attack on union rights letter to editor

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  • 7/24/2019 Attack on union rights letter to editor


    Senate Bill 280

    Dear Editor

    I would like to inform our community of pending state legislation that will sharply reduce the ability of an employer and

    employee organization to bargain a mutually agreed upon contract

    Senate Bill 280 prohibits public employers from paying or contributing to payment for union lea!e e!en if both parties

    agree upon the pro!ision of lea!e time "s a result# bargaining representati!es would be prohibited from conducting

    business during work hours In addition# employee representati!es would be prohibited from in!estigating or handling

    grie!ances$issues that arise during work hours

    %assage of Senate Bill 280 will create hardships for employees of the public sector# including but not limited to&management# school district employees# state# county# and local go!ernment employees# public medical professionals# and


    'he facts not recognized by the authors of this legislation include(

    )* +ost employee representation time in!ol!es workers who are released during the workday to assist in the

    resolution of issues identified by management , not issues employees raise

    2* Employee representation time is used to assist in problem sol!ing with management and make the workplace

    more cost-effecti!e and efficient 'he system works and creates sa!ings

    . +ember representation on the /ob corrects small workplace problems# and identifies inefficiencies

    'here is a reason employee representation time has been agreed to by both epublican and Democratic

    "dministration1s management for decades , it identifies and sol!es workplace problems and fies inefficiencies

    that in the end sa!es tapayer money and benefits the public

    'here is no etra cost because when determining the 3total labor cost4 of workers1 representation time has alwaysbeen included in the computation

    Employee representation is /ust that , for employee matters 'here is no employee representation time for

    political purposes 5such acti!ity is already prohibited 'he irony is the non-union employees ha!e the right to

    address grie!ances at work and are e!en allowed to address legislators 6hy would we pass a law that lets non-union employees do this# but prohibit union employees from ha!ing the same rights7 abor management eperts

    agree that Employee representation time is important in resol!ing workplace problems in a collaborati!e manner

    9pponents of employee representation time seem to be doing so for political reasons to weaken the employee

    :nions but in fact they are attacking a management tool that makes go!ernment efficient and sa!es tapayers in

    the long run