proposals as well as provide concrete designscenarios by which these and future proposals will be judged. In order to illustrate the semantics, handexample traces are provided for each proposal. These hand examples are created at a level of granularitywhich provides enough insight to compare the proposals without overwhelming the reader.

More importantly however, the design scenarios will serve as “necessary, but not su!cient” bench-marks for any modifications or other proposed execution semantics. The design scenarios are intendedto capture a wide variety of potential situations a designer may want to model. We propose that thetables which contain the hand traces in this document set the standard by which Metro II execution ispresented.

This document describes four main pieces: the general execution semantics shared by all proposals,the execution semantics’ assumptions, the individual design scenarios, and each proposal with its ac-companying hand execution traces for the design scenarios. It is the authors’ hope that this documentwill prevent ambiguity regarding the semantics and facilitate discussions on Metro II. This is achievedby clearly defined scenarios and a standardized way to present Metro II execution.

It should be noted as well that this document is not intended to be a comprehensive discussion ofMetro II. We refer the reader to [2] for more information (which should be read before this document).Aspects of this document may later be used for a future journal submission (i.e. an IEEE Transactionson Computers special issue). Also the reader should inspect the MetroII code base, as this documentmay not reflect the latest implementation details.

2 Execution Semantics Overview

1. BaseModel

2. QuantityAnnotation

3. Constraint


Proposed Events

Proposed Eventswith Annotations


Figure 1: Metro II: Three Phase Execution

This section describes the common portion of the execution semantics for all of the proposals. Figure1 illustrates the current 3-phase execution semantics consisting of:

1. Base phase - Where components execute concurrently and propose events.

2. Quantity annotation phase - Where proposed events are assigned physical quantities such astime or power.


Architectural  Model  (cont’d)  

CPSNA 2013 16

Named Pipes

Task1 Task2 Task3

Wait for SystemC events

Notify systemC events

Propose or notify Metro II events

SystemC Architectural Model

Ptolemy II Functional Model


•  Metro  II  execu-on  seman-cs  &  Co-­‐simula-on  flow  


e4, e5, e6 – Metro II events

e5 e5

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Architectural  Model  (cont’d)  

•  Architectural  parameters  – Scheduling  overhead  – Priority  of  tasks  – Speed  of  processing  elements  (or  execu-on  -mes  of  tasks)  

– Paralleliza-on  of  independent  tasks  – Synchroniza-on  overhead  for  parallelized  tasks  

CPSNA 2013 17

Page 18: AToolIntegraonApproachforArchitectural … · 2019. 12. 1. · Architectural"Model"(cont’d)" CPSNA 2013 13 Named Pipes Task1 Task2 Task3 Wait for SystemC events Notify systemC events

Experiments  and  results  

•  Example  architectural  alterna-ves  

CPSNA 2013 18

 Candidate  #  

Scheduling  Overhead  (ns)  

Execu4on  Time  (ns)  ALP/ARP/CSG  

Paralleliza4on  of  ALP  &  ARP  

Synch  Overhead  (ns)  

1   10   40/45/20   No   -­‐  

2   10   65/70/40   Yes   5  

3   10   50/55/30   Yes   15  

Candidate  #   Total  Execu4on  Time  (ns)  

1   1150  

2   1250  

3   1100  

•  Results  –  Ten  itera-ons  of  func-onal  model  with  a  given  test  bench  

Shortest (=Fastest)

No Parallelism  


Parallel Processing

Slower Than #3


Less Overhead Than #3



Least Total Execution Time

Page 19: AToolIntegraonApproachforArchitectural … · 2019. 12. 1. · Architectural"Model"(cont’d)" CPSNA 2013 13 Named Pipes Task1 Task2 Task3 Wait for SystemC events Notify systemC events

Experiments  and  results  (cont’d)  

•  Measuring  co-­‐simula-on  overhead  – Total  simula-on  -me  of  Ptolemy  II  model  

•  Co-­‐simula-on  VS  Standalone  (Ptolemy  II  only)  

CPSNA 2013 19







3,297 4,675

6,246 7,687

2000 4000 6000 8000 10000


l exe


n tim

e (m


Number of iterations of the SR director

Measurement of co-simulation overhead Co-simulation


•  Linear overhead •  1.58x execution time Potential for Scalability

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•  Summary  – Co-­‐simula-on  environment  suppor-ng  performance  predic-on  and  comparison  of  architectural  candidates  for  safety-­‐cri-cal  cyber  physical  systems  

– Through  a  tool  integra-on  approach  with  •  Ptolemy  II  –  Supports  heterogeneous  MoCs  •  Metro  II  –  Decouples  the  modeling  of  func-onal  aspects  and  architectural  aspects  

CPSNA 2013 20

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Conclusion  (cont’d)  

•  Future  work  – Func-onal  model  

•  More  complex  safety-­‐cri-cal  system  examples  •  Examples  with  heterogeneous  directors  (MoCs)  

– Architectural  model  •  Crea-ng  general  architectural  models  •  Considering  more  architectural  parameters  (e.g.  memory  access  overhead,  I/O  opera-on  overhead)  

CPSNA 2013 21

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Q  &  A  

CPSNA 2013 22

Thank  you!